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George L. Shipley Jr.

B.S., University of Dayton, 1983

M.B.A., Xavier University, 1986
M.E., Wright State University, 2013

A Dissertation Submitted
in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
the Degree of Doctor of Education

Division of Educational Leadership

Adult and Higher Education Program in the Graduate School
University of South Dakota
December 2019
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Native Americans have historically been significantly underrepresented in the career

fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). As of 2013, one
tenth of one percent (.1%) of all STEM bachelor degrees earned in the U.S.A. were earned
by Native Americans. The purpose of this research is to determine if the attitude and career
aspirations of Native American middle school students toward STEM are changed if they
attend a residential academic summer camp. The camp used for the study is the three-day
residential Science Educational Partnership Award Health and Science Fun Camp (SEPA).
The camp is an educational outreach science camp for Native American middle school
students from Nebraska and South Dakota. The results indicate that SEPA Health and
Science Fun Camp did not change the attitude of Native American middle school students
in terms of STEM importance, relevance, and student academic ability. The SEPA Health
and Science Fun Camp also did not make a change between male and female attitude.
However, SEPA does an excellent job selecting students that are interested in STEM and
have high self-efficacy. The mean results of the surveys indicate the students attending the
SEPA camp value the importance and relevance of STEM, pre.and post camp. The mean
results also show the SEPA camp participants came in the camp with and maintained a
high self-efficacy. To get these results and the best fit for students, SEPA allows math and
science teachers at the participating schools to select the camp participants.

Dissertation Advisor

Dr. Karen Card


I want to acknowledge my momma, Rubie Mae Shipley, for her love and always being

the best mother a guy could ask for. Thanks to my father, George L. Shipley Sr., who I hear in

my ear more and more everyday. My son, George L. Shipley III, for being a great son. Thanks to

my grandbabies, Aiden and Teddy (George L. Shipley IV). My brothers and sisters, Marie,

Carlos, Ernest Lee, Crystal, Linda, George, Michael, Deniece. To my nieces and nephews –

thanks. Thanks to everyone I have meet on my life journey.

Thanks to Dr. Card and my dissertation committee, Dr. DeJong, Dr. Santo, and Dr.




Doctoral Committee.......................................................................................................................iii


Acknowledgments........................................................................................................................... v

Table of Contents

List of Tables ................................................................................................................................. x


1. Introduction .........................................................................................................................1

Statement of the Problem……… ............................................................................3

Purpose of the Study................................................................................................5

Research Questions……….. ...................................................................................5

Significance of Study ..............................................................................................6

Background and Role of the Researcher..................................................................6

Definition of Terms..................................................................................................8

Limitations and Delimitations of Study...................................................................9

Organization of Study ...........................................................................................10

2. Review of Related Literature ............................................................................................11

STEM Career.........................................................................................................11

Student Attitude Toward STEM............................................................................12

Native Americans and STEM................................................................................13

The Reservation System in South Dakota ............................................................14

Rosebud Reservation: South Dakota ........................................................17

Sisseton Reservation: South Dakota .........................................................18

Yankton Reservation: South Dakota..........................................................18

Ponca Reservation: Nebraska....................................................................19

Omaha Reservation: Nebraska...................................................................19

Santee Sioux Reservation: Nebraska.........................................................19

Winnebago Reservation: Nebraska............................................................20

Boarding Schools...................................................................................................20

Rural Schools.........................................................................................................20

Overview of Summer Camps.................................................................................22

Student Growth Through Academic Summer Camps...........................................23

Benefits of Academic Summer Camps..................................................................25

Students Get Acclimated to On-Campus Life...........................................26

Students Get a Chance to Experience College Classes..............................27

Students Get a Chance to Learn About Potential Majors..........................27

Benefits of Academic Summer Camp for Young Females........................27

Conclusion ............................................................................................................28

3. Research Methodology .....................................................................................................29

Research Questions ...............................................................................................30

Research Design.....................................................................................................30

Camp Structure .....................................................................................................31


Instrumentation .........................................................................................31

Data Collection .........................................................................................32

Data Analysis ............................................................................................32

4. Results................................................................................................................................33

Response Rate........................................................................................................33

Student Demographics...........................................................................................34

Results Related to the Research Questions............................................................35

Native American Middle School Student Attitudes About the Importance

of STEM Change.......................................................................................35

Native American Middle School Student’s Attitudes About the Relevance

of STEM....................................................................................................36

Native American Middle School Student Attitudes Change About Their

Academic Ability (Self-Efficacy)..............................................................37

Native American Middle School Student Attitudes About the Importance,

Relevance, and Academic Ability (Self-Efficacy) of STEM Based on


Recommendations for Future Research………………………………….38

References for Chapter 1, 2, 3, and 4.....................................................................40

5. Manuscript ........................................................................................................................56

Abstract .................................................................................................................57



Data Collection..........................................................................................61

Data Analysis ............................................................................................62


Response Rate……………………………………………………………62

Results Related to the Research Questions…………………………...….63

Native American Middle School Student Attitudes About the

Importance of STEM Change…………………...…………….…63

Native American Middle School Student’s Attitudes About the

Relevance of STEM…..…………………………….……………64

Native American Middle School Student Attitudes Change About

Their Academic Ability (Self-Efficacy)…………..……………..65

Native American Middle School Student Attitudes About the

Importance, Relevance, and Academic Ability (Self-Efficacy) of

STEM Based on Gender…....…………………………………....66



References for Chapter 5.......................................................................................70


A. SEPA Health & Science Camp Letter and Flyer ........................................................74

B. Research Consent Form ..............................................................................................78

C. Student Attitude Survey ..............................................................................................84

D. Survey Permission Letter……………………………………………………….……90

List of Tables

Tables in Chapters 1-4

1. Demographics of Participants……………………………………………………………34

2. Pre and Post Camp Importance Means……………………………………………..……35

3. Pre and Post Camp Importance Mean Square…………………………………………....36

4. Pre and Post Camp Relevance Means……………………………………………………36

5. Pre and Post Camp Relevance Mean Square………………………………………….…37

6. Pre and Post Camp Academic Ability Means…………..………………………………..37

7. Pre and Post Camp Academic Ability Mean Square…..……….………………………..38

8. Pre and Post Camp Gender Mean Squares..…………..………………………………....38

Tables in Chapter 5

1. Pre and Post Camp Importance Means……………………………………………..……63

2. Pre and Post Camp Importance Mean Square…………………………………………....64

3. Pre and Post Camp Relevance Means……………………………………………………64

4. Pre and Post Camp Relevance Mean Square………………………………………….…65

5. Pre and Post Camp Academic Ability Means………..…………………………………..65

6. Pre and Post Camp Academic Ability Mean Square…...………………………………..66

7. Pre and Post Camp Gender Mean Squares……………………………………………....66

8. Best Practices…………………………………………………………………………….68




As of 2013, one tenth of one percent (.1%) of all STEM bachelor degrees earned in the

U.S.A. was earned by Native Americans (Byrd, Dika, & Ramlal, 2013). Organizations such as

the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), the

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), and the National Action Council on

Minorities in Engineering (NACME) are emphasizing education in STEM fields for Native

Americans (Horwedel, 2006). Historically, Native Americans, Blacks, and Hispanics/Latinos

have been underrepresented in the career fields of science, technology, engineering and

mathematics (Horn, 2004; Lewis, Menzies, Najera, & Page, 2009; National Action Council on

Minorities in Engineering, 2014). These observations are very disconcerting when combined

with the 2007, 2011 and 2015 scores from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science

(TIMSS) tests and the math scores from 2007, 2011, and 2015 National Assessment of

Educational Progress (NAEP) tests, for all American and Native American students. According

to the test results, growth for all American students is basically flat from 2007 to 2015. Native

American scores have negative growth between 2011 and 2015. This situation hampers the

number of Native Americans that graduate high school and move on to college. The number of

Native Americans that do not graduate high school is twice as large for Native Americans that

live on reservations versus Native Americans that do not live on reservations.

Knowledge in STEM fields is necessary for keeping up with today’s scientific and

technological advances. A country’s population having STEM skills is needed to enhance the

economy and international competitiveness of that country (Mihyeon, Cross, & Cross, 2017).

Globally, there is an emphasis on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)


education for all students. Gibson (2015) claimed “as a global society; we need every child

across the continent, every child in every country to be educated to their fullest potential and be

contributing because we need them” (p. 8). American students are pulling away from the

countries below us in testing, but we are losing ground in math and science to the countries

above us (Bhattacharyya, Nathaniel, & Mead, 2011; Davis & Hardin, 2013). Over the last 30

year period, fewer students have been entering STEM majors while STEM oriented career

positions are increasing (Britner & Pajares, 2006). If these trends continue, America runs the risk

of becoming less competitive internationally, less innovative in terms of technology, as well as

less powerful economically and politically (Mihyeon et al., 2017).

Research shows low performances in math and science negatively impact student

attitudes and student science identity toward STEM classes and careers. Science identity is

defined as,

a combination of students’ self-perceptions and interest in science and science related

work, wherein students see themselves as individuals who enjoy science, find it relevant

in their lives, feel confident in their science abilities, and want a career in science.

(Gilmartin, Denson, Li, Bryant, & Aschbacher, 2007, p. 982)

Children tend to enjoy math and science in primary school but lose interest and motivation in

secondary school (Aschbacher, Ing, & Tsai, 2014). The cause of this negative change is the

perception that science and math classes are difficult, the perception that science is not relevant,

and low academic ability in terms of math and science (Bhattacharyya et al., 2011; George,

2006). Perceived low mastery of STEM subjects by teenagers is negatively impacting positive

academic ability in terms of STEM and directly impacting low student persistence in STEM

subjects (Britner & Pajares, 2006). Of Albert Bandura’s four dimensions of self-efficacy

(mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and emotional arousal) self-

efficacy (academic ability) based on mastery is the best indicator of a student having the

resiliency and perseverance necessary for a STEM career (Bandura, 1977). Students that do not

go into STEM fields end up choosing a social science educational track in secondary school and

higher education because they view social sciences as a field that is easy and helps others

(Bhattacharyya et al., 2011). This is especially true for Native American students, who are

statistically more inclined to major in social sciences than other groups of students (Czujo,


Statement of the Problem

According to 2007, 2011, and 2015 Trends in International Mathematics and Science

(TIMSS) and 2007, 2011, and 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), math

and science scores of all American students are dropping, and all American students are losing

ground internationally in math and science to the top countries (Bhattacharyya, Nathaniel, &

Mead, 2011; Davis & Hardin, 2013). This is especially troubling in America because fewer

students have been entering STEM majors while STEM oriented career positions have been

increasing for the past 30 years (Britner & Pajares, 2006). The overall problem is if these trends

continue, America runs the risk of becoming less competitive internationally, less innovative in

terms of technology, as well as less powerful economically and politically.

Historically, Native Americans have been significantly underrepresented in the career

fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) (Horn, 2004; Lewis,

Menzies, Najera, & Page, 2009; National Action Council on Minorities in Engineering, 2012 &

2014). Native American students are underrepresented in STEM fields because they are more

likely to pursue a business or social science education than other groups of American students

(Czujko, 2010; Horn, 2004; Lewis et al., 2009; National Action Council for Minorities in

Engineering 2012 & 2014). The continuation of these trends means Native Americans will fall

behind globally and fall behind other groups of people in terms of their position on the

technology curve. This can contribute to America’s international competitive positions of

innovation, economic, and political power being threatened.

