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Dennis Brennecke

Katrin Knickmeier
Iwona Pawliczka
Ursula Siebert
Magnus Wahlberg

A Deep Dive
into the World of Science
Marine Mammals
Dennis Brennecke  •  Katrin Knickmeier
Iwona Pawliczka • Ursula Siebert • Magnus Wahlberg

Marine Mammals
A Deep Dive into the World of Science
Dennis Brennecke Katrin Knickmeier
Kieler Forschungswerkstatt, Kiel Kieler Forschungswerkstatt, Kiel
University and Leibniz Institute for University and Leibniz Institute for
Science and Mathematics Education Science and Mathematics Education
Kiel, Germany Kiel, Germany

Iwona Pawliczka Ursula Siebert

Prof. Krzysztof Skora Hel Marine Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic
Station, Faculty of Oceanography Wildlife Research
and Geography University of Veterinary Medicine
University of Gdansk Hanover, Foundation
Hel, Poland Büsum, Germany

Magnus Wahlberg
Marine Biological Research Center
University of Southern Denmark
Kerteminde, Denmark

Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (710708)

Results incorporated in this standard have received funding from the
European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under
the grant agreement No. 710708.

Cover photo: Hèloïse Hamel

ISBN 978-3-031-06835-5    ISBN 978-3-031-06836-2 (eBook)

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Science is fun, interesting, challenging and engaging. Science makes it

possible to discover the marvels of the natural world. With science, we
can document the lives of seals and whales, diving to great depths in
pursuit of their prey and yearly travelling vast distances between breed-
ing and feeding grounds. Science is also what makes airplanes fly and
trains run. And, in the long run, science is what makes us humans able
to survive on Earth, in spite of the rapidly increasing human population
and the challenges we face due to environmental degradation, climate
change and pandemics.
As scientists, we are engaged and full of joy when speaking about our
work. Some people call us the ‘last truly religious people on the planet’.
We love our work, and sincerely believe that science can change the
world for the better.
In spite of all the virtues of science, we predict a shortage of scien-
tists in many western societies in the future. We will not only need more
people doing research, but also engineers, technicians, veterinarians and
medical doctors. There seems to be a general lack of enthusiasm among
young people in taking up the challenge of studying natural science
which paves the road to an interesting, challenging and fascinating
future with relatively well-paid and attractive jobs.
Why is that? The major problem may be the way we try to inspire
young people in choosing their career. There is a long way from the
enthusiastic ‘mad scientists’ you meet at universities, to the rather dry
presentation of science in many secondary and high school textbooks.
Even though modern science centres and media platforms are doing a
great job to inspire visitors and viewers to learn about research, more
tools are needed to catch the interest of the next generation in science.
Marine mammals easily arouse the interest of students. They are sen-
tinel species in many of the current debates about environmental issues:
they are affected by fisheries, plastics in the oceans, environmental pol-
lutants, anthropogenic noise and climate change. Understanding how
marine mammals are affected by human activities opens up exciting dis-
cussions around many different scientific disciplines, such as biology,
chemistry, physics and oceanography.
The book is written to be an inspiration and guide for teachers to
expand their way of teaching biology and other natural sciences in sec-
ondary and high schools. The book is also intended for students to learn
more about the natural world. We have collected a series of topics, all
related to current research in marine mammals, with focus on species
found in the Baltic and North Sea. We hope that whales and seals will
work as a portal to entice students to become interested not only in
marine mammals and marine biology, but also in animal conservation
and nature protection, and many other scientific topics.
The book is divided into chapters covering topics such as marine
mammal biology, sound and hearing, plastics, pollutants and fisheries.
Each chapter introduces the topic and gives important background
facts that the teacher can use in introductory presentations. At the end
VI Preface

of each chapter, there is a small section of current hot topics in marine

mammal research that can be used to spur the interest of students when
seeing themselves as future scientists with all the excitement such work
brings. Finally, we suggest several teaching modules that can be directly
implemented in hands-on activities, inside as well as outside the class-
room. At the end of a book is a glossary, explaining many of the special-
ized and perhaps unfamiliar words used in the chapters. Other words,
that are not explained but that we expect the reader may have to look up
in e.g., Wikipedia, are indicated in italics.
This book is the result of the EU H2020-funded MARINE MAM-
MALS project, which was launched in 2016 and ended in 2019. Within
this project, we developed teaching materials and tried it out on teachers
and students. Now is the time for you to explore the result of these
efforts. We hope that teachers as well as students will find the material
interesting, and also that teachers will develop the material according to
the needs of their students. We also hope that we can challenge the
teachers’ thinking about teaching, and also that we can help making
students more interested in science.
Each chapter has been through extensive reviews by acknowledged
experts in marine mammal biology as well as experienced teachers. We
thank Jay Barlow, Annalisa Berta, Rune Dietz, Peter Evans, Jamileh
Javid Pour, Sara Königson, Morgan Martin, Felix Mittermayer, Paul
Nachtigall, Filipa Paiva, Joseph Schnitzler, Martin Thiel and Peter
Tyack for reviewing individual chapters, and Alejandro Acevedo-­
Gutierrez, Niels Dohn, Carl Kinze, Kristine Pape, Ulf Saure, Volker
Smit, Janto Schönberg, Ewa Wink and Bernd Würsig for providing full-
book reviews.

Dennis Brennecke
Kiel, Germany

Katrin Knickmeier
Kiel, Germany

Iwona Pawliczka
Hel, Poland

Ursula Siebert
Büsum, Germany 

Magnus Wahlberg
Kerteminde, Denmark


1 Who Are the Marine Mammals?..............................................................1

Krishna Das, Helen Sköld, Anna Lorenz, and Eric Parmentier

2 Marine Mammal Acoustics..........................................................................15

Anja Reckendorf, Lars Seidelin, and Magnus Wahlberg

3  haling, Seal Hunting and the Effect of Fisheries

on Marine Mammals.......................................................................................33
Mikołaj Koss, Martin Stjernstedt, Iwona Pawliczka
Anja Reckendorf, and Ursula Siebert

4 Plastic Debris and Its Impacts on Marine Mammals..................49

Katrin Kruse, Katrin Knickmeier, Dennis Brennecke,
Bianca Unger, and Ursula Siebert

5 Chemical Pollution and Diseases of Marine Mammals............63

Anja Reckendorf, Ursula Siebert, Eric Parmentier,
and Krishna Das

6 How to Become a Marine Mammal Scientist...................................79

Katrin Knickmeier, Anja Reckendorf, and Dennis Brennecke

Supplementary Information


Dennis Brennecke  Kieler Forschungswerkstatt, Kiel University and Leibniz

Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany

Krishna Das  Freshwater and Oceanic Sciences Unit of Research, University

of Liège, Liège, Belgium

Katrin Knickmeier  Kieler Forschungswerkstatt, Kiel University and Leibniz

Institute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany

Mikołaj Koss  Prof. Krzysztof Skóra Hel Marine Station, Faculty of Oceanog-

raphy and Geography, University of Gdańsk, Hel, Poland
Foundation for the Development of the University of Gdańsk, Gdańsk, Poland

Katrin Kruse  Kieler Forschungswerkstatt, Kiel University and Leibniz Insti-

tute for Science and Mathematics Education, Kiel, Germany

Anna Lorenz  Institute of Aquatic Resources, Swedish University of Agricul-

tural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden

Eric Parmentier  Freshwater and Oceanic Sciences Unit of Research, Univer-

sity of Liège, Liège, Belgium

Iwona  Pawliczka  Prof. Krzysztof Skóra Hel Marine Station, Faculty of

Oceanography and Geography, University of Gdańsk, Hel, Poland

Anja Reckendorf  Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research, Uni-

versity of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Foundation, Büsum, Germany
Institute for Parasitology, University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Founda-
tion, Hannover, Germany

Lars Seidelin  Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, LSUL—

Laboratory for Coherent Educations and Learning, University of Southern
Denmark, Odense, Denmark

Ursula Siebert  Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research, Uni-

versity of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Foundation, Büsum, Germany
Institute for Parasitology, University of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Founda-
tion, Hannover, Germany

Helen Sköld  Havets Hus, Lysekil, Sweden

Martin Stjernstedt  Havets Hus, Lysekil, Sweden

X Contributors

Bianca Unger  Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research, Univer-

sity of Veterinary Medicine Hanover, Foundation, Büsum, Germany

Magnus  Wahlberg  Marine Biological Research Center, University of

­Southern Denmark, Kerteminde, Denmark
Fjord&Bælt, Margrethes Plads 1, Kerteminde, Denmark

Who Are the Marine

Krishna Das, Helen Sköld, Anna Lorenz, and Eric Parmentier


1   Introduction – 2

2   Marine mammals from the North

and Baltic Seas – 4

3   Adaptation to marine life – 7

3.1      Anatomy – 7
3.2      W hale skeleton – 8
3.3      Diving physiology – 10

4   Teaching materials – 11

Suggested reading – 14

© The Author(s) 2023

D. Brennecke et al. (eds.), Marine Mammals,
K. Das et al.

nnLearning goals
 55 Get acquainted with marine mammals
..      Table 1  What does terrestrial and marine
mammals have in common?
and how they have evolved.
55 Understanding physiological and mor- Viviparity In mammals, the embryo grows
phological adaptations to marine life. and inside the mother. After birth, the
55 Learn about marine mammals found in lactation newborn is nursed by mammary
glands that provide milk
the North Sea and Baltic Sea.
Homeo- Mammals are warm-blooded and
thermy usually covered by hair. Seals have
fur, but whales have no or very few
1  Introduction hairs

Marine mammals are found in several lineages Heart The mammalian heart has four
compartments and a left aortic
among the more than 6000 species of mam- arch
mals (all belonging to the class Mammalia).
Not all marine mammals are closely related. Skeleton Mammals have a lower jaw with
one single bone called dentary.
Together they form a habitat-based group Most mammals have teeth
of animals associated with water. Mammals
evolved on land some 250 million years ago. Ear The mammalian middle ear has
three bones: the malleus, incus and
At least seven separate clades of mammals stapes. Most mammals have an
have returned independently to water, where external outer ear
they have adapted to aquatic habitats. Despite
Cervical Mammals have seven cervical
huge differences between species, terrestrial vertebrae vertebrae forming the neck
and marine mammals share many common
features (. Table 1).

Brain Mammal brains have a cerebral
cortex. This outer layer of neural
Today, some 130 living species of mam- tissue plays a key role in for
mals depend on the ocean for most, or all, of example, language, memory and
their lives. Marine mammals are divided into attention
three taxonomic orders (Cetacea, Sirenia and Blood Mammals have red blood cells
Carnivora) with different terrestrial ancestors delivering oxygen to tissues. Red
(. Table 2, . Figs. 1 and 2).
    blood cells lack a nucleus
Cetaceans (whales) evolved from ter- Respiration Mammals have a thoracic
restrial ancestors which were hoofed ani- diaphragm. When this muscle
mals (ungulates, belonging to the order contracts, it increases the thoracic
Artiodactyla which also contain hippopot- cavity, facilitating air entering the
amus, pigs and deer) more than 50 million lungs
years ago, during the geological epoch called
the Eocene. The closest now-living terrestrial
relative of cetaceans is the hippopotamus
..      Table 2  Marine mammals have evolved from
and the ruminants, including cattle. One of three taxonomic orders
the earliest known cetaceans is Pakicetus
(meaning ‘the cetacean from Pakistan’). Order Examples of Number of
Pakicetus was mostly terrestrial but walked marine mammals species
and most probably hunted in shallow waters.
Cetacea Toothed and 92 species
It looked like a small dog with a long snout,
(whales) baleen whales
incisors and hooves.
Sirenians (sea cows) are herbivores that Carnivora Seals and sea 37 species
(carnivores) lions
emerged during the same time period as ceta-
Polar bear
ceans. Sirenians share a common ancestor Sea otter
with  elephants and hyraxes. Early sirenians
Sirenia (sea Manatees and 4 species
possessed an elongated body and had four
cows) dugong
legs, with dense and large ribs. They were
Who Are the Marine Mammals?
3 1
..      Fig. 1 Simplified
phylogenetic tree showing the
relationships between marine
mammals (in blue) and their
closely related terrestrial
groups (in black)

probably found in rivers and estuaries, living family Mustelidae) are more recently derived
from plants and seagrass. from terrestrial clades. Polar bears evolved
Pinnipeds (seals, sea lions and walruses) from brown bears around 600 thousand years
evolved from another group of terrestrial ago. They have adapted to a marine and Arctic
mammals 25 million years ago during the late lifestyle through a lack of fur pigmentation,
Oligocene epoch. Pinnipeds shares a common shorter but more curved claws, specialized
ancestry with so-called arctoid carnivores, to front paws for swimming, and a larger and
which both bears and otters belong. more round body. Sea and marine otters have
The polar bear (from the bear family, aquatic adaptations that distinguish them
Ursidae) and sea and marine otters (from the from other mustelids, such as their large size.
4 K. Das et al.

2  Marine mammals from the North

 and Baltic Seas

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species is

a comprehensive inventory of the global con-
servation status of plant and animal species.
It uses a set of quantitative criteria to evalu-
ate the extinction risk of thousands of spe-
cies. These criteria are relevant to most
species and all regions of the world. The
IUCN Red List is an authoritative guide to
the status of biological diversity.
In descending order of threat, the IUCN
Red List threat categories are as follows:
Extinct in the wild
Critically endangered
Near threatened
Least concern
Data deficient

..      Fig. 2  Different marine mammals. Not to scale.

Drawings by Annika Toth

zz Name: Harbour porpoise (. Fig. 3)   Distribution: Coastal waters of the

Scientific name: Phocoena phocoena Northern Hemisphere, both in the Atlantic
Behaviour: Usually a rather slow swim- and Pacific Ocean. Also found in the Baltic
mer, generally wary of boats, and almost and Black  Seas. Probably rarer in deeper
never seen to bow-ride (i.e. surf the wave waters.
created by boats, as often observed in dol- Description: Compared to most dolphins,
phins). They can speed up and change direc- the rostrum of porpoises is shorter. The dor-
tion quickly, sometimes making arc-shaped sal side is dark grey, while the ventral side is
leaps when chasing prey. Most dives last less white, and there is often a dark stripe from
than 5  min. The blow is not easily seen but the corner of the mouth to the pectoral fin.
can be heard from quite some distance in The dorsal fin is low and triangular. The body
calm weather and resembles a sharp, puff- shape is rather short and round, limiting heat
ing sound. Harbour porpoises are often loss in cold waters.
sighted by themselves or in small groups Weight and size: 35–90 kg and 135–180 cm
and prefer coastal and shallow waters, even in length. Females are larger than males.
though in some areas they are also found in Lifespan: Approximately 3–10 years, rarely
deeper waters. Occasionally, they have been up to 20 years or more.
observed swimming up rivers.
Who Are the Marine Mammals?
5 1
..      Fig. 3 Harbour
porpoise, Phocoena
phocoena. © Florian
Graner, Fjord&Bælt

..      Fig. 4  Harbour seal,

Phoca vitulina. © Prof.
Krzysztof Skóra Hel
Marine Station, Univer-
sity of Gdańsk

Diet: Fish (e.g., herring, gobids, sprat, cod, within 50 km from where they reside on land
whiting, sole, sand eel), crustaceans and squid. but can also cover longer distances on feed-
Potential predators: Grey seals, sharks and ing trips, males generally swimming larger
orcas; also killed by bottlenose dolphins. distances than females. Harbour seals haul
IUCN red list status: North Sea and inner out on land to rest, thermoregulate, and give
Danish water populations are of least con- birth. On land, they are shy and easily dis-
cern, whereas the Baltic Sea population is turbed by nearby boats or humans.
critically endangered. They are less vocal in air than grey seals
Special features: In the Baltic Sea there are but sometimes produce grunting and yelping
two spatially separated and genetically dis- sounds. Under water, the most commonly heard
tinct populations. sounds are from males making repetitive ste-
reotypical calls during the mating period in the
zz Name: Harbour seal (. Fig. 4)  summer. Harbour seals are curious and often
Scientific name: Phoca vitulina play by themselves with kelp or other objects.
Behaviour: Harbour seals usually swim Distribution: Coastal waters in the North
and dive alone, whereas on land they can con- Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans, and in the
gregate in great numbers. They usually stay southwestern Baltic Sea.
6 K. Das et al.

Description: Round head, pelage in differ- Distribution: East and western Atlantic,
 ent colours and with different patches. Short, also in the Baltic Sea.
dog-shaped snout with V-shaped nostrils. Description: Relatively large head with
Weight and size: Adult males are 160– long snout, straight to convex profile and
190  cm long and weigh 70–150 kg, adult flat skull. W-shaped nostrils well separated
females are 150–170  cm long and weigh at base. Females are silver-grey with dark
60–110 kg. Size may vary between populations. patches on the dorsal side, males are dark grey
Lifespan: Up to 20 years, with females liv- with silver-grey patches; sometimes also com-
ing longer than males. pletely brown or black.
Diet: Generalist feeder with a varied diet Weight and size: Adult males are 200–
consisting of fish, cephalopods, and crusta- 210  cm long and weigh 230–270 kg, adult
ceans. Diet varies between populations and females are 180–190 cm long and weigh 155–
can be area- and season-specific. 186 kg. Size may vary between populations.
Natural predators: Orcas, sharks, walruses, Lifespan: Up to 18 years or more  (some-
grey seals and eagles (pups). times more than 40 years).
IUCN red list status: Least concern. Diet: Generalist feeder consuming a wide
Special features: One of the most widely range of species. Diet may be season- and
distributed species of pinnipeds. In the area-specific and can consist of sand eels,
southern Swedish part of the Baltic Sea, herring, cod, flatfishes but sometimes also
there is a small and genetically distinct pop- birds, harbour seals and even harbour por-
ulation. poises.
Natural predators: Sharks and orcas (and
zz Name: Grey seal (. Fig. 5)   pups have been observed being eaten by older
Scientific name: Halichoerus grypus grey seals as well as by eagles).
Behaviour: Grey seals may forage far off- IUCN red list status: Least concern.
shore and spend the remainder of their time Special features: A grey seal pup may gain
close to the coast. They are opportunistic as much as 2.5 kg per day during the time it
feeders, consuming four to six percent of their receives milk from its mother. This is because
body weight per day. Feeding methods vary the milk contains 50% fat.
between areas and populations. Small fish are
usually consumed underwater and swallowed zz Name: Ringed seal (. Fig. 6)

whole. Large fish are brought to the surface Scientific name: Pusa hispida
and held by prehensile front flippers. The Behaviour: Most ringed seals do not move
fish head is bitten off and discarded, while over large distances, and they regularly return
the remainder of the fish is broken into small
pieces and swallowed.

