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Copyright © 2021 James Udung (Deillumine Ra)
Cover image and interior artwork © Louis Solomon-Felix
All Rights Reserved.
Guides to the Underworld
Published by Hadean Press.

One of the essential tools used in Hoodoo folk practice is the mojo bag
which acts as a container of magical force(s), similar to a spirit box or pot.
They serve as amulets or better still as charm bags and are commonly used
in hoodoo folk practice, with its origins rooted in West Africa. Usually, they
are small bags containing one or more magical items of significance to its
owner who, after consecration, carries or wears it on their person or keeps it
in a special place at home to carry out its intended magical work. The
contents of the bags change depending on the objective(s) of the user.
Traditionally a conjurer will bless each item separately in order to awaken
its inherent magical powers and further program it for its current purpose.
The items placed in the bag can range from roots, herbs, animal and or
human parts or bones, minerals, personal concerns (e.g. hair, nail clippings,
or bodily fluids), written psalms or a petition paper, sigils or seals of spirits,
(e.g. Solomonic pentacles and the like). The more personal the contents, the
more power the mojo bag contains. I stated above that mojo bags are more
like a spirit box: yes, they are like traditional voodoo spirit boxes which
actually contain items in the same way as the mojo bag. Each of the items
placed within the mojo bag carries within it natural spiritual force. I see
these forces as a team of footballers working in unison to achieve a common
goal: Winning the Game. This is the main reason a conjurer carefully
selects each item that goes into the bag so as to ensure they all work in
unison as a team. Traditionally the number of items in a mojo bag is an odd
number of items. Properly making living mojo bags can sometime be a
painstaking practice.
The word Mojo means Magic, or in Africa, Mojuba, which means
prayer, spell or praise. Other names used for a Mojo Bag are Gris-Gris
(pronounced without the s) bag, Nation sack, Mojo hand, Toby bag, a Jomo,
Charm bag, Root bag or Conjure bag. Mojo bags are used for a variety of
purposes such as to draw love, good luck, abundance and the protection of a
home. They are also used in binding spells to bind couples together in love.
You can also prepare this bag to aid in psychic work or in its development. It
can be used in spell work to bring peace and happiness or to cause discord.
Its uses are innumerable.
In line with Hoodoo tradition, each item that goes into the mojo bag
must first be awakened (‘brought to life’) before being placed into it. This is
called ‘fixing the bag’. You don’t just drop everything in at once, but one at
a time.
Traditionally, when a mojo bag is carried on the person it should not be
seen or touched by others as this will gradually weaken or cause it to lose its
power. When a mojo bag is seen or touched by others after it has been
empowered, it is called in Hoodoo Killing the Hand.
When using a mojo bag that calls for it to be worn on the body, it’s
imperative that it makes contact with your skin. This can be done by
pinning it inside your underclothes. Men often hide theirs in their pants.
Women tend to use their bras.
Mojo bags used for protection of the home are placed near the door,
hidden in such a way that they cannot be seen by strangers.
As already stated, your Mojo Bag is considered a portable spirit house
that must be taken care of the same way you would your home and yourself.
This bag houses spiritual energies and magical forces and it’s imperative you
treat it with the utmost care and respect. In order to do so, you need to feed
and pray to the spirit(s) within it on a regular basis so as to keep it charged,
alive and working. Traditionally mojo bags are named during consecration,
just as you would a pet. Personally, I call my mojo hands by name to awaken
them before praying to their spirit(s).
Your mojo bags should never be opened after construction/consecration.
Opening it is seen as a lack of respect for the spirit(s) housed in it. When
properly taken care of, the spirit(s) will look on you with favor.

