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Pedagogy vs Didactics

Pedagogy is a science of educating a child or guiding a child. Didictics refers to principles,

phenomen, forms, precepts and low of teaching with no subject in particular. When we talk about
didactic we look to techniques for teaching. Pedagogy matters because having a well-thought-out
pedagogy can improve the quality of your teaching and way students learn, helping them gain a
deep grasp of fundamental material. Being mindful of the way you teach can help you better
understand how to help students achieve deeper learning.

The difference between didactic and pedagogy is: didactic is a discipline that is essentially concerned
with the science of teaching and instruction for any given field o study, while pedagogy is focused
more specifically on strategies, methods and various techniques associated with teaching and
instruction. Didactic is a art of teaching its object is the teaching and learning process. Didactics
holds the teheory of teaching, the programs, lesson plans, books, all of this materials are organized
in the area of didactics.

Pedagogy is influenced by a teacher’s teaching views and includes their

knowledge of culture and various learning styles.Moreover, the primary goal of
pedagogy is to build on students’ past knowledge and develop students’ skills
and attitudes. Pedagogy allows students to comprehend a subject entirely and
assists them in applying that knowledge in their regular lives.

Didactics draws the all process of teaching and learning, that's why when a teacher teaches
well, he is called as a didactic because he dominate the program, but he can also be called
as a great pedagogy when he dominate the classroom management, when he knows how to
deal with each child with different behavior in class.

Didactics and pedagogy establish a complementary relationship. Didactics is a branch of

pedagogy, it is concerned with the theory of teaching, the all process of learning. Didactics
entails the curriculum, textbooks, the rules and lows of education system. The most
important characteristic of being a good teacher is having a very good basis of content

The link between pedagogy and didactics are teaching performance choices made during
planning didactic organization, teaching paths, application of teaching forms direct actions
of the teacher, use of teaching methods and aids and evaluation of the teaching forms of
assessing students', performances, curriculum, goals, basic principles, and assessment
techniques. Didictics tends to be teacher-centered, for example, a common didactical
strategy is a teacher presenting a lecture directly to their students. Pedagogy, however, is
learner-centered and involves coming up with students strategies that focus on how specific
students learn in different way.

SALAWU, I.O., AFOLABI, A.O. and TAIWO, S.A. Essential of Educational Technology, Oyo:
Kay Blessings Ventures. (2001).

VIGOTSKY, Lev. Mind in Society: Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Ed. by Michael
Cole, Vera John-Steiner and Sylvia. Scribner. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press. 1978.>comparison-between-pedagogy-and-didsctics: different teaching

approaches. 10/06/2022

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