..      Fig. 5  Grey seal, Hali-

choerus grypus. © Prof.
Krzysztof Skóra Hel
Marine Station, Univer-
sity of Gdańsk
Who Are the Marine Mammals?
7 1
..      Fig. 6  Ringed seal,
Pusa hispida. © Pawel

to the same haul-out site during the night 55 Preventing water entering the respiratory
after their foraging trips. tract and ears
Distribution: Circumpolar distribution 55 Avoiding breaking the rib cage during
throughout the Arctic, and in northern and deep dives
eastern part of the Baltic Sea. 55 Seeing and hearing both underwater and
Description: Ring-shaped marks on their in air
fur as adults. Small head with a short cat-like 55 Suspending breathing while diving
snout with V-shaped nostrils and a plump 55 Storing oxygen in blood and muscles
body. Their fore-flippers have strong, thick 55 Avoiding the formation of nitrogen bub-
claws. bles in the blood when ascending from
Weight and size: Up to 100 kg and 150 cm deep dives
in length. 55 Maintaining their body temperature at
Lifespan: Up to 19 years. 37  °C in a cold environment with a high
Diet: Prey often consists of schooling spe- thermal conductivity
cies that form dense aggregations. Commonly 55 Being able to reproduce in conditions hos-
eaten prey in the Baltic are cod, herring and tile to mammals (e.g. cold water, waves and
amphipods. There are regional variations in large predators)
diet. 55 Withstanding a high ambient pressure
Natural predators: Polar bears, orcas, during dives
foxes, gulls and ravens. 55 Moving in water, which is far denser than
IUCN red list status: Least concern. air
Special features: Ringed seals breed on ice.
They build caves or lairs on top of the ice and Here, we discuss adaptations to these chal-
under the snow by using their strong claws. lenges in more detail.
Here, they give birth and nurse their young.
There is a very small land-locked population
of ringed seals in lake Saimaa, Finland. 3.1  Anatomy

Most marine mammals are large and round-

3  Adaptation to marine life ish. While swimming, their drag is reduced by
their torpedo-shaped bodies with short limbs
Living in water, marine mammals face chal- and small or missing external ears. Whales,
lenges such as heat regulation, locomotion, manatees and sea otters live their entire lives
and the need to hold their breath in search for in water. Seals and polar bears live both on
food. As they evolved from terrestrial mam- land and in water, and their bodies are there-
mals, they have developed different adapta- fore adapted to both environments.
tions to the challenges they meet with their Whales and dolphins have bodies adapted
aquatic lifestyle: for moving through water. Any deviations
8 K. Das et al.

from a torpedo shape are minimized to main- stored energy to survive. Moreover, lipid is
 tain laminar water flow around the body. a source of metabolic water that can be used
Hairs, bristles, and outer ears have been lost, during lactation. Their thick blubber layer
and sexual organs and mammary glands are causes stranded whales to overheat and dehy-
placed in folds. The neck is shortened, hind drate, which can often lead to death.
limbs are suppressed and the forelimbs are The senses need to be modified when
flattened. Their body shape minimizes drag moving from air to underwater. Seeing both
by allowing water to flow evenly around them. on land and in water can be difficult because
Drag consists of several components. The air and water have different light propaga-
most important ones are pressure and fric- tion properties. The refractive index in air is
tional drag. Pressure drag results from differ- 1, in water it is 1.3. Aquatic mammals display
ences in water pressure between the front and emmetropia (sharp vision) while submerged,
rear part of the body. Frictional drag is the meaning their eyes are adapted for optimal
force exerted on the surface of the body due to focusing under water. Both pinnipeds and
the viscosity of the fluid. The amount of drag cetaceans have developed an almost spheri-
depends on the body shape. A sphere mov- cal or slightly elliptical lens to provide a suf-
ing in the water develops high pressure drag ficiently high refractive power under water.
(due to its large cross section area) but low Fishes and cephalopods also have spherical
frictional drag (because of the small surface-­ eye lenses, so this adaptation for underwater
to-­volume ratio). On the other hand, a long vision has evolved independently many times,
slender body has low pressure drag (due to its so-called convergent evolution.  In cetaceans,
small cross section) and a high frictional drag emmetropia in water results in myopia (near-­
(because of the high surface-to-volume ratio). sightedness).
Moving efficiently through water calls for In seals, the lens is bifocal to accommodate
minimizing both types of drag by compromis- well both in air and under water. Also, seals
ing the body shape between these extremes. have a reflective retina that makes their eyes
The shape with the smallest total drag is an glow at night, similar to nocturnal mammals
elongated droplet with its largest diameter on land (such as cats and deer). Together with
one-third body length from its front. This is a larger pupil and many rods in the retina, this
the ‘torpedo-like’ body shape found in many makes their eyes more light-sensitive than the
dolphins and some of the fast baleen whales, human eye. Light-sensitive eyes are needed
such as the blue whale. when hunting at great depths and at night. In
The roundish body shape, together with addition, the highly sensitive vibrissae of seals
extraordinary thick fur or massive body fat and the ability for echolocation in dolphins
also prevents the animal from becoming cold. and porpoises supplements and sometimes
Heat loss is an important issue for warm-­ even substitutes vision, for example, in very
blooded animals in cold water. Newborn murky waters and at night-time.
marine mammals rapidly gain weight and fat
to prevent heat loss. The sooner the newborns
can start swimming and hunting on their own, 3.2  Whale skeleton
the higher are their chances to survive.
Most marine mammals have a thick layer The curiously shaped skeletons of marine
of fat, known as blubber, below the skin. mammals result from evolution of the ones of
Blubber has different functions. It acts as an ancestral mammals that lived on land.
insulator, improving thermoregulation. It Let us have a look at the skeleton of a
affects buoyancy and streamlines the body harbour porpoise (. Fig.  7). The vertebral

during hydrodynamic locomotion. Blubber column is made up of the cervical, thoracic,

stores lipids, and thus energy, that play an lumbar, and caudal vertebrae. Cervical ver-
important role during reproduction, parturi- tebrae are shortened and (in most species
tion and lactation. Many species do not feed of cetaceans) fused. This helps forming the
during these activities and entirely rely on required torpedo shape but limits neck mobil-
Who Are the Marine Mammals?
9 1

..      Fig. 7  Skeleton of a harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena

ity. Thoracic vertebrae are restricted to the The pectoral fins (also called flippers)
extremely flexible rib cage, which is remark- have evolved from forelimbs originally used
able by its very small sternum, resulting in to move on land. The limbs of terrestrial
a higher number of ‘free-­floating’ ribs. The mammals are used to support the animal’s
thorax is extremely flexible, which allows for weight and typically end with claws, nails
lungs being compressed during deep dives. or hooves. In cetaceans, flippers are used
Lumbar vertebrae extend from the thorax for manoeuvres and locomotion, as paddles.
to the anterior part of the caudal vertebrae. Claws, nails and hooves have disappeared.
Hind limbs and sacrum have been lost during The flippers are flattened to provide greater
evolution. However, two ‘free-floating’ sacral strength during locomotion. Moreover, the
bones can be found in some cetaceans. In flipper is shaped as a wing of an airplane and
males, they are used as attachments for muscles can be used to ‘lift’ the body upwards towards
that can retract the penis into the genital fold. the surface.
Caudal vertebrae are easy to identify Besides being used for locomotion, flip-
because they have chevron bones (bones of the pers, dorsal fin and fluke have a thermoregu-
ventral side of the vertebrae) that insert mus- lation function. Major arteries are located
cles to move the caudal fluke or hind limbs. At centrally, surrounded by veins. This struc-
the caudal tip, the fluke is not supported by tural organization is called a counter-current
bones but by connective tissue. Whereas the heat exchanger: heat from the warm arterial
caudal fin of most fish is in the vertical plane, blood flow is transferred to the surrounding
the cetacean fluke is in the horizontal plane. veins, heating the blood returning from body
This is because cetaceans evolved from ter- extremities. This system can regulate heat in
restrial mammals where flexibility for walk- two ways. If the animal needs to cool down,
ing and running occurs in the dorso-ventral the blood flow to the fin is high. If the ani-
plane. Contrary to fishes, the marine mammal mal needs to warm up, it can keep blood
dorsal fin is deprived of bones. The dorsal closer to the core. Moreover, vascular links
fin works as a keel to keep equilibrium when between dorsal fin and flukes of dolphins and
swimming fast. their reproductive organs allows cool blood
10 K. Das et al.

to enter the abdominal cavity to regulate the longer durations. For example, Weddell seals
 temperature around reproductive organs. can dive deeper than 700  m and stay below
Different modifications can also be found the surface for more than an hour. How is this
in the head. An important one is the position possible?
of the nares (blowhole). In terrestrial mam- Diving marine mammals undergo a dive
mals, nares are usually found rostrally (at response. The heart rate drops tremendously
the front) and directed horizontally or down- at the start of the dive. In grey seals, it can
wards. While swimming, a frontal position of drop from 120 to 5 beats per minute. Also,
nares is energetically expensive, as you need to blood supply is funnelled to the most vital
lift your head to place your nose out of the organs of the animal, such as the brain and
water to take a breath. In marine mammals, heart, whereas most other organs receive lit-
nares are directed horizontally or even verti- tle blood and oxygen. The blood volume per
cally, limiting the effort to breath. The most kilogram body weight of marine mammals is
extreme cases are found in cetaceans, where almost twice as large compared to humans.
the nose is directed straight up. Whales there- Both blood and muscles of marine mammals
fore do not need to emerge a large part of contain larger amounts of oxygen-binding
their head to breathe. molecules, called haemoglobin (in blood) and
Marine mammal skulls are also character- myoglobin (in muscles). Whale and seal mus-
ized by elongated upper and lower jaws that cles are deeply red, almost black, because of
result in a long mouth. Dolphins have numer- their high content of myoglobin.
ous sharp conical teeth. Just as for crocodiles, The dive response and other adapta-
their mouth ‘design’ is ideal for catching eva- tions help marine mammals to store oxy-
sive prey, such as fast-moving fish or squid. gen during their remarkably long and deep
In porpoises, the teeth are smaller and spatel-­ dives. Interestingly, humans also have a dive
shaped. Dolphins and porpoises lack ­incisors, response with a reduced heartbeat, but it
canines, premolars and molars, typically is not as dramatic as for marine mammals.
found in terrestrial mammals (and in seals), While humans as well as cetaceans usually
and they only have a single kind of tooth. take a big breath before diving, seals breathe
Baleen whales do not possess teeth, but out and empty their lungs before they dive. An
they have rows of long baleen plates made advantage with emptying the lungs is to pre-
of keratin (a protein also found in nails and vent gases in the lungs becoming dissolved in
hair), growing from their upper gums. Their blood and tissues at greater depths. If the ani-
upper jaw is dorsally curved whereas the lower mal surfaces too quickly, dissolved gases may
jaw is laterally curved. Contrary to terrestrial result in bubbles that can cause blood clots.
mammals, the cartilaginous joints of the ros- This problem is called decompression sickness
tral symphysis (where the two lower jaws meet) and can be reduced if the lungs are emptied
are often missing, allowing the lateral spread- before diving. Empty lungs also allow the ani-
ing of the lower jaw. In this way they let large mal to sink passively without actively swim-
amounts of water enter the mouth. The water ming upon decent. Many marine mammals
is sieved through the baleen plates on its way can tolerate their lungs collapsing during deep
out. The baleen plates are broad and strong at dives through the adaptations of the rib cages
the base but taper into fringes at the tip, form- explained above.
ing a large brush that holds smaller prey when
water is flushed through them.
Current topics of marine mammal
3.3  Diving physiology The dive reflex aids in the conservation of
oxygen stores in mammals by initiating sev-
Most humans can hold their breath for a few eral specific physiologic changes during
minutes and free-dive no deeper than 5–10 m. immersion. The dive response was first
Marine mammals dive much deeper and for
Who Are the Marine Mammals?
11 1
4  Teaching materials
described in the 1940s. In these trials, the
animal was forced under the surface and its ??Exercise 1.1: Marine mammals vs.
physiological response was recorded. terrestrial ancestors
Nowadays, the diving response is investi- Marine mammals are divided into three
gated in trained as well as wild animals of taxonomic group (orders Cetacea, Sirenia
many different species. and Carnivora), each with its own terrestrial
In 2015, Dr Siri Elmegaard and her ancestor. Through evolution, these groups
research team from Aarhus University gradually adapted to the marine environment.
studied trained harbour porpoises at Select a marine mammal and compare
Fjord&Bælt in Kerteminde, Denmark. Siri it with related animals that live on land
tested if a porpoise could voluntarily adjust (. Fig. 1). What is the body shape like? How

its diving response depending on the dura- long are tail and limbs? What do the ears
tion of the dive. They designed an experi- look like? (. Fig. 2)? Where are the nares?

ment where the animal was trained to go for

a short or a long dive. The length of the ??Exercise 1.2: IUCN red list of threatened
dive was indicated to the animal before the species
trial using an acoustic signal. During the Many species of marine mammals are
trials, the animal’s heart rate was measured found on the IUCN Red List of Threatened
using a device attached by suction cups to Species (7 https://www.­iucnredlist.­org/).

the animal (. Fig. 8).

The IUCN Red List is an authoritative
The experiment indicated that harbour guide to the status of biological diversity.
porpoises may be able to adjust their heart- The list uses a set of quantitative crite-
beat voluntarily depending on the length of ria to evaluate the extinction risk of ani-
the dive. In this way, the animal can opti- mals from all regions of the world. There
mize the oxygen demands while diving. If are different threat categories: ‘Extinct’,
this phenomenon is widely spread in differ- ‘Critically Endangered’, ‘Endangered’ and
ent species, it may have important implica- ‘Vulnerable’ consider species threatened by
tions for conservation biology of cetaceans. global extinction. ‘Near Threatened’ con-
If the animal is disturbed and forced to cerns species close to being threatened, or
dive, for example being scared by a boat, species that would be threatened without
the ability to save energy during the dive ongoing conservation measures. Species of
may be negatively affected if there is no ‘Least Concern’ have a low risk of extinc-
time for the animal to ‘plan’ its dive. tion, and ‘Data Deficient’ means there is no
Therefore, its ability to hunt for prey may assessment because of insufficient data.
be reduced. Which marine mammals have you
encountered, or would you like to encoun-

..      Fig. 8  Measuring the

dive response in a
harbour porpoise using a
device attached to the
back of the animal. © Siri
Elmegaard, Aarhus
University and
12 K. Das et al.

ter? Find out what their status is on the late average change in heart rate. Is there a dif-
 IUCN Red List. ference in diving response between males and
females, or swimmers and non-swimmers?
??Exercise 1.3: Mammalian diving reflex: Induce the diving response by using a bag
How is our heart rate affected by of ice on different body parts (back of neck,
diving? wrists, nose and eyes). What is the effect of
Marine mammals must come up to the such actions on the diving response? Repeat
surface to breathe. When they dive, they measurements with water of different temper-
need to stay underwater for a long time atures. What temperature induce the strongest
to enable foraging. Marine mammals rely dive response?
on anatomical features and physiological
responses that have evolved to increase oxy- zz Results
gen storage in the body as well as to reduce When mammals dive, their heart rate
the use of oxygen for non-essential activi- decreases—this is called the mammalian div-
ties during dives. Marine mammals are also ing response. Decreased heart rate conserve
able to funnel their blood flow to essential energy expenditure and oxygen consumption.
organs, such as the brain, by constrict- As a result, mammals can stay underwater
ing some of their blood vessels (periph- longer and therefore also dive deeper. The div-
eral ­vasoconstriction). They also conserve ing reflex is stronger in marine than terrestrial
energy and reduce oxygen consumption by mammals to allow for long dives. Elephant
lowering their heart rate. seals have a very strong dive response, and they
In this exercise, we will see what hap- can stay underwater for more than an hour.
pens to your heart rate when you submerge They are also helped by a high myoglobin con-
your face in cold water. tent and a large blood volume (. Table 3).

Before you do the experiment, think

about what you expect will happen. Do you ??Exercise 1.4: Thermoregulation and
think your heart rate will increase, stay the insulation. How does cold water affect
same or decrease while you are submerged? your muscles?
Heat is lost 20 times faster in water than in
zz Required materials air. When marine mammals dive, they need
55 Plastic bucket with cold water (approx. 10 °C) to stay warm and avoid losing too much
55 Thermometer heat. One of the ways they do this is having a
55 Heart rate sensor thick layer of insulation called blubber, or a
55 Stopwatch fur covering their body. Cetaceans only have
55 Towels blubber and sea otters only have fur, whereas
seals have both. Blubber and fur decrease
zz Tasks heat loss. Bowhead whales, for example, have
1. Measure the water temperature. a blubber thickness of up to 50 cm, serving
2. Making a reference measurement by plac- them well in Arctic waters. Sea otters have
ing the pulse oximeter on your finger and the densest fur of any mammal. A mere
measure your heart rate. 1 cm2 of their fur amounts to the entire num-
3. Start the diving measurement. Place the ber of hairs that humans have on their head.
pulse oximeter on your finger and measure In this exercise, we will investigate how
your heart rate for 30 s while you dip your cold water affects our muscles.
face into the basin filled with cold water. What do you think will happen to your
Record your results. muscle strength when you put your hand in
cold water?
You can extend this exercise: Measure heart Do you think your strength will be
rates from all students in the class and calcu- affected? Will you get stronger or weaker?
Who Are the Marine Mammals?
13 1

..      Table 3 (7 Exercise 1.3) Results: Dive response. bpm beats per minute. Complete the table and the

graph below

..      Table 4 (7 Exercise 1.4) Results: Thermoregulation. Complete the table

Student name Water temp. (°C) Hand strength prior Hand strength after Hand strength after
to submersion (N) hand in water with hand in water with
cotton + plastic no gloves (N)
gloves (N)

zz Required materials 2. Do a reference measurement. Squeeze the

55 Bucket with cold water (approx. 10 °C) hand dynamometer using one hand as
55 Thermometer hard as you can. Record your strength in
55 Hand dynamometer . Table 4.

55 Stopwatch 3. Put on a thick cotton glove over your hand,

55 Thick cotton glove and on top of it a plastic glove. Dip your
55 Plastic glove (large enough to cover the cot- hand in the bucket of cold water for 60 s.
ton glove) Remove your hand from the cold water and
55 Towel squeeze the hand dynamometer as hard as
you can. Record your strength in . Table 4.

zz Tasks 4. Remove the gloves and dip your hand in

1. Measure water temperature of the water. the cold water for 60 s. Squeeze the hand
14 K. Das et al.

dynamometer as hard as you can. Record body heat. When marine mammals dive into
 your strength in . Table 4.
  cold water, they need to keep their bodies
warm. One way they do this is by having blub-
If you want to, you can extend this exercise. ber and/or fur. This helps insulate the body
Collect results from all students and make a and allows the animal to stay in the water
graph to see if there is a difference between without getting hypothermia (. Table 4).  

males and females in the effect of low temper-

atures. The experiment can also be repeated zz Home Pages
using different temperatures of water. Is there Committee on Taxonomy, Society for Marine
a difference in muscle strength between sub- Mammalogy; List of marine mammal species
mersion in 10 °C compared to 4 °C? Make and subspecies: 7www.marinemammalscience.
a graph to explore the relationship between org
muscle strength and temperature. Instead of IUCN Red List: 7 https://www.­iucnredlist.­

a thick cotton glove, use a large plastic glove org

and fill it with butter to simulate blubber.
Use different amounts of butter to compare
insulation efficiency. To make this exercise Suggested reading
less messy and to use less butter, students can
1. Berta A 2012. Return to the Sea. The life and evolu-
put on skin-tight plastic gloves on their hand
tionary times of marine mammals. University of
before putting their hand in the large glove California Press.
filled with butter. You can then use the same 2. Elmegaard SL, Johnson M, Madsen PT, McDonald
buttered glove for all students. BI 2016. Cognitive control of heart rate in diving
harbour porpoises. Curr Biol. 26(2):R1175–6.
zz Results
3. Hiebert SM, Burch E 2003. Simulated human diving
Thermoregulation is when an organism can and heart rate: making the most of the diving response
keep its body warm even if its surroundings as a laboratory exercie. Adv Physiol Educ. 27(3):130–
are colder. Insulation prevents the loss of 45.

Open Access  This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(http://creativecommons.­org/licenses/by/4.­0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in
any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made.
The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter's Creative Commons license,
unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the chapter's Creative Commons
license and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to
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Marine Mammal Acoustics

Anja Reckendorf, Lars Seidelin, and Magnus Wahlberg


1 Introduction – 16

2 The physics of sound – 16

3 Hearing and sound production – 20

4 I mpact of noise pollution on marine

mammals – 23

5 Teaching materials – 25

 Suggested reading – 31

Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material

available at [­3-­031-­06836-­2_2].