1. To begin, first choose a colored fabric more appropriate to your

objective (although red is the most widely used color in hoodoo,
probably due to its element of speedy manifestation of desire). The
fabric should be around 8”x8” square or a size that would
properly contain your items. The idea here is that the resulted
mojo fits in your pocket with ease.
2. Choose materials (items) that correspond to your objective(s), as
already stated.
3. Choose the day, time and lunar phase most appropriate to your
Saturday: Color – Black; Element – Earth; Planet – Saturn.
Summoning Souls From Hades, But Only Of Those Who Have Died A
Natural Death; To Cause Either Ill Or Good Fortune; Communication
With Spirits Of The Dead; Works Of Discipline And Patience; Giving Up
Bad Habits; Placing And Overcoming Of Obstacles; Destruction, Death,
Hatred, Discord, Stagnation, Barren; Success With Difficult Tasks Or
Difficult People; Projects Of Long Duration – Breaking Ground, Laying
Foundation; Treating Chronic Illness; Seeking Favors From Older People
(But Not Relatives); Long Study, Responsibility, Hard Work; Hardships (To
Remove Or Place); Binding, Debts (To Collect), Karmic Debts; Secrets,
Limitations, Magical Knowledge; Real Estate, Sacred Wisdom.
Thursday: Color – Blue; Element – Water; Planet – Jupiter
Obtaining Honors; Acquiring Riches; Contracting Friendships;
Preserving Health, Kindness, And Invisibility; Wisdom, Optimism; Money
(Borrowing / Lending/ Investing / Earning / Winning); Activities
Necessitating Enthusiasm; Buying Lottery Tickets; Settling Disputes;
Seeking Favors From Grandparents, Aunts And Uncles; Success, Luck,
Abundance, Wisdom, Divine Guidance, Prosperity, Fertility, Expansion,
Generosity, Attraction, Fame, Truthfulness, Charity, Compassion;
Meditation; Benevolence; Greed, Gluttony, Waste, Poverty (To Protect Against
Or To Cause It), Lack, Ignorance; Divination And Psychic Visions.
Tuesday: Color – Red; Element – Fire; Planet – Mars
Summoning Souls From Hades, Especially Of Those Slain In Battle;
Works Of War, Anger, Hatred, Discord, Disruption, Ruin, Death
(Slaughter), Cruelty; Military Honor, Courage, Will Power; Success With
Drastic Action (Lawsuits, Conflicts, Going To War, Surgery); Sports,
Exercises; Risk-Taking; Making Complaints; Firing Employees; Seeking
Favors Of Husband Or Boyfriend; Physical Strength, Overcoming Enemies,
Lust, Passion, Hunting, Political Ventures; Revenge, Uncrossing, Banishing,
Hot Foot, Breakup Spells; Prison, Police Matters; Male Sexuality;
Protection; Arguments, Competition, Strife, Struggle, Confusion; Victory.
Sunday: Color – Gold; Element – Fire; Planet – Sun
Temporal Wealth (For Increased And Lasting Wealth, Work With Jupiter
Alongside Sol); Hope, Gain; Fortune; Divination; The Favors Of Father,
Husband, Boss, Authorities; Kindness; Dissolving Hostile Feelings;
Invisibility; General Success And Recognition; Spiritual Illumination;
Promotions; Exorcism; Healing, Prosperity, Hope, Abundance; Money;
Vitality; Worldly Ambition; New Jobs; Peace; To Acquire Money And
Favors From People In Power; Regain Youth; Recovery Of Lost Property
And To Obtain Luck; Business Partnerships; Nobility; Leadership; Career;
Divination; Fame; Honor; Hope; Truth; Harmony; All Extraordinary,
Uncommon, And Unknown Operations.
Friday: Color – Green, Red, Pink; Element – earth and water;
Planet – Venus
Forming Friendships; Love; Lust, Romance, Passion; Kindness;
Invisibility; Good Fortune; Artistic And Social Success; Parties, Social
Gatherings, Weddings, Visits; Dating And Seeking Romance; Luxuries;
Beauty; Seeking Favors From Women; Planting Seeds (Fertility); Harmony;
Music; The Arts; The Female Mysteries; All Extraordinary, Uncommon,
And Unknown Operations.
Wednesday: Color – Orange and Yellow; Element – Air; Planet –
Eloquence, Intelligence; Promptitude In Business; Science And
Divination, Magic; Apparition; Answers Regarding The Future; Thefts And
Recovering Of Thefts By The Means Of Spirits; Writings; Deceit;
Merchandise; Games Of Chance; Success In Studies, General
Communication, Business And The Will To Succeed In General;
Influencing People, Mental Ability And Gifted Speaking; Making A Good
Impression; Clear Communications; Teaching / Learning; Important
Business Letters And Phone Calls; Meetings To Develop Or Communicate
Ideas; Buying And Selling; Routine Shopping, Errands, Travel; Job
Applications And Interviews; Seeking Favors From Neighbors, Co-Workers;
Self-Improvement; Understanding; Healing; Sorcery; Cleverness; Contracts;
Creativity; Information; Memory; Perception; Science; Wisdom; Road
Opener, Blockbuster; Creating And Empowering Any Magical Items And
Monday: Color – White and Silver; Element – Water; Planet –
The Ebb And Flow Of Magical Power; All Things Domestic Or About
Marriage, Women In Particular; Home; Hearth; Family; Travel; Medicine;
Psychic Development And Prophetic Dreaming; Dream Works; Astral
Travel; Clairvoyance, Women’s Mysteries, Divine Feminine; Maritime
Trade; Tides; Waters; Emotional Issues; Agriculture; Animals; Female
Fertility; Theft, Reconciliations; Love; Journeys/Vacationing; Navigation;
Acquisition Of Merchandise By Water; Envoys; Messages; Finding Lost
Objects Or People; Communicating And Speaking With Spirits; Obtaining
Nocturnal Visions & Summoning Spirits In Sleep; Meditation; Hiring
Employees; Seeking Favors From Mother, Wife, Employees; Motherhood;
Birth; Starting New Ventures; Delusion, Emotions, Imagination,
Inspiration, Intuition, Secrets, Reincarnation, Rebirth, Subconscious,
Hidden Intentions.