An additional problem for Native Americans is the achievement gap. One contributing

factor to the Native American achievement gap is the summer slide, which is the learning lost

when students do not engage in educational activities during the summer (Green et al., 2011).

When school begins in the fall, research shows students perform on average approximately one

month behind where they were performing at the end of the previous school year (Cooper, Nye,

Charlton, Lindsay, & Greathouse, 1996). This summer slide impacts students of different races,

genders, and socioeconomic status differently. The largest impact is based on the income status

of a student. Low-income students lose a month worth of skills, while higher income students

lose little of their skills, none of their skills or even make gains over the summer (Heyns, 1978,

1987). Benson and Borman (2010) confirmed that high-income students generally gained

academically over the summer while middle class students held their skills constant and low-

income students lost some of their skills. The summer slide is cumulative and creates the

achievement gap between low-income and higher income students (McCombs et al., 2011).

Based on the research it is estimated that the summer slide in the first five years of schooling

accounts for two-thirds of the reading achievement gap by a student’s ninth grade (Alexander,

Entwisle, & Olson, 2007). This study is the first step to identifying the problems and future

research paths.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this research is to determine if the attitude and career aspirations of

Native American middle school students toward STEM are changed if they attend a residential

academic summer camp (Nugent, Bradley, Grandgenett, & Adamchuk, 2010). Based on a

literature review, ideally, academic camps should be a) residential, b) include morning and

afternoon academic classes/activities, c) have real-world speakers who discuss specific career

fields, d) have a highly qualified staff (professors that are teaching material they know and have

a passion for), e) use technology, f) have effective hands-on project-based teaching, and g)

include field trips (museums, etc.) and balance academics with recreational and social activities

(Bischoff et al., 2008; Chacon & Soto-Johnson, 2003; Davis & Hardin, 2013; Konur, Seyihoglu,

Sezen, & Tekbiyik, 2011; Mihyeon et al., 2017; Weist, 2008). The literature also shows that

STEM identity is more impacted by camp pedagogy than whether a camp is single-sex or co-

educational (Hughes, Nzekwe, & Molyneaux, 2013). Finally, the literature review explores the

possibility that academic camps can impact student career choices and college recruitment

(Redding, Riech, & Prater, 2004).

Research Questions

The following research questions directed this query:

1. To what extent do Native American middle school student attitudes about the importance

of STEM change for those who have participated in a STEM oriented residential summer


2. To what extent do Native American middle school student’s attitudes about the relevance

of STEM change for those who have participated in a STEM oriented residential summer


3. To what extent do Native American middle school student attitudes change about their

academic ability (self-efficacy) after they have participated in a STEM oriented

residential summer camp?

4. To what extent are Native American middle school student attitudes about the

importance, relevance, and academic ability (self-efficacy) of STEM based on the gender

of those who have participated in a STEM oriented residential summer camp?

Significance of the Study

Students in primary school enjoy science but lose their interest and start disliking science

in secondary school. Students perceiving science classes as difficult can drive this attitude

change (George, 2006). As a result, students on the higher education level are avoiding STEM

education and moving into social science majors and career fields. This is especially true for

Native American students. This study is significant because it will determine if residential STEM

camps positively impact the interests and career choices of Native American secondary school

students (Bhattacharyya et al., 2011). Knowing if there is a significant impact is important for

reversing the previously stated negative trends and in effect, improving our national standing in

terms of international competition, technological innovations, and economic power.

Background of the Researcher

In 2007, my first year as a K-12 teacher, I taught in El Paso, Texas at Canyon Hills

Middle School. The school’s students live in a neighborhood that has a history of gangs, drugs,

and violence. I realized most of the parents of my students were not college graduates, and the

students had no perspective of what college life entailed. For my students, college was an

abstract idea. I raised $8,000, and partnered with the University of Texas El Paso (UTEP)

ExcITES Summer Engineering Camp, and the UTEP College of Education to send 100 students

to a weeklong engineering day camp. My goal for the camp experience was to make college

tangible for my students. After this first experience with UTEP, I decided that camps were

valuable, and sending kids to camps became a passion for me.

In 2011, I took a position with the Todd County School District in Mission, South

Dakota. I became aware of a dormant partnership Todd County had with the University of

Nebraska Medical Center’s Monroe-Meyer Institute Science Education Partnership Award

Program. The Science Education Partnership Award Program sponsors a Health and Science Fun

Camp that is a three-and-a-half-day residential camp for middle school students who attend a

Science Education Partnership Award Program partner school on Native American reservations

in Nebraska and in South Dakota. The camp focuses on a variety of science and wellness themes

that provide enrichment beyond the regular classroom. Since the partnership with the Science

Education Partnership Award Program, I have partnered with the following summer academic

camps: University of South Dakota’s Lawrence Brothers Science Camp, Dakota State

University’s Gen Cyber Security Girls Camp, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology’s

Gen Cyber Girls Camp, Indians Into Medicine Camp at North Dakota University, and Missouri

State University’s Sports Medicine and Athletic Training Camp.

My experience made me a firm believer that residential academic summer camps add

value to student personal growth, student confidence, and student comfort in terms of being away

from home and on a college campus, student social skills and parental comfort with students

being away from home. My purpose continues to include giving my students the exposures and

the experiences through camps that are not available to them at school or home.

Definition of Terms

The following are terms relevant to this study. The researcher developed all definitions

unaccompanied by a citation.

Academic Ability: One's belief in one's ability to succeed in specific situations or

accomplish a task (Bandura, 1994).

Achievement Gap: The disparity in academic performance between groups of students.

The achievement gap shows up in grades, standardized test scores, course selection,

dropout rates, and college completion rates (Ansell, 2011).

National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP): National knowledge

assessment of American 4th, 5th, and 8th grade students in the fields of math, science,

reading, writing, the arts, civics, economics, geography, U.S. history, and technology and

engineering literacy (NCES, 2018).

Residential Academic Summer Camp: Summer youth camps concentrating on

academics that are operated at educational facilities with dorms in which campers attend

structured academic programming while living apart from relatives, parents, or legal


Social Sciences: A branch of science that deals with the institutions and

functioning of human society and with the interpersonal relationships of

individuals as members of society (Merriam-Webster, 2018).

Social Skills: The personal skill needed for successful social communication and

interaction (Riggio, 1986).

STEM: An acronym that represents the academic areas of science, technology,

engineering, and mathematics (Merriam-Webster, 2018).


Summer Slide: the tendency for students, especially those from low-income families, to

lose some of the achievement gains they made during the previous school year (Quinn &

Polikoff, 2017).

Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS): International

assessments of 4th and 8th graders conducted every four years in the areas of mathematics

and science (NCES, 2018).

Limitations and Delimitations

The following factors may impact the results of the study and/or limit the generalizable

ability of the study:

1. The research focused exclusively on Native American middle school students that

live on reservations. Therefore, the results may not be generalizable to middle

school students of other races or Native American students that do not live on

Native American reservations.

2. The students in the study are Native American students from reservations in South

Dakota and in Nebraska. Therefore, the results may not be generalizable to Native

American students from other regions throughout the country.

3. The study is limited to camps that are specifically structured as the camp in this

study (Appendix A). The structure of the camp is:

a. Residential (students live in on-campus dorms)

b. Three days in length

c. The camp has a theme

d. Scheduled academic activities taught by college professors and graduate


e. Scheduled social and recreational activities

f. Off-campus field trips

Organization of the Study

This study will be structured into five chapters. Chapter 1 will state the problem, explain

the purpose of the study, state the significance of the study, and explain how the problem will be

studied. Chapter 1 includes an introduction, statement of the problem, the purpose of the study,

research questions, significance of the study, definition of terms, limitations and delimitations of

the study, and assumptions of the study. Chapter 2 contains a review of the literature. Chapter 3

describes the research methodology used, population studied, and how the data was collected and

analyzed. Chapter 4 will provide the results of the study and will answer the research questions.

Chapter 5 will discuss the findings, summarize the study, draw conclusions, and make

recommendations for future research.



Review of Related Literature

This chapter discusses the literature concerning residential summer camps, student

attitudes about STEM, and STEM career aspirations. The purpose of this research is to determine

if the attitude and career aspirations of Native American middle school students toward STEM

are impacted if they attend a residential academic summer camp. General research has been done

in the STEM area, yet this research looks at STEM attitudes and career aspirations in terms of

Native Americans, middle school age, gender, and residential summer camps.

STEM Career

How to motivate students to pursue careers in STEM fields is a major concern in

American education (Bhattacharya et al., 2011). Fewer American students are choosing science

careers, and there are fewer science graduates in the pipeline. This condition is placing America

at risk of becoming less competitive and less significant as a world power (Committee on

Science, Engineering, and Public Policy, 2007; Davis and Hardin, 2013; Mihyeon et al., 2017;

NRC, 2009). Research has identified gender, K-12 experience with science, ideas about science

and scientist, and family as factors that are impacting the decision to pursue a STEM career

(Barab & Hay, 2001; Catsambis, 1995; Ferguson & Mehta, 2002). Another problem facing

students in terms of choosing a STEM career is the lack of time and resources in high schools for

career counseling (Myrick & Carrow, 1987). The research shows that a secondary school student

might only receive 20 minutes of career counseling in a school year from a trained school

counselor (Tugend, 1984). Secondary schools have to correct this and implement an effective

career development program (Tang, Pan, & Newmeyer, 2008). The research also shows that

students have a strong interest in learning science when they are young, but many lose interest by

high school (Aschbacher, Ing, & Tsai, 2014; Maltese & Tai, 2010).

Student Attitude Towards STEM

Today’s research is more about how students feel about science than what they know

about science (Maoz & Rispon, 1990). The research shows students have a decline in their

attitude toward science while in middle school (Bhattacharyya et al., 2011). Students are

deciding STEM subjects are too challenging, boring, and uninteresting (Mohr-Schroeder et al.,

2014). This trend is exponentially more important for Native Americans because they are already

underrepresented in STEM fields, and they are more likely to major in education and social

sciences than any other ethnicity (Czujko, 2010).

Fishbein and Ajzen (1975) defined attitude as a learned response in a consistently

favorable or unfavorable manner toward an attitude object. Whether one has a positive or

negative attitude toward STEM subjects is dependent on one’s relevant beliefs (relevancy of

STEM is one of the variables measured in the study) (Thomas, 1988). When attitude and belief

are positively influenced, then interest is positively influenced too (Wyss, Heulskamp, & Siebert,


Students are highly influenced to like or dislike the study of STEM classes in school.

Student attitudes and beliefs are impacted by teachers (Thomas, Pederson, & Finson, 2001),

classroom activities (Ornstein, 2006; Siegel & Ranney, 2003), academic ability (George, 2000),

and media images (Pederson & Thomas, 2006; Rubie-Davies, 2006). Teachers have to be aware

of this and prepare to positively persuade students to like STEM classes (Shrigley, 1978).

Researchers state the best way to persuade and sell students on STEM is through interventions in

the form of academic summer camps and extracurricular STEM activities (Nugent et al., 2010).

Students may believe that these activities are the real science processes and value them over

STEM classes at school (Hofstein & Welch, 1984).