© The Author(s) 2023

D. Brennecke et al. (eds.), Marine Mammals,
A. Reckendorf et al.

nnLearning goals membrane and move from side to side, con-

55 Understanding acoustics and its impor- densing and relaxing the medium. Sound
tance for marine mammals wave propagation is therefore dependent on
 55 Knowledge about the diverse ways the oscillation of matter surrounding the
marine mammals use sound sound source. Accordingly, sound needs a
55 Understanding how human-made medium to propagate. The medium can be a
sounds can affect marine mammals gas (such as air), liquid (such as water) or a
solid (such as the seafloor). In outer space,
where there is no medium, sound cannot
1 Introduction propagate.
The particles in the medium do not actu-
We live in a world of sounds: both natural and ally travel with the sound wave. They oscillate
human-made (anthropogenic) ones. So do the and end up in the same location where they
animals with which we share this planet. started after the wave has passed. For an ani-
Many of them depend on their abilities to mated graphic of sound propagation click
navigate the soundscape to survive. Marine 7 here and 7 here.
mammals use sound both for sensing their A sound wave is a longitudinal wave. The
surroundings and to communicate, sometimes medium’s particles move back and forth par-
over long distances. Knowledge of bioacous- allel to the direction in which the sound wave
tics and the physics of sound are important, travels. In contrast, in a transverse wave (such
both when trying to understand the lives of as an electromagnetic wave), the particles or
marine mammals and also when trying to pro- field move perpendicular to the direction in
tect them from human disturbances. which the wave is travelling. Water waves are
The underwater world contains many dif- more complicated: here, the particles move in
ferent sounds, which can have natural causes a circular fashion.
like thunder, winds, animal sounds and rain, Check online supplementary animated
or be man-made. Marine mammals are well graphic . Fig. S1.

adapted to natural sounds; they react appro- The easiest described sounds are ‘pure
priately to sounds of interest to them. ‘Noise tones’, or sinusoidal waves. They can also be
pollution’ is the sum of all additional, unnat- called signal ‘atoms’, as any kind of sound
ural sounds which disturb animals. Sounds can be constructed out of sinusoidal waves.
are not heard equally well by all animals. An Sinusoidal waves are defined by their ampli-
acoustic signal which is important to one tude, frequency and phase (. Fig. 1).

species may be without interest or disturbing

to another. It is difficult to assess the impact Amplitude
of noise on animals, as we often need to Amplitude measures the local pressure
address the effects on different species sepa- fluctuation created by the movement of
rately. the particles, measured in pascals (Pa; or
newton/m2, N/m2; . Fig.  1). One pascal

equals the pressure generated by 1 newton

2 The physics of sound over an area of 1 m2. In air, one pascal is a
very high sound level, similar to noise
Sounds are waves, somewhat similar to ocean generated by cars on a highway at a close
waves you can see rolling in on a beach or that distance. Compared to the atmospheric
you create yourself in your bathtub. Sound pressure, which is around 100 kPa at the
waves can be generated by, for example, a surface of the Earth, the pressure fluctua-
vibrating membrane. Particles of the sur- tions generated by most sounds are small.
rounding medium are set in motion by the
Marine Mammal Acoustics
17 2

..      Fig. 1  Left top: A sound wave, depicted as a func- tom: a sound wave of higher frequency, depicted as a
tion of time (recorded at a certain position). Left bot- function of time and range. A sinusoidal sound wave is
tom: The same sound wave, depicted as a function of characterized by its ‘height’ (amplitude), frequency and
range (recorded at several locations). Right top and bot- phase (determining at which time the peak occurs)

Frequency It is important to understand the basics of

Frequency is defined by the number of wave pressure and intensity before we move on to
cycles in 1 s, measured in hertz (Hz). Thus, discuss how well animals hear. When com-
1  Hz is one cycle/sec, while a kilohertz paring hearing in air and underwater, it
(kHz) is one thousand cycles per second. makes a difference if we report hearing
The frequency is closely related to the thresholds (i.e. the weakest sound an animal
wave’s pitch, which is the animal’s percep- can here) in pressure or intensity units. As
tion of how ‘high’ (treble) or ‘low’ (bass) the we will see below, when measured in units of
sound is. Decreasing the frequency lowers pascals, underwater hearing thresholds
the sound’s pitch and makes it more ‘bass- seem higher than aerial ones. However, this
like’, while increasing the frequency raises it does not necessarily mean that marine
(making the sound more ‘treble-­ like’; mammals hear worse underwater than ter-
. Fig. 1). Different species of animals have
  restrial mammals hear in air. The difference
their best hearing at different frequencies: is to a large part a matter of the composi-
humans hear best at 2–4 kHz, while por- tion of the medium in which the sound
poises hear best at 100–140 kHz. propagates. Because water is denser than
air, a pascal of sound underwater carries
less intensity than a pascal of sound in air.
Intensity Thus, comparing in-air and underwater
sound levels is by no means trivial. When
Another useful unit is the intensity of the
reporting thresholds in units of intensity,
wave, which is defined as I = p2/(ρc), where p
some marine mammals (such as seals, which
is the sound pressure (measured in Pa), ρ is
live a semi-aquatic lifestyle) have similar
the density of the medium (in kg/m3) and c is
hearing thresholds in air and underwater,
the speed of sound in the specific medium (in
while others (such as dolphins, which are
m/s). Intensity is measured in units of W/m2
entirely aquatic) have poorer hearing in air
(watts/metre2). Intensity is related, but not
but extremely sensitive hearing underwater.
identical to, how loud humans and other ani-
mals perceive sound (for humans, the latter is
called the loudness of the sound).
18 A. Reckendorf et al.

Sound levels expressed as decibels (which in decibels become 40–60 dB re 1 μPa),

Because the span in sound pressures that while the threshold of pain is probably beyond
can be observed in nature is huge, the 1 or 10 kPa (180–200 dB re 1 μPa). The loud-
 sound amplitude scale is often compressed est sounds that can be produced in air, such as
into a logarithmic scale, known as the sounds from rifle shots and jet engines, can be
decibel scale. Decibels are calculated as up to around 180 dB re 20 μPa. Beyond this
sound level, the air molecules cannot main-
dB = 20 log10 ( p / p0 ) ,
tain the extremely large particle motions and
where log10 is the base-10 logarithm, p is start to behave in ways not easily described by
the measured pressure (in Pa), and p0 is physics. Underwater, the loudest animal
the so-called reference pressure, which is sounds are produced by sperm whales, which
p0 = 20 μPa (micropascals) for airborne sometimes click at about 240 dB re 1 μPa, if
sounds, and p0 = 1 μPa for underwater recorded at a distance of 1  m. Even louder
sound. The reference pressure in air is sounds exist, but these are mainly of human
close to the human hearing threshold at origin, such as the sounds from sonars and
1 kHz. In this way, the hearing threshold underwater explosions. Remember though
of humans at this frequency is 0 dB re 20 that to directly compare the sound intensity in
μPa (try to calculate this yourself). The air and underwater, you have to subtract 62
underwater reference pressure does not dB from the underwater decibels.
have any biological meaning but has been Another important feature of a sound
hand-picked by a scientific committee. To wave is its frequency content. Young humans
indicate which reference pressure is used, can hear from about 20  Hz up to 20  kHz.
in-air sound pressure levels are reported With age, the upper hearing limit is rapidly
as dB re 20 μPa and underwater as dB re 1 decreasing so most people older than 50 years
μPa (. Fig. 2).
  have a hard time hearing sounds above
Because of the differences in reference 10 kHz. Humans hear best at 2–4 kHz, which
units as well as in speed of sound and den- is significantly higher than the frequencies
sity of air and water, it is not easy to com- where we emphasise our speech, at a few 100s
pare in-air decibel levels with underwater of hertz (. Fig. 3).

ones. A sound signal of equal pressure in

both media is 26 dB higher in water than ►►Example
in air (due to the different reference pres- Human hearing is not fine-tuned to the fre-
sures), and a sound of equal intensity is 62 quencies at which we communicate. But why
dB higher in water than in air (due to dif- do we speak at different frequencies than our
ferent reference pressures and imped- best hearing occurs? A crowded bus ride may
ances). give you a hint. You can easily continue talking
to your friend nearby, in spite of all the noise
of other people talking around you. If a baby
starts crying however—and babies cry in the
Let’s compare the decibel scales in air and
2–4  kHz range where humans hear best—you
underwater (. Fig.  2). In air, the scale of

may stop your conversation to see if any help is

audible sounds spans from the hearing thresh-
needed or soon consider switching to another
old, which for most mammals is lower than 20
bus to continue your conversation. Our hearing
μPa up to about 100 Pa, around the threshold
seems to be evolutionary tuned to listen in for
of pain. This means a difference of 6–7 orders
infants that need to be comforted. ◄
of magnitude between the lowest and highest
point of the audible scale. In decibel units, the
biologically relevant in-air scale is from a bit The speed at which a sound wave travels is dif-
less than 0 dB to more than 130 dB re 20 μPa. ferent for every medium. It depends on the
In water, the lowest hearing thresholds of density, temperature and a few other parame-
marine mammals are about 100–1000 μPa ters, like ambient pressure and (for u
­ nderwater
Marine Mammal Acoustics
19 2

..      Fig. 2  In-air and underwater decibel scales. The ref- ter sounds. The water dB scale is shifted by 62 dB, so
erence pressure for airborne sounds is dB re 20 μPa, that in-air and underwater sounds at the same vertical
while dB re 1 μPa is the reference pressure for underwa- location have the same acoustic intensity

sound) salinity. In air, the speed of sound is and humans, do this primarily by gauging the
330–340 m/s, and in water 1450–1500 m/s. difference in timing or intensity of the sound
Thus, sound travels about 4.4 times faster received at each ear. Both timing and intensity
underwater than in air. differences will become smaller in water. Due
The different acoustic properties of air to the high speed of sound transmission
and water have implications for the way we underwater, sound is received at both ears
perceive sound in the two media. For example, closer in time than for airborne sounds.
an important cue when listening for sounds is Furthermore, for a signal with a certain fre-
to determine their direction. Many animals, quency content, the wavelength is longer
A. Reckendorf et al.

Infrasound Sound Ultrasound

Sound Pressure Level [dB SPL]


Audible range


20 0

10 0
20 0



Frequency [Hz]

..      Fig. 3  Left: the human hearing threshold in blue, olds have been shifted so that the intensity level is the
and threshold of pain shown in red. On the right, the same for the underwater and in-air hearing thresholds.
audiogram of a harbour porpoise (green) is compared Left figure from Larsen and Wahlberg (2017), right fig-
to a human audiogram (blue). The audiogram thresh- ure from Wahlberg et al. (2015)

underwater than in air, as the wavelength is Many of them can hear even higher frequen-
the ratio between speed of sound and fre- cies than seals. The record holder are small
quency. Due to the longer wavelengths, and odontocetes such as the harbour porpoise,
the similarity of flesh, bone and water density, which can hear frequencies higher than
the animal’s head is less efficient in shielding 140 kHz. Porpoises hear best in the frequency
signals underwater than in air. Therefore, range where they produce their echolocation
intensity difference cues between the two ears signals (. Fig. 4). Their hearing sensitivity at

to determine the direction of a sound source these frequencies is among the best sensitivi-
become less efficient in water. Terrestrially ties found in any aquatic mammal.
adapted animals, and humans, have a very Marine mammals produce a large reper-
hard time determining the direction of a toire of different sounds. In most cases you
sound source underwater. Marine mammals, can quite easily detect the difference between
however, have certain anatomical and physio- sounds from a seal, a dolphin and a baleen
logical adaptations to tease out the direction whale. Seals produce sounds both in air and
of underwater sounds. Porpoises, for example, underwater in the same frequency range as
have acoustically decoupled inner ears: they humans, mainly for communication and dur-
are detached from the skull and surrounded ing mating activities. Dolphins produce clicks,
by air compartments. burst-pulsed sounds and whistles. Some of
these signals are produced in the frequency
range audible to humans, but they often also
3 Hearing and sound production contain higher, so-called ultrasonic, frequen-
cies. Baleen whales produce extremely low-­
Marine mammals use sound to communicate frequency sounds. Blue and fin whales
over short and long distances, to acoustically regularly sing below 20 Hz, which is the lower
sense their surroundings and navigate under- frequency limit of human hearing; sounds
water, locate prey and mating partners, and to below this limit are called infrasound.
avoid predators. Sound is one of the most useful ways of
Depending on the species, the upper hear- communication, above and especially
ing limit differs tremendously. Seals can hear ­underwater. Many marine animals have good
well up to about 20 kHz in air, whereas their eyesight, but even in the clearest tropical
underwater frequency range is more than waters, visibility is restricted to a few tens of
doubled, up to 50  kHz. Their hearing is metres. Sound on the other hand travels much
adapted to life both in air and water. Toothed further. Many low-frequency sounds may be
whales hear well underwater but poorly in air. often heard over very large  distances. Many
Marine Mammal Acoustics
21 2

..      Fig. 4  Hearing (in black) and sound production (in grey) ranges in a selection of animals

marine organisms have developed ways to directing the sound in to a narrow beam. The
produce and detect sound. Whales, for emitted sound waves travel through the water
instance, have developed distinct communica- until they reach an object, such as a prey item
tion strategies and orientation systems, which or an underwater obstacle. The object reflects
allow them to find prey and communicate some of the sound energy, creating an echo.
with conspecifics over great distances. For The returning echoes are mainly received
example, blue whale calls have been heard at through the whale’s lower jaw, containing fat
ranges of tens or even hundreds of kilometres. which channels the perceived sound towards
Toothed whales (odontocetes) use echolo- their inner ear complex (Fig.  5). Thus, by
cation. They produce very high-frequency emitting ultrasonic sound pulses, odontocetes
sound waves by forcing air past so-called pho- listen for echoes and can detect objects under-
nic lips into the air sacs of their nasal pas- water. They can basically ‘see’ their environ-
sages. The clicks are transmitted through ment through the sound waves they produce,
sound conducting acoustic fat of different in some ways similar to the echo sounder on
densities in the front of their head (the melon), board a ship.
22 A. Reckendorf et al.

..      Fig. 5  Sound production and reception in a harbour dashed line) and mainly received through the lower jaw.
porpoise. The purple structure in the forehead is the The red shading indicates the mandibular acoustic fat
acoustic fat of the melon, which channels the emitted close to the ear bone. © Annika Toth
clicks (green). The sound is reflected by the fish (orange

Baleen whales and seals do not use echolo- other hand, do not contain much energy at fre-
cation, but they still rely on sound and hear- quencies below 100 kHz and are centred around
ing for survival. Seals, and probably also 120–140 kHz, where they hear best. It is believed
baleen whales, produce sounds with their lar- that porpoises have adapted their sound pro-
ynx and some additional air sacs, similar to duction to higher frequencies, which are out of
terrestrial mammals. Besides good underwa- the hearing range of orcas. This prevents orcas
ter and in-air hearing abilities, pinnipeds (true from hearing sounds from their potential prey.
seals, walrus and eared seals) can perceive Porpoises, on the other hand, can hear the sounds
water disturbances with their whiskers to from nearby orcas and may therefore be able to
detect water movements generated by swim- avoid being captured. However, orcas have highly
ming fish. specialised hunting strategies and often stop mak-
ing sounds before starting a hunt, making it more
►►Example difficult for their prey to evade the attack.
Marine mammals have evolved adaptations that Some of the strongest reactions to sounds
allow them to use sounds both to detect prey and played to marine mammals occur when a play-
to avoid predators. An interesting example is the back signal sounds like a natural predator. Again,
frequency range of sounds and hearing of har- orcas are an interesting example. There are differ-
bour porpoises compared to one of their preda- ent types of orcas: some feed on marine mam-
tors, orcas. Orca sounds consist of a wide range mals, while others only eat fish. The different orca
of whistles and pulsed calls, with fundamental types also have different sound repertoires. Orca
frequencies as low as a few kHz and harmonics sounds were played back to Canadian harbour
beyond 100  kHz. Their best hearing is around seals, which are regularly preyed upon by orcas.
40  kHz. Harbour porpoises hear best between The seals responded aversively to sounds from
120 and 140 kHz but can also hear sounds as low mammal-­eating orcas, but they did not respond
as a few kHz. Harbour porpoise signals, on the to calls of fish-eating orcas. ◄
Marine Mammal Acoustics
23 2
4 I mpact of noise pollution tinuous noise over longer periods. If tempo-
on marine mammals rary hearing impairment occurs, it is called
temporary threshold shift (TTS). A TTS is a
There are many ways humans utilise the passing increase in the auditory threshold
oceans, and many of these activities introduce resulting in momentary hearing impairment.
sound into the natural environment. We humans know this phenomenon as the
Underwater noise pollution is caused by, for ‘discotheque effect’, as our hearing is tempo-
example, recreational boats, commercial ship- rarily reduced after exposure to loud music. A
ping, windfarms, oil rigs, underwater explora- permanent hearing threshold shift can occur
tion for oil and gas, and military activities. as a result of repeated TTS events or from a
Highly utilised areas often have particularly single exposure to an intense sound. Both
high levels of underwater sound. Noise pollu- humans and marine mammals can become
tion may however be just as bad or even worse permanently less sensitive or even deaf to
in quieter areas due to a smaller degree of sounds of certain frequencies after loud or
habituation (become accustomed to a behav- long exposure of sound.
iour or condition) in animals living in such
environments. ►►Example
Because many marine mammals use acous- Another problem that can be investigated with
tics as an important way to detect prey, to bioacoustics is collisions between ships and
communicate or to orient themselves, a func- whales. The International Whaling Commission
tional hearing system is of uttermost impor- runs a global ship strike database (7 http://iwc.­

tance to them. To a certain degree, marine int/ship-­strikes), and it shows an increasing

animals can increase the sound level or fre- number of records over the last years. Why do
quency range of their communication signals whales and manatees get hit by vessels instead
to make them more audible under noisy condi- of avoiding them?
tions. If communication sounds are masked by One of the reasons may be that the main
anthropogenic noise, they may not be able to noise source of a boat is the engine, which is
hear calls of conspecifics to find mating oppor- situated in the stern of the boat. The hull is
tunities or food. This can potentially play a shielding the engine noise towards the front, so
major role in individual or species survival. straight ahead of the boat the noise level is sub-
Noise can also disturb the animals’ natural stantially reduced. If the animal approaches
behaviour, make them leave their known habi- the boat sideways, the noise level drastically
tat to find more silent locations, interrupt increases, making it aware of the approaching
feeding, change diving behaviour, maybe even danger. If an animal forages or sleeps straight
cause reproductive impairment through acute ahead in the ship’s pathway, it may not perceive
and chronic stress, and lead to temporal or the sound of the engine and propellers, making
permanent changes in distribution. Loud con- it more vulnerable to collide with the ship,
tinuous or impulsive noise can damage hear- while whales startled by noise tend to surface
ing at certain frequencies, temporarily or rapidly, putting themselves in greater danger
permanently, which can result in failure to for collisions at the surface. The animal may
hear important signals, such as an approach- even seek out a location straight ahead of the
ing ship or a certain frequency component of boat, to avoid too much noise from the
mating calls. Additionally, certain types of approaching vessel. Additionally, underestima-
anthropogenic noise, like military sonar, can tion of vessel speed, and maybe also hearing
lead to death when deep-diving whales impairment, could also explain why animals
attempt to escape or evade the sound by are increasingly colliding with boats. Also, the
ascending too quickly. number of fast-moving boats in waters fre-
Hearing impairment is caused by exposure quented by cetaceans and manatees are con-
to loud sounds, also to less intense but con- stantly increasing. ◄
24 A. Reckendorf et al.

Continuous stress through noise pollution

can supress the immune system and make Current topics of acoustic and noise pol-
marine life more vulnerable to infectious dis- lution research on marine mammals
 eases and parasitic infections. Many marine How can we use acoustic research to pro-
mammals hear and communicate at frequen- tect marine mammals and to learn more
cies different from the ones used by humans. about them?
They may therefore be affected by sounds that We still do not know much about how
we cannot hear. Thus, when evaluating noise marine mammals communicate and orien-
effects on marine mammals, it is important to tate themselves underwater with sound.
use broadband recordings and analysis sys- Researchers work with trained animals,
tems that can detect sounds also outside the sometimes blindfolded to ascertain they
hearing range of humans. only make use of auditory cues during the
We need more research on the current lev- experiments. In this way, it can be shown
els of noise in the oceans, and how noise that, for example, blindfolded toothed
affect marine fauna. Politicians and decision whales are able to find their way through a
makers need to take the results from such maze or detect and catch prey. This is con-
research into account when judging if miti- sidered the classical evidence of their ability
gation measures are needed. The environ- to echolocate.
mental impact assessment of new marine We can also investigate the hearing abil-
activities should include potential effects of ities of trained animals by hearing tests.
noise emission. When needed, successfully This can be done in the same way as with
tested sound mitigation measures should be humans: When a sound is played during an
implemented. Such measures could include experiment, the animal is trained to indi-
effective animal warning devices used prior cate if it heard the sound by putting its
to military sonar, or so-­called ‘bubble cur- snout on a certain response symbol. The
tains’ used  during construction work (see hearing abilities of stranded individuals can
Exercise 5). One could also envision the be checked through measurements of their
development of quieter ship engines, chang- auditory brainstem response (ABR), small
ing shipping routes and harbour entry lanes, electrical potentials originating from the
or speed reduction zones. brain in response to auditory stimuli. The
electrical potentials are recorded from the
skin of the animal with electrodes embed-
ded in suction cups, which are attached to
Buying more local goods instead of having the head. In this way we can measure if ani-
everything shipped from abroad is another mals can hear a certain sound without
way to improve the current situation of being trained for a hearing test. The same
extensive shipping (if you want to learn methodology is used to detect hearing
more about the marine traffic density in problems in newborn human babies. In
your area, you can search on the internet stranded marine mammals, ABR measure-
for links displaying marine traffic in your ments are sometimes used as a health
country’s coastal zones or exclusive eco- parameter: The animal needs to be able to
nomic zone). Thus, by adjusting our per- hear the species-specific frequencies to be
sonal behaviour we may improve the released back into the wild.
situation not only for marine mammals Another approach to study the impact
but also for the marine environment in of noise pollution on marine mammals is
general. using acoustic data loggers that can be
Marine Mammal Acoustics
25 2
zz Tasks
deployed in critical habitats or along ship- 1. Listen to the sound files (always use the
ping channels. The data loggers record calls same volume); start with the lowest fre-
of the target species and ambient noise. In quency (20 Hz).
this way, scientists can better understand 2. Mark down when you hear the sound on
species distribution and habitat use without the spreadsheet and leave the spot blank if
having to be continuously present on a boat you do not hear it.
for observations. Real-time passive acoustic 3. After filling out your audiogram, you can
sensors can transmit the sounds of seals repeat the exercise using each side of your
and whales via satellite or radio links to a headphones separately. This way you can
unit, which informs captains that animals create audiograms for both your right and
are present, and that caution has to be prac- your left ear and compare them.
ticed once an alert has been sent.
If you want to learn more, Discovery of
Sound in the Sea offers great further learn- zz Results
ing materials and updated information on The result will be your own, personal fre-
their web page 7 https://dosits.­org/ (only

quency limits of your hearing.
in English). Compare your results to other students and
repeat the experiment with people of different
age classes, like your parents and grandparents.
Can you see differences in the hearing limits?
5 Teaching materials The results will not be as accurate as an
audiogram measured by professional audiolo-
gists, as the played back sound level will
??Exercise 2.1: The frequencer
depend on the type of loudspeaker.
Have you ever wondered why some people
hear sounds that others cannot hear? What
??Exercise 2.2: Human echolocation
are the frequency limits of your hearing,
Imagine you are trapped in a dark room
and are both of your ears equally sensitive
you are unfamiliar with. How could you
to sound? orientate yourself ? Do you think you could
By listening to sounds of different fre- teach yourself human echolocation?
quency and intensity, you can register the Not only bats and toothed whales use
frequency limits of your hearing. You can echolocation—humans can also learn to
then compare your hearing limits with echolocate, and some can become quite
the ones of other animals (such as marine good at it. Visually impaired humans some-
mammals; see an example in . Fig.  3) to

times spontaneously learn to echolocate to
better understand in what ways our hearing compensate for their lack of vision. This
differs from theirs. phenomenon was formerly called ‘facial
vision’ but is now known to be echolocation.
zz Required materials Interestingly, one of the best human echolo-
55 Frequency sheet, available as online cators known, Daniel Kish from California,
. Supplementary file S2.
  remembers learning this skill while being
55 Sound files, available as online . Supple-
  only a few years old. He only understood
mentary file S3. that he was using a method comparable to
55 Loudspeaker and device to play sound bats and dolphins when 20 years old. If you
files want to know more about this technique,
55 Headphones check out 7 https://visioneers.­org/.