The moon is considered one of the most powerful forces to affect magical
energies. The way the ebb and flow of the moon affects the tides, the
menstrual cycles, our moods, etc., is the same way it also affects our magical
workings. Working within the correct Moon phase is one of the powerful
keys to success in our Spells and Rituals.
There are four phases of the Moon: New, Waxing, Full, and Waning.
Each of these phases has a 7 day period for doing your Magical workings.
Adding these phases up, you will come up with the 28-day lunar month.
Surrendering to the natural phases of the moon brings harmony and
balance to our lives.
The New Moon
This marks the beginning of the Moon’s cycle and last only for three days.
The Moon’s energy every two and a half days is colored by whatever zodiac
sign she is in. She emits this specific zodiacal energy onto our Magical
Spell work during the new moon
Spells for new beginnings of any sort, beauty, health, personal
improvement or new employment.
The Waxing Moon
This is the time of the Moon cycle when the Sun and the Moon square
each other. As the Moon appears to grow during the dark to full Moon
phases, so will our energy levels. The halfway point between the new and
full Moon is the first quarter Moon or waxing quarter Moon.
Spell work during the waxing Moon
Any spell work that requires growth should be done now.
Spells for courage, motivation, inspiration, friendship, attraction of any kind,
elemental magic, healing or luck are also good during this time.
The Full Moon
The Full Moon is the peak (Climax) of the lunar cycle. This is the time
when we really get to see our hard work pay off. This is the time for any
kind of Magical or Energetic work. This is the time when the Moon’s light
illuminates what has and hasn’t been working for us. Like with the new
Moon, the full Moon will be colored by the energy of the zodiac sign she is
From here on out the Moon gets smaller and smaller. This is the time to
release things in your life that you no longer need: behavior patterns,
negative thoughts, limiting beliefs or even relationships! Think about the
things in life that are no longer serving you and start to make progress
towards leaving them behind as the Moon begins to decrease.
The full Moon is a time of heightened psychic energy, so you may be
more receptive than usual; listen to your gut and follow your heart, and
you’re sure to make the most of this energy. You can harness the energy of
the full Moon for about 2 ½ days before or after the night of the full Moon.
Spell work during the full Moon
This time is perfect for all nature of spell work. Both dark and light Magic
can be done during this time.
The Waning Moon
The waning Moon is when the moon energy begins a slow retreat. This is
the best time to release, release, and then release some more of what’s no
longer working in our favor. This could be old habits, people and things that
deplete us. I call this time, ‘a time to move toward and let go’.
Spell work during the waning Moon
The waning Moon is a good time for the casting out of the old ways,
banishing old negative habits, the removal of troubles and worries, and
ending relationships that no longer work out for you. This is the best time to
perform Road Opener, Blockbuster, Hot Foot/banishing, War, Disturbance,
Breakup and spells of Discord.
The Dark Phase Of The Moon
The Dark of the Moon (or Dark Moon) is traditionally the last three days
of the Lunar cycle, immediately preceding the New Moon, and the time
when the presence of the Moon in the night sky is notably absent. This is
the time of transition between the death of the old and the birth of the new;
a time of retreat, of healing, renewal, mystery, wisdom, and dreaming of the
future; a time to focus on the inner dimensions of our bodies and minds in
order to learn to attune ourselves to the natural rhythms of ebb and flow in
our lives.
Spell work during the dark phase of the moon
Cast spells for invisibility, death, healing, renewal, psychic development,
and meditation on your inner self in order to align with the master within;
Your Higher-Self.
NOTE: Commence nothing while the Moon is in conjunction with the
Sun, as this is extremely unfortunate. You probably will be unable to achieve
anything during this time. If you wish to converse with Spirits it should be
especially on the day and hour of Mercury, and let the Moon be in an Airy
Sign, as well as the Sun.
In line with old grimoires (books of magic) the Moon emits her energies
upon our sorcery differently when she enters into the following zodiacal
The Moon should be in a Terrestrial Sign, (Taurus b, Virgo f, or
Capricorn j) for all works of love, grace, endurance, diligence, success,
money, invisibility and everything connected with organization and
creativity. For spells of carrying on despite difficult circumstances, and to
strengthen one’s issues.
The Moon should be in a Fiery Sign, (Aries a, Leo e, or Sagittarius i)
for all works of hatred, discord, destruction, authority, power, vitality, lust,
healing, money, and for calling on energies coming from higher sources.
The Moon should be in a Watery Sign, (Cancer d, Scorpio h, or Pisces
l) for all works of a peculiar nature, which cannot be classed under any
certain heading.
The Moon should be in an Airy Sign, (Gemini c, Libra g, or Aquarius
k) for all works and experiments, for the construction and operation of any
After observing number 1 through 3 (‘How To Construct And Consecrate
A Mojo Bag’),