Native Americans and STEM

As of 2013, one tenth of one percent (.1%) of STEM bachelor degrees was earned by

Native Americans (Byrd, Dika, & Ramlal, 2013). In 2008, 1.58 million total bachelor degrees

across all majors were earned, and only 10,800 of those degrees were earned by Native

Americans (Czujko, 2010). The 10,800 degrees earned by Native Americans is a 40% increase

from the 7,700 degrees earned in 1998. Even with the increase, Native Americans earn less than

1% of the total amounts of bachelor degrees awarded in America annually. Of the 10,800 earned

degrees, only 880 of these degrees are in the STEM fields (Czujko, 2010). The 880 degrees in

STEM represents two decades of an increased effort to address diversity in science and

engineering (Einaudi, 2011; Lewis et al., 2009).

A major contribution to this shortfall is Native American students are more likely to

major in education and social sciences than any other ethnicity (Czulko, 2010). To change this,

the research is suggesting a two-prong approach to increasing Native American STEM degrees.

The first approach is to motivate Native American students to pursue STEM with culturally

relevant science programs (Kant, Burckhard, & Meyers, 2018; Miller & Roehrig, 2016; Stevens,

Andrade, & Page, 2016). Making STEM relevant and engaging to the Native American includes

culturally based teaching, utilizing games such as snow snakes (Miller & Roehrig, 2016) and

changing the perspective that STEM majors are privileged pursuits and not caring professions

(Kant et al., 2018). The second approach is to change the culture of the institution so targeted

demographics can be retained in STEM majors at the university level (Tomasko, Ridgway,

Waller, & Olesik, 2016).


Culturally based teaching is not about using racial pride as a motivator but more about

using a culture’s learning styles and tools (Kant et al., 2018). To understand Native American

culture, one must be aware of Native American history, traditions, customs, ethnic background,

and community involvement (Yelle, Kenyon, & Carter, 2011). Based on culture, out of class

activities should be safe for kids to get involved without the fear of failing. Universities also

have to change culturally to provide a university experience that matches a diverse student body

and the cultures within that group. Universities have to go beyond the norm and possibly adopt

the following (White et al., 2006):

• Be connected with social programs and diverse cultural clubs.

• Analyze retention needs in terms of cultures.

• Hire a cultural diversity director and make the position a direct report to the

school president.

• Create and build a multicultural center.

• Actively target and recruit a culturally diverse student body.

• Run culturally diverse academic summer camps for K-12 students.

The Reservation System in South Dakota

The students in this study are Sioux (Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota), and they are from the

Rosebud Reservation, the Omaha Reservation, the Santee Sioux Reservation, the Winnebago

Reservation, the Sisseton Reservation, the Yankton Reservation, and the Ponca Reservation. The

reservation system was created to remove and keep Native Americans off lands European

Americans wanted to settle (Kahn Academy, 2018). An Indian reservation is land reserved for

and managed by a Native American tribe. A tribe’s sovereignty on a federally recognized Native

American Reservation is limited by federal and state laws (Elliot, 2016).


Treaties between Native Americans and American officials resulted in the relocation of

Natives or the loss of their land. In 1824, the Office of Indian Affairs was created to manage the

land issue. In 1830, the Indian Removal Act institutionalized the removal of Native Americans

east of the Mississippi River. These Native Americans were relocated (Cherokee, Chickasaw,

Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole) to Indian Territory, which became Oklahoma, Nebraska, and

Kansas (Elliot, 2016; Kahn Academy, 2018). This relocation became known as The Trail of

Tears. During this time period, the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota were forced into South Dakota

and Nebraska (DPLA, 2018).

More displacement of Native Americans was due to the Manifest Destiny doctrine. In

1851, the Indian Appropriations Act also known as the Appropriation Bill for Indian Affairs,

authorized the establishment of Indian Reservations throughout the west (Elliot, 2016; Kahn

Academy, 2018). Life on the reservations was difficult because the United States government did

not support the tribes with food and supplies as promised. The life hardships were exasperated

due to a tribe’s ability to hunt, fish, and gather food being severely limited and the reservation

land was unsuitable for farming (Elliot, 2016; U.S. History, 2018). During this time, Native

Americans were subjected to paternalism, racism, greed, and cultural annihilation (Elliot, 2016).

Faced with disease, alcoholism, and despair on the reservations, federal officials changed

directions. The Dawes Act of 1887, also known as the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 or the

General Allotment Act, was created to destroy reservations and to motivate Native Americans to

assimilate American culture as landowners while eliminating tribal councils and Native

American religions (Elliot, 2016; Kahn Academy, 2018; U.S. History, 2018). The law not only

divided the reservation into privately owned allotments, but it also changed the legal status of

Native Americans from tribal members to individuals subject to federal laws (Elliot, 2016). The

Dawes Act allowed another 90 million acres of Native land to be sold to European Americans

(Kahn Academy, 2018). Much of this land was sold to the railroad companies. In 1934, President

Roosevelt supported the Indian Reorganization Act also known as the Indian New Deal (Elliot,

2016; Kahn Academy, 2018). This law allowed Native Americans to organize and form their

own tribal governments and ended the land allotments created by the Dawes Act.

Currently, 22% of the 6.6 million Native Americans live on tribal land and the conditions

today on reservations are comparable to Third World nations (Native American Aid, 2018). The

largest employers on most reservations are usually school districts, tribal governments, and

federal governments. Having no Fortune 500 organization as a cornerstone employer leads to a

scarcity of jobs, translates into a high unemployment rate, and low quality of life on reservations.

The poverty rate for Native Americans on reservations is 26% (Krogstad, 2014). This is twice as

high as the 12.7% national average.

There is a housing crisis on reservations. An estimated 90,000 homeless or under housed

Native American families are living on reservations (Native American Aid, 2018). 30% of

Native American housing is overcrowded with multiple families living together, and it is not

uncommon for three or more generations to live in a single dwelling. Combine this with the fact,

that 40% of on-reservation housing is considered substandard and/or inadequate; it becomes

clear why there is a housing crisis (Native American Aid, 2018). Economists explain the housing

issue with the Tragedy of the Commons Theory (Investopedia, 2018; Koppisch, 2011).

Communal land ownership leads to substandard housing and the barren, rundown look that

comes from the lack of investment and overuse. Tragedy of the Commons is a worldwide

condition, wherever secure property rights are lacking. This condition exists in much of Africa,

South America, inner city housing projects, and rent-controlled apartment buildings in the United

States, as well as on Indian reservations (Koppisch, 2011).

Fifty-five percent of Native Americans depend on Indian Health Services (IHS) for

medical care (Native American Aid, 2018). IHS is underfunded and only provides for an

estimated 60% of the health needs of Native Americans on reservations. The shortage is acute in

terms of preventive health care (Native American Aid, 2018). The health statistics for Native

Americans on the reservation are (Native American Aid, 2018):

• 177% more likely to die from diabetes

• 500% more likely to die from tuberculosis

• 82% more likely to die from suicide

• Higher than the national average for cancer

• Infant death rate 60% high than the national average

Red Cloud, one of the most important Lakota Leaders, stated, “They made us many

promises, more than I can remember, but they never kept but one; they promised to take our

land, and they took it” (Elliot, 2016, p. 1). The reservation system has led to a loss of culture, and

disparities of wealth and health between Native and European Americans (DPLA, 2018). A loss

of culture has created a lost people. The loss of culture and the differences in economics and

healthcare are reflected today in incarceration rates, suicide rates, unemployment rates, longevity

rates and other problems unique to the reservation (DPLA, 2018).

The students in this study are Sioux (Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota) and they live on the

following reservations (Native American Aid, 2018; U.S. Department of the Interior, 2018):

Rosebud Reservation: South Dakota. Rosebud is the seventh largest Native American

Reservation in America. It is the home of the Sicangu Sioux (Burnt Thigh), one of the seven

bands of the Tetonwan Lakota (people on the plains). The Tetonwan Lakota is one of the Seven

Council Fires of the original Lakota, Nakota, and Dakota. The Ft. Laramie Treaty created the

Lakota Reservation (The Great Sioux Reservation) in 1868. Six years later, gold was discovered

in the Black Hills. In 1889, eight million acres of land were confiscated from the Lakota, and

The Great Sioux Reservation was divided into five smaller reservations. The Sicangu were

assigned to live on the Rosebud Reservation. The Rosebud Reservation is Todd, Mallette, Tripp,

Gregory, and part of Lyman counties. Today the Rosebud Reservation is economically

depressed, unemployment is over 65%, more than 40% of the population live below the poverty

line, there is a significant housing shortage with more than 500 boarded up units, and the school

system is ranked as one of the worst public school systems in South Dakota. Tribal enrollment is

33,210, and 11,000 enrolled members live on the reservation (Native American Aid, 2018).

Sisseton Reservation: South Dakota. The Sisseton Reservation was created by the

partition of the Great Sioux Reservation in 1889. The Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux (people of the

marsh and people dwelling among the leaves) are Dakota and two bands of the Santee. The

Santee is an original member of the Seven Council Fires. The tribes generate income through

farming, ranching, and a small plastic bag factory. The reservation has an unemployment rate

over 50%. Tribal enrollment is 12,389, and 4,730 enrolled members live on the reservation

(Native American Aid, 2018).

Yankton Reservation: South Dakota. The Yankton are Nakota and an original member

of the Seven Council Fires (dwellers at the end). From 1830 to 1837, the Yankton lost 2.2

million acres of land to Iowa and another 11 million in 1858. They lost their remaining lands in

1860 and moved to the Yankton Reservation in South Dakota. The reservation was originally

435,000 acres, but much of that was lost to homesteaders, and the reservation is currently 37,000

acres. The Yankton Reservation did not accept the terms of President Roosevelt’s 1934 Indian

Reorganization Act (the New Indian Deal), so they receive less federal funding than other

reservations that accepted the New Indian Deal. Since the reservation has fewer federal dollars

and no industry, their schools are underfunded, and unemployment is over 50%. Tribal

enrollment is 11,594, and 4,600 of enrolled members live on the reservation (Native American

Aid, 2018).

Ponca Reservation: Nebraska. The Ponca is a small tribe that historically was forced to

move constantly by other tribes and settlers. The Fort Laramie Treaty of 1877 forced the Ponca

to Oklahoma. When Chief Standing Bear’s son died, the Ponca tried to return to Nebraska to

bury him. Even though they were stopped by the military, over time, the Ponca were given a

small reservation and allowed to return to their Nebraska homeland. Economically the Ponca

have been given permission to open a casino in Carter Lake, Iowa. The Prairie Flower Casino

opened November 1, 2018. The reservation is 819 acres, and the tribal enrollment is 4,185 with

1,654 members living on the reservation (Native American Aid, 2018).

Omaha Reservation: Nebraska. The Omaha people are originally from Ohio. They

moved to Nebraska around 1700 and were forced to a reservation in 1855. In 1865, the

government sold half their reservation to the Winnebago Tribe. The tribe generates income via

farming, a casino, and a resort. 33% of tribal members live below the property line. Tribal

enrollment is 5,427 and 2,600 live on the reservation (Native American Aid, 2018).

Santee Sioux Reservation: Nebraska. The Santee Sioux are Dakota and an original

Seven Council Fire member. They were relocated on the Missouri River in 1863. When the

Gavins Point Dam was built in the 1950s, the reservation had to be relocated to higher ground.

Economically there is no industry, so 40+ % of the population lives in poverty. The enrollment

of the Santee tribe is 2,662 (Native American Aid, 2018).