26 A. Reckendorf et al.

zz Required materials zz Results

55 Several large wooden When approaching a wall, the blindfolded
55 Plastic or cardboard panels (A0 or similar student will notice a change in the returning
 sizes) echo of the emitted click sound. This should
cause the student to stop or to turn, instead of
zz Tasks walking into the wall. When stopped in front
1. All students should try to practice of a wall, the student should slowly reach out
emitting click sounds with their tongues for them to appreciate the actual distance.
prior to the experiment by using their You can also leave an opening in the shielded
own hand as a barrier to see if the clicks circle, that has to be found by echolocation.
they emit are effective. It might take Afterwards, the students can disperse in the
some time to produce efficient sounds, room and the blindfolded one can try to locate
but it is a fun group exercise. them by echolocation and find a way to navi-
2. The students need to stand in a circle, gate around them. Additionally, if the stu-
facing the middle, shielding themselves dents are trained to echolocate, different
with the panel ‘walls’. During the materials can be tested, since harder surfaces
experiment, all students should be (e.g. a white board) reflect sound in a different
silent to get the best experimental effect. way than softer ones (e.g. cardboard) do.
3. Position a blindfolded student inside
the circle. The blindfolded student ??Exercise 2.3: Name the sound
needs to emit click sounds while slowly How much do you know about animal,
walking towards the classmates, with- environmental and anthropogenic sounds?
out stretched out arms, just relying on And how much do you know about under-
the sound of the returning echoes water sounds? Do you think you can discern
(. Fig. 6).
  natural from man-made underwater sounds

..      Fig. 6  Human echolocation (7 Exercise 2.2). The

  inside the circle. The blindfolded emits click sounds
students stand in a circle, shielding themselves with while slowly walking around, trying to figure out where
panel ‘walls’, while a blindfolded student is standing the ‘walls’ are by listening for returning echoes
Marine Mammal Acoustics
27 2
easily? You have surely listened to song- tilation system is needed, students have to
birds, and you may have tried to identify be extra cautious while the soldering iron
them by their song. There are many more is connected and accordingly need super-
natural sounds to explore. In this exercise, vision for the soldering part of the task. If
we focus on some underwater sound exam- soldering is considered too dangerous or
ples that are completely unknown to most unfeasible during a class exercise, this part
people. Can you guess the origin of those can also be prepared prior to the experi-
sounds? ment.
55 Piezoelectric crystal (they come in very dif-
zz Required materials ferent sizes and shapes, depending on the
55 Game file -loudspeaker desired frequency response and sensitivity.
55 Name the sound game, available as online For example, guitar piezos are fairly cheap
. Supplementary file S4
  and appropriate for the experiment. Crys-
tals can be ordered online, or contact a
zz Tasks company directly and ask for a crystal that
1: Listen to the automatically played sound can be used in the audible frequency range,
and repeat it by clicking on the small speaker since product types change over time and
symbol. vary among companies).
Guess its origin before continuing to reveal 55 Solder with low melting point (e.g. solder
the four provided possible answers. containing silver) and soldering iron (pref-
Was your first guess represented in the four erably with the possibility to regulate the
answer options? temperature manually).
If not, choose A, B, C or D as your answer. 55 A shielded cable with two exposed final
If so, was your answer correct? strands (long enough to be lowered into
the study waterbody).
zz Results 55 A small plastic bottle (about 3 ml) with a
You will see how easy or difficult it is to dis- plastic lid.
cern natural and man-made sounds from each 55 Vegetable oil (olive, sunflower, or similar).
other. Probably animals often have the same 55 A high-impedance amplifier (this can be
difficulties as we do. bought relatively cheap online).
55 A pair of headphones or a small loud-
??Exercise 2.4: Build your own hydrophone speaker.
Do you think that there is a simple tech- 55 A connector to attach to the hydrophone
nological way for us to hear sounds inside cable (e.g. a so-called BNC connector that
natural bodies of water? If so, what do you can be bought online).
think you will hear down there? 55 Sinking weight.
Hydrophones are underwater micro-
phones that can be easily built from a few
components. With a hydrophone, you can zz Tasks
listen for animals, such as whales and seals 1. Pierce a small hole into the lid of the
communicating with one another, or just plastic bottle, run the cable with its
the general underwater soundscape, sound- exposed final strands through it and
ing so eerie and unfamiliar to most of us attach a connector to the other cable
‘land dwellers’. And with the right materi- end (outside the lid).
als, it only takes 30 min to build your own 2. Solder one of the cable’s two strands
hydrophone. on the inside and the other on the out-
side of the piezoelectric crystal under a
zz Required materials (. Fig. 7a)

fume hood. It is best to use solder with
55 This exercise includes soldering, so proper a low melting point. Ideally, the solder-
safety precautions need to be in place and ing iron temperature should be kept
care is advised. A fume hood or other ven- below 250°C to avoid damaging the
28 A. Reckendorf et al.

..      Fig. 7  Build your own hydrophone (7 Exercise 2.4).

  Soldering the cable, one strand on each side of the
a All necessary materials laid out on the working desk. b piezoelectric crystal. c After placing the crystal in the oil
filled container, everything is connected and tested

sound-sensitive crystal. Always take 4. Waterproof the crystal by pouring

caution not to inhale solder fumes vegetable oil into the small plastic
(. Fig. 7b).
  bottle and placing the crystal
3. Attach the amplifier to the connector, attached to the cable inside. Then,
connect the output of the amplifier to the tightly seal the lid and attach the
loudspeaker or headphones and switch it sinking weight to the hydrophone so
on. Now perform a ‘tap test’: tap gently it does not float.
on the crystal—you should hear a sharp 5. Now the hydrophone is ready for use
noise through the loudspeaker. (. Fig. 7c).

Marine Mammal Acoustics
29 2
zz Results 55 Air bubble tube (use a commercially avail-
The vegetable oil does not conduct electricity, able bubble tube for aquaria).
but it conducts sound waves: therefore, the 55 A 1.5 m hose to connect the pump with the
underwater sound waves can reach the piezo- air bubble tube.
electric crystal. The crystal transforms the 55 A waterproof sound device (e.g. a panic
pressure into voltage. The voltage is picked up alarm or similar).
by the cable strands and gets amplified before 55 An aquarium, a container or a bucket full
being transmitted to the loudspeaker. Thus, of water.
sound can be transmitted to the speaker with- 55 Suction cup tube holders or weights to pre-
out short-circuiting the crystal. vent the air bubble tube from floating in
the aquarium.
zz Tasks
Bring the hydrophone out to a dock by a 1. Flex the bubble tube in tight loops, so that
lake or by the sea and sink it into the water. it results in almost two full rings. Make
Take caution to keep the rest of the elec- sure the end of the bubble tube is blocked
tronics dry. Now, listen to the sounds. You (clamped or glued), so no air can escape
can also splash the water surface with your that way (. Fig. 8a). All air needs to flow

fingers or throw a small stone into the through the holes along the tube for the
water. You can hear if you can detect fish bubble curtain to function properly. Then,
or other natural sounds, or perhaps you mount the coiled tube with the suction tube
can hear a passing boat? holders or weights inside the aquarium, so
that it stays at the bottom.
2. Connect the bubble tube with the compres-
sor or aquarium pump by using the extra
??Exercise 2.5: Build a bubble curtain hose (. Fig.  8b). The hose needs to be

Imagine you want to build an offshore wind long enough to ensure that the bubble tube
farm, to generate renewable, clean energy. is fully submerged on the aquarium bot-
How would that effect aquatic life in the tom, while the pump can safely be stored
area? What can be done to protect them outside and connected to a power circuit.
from harmful noise impacts? Then, fill the aquarium with water.
Bubble curtains are noise mitigation 3. Place the sound-producing device in the
measures that are used to dampen and middle of the air bubble tube rings, freely
absorb sounds of underwater constructions floating in the water column. If the device
to prevent extensive hearing loss and noise is in contact with the walls of the aquar-
harassment of marine mammals close to ium/bucket, they may function as sound
the construction location. Sometimes, huge transmitters and the experiment will not
bubble curtain systems are built around work, as the produced noise will be dis-
construction sites and activated when nec- persed equally by all container walls.
essary. If you are interested in more infor- The students should be silent during
mation and pictures regarding this topic, the entire experiment.
search the internet for, for example, The Big 4. Begin the experiment: start the sound
Bubble Curtain by BBC. device underwater and let the students lis-
In this experiment, we will build a min- ten to the sound of the freely submerged
iature bubble curtain to show the effective- device for a moment.
ness of such a mitigation device. 5. Start the aquarium pump to initiate the
bubble curtain and listen for changes
zz Required materials (. Fig. 8c). Do not let the experiment run

55 Air compressor (it can be a very simple, for too long, since our ears adapt to the
cheap aquarium pump, but the stronger volume of the sounds and after some time
the compressor, the better the result). noises appear louder to us again.
30 A. Reckendorf et al.

a c

..      Fig. 8  Build a bubble curtain (7 Exercise 2.5). a Air

  hose and air bubble tube. c Running bubble curtain
bubble tube for aquaria, the air holes are clearly visible. experiment. The red alarm functions as free-­ floating
The end needs to be sealed; here we use glue. b ­Complete underwater sound source. The white, self-built hydro-
bubble curtain setup with aquarium pump, connective phone is used to measure sound levels inside and outside
the curtain for comparison

6. Think about the implementation of a bub- Tip

ble curtain on a large scale. Which materi-
als are needed to make it work? Are there By submerging the active sound device
other problems that could be caused by in the water, you can try to explain a
using a bubble curtain? hard sound barrier and sound reflection.
The density difference between the two
media (air and water) is several hundred-
zz Results fold; therefore, the two media form a
When the bubble curtain appears, there should boundary and we cannot hear what is
be a clearly detectable drop in the sound level. happening underwater while we listen in
Due to the limited amount of air holes in the air. This is why bodies of water usually
commercially available tubes or depending on appear silent to us. In this case, we still
the strength of the used compressor, the effec- hear the sound of the panic alarm,
tiveness of this experiment is often not huge, because it is loud and the container walls
but the students can get a good feeling for transmit the sound back into the air. To
how effective it can be if more air bubbles and prove this, let the alarm sink to the bot-
dual or triple layers are used. tom, and the transmission of the sound
For Task 6, additional ship traffic around will appear louder. Try the bubble cur-
the construction site, electricity supply to the tain again with the sound device lying on
construction site and running of loud genera- the bottom. It will not work well, due to
tors should be considered, as well as huge sound being transmitted by the con-
hoses on the sea floor, likely damaging plants tainer walls. You can also use a stetho-
and microhabitats. Still, the impact of pile- scope to listen to the sound from inside
driving is usually considered more dangerous the aquarium and better avoid the effects
and needs mitigation measures, even if they of the walls.
come at additional environmental costs.
Marine Mammal Acoustics
31 2
Suggested reading
If the device would be submerged in
the ocean where the sound is not redi- 1. Tyack PL 1998. Acoustic communication under the
rected and transmitted, we would not hear sea. In: Hopp SL, Owren MJ, Evans CS, editors.
it at the water surface. If we are sub- Animal acoustic communication. New York:
Springer-Verlag p. 163–220.
merged, we can hear more of the sounds
2. Wahlberg M, Linnenschmidt M, Madsen PT,
present underwater. However, the air- Wisniewska D, Miller LA 2015. The acoustic world
water sound barrier still exists inside our of harbour porpoises. American Scientist; 103:46–
ears, so we do not hear underwater sounds 53.
as good as in-­air sounds. Many underwa- 3. Au WWL 2018. Echolocation. In: Würsig B,
Thewissen JGM, Kovacs K, editors. Encyclopedia
ter sounds are outside the human hearing
of marine mammals. New York: Academic Press.
range but within the hearing range of 4. Nummela S, Yamato M 2018. Hearing. In: Würsig
marine life. Often, we may not think B, Thewissen JGM, Kovacs K, editors. Encyclopedia
enough about the potential damage caused of marine mammals. New York: Academic Press.
by underwater noise because we do not 5. Mann D, Hill-Cook M, Manire C, Greenhow D,
Montie E, et al 2010. Hearing loss in stranded odon-
hear the noise that well.
tocete dolphins and whales. PLoS ONE

zz Home Page
All animated graphics by Dan Russell are
available under a Creative Commons
4.0 International License. 7 https://www.­acs.­


Open Access  This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(http://creativecommons.­org/licenses/by/4.­0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in
any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Whaling, Seal Hunting

and the Effect of Fisheries
on Marine Mammals
Mikołaj Koss, Martin Stjernstedt, Iwona Pawliczka,
Anja Reckendorf, and Ursula Siebert


1   Introduction – 34

2   Bycatch – 34

3   Seal-safe fishing gear

and catch damage – 36

4   Bycatch mitigation measures – 36

5   Whaling and seal hunting – 38

5.1      Whaling – 38
5.2      Seal hunting – 39

6   Teaching materials – 40

Suggested reading – 47

Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material

available at [­3-­031-­06836-­2_3].

© The Author(s) 2023

D. Brennecke et al. (eds.), Marine Mammals,
34 M. Koss et al.

nnLearning goals human activities and environment alterations

55 Understanding interactions between prevent them from thriving. Additionally, if
marine mammals and fisheries, and marine mammals maintain a low fertility rate
how to mitigate them (having very few or no offspring) or a high
55 Gaining knowledge about the views of level of diseases in a particular region, it is
different interest groups concerning likely that their environment and prey are
 whaling and seal culling contaminated with toxic substances. Common
55 Learning how to determine the diet of toxic substances are persistent organic pollut-
marine mammals by studying fish ear ants such as pesticides (for example DDT) or
bones industrial chemicals (such as PCB). Similarly,
the presence and good health status of marine
mammals indicate a marine environment of
1  Introduction high quality.
Overlap in human and marine mammal
Marine mammals are important top preda- diets can lead to competition and result in
tors in the world’s oceans. Many species are bycatch, catch depredation and fishing gear
opportunistic feeders, catching the most abun- damage. To study such issues, it is essential to
dant, convenient and easiest caught prey, know the diet of marine mammals in the area
depending on region and season (. Table 1).  
of interest. The identification and size of fish
For example, Baltic grey seals (Halichoerus prey can be derived by measuring otoliths (fish
grypus) feed mostly on herring, sprat and cod ear stones; see 7 Exercise 4.1 and . Fig.  4)

in the Baltic Proper, but further north in the often found in the stomach or faeces of marine
Bothnian Bay they also feed on whitefish and mammals.
Apart from being an important part of
marine food webs, marine mammals are indi- 2  Bycatch
cators for the state of the marine environ-
ment. This is one of the reasons why stranded Fisheries operate in many areas that are natu-
marine mammals undergo extensive post-­ ral foraging grounds of marine mammals. This
mortem investigations, including stomach inevitably leads to interactions and conflicts
content analysis and including monitoring between fisheries and marine mammals. One
levels of toxic substances in various tissues. type of interaction is incidental entanglement
Large abundances of whales or seals in cer- and death of marine mammals in fishing gear,
tain regions indicate good environmental con- called bycatch. Another major issue is gear and
ditions. For example, decreasing numbers of catch damage caused by marine mammals.
hauled-out seals could indicate that various In the Baltic and North Sea region, bycatch
is one of the major anthropogenic threats to
marine mammals, although quantitative esti-
..      Table 1  Daily food consumption for adult mates of mortality in fishing gear are scarce.
Baltic and North Sea seals and harbour A few extensive reports suggest that the
bycatch rate can be higher than reported in
Grey Harbour Ringed Harbour
official statistics. For Baltic grey seals, the
seal seal seal porpoise yearly bycatch may be higher than 2300 indi-
viduals. For some species, there has luckily
5–9 kg/ 3–5 kg/ 4 kg/day 3–6 kg/day been a documented reduction in bycatch: In
day day
the 1990s, the estimated bycatch was 7,000
Sources: Bergman (2007) and Rojano-Donate
harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in
et al. (2018). The food consumption is affected by the Danish part of the North Sea. Nowadays,
body weight, diet composition and season the estimated porpoise bycatch is lower due to
altered fishing efforts as well as the use of
Whaling, Seal Hunting and the Effect of Fisheries on Marine Mammals
35 3
acoustic deterrent devices (so-called pingers). death, they are often unable to obtain infor-
Still, bycatch remains one of the largest mation on the location, date and type of fish-
threats to marine life, including marine mam- ing gear in which the animal may have been
mals, in many regions, including the North caught. Such data are crucial for the imple-
Sea and the Baltic. mentation of effective conservation measures
for the species in question.
Bycatch Changing fishing gear to newer types
Incidental catch of non-target marine spe- known to be less harmful to marine mammals
cies in fishing gear. Marine mammals, does not always provide an environmentally
fishes (non-targeted species and under- responsible or economically feasible solution.
sized specimens), birds and turtles, as well For instance, bottom trawling (dragging a
as invertebrates constitute a substantial trawl over the seafloor) has little direct impact
part of bycatch in certain fisheries. on marine mammals but causes severe dam-
age to benthic communities, as well as it may
result in a large bycatch of juvenile fish and
invertebrates. Thus, switching to ‘marine
The main fishing gear responsible for marine mammal friendly gear’ will not always solve
mammal bycatch are gillnets, which are the overall problems.
anchored on the sea bottom. Gill nets form The worldwide demand for fish will
very long, nearly transparent walls in the increase in the coming decades. Due to over-
water column, constituting traps for marine fishing and the huge quantity of bycaught and
mammals and other animals. Unfortunately, discarded smaller sized fish, the amounts of
incidents of marine mammal bycatch, fish obtained by fishing no longer meet the
although fairly numerous in certain regions, global need. Therefore, most of the fish con-
are rarely reported by fishermen and not sumed today is farm-raised, not wild.
always adequately monitored, which makes a Aquaculture is regarded as a solution to the
proper assessment of this threat difficult. burning issue of ocean overfishing. The main
Frequently, stranded cetaceans show charac- advantage of aquaculture is that, unlike fish-
teristic net marks around their heads or other ing, it relies on bred and harvested fish, not on
parts of the body, indicating previous entan- depleting wild fish stocks. Prospects of aqua-
glement in fishing nets (. Fig.  1). Post-
  culture are promising, but some types, such as
mortem examinations often reveal a full offshore open systems, pose serious environ-
stomach and bleeding in several organs, most mental threats, resulting in unhindered inter-
likely caused by death struggle. Net wounds actions between farmed fish enclosed in cages
around the neck, snout or flippers are also or netting systems and the surrounding envi-
observed in seals. Even though scientists ronment. Aquaculture can spread diseases,
sometimes judge bycatch as a likely cause of parasites and chemicals (e.g. antibiotics) into

..      Fig. 1  Left: Bycaught harbour porpoise with net marks around the snout. © Katarzyna Jęczkowska. Right:
Stranded grey seal entangled in fishing net. © Mateusz Puzdrowski
36 M. Koss et al.