1. place your fabric on your working altar, sprinkle it with holy water
and proceed to place all the corresponding materials on the fabric
(remember to bring them to life first) one at a time, at the
center, and then gather the edges together and tie it up with a
colored thread that corresponds to your object(s). This is the
simplest way to make your mojo hand. The other way is to sew up
a small bag (the size stated above) with a drawstring that you use
to close the bag after filling it with your corresponding materials.
Traditionally the string is tied into a knot to hold the bag shut with
words like: “With This Magical Knot(s), I Bind You To My Will”

NOTE: while bringing the items to life, state their purpose before placing
them on the fabric. This way you awaken the power of the item. See the
spell below.

1. After constructing and fixing your mojo hand, the next stage is its
consecration. In order to do so, carry out the following simple but
effective rite:
Cover your altar with a white cloth or with a color that
corresponds with your objective.
Anoint a white candle with hoodoo anointing oil. Light it
alongside some frank/myrrh incense. Place a glass of water
next to the candle.
Sprinkle the mojo with holy water and say:

“With this holy water and in the name of the Father X, of the Son X and
of the Holy Spirit X, I purify and consecrate this creature of mojo bag to
serve for me as (state the objective of the mojo bag. E.g.: “a general love and
attraction mojo. As I carry it on my person may I love and be loved in
return”). Creature of mojo bag, henceforth, I name you, Love and
Attraction Mojo Bag. This is thy aim; this is thy purpose which now begins!”
Place it over the incense smoke and say:

“With this sacred incense smoke and in the name of the Father X, of the
Son X and of the Holy Spirit X, I purify and consecrate this creature of
mojo bag to serve for me as… (Add the usual)…”

Hold it carefully over the candle flame and say:

“With this sacred flame and in the name of the Father X, of the Son X
and of the Holy Spirit X, I purify and consecrate this creature of mojo bag
to serve for me as… (Add the usual)…”

Anoint the mojo bag with an appropriate objective condition oil

and hold it between your palms in a prayer hand position, for a
while focusing on the objective of the mojo and then say few
prayers of your own making, asking for the Divine (and for a
specific spirit if you work with any via the mojo bag), and your
ancestors to bless it with the necessary powers and virtues to
carryout its purpose effectively.
Now, place it in front of the candle and meditate on your
objective, visualize it clearly and project the visualization in the
form of an appropriate colored light into the mojo. See the mojo
come alive, bringing to manifestation its goal(s).
Allow the candle to burn out on its own and your mojo is ready to
serve you well.
Traditionally after consecrating a mojo bag, we feed it daily for seven
days in a row (at the same time of its consecration if possible) with rum,
tobacco or incense smoke, and appropriate condition oil or Hoyt’s Cologne
and/or body fluids. After the seven days, we continue the feeding once a
week (same day and time as above) for four weeks and once in a month
(during new moon) for a year, after which the mojo bag is then refreshed
with a new bag and fresh herbs while keeping and reusing the hard
talismans and curios. For this purpose, use the complete fixing and
consecration ritual. Although other practitioners feel that if your mojo keeps
working for you it should not be refreshed, as a rule of thumb in hoodoo,
‘do what feels right and works for you’ is the law.
NOTE: carry the mojo bag at all times below your waist during the day
and sleep with it under your pillow during the night for the first seven
days/night after which you may then place it wherever appropriate.
This is the traditional way of caring for your mojo bag in order to keep it
alive and working.
Below is a simple but effective Jupiter money-drawing mojo bag.
Carry out this rite on the day and hour of Jupiter during the waxing
Moon. See the section on magical days and moon phases for a better
understanding why the day/hour of Jupiter and waxing Moon was chosen
for this spell.