Winnebago Reservation: Nebraska. The tribe was nearly wiped out from measles and

smallpox after their first contact with Europeans. Tribal members that survived moved to Iowa,

then to Minnesota, South Dakota, and finally Nebraska. The Winnebago signed their first treaty

in 1816 and were forced to move six times by 1863. The Winnebago tribe was federally

organized and recognized by the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. Today, 2,600 people live on

the reservation, and 4,192 are enrolled, members. 40% of the members on the reservation are at

or below the poverty line (Native American Aid, 2018).

Boarding Schools

From the 1860s to the 20-century, Indian boarding schools had the mandate to

indoctrinate Native children into white American culture. Children were taken from their

families and forced to attend boarding schools. There were over one hundred boarding schools

operated by the federal government. Many of the schools were unsupervised labor camps where

children were physically and sexually violated. The schools forbade the children from speaking

their tribal languages, made them cut their hair, wear American-style clothes, and accept

Christianity (DPLA, 2018; Elliot, 2016).

Rural Schools

The students in the study are from previously listed reservations, and their schools are

considered to be members of rural school districts. There was a previous discussion concerning

the academic achievement gap for Native Americans, yet there is also an academic achievement

gap between rural and urban public schools (Boulifa & Kaaouachi, 2014; Renth, Buckley, &

Puchner, 2015). Reservations students that are below the poverty line also face the added

academic achievement gap based on economics (Bouck, 2004). These issues grew because of the

challenges facing rural school districts and the leadership of rural school districts (Renth et al.,

2015). Some of these challenges are: lack of state and federal funding, higher cost per students,

vendor and supply chain issues due to geographic isolation, difficulty recruiting and retaining

highly effective teachers and providing them with professional development, less competitive

salaries, and fewer support departments (Alliance for Excellence Education, 2010; Ayers 2011;

Harmon, Gordanier, Henry, & George, 2007; Provasnik et al., 2007; Stephens, 1998; U.S.

Government Accountability Office, 2004). The rural leadership faces three main challenges:

• Retention of effective principals (Partlow & Ridenor, 2008; Provasnik et al., 2007).

• Community relations (Cruzeiro & Morgan, 2006; Mitchem, Kossar, & Ludlow, 2006).

• Expectations to meet learning standards with limited resources (Warren & Peel, 2005).

Rural schools are challenged to find exceptional leadership to lead their schools (Partlow

& Ridenor, 2008). There is research that identifies the difficulties and issues experienced by rural

schools, but there is limited research providing solutions (Erwin, Winn, Erwin, 2011). There are

best practices from the literature such as developing effective school leadership that includes

sensitivity, organizational oversight, judgment, and instructional management (Erwin et al.,

2011). To offset a lack of financial resources rural schools have to utilize systems to increase

efficiency. It is recommended that rural school districts utilize formal systems for monitoring

student learning (benchmarking tests such as MAPS, STARS, and AIMSweb), systems that align

curriculum, instruction, and assessment, a formal evaluation system and applicable systems that

help students reach learning expectations (Doerksen & Wise, 2016). Finally, rural school

districts must employ strategic thinking that creates a plan for identifying, hiring and retaining

talent as well as creating a culture of continuous improvement (Culbertson & Billig, 2016).

Overview of Summer Camps

In America today, students have many choices for summer camps. Camps range from

horseback riding, to dance, to sports, to cheerleading, to STEM, to drama, to writing, to acting,

and to the infamous band camp. Overnight (residential) summer camps were introduced in the

1870s and 1880s, and they were part of a back to nature movement (Gershon, 2016; Smith, 2006;

Van Slyck, 2006). Summer camps were originally designed to save children from moral

deterioration because they were spending the summer loafing on city streets (Van Slyck, 2006).

In 1900, there were fewer than 100 summer camps nationwide, and by 1918, there were

more than 1,000 summer camps in the United States (Gershon, 2006). As the number of summer

camps expanded, summer camps began to offer civilized pursuits and social activities such as

movies, access to the radio, and sports lessons. As the pursuits and camps expanded and

modified, the purpose of summer camps changed. Summer camps moved away from being

strictly about being outdoors to being about students developing their social skills, academic

skills, athletic abilities, and other pursuits. This shift was done by balancing the needs of the

individual versus the greater good of the group (Gershon, 2016). As this shift happened,

psychologist G. Stanley Hall gave summer camps credibility with the intellectuals (Gershon,


Summer camps from the 1870s to 1980s were designed and priced to provide low-income

urban kids access to nature, alternative educational learning systems, and new social

development opportunities. When the school year ends, working families and single-parent

homes struggle to find affordable summer camps for their children (Paul, 2016). Since the mid-

1980s, non-profit summer camps have been on the decline. For-profit specialty summer camps

and university-based summer camps have replaced the non-profit summer camps. These summer

camps provide students a leg up on college applications, real-world experiences, being

comfortable away from home and personal connections with other like-minded students and

university faculty (Cochran, 2014; Morgan, 2014; Walsh, 2017).

Universities have benefited from using academic summer camps for several reasons.

Through summer camps, universities generate grant money, maximize utilization of empty

facilities during the summer, provide summer employment for university students, collect data

for research, and create a pipeline of students for university admissions. The summer camps

allow universities to recruit students by exposing them to the school’s campus and providing a

taste of what life would be like at that specific university. With exposure to campers,

universities are also able to identify students and K-12 school systems with academic talent.

Summer camps have evolved from the 1870s as opportunities to get kids out of the city and

back to nature to today’s academic tools used to offset the summer slide and provide students

and universities with a leg up in the recruiting race for college.

Student Growth Through Academic Summer Camps

One purpose of residential academic summer camps is to help students grow through an

alternative educational experience. Academic summer camps should be designed with intended

positive camper outcomes in four domains and ten constructs (Henderson et al., 2006: Thurber,

Scanlin, Scheuler, & Henderson, 2007). Properly structured academic summer camps should

impact positive identity growth through improved self-esteem and independence. Social skills

may increase from social and academic activities that create opportunities for leadership, new

peer friendships, and relationships. Alternative learning methods used at academic summer

camps should target improved thinking skills and encourage adventure and exploration. Ideally,

academic summer camps will also impact student values and spirituality in a positive manner

(Henderson et al., 2006: Thurber et al., 2007). Previous research has proven, that the academic

summer camp experience can significantly impact self-esteem, independence, leadership,

friendship skills, peer relationships, exploration of new cities and exploration of new fields of

study and academic topics (Thurber et al., 2007: Walsh, 2018).

In order to maximize the upside of attending a summer camp, it is important that a

student’s interests and abilities are successfully matched with the correct camp. To increase the

probability of a positive camp experience, camps must be staffed and organized properly (Davis

& Hardin, 2013; Henderson et al., 2006; Wiest, 2008). Staffing considerations should include

staff-to-camper ratios, staff training, staff/camper interactions, and staffers being undergraduate

versus graduate students (Henderson et al., 2006; Thurber et al., 2007). The instructors should be

professors that are able to teach a single segment of the camp that represents their expertise

(Wiest, 2008).

The structure of a summer academic camp should include a theme and collaboration with

experts in different STEM areas (Davis & Hardin, 2013; Wiest, 2008). The camp should include

the following best practices:

• Carefully Selected Academic Activities – STEM related activities that are engaging and

fun to students. They should be real world and hands-on activities that absolutely do not

use worksheets. The goal is to use alternative learning methods, preferably ones that are

project-based and create no fear of failure (Davis & Hardin, 2013; Wiest, 2008).

• Recreational and Social Activities – Time must be scheduled so students can socialize.

Time should be scheduled for socialization during meals, breaks during the day, at

recreational activities, and evenings in residence before lights out (Wiest, 2008).

• Over Planning - Camps should over plan the number of activities they will need. There

should be mini lessons and quick activities to transition from a planned activity that is not

going well. The ability to quickly pivot and transition from an unproductive activity

keeps students engaged and offsets possible behavior issues (Davis & Hardin, 2013).

• Role models and networking – the camp should bring in real world STEM professionals

to interact with students (Wiest, 2008).

• Direct supervision of students and parent involvement – Continuous 24-hour supervision

must be provided. Safety is a major parent concern. There should also be a student

presentation or some form of graduation for the parents on the last day of the camp

(Wiest, 2008).

• Fun – The purpose of any camp is to create engagement and for students to have fun

(Davis & Hardin, 2013; Wiest, 2008).

Academic summer camps have shown to provide greater student knowledge, improved

grades, increased social skills, and more independence (Wiest, 2004). These are important

factors when you consider that today’s society is competitive and technically oriented. Academic

summer camps are an effective and efficient way to expose students to STEM content (Davis &

Hardin, 2013).

Benefits of Academic Summer Camps

There are benefits associated with students attending academic summer camps. There are

major benefits for all students in terms of offsetting the summer slide and enriching the

educational experience. When school begins in the fall, research shows student performance on

average is approximately one month behind where they were performing at the end of the

previous school year (Cooper et al., 1996). The summer slide impacts students of different

socioeconomic status differently. Low-income students lose a significant portion of their skills

while higher income students lose little of their skills, none of their skills or even make gains

over the summer (Heyns, 1978, 1987). Benson and Borman (2010) confirmed that high-income

students gained academically over the summer while middle class student held their skills

constant, and low-income students lost a significant amount of their skills. The summer slide is

cumulative and over time helps create the achievement gap between low-income and higher

income students (McCombs et al., 2011). It is estimated that the summer slide in the first five

years of schooling accounts for two-thirds of the reading achievement gap by a student’s ninth

grade (Alexander et al., 2007). A major benefit of academic summer camps is well-structured

camps reduce the summer slide (Brown, 2016; Gao, Gilbert, & Woods, 2016; Walsh, 2018).

Holistically, summer camps provide students with many developmental benefits. Summer

camps may provide students the opportunity to develop self-reliance and independence (Walsh,

2018). Students are provided with the chance to make new friends, meet people from different

backgrounds, develop new social skills, explore new cities, learn from positive role models, and

broaden their horizons as to what is possible (Morgan, 2014; Walsh, 2018). Academic summer

camps also give students space, time, and attention to learn and think in an alternative learning

environment (Cochrane, 2014; Dahl, 2009; Dahl, Sethre-Hofstad, Salomon, 2013).

In terms of college prep academic and high school to college transition, academic

summer camps provide several benefits which include getting acclimated to on-campus life,

getting a chance to experience college classes, getting a chance to learn about potential majors,

and of academic summer camp for young ladies.

Students get acclimated to on-campus life. Through living on campus, high school

students may learn the lay of the land. They may get comfortable finding ways to classes,

learning different buildings, figuring out where the best coffee is, and finding those secret places

on campus to read or be alone (Cirino, 2016; Cochrane, 2014). Living on campus gives the high

school student the opportunity to get comfortable with a university and used to being away from


Students get a chance to experience college classes. Higher education is different from

secondary education, so academic summer camps allow students an opportunity to experience

the different styles of college classes. Camps allow students to experience lectures, labs, and

seminars. Most of these camps classes are smaller than the actual classes at large universities, so

students get plenty of attention from dedicated staff and professors (Cirino, 2016; Cochrane,

2014). Students also get a chance to experience the pace of a college class and realize first-hand

the note taking, active listening, and focus necessary to succeed in a college.

Students get a chance to learn about potential majors. Different academic summer

camps allow students the opportunity to explore different fields of study and different subject

matter. Most students base this exploration on majors that go well with classes they like in high

school (Cirino, 2016; Cochrane, 2014).

