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How does inequality impact the standard of education?

Education has a significant impact on students’ future since it influences many aspects of their
life such as their career, their development, their personalities, and so on. Schools and
universities these days are competing to be the top-ranked school by upgrading facilities, the
quality of education, the graduation rate, and other factors. But they all overlook one crucial
point – learning equality.
Students are treated differently of their circumstances for several reasons. While wealthy
parents can buy their kids an expensive cloth and attend a better school, poverty parents
cannot let their children receive appropriate education and basic needs either. Another serious
problem in education is sexism ( ). This problem causes very few people to take
notice and stand up for it so sexism in learning still occurs in lots of nations such as South
Sudan, Niger, and sub-Saharan Africa. A prime example of this issue is South Sudan where
approximately three-quarters do not receive a primary education system according to an index
public and list as the toughest nation in the world for a girl to receive an education(
The resources do not have evidence like statistics to prove their argument.
The research found that inequalities in education set limits on students’ future potential and
those belonging to these marginalized groups usually refuse access to schools with adequate
resources. In Harvard, there was a project called Civil Rights which identifies family background
as the major influential factor in student accomplishment. The result shows that there is a
reference between the parents’ academic success with their children’s academic success.
Whilst only 11% of the children who came from a humble background receive a college degree,
80% of the children from a wealthier family earn one. (Wikipedia). Harvard analysts also said,
“When there’s inequity in learning, it is usually baked into life.” Undoubtedly, youngsters with a
lack of education as they are victims of inequity in learning could rarely succeed in their future
life as they tend to be historically disadvantaged and oppressed. This source is reliable as it
based on data to conclude their words.
Global perspective
Education is a significant part of Japan’s national identity which make the Japanese residents
proud of. In Japan, inequality in education can be acceptable to a certain extent. In 2018, four
years ago 9.7% of respondents said it was unfair for wealthy children to access higher-quality
education, while the rest said it was unavoidable. (According to Nippon). Opposed to Japanese,
German inequity in learning is a well-known topic as research also confirmed that students
from well-to-do families are consistently outsmart from those others even though they both
display the same cognitive abilities. Another vital piece of information is German still holds back
students of migrants, experts say ( tend to bias Japan and they said
that there goal is to share Japan, as it stands today, with the entire world so obviously it is a
favoritism website.

National perspective
Vietnam is a developed country, but they are trying their best to improve the education quality.
There are several pro-poor programs for poverty families in rural areas. Unfortunately,
Vietnamese teachers usually respect boys than girls as the effect of the old culture in this
country, so government is now facing the dilemma to solve this issue. Another severe problem
in Vietnamese education is learning extra class to increase students’ academic score. In public
school, many teachers open their own extra class to earn additional income while also helping
students to improve their grades. Unexpectedly, it turns out that some teachers even force
excellent students to join their class to receive a better grade, but if they do not, they will get
the average score for the whole semester. As the result of that, there is a stark difference in
test score between wealthy and poverty students ( ). This resources might
be bias because the authors are all Vietnamese people.
Different perspectives
While Japanese resident accept the inequalities in education to a certain extent, Vietnamese
people still think that it is unacceptable for their kids to receive the low-quality education
resources. The difference between boys and girls in developed countries like Japan or German
no longer appear but for countries like Vietnam, it still a major problem for government
especially in the rural areas where girls are treated completely different than boy.
Course of action
For many families, the inequality gap in education starts even before children go to school. One
of the first ways that children experience educational inequality is through their early exposure
to books. Scientific research has proven that reading books to kids often when they were young
is a great way to give them a head start in their education, but the challenge is that some
parents may have fewer resources to buy books for their children or less time to spend reading
as a family. Solution for this problem is the programs that provide books for low-income
parents and teaching the importance of reading book for kids ( OC
Partnership is leading source of business, finance, marketing, and real estate news in Orange
County so writing about education may not be their field of specialization.
Before I did this essay about educational inequality, I used to believe that the causing of it
normally around the sexism and poverty of parents. After I did research on this kind of topic, it
has completely changed my point of view and expanded my knowledge about the causes,
consequences, and other country perspective on inequality in learning. Compare my country to
other developed country, it does not make me feel ashamed about the difference, I consider it
as a motivation for my learning to help my country. Overall, each country has their own issue
for inequality but they need an effective strategy for students who are treated poorly for being
the victims of academic injustice.

Inequality in education (

B.Ed Notes English Medium - Causes of Inequality in respect of Educational Opportunities (


Global perspective
Educational inequality due to lack of validity: A methodological critique of the Dutch school system -

National perspective

Course of action

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