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The frequencya

Under 2 times/ 2-3 times/ 3-4 times/ Over 5 Total

week week week times/ week
Gender Male Count 7 19 12 4 42
% of Total 16.6% 45.2% 28.5% 9.5% 56%
Female Count 5 12 13 3 33
% of Total 15.1% 36.3% 39.9% 9% 44%
Total Count 12 31 25 7 75
% of Total 31.7% 81.5% 68.4% 18.5% 100%
Percentages and total are based on respondents

The partnera
Friends Family Alone Colleagues Total
Gender Male Count 33 18 20 18 42
% of Total 44% 24% 26.7% 24% 56%
Female Count 27 28 16 10 33
% of Total 26% 37.3% 21.3% 13.3% 44%
Total Count 60 46 36 28 75
% of Total 70% 61.3% 62.7% 37.3% 100%
Percentages and total are based on respondents

The Partner

Friends Family Alone Colleagues Total

Gender Male Count 33 18 20 18 42
% of Total 44% 24% 26.7% 24% 56%
Female Count 27 28 16 10 33
% of Total 26% 37.3% 21.3% 13.3% 44%
Total Count 60 46 36 28 75
% of Total 70% 61.3% 62.7% 37.3% 100%
Factors to consider when choosing Côti Ơi cafea
Study Work Meeting Listen to Total
friends music
Gender Male Count 21 27 18 21 42
% of Total 28% 36% 24% 28% 56%
Female Count 23 22 29 29 33
% of Total 30.7% 29.3% 38.7% 38.7% 44%
Total Count 44 49 47 50 75
% of Total 58.7% 65.3% 62.7% 66.7% 100%
Percentages and total are based on respondents

Factorspreferences, prices, diverse menus or space

Prices Menu Habit Space Total

Gender Male Count 21 27 18 21 42
% of Total 28% 36% 24% 28% 56%
Female Count 23 22 29 29 33
% of Total 30.7% 29.3% 38.7% 38.7% 44%
Total Count 44 49 47 50 75
% of Total 58.7% 65.3% 62.7% 66.7% 100%


Study Work Music Friends Wifi Total

Gender Male Count 16 22 26 28 9 42
% of Total 21.3% 29.3% 34.7% 37.3% 12% 56%
Female Count 22 9 27 23 6 33
% of Total 29.3% 12% 36% 30.6% 8% 44%
Total Count 38 31 53 51 15 75
% of Total 50.6% 41.3% 70.7% 67.9% 20% 100%

Percentages and total are based on respondents

The purpose of using Coti Oi cafea

Study Work Listen to Meet Wifi Total
music friends demand
Gender Male Count 16 22 26 28 9 42
% of Total 21.3% 29.3% 34.7% 37.3% 12% 56%
Female Count 22 9 27 23 6 33
% of Total 29.3% 12% 36% 30.6% 8% 44%
Total Count 38 31 53 51 15 75
% of Total 50.6% 41.3% 70.7% 67.9% 20% 100%
Biết qua đâu

Friends Bảng Food Social Total

quảng cáo application media
Gender Male Count 27 16 9 33 42
% of Total 36% 21.3% 12% 44% 56%
Female Count 23 22 21 17 33
% of Total 30.6% 29.3% 28% 22.6% 44%
Total Count 50 38 30 50 75
% of Total 66.6% 50.6% 40% 66.6% 100%

Trải nghiệm

Already Not yet Total

Gender Male Count 23 19 42
% of Total 30.6% 25.3% 56%
Female Count 24 9 33
% of Total 32% 12% 44%
Total Count 47 28 75
% of Total 62.6% 37.3% 100%

coi thử bx

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