Benefits of academic summer camp for young females. For young females, there are

benefits derived from attending all-female camps. The research shows there are benefits in three

main categories: social development, career development, and personal development

(Whittington, Garst, Gagnon, & Baughman, 2017). Improved female social development skills

from summer camps include communication, teamwork, cultural sensitivity, respect for others,

tolerance, and conflict resolution (Bialeschki, Henderson, & James, 2007; Garst, Franz,

Baughman, Smith, & Peters, 2009; Sibthorp, Bialeschki, Morgan, & Browne, 2013). Residential

living at camps promotes socialization, which helps students to accept and adapt to different

people and different cultures.

The research also shows young ladies improve career skills and their career selection is

influenced when they attend academic summer camps (Brandt & Arnold, 2006; DeGraaf &

Glover, 2003; Duerden, Widmer, Taniguchi, & McCoy, 2009; Ferrari & McNeely, 2007;

Hughes, et al., 2013). The improved skills relative to career development are leadership, social

skills, and career choice. Finally, the summer camp experience helps young females develop

personally. Social development and career readiness lead to personal growth in terms of self-

esteem, self-reliance, confidence, and academic ability (Allen, Cox, & Cooper, 2006; Bialeschki

et al., 2007; Hughes et al., 2013; Ungar, 2012).


America is losing ground globally in terms of students choosing STEM careers. This

problem is significant for Native Americans because they are an under represented group in the

STEM field. The research shows middle school is where student attitudes toward STEM decline

(Bhattacharyya et al., 2011). This literature review chapter is about the background of the middle

school Native American students in the study, their feelings about STEM (Maoz & Rispon,

1990) and best practices for an academic summer STEM camp that will meet their needs.


Research Methodology

The researcher has chosen to use a mixed ANOVA statistical analysis using a pre/post

quasi-experiment as the research design for this study. This pre/post quasi-experiment is being

used because random sampling is eliminated due to having all the SEPA Health and Science Fun

Camp campers attending the camp answering the pre and post-camp survey. Quantitative

methods will control the variance in the study and is appropriate to answer the research questions

(Wiersma & Jurs, 2009).

The study determined if an academic summer STEM camp changed the attitude of

middle school students toward STEM. The attributes being measured are the importance of

STEM, the relevance of STEM, and student academic ability toward STEM. The primary

variable in the study will be time; the secondary variable will be gender, and finally, the

interaction of gender and time.

This pre/post quasi-experiment determined if summer academics STEM camps change

middle school Native American students’ attitude toward STEM education, the relevance of

STEM education, and STEM academic ability (self-efficacy) (Nugent et al., 2010). The student

will also evaluate if there is a difference based on genders in terms of middle school Native

American students’ attitude toward the importance of STEM, the relevance of STEM, and their

academic ability concerning STEM.


Research Questions

The following research questions directed this study:

1. To what extent do Native American middle school student attitudes about the importance

of STEM change for those who have participated in a STEM oriented residential summer


2. To what extent do Native American middle school student’s attitudes about the relevance

of STEM change for those who have participated in a STEM oriented residential summer


3. To what extent do Native American middle school student attitudes change about their

academic ability (self-efficacy) after they have participated in a STEM oriented

residential summer camp?

4. To what extent are Native American middle school student attitudes about the

importance, relevance, and academic ability (self-efficacy) of STEM based on the gender

of those who have participated in a STEM oriented residential summer camp?

Research Design

Students that attend the Science Educational Partnership Award Health and Science Fun

Camp completed pre- and post-camp surveys. Since all the camp attendees took the surveys,

there was no randomizing in the collected data. For this reason, a pre-post quasi-experimental

design was used for the study. The study had two independent variables. The primary variable

was time (pre-test to post-test), and the secondary variable was gender (male and female). A

mixed ANOVA statistical analyst was used to determine if there is a significant difference in

means between the data groups that were split into the two independent variables. The mixed

ANOVA determined if there is an interaction between the two independent variables on the

dependent variable.

Camp Structure

The camp used for the study is the three-day residential Science Educational Partnership

Award Health and Science Fun Camp. The camp is an educational outreach science camp for

Native American middle school students from Nebraska and South Dakota. The camp is part of

a project led by Dr. Maurice Godfrey from the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)

and is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) through a Science Education Partnership

Award (SEPA). The camp utilizes the following best practices, is a residential camp (3.5 days),

with a theme (changes annually), a structured agenda with morning and afternoon activities,

hands-on project-based academic activities led by professors who have a passion and expertise in

the activity’s field of study, field trips, social and recreational activities, and uses technology.


The population for this study was students who attended the 2019 Science Educational

Partnership Award Health and Science Fun Camp. The students that attended the camp were

Native American students from Winnebago, Ponca Tribe of Nebraska, Umo N Ho N Nation,

Santee Sioux, Sisseton Wahpeton Dakota Sioux, Rosebud Sioux Tribe of South Dakota, and the

Yankton Sioux Tribe. The students were male and female 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. The total

population of the study was 56 students.


The researcher used a five-point Likert scale pre-test and post-test survey tool designed

by Bhattacharyya et al. (2011) to collect data (Appendix C). Dr. Bhattacharyya gave her

permission to use the survey (Appendix D). The survey tool includes 26 questions in a Likert

Scale format. The structure of the Likert Scale is: strongly disagree, disagree, neither agrees nor

disagrees, agree, or strongly agree. The survey has three sections related directly to the research

questions; STEM importance index, STEM relevance index, and STEM academic ability. The

survey tool was developed from several attitude scales, and it exclusively measures attitude

towards science for secondary school pupils (Francis & Greer, 1999). The survey also collects

demographic information.

Data Collection

The first step in collecting data was to obtain human subjects approval from the

University of South Dakota and the University of Nebraska Medical Center. The researcher has

approval from the directors of the Science Educational Partnership Award Health and Science

Fun Camp to collect data during their summer camp. Since the camp is for minor students, the

researcher is able to use the parent permission granted to the camp to collect research data

(Appendix B). On the first day of camp, participants completed the pre-test, and on the last day

of camp, participants completed the post-test. The researcher collected the completed surveys.

Data Analysis

The researcher utilized a pre/post quasi-experiment using a mixed ANOVA to analyze

the data collected from the survey. A mixed ANOVA compares the mean differences between

groups that have been split into two "factors,""where one factor is a "within-subjects" factor, and

the other factor is a "between-subjects" factor. For this study, the dependent variables were

STEM importance, relevance, and academic ability (Laerd Statistics, 2018). The independent

variables were the within-subjects factor of time (pre-test to post-test) and the between-subjects

factor of gender (male and female).


Chapter 4


The purpose of this chapter is to present the study results. The study measures the attitude

of Native American middle school students toward STEM before and after attending the SEPA

Health and Science Fun Camp. The study captures student attitude in terms of scientific

importance, scientific relevance, and academic attitude. Demographic information was also

collected. A mixed model ANOVA was used to statistically analyze the data to determine if there

is a significant difference between pre-camp and post-camp attitudes. The mixed ANOVA also

analyzed if there is a significant difference between genders.

Response Rate

The participants in this study are Native American middle school students from the

Omaha Tribe, Ponca Tribe, Rosebud Sioux Tribe, Santee Sioux Tribe, Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate,

Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, and the Yankton Sioux Tribe. One hundred percent of the

students that attended the SEPA Health and Science Fun Camp participated in the data


One hundred percent of the students that attended the SEPA Health and Science Fun

Camp were surveyed. The advantages of one hundred percent surveying are a true measure of the

population and benchmark data to be used for future studies. The disadvantages of one hundred

percent surveying are collection and processing time as well as costs. One hundred percent

sampling was conducted because the disadvantages were insignificant relative to this study.

Student Demographics

The gender of the student participants is 35 (62.5%) female and 21 (37.5%) male. The

student’s tribal membership is five (9.0%) Omaha Tribe, seven (12.5%) Ponca Tribe, 13 (23.0%)

Rosebud Sioux Tribe, six (11.0%) Santee Sioux Tribe, nine (16%) Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate,

nine (16.0%) Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, and seven (12.5%) Yankton Sioux Tribe. The grade

distribution for the students is 18 (32%) 6th graders, 18 (32%) 7th graders, and 20 (36%) 8th

graders. Table 1 displays demographic information.

Table 1

Demographics of Participants (N=56)

Frequency Percent

Female 35 62.5
Male 21 37.5

Tribal Membership
Omaha Tribe 5 9.0
Ponca Tribe 7 12.5
Rosebud Sioux Tribe 13 23.0
Santee Sioux Tribe 6 11.0
Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate 9 16.0
Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska 9 16.0
Yankton Sioux Tribe 7 12.5

6th 18 32.0
7th 18 32.0
8th 20 36.0

Results Related to the Research Questions

This section will give the results for the study’s research questions. Each research

question will have its section.

Native American middle school student attitudes about the importance of STEM

change. Research question one is concerned with a student’s attitude toward the importance of

STEM in that student’s academic and personal life. There is a small difference in student attitude

pre-camp (Mean=3.56) to post-camp (Mean=3.46). The mean scores show students came to the

camp and left the camp with a positive attitude toward the importance of STEM. In terms of

gender, there is a decrease in importance attitude for males (pre-camp Mean=3.46 to post-camp

mean=3.41). There is an increase in importance attitude for females (pre-camp Mean=3.46 to

post-camp Mean=3.49). Table 2 lists these results. Table 3 shows there is no significant

difference in Native American middle school attitude toward the importance of STEM pre-camp

to post-camp (Time).

Table 2

Pre and Post Camp Importance (N=56)

Gender Mean Std. Deviation N

Female 3.46 .74 35
Male 3.46 .68 21
Total 3.46 .71 56

Female 3.49 .85 35
Male 3.41 .83 21
Total 3.46 .84 56

Table 3

Pre and Post Camp Importance (N=56)

Source Type III Sum of Sq. df Mean Square F p

Time .001 1 .01 .01 .92

Native American middle school student’s attitudes about the relevance of STEM.

Research question two is concerned with a student’s attitude toward the relevance of STEM in

that student’s academic and personal life. There is no difference in student attitude pre-camp

(Mean=3.19) to post-camp (Mean=3.19). The means scores show students are neutral in terms of

STEM being relevant in their lives. In terms of gender, there is no difference in relevance

attitude for males (pre-camp Mean=3.28 to post-camp Mean=3.28). There is no difference in

relevance attitude for females (pre-camp Mean=3.13 to post-camp Mean=3.13). Table 4 lists

these results. Table 5 shows there is no significant difference in Native American middle school

attitude toward the relevance of STEM pre-camp to post-camp (Time).

Table 4

Pre and Post Camp Relevance (N=56)

Gender Mean Std. Deviation N

Female 3.13 .43 35
Male 3.28 .36 21
Total 3.19 .41 56

Female 3.13 .43 35
Male 3.28 .36 21
Total 3.19 .41 56

Table 5

Pre and Post Camp Relevance (N=56)

Source Type III Sum of Sq. df Mean Square F p

Time .000 1 .00 - -

Native American middle school student attitudes change about their academic

ability (self-efficacy). Research question three is concerned with a student’s attitude toward their

academic ability in terms of STEM. There is an increase in attitude toward academic ability pre-

camp (Mean=3.94) to post-camp (Mean=3.99). The mean scores show students have a high self-

efficancy and is probably the reason they were chosen and decided to attend the camp. In terms

of gender, there is a decrease in academic ability attitude for males (pre-camp mean=3.97 to

post-camp mean=3.03). There is an increase in academic ability attitude for females (pre-camp

mean=3.92 to post-camp mean=3.97). Table 6 lists these results. Table 7 shows there is no

significant difference in Native American middle school attitude toward academic ability in

terms of STEM pre-camp to post-camp (Time).