the wild. Faeces and nutrients released into ceived as being in competition with fisheries.
the environment may cause the rise of algal The seals may affect the fish stocks not only
blooms and eutrophication. Damaged cages by directly feeding on them but also through
result in farmed fish escaping. Escapees of the spreading of parasites, for which seals and
farmed fish not belonging in a certain habitat fish are part of the life cycle.
can compete for food and place with indige- The most severe gear damage and catch loss
 nous species. The escaped fish can also inter- due to Baltic grey seals is reported from the
breed with the wild stocks, which may lead to Gulf of Bothnia. The problems are worst in
questionable mixing of gene pools. In addi- coastal fisheries using static fishing gear, such
tion, aqua-cultured fish needs to eat. To grow as salmon traps, as well as in gillnet fisheries for
them to harvestable size, a large amount of herring and whitefish. Fisheries using active
additional smaller fish is needed, which is usu- fishing gear, such as trawling, are less affected.
ally wild-caught. Thus, there are both positive Various methods have been tested to minimise
and negative sides of marine fish aquaculture. the seal-fishery interactions. One option is
financial compensation for seal-­induced catch
damages. However, this solution is short-term
3  Seal-safe fishing gear and catch and does not solve the actual problem.
damage Additionally, it does not take the seal mortality
in fishing gear into account, unless special con-
Marine mammals can cause catch loss or gear structions preventing seals from becoming
damage by feeding on fish caught in nets entrapped in the gear are used voluntarily by
(. Fig.  2). Since the 1990s, the conflict has

fishers. The implementation of so-called alter-
escalated between Baltic fisheries and grey native fishing gear may both reduce catch and
seals. The grey seal population of historically gear damage, as well as bycatch of seals.
about 100,000 individuals suffered a drastic
decline in the 1970s after decades of hunting
and exposure to pollution. After being pro- 4  Bycatch mitigation measures
tected in the 1980s, the Baltic grey seal popu-
lation have recovered, reaching over 40,000 There are four main approaches to reduce
individuals in the late 2010s. Meanwhile, the bycatch of marine mammals:
biomass of several commercial fish species 55 Reduce fishing efforts,
has decreased in the Baltic for various rea- 55 Use pingers or other acoustic deterrent
sons, and seals have increasingly been per- devices,

..      Fig. 2 Marine
mammals, in particular
pinnipeds, can cause
severe catch loss or gear
damage by feeding on fish
entrapped in fishing nets.
© Annika Toth
Whaling, Seal Hunting and the Effect of Fisheries on Marine Mammals
37 3
55 Implement time restrictions and area clo- large problem in the Baltic Sea, Baltic fisher-
sures for fishing, and men are reluctant to use pingers. Currently,
55 Use alternative fishing gear. there are attempts to develop pingers that are
inaudible to seals but audible to porpoises.
The most effective way to curb bycatch is to Temporal and spatial closure of fisheries is
reduce fisheries that incidentally catch marine another way to successfully reduce bycatch.
mammals. Implementation of he total allowed The deployment of gillnets could be banned
fishing effort using, for example, gillnets, is during certain times of the year and in loca-
nowadays made. tions important for marine mammals. Proper
Acoustic deterrent devices of the so-called implementation of such regulations requires
pinger type (. Fig. 3) are effective in minimis-
  thorough information on the distribution of
ing bycatch of harbour porpoises. Pingers marine mammals and an in-depth under-
emit acoustic signals of rather low intensity, standing of the needs of fisheries in the desig-
with frequencies between 10 and 180  kHz. nated area.
They are attached to gill nets at a few hundred Another way to reduce seal-induced catch
metres distance from each other. According to loss is the development of new fishing tech-
EU legislations, fishing vessels above 12  m niques. There are different types of alternative
length using some types of gillnets in certain fishing gear that have been introduced in the
areas are obliged to use pingers. Unfortunately, Baltic Sea, for example, pontoon traps and cod
gillnets are widely used in Baltic waters, and pots. The construction of alternative fishing
the areas and gill net types where pingers are gear aims to protect the fish catch from the
mandatory does not always overlap with the seals, but also the seals from being bycaught.
areas having the highest abundance of har- In addition to new fishing devices and tech-
bour porpoises. niques, traditional fishing gear could be modi-
Pingers can almost entirely eliminate fied by using stronger net materials, and wire
bycatch of harbour porpoises, when used partitions or grids in the entrance of traps and
properly. However, it is unclear if porpoises fyke nets.
habituate to pingers in the long run. Also, Fish and seafood consumers need to be
pingers may not scare off but instead attract aware of the impact their shopping behaviour
grey seals to the nets. This complicates the have on adequate bycatch protection of
efficiency of pingers in regions where seals are marine mammals. Various official certificates
abundant, since the pingers may act as dinner have been introduced to ensure that labelled
bells for seals and thereby intensify seal depre- fish was caught using techniques that mini-
dation. Since seal depredation is already a mise bycatch. Choosing a certified instead of

..      Fig. 3  Yellow acoustic

deterrent devices,
so-called ‘pingers’, are
attached to a fishing net
in order to minimise
bycatch. Harbour
porpoises are scared away
by the sounds the pingers
produce. © Annika Toth
M. Koss et al.

an uncertified product helps ensure that The Swedish KRAV label for organic food has imple-
bycatch caused by traditional and more harm- mented a system for the certification of sustainable
fisheries. Sustainability is evaluated using three criteria:
ful fishing techniques will finally be replaced safe fishing methods, sustainable stocks and traceability.
by modern and marine mammal-friendly gear, Safe fishing methods require the use of fishing gear that
limiting bycatch. eliminates capture of non-targeted species or undersized
individuals. Sustainability ensures that fishing is carried
 Seafood certification schemes span from
out on stocks that can be maintained in the long term.
Traceability allows checking the location of fishing ves-
self-certification to third-party ecolabelling sels, ensuring they only fish from approved stocks in
schemes. Some of the most well-known cer- authorised areas.
tifications of fisheries are the international Naturland was founded in Germany in 1982 as an
organic farming certification scheme. It later devel-
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) and
oped certification schemes for aquaculture and fisheries.
the Friend of the Sea (FOS). Some coun- Naturland standards on sustainable fishery focus on the
tries have their own certifications, such as careful use of fish stocks while protecting entire ecosys-
the Swedish KRAV and German Naturland. tems, avoidance of harmful fishing methods, and sup-
Out of the 50 or more seafood ecolabelling porting fair working conditions for fishermen.
Seafood certification schemes are not without flaws.
schemes that are out there, MSC and FOS
Scientists and NGOs have been objected to some fisheries
cover over 25% of the global seafood certi- certifications. For example, a substantial part of seafood
fications. certified by MSC or FOS lacks stock status information.
Target species are sometimes overfished and therefore
not worthy receiving the label. Some of the MSC certi-
Seafood certification schemes fiers have been paid by the fisheries. Still, we believe it is
The Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) assesses if wild sensible to purchase certified seafood, as the fraction of
capture fisheries are sustainable and well-managed. MSC less exploited or healthier fish stocks is 3–4 times higher
was established in 1997 as a partnership between WWF in certified than in non-certified products.
and the food company Unilever. A certain amount of
marine mammal bycatch is accepted under the condi-
tion that it is sustainable and only has a small impact
on populations. The certification is carried out by third-­
5  Whaling and seal hunting
party certifiers. About 15% of the world’s fisheries are
covered by MSC programmes. Assessments of fisheries 5.1  Whaling
is based on scientific verification of the sustainability of
targeted fish stocks, the ecosystem impact and the quality
of management of the fishery. In the future, MSC will
Whaling is the practice of hunting whales,
adjust its assessment methodology to FAO (The Food and dolphins or porpoises. In some parts of the
Agriculture Organisation, United Nations) guidelines for world, whaling started at least 3,000 B.C.,
the ecolabelling of fish and fishery products. mainly as a food resource. In the 1800s,
Friend of the Sea (FOS) was founded in 2006 by the whales were also hunted for blubber (which
Earth Island Institute’s ‘Dolphin Safe Project’, which has
been managing the ‘Dolphin Safe’ label. FOS is one of the
was used for, lamp oil, lubrication and soap)
most diverse seafood ecolabels and certifies both aquacul- and baleen (whalebone, used for, corsets and
ture and fisheries. The sustainable fishery criteria require umbrella ribs). During the era of industrial
no overexploitation of target stock, not more than 8% whaling in the twentieth century, many
discards, no bycatch of endangered species, no impact on larger whale species were hunted for meat to
the seabed, compliance with regulations, social account-
ability and gradual reduction of the carbon footprint.
near extinction. The industrialised hunt had
The ‘Dolphin Safe’ label played a role in the reduction of such an impact on populations that several
dolphin bycatch in tuna fisheries. Despite these efforts, the species of large whales are still listed as
affected dolphin populations have not recovered, which endangered. Nowadays, whales are pro-
indicates that both fishery management and the ‘Dolphin tected by several national laws and interna-
Safe’ label are not effective enough. Dolphin-safe catch
methods may be used by the industry primarily as a
tional conventions. The International
marketing tool rather than a genuine attempt to protect Convention for the Regulation of Whaling
dolphin populations. Consumers should look for actual was ratified by many countries in 1946. Even
certified labels on tuna cans rather than general ‘dolphin though most countries have banned whaling,
friendly’ prints. Also note that some dolphin-safe fishing there are still a few countries hunting whales
practises can have a substantial bycatch of other threat-
ened species of, for example, sharks and turtles.
(. Table 2).

Whaling, Seal Hunting and the Effect of Fisheries on Marine Mammals
39 3

..      Table 2  Examples of modern whaling operations, regulated by the IWC

Type Purpose Where? Concerns

Aboriginal Cultural and nutritional Alaska, May also have commercial purposes by
subsistence requirements of remote Chukotka, selling whale meat to tourists. Traditional
whaling aboriginal communities Greenland and killing methods are often less efficient than
Bequia modern ones
Scientific Research Japan (until If meat is sold, these operations are not
whaling 2019) only scientific but also commercial
Commercial Economic Iceland and These countries object the IWC morato-
whaling Norway; Japan rium. They have established their own
catch limits, not regulated by IWC

IWC and ASCOBANS in the North Pacific 560,000, and in the

The IWC (International Whaling Commission) manages Southern Hemisphere an estimated 2,000,000
whaling and is involved in cetacean research and con-
animals. These are only the officially docu-
servation. The IWC regulates commercial, scientific and
aboriginal subsistence whaling. Membership of the IWC mented numbers; the real numbers are likely
is open to any country that formally adheres to the 1946 much higher.
Convention. In 1986, IWC implemented a whaling mora- Once stocks of larger whales had been
torium on large whales, pausing commercial whaling. The depleted, the whalers moved on to hunt other
moratorium has given many whale populations a chance
stocks, and eventually smaller species. Sail-­
to recover from the extensive exploitation during the
nineteenth and twentieth centuries. powered whaling ships took around 300,000
The moratorium was affirmed in 2018 and is still sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus)
effective. A few countries object to the moratorium and between the early 1700s and the end of the
pursue whaling, targeting, for example, minke whales 1800s. Technological advances of the late
(Balaenoptera acutorostrata, e.g. Norway) and fin whales
nineteenth century made whaling extremely
(Balaenoptera physalus, e.g. Iceland). In addition, some
countries are allowed to pursue scientific whaling to evalu- efficient. Engine-driven vessels and the explod-
ate the status of certain populations. However, scientific ing harpoon were introduced, as well as fac-
whaling has been suspected to be used as a ‘loophole’ to tory processing on huge ships or at whaling
pursue commercial whaling under the moratorium. Japan stations. In the first 60 years of the 1900s, the
is an important country in these discussions. After hav-
same number of sperm whales were caught as
ing conducted scientific whaling sanctioned by IWC for
decades, Japan resumed commercial whaling and left during the previous two centuries. In the fol-
IWC in 2019. lowing decade (1970s), the same number of
ASCOBANS (Agreement on the conservation of small sperm whales were again harvested, this time
cetaceans in the Baltic, North East Atlantic, Irish and due to a special interest in the waxy fluid
North Seas) was ratified in 1991 and extended to its
inside their heads, called spermaceti.
present extent in 2008. The objective of ASCOBANS
is to restore or maintain a favourable conservation sta-
tus for cetaceans in the area covered by the agreement.
Working groups of scientists and conservationists within
ASCOBANS develop area- or topic-specific management
5.2  Seal hunting
strategies for the protection and recovery of local popu-
lations of marine mammals, such as harbour porpoises. Seal hunting also goes back several thousand
years of human history. Seal bones and teeth
During the twentieth century, the era of are found in human-made deposits in
industrial whaling, almost 3 million ceta- Northern Europe from stone, bronze and
ceans were killed. Measured as total biomass, iron ages. Seals have been hunted for fur,
this constitutes one of the largest animal blubber and meat. They have also been
harvests in human history. In the North hunted as pest control to reduce competition
Atlantic, over 280,000 cetaceans were killed, with fisheries.
40 M. Koss et al.

During the past few hundred years, the two

main target species for seal hunting in Northern none of these new types of gear are 100%
Europe were the harbour and grey seal. In the seal safe. Seals quickly improve their skills
late 1800s and early 1900s, a bounty system in raiding fish traps, and therefore constant
was established in several countries as an modifications of fishing gear are essential.
attempt to reduce seal stocks and their influ- It is necessary to continue the development
 ence on fishing. The bounty system led to an of effective and sustainable seal-safe fishing
overexploitation of both species. With the methods, while at the same time prevent
additional detrimental effects of DDT, PCBs damage caused by seals. In order to improve
and other toxic substances, the populations fishing gear and to test new prototypes, a
plummeted in the 1950s and 1960s. Both grey close cooperation between scientists, fishing
and harbour seals have been protected from gear technologists and fishermen is
hunting since the 1980s in most Northern required.
European countries. Since protection, the pop- At the Swedish University of
ulations of Northern European seals have Agricultural Sciences (SLU) in Lysekil, Dr.
steadily increased, except for a few viral disease Sara Königson and her student, Jasmine
outbreaks with a high mortality in harbour Stavenow, investigate conflicts between
seal populations in 1988 and 2002. Today, the seals and fisheries. The aim of their research
abundance of both harbour and grey seals has is to develop seal-proof fishing gear. In one
reached a sustainable level. Still, the nutritional of Sara’s research projects, she has devel-
and health status of individual seals have not oped and tested pots as an alternative to gill
reached a satisfactory level. nets used for cod. Sara and Jasmine
Limited seal hunting (mainly for fishing attached waterproof cameras to the pots so
gear protection, but in some areas also for that they could study both fish and seal
food) is allowed in several Baltic countries, behaviour around the pots. They spent
including Finland, Sweden and Denmark. In many hours on the pier or in small boats
Germany, harbour seals belong to huntable preparing the pots for the experiments, as
game, but they have been exempted from this well as in front of their computers, analys-
practice since 1974. Officially appointed and ing the footage and summarising the results
trained seal hunters help the German authori- into reports and scientific publications.
ties to collect dead animals, and to decide if Some of Sara’s and Jasmine’s seal-proof
seals in a poor health condition found alive on pots are now commercially available. Sara
the beach should be sent for rehabilitation or and Jasmine continue to invent or improve
euthanised with a rifle. other types of fishing gear.
You can watch the video of their typical
day of field work and a video showing the
Current topics of seal- fishery interaction
behaviour of grey seals visiting fishing gear
here . Videos S1 and S2.

Improved Fishing Gear

Grey seals exhibit remarkable adapt-
ability and cognitive abilities. In regions of
6  Teaching materials
high abundance, like the Baltic Sea, they
locally create conflicts with commercial
??Exercise 4.1: Fish dissection and otolith
fisheries by eating fish from nets and
destroying gear. To protect catch, fishermen
Did you know that bony fish have ear
may replace traditional fishing gear (such
stones, which can be used for species iden-
as gillnets) with alternative seal-safe gear
tification? How can you determine the age
(e.g. pontoon traps or cod pots). Despite
of a fish?
the large progress that has been made in
Bony fishes have a sensory organ to detect
preventing seal-induced catch damage,
gravity, balance and movement. Within this
Whaling, Seal Hunting and the Effect of Fisheries on Marine Mammals
41 3
..      Fig. 4  X-ray image of
a marine angelfish
showing the location of
an otolith (indicated with
an arrow). © Frédérich

organ, the fish ear is also located. No external toxins are detected may indicate at what
ear (such as our pinna) is necessary for fish to age fish encountered toxins. Otoliths are
hear underwater. Essential to fish hearing is shaped differently depending on species,
the otoliths, meaning ear- (oto) stones (liths). and they are therefore used for taxonomic
Each otolith is made of calcium carbonate studies and species identification. Even
crystals. Bony fish have six otoliths, three on though otoliths found in marine mammal
each side of the head in posterior end of the stomachs and faeces may be eroded by
cranial cavity (. Fig. 4). Some of them are
  digestion, they still provide useful infor-
small, and usually only two of them (which mation on prey species. Such data can also
in some species can grow very large, with a enhance our knowledge on the magnitude
length of several cm) can be seen without a of competition between wildlife and fish-
magnifying glass. When the fish is rocked in eries. Consequently, analysing otoliths
a sound field, the otoliths lag slightly behind makes it possible to study fish, their preda-
due to their higher density, and the relative tors, ecosystems, fishery interactions and
motion between fish and ear stone is picked environmental contamination.
up by sensory hair cells. In this exercise, you will learn how to
Otoliths show annual growth zones, very remove otoliths from herring.
much like growth rings on trees. Therefore,
they can be used to age fish. In herring and zz Required materials
flat fish, the annual growth zones can be seen 55 Dead herring
without any kind of special preparation. In 55 Petri dish
other species, such as cod, the otoliths must 55 Small scissors (e.g. nail or surgical scis-
be prepared before the growth zones are vis- sors)
ible. These otoliths are sectioned, polished or 55 Tweezers
washed in weak hydrochloric acid solution 55 Disposable gloves
in order to enhance the contrast between 55 Paper towels
the different growth zones. Sometimes it is 55 Binocular microscope or smartphone
also necessary to break the otolith and burn microscope
the cracked surface with a burner or candle
before age determination is possible. zz Tasks
There are many other applications to 1. Cut carefully through the top of the head
these stones besides age determination. with small scissors and expose the brain.
Their toxic content may indicate ecosys- The otoliths are located near the bottom
tem pollution. The growth layer in which of the brain case.
42 M. Koss et al.

..      Fig. 5 (7 Exercise 4.1) Otoliths of different fish species. The black-and-white scale on top of each otolith is

5 mm long. Fish illustrations under public domain (CC0) © Wilhelm von Wright, Gervais and Boulart

2. Use tweezers to push the brain out of the ??Exercise 4.2: Whose scat is it?
way or extract it completely so that the two Have you ever wondered how scientists deter-
largest otoliths can be removed on each mine what aquatic predators eat? Why are
side of the head. dietary studies of marine animals important?
3. Place the otoliths on a petri dish and observe In this exercise you will investigate
them under a binocular microscope, or with marine animal scat. You learn how scien-
a smartphone microscope. What do you see? tists identify marine animals through the
Are the edges smooth or rough? Do you help of otoliths and other animal parts
observe any layers? Compare . Fig.  5. to
  found in scat. This information is used to
the otoliths you just extracted. understand the feeding behaviour of marine
Whaling, Seal Hunting and the Effect of Fisheries on Marine Mammals
43 3
mammals, their health status, their habitat zz Required materials
range, the abundance of fish and other ani- 55 Information on marine animal feeding
mals within their local habitat, and much preferences, provided below
more. For example, in a study from 2013 the 55 A compilation of different fish species and
scientists used stomach contents to predict their otoliths (. Fig. 5)

how much giant squid is eaten worldwide 55 Pictures of scat samples (either from
by sperm whales each year. The result was . Fig. 6 or collected by you)

an astonishing 131 million individuals!