8”x8” blue colored fabric

The 1st pentacle seal of Jupiter

One blue votive candle

Jupiter money drawing oil
Frankincense/myrrh incense
One small piece of lodestone
4 silver coins (engrave the symbol of Jupiter them if possible)
4 small metal tin
4 small lapis lazuli and amethyst gemstones
4 nutmeg (cut one nut into four parts) – Good Luck and Money.
4 clove seeds – Money.
4 star anise (cut one into four parts) – Good Luck and Money.
4 seeds of fenugreek – Money.


Light your altar candles and incense and pray to the divine, your
ancestors and spirit guides to aid your sorcery.
Meditate on the importance of your work. Spread the fabric on
the altar and sprinkle it with holy water while saying: “With this
Holy water and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy
Spirit, I cleanse thee, O creature of earth, of all impurities visible
and invisible that you may work in conformity with my will and
desire to serve as a container of magical forces!”
Pass the fabric through the incense smoke and repeat the above
consecration, replacing “water” with “incense smoke”.
Copy by hand Psalm 113:3 with a blue ink pen onto the back of
the parchment seal: “Wealth And Riches Are In His House, And
His Righteousness Endureth For Ever.”
Turn the seal one time left and copy your name 4x over the psalm
to cross and cover it. Draw a square around the petition and then
the symbol of Jupiter. See picture below.

Lightly sprinkle the seal with Holy water and incense smoke as
with the fabric. Anoint it with oil; hold it between palms in a
praying hand position with your thumbs touching your chest.
Recite the written psalm 4x and then chant 4x the angelic names:
Say: “O celestial and infinite spirits, by the powers and virtues of
the Holy name, El-Aba, I humbly invoke thy presence and with
faith I beseech thee to infuse this seal with the virtues and powers
of the planet Jupiter. Awaken thy powers within this seal, to serve
for me money drawing seal, attracting financial blessings into my
life with ease”
Briefly visualize the seal radiating with blue rays of Jupiterian
force. Place it down on top of the fabric and proceed to consecrate
each of the items separately as with the fabric. Start with the tin,
coins, gemstone, lodestone and herbs. Place them on top of the
seal after consecrating it. Lastly place your personal concern on it
and then recite the psalm 4x over it allowing your breathe to fall
on the mojo as you do so.
Fold the fabric from edge to edge and then tie it up with an orange
thread to form a ball.
Sprinkle the mojo with water and pass it through the incense
smoke while reciting the usual consecration over it.
Place it down and cover it with a clear bowl. Anoint the candle
with oil and fix it on top of the bowl.
Light the candle, add more incense. knock 4x on the altar, raise a
glass of whiskey up and say 4x: “O Supreme Sovereign, O
Gracious Governor, whose laughter unleashes lightning and life
itself; who bestows bounty both boundless and blessed; to you, I
raise this glass and toast, HAIL JOVE!

Hail to you who actualizes affluence.

Hail to you who is merciful in magnanimity.
Hail to you, massive ruler of gods and men, who brings loyalty,
generosity and faith from the celestial powers!
Hail to you who is the source of the spring of life, the limitless and
the exhaustless one.
Hail to you who is jovial and beneficent, who delights in feasting and
bounty and mercy.
To thee, I call upon and humbly beseech, O Jove, to bless and
sanctify this creature of earth, a mojo bag of my will, that it may anchor
Thy full powers and virtues and be a source of material wealth and
prosperity for me and my loved ones. Placed within it are those things
that represent its purpose: to facilitate the blessings of its contents, to
perpetuate prosperous growth, and ensure that monetary success shall
not be difficult to obtain. May it be a source of productive experience
both for my material needs and also for my spiritual ones.
O Jove, Hurl your thunderbolts in a positive way upon this mojo bag
beneath this candle to create an opening and a link with your powers
and virtues at all times so that the prayers I perform with it may pass to
the earthly world and manifest my will.
With this mojo bag, O Jove, may you enhance my empire, Open
opportunities of material wealth unto me, Favor me with fortune,
Protect me from the profane, and grant me your grace. Hail Jove!”