Table 6

Pre and Post Camp Academic Ability (N=56)

Gender Mean Std. Deviation N

Pre-Academic Ability
Female 3.92 .39 35
Male 3.97 .51 21
Total 3.94 .43 56

Post-Academic Ability
Female 3.97 .46 35
Male 3.03 .38 21
Total 3.99 .43 56

Table 7

Pre and Post Camp Academic Ability (N=56)

Source Type III Sum of Sq. df Mean Square F p

Time .081 1 .08 .59 .45

Native American middle school student attitudes about the importance, relevance,

and academic ability (self-efficacy) of STEM based on gender. Table 8 shows there is no

significant difference between Native American middle school students in terms of gender when

it comes to the impact of camp on STEM importance, relevance, and academic ability.

Table 8

Pre and Post Camp Gender (N=56)

Source Type III Sum of Sq. df Mean Square F p

Importance .042 1 .04 .29 .60

Relevance .584 1 .58 1.79 .19
Academic Ability .072 1 .07 .30 .59

Recommendations for Future Research

The following future research projects should be considered, based on the results of this


1. The first recommendation is to study residential academic summer STEM camps that

have a more extended program. The literature review show camps usually run in the

following time increments:

a. One week

b. Two weeks

c. Four weeks

d. Six weeks

2. The second recommendation is to study non-residential academic summer STEM camps

(STEM day camps). Different program lengths should also be used as grouping these


3. The third recommendation is to study single gender academic summer STEM camps. The

single gender academic summer STEM camps should be grouped and studied by program

lengths and residential/non-residential.

4. The fourth recommendation is to study academic summer STEM camps that are single

ethnic based. The single ethnic academic summer STEM camps should be grouped and

studied by program lengths and residential/non-residential.

5. The fifth recommendation is to study academic summer STEM camps by accessibility

(cost). The grouping for academic summer STEM camps should be along a continuum

that starts at free and extends to expensive.

6. The sixth recommendation is to expand the study of summer academic STEM camps to

STEM camps for elementary and high school students.

7. The seventh recommendation is to group and study similar academic summer STEM

camps so a larger population can be studied. The grouping matrix should include the

following variables: coed versus single gender, residential versus non-residential,

program lengths, and single ethnicity versus mixed ethnicity, accessibility (costs), and K-

12 age groups.

These recommendations are designed to expand the research area of how academic summer

STEM camps can change the attitude of K-12 students toward STEM.

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5 Article Format following the guidelines of the Journal of STEM Research.

How Academic Summer Camps Change the Attitude of Native American Middle School

Students Relative to STEM Fields


Native Americans have historically been significantly underrepresented in the career

fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). As of 2013, one tenth of

one percent (.1%) of all STEM bachelor degrees earned in the U.S.A. were earned by Native

Americans. The purpose of this research was to determine if the attitude and career aspirations of

Native American middle school students toward STEM would change if they attended a

residential academic summer camp. The camp used for the study was the three-day residential

Science Educational Partnership Award Health and Science Fun Camp (SEPA). The camp is an

educational outreach science camp for Native American middle school students from Nebraska

and South Dakota. The results indicate that SEPA Health and Science Fun Camp did not make a

significant difference in the attitude of Native American middle school students in terms of

STEM importance, relevance, and student academic ability. The SEPA Health and Science Fun

Camp also did not make a significant impact between male and female attitude. However, SEPA

did an excellent job selecting students that are interested in STEM and have high self –efficacy.

The mean results of the surveys indicated students attending the SEPA camp valued the

importance and relevance of STEM, pre, and post camp. The mean results also showed the SEPA

camp participants came into the camp with and maintained a high self-efficacy. To get these

results and the best fit for students, SEPA allowed math and science teachers at the participating

schools to select the camp participants.



As of 2013, only one tenth of one percent (.1%) of all STEM bachelor degrees earned in

the U.S.A. were earned by Native Americans (Byrd, Dika, & Ramlal, 2013). Organizations such

as the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science (SACNAS), the

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU), and the National Action Council on

Minorities in Engineering (NACME) are emphasizing education in STEM fields for Native

Americans (Horwedel, 2006). Native Americans, Blacks, and Hispanics/Latinos have historically

been underrepresented in the career fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics

(Horn, 2004; Lewis, Menzies, Najera, & Page, 2009; National Action Council on Minorities in

Engineering, 2014). These observations are very disconcerting when combined with the 2007,

2011 and 2015 scores from the Trends in International Mathematics and Science (TIMSS) tests

and the math scores from 2007, 2011, and 2015 National Assessment of Educational Progress

(NAEP) tests, for all American and Native American students. According to the test results,

growth for all American students was basically flat from 2007 to 2015. Native American scores

have negative growth between 2011 and 2015. This situation hampers the number of Native

Americans that graduate from high school and move on to college. The number of Native

Americans that do not graduate from high school is twice as large for Native Americans that live

on reservations versus Native Americans that do not live on reservations.

Research shows that low performances in math and science negatively impact student

attitudes and student science identity toward STEM classes and careers. Science identity is

defined as:

a combination of students’ self-perceptions and interest in science and science related

work, wherein students see themselves as individuals who enjoy science, find it relevant

in their lives, feel confident in their science abilities, and want a career in science.

(Gilmartin, Denson, Li, Bryant, & Aschbacher, 2007, p. 982)

Children tend to enjoy math and science in primary school but lose interest and motivation in

secondary school (Aschbacher, Ing, & Tsai, 2014). The cause of this negative change is the

perception that science and math classes are challenging, the perception that science is not

relevant, and low academic ability in terms of math and science (Bhattacharyya, Nathaniel, &

Mead, 2011; George, 2006). Perceived low mastery of STEM subjects by teenagers is negatively

impacting positive academic ability in terms of STEM and directly impacting low student

persistence in STEM subjects (Britner & Pajares, 2006). Of Albert Bandura’s four dimensions of

self-efficacy (mastery experiences, vicarious experiences, verbal persuasion, and emotional

arousal) self-efficacy (academic ability) based on mastery is the best indicator of a student

having the resiliency and perseverance necessary for a STEM career (Bandura, 1977). Students

that do not go into STEM fields end up choosing a social science educational track in secondary

school and higher education because they view social sciences as a field that is easy and helps

others (Bhattacharyya et al., 2011). This is especially true for Native American students, who are

statistically more inclined to major in social sciences than other groups of students (Czujo,


The purpose of this research is to determine if the attitude and career aspirations of

Native American middle school students toward STEM are changed if they attend a residential

academic summer camp (Nugent, Bradley, Grandgenett, & Adamchuk, 2010). Ideally academic

camps should utilize the best practices of: be residential, include morning and afternoon

academic classes/activities, have real-world speakers who discuss specific career fields, have a

highly qualified staff (professors that are teaching material they know and have a passion for),

use technology, have effective hands-on project-based teaching, include field trips (museums,

etc.) and balance academics with recreational and social activities (Bischoff, Castendyk,

Gallagher, Schaumloffel, & Labroo, 2008; Chacon & Soto-Johnson, 2003; Davis & Hardin,

2013; Konur, Seyihoglu, Sezen, & Tekbiyik, 2011; Mihyeon, Cross, & Cross, 2017; Weist,

2008). The Science Educational Partnership Award Health and Science Fun Camp (SEPA)

utilizes all of these best practices.

The following research questions drove the research:

5. To what extent do Native American middle school student attitudes about the importance

of STEM change for those who have participated in a STEM oriented residential summer


6. To what extent do Native American middle school student’s attitudes about the relevance

of STEM change for those who have participated in a STEM oriented residential summer


7. To what extent do Native American middle school student attitudes change about their

academic ability (self-efficacy) after they have participated in a STEM oriented

residential summer camp?

8. To what extent are Native American middle school student attitudes about the

importance, relevance, and academic ability (self-efficacy) of STEM based on the gender

of those who have participated in a STEM oriented residential summer camp?



Data Collection

The SEPA Health and Science Fun Camp is a three-day themed, residential, STEM camp

for middle school students. The camp is the result of a partnership between the University of

Nebraska Medical Center's Munroe-Meyer Institute (MMI), the Great Plains Area Tribal

Chairmen’s Health Board (GPTCHB), and Native American K-12 schools in Nebraska and

South Dakota. Last year’s camp was held at the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO).

Attending students lived in an UNO dormitory, ate in the UNO cafeteria via a student meal plan,

attended hands on academic activities led by college professors, took STEM based field trips,

and engaged in structured and unstructured social activities.

The researcher had approval from the directors of the SEPA Health and Science Fun

Camp to collect data during their summer camp. Since the camp was for minor students, the

researcher used the parent permission granted to the camp to collect research data. On the first

day of each camp, participants completed the pre-test survey, and on the last day of each camp,

participants completed the post-test survey. The 26 questions, five possible response Likert scale

survey tool was designed by Bhattacharyya et al. (2011). The five possible responses were:

strongly disagree, disagree, neither agrees nor disagrees, agree, or strongly agree. The survey had

three sections related directly to the research questions; STEM importance index, STEM

relevance index, and STEM academic ability. The survey tool was developed from several

attitude scales, and it exclusively measured attitude towards science for secondary school pupils

(Francis & Greer, 1999). The survey also collected demographic information.

Data Analysis

The researcher utilized a pre/post quasi-experiment using a mixed ANOVA to analyze

the data collected from the survey. A mixed ANOVA compares the mean differences between

groups that have been split into two "factors,” where one factor is a "within-subjects" factor, and

the other factor is a "between-subjects" factor. For this study, the dependent variables were

STEM importance, relevance, and academic ability (Laerd Statistics, 2018). The independent

variables were the within-subjects factor of time (pre-test to post-test) and the between-subjects

factor of gender (male and female).


Response Rate

Fifty-six students attended the SEPA Health and Science Fun Camp. Thirty-five (62.5%)

of the students were female, and 21 (37.5%) of the students were male. The students’ tribal

membership was five (9.0%) Omaha Tribe, seven (12.5%) Ponca Tribe, 13 (23.0%) Rosebud

Sioux Tribe, six (11.0%) Santee Sioux Tribe, nine (16%) Sisseton Wahpeton Oyate, nine

(16.0%) Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska, and seven (12.5%) Yankton Sioux Tribe. The grade

distribution for the students was 18 (32%) 6th graders, 18 (32%) 7th graders, and 20 (36%) 8th

graders. One hundred percent of the students that attended the SEPA Health and Science Fun

Camp were surveyed. The advantages of one hundred percent surveying are, a true measure of

the population and benchmark data to be used for future studies. The disadvantages of one

hundred percent surveying are collection and processing time as well as costs. One hundred

percent sampling was conducted because the disadvantages were insignificant relative to this


Results Related to the Research Questions

This section will give the results for the study’s research questions. Each research

question will have its section.

Native American middle school student attitudes about the importance of STEM. Research

question one is concerned with a student’s attitude toward the importance of STEM in that

student’s academic and personal life. There is a small difference in student attitude pre-camp

(Mean=3.56) to post-camp (Mean=3.46). The mean scores show students came to the camp and

left the camp with a positive attitude toward the importance of STEM. In terms of gender, there

is a decrease in importance attitude for males (pre-camp Mean=3.46 to post-camp Mean=3.41).

