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Name: Inália Castigo Dimande

English Teaching Practice

English Course
Year 2

Topic: Pedagogy of Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Tutor: Elias Peter

Universidade Pedagógica de Maputo

Faculdade de Ciências de Linguagem, Comunicação e Artes

Pedagogy of Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TESFL)

Teaching English as a Foreign Language means teaching English as a second or third
language in countries where English is not a primary language. It involves being able to
convey the English language in articulated and interesting manner. It is imperative to honour
the child’s home language because it has an influence on learning a new language. In
understanding of ( DADVAN and BEHZADPOOR, 2020: 3) “ pedagogical knowledge is
conceptualized either as a discrete construct with clear-cut boundaries or as a finished
product that remain uniform across time, space and social context”.

To teach English, the teacher should have some psychological principles of teaching it such
as: motivation, immediate correction, reinforcement, imitation (learning any language is
based on the principle of imitation). Motivation is an important tool of teaching a new
language, it creates interest and increases the attention span of leaners. According to my
understanding about what MAHATO (2017: 14) says, the teacher should come prepared for
the lesson wearied by games, quiz and so many activities to make the learners concentrated
on learning English language.

Furthermore the communicative language teaching traced to work of Chomsky in 1960s

advanced two concepts: competence and performance, where competence is a language
knowledge and performance is the use or application of language in real situations. The
communicative approach assume that learners learn a language by communicating, language
is learnt by practising , once you stop practising you may forget some vocabulary expressions
and rules. Communications involves the integration of different skills, and learning involves a
process of creative construction.

To inspire my learners to learn English I would first of all work on myself professionally and
intellectually to have knowledge about the content I am going to present, above all motivate
them. I believe that motivation is the best way of making somebody learning ne things, I’d
even prepare visual aids, maintain a friendship so that they open up when they are facing
difficulties or enjoying lessons. I’ve mostly identified myself with the teacher as a facilitator,
he stimulates the learning style process by creating an appropriate intellectual and emotional
environment in the classroom atmosphere of psychological support, and this style of learning
encourage self-learning which means that students should find answers and information
through exploration.

The essential training language teachers need is knowledge of linguistics and just as much as
behaviourist pedagogy as allows them to justify the kind of repetitive, drilling language
practices that teacher sometimes provides to their students (COMMINS, BROWN, &
SAYERS, 2007: 53-63). It means that pedagogy expertise in a subject matter and qualifies
any teacher to teach anybody. A language teacher should have linguistic knowledge not so,
should have pedagogical knowledge too. These two issues are going to lead him to become a
great English language teacher.

To conclude, to implement the pedagogy of TESL we must use communicative approach,

grammar translation, content-based, visual aids, motivate learns, immediate correction,
inspire learners, use games, apply appropriate strategies to teach them. The process of
learning an detaching should be focused on students needs. The linguistic obstacle in TESFL
is about trying to remain loyal to general principles and predict, teacher-students become very
problematic in the TEFL context. The first language influence on learning English. However,
language is learnt by communicating, by practising in real life situation.

COMMINS, J. BROWN, K. SAYERS, D. Literacy, Technology and Diversity. Teaching for
Success in Changing Times, Pearson, Boston, 2007.

DADVAND, B and BEHZADPOOF, F. Pedagogical Knowledge in English Language

Teaching. London Review of Education. 2020.

MAHATO, S. MAHAPATRA, R. et al. Pedagogy of Teaching English. New Delhi: NSOU.


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