Replace the glass back on the altar next to the candle and proceed
to chant the following phrase: “Iovis Optimus Maximus” (“Jove
most great and most powerful”) over and over. As you do so, see
the words circling your heart. As they spin they throw off bolts of
lightning towards the mojo. Feel the powers of Jupiter build within
you and the mojo like a whirlwind storm. According to Jason
Miller in his book Financial Sorcery (a book I highly recommend and the
source for the above invocation, used with permisison) “...this is a chant
specifically to build power and the presence of Jupiterian grace. It
is not something to be silently meditated upon, but chanted in
increasing volume.” (Jason Miller).
Meditate for awhile and then recite the following license to depart
to dismiss the spirits: “O mighty Jove, I thank you for attending
my rite. Please take your fill of these offerings of candlelight,
incense, and whiskey laid on this altar and go in peace. Go unto
your abodes as you desire. Forever act as friend and helper. So
Mote It Be. Amen.”
Recite psalm 150 and say: “May the benefit of this act and all acts
be dedicated unto the complete liberation and supreme
enlightenment of all beings everywhere, pervading space and time.
So mote it be. May the benefit of practice, mine and others, come
to fruition ultimately and immediately and we remain in a state of
presence. Amen!”
Ring the bell 4x and declare your spell duly closed. Allow the
candle to burn out then your mojo is ready to serve you.

A Hoodoo Doll-Baby, Dolly, Poppet, Effigy, is a representation of a person

(your spell target, remember this could also be you) made in the likeness of
your target.
This is one of the most essential tools used in Hoodoo sympathetic
sorcery: the concept of like attracts like. As the doll is in the likeness of your
target, whatsoever done to it will be done to your target as if they were
present in person during the work.
This same concept applies when using a figure, or skull, or candle to
influence your target.
Hoodoo dolls found their way into hoodoo practice from the European
folk magic that our forbearers (the African-American slaves) were exposed to
through their magical comingling with other cultures around them at the
time. The concept of adding herbal lore and personal concerns to doll-
babies all came from the slaves to personalize it into a hoodoo-style piece of
A popular misconception is the notion that doll-babies are only used to
curse or bring harm to an enemy. In reality, doll-babies are used for all types
of spells from love, health, blessing, money, domination, protection,
banishing as well as cursing. Doll-babies are used for both positive and
negative spells.
A doll-baby can be constructed of just about any material. Traditionally,
we use a piece of used clothing belonging to the target, preferably from a
sweaty, smelly area of the body. If it’s love/lust work and you can get used
underwear to make your poppet with, that’s perfect. If worn, unwashed
clothing is not an option, then choose something in the line of red flannel,
wax, clay, wood, roots, twigs, corn husks, and you’re good to go. Personally I
love making mine out of clay (or wood/wax) in line with the original
creation of man by God out of the earth, which is actually what this is all
Doll-babies can be either hand-made or bought from an occult store.
One can also use a doll meant as a toy for a child. All the same, I strongly
advise you make it yourself. Remember to add the target’s personal concern
(if any) to the doll to personalize it.
When constructing your poppet, you can utilize magical color symbolism
if you prefer, e.g. Red for sexual love, Pink for romantic love or
reconciliation, White for healing, protection or blessings, Black for hexing or
crossing. Make the doll as detailed as possible so you can affect the precise
part during spell work. For example, sticking needles where necessary, to
cause pain or similar.

Scissors, Pen, Target Name Paper, Target Personal Concern,

Photograph, Needle and Thread.
Card stock or Cardboard (or any other stiff paper or material)
Herbs that correspond with your intent(s)


With the pen, draw a basic ‘gingerbread man’ pattern on the card
stock. Cut it out and trace the pattern onto the cloth twice, then
cut them out.
Sew the cut-out cloth into a doll-baby leaving the top of the head
Turn the doll-baby inside out and stuff it with the herbs, name
paper, personal concerns and some cotton to fill it up and give it a
good shape.
At this point, you can add other things to the doll-baby, things like
personal concerns, dirt(s) from special place(s), gemstone(s), metals
and the like, to further personalize the doll-baby into what you
want depending on the purpose you’re making the doll for.
Now, that you’re done stuffing the doll, sew the head closed. Facial
features can be drawn on with a permanent marker or else added
with buttons and thread or better still with a passport photograph
of the target.