There is an increase in importance attitude for females (pre-camp Mean=3.46 to post-camp

Mean=3.49). Table 1 lists these results. Table 2 shows there is no significant difference in Native

American middle school attitude toward the importance of STEM pre-camp to post-camp


Table 1

Pre and Post Camp Importance (N=56)

Gender Mean Std. Deviation N

Female 3.46 .74 35
Male 3.46 .68 21
Total 3.46 .71 56

Female 3.49 .85 35
Male 3.41 .83 21
Total 3.46 .84 56

Table 2

Pre and Post Camp Importance (N=56)

Source Type III Sum of Sq. df Mean Square F p

Time .001 1 .01 .01 .92

Native American middle school student’s attitudes about the relevance of STEM.

Research question two is concerned with a student’s attitude toward the relevance of STEM in

that student’s academic and personal life. There is no difference in student attitude pre-camp

(Mean=3.19) to post-camp (Mean=3.19). The means scores show students are neutral in terms

of STEM being relevant in their lives. In terms of gender, there is no difference in relevance

attitude for males (pre-camp Mean=3.28 to post-camp Mean=3.28). There is no difference in

relevance attitude for females (pre-camp Mean=3.13 to post-camp Mean=3.13). Table 3 lists

these results. Table 4 shows there is no significant difference in Native American middle school

attitude toward the relevance of STEM pre-camp to post-camp (Time).

Table 3

Pre and Post Camp Relevance (N=56)

Gender Mean Std. Deviation N

Female 3.13 .43 35
Male 3.28 .36 21
Total 3.19 .41 56

Female 3.13 .43 35
Male 3.28 .36 21
Total 3.19 .41 5

Table 4

Pre and Post Camp Relevance (N=56)

Source Type III Sum of Sq. df Mean Square F p

Time .000 1 .00 - -

Native American middle school student attitudes change about their academic

ability (self-efficacy). Research question three is concerned with a student’s attitude toward their

academic ability in terms of STEM. There is an increase in attitude toward academic ability pre-

camp (Mean=3.94) to post-camp (Mean=3.99). The mean scores show students have a high self-

efficancy and is probably the reason they were chosen and decided to attend the camp. In terms

of gender, there is a decrease in academic ability attitude for males (pre-camp Mean=3.97 to

post-camp Mean=3.03). There is an increase in academic ability attitude for females (pre-camp

Mean=3.92 to post-camp Mean=3.97). Table 5 lists these results. Table 6 shows there is no

significant difference in Native American middle school attitude toward academic ability in

terms of STEM pre-camp to post-camp (Time).

Table 5

Pre and Post Camp Academic Ability (N=56)

Gender Mean Std. Deviation N

Pre-Academic Ability
Female 3.92 .39 35
Male 3.97 .51 21
Total 3.94 .43 56

Post-Academic Ability
Female 3.97 .46 35
Male 3.03 .38 21
Total 3.99 .43 56

Table 6

Pre and Post Camp Academic Ability (N=56)

Source Type III Sum of Sq. df Mean Square F p

Time .081 1 .08 .59 .45

Native American middle school student attitudes about the importance, relevance,

and academic ability (self-efficacy) of STEM based on gender. Table 7 shows there is no

significant difference between Native American middle school students in terms of gender when

it comes to the impact of camp on STEM importance, relevance, and academic ability.

Table 7

Pre and Post Camp Gender (N=56)

Source Type III Sum of Sq. df Mean Square F p

Importance .042 1 .04 .29 .60

Relevance .584 1 .58 1.79 .19
Academic Ability .072 1 .07 .30 .59


In order to maximize the upside of attending a summer camp, it is essential that a

student’s interests and abilities be successfully matched with the correct camp. The data shows

SEPA did an excellent job selecting students that were interested in STEM and had high self –

efficacy. In order to get the best fit for students, SEPA allowed math and science teachers at the

participating schools to select the camp participants. The mean results of the surveys indicated

the students attending the SEPA camp valued the importance and relevance of STEM pre and

post camp. The mean results of the surveys also indicated the SEPA camp participants had high


The students did benefit from attending the SEPA camp. The primary benefit for middle

school students who attend an academic summer camp is offsetting the summer slide. The

summer slide impacts students of different socioeconomic status differently. Low-income

students lose a significant portion of their skills while higher income students lose little of their

skills, none of their skills or even make gains over the summer (Heyns, 1978, 1987). Benson and

Borman (2010) confirmed that high-income students gained academically over the summer while

middle class student held their skills constant, and low-income students lost a significant amount

of their skills. The summer slide is cumulative and over time helps create the achievement gap

between low-income and higher income students (McCombs et al., 2011). It is estimated that the

summer slide in the first five years of schooling accounts for two-thirds of the reading

achievement gap by a student’s ninth grade (Alexander, Entwisle, Olson, 2007).

Holistically, summer camps provide students with many developmental benefits. Summer

camps may provide students the opportunity to develop self-reliance and independence (Walsh,

2018). Students are provided with the chance to make new friends, meet people from different

backgrounds, develop new social skills, explore new cities, learn from positive role models, and

broaden their horizons as to what is possible (Morgan, 2014; Walsh, 2018). Academic summer

camps also give students space, time, and attention to learn and think in an alternative learning

environment (Cochrane, 2014; Dahl, 2009; Dahl, Sethre-Hofstad, & Salomon, 2013). In terms of

college prep academic and high school to college transition, academic summer camps provide

several benefits that include getting acclimated to on-campus life, getting a chance to experience

college classes, and getting an opportunity to learn about potential majors.


SEPA Health and Science Fun Camp used all the best practices for summer academic camps:

Table 8

Best Practices
Best Practice SEPA Camp Reference

Camp Theme “The Science of the Human Davis & Hardin, 2013;
Body, Plants, and Animals” Wiest, 2008

Carefully Selected SEPA provides real world Davis & Hardin, 2013;
Academic Activities and hands-on activities that Wiest, 2008
absolutely do not use
worksheets. SEPA also uses
alternative learning
methods, that are project-
based and create no fear of

Recreational and Social SEPA schedules time for Wiest, 2008

Activities socialization during meals,
breaks during the day, at
recreational activities, and
evenings in the dorm before
lights out

Over Planning SEPA has mini lessons and Davis & Hardin, 2013
quick activities to transition
from a planned activity that
is not going well

Role Models and SEPA has real world STEM Wiest, 2008
Networking professionals to interact
with students

Direct Supervision of SEPA provides continuous Wiest, 2008

Students 24-hour supervision

Fun The purpose of any camp is Davis & Hardin, 2013;

to create engagement and Wiest, 2008
for students to have fun


Statistically, the SEPA Health and Science Fun Camp did not make a significant change

in the attitude of Native American middle school students in terms of STEM importance,

relevance, and student academic ability or between genders. However, SEPA did an excellent job

selecting students that were interested in STEM and had high self –efficacy. The mean results of

the surveys indicated the students attending the SEPA camp valued the importance and relevance

of STEM pre and post camp. The mean results also showed the SEPA camp participants came

into the camp with and maintained a high self-efficacy. To get these results and the best fit for

students, SEPA allowed math and science teachers at the participating schools to select the camp

participants. SEPA’s using academic camp best practices also played a large part in the study’s


References for Chapter 5

Alexander, K., Entwisle, D., & Olson, L. (2007). Lasting consequences of the summer learning

gap. American Sociological Review, 72(2), 167-180.

Aschbacher, P., Ing, M., & Tsai, S. (2014). Is science me? Exploring middle school students'

STEM career aspirations. Journal of Science Education Technology, 23, 735-743.

Bandura, A. (1977). Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of behavioral change. Psychology

Review, 84, 191-215.

Benson, J., & Borman, G.D. (2010). Family neighborhood and school settings across seasons:

When do socioeconomic context and racial composition matter for the reading

achievement growth of young children? Teachers College Record, 112(5), 1338-1390.

Bhattacharyya, S., Nathaniel, R., & Mead, T. (2011). The influence of science summer

camp on African-American high school students’ career choices. School Science

and Mathematics, 111(7), 345-353.

Bischoff, P., Castendyk, D., Gallagher, H., Schaumloffel, J., & Labroo, S. (2008). A

science summer camp as an effective way to recruit high school students to major

in the physical sciences and science education. International Journal of

Environmental & Science Education, 3(3), 131-141.

Britner, S., & Pajares, F. (2006). Sources of science self-efficacy beliefs of middle school

students. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 43, 485-499.

Byrd, W., Dika, S., & Ramlal, L. (2013). Who’s in STEM? An exploration of race, ethnicity, and

citizenship reporting in a federal education dataset. Equity & Excellence In Education,

46(4), 484-501.

Chacon, P., & Soto-Johnson, H. (2003). Encouraging young women to stay in

mathematics pipeline: Mathematics camps for young women. School Science and

Mathematics, 103(6), 274-284.

Cochrane, R. (2014). 5 benefits of pre-college summer programs. College Xpress.

Retrieved from: programs/blog/five-benefits-pre-college-summer-programs

Czujko, R. (2010). Native Americans among degree recipients in physics and geoscience.

Focus On, August, 1-6.

Dahl, T. (2009). The importance of place for learning about peace: Residential summer

camps as transformative thinking spaces. Journal of Peace Education, 6(2), 225-


Dahl, T., Sethre-Hofstad, L., Salomon, G. (2013). Intentionally designed thinking and

experience spaces: What we learned at summer camp. Learning Environ Res, 16,


Davis, K., & Hardin, S. (2013). Making STEM fun: How to organize a STEM camp.

Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(4), 60-67.

Francis, L., & Greer, J. (1999). Measuring attitude towards science among secondary

school students: The affective domain. Research in Science and Technological

Education, 17(2), 219-226.

George, R. (2000). Measuring change in students’ attitudes toward science over time: An

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Technology, 9(3), 213-225.


Gilmartin, S., Denson, N., Li, E., Bryant, A., & Aschbacher, P. (2007). Gender ratios in

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dimensions of students’ science identities. Journal of Research in Science

Teaching, 44(7), 980-1009.

Heyns, B. (1978). Summer learning and the effects of schooling. New York, NY: Academic


Heyns, B. (1987). Schooling and cognitive development: Is there a season for learning? Child

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Horn, L. (2004). Why do students drop advanced mathematics? Education Leadership, 62(3),


Horwedel, D. (2006). Operation STEM. Diverse: Issues in Higher Education, 23(20), 36-39.

Konur, K., Seyihoglu, A., Sezen, G., & Tekbiyik, A. (2011). Evaluation of a science

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Laerd Statistics (2018). How to perform a mixed ANOVA. Retrieved from:

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McCombs, J., Augustine, C., Schwartz, H., Bodilly, S., McInnis, B., Lichter, D., & Cross, A.

(2011). Making summer count: how summer programs can boost children’s learning.

Arlington, VA: The Rand Corporation.

Mihyeon, K., Cross, J., & Cross, T. (2017). Program development for disadvantaged high-ability

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Morgan, T. (2014). Benefits of summer programs for middle school students. Teen Life.

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Retrieved from:


Wiest, L. (2008). Conducting a mathematics camp for girls and other mathematics

enthusiasts. Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers, 64(4).


Appendix A

SEPA Health & Science Camp Letter and Flyer



Science Education Partnership Award

Dear Student,

For an opportunity to learn about careers in health and science, participate in the 12th
Annual SEPA Health and Science Fun

Camp being held in partnership with University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha, NE
June 2 – 5! This event is for students who will be enrolled in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade next
year at one of our SEPA partner schools.

