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A. Business Profile
Sunshine Yoga Center (SYC)
Name of the business
This yoga center offers some designed classes, such as:
Products/services offered - Three private classes with three different instructors,
Amber, Michelle, and Ralph.
- Other featured classes include Hot Yoga, Hatha, Vinyasa
or yoga for Mum & Baby, Kids, and more.
The broad demographic characteristics of the potential target are
Characteristics of potential the following:
customers - Age: They will be all-aged, especially in two age groups –
kids from 6 to 10 years old (So Yoga, 2022) and middle
age from 25 to 49 years old (Bplans, n.d.).
- Income: Their annual salaries will be above 50.000+ for the
middle-aged group and parents of the kid group.
- Gender: Because of women attending yoga classes account
for the vast majority of the total, while the market share of
men is 30 percent (Bplans, n.d.).
- Lifestyle: Their main goal is becoming healthier or losing
weight. Physical and mental health is one of the most
focused things that everyone wants to improve.
- Selling point: What they want to achieve is combating their
stress and improving their better daily life (AmplifyXL,

In today’s digital age, setting up a website is to bring a high value

Potential benefits/aims of to this center, such as:
having a website for this - A way is that people approach a business via a website in
business this digital technology, and the services are promoted to
customers (B2C).
- A website is the simplest way of communication to grow
the business’s trust and compete with several competitors
of similar services (Kaplan, 2020).
- Owning a search engine-optimized website is an
opportunity to increase its visibility in Google results.
- To run a website effectively, a business should evaluate the
best ROI on every ad expenditure to attract potential
- A clear website is formed that can drive its competitors
away, so it will be challenging for people to look for
information and quality unless this website is available
(Kaplan, 2020).

B. SEO and User Friendliness

Explain why the current website is not to search engine and user friendly
The contemporary website is not to search engine and user-friendly because of:

Firstly, the website speed on mobiles is more ineffective than on computers, with a bad score of 48
percent, while the rate on the website on computers accounts for 95 percent.

Secondly, this website substitutes a domain like instead of its own. That is why it is
unfriendly to access the main homepage of a business without a good title on the website.

Besides, the content on the website lacks detail-oriented information about each class and schedule.
Also, a lack of interaction with old and new customers is a restrictive condition.

List of specific and actionable suggestions

1. The website should be added 24/7 digital chatbot to gain access to the demands and interests of
the customers, thence enhancing SYC’s reputation.

2. The URL of SYC should be specific and easy to recall instead of this non-relevant URL; for example, or is much more descriptive.

3. Every class needs to describe in great detail and optimize the lists of classes and instructors for
searches, such as specific content, location setup, or contact.
C. Proposed AdWords Strategy
Campaign 1
Focus for each campaign – Yoga with Sattvic

Ad Group 1 – Yogic diet

This ad group will promote that the harmony of yoga and diet are lifestyles rooted in whom want
to live in healthy and balanced peace; therefore, these sessions will not only create to teach
different meditation lessons, but the list of helpful advice will also drive customers away from
unhealthy food to ease alignment with yoga practice (Burgin, 2021).

Ad Group 2 – Sattvic yoga

For someone who is under the stress of the consumption of unhealthy food, this ad group will be
mainly based on a diet in sattvic foods to control the body and mind. This class will be a
comprehensive approach to the world today, with its roots in high spirits and a pure veggie diet.

To get a higher opportunity, each ad group uses more accurate keywords that customers will
search through these keywords to purchase. If these are worth doing, the revenue of SYC should
witness growth.

Ad Group 1
Healthy diet, yoga with diet, sattvic yogic diet, yogic diet plan, the importance of yogic diet,
yogic diet course, yogic diet for diabetes, yoga diet daily, yogic diet for athletes, yogic diet guide,
classification of yogic diet, describe the yogic diet.

Ad Group 2
Combination of yoga and sattvic diet benefits, yogic sattvic diet, yoga sattvic diet, yoga and
sattvic diet for beginners, how to eat a sattvic diet, a combination of yoga and sattvic diet guide,
sattvic yoga, sattvic yoga challenge, sattvic yoga academy, sattvic yoga and fitness studio, sattvic
yoga center, sattvic yoga classes.

Negative keywords
Fast food, how to lose weight without exercise, how to lose weight without diet, yogic menu,
keto, and yoga, yoga weight loss plan, yoga is vegan, yoga app, yoga mat, face yoga, 10-minute
Text for AdWords Version 1 for an Ad Group 1


Text for AdWords Version 2 for an Ad Group 2


Daily and weekly plans for spending the campaign 1 budget (US$210)
Campaign 1 will spend three weeks with a budget of US$210, including the weekly plan (the
budget/ 3 weeks/ 2 ad groups) and daily plan (weekly plan/ 3 weeks/ 2 ad groups):

- Ad Group 1 – Weekly plan = $35 (210/3/2).

- Ad Group 1 – Daily plan = $5.83 (35/3/2).

- Ad Group 2 – Weekly plan = $35 (210/3/2).

- Ad Group 2 – Daily plan = $5.83 (35/3/2).

Network(s) for the AdWords ads of campaign 1

These ads will be shown as images or text on the first page by the search network on Google.
Google’s display network makes it possible for each ad group via distinct tools by Google.

Target audience settings

The main target customers living in Sydney are females in their middle age who are interested in
a healthy diet and exercise to combat stress.

Ad serving options
The ad serving option is optimized for clicks in keywords, searches, and more, then these ads are
often displayed in higher ad-served percent.

Keyword bidding
One class will spend an average of $30 per productive conservation of a customer. Then, if the
conversion rate is 3.5% of customers visiting the website, the maximum of keyword bidding is up
to $0.35.