Your poppet is now ready for baptism in a ritual where you name it for
the person it represents.
NOTE: regardless of the materials used in the construction of the
poppet, it is traditional and imperative to baptize it.


Doll-babies won’t work unless baptized; they exist solely as a means to

work on a target without them being physically present, relying on the
Christian concept of baptism and hoodoo sympathetic magic to work.

One white candle (Fire – south)

Frankincense/myrrh incense (Air – east)
A bowl of Holy water (Water – west)
A Holy Salt (Earth – north).


1. Light the candle and incense.

2. Sprinkle the salt over the doll and then hold it in your right hand
over the incense smoke for a while so the smoke wraps the doll in
its mist.
3. Carefully pass it 3x over the candle flame and then sprinkle it 3x
with the holy water.

Say: “With the four elements of creation, Earth, Air, Fire and Water, and
in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I baptize you,
creature of poppet and name you… (State the targets name and surname

1. Blow air slowly 3x onto the doll’s face as if breathing life into its
nostrils while visualizing that you are holding a miniature version
of your target in your hand.

Say: “And the Lord God formed man from the dust of the earth, and
breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
And thus you creature of earth, named… (State the targets name and
surname 3x), shall now become a living soul.”

1. Anoint the poppet thus: forehead, legs, hands and the heart, then,

Say: “With these rites of baptism and consecration performed this sacred
hour by me, a co-creator with the divine, you now represent my target
(Name and Surname) and they you shall be!
Every thought and word I send to you in the form of my rhyme, Shall
control my target all the time until the end of time. What I do to you and
the orders I give in the form of the words I say, happens to my target (Name
and Surname) each night and each day and every passing hour! As if (Name
and Surname) was here instead of you, me you shall obey, because I am in
charge of you! 
With the power of Air I blow your life into you,
With the power of Fire I direct you,
With the power of Water I control you,
With the power of Earth, I take charge of you!
As my stubborn will, and in the name of the Father, the Son, and the
Holy Spirit, so shall it be! Amen!”

1. Now, wrap the doll up in a white cloth until ready for use.

Now that the doll-baby has been ‘brought to life’ you can use it in your
spell work as desired. For example, you can bind male and female dolls
together, burn three red and three pink candles to form a heart shape with
the fastened dolls at the center, and with a green candle and rose incense
offered to Venus at both sides of the dolls to bring romantic and sexual love.
You may also form a circle around the working with fresh red rose petals.
You can bind two black dolls back-to-back with razor blades, breakup
herbs and the like placed in-between them to cause them to fuss and fight
day and night till their love is dead and gone. This nature of doll work is
traditionally buried in, or thrown (over the left shoulder) into the graveyard
after being worked on via your altar.
You can also bind both legs and hands of a black doll-baby with a black
thread soaked with the planetary oil of Saturn, to bind and restrain the
target from something. After binding this doll, you can take it to the
graveyard and bury it with a heavy stone placed on it while calling on the
spirit of Saturn and that of the dead to aid your rite. Blindfold a doll-baby
during a hexing spell so your target doesn’t know who is cursing them. You
may also use pins poked into the eyes for the same purpose.
You can bind the mouth of a doll-baby with some stop gossip powder
placed in the mouth to make your target stop gossiping about you. You may
also sew the mouth shut with a black thread for the same reason.
A doll-baby is worked in variety of ways, such as being talked to, ‘loved
up’, bound to another doll-baby, hog-tied, weighed down, abused, buried, or
even set on fire, all depending on the purpose for which the doll was created
in the first place.
There are endless ways to practically put doll-babies to work in your
hoodoo sorcery. Just use your creative imagination and you’re good to go.

James Udung (aka, Deillumine Ra), is an Ifa priest (Babalawo), a Practicing

MAGI And a Student Of Creation.
For twenty-four years he has studied Rosicrucian Magic and Mysticism,
Solomonic Magic, Christian Magic, Ifa, Voodoo/Hoodoo Magic, African
Traditional Magic, Wicca and Witchcraft, and for more than sixteen years
he has successfully practiced the above magical crafts.

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