..      Fig. 6 (7 Exercise

4.2) Scat content

examples from six
different marine
mammals and birds. It is
possible to determine
which animal each scat
originates from by using
the marine animal feeding
preferences (provided in
7 Exercise 4.2), and

. Fig. 5

44 M. Koss et al.

zz Tasks Porpoises
Your task is to identify the consumed fish spe- Often eat herring, sprat, cod
cies by its otoliths and the bony fragments you Sometimes eat round goby, saithe and sandeel
found in the scat sample, and to identify the Herring gulls
most likely predator by the prey remains pres- Often eat crustaceans, echinoderms, herring,
ent in their scat. mackerel and molluscs
 1. Identify the otoliths and animal parts in Sometimes eat saithe and sandeel
your scat sample (. Fig.  6) by using the
  Common guillemots
provided information on fish and their Often eat herring, sandeel and sprat
otoliths (. Fig. 5). Some animal parts are
  Sometimes eat dab, sticklebacks and whiting
not depicted; in these cases, you have to Great cormorants
guess what it is. Write down your results; Often eat eelpout, perch, roach and stickle-
try to identify the entire content of the scat backs
sample. Otoliths are species specific, but Sometimes eat common ling, mackerel, mol-
there can be a natural variation in their luscs and crustaceans
shape between individuals. Try to match
the sample to the most likely otolith in ??Exercise 4.3: Whaling role play
. Fig. 5.
  You have probably heard about discus-
2. Once you have identified the content of sions about whaling in the news. Did you
your scat sample, use the information on ever consider why it is so difficult to pass a
marine animal feeding preferences below ban on whaling, and why some people and
to see if the scat content matches the feed- nations are opposing it? Should whaling be
ing preferences of a certain species of continued in order to preserve cultural heri-
marine mammal or bird. Remember that tage? Can humans use whales as a source
there is an overlap in feeding preferences of food, just like we use many other types
between species, so it could be that several of animals?
animals fit the criteria. In this case, you Here, in a panel discussion, stakehold-
need to find the most likely species. ers from different interest groups with dif-
3. Write down your answer and describe how ferent opinions debate whether or not there
you identified the species. If you are using should be a worldwide ban on commercial
. Fig. 6. for your scat sample, then check
if your answer is correct here: link. There are very few countries that still
4. Start over again using a different scat sam- pursue commercial whaling. Whale meat
ple and see if you can figure it out faster. for human consumption is usually sold on
local markets. The IUCN (International
To identify the predator, here is some infor- Union of Conservation of Nature), the
mation on marine animal feeding preferences. worldwide authority on the status of nature,
Grey seals lists the minke whale, the major target spe-
Often eat herring, cod, haddock, dab, sprat cies of whaling, as being of least concern.
and whiting Countries that are objecting to the IWC’s
Sometimes eat hake, plaice, salmon, crusta- moratorium decision and establish their
ceans and molluscs own catch limits must provide information
Harbour seals on their catches to the IWC, while Japan is
Often eat plaice, herring, dab and gobids no longer obliged to report to the IWC as a
Sometimes eat crustaceans and molluscs non-member.
Ringed seals
Often eat herring, round goby and sprat zz Required materials
Sometimes eat crustaceans and molluscs 55 Role cards
Whaling, Seal Hunting and the Effect of Fisheries on Marine Mammals
45 3
zz Moderator zz Stakeholders
You lead the panel discussion and examine Whaler: Whaling is my job. I need to earn my
the topic as comprehensively as possible. You money to feed my family. It is what I learned
should remain independent, neutral and not and what I grew up with. I don’t have a uni-
biased towards one opinion throughout the versity degree or much other working experi-
entire discussion, and you are in charge of ence; I don’t think I could provide for my
controlling a fair distribution of the voiced family if I would have to stop this job. I don't
contributions. You are also responsible for understand why most people are so angry
calling the different stakeholders to reason if about my job. Compared to what humans do
the discussion gets too heated, and you to other food production animals, the whaling
should encourage active participation by I practice is much less harmful. Our modern
more reluctant participants through direct methods guarantee a quick and humane
questions. death. Whaling is sustainable; there are plenty
To begin the discussion, you ask the par- of whales out there in the ocean and the stocks
ticipants to present themselves and to outline keep growing. The whales have a good life, are
their position on commercial whaling. Watch free and happy and get killed without any
the time during the introductions: Each par- notice. They had a better life and a better
ticipant only has 2-3  min. If you feel they death than many animals raised for their meat
would have needed more time to explain their in farms.
views, you can always ask them questions dur- Pro-whaling fisherman: Fishing is our live-
ing the debate. lihood, and the whales eat too much fish. We
Subsequently, you will start the discussion. are not able to use our fishing quotas any lon-
Here are some ways to get started: ger due to whales. Fish remains our main
55 Ask a pro-whaling participant what they export businesses. We need to reduce the
think of the anti-whaling opinions, or the whale population in order to fulfil our fishing
other way around, goals. Some whales even eat fish directly out
55 Ask the whaler why he is whaling in spite of our nets!
of a large international opinion being Anti-whaling fisherman: Fishing is our live-
opposed to it, lihood, and the whales support us because
55 Ask an anti-whaling participant for valid they are ecosystem engineers. Many people
reasons to make exemptions from a ban on believe that they eat fish and thus compete
whaling. with our catches, but that is not true. The
larger whales eat plankton and small fish that
Make sure to engage all stakeholders in the is not our target species. They defecate in the
discussion by giving alternative suggestions or water, which enriches the ocean with nutrients
asking about their opinion on that matter. If and gives small plankton and krill food, which
the discussion comes to a standstill, keep the again serves as food source for larger crea-
conversation going. You may, for example: tures. Whales basically help the fish—that we
55 Ask a pro-whaling participant whether he want to catch—grow. Additionally, whales
or she can imagine an alternative to whal- that feed on the same species that we fish
ing, always know where the highest fish abundance
55 Ask an anti-whaling participant if he or is. We just need to go where the whales are and
she thinks we have the right to enforce a we will have good catches.
ban on whaling for indigenous people, and Local politician: This is a sovereign coun-
55 Ask about ethics behind whaling, and try making its own decisions. Foreigners do
about the necessity of whaling to sustain a not rule it, and neither does IWC. We decide
livelihood; point out examples of a whal- ourselves whether whaling should be carried
ing nation that was successfully trans- out or not. Whaling has a long tradition here,
formed into a whale-watching nation. and we are a traditionalistic country. We value
46 M. Koss et al.

our history and our ancestry. Additionally, aware of and that we may exterminate through
whaling is sustainable. Why is it OK to whaling. Additionally, whales are on top of
­slaughter millions of cows, pigs and chickens the food chain, and with their extensive blub-
for food, but not a couple of happy, free-living ber reserves and their longevity, they accumu-
whales? That is hypocritical. late all kinds of toxins. The accumulation of
Whaling industry economist: Whaling has a pollutants in stranded whales can be so high
 long tradition in this country. My family has that they have to be disposed as toxic waste.
been whaling for centuries. Whales have been Whaling nations give out warnings that preg-
an accessible, healthy and sustainable food nant women should not consume whale meat.
source for decades. Additionally, it is worth a This is clearly not healthy food.
good amount of money to sell whale meat. Citizen Robinson: Only few citizens eat
There still is a demand on whale meat because whale meat. I myself grew up never tasting
people grew up eating it. We are a small busi- whale meat and I have no ambitions in doing
ness, targeting only species that are abundant. so. Whaling is an outdated tradition that
Therefore, our practice is sustainable and our should stop. Many tourists coming here don’t
takes are not leading to a population decline like the fact that we are a whaling nation, and
or extinction. we probably have economic losses from peo-
The conservationist: The world's oceans ple who decide to boycott this country due to
are vast. There is no international police force our whaling activities. In my opinion, whaling
operating on the high seas. If commercial harms our country by degrading its economy
whaling is permitted to start up again, there and reputation.
will be no way to control international trade Citizen Johnson: Whaling is a tradition in
of whale meat and blubber. Each large whale this country and therefore we take a lot of
might be worth hundreds of thousands of pride in it. Many citizens of this nation sup-
dollars. Illegal and unregulated whaling could port whaling because it is sustainable, healthy
once again drive the large whale species to the and good for the economy. Whale hunting
brink of extinction, just like it happened in creates jobs and provides a locally sourced
the past. food source. Also, whale meat is better than
Animal welfare advocate: We think that farmed meat, because the whale lived a hap-
commercial whaling must be halted. No one pier life than a cow or pig. Why can’t you have
knows how populations of whales will be both whaling and whale safaris going on in
affected by hunting, on top of other daily the same country? In Sweden, people are
threats they face. Whaling is unethical, and hunting moose, and there are also moose
whales are not suitable for human consump- parks where people can enjoy them.
tion. Whales live long lives and reproduce Tourism expert: Tourism is one of the most
slowly. They cannot be killed in an ethical important and fastest growing businesses in
manner. Explosive harpoons often miss the our nation. Tourists come to see our nature and
right area on the whale’s body, subjecting also for whale watching. It is absurd that we
them to suffering a long, slow and painful keep killing whales, but the behaviour of tour-
death. ists is as baffling to me. Some whale watching
Scientist: Whales have been recognised as tourists even eat whale meat. But other tourists
ecosystem engineers (their faeces enrich the boycott our country as a holiday destination
ocean with nutrients, which feeds plankton due to our whaling reputation.
and thus substantially supports the bottom of
the food chain). Many whales have fixed zz Tasks
migration routes, and we often notice that the
1. In this role play, the participants will
same animal is mistaken for several. Therefore, assume characters of different parties
populations can be misinterpreted as being involved in this conflict of interest.
larger than they really are. One species may be Choose one of the potential roles (or have
divided into subgroups, ecotypes or even com- one assigned by your teacher) and collect
pletely different species, which we are not yet arguments for your position in order to
Whaling, Seal Hunting and the Effect of Fisheries on Marine Mammals
47 3
develop a basis for the discussion. Multi- moderator will take the lead on the discus-
ple students can form groups of parties. sion between the different parties of inter-
However, make sure that the number of est and keep the debate alive.
stakeholders in each party of interest is 4. In the end, all students should collectively
equally distributed. Some additional summarise all pro-whaling and anti-whal-
reading material for more information ing arguments and see if the class can
can be provided by the teacher or obtained come to a differentiated and objective con-
from the internet (e.g. the IWC and the sensus on their opinion on commercial
IUCN websites). Prepare yourself for whaling.
your stakeholder position and for possi-
ble counter arguments. One contestant
(teacher or a student) is the moderator of Suggested reading
the discussion and should be especially
aware of the instructions given above for 1. Calamnius L, Lundin M, Fjälling A, Königson S
this role. 2018. Pontoon trap for salmon and trout equipped
2. Prepare your arguments for about 15 min with a seal exclusion device catches larger salmons.
PLoS ONE 13(7):e0201164.
with your stakeholder colleagues before journal.pone.0201164.
presenting them to the other participants/ 2. Dawson SM, Northridge S, Waples D, Read AJ 2013.
parties of interest. To ping or not to ping: the use of active acoustic
55 What is your position on whaling? devices in mitigating interactions between small ceta-
55 What are your main arguments? ceans and gillnet fisheries. Endangered Species Res.
55 What compromise could be proposed 3. Hansson S, Bergström U, Bonsdorff E, Härkönen T,
in the interest of yourself or your Jepsen N, Kautsky L, Lundström K, Lunneryd SG,
organisation? Ovegård M, Salmi J, Sendek D, Vetemaa M 2018.
Choose one person of your stake- Competition for the fish—fish extraction from the
holder group to represent your party of Baltic Sea by humans, aquatic mammals, and birds.
ICES J Marine Sci. 75(3):999–1008. https://doi.
interest during the discussion. org/10.1093/icesjms/fsx207.
3. The moderator will start the discussion. 4. Rocha RC, Clapham PJ, Ivashchenko YV 2017.
Before the panel discussion begins, partici- Emptying the oceans: a summary of industrial whaling
pants present themselves, their position catches in the 20th century. Marine Fisheries Rev.
and their arguments in 2–3  min. All par- 76(4):37–48.
5. Varjopuro R 2011. Co-existence of seals and fisher-
ticipants are thus given the opportunity to ies? Adaptation of a coastal fishery for recovery of
get to know each other and their positions the Baltic grey seal. Marine Policy 35:450–6. https://
on the topic. After the introduction, the 

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(http://creativecommons.­org/licenses/by/4.­0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in
any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
the Creative Commons license and indicate if changes were made.
The images or other third party material in this chapter are included in the chapter's Creative Commons license,
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Plastic Debris and Its

Impacts on Marine
Katrin Kruse, Katrin Knickmeier, Dennis Brennecke,
Bianca Unger, and Ursula Siebert


1   Introduction – 50

2   Plastics: A problem with many sources – 50

3   Where does plastics end up, and what are

the consequences for marine life? – 51

4   Microplastics: Small particles with specific

problems – 53

5   Mitigation efforts: What can be done? – 54

6   Teaching materials – 55

Suggested reading – 61

Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material

available at [­3-­031-­06836-­2_4].

© The Author(s) 2023

D. Brennecke et al. (eds.), Marine Mammals,
50 K. Kruse et al.

nnLearning goals tic items with food. Plastics which have been
55 Understand plastic pollution problems ingested by smaller animals is transferred to
in our oceans. large animals by predation. Different size
55 Detect and quantify plastics in our classes of plastics cause different threats. For
environment and everyday products. marine mammals, studies of the impact of
55 Obtain knowledge-based ideas to plastics have so far focused on larger debris
reduce plastic pollution. causing entanglement or ingestion, whereas
information on the impact of small plastic
 items is scarce.
1  Introduction

The United Nations Environment Programme 2  Plastics: A problem with many

defines marine debris as “any persistent, sources
manufactured or processed solid material
discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the There are many sources of marine plastic
marine and coastal environment.” Marine debris. A major input comes from land with
debris consist of many different materials, rivers and beaches. Plastic waste from agri-
such as metal, glass, processed wood, and last culture, industrial production, construction
but not least, plastics. Due to its durability sites, or from people carelessly dropping waste
and lightness, plastics make up a large share accidentally ends up in the environment and is
of all marine debris and can be found also in transported to rivers and beaches by wind and
remote places. rain and end up in the oceans. Interestingly,
“Plastics” refer to synthetic materials made 70% of global debris entering the oceans orig-
primarily of crude oil. These materials have inate from only ten larger rivers.
many interesting properties, such as lightness Large amounts of plastic debris are mainly
and durability. They can be hard, soft, elastic, caused by poor waste management. But, even
persistent and formed in any imaginable way. in regions with well-developed waste man-
These features make plastics usable almost agement, debris ends up in rivers and is then
everywhere. We have a hard time imagining transported to the ocean.
our daily lives without plastics. Plastic materi- Nearly 2.4 billion people (about 40% of
als are used for, for example, clothing and for the world’s population) live within 100  km
food packaging and many other products. In from the coast. In many countries, waste
the form of nylon, it is also used in fishing nets is still placed in large waste disposal sites
and fishing lines. that may be situated close to the sea. Strong
One problem with plastics is that they are winds blow large quantities of waste into
not readily biodegradable. Together with the the oceans. Many plastic items are only
large quantities produced, as well as insuf- used once and then they are thrown away;
ficient ways of disposal and recycling, this this includes bottles, bags, cups, straws, and
means that we find plastics everywhere in the spoons. These items may end in the environ-
environment. In 2020, more than 360 million ment due to the carelessness of consumers
tonnes of plastics were produced globally. It or poor recycling systems or problematic
is estimated that 4-13 million tonnes make waste disposal sites: Even if they are prop-
their way into the oceans every year. Scientific erly disposed in garbage cans, they may still
expeditions have revealed that more than five end up in the oceans.
billion pieces of plastic with a total weight of Every time you wash your clothes, thou-
more than 250,000 tonnes are floating around sands of plastic fibers are released into the
in our oceans. This enormous amount of plas- wastewater. The fibers are too small to be
tic has severe consequences for marine life. filtered out of wastewater at treatment facili-
Animals become entangled in drifting gar- ties and therefore make their direct way to the
bage and fishing nets, and they confuse plas- ocean.
Plastic Debris and Its Impacts on Marine Mammals
51 4
Thousands of ships and boats navi- floating plastics is enhanced when colonized
gate our seas and rivers. Shipping contain- by small organisms, such as barnacles, mus-
ers may be lost at sea and—although it is sels, and bacteria. This promotes the sinking
nowadays strictly prohibited—rubbish may process.
be thrown overboard. Sea-based sources, The ocean currents transport plastics and
including shipping and offshore indus- its inhabitants over large distances into new
try, contribute with 20% of marine debris. regions. Bryozoans, barnacles, hydroids, and
During fishing operations, nylon nets, lines molluscs hitch-hike on plastic litter. For inva-
and ropes are accidentally lost or dumped at sive species, they may reproduce more rapidly
sea. Abandoned fishing nets may stay active in a new area and outcompete native species.
catching fish for a long time period: They are This can change the composition of ecosys-
known as ghost nets. Dolly ropes are orange tems and interfere with existing food chains.
or blue plastic threads that are used to pro- During the past decades, scientists have
tect bottom trawling nets against wear and observed impacts of plastic ingestion or
tear. Every year, thousands of kilos of dolly entanglement in more than 550 species of
ropes end up in the sea. marine animals, ranging from invertebrates
to mammals. Marine mammals, turtles and
seabirds become entangled in discarded fish-
3  Where does plastics end up, ing gear, restricting the animals in their move-
and what are the consequences ments, as well as in feeding or reproduction
for marine life? activities (. Figs. 1 and 2). Marine mammals

entangled in submerged and anchored “ghost

Oceanic water is always in motion. Water is nets” are unable to surface for breathing and
transported around by the huge currents that drown. A fishing rope tangled at the base of
link all ocean basins. Surface and deep ocean a tail of a whale can cut off blood circulation
currents belong to the same transportation and eventually the entire tail.
network that work  a bit like conveyor belts In the North and Baltic Seas, marine
move water around the world. The atmosphere debris cause severe health problems for wild-
and the ocean currents influence one another. life. Marine mammals such as harbour por-
Some ocean currents form giant gyres span- poises, harbor seals and grey seals have shown
ning several hundred, even thousands of kilo- a variety of impacts associated with entangle-
meters in diameter. Once entering the oceans, ment and ingestion. This includes inflamma-
marine debris circulates in these current sys- tion of organs and suffocation. There has
tems for decades, perhaps even for centuries, been a drastic rise in the number of reported
and get concentrated within gyres created by events during the past decades. Still, there is
the currents. no satisfactory understanding of the signifi-
In 1997, scientists discovered a large area cance of marine debris for marine mammals.
with marine debris in the North Pacific, Another problem is that many animals
named the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. The mistake plastic fragments with food. By eat-
total weight of all man-made objects in this ing plastic fragments, animals may acquire
area was estimated  to be 80,000 tons, or the a full stomach without gaining any nutri-
same weight as 500 jumbo jets. ents—they can starve. Scientists investigated
It may take hundreds of years for plastic sperm whales which accidentally ended up in
to degrade. Plastic items are disintegrated into beaches along the North Sea in early 2016. In
smaller parts by wind and sun. Older objects 9 out of 30 whales, a variety of plastic debris
become brittle and then fragment into smaller was found in their stomachs. The animals had
and smaller pieces ending at so-called micro- engulfed nets, ropes, foils, packaging material,
and nanoplastics. Plastic objects either sink to and even a large plastic part from a car engine
the seabed or keep floating at the sea surface (. Fig. 3). One animal was found with 24 kg

or within the water column. The weight of of marine debris in its stomach.
52 K. Kruse et al.

..      Fig. 1  A humpback whale caught in a net. The before the whale could be released. Many whales which
whale was completely covered with the net and one of its cannot be helped die—often because they are no longer
pectoral fins was stuck. Several attempts were needed able to reach the surface to breathe. © Gary Freitag

..      Fig. 2  Gannets at a breeding colony on the island of Helgoland. Many Gannets are found dead due to entangle-
ment in net fragments. © Abbo van Neer
Plastic Debris and Its Impacts on Marine Mammals
53 4

a 4  Microplastics: Small particles

with specific problems

Once in the ocean, plastic waste is exposed to

waves, salt, abrasion, and sunlight, breaking
up larger objects into small pieces. The mate-
rials become brittle and break into smaller
fragments. The pieces become smaller and
smaller, and at some point they are invisible
to the naked eye. However, this does not mean
they disappear. Experts assign the tiny par-
ticles to different categories according to their
size and study their effects on wildlife.