CPC = CPA * conversion rate = 10 * 3.5% = $0.35

CPC: Cost per Acquistion

CPA: Cost per Click = one-third of the spend

Location targeting
The location is targeted in Sydney due to the narrow studio locations and limited staff. Since the
center wants to expand, a survey of the surrounding area should be conducted.

Aims for impressions

Ad Group 1: 6K+ impressions

Ad Group 2: 6K+ impressions

Aims for clicks

Ad Group 1: 55+ clicks

Ad Group 2: 55+ clicks

Aims for CPC

The above maximum bid is $0.35, but it is based on the bid of competitors; therefore, it will be
less than the average.

Aims for CTR

An average range of CTR rates is between 3-5% depending on various factors (Greene, 2021).

Proposed success metrics

There are some below metrics suggested to use for success:
- Traffic sources by using Google Analytics is to increase engagement with call-to-action
and messages.
- Conversion rate is in combination with traffic metrics to track the percentage of viewers
who click on the website; therefore, a growth of this rate to 5% will lead to a decrease of

Campaign 2
Focus for each campaign - Yoga Vacation

Ad Group 1 – Yoga Camping

This ad group will weigh more flexibly for all kids’ schedules, such as summer holiday. This will
be a ground for children to join with their peers after every semester; as a result, they will be
fairly free and easy to have a good relationship with each other and learn to be independent as

Ad Group 2 – Yoga Retreat

This ad group will have many benefits of yoga in conjunction with outdoor adventures. This will
be a great chance to inspire a passion for yoga combined with extracurricular activities for kids.
Moreover, Yoga Retreat can be customized to their parent’s needs for their kids during the trips if
needs be.

This campaign 2 is the same as the previous one with more wide and more notorious keywords to
gain a high percentage of customers who pay for their purchases.

Ad Group 1
Yoga for camping, yoga camp for beginners, yoga weekend camping, yogic camping discounts,
yoga camping near me, yoga camping mat, yoga camping park, free yoga camp near me, yogic
camping hacks, camping yoga poses, yoga camp classes, yoga camp calendar.

Ad Group 2
Yoga retreats near me, yoga retreat 2022, all-inclusive yoga retreat, yoga retreat for beginners,
yoga retreat center, yoga retreat daily schedule, yoga retreat events, detox yoga retreat, yoga
retreat description, yoga retreat destinations, yoga retreat beach, best yoga meditation retreats.

Negative keywords
Self-camping yoga, tent camping, self-drive camping, self-inflating, self-taught yoga for kids,
single yoga retreat, teaching yoga at resorts, yoga resorts, yoga resorts near me, spa retreats, spa,
hiking retreats.

Text for AdWords Version 1 for an Ad Group 1


Text for AdWords Version 2 for an Ad Group 2


Daily and weekly plans for spending the campaign 2 budget (US$190)
Campaign 1 will spend three weeks with a budget of US$190, including the weekly plan (the
budget/ 3 weeks/ 2 ad groups) and daily plan (weekly plan/ 3 weeks/ 2 ad groups):

- Ad Group 1 – Weekly plan – US$31.67

- Ad Group 1 – Daily plan – US$5.27

- Ad Group 2 – Weekly plan – US$31.67

- Ad Group 2 – Daily plan – US$5.27
Network(s) for the AdWords ads
These ads will be shown as images or text on the first page by the search network on Google.
Google’s display network makes it possible for each ad group via distinct tools by Google.

Target audience settings

The main target customers living in Sydney are kids in their 6-10 age who are interested in
exploring new natural landscapes and personal well-being.

Ad serving options
The ad serving option is optimized for clicks in keywords, searches, and more, then these ads are
often displayed in higher ad-served percent.

Keyword bidding
One class will spend an average of $30 per productive conservation of a customer. Then, if the
conversion rate is 3.5% of customers visiting the website, the maximum of keyword bidding is up
to $0.35.

CPC = CPA * conversion rate = 10 * 3.5% = $0.35

CPC: Cost per Acquistion

CPA: Cost per Click = one-third of the spend

Location targeting
The location is targeted in the natural paths of Sydney due to the narrow studio locations and
limited staff. Since the center wants to expand, a survey of the surrounding area should be

Aims for impressions

Ad Group 1: 7.5K+ impressions

Ad Group 2: 7.5K+ impressions

Aims for clicks

Ad Group 1: 65+ clicks

Ad Group 2: 65+ clicks

Aims for CPC

The above maximum bid is $0.35, but it is based on the bid of competitors; therefore, it will be
less than the average.

Aims for CTR

An average range of CTR rates is between 3-5% depending on various factors (Greene, 2021).

Proposed success metrics

There are some below metrics suggested to use for success:
- Traffic sources by using Google Analytics is to increase engagement with call-to-action
and messages.
- Conversion rate is in combination with traffic metrics to track the percentage of viewers
who click on the website; therefore, a growth of this rate to 5% will lead to a decrease of
D. References

1. AmplifyXL. (2022, Jun 2). The Target Market for Yoga: Who Practices Yoga and
Why? Retrieved from AmplifyXL:
2. Bplans. (n.d.). Yoga Center Business Plan. Retrieved 2022, from Bpalns:
3. Burgin, T. (2021). THE YOGIC DIET: A COMPLETE GUIDE. Retrieved from
Yoga Basics:
4. Greene, J. (2021). How to Improve the Organic CTR for Your Pages & Blog Posts.
Retrieved from databox:
5. Kaplan, K. (2020, Feb 3). Why Every Business Needs A Website. Retrieved from
6. So Yoga. (2022). MiniYOGI Camps. Retrieved from SoYoga:

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