Since this is a FREE camp, space is limited to the first 5 students per school. This
number includes the junior counselor, if the school appoints one. Spots will be filled in the
order the applications are received. If any schools do not fill the allotted spots, alternates
will be selected from other schools.

If you decide to participate, we will send your chaperone detailed information and maps at
a later date.

Applications and ALL completed forms must be received before Wednesday, May 1

This camp was designed for learning about science and health in a fun environment. This
year’s summer camp will focus on Science of the Human Body, Plants, and Animals

• Sunday afternoon - you will arrive around 4:00 pm and check into Scott Residence
Hall at the UNMC campus in Omaha, NE. You will meet your camp mates over dinner
and then participate in an evening of planned fun activities. 

• Monday - you will be at the UNMC campus learning about the human body. We will
have an afternoon visit to the planetarium and learn about some creation stories
related to astronomy. 

• Tuesday – you will take a field trip to an educational garden and learn about how
plants keep us healthy. You will spend some time interacting with smart
mannequins used to teach nursing and medical students about the human body. You

will also visit the zoo and learn about animal science. An evening picnic is planned.

• Wednesday morning – you will spend at the school of engineering and learn how
robotics plays an important role in health care. The day will conclude with lunch
noon and your school can depart after everyone has had a meal. 

In order to participate, students must be present from Sunday evening until the
camp ends on Wednesday. 

Transportation & Meals 
Each partner school or community will be responsible for
providing at least 1 chaperone/school sponsor for their students. Your parents or
your school will need to provide transportation to and from Omaha, NE.
Transportation for all the activities while you are attending the camp and all your
meals (Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner) will be provided each day. 

Arrival and Lodging 
You will need to arrive in Omaha, NE around 4:00 pm on Sunday.
More information will be sent to the school chaperones about housing
arrangements. You will be placed in a private in a suite with 3 other campers of the
same gender. The dorm facility will provide a pillow, bed linens, a blanket, and a
towel set. You will need to bring your own toiletries (deodorant, shampoo,
washcloth, sponge, etc.). 

You must depart from the Residence Hall by 1:30 pm on Wednesday, June 5.

If you have questions, contact the camp coordinator at the number listed below.
We hope to see you in June! Sincerely, 
Liliana Bronner, Camp Coordinator (402)

983075 Nebraska Medical Center • Omaha, NE 68198-3075 • Phone: 402.559.4365 • Fax:

402.559.6105 •

Sunday: Chemistry Show and Science Games

Monday: Mind & Brain, Anatomy, and Planets

Tuesday: Plants & Health, Clinical Laboratory, and Animal Science

Wednesday: Robots & Engineering in Health Science

“The Science of the Human Body, Plants, and Animals”

June 2 - 5, 2019
Hosted by the University of Nebraska Omaha and
University of Nebraska Medical Center
This year’s camp will help participants connect real-world situations with science. Students will
spend time watching demonstrations and doing hands-on activities designed to teach
introductory concepts of how the health of human body, plants, and animals are

Appendix B

Research Consent Form


IRB PROTOCOL # 213-10-EP Page 1 of 3


Title of this Research Study

Building Bridges: Health Science Education in Native American Communities

The University of Nebraska Medical Center and the Great Plains Tribal Chairmen’s Health
Board invite your child to participate in a weeklong summer science experience, as well as
participate in a research study where he/she would answer questions about his/her experience at
the camp.

The University of Nebraska Medical Center has been working with teachers in your community
to enhance science education in grades K-8. We would like to bring some of these experiences to
your child directly. Your child is eligible to participate in this camp because he/she attends one
of our partner schools and is enrolled in the 6th, 7th, or 8th grade. Your child is eligible for the
research study if they attend the camp.

The purpose of this camp is to increase the appreciation and awareness of science and scientific
and health care careers. The camp curriculum will be a mixture of pure science and health career
exploration centered around a theme. The camp will provide for enrichment that goes beyond the
regular classroom experience.

As part of the research study, your child will be asked to answer questions each day related to the
activities in which they have participated. It will take him/her 10-15 minutes to answer these
questions. Your child does not have to answer any or all of the questions. The feedback will be
reviewed by the researchers to find ways to improve the camp in future years. One of the known
risks is the possible loss of confidentiality in the answers submitted by your child.

By participating in this camp, your child may learn and apply scientific concepts. This may
benefit your child as he/she continues his/her education; however, your child is not expected to
receive any benefit from answering the questions related to the research study.

There will be no cost to you for your child’s participation in the camp or the research study. You
or your child will not be compensated for participation in the camp or the research study. The
University of Nebraska Medical Center has been funded by the

IRBVersion 4

Subject's Initials______________

IRB PROTOCOL # 213-10-EP Page 2 of 3

National Institutes of Health for a grant entitled: Building Bridges: Health Science Education
in Native American Communities.

Your child’s welfare is the concern of every member of the camp personnel and the research
team. During the camp your child may be photographed. In the interest of education and the
advancement of the health sciences, the photographs taken may be used to produce
newspaper/magazine articles or television news stories in which your child may be included in
whole or in part. The photographs may be released to hometown newspapers and to the Omaha
local media. You have the option as to whether or not your child is photographed.

No information that identifies your child will be released to anyone without your explicit

Your child has rights as a research subject. These rights are explained in this consent form and in
The Rights of Research Subjects that you have been given.

If your child has a problem as a direct result of participating in the camp or being in this study,
you should immediately contact one of the people listed at the end of this consent form.

If your child does not wish to continue attending once the camp has started there is no obligation
to continue.

Your child can decide not to be in the research study (answering the questions about their camp
experience), or your child can stop being in this research study (withdraw) at any time before,
during, or after the camp begins. Your child can still attend the camp even if he/she is not in the
research study. Deciding not to be in or withdrawing from the study will not affect your child’s
relationship with the investigator, the camp personnel or with the University of Nebraska
Medical Center.

You are freely making a decision whether to allow your child to attend the camp and whether to
enroll your child in the research study. Signing this form means that

(1) You have read and understood this consent form, (2) you have had the consent form
explained to you (3) you have had your questions answered and

IRBVersion 4

Subject's Initials______________

IRB PROTOCOL # 213-10-EP Page 3 of 3

(4) You have decided to allow your child to attend the camp.

If you have any questions concerning your or your child's rights, or complaints about the
research, talk to the investigator or contact the Institutional Review Board (IRB) by telephone
(402) 559-6463, e-mail:, or mail: UNMC Institutional Review Board,
987830 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-7830.

If you have any questions about the camp at any time, you should talk to one of the investigators
listed below. Information about the camp will be posted on You will be
given a copy of this consent form to keep.

Printed Name of Student Participant ______________________________ Printed Name of

Parent/Guardian _________________________________

You have decided to allow your child to participate in the research portion of the camp as
explained in this consent form (please circle) YES NO

Signature of Parent/Guardian _______________________________
Date _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _

Principal Investigator:
Maurice Godfrey, Ph.D. (402) 559-6689 or 1-800-656-3937

extension 6689 Secondary Investigators:

Liliana Bronner, MHSA (402) 559-4365
Signature of person documenting consent

______________________ Date Received _ _ / _ _ / _ _ _ _

IRBVersion 4

Subject's Initials______________

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

What Do I Need To Know Before Being In A Research Study?

You have been invited to be in a research study. Research studies are also called "research
surveys", "research questionnaires" or "scientific protocols." Research is an organized plan
designed to get new knowledge about health, disease, behaviors, attitudes and interactions of,
among and between individuals, groups and cultures. The people who are in the research are
called research subjects. The investigator is the person who is running the research study. You
will get information from the investigator and the research team, and then you will be asked to
give your consent to be in the research.

This sheet will help you think of questions to ask the investigator or his/her staff. You
should know all these answers before you decide about being in the research.

What is the purpose of the research? Why is the investigator doing the research? What are the
risks of the research? What bad things could happen? 
What are the possible benefits of the
research? How might this help me? 
How is the research different than what will happen if I
m not in the research? Will being in the research cost me anything extra?

Do I have to be in this research study? How will it affect my status at the institution if I say no?

Can I stop being in the research once I’ve started? How?

Who will look at my records?

How do I reach the investigator if I have more questions?

Who do I call if I have questions about being a research subject?

Make sure all your questions are answered before you decide whether or not to be in this

Institutional Review Board (IRB)




To be told everything you need to know about the research before you are asked to decide
whether or not to take part in the research study. The research will be explained to you in a
way that assures you understand enough to decide whether or not to take part.

To freely decide whether or not to take part in the research.

To decide not to be in the research, or to stop participating in the research at any time. This
will not affect your medical care or your relationship with the investigator or the Nebraska
Medical Center. Your doctor will still take care of you.

To ask questions about the research at any time. The investigator will answer your questions
honestly and completely.

To know that your safety and welfare will always come first. The investigator will display the
highest possible degree of skill and care throughout this research. Any risks or discomforts will
be minimized as much as possible.

To privacy and confidentiality. The investigator will treat information about you carefully, and
will respect your privacy.

To keep all the legal rights you have now. You are not giving up any of your legal rights by
taking part in this research study.

To be treated with dignity and respect at all times

The Institutional Review Board is responsible for assuring that your rights and welfare are
protected. If you have any questions about your rights, contact the Institutional Review
Board at (402) 559-6463.

Academic Research & Services Building 3000 / 987830 Nebraska Medical Center / Omaha NE
68198-7830 402-559-6463 / FAX 402-559-3300 / Email: /

Appendix C

Student Attitude Survey



The following statements relate to your attitude toward Science, Technology,

Engineering, and Math (STEM) education. Please tell us your attitude toward each statement by

circling one number that best represents your honest feeling using the following response scale:

1 = Strongly Disagree

2 = Disagree

3 = Neither Agree or Disagree

4 = Agree

5 = Strongly Agree

Once you have completed your survey, please turn in to the completed survey. Thank you for

your assistance.

STEM Importance Index

1) I am a member of a science, technology, engineering, or math club in school.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

2) I watch TV shows about science, technology, engineering, or math.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree
3) I keep up with the news by watching TV, reading newspapers, or browsing the internet.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

4) I enjoy working in math labs, technology labs, engineering labs, or science labs and

doing experiments.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

5) I will be taking as many math, technology, engineering or science classes as I can.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

6) I would like to learn about math, technology, engineering, or science in college.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

7) I would like to become a mathematician, computer scientist, engineer, or scientist.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

STEM Relevance Index

1) Scientists, computer scientists, engineers, and mathematicians are important people.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

2) Many good things in my life are due to science and technology.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

3) Doing well in science, technology, engineering or math will open up different jobs for


1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

4) Learning about science, technology, engineering, or math will give me the chance to

choose how much money I make.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

5) I do not need to learn science, technology, engineering or math in school.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

6) I do not need science, technology, engineering or math because I will never use it in my


1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

STEM Academic Ability

1) I plan on going to college.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

2) I do well in my science, technology, engineering, or math classes at school.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

3) Math, technology, engineering or science is a very hard subject in school.

1 2 3 4 5

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Agree Strongly

Disagree or Disagree Agree

Demographics (Please circle your answer)

1) Gender

Male Female

2) What is your age?


3) What will be your grade level when school starts?

2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 11th 12th

4) What ethnic/racial categories do you identify with??

Native American White/Caucasian Black/African-American

Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Asian Hispanic/Latino

Other (specify)_____________________

5) What tribe are you a member of? ________________________________


Appendix D

Survey Permission Letter


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