..      Fig. 3 (a) A fishing net found in a stomach from a Definition

sperm whale, stranded in the North Sea. (b) The net was 55 Microplastics: Plastic fragments
13  m long. Reprinted with permission from: Unger B,
EL Bravo Rebolledo, R Deaville, A Gröne, LL IJsseld-
smaller than 5 millimeters
ijk, MF Leopold, U Siebert, J Spitz, P Wohlsein, H Herr 55 Mesoplastics: Plastic fragments with a
2016. Large amounts of marine debris  were found in size of 5 mm to 2.5 cm
sperm whales stranded along the North Sea coast in 55 Macroplastics: Plastic fragments larger
early 2016. Marine Pollution Bulletin 112(1–2): 134−141 than 2.5 cm

In 2018, a dead young male sperm whale

was found with 29 kg of plastic trash off the
coast of Spain. A necropsy revealed that the There are many ways that plastics end up
animal had ingested, for example, trash bags, in nature. Synthetic fibers are released from
polypropylene sacks, ropes, and net segments. clothes when being washed. Tiny plastic beads
Some months later, in 2018, another sperm are added to cosmetics in shower- or peeling
whale was found washed ashore in Indonesia. gel. Large amounts of these small plastic par-
Scientists found hundreds of plastic items in ticles may enter the marine environment. The
its stomach, including cups, bags, and san- fragments can be sufficiently small to pass fil-
dals. In 2019, scientists opened the stomach ter systems and thus enter the environment.
of a young dead whale in Sicily and found As car traffic increases, there is an inevitable
many plastic bags inside. In 2019, in the island increase in microplastics from tire abrasion
of Mindanao, Philippines, a young  Cuvier’s ending up in the environment. Scientific
beaked whale was found having 40 kg of plas- ­studies show that the abrasion of car tires is
tic bags, including 16 rice sacks, in its stom- one of the largest contributions to microplas-
ach. tics. Almost every part of our mobility sector
Investigating the stomach contents of contributes to the microplastic amount that
stranded whales plays a crucial role in under- enters the environment.
standing the effects of plastic ingestion on Similar to macroplastics, microplas-
cetaceans. However, stranded animals may be tics is mistaken for food by smaller animals.
diseased and emaciated for other reasons than Animals filtering water for plankton, such
plastics ingestion and therefore not represen- as mussels, consume microplastics and are
tative for healthier, free-ranging individuals. unable to digest it. Therefore, plastic frag-
Furthermore, animals dying without being ments are deposited inside the body. When the
washed ashore or investigated, remain unreg- filter feeders are consumed by other animals,
istered. the plastic particles are assimilated inside the
54 K. Kruse et al.

predators. They are transported higher and Both NGOs (non-governmental organi-
higher up the food webs, where they are found zations) and people being part of  different
in larger and larger concentrations. social groups and professions are focusing on
Can 5  mm plastic items affect huge filter-­ the impact of the environment and  search-
feeding baleen whales? In 2012, high concen- ing for solutions. Currently, many efforts are
trations of pollutants and chemicals added focusing on getting debris out of the ocean.
during plastics production were detected in Technologies that are trying to clean the
Mediterranean fin whales (Balaenoptera physa- oceans, using filtering ships or swimming bas-
 lus). Due to the way of feeding, baleen whales kets, are developed globally. These technolo-
are susceptible to high levels of microplastics gies focus on removing macroplastics. There
ingestion and exposed to associated toxic com- is a more difficult task ahead of us: to remove
pounds. In addition, microplastic particles have microplastics from the oceans, where it makes
been documented in the feces of northern fur up the largest portion of all plastics.
seals (Callorhinus ursinus) and in the digestive An effective method to alleviate the marine
systems of stranded dolphins and monk seals. debris problem is to reduce plastic consump-
An additional problem is that seawater tion. Large contributors to plastic debris that
contains many persistent organic pollutants enters the oceans are part of our everyday
(POPs) such as DDT and PCBs. The POPs use. Different ideas to reduce plastics in our
enter the sea via rivers and beaches. They are wastewater are attempted. Non-wrapped gro-
insoluble in water, and microplastic fragments ceries are introduced, offering reduced prices
adsorb these pollutants. As a result, plastic for bringing reusable cups to coffee shops, as
fragments become floating pollutant carri- well as utilizing only materials which can also
ers. Once the particles have been ingested by be used for other purposes.
marine organisms, the pollutants can enter Scientists and engineers around the world
tissues. POPs are usually deposited in the fatty investigate potential solutions to the debris
tissue of the organism. These toxic substances problem. One focus is on the main sources of
can affect the hormone and immune systems, marine debris and its trajectories, on its way
as well as cause cancer. In addition, pollutants to the oceans. Another important part of cur-
enter the food web and are transferred from rent research is finding substitutes for plastics,
one trophic level to the next. or developing biodegradable forms of plas-
Around 99% of macroplastics entering the tics while meeting the demands in their usage.
oceans do not reach a plastic gyre. The plas- However, these substitutes, for example, made
tics eventually break down into microplastics from soya or corn, will also generate contami-
and sink to the sediment. Also, the polar ice nation due to intensive agriculture practices.
contains high concentrations of microplastics Everyone can help to reduce the amount
that will be released by increased melting due of plastics in the oceans. Use the three R rules
to climate change. Macro- and microplastics “Reduce,” “Reuse,” and “Recycle” to cut down
have even been discovered in the Challenger on consumption you don’t need. Avoid single-
Deep of the Mariana Trench, the deepest part used products like plastic cups or plastic bags.
of the world's oceans. The EU parliament is banning disposable plas-
tic products from 2021, including drinking
straws, disposable crockery, and cotton buds.
5  Mitigation efforts: What can In addition, EU member states are obliged to
be done? recycle 90% of all disposable plastic bottles.
These rules will give more responsibility to the
Our attention toward the marine debris prob- industry for dealing with plastic waste.
lem is growing. Projects for raising awareness To effectively change attitudes to the use
in the public are essential for reducing usage of plastic products, the problem has to be
and thus risk of disposal into the marine envi- addressed in schools. The issue is already part
ronment. It is important that our behavior of the content of a few textbooks, and a larger
and habits change rapidly. number of student projects have been estab-
Plastic Debris and Its Impacts on Marine Mammals
55 4
lished for science competitions that deal with
the issue of marine debris. The problems with have shown that the majority of  debris
plastics will last for future generations, which reaches the oceans by rivers. However,
underlines the necessity to educate school chil- quantities, composition, and sources of
dren in reducing their plastic consumption. debris within rivers or at estuaries have not
In recent years, civil engagement in sci- been well studied and most investigations
entific research has become increasingly consider few sampling sites. Sampling a
important in Europe. In citizen science proj- larger area over a longer time span is chal-
ects, locals have the opportunity to be part lenging but may be essential to under-
of a scientific investigation and to advocate standing distribution patterns, transport
for marine protection. The data collected mechanisms, and sources of riverine
by the participants are evaluated, either debris.
by scientists or together with the citizens. The German citizen science initiative
They contribute to steering decision-mak- “Plastic Pirates” fills some of these gaps.
ing processes. Citizen science projects also “Plastic Pirates” involve school children
offer great potential for school education. and teachers to sample a river of their
The students are actively  part of the scien- choice for different types of debris. The
tific inquiry, deal with a topic and have the participants use a sampling protocol to
opportunity to reflect their own behavior and document quantities, composition and
develop awareness. sources of debris items, and a small net to
One example is a citizen science proj- fish for microplastics. The data is subse-
ect dealing with marine debris on the yearly quently sent to a team of international
International Coastal Cleanup Day (ICC). The experts for analysis.
ICC day is arranged on the third Saturday in The analysis of the first dataset revealed
September. On this day, coastal sections of that about 33% of the collected debris con-
rivers, lakes, and oceans are cleaned of debris. sisted of plastics, and that another large
Data are collected at the same time, to be used share of garbage is cigarette butts—with a
for scientific purposes. high potential of polluting freshwater. One
The ICC day is the largest voluntary principal source of debris is people visiting
marine conservation campaign in the world. the riverside to meet for having a barbecue
For the participating students, it is certainly or a picknick. Future sampling campaigns
a positive feeling to be able to contribute to with the “Plastic Pirates” aim at investiga-
marine conservation. Meanwhile, there is also tions of single-use plastics and continue to
a smartphone app of the Ocean Conservancy, sample microplastics to cover a larger time
“Clean Swell,” which is currently available in span.
English language only, for the ICC.

Current topics of plastic pollution

research 6  Teaching materials
Debris, and especially plastics, have a pro-
found impact on the environment. Many ??Exercise 4.1: How different debris objects
studies have investigated the impact plastic might affect marine mammals
debris has on the marine environment, All kinds of plastic items can become
where organisms of different sizes entangle marine debris, and later encountered by
in debris or ingest it. More recent studies marine mammals. Some items found in
marine mammals are listed in . Table 1.

K. Kruse et al.

..      Table 1  (7 Exercise 4.1) Possible threats of marine debris

Debris item occurring Possible Possible Possible Possible impact on marine mammal
in the ocean origin threatened encounter species
marine mammal

Plastic coverage of a Landfill Sperm whale Mistaken Internal injuries such as perforations of
car engine (size: for food gastrointestinal tract due to sharp edges,
 30 × 20 cm) blockage of digestive tract leading to
Gillnet anchored at
Net floating at
Food wrappings
Broken bucket

zz Tasks 55 Petri dish

1: Fill in . Table 1. How might plastic debris
  55 Water tanks (plastic aquarium, bucket
items have entered the oceans? Which marine around 10 L)
mammal species could be most affected, and 55 Cosmetic products (body peeling, shower
why? What are the possible consequences for gel)
the species? 55 Wash bottle
55 Binocular microscope
??Exercise 4.2: Searching for microplastics
in everyday products zz Tasks
Plastic microbeads are added to many cos- 1. Put a small quantity of the cosmetic prod-
metic and personal hygiene products. The uct into the microsieve.
aim is to improve the cleansing effect of, 2. Rinse the sample in the microsieve. For
for example, facial scrubs. Although they this, put the microsieve in the water tank
are very small, microbeads pose a risk to and use your fingers. It should be rinsed
marine wildlife. Due to chemical proper- until the sample no longer foams up.
ties, harmful organic substances can attach 3. Using the wash bottle, transfer the rinsed
themselves to these tiny particles. If they samples to a clean Petri dish. Observe
are then mistaken for prey and eaten by the samples with the binocular micro-
plankton-feeders or other animals, they can scope.
be absorbed by the organism and in this 4. Repeat the process with various cosmetic
way enter the food chain. products.
Possible extension:
zz Required materials 5. Download the smartphone app “Beat the
55 Round microsieve (100 or 300 μm mesh microbead” or “Codecheck” on your
size or coffee filter) smartphone. Scan your cosmetic products
Plastic Debris and Its Impacts on Marine Mammals
57 4
at home and in your local supermarket for range of products due to several outstand-
microplastics ingredients. ing characteristics. They are malleable, hard,
6. Write a request and send it per email to the elastic, not very breakable, long-lasting, and
costumer services of the producing com- can be changed in almost any way. As they
panies. can also be produced relatively cheap, they
are found all around the globe.
??Exercise 4.3: How long does it take for
plastic bags or fishing lines to degrade? zz Required materials
We hardly ever question the fact that we use 55 Degradation timescale (. Fig. 4)

plastics. Plastic is a synthetic material that 55 Various items (aluminum can, plastic bot-
nowadays comes in many different forms tle, paper towels, newspaper, fishing line,
with all kinds of properties. What all plas- cotton rope, wool socks, cardboard box,
tics have in common is that they are made plywood, Styrofoam plastic cup, milk car-
primarily using crude oil. Plastics have many ton)
practical properties. Plastics have become a 55 Arrange before, who is bringing along
daily essential material present in a wide which of the listed materials

..      Fig. 4 (7 Exercise

4.3) Estimated timescales

for degradation time of
different debris items:
aluminum can, plastic
bottle, paper towels, news-
paper, fishing line, cotton
rope, wool socks,
cardboard box, plywood,
Styrofoam plastic cup,
milk carton. Try to fill in
which debris belongs to
which degradation time,
from your readings on the
internet © Adapted from:
World Ocean Review
58 K. Kruse et al.

zz Tasks 3. Develop a series of experiments that you

1. Estimate with the diagram on the poster can use to study this property. You can use
how many years it takes for the items inside entire plastic objects or cut out small sam-
to degrade in the ocean. ples. You can investigate the following
2. Find the data on the internet—if data vary questions:
between sources, discuss why this might be What items float in the water and how
the case. do they behave in water?
3. Discuss consequences concerning the dif- 55 Closed bottles with a lid and open bot-
 ferent duration of degradation of litter tles without a lid
debris in the ocean. 55 Closed and filled bottles
55 Bottles with different volumes (e.g., 250
??Exercise 4.4: Floating plastic ml, 500 ml, and 1000 ml)
We will now study the behavior of plastic 55 Bottles colonized by species such as
waste in seawater. This knowledge is essen- barnacles (can be simulated using
tial to find out where plastic waste may organic modeling plasticine)
cause significant problems to gray seals 55 Bottles made from different types of
in the area. A key question is how plastic plastic (e.g., drinking and shampoo bot-
waste is spread. Alongside the different tles)
types of plastics, its form and density play 4. Carry out the experiments with other plas-
an important role for its “behavior.” This tic types (e.g., plastic bags or yogurt pots).
determines whether a plastic object floats 5. Which marine organisms are affected by
on the surface, drifts within the water col- floating and sinking plastics? Find exam-
umn, or sinks to the seabed. ples on internet.

zz Tasks ??Exercise 4.5: Mystery game

1. Collect three items of plastic waste each. Situation: In 2016, 30 sperm whales
Choose the three plastic objects that you stranded at various North Sea locations. All
find most often in your household waste or individuals were young bulls (males) around
recycling bin. the same age. Several research groups from
2. Consider the factors that may determine the countries being involved are trying to
the floatability of the plastics. explain the strandings (. Fig. 5).

..      Fig. 5  Uwe Piatkowski from GEOMAR and Ursula Siebert from the University of Veterinary Medicine Han-
nover ­investigating the stranded sperm whales’ unfortunate deaths.
Plastic Debris and Its Impacts on Marine Mammals
59 4
Start with card number 7 and use at
Scientific approach least five more. If you find a plausible
In addition to experimenting and searching explanation for the strandings, you can
for answers to scientific questions, the pub- publish it.
lication of results in specialist journals on 2. All mystery game cards are available as
the scientific process and the presentation online supplementary date file: 7 pdf  

of the results at conferences are also essen- chapter4 Nov 2022.pdf

tial. This step is important to make infor- 3. Read all the Mystery game cards and
mation accessible globally and to find group them in categories. Sort the cards in
solutions together. In many cases, it is also a logic sequence and eliminate cards that
possible that several research groups are are not relevant for the stranding of sperm
conducting research on the same problem. whales. Look for similarities and differ-
Every team, of course, wants to be the first ences and try to find relationships between
to publish their findings. the cards.

??Exercise 4.6: Microplastics beach

zz Required materials sampling
55 Mystery game cards Plastics are currently accumulating on
beaches worldwide and can pose a risk for
zz Tasks many animals. How much microplastic can
1. You are one of the research groups from be found on sandy beaches?
Germany, the Netherlands, France, and
the United Kingdom. You and your col- zz Required materials
leagues will try to find a plausible explana- 55 Sieve (mesh size 1 mm)
tion for the stranding in the North Sea by 55 Tray
using the cards. Create a logical sequence 55 Rope (20 m long)
of incidents, explaining the phenomenon. 55 Mini-shovel

..      Fig. 6. (7 Exercise 4.5) Overview sampling points to quantify microplastic fragments on beaches.

K. Kruse et al.

zz Tasks
..      Table 2 (7 Exercise 4.7) Plastic diary: Do
1. Go to a beach and identify the high-water

you know how much plastic you use every day?

line (the point at which wet and dry sand
meet). If you cannot find this line, take Day of the Number of Type of plastic
samples within the first meter of the beach week plastic waste waste items
from the waterline. items
2. Put a 20-meter-long rope along this line
and mark out three points (POINT 1, 2
 and 3  in . Fig.  6)—at the start, middle,

and end of the length of the rope. Wednesday
3. Measure a 50 × 50  cm square at each of
these points in the sand.
4. Go to the first square. Remove all larger Friday
natural objects (e.g., stones, algae, plants, Saturday
wood). Use a mini-shovel to dig about
2 cm into the sand within the square and
deposit it on a tray.
5. Filter the sand on the tray with the sieve. If about how much plastic you use and dis-
the sand is wet, do not sieve it on the pose of every day.
beach, but let it dry. Label the bag with the
number of the sampling point (1, 2, or 3), zz Tasks
close it tight, and take it with you back to 1. Keep a plastic waste diary for 1 week.
your school/group room to dry your sand Note the quantities of plastic waste that
in an appropriately labeled tray and filter it you personally generate each day. Make a
as soon as it is dry. list of all the plastic items that you throw
6. Now study the contents of the tray care- away (. Table 2). Ask your parents to do

fully. Sort microplastic into one corner of the same for 1 week.
the tray; count the plastic fragments and 2. What do you notice? Compare your results
pellets. with others.
7. Calculate the size of your sampling squares 3. Now try to reduce your plastic waste for a
in square meters: whole day. Count it again. What has
8. Side a in meters × side b in meters = ..... m2 changed? What can you do differently in
9. Calculate the number of microplastic frag- the future to reduce your plastic waste fur-
ments per square meter at each sampling ther?
point: Number of microplastic fragments
per square meter found at each sampling ??Exercise 4.8: What can I do?
point. Humans have been using rivers, lakes,
and oceans since the beginning of man-
??Exercise 4.7: Plastic waste diary kind. These habitats give us a great deal of
You are familiar with various plastic prod- resources. But instead of caring for them,
ucts. It is hard to imagine everyday life we pollute and exploit them. Fortunately,
without them. An average European, for there are also people and organizations who
example, uses more than 100 kilograms of actively campaign to protect the planet.
plastic each year. The global increase in the There are many ways of protecting the envi-
consumption of plastic materials has given ronments and its inhabitants. Each and every
rise to huge quantities of waste. Think one of us can contribute to that. In order to
Plastic Debris and Its Impacts on Marine Mammals
61 4
reduce plastic consumption, you can apply waste pollution in the oceans so that more
to one or even more of the three R rules. people are informed. What initiatives
1. Reduce could you carry out so that lots of people
Here, the aim is to cut down on get involved? What can people who do not
things that you do not actually need. Do live in coastal areas do to help protect seas
you really need the latest smartphone or and oceans?
yet another pair of shoes? If you are You may find the following questions
now thinking about throwing away useful:
everything that is surplus to require- Who produces a lot of waste in your
ments, then this would be the wrong area?
approach. You can get rid of unneces- Who is still not aware of the waste
sary items in other ways, such as by get- problem?
ting them to places where they can still How can we present the results?
be used. Therefore, you should sell, give 4. Put the project into practice and document
away, donate, or swap your items instead. every step with photos.
2. Reuse 5. Inform the local press or the city adminis-
Before buying something new, why tration about your project.
not use something that you already 6. Start to investigate the waste problem in
have and spend your money on things your school life. How can you create less
that you will use more often? One waste in your school? What is done in your
example would be shopping bags that school to contribute to a more sustainable
can be reused many times. If you think development towards plastic consump-
carefully on a day-to-day basis, you tion? What are ideas from other schools?
will find all kinds of disposable items What are the pupils’ opinion toward plas-
that can be replaced with alternatives. tic consumption? What could be improved?
3. Recycle Develop a small survey for your school
Separating waste is essential when and start to initiate changes to show other
it comes to recycling. Not all rubbish pupils that everyone can improve some-
items can be recycled. In some coun- thing.
tries, container deposit schemes, where
the consumer pays a small deposit for zz Home Pages
items such as bottled drinks, which Ambsdorf J et  al. 2017. Meeresatlas: Daten
they then get back upon returning the und Fakten über unseren Umgang mit dem
bottles, are an example of where recy- Ozean. 7

cling works well.

zz Tasks
1. Find at least one other example for each
Suggested reading
R. Furthermore, search for other R words 1. Cole M, Lindeque P, Halsband C, Galloway T
to add the list above and find examples for 2011. Microplastics as contaminants in the marine
them. environment: a review. Marine Pollution Bull
2. How could you change your everyday 62:2588–97.
routine in order to produce less plastic bul.2011.09.025.
2. Gutow L, Gerdts G, Saborowski R 2017.
waste? Mikroplastikmüll im Meer. In: Hempel G, Bischof
3. Think about ways in which you could raise K, Hagen W, editors. Faszination Meeresforschung.
public awareness of the problem of plastic Springer. ISBN: 978-3-662-49714-2.
62 K. Kruse et al.

3. Lebreton LCM, van der Zwet J, Damsteeg J, Slat Wohlsein P, Herr H 2016. Large amounts of marine
B, Andrady A, Reisser J 2017. River plastic emis- debris found in sperm whales stranded along the
sions to the world’s oceans. Nat Commun 8:15611. North Sea coast in early 2016. Marine Pollution Bull 15112(1–2):134–41.
4. Unger B, Bravo Rebolledo EL, Deaville R, Gröne marpolbul.2016.08.027.
A, IJsseldijk LL, Leopold MF, Siebert U, Spitze J,

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(http://creativecommons.­org/licenses/by/4.­0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in
any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to
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Chemical Pollution
and Diseases of Marine
Anja Reckendorf, Ursula Siebert, Eric Parmentier,
and Krishna Das


1   Introduction – 64

2   The use of marine mammals

as bioindicators – 66

3   How harmful are pollutants? – 66

4   Post-mortem examinations – 67

5   Common diseases of marine mammals – 68

6   Teaching materials – 71

Suggested reading – 77

Supplementary Information The online version contains supplementary material

available at [­3-­031-­06836-­2_5].

© The Author(s) 2023

D. Brennecke et al. (eds.), Marine Mammals,
64 A. Reckendorf et al.

nnLearning goals With more humans inhabiting coastal

55 Understand how different pollutants regions, the health of oceans becomes a more
affect marine mammals. important issue for everyone. At higher tem-
55 Learn how biomagnification and bioac- peratures, POPs volatize and reach the atmo-
cumulation affect marine life. sphere, where they can travel long distances
55 Learn how to monitor wildlife health before they are finally re-deposited. Therefore
by post-mortem examinations. POPs may accumulate also in areas far
from their emission, like Antarctica. Hence,
environmental contamination by POPs is
1  Introduction extensive, and they will often remain in the
 environment for decades (. Fig. 1).

Marine mammals can be used as early

Many organic and inorganic chemicals are
manufactured by humans and end up in our indicators for negative trends and impacts
oceans. As stated by marine scientist C.  M. linked to anthropogenic (human-made) activ-
Reddy of the Woods Hole Oceanographic ities. Such sentinel species will also permit us
Institution in 2008: ‘During the course of the to better characterise and potentially manage
20th century, the planet became and is now negative impact on human and animal health
chemically different from any previous time’. because of us polluting our oceans.
These chemicals are synthesised or formed
by natural processes through human activi- Bioaccumulation of contaminants
ties. Organisms take in toxic chemicals through
Many different types of human-made contaminated food, water, and/or air. The
compounds cause problems for wildlife. gastrointestinal tract concentrates ingested
There are toxic persistent organic pollutants stable and hydrophobic (low affinity to
(POPs), which are industrial compounds, water) chemicals. When these substances
and toxic trace elements, previously known as are stored in fatty body tissues, they increase
heavy metals. POPs and trace elements occur in concentration inside the organism. This
in nature in increased abundance because of is known as bioaccumulation.
human activities. Previously, POPs were used
as pesticides, industrial chemicals, solvents Biomagnification trough the food web
and pharmaceuticals. They are chemically sta- Biomagnification (also known as bioamplifi-
ble and do not easily degrade through natural cation) causes toxic compounds to be found
processes. at higher concentrations in tissues of organ-
The biological half-life describes how isms belonging to a higher level in the food
quickly a chemical compound (including chain. With each step upwards the food
medications) is reduced to half of its initial web, the concentration of pollutants
concentration in, for example, body tissues. increases up to ten times in animal tissues.
Usually, POPs dissolve well in lipids (but not The toxic compounds are transferred from
in water) and are therefore soluble in fatty tis- smaller to larger organism, from prey to
sues. They are poorly metabolised (and there- predator. Because the compounds are easily
fore have a long biological half-life). Because assimilated but have a long biological half-
they easily bind to the surface of solid par- life, they accumulate within the tissues. The
ticles, they are easily ingested and assimilated higher the trophic level an animal feeds at,
as a part of the animal’s nutrition. Because of the more chemicals build up within the
all these features, POPs are prone to dietary body. The amount of increase depends on
accumulation—so-called bioaccumulation, the biological half-life of the substance, and
or biomagnification—in fatty tissues, with how easily it is assimilated, metabolised or
potential adverse health impacts. excreted by the organism.
Chemical Pollution and Diseases of Marine Mammals
65 5

..      Fig. 1  Illustration of PCB bioaccumulation in the constructed mean contaminant concentration within
marine food chain. Pollution and the related biomagnifi- these, to show the significant effect of biomagnification.
cation within organisms are a global problem. The num- © Guillaume Bolterys
bers associated with the shown media/species refer to a
66 A. Reckendorf et al.

tion plays a role in mass mortalities, as toxic

Marine mammals and contaminants chemicals may suppress the immune system.
Marine mammals accumulate high levels of
toxic POPs and trace elements in their tis-
sues (blubber, liver, hair) because of their 3  How harmful are pollutants?
unique biological and ecological features:
55 Marine mammals have extensive fat Several chemical pollutants, such as DDT,
stores in which lipophilic contaminants PCB, TBT (Tributyltin) and metallic trace
(easily dissolved in fat) accumulate. elements, are endocrine disrupting chemicals
55 They are at the top (or close to the top) (EDCs), meaning they affect the hormonal
 of marine food webs.
55 They are homeothermic (warm-blooded)
system. Hormonal disruptions can influence
many systems in the body, such as the endo-
animals, eating large quantities of food crine system itself, reproduction (cause birth
containing pollutants. defects and developmental disorders), immune
55 Marine mammals have a long lifespan, cell generation, as well as causing tumours.
and pollutants accumulate over time. Endocrine disrupting chemicals may inter-
fere with the hormone synthesis in the endo-
crine gland, the hormone transport or the
2  The use of marine mammals hormone’s metabolism and excretion within
as bioindicators its target cells. Since many hormones regulate
reproductive functions, exposure to EDCs
The distribution of chemical pollutants in the often has negative consequences for reproduc-
marine environment is not homogeneous, and tive health. Embryos, foetuses and newborns
a considerable variation of concentrations are especially vulnerable to EDCs, causing
may occur regionally and temporally. It may future problems in brain function, immunity,
therefore be difficult to assess the full environ- metabolism and reproductive abilities.
mental impact of pollutants. As a supplement Furthermore, EDCs can alter the synthesis
to measurements of the contaminant levels of steroid hormones and have adverse effects
at different sites, bioindicators can be used to on the mechanisms of molecules operated
monitor pollution. Bioindicators are living by genes and proteins. Pollutants most likely
organisms used to assess the levels of pollut- promote disease and mortality by supressing
ants in the ecosystems where they live. Marine the immune system. Alterations to energy
mammals are highly suitable bioindicators of metabolism can lead to obesity, diabetes, and
the marine environment. Due to their position cardiovascular disease development, as well
at the top of the food webs, their long lifespan as have adverse effects on the immune sys-
and the long biological half-time of pollut- tem. Additionally, synergistic effects between
ants, marine mammals accumulate high levels various contaminants may amplify the toxic-
of different toxic chemicals. ity of different chemicals. Interactions with
The interest in studying contaminants environmental factors, for example, patho-
in marine mammals was boosted by past gens, starvation, and climate change (changes
large-scale die-offs or impaired reproduction in water temperature, pH and salinity) could
abilities of pinnipeds and cetaceans living in also amplify the contaminant toxicity and
polluted regions, and the discovery of high bioavailability.
contaminant levels in these animals. In many Trace element pollutants, such as mercury,
cases, morbillivirus infections were the primary cadmium, and lead, have especially high cell
cause of disease outbreaks in these animals. toxicity and accumulation characteristics.
Famous examples are the harbour seal mass Mercury and PCBs are potent immunosup-
mortalities in the North Sea in 1988 and 2002. pressants in terrestrial and aquatic animals,
Scientists investigate if environmental pollu- altering host resistance to disease. Animals
Chemical Pollution and Diseases of Marine Mammals
67 5
with high contamination levels seem to be 4  Post-mortem examinations
more susceptible to diseases than animals
with lower toxin burdens. Since EDC effects A post-mortem examination is the examina-
are usually subtle and more chronic than tion of a dead animal. For humans it is also
acute, it is often difficult to link certain health called an autopsy, whereas for any non-­human
impairments to specific exposures. animal it is called a necropsy. The aim is to
determine the cause of death, how and when
►►Example the animal died and to obtain a better under-
A well-studied case of contamination effects standing of how diseases spread. Often, a
comes from the St. Lawrence River Estuary proper health assessment of living marine
beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) popu- mammals is not possible. Therefore, we rely
lation in Canada. These belugas live at the on post-mortem examinations of animals that
southernmost limit of the species range, are are stranded or caught in fishing nets to obtain
geographically isolated from other populations information of animal health and diseases.
and were listed as endangered in 2014 by the Post-mortem examinations elucidate the
Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife cause of death and common diseases of the
in Canada. Pollution and human disturbance species investigated. We also learn about
have reduced food resources and caused habitat transmissible pathogens between humans and
degradation, which seem to contribute to the animals (so-called zoonoses) and the influ-
decline of this species. ence of anthropogenic activities on wildlife.
The St. Lawrence River Estuary receives Additionally, necropsies are the main source of
water from one of the world’s most industri- samples used for toxicological analysis, which
alised regions. The belugas are heavily contami- helps researchers to associate contaminant
nated by trace elements, PCB, DDT and PAHs loads with clinical observations and pathologic
(polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). Exposure to health impairments. This helps us to identify
highly toxic discharges from local aluminium how different pollutants and their concentra-
smelters led to elevated contaminant levels in tions affect the health of marine mammals.
the tissue of the belugas and had toxicological
effects. From studies made between 1983 and
A full post-mortem examination includes:
2006, 16% of 175 stranded belugas had at least
55 Measurements of body size (length and
one terminal cancerous tumour. Some of the
girths), weight and colouration
cancer types found in belugas are related to the
55 Macroscopical examination of all
presence of PAHs, suggesting that these com-
organs with the naked eye
pounds are involved in the cause of cancer in
55 Histological assessment of all organs
the SLE belugas.
using microscopy
These effects of pollution are not restricted
55 Bacteriology (investigating bacteria and
to belugas only. The human population liv-
their connection to disease)
ing by the St. Lawrence River Estuary is also
55 Mycology (study of fungal infections)
suffering from higher cancer rates than other
55 Parasitology (study of  parasites and
their interactions with the host)
Contamination is considered a serious
55 Virology (study of viruses and their con-
threat to the SLE beluga population recovery.
nection to disease)
Despite reductions in the discharge of some
55 Toxicology (study of  adverse effects of
toxic chemicals, pollutant concentrations in tis-
chemical substances)
sues do not decrease quickly. Some effects on
55 Serology (detect antibodies caused by
contaminants may first develop 20 years after
infections in serum)
exposure. The belugas could be affected by con-
55 Age determination
taminants for many decades to come. ◄
55 Genetics
68 A. Reckendorf et al.

For a small animal such as a harbour porpoise negative implications for the entire popula-
(Phocoena phocoena), a necropsy lasts 2-4 h, tion.
depending on the animal’s decomposition Diseases can be caused by different rea-
status. For a larger whale, necropsy may last sons:
for several days, depending on available work 55 Infectious diseases by viral, bacterial, par-
force and technical equipment, as well as the asitic and fungal infections
stranding location. 55 Non-infectious diseases by toxins (from pol-
Some extra examinations can be under- lutants or algae), starvation or predation
taken depending on financial means, which
species is investigated, and under which cir- For any cause of disease there is often second-
 cumstances it was found. Additional exami-
nations may include immunohistology (the
ary bacterial and parasitic infections, most
common in the lungs.
microscopic study of tissues with the aid of A high load of parasites (e.g. pulmonary
antibodies that bind to tissue components roundworms, gastrointestinal nematodes and
and reveal their presence), electron micros- tapeworms, liver and gastric flukes), pneu-
copy, bone density measurements, and anal- monia, acute traumata (from bleedings or
ysis of stomach content and reproductive fractures), chronic disease and direct anthro-
organs. Such examinations are complex and pogenic impacts are common for stranded
time consuming, and analysis may take sev- marine mammals. Impaired hearing, as well
eral months. as disruption of the hormonal and immuno-
The cause of disease and death may be logical system, can also have severe, adverse
determined, and the general health status of impacts on individual health.
the individual can be assessed. This may also Chemical pollution may play a role in the
inform the health status on the population pathogenicity (the ability of an organism to
and the habitats frequented by the animal. cause disease) of several types of diseases of
However, it is not always possible to deter- marine mammals. Pathogenic viruses have
mine a cause of death. Some cases remain been associated with meningitis, broncho-
unsolved even after a thorough post-mortem pneumonia, skin diseases and changes in the
examination. reproductive system. Different influenza A
Disease can be a major cause of popula- virus strains have caused at least five larger
tion decline in marine mammals, and the rea- die-offs of seals in the past 40 years. There is a
sons for many stranding events remain poorly risk that these diseases can be zoonotic (being
understood. New sequencing technology, able to transfer to and infect humans).
virological and microbiological studies can A deteriorated health status from an
identify pathogens and diseases and help in increased pollutant burden can lead to dev-
surveillance. astating viral epidemics. Huge morbillivirus
For watching a short video about the necros- die-offs were caused by the Phocine Distemper
copy of a harbour porpoise, see:  (7 https://
  Virus (PDV) in 1988–1989, 1990–1991, and 2002  in harbour seals in the North Sea and
of-Veterinary-Medicine-Hannover/Looking- Kattegat, and by a dolphin morbillivirus in
into-Animals-Necropsies-at-the-TiHo). 1990–1991  in striped dolphins (Stenella coe-
ruleoalba) in Mediterranean waters. The epi-
zootic (disease event in an animal population,
5  Common diseases of marine analogous to an epidemic in humans) PDV
mammals outbreaks killed thousands of animals, and
the disease susceptibility of the infected indi-
Marine mammals, just like any animal, can viduals was probably caused by contaminant-­
suffer from different kinds of diseases. These induced immunosuppression.
can affect their health adversely, cause pain, Exposure to a mixture of different PCBs
distress and even death, and therefore have decreases the immune response and increases
Chemical Pollution and Diseases of Marine Mammals
69 5
the risk for virus infections. If other environ- should also be careful. Zoonoses caused by
mental factors also favour virus replication bacteria, fungi or viruses are easily transmis-
and their rapid spread, combined effects may sible. Luckily, the majority of  transmissions
lead to epizootic outbreaks. Furthermore, from marine mammals to humans have only
PCB exposure indicated a contaminant-­ resulted in  localised skin infections that can
related disruption of hormone function of resolve spontaneously or with appropriate
free-ranging harbour seals and harbour por- medical therapy. However, some zoonoses
poises, leading to reduced reproduction. can lead to life-threatening systemic diseases.
When encountering dead or alive marine
mammals, always keep a safe distance and call
Contamination in the Baltic Sea from the appropriate authorities.
1970s and 1980s Growing amounts of anthropogenic
Elevated POP levels in Baltic grey seals influences and utilisation of the marine eco-
(Haliocherus grypus) and ringed seals (Pusa system constantly increase the pressure on
hispida) in the 1970s and 1980s were linked marine mammals, their habitat and the asso-
to reproductive failure and several different ciated stress and disease risk. Marine mam-
tissue lesions, causing the so-called ‘Baltic mals may face more infectious diseases in the
Seal Disease Complex’. Affected seals had future, enhanced by the prevalence of con-
smaller thyroid glands (responsible for taminants in the environment and in the food
secretion of hormones regulating growth chains.
and development) and enlarged adrenal
glands (producing a variety of hormones,
including adrenaline, cortisol, and sexual Current topics of chemical pollution
hormones). The uterus experienced stenosis and diseases of marine mammals
(abnormal narrowing), occlusion and research
tumours, resulting in impaired reproduc- Chemical pollution affecting marine mam-
tion. There were also claw lesions, loss of mals is an important topic for current
bone structure in the skull and reduced research, since it includes many unanswered
bone mineral density. questions. Even though there is knowledge
on intake pathways, bioaccumulation and
biomagnification, as well as on geographi-
High concentrations of organochlorine are cal and temporal contaminant trends, data
associated with a low mineral density in tra- is lacking on the implications on marine
becular bone (porous, internal skeletal bone mammals.
tissue found at the ends of long bones, in There have been many questions regard-
the pelvic bones, ribs, skull, and vertebrae). ing the impact of plastics and other debris
Measurements of bone mineral density pro- on the marine fauna, including marine
vide insights into the bones’ health and can mammals. This includes the transport of
determine the risk for fractures. Severe intes- contaminants to coastal ecosystems (persis-
tinal ulcers and increased parasitic burdens tent, bioaccumulative and toxic chemicals
have also been associated with high loads of attach to plastics) and impacts of macro as
DDT and PCB. well as micro plastics. It is still unclear if
Zoonotic diseases can be dangerous for ingested plastics add significantly to the
people encountering dead or sick marine existing contamination load. Plastics are
mammals. People working with marine mam- nowadays such an important topic, so that
mals have the highest risk of acquiring zoo- this book dedicates a whole chapter to
notic diseases. Therefore, marine mammal them.
researchers, rehabilitators, trainers, veteri- Many studies are conducted on diverse
narians and volunteers must be extra careful. species and different known and measur-
People encountering captive or wild marine able pollutants. However, this does not
mammals during, for example, vacations
70 A. Reckendorf et al.

mean that all potential pollutants are long and large oil spill caused by Deepwater
known and tested for. There is still a wide Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010.
grey zone of unknowns, including newly Many cetaceans have succumbed to differ-
emerging contaminants, their accumulation ent disease complexes associated with the
within the environment, impacts they have spill and suffered from reproductive failure
on different species, and potential human and abortions. Establishing a link between
exposure. the massive oil spill and its effect on wildlife
Many of the current studies on ceta- is crucial for preventing future disasters and
ceans focus on organochlorine contami- establishing appropriate management plans
nants and their reproductive implications, for similar human activities.
 particularly in endangered species and sub- We need to consider effects of both
species, since they are especially vulnerable. older pollutants such as PCBs, which are
This focus may change over time with new banned in Europe and North America but
analytical methods. Orcas are on top of the are still long-lasting in the food chains, as
trophic food chain and a very long-living well as newer chemical pollutants. We
species. Thus, they are highly susceptible to need to improve pollutant management
contaminant biomagnification and conse- and design effective conservation mea-
quential reproductive impairment, since sures. It is also crucial to develop sampling
immunosuppression can have detrimental and analysis methods for new contami-
effects on offspring (embryos during preg- nants, to generate new mitigation mea-
nancy, calves receiving large amounts of sures to prevent further contamination, as
contaminants through nursing) and popu- well as develop functional cleaning meth-
lation survival. ods. Last but not least, we need to tackle
Stable isotopes and biomarkers are used these issues on a global scale to prevent
to assess contaminant exposure as a feed- further entries of pollutants into the envi-
ing ecology tool and to assess the bodily ronment.
response to environmental pollutants.
Stable isotopes are non-radioactive varia-
Apart from PCBs and trace metals, pharma-
tions of chemical elements. Measuring and
ceuticals (including human and veterinary
analysing their distribution, amounts and
drugs) are another important class of con-
proportions in samples can be used to
taminants entering the world’s waterways.
trace the origin, history, source, chemical
Thousands of tons of pharmacologically
interactions, and carbon and nitrogen
active substances are used annually world-
cycles of the studied sample. Biomarkers
wide. Unfortunately, they receive relatively
are characteristic biologic traits that can
little attention as possible environmental pol-
indicate normal or pathogenic processes
lutants. Up to 90% of consumed pharma-
associated with stress (e.g. environmental
ceuticals can be excreted unchanged, while
pollution or diseases) within organs, cells,
environmental bacterial action can convert
genes, gene products, or hormones of the
utilised metabolites into active drug com-
studied organism. Since the primary rea-
pounds. Additionally, unused medicines are
son for wildlife contaminant exposure is
often disposed through the sewage system,
their feeding ecology, effective new tools
and many pharmaceuticals are only incom-
for diet determination and habitat use are
pletely eliminated at sewage treatment plants.
key elements of many eco-toxicological
The possible effects of the presence of drugs
in aquatic systems are widely unknown.
Another important topic for current
A major concern has so far been that anti-
research is the individual and population
biotics found in effluent sewage may cause
health effects of oil exposure on marine
increased resistance among bacterial popu-
mammals. An example is the extremely
lations exposed to these drugs. There are
Chemical Pollution and Diseases of Marine Mammals
71 5
currently several studies looking for multi-­ 55 Identify sources of, and solutions to
drug-­resistant bacteria in marine life. How- water pollution.
ever, most aquatic organisms are continually 55 What can everyone do to fight environ-
exposed to a whole range of different sub- mental pollution?
stances. Especially in coastal regions, pharma- 55 List at least ten ways to avoid pollution.
ceuticals may suppress the immune response Maybe some students already implement
and hormone production of aquatic organ- some of these ways and others are not.
isms. Can the students support one another to
Several studies have shown that many aquatic increase our efforts to reduce pollution?
animals are affected by marine environment
polluting drugs: Oysters from two different bays
in Canada contained traces of medications such
as antibiotics, antihistamines (used for allergy Let the students collect all discarded items
treatment) and pain relievers. ‘Intersex’ fish, they find on their way to school. Discuss
with both male and female reproductive organs the potential the objects have to harm
caused by endocrine disrupters, have been found wildlife.
worldwide. Scientists believe that artificial hor-
mones from birth control pills may contribute
to this problem. Antidepressant and antianxiety Some activities anybody can do to help reduce
medications are also found globally in the envi- pollution:
ronment. They accumulate in wildlife tissues, 55 Walk or ride a bicycle instead of driving in
and their potential to disrupt normal biological a car.
systems and behaviours is extensive. 55 Turn off lights and unplug electronic
Many aquatic organisms spend their devices when not needed.
entire lives in polluted environments, affecting 55 Switch to reusable water bottles, mugs and
their immune system, feeding habits, behav- bags.
iour, metabolism, and movement patterns. 55 Use eco-friendly and energy-efficient prod-
Prozac (a common antidepressant used for ucts whenever possible.
the treatment of depression) causes shrimp 55 Buy locally grown and produced food
(Echinogammarus marinus) to leave their nat- products.
ural, hidden habitat and head towards more 55 Use soap bars and other minimal/zero
luminous locations, making them vulner- waste products.
able to predators. Small amounts of cocaine 55 Reduce, reuse and recycle as often as you
can have adverse health effects on critically can.
endangered European eels (Anguilla anguilla). 55 Properly discard expired medications.
Cocaine-­ exposed eels were hyperactive and 55 Plant trees, grow your own fruits and veg-
suffered from muscle damage. These prob- etables.
lems do not end in our rivers or oceans: When
we eat seafood, the pharmaceuticals and con- Be sure to share facts that will emphasise the
taminants return to our bodies, affecting our importance of your activities and why you
physiology and starting a new vicious circle. are doing them. For example, when you are
recycling, explain that recycling just one glass
bottle reduces air pollution by 20 percent and
6  Teaching materials causes 50 percent less water pollution com-
pared to making a brand-new bottle.
??Exercise 5.1: How can different types of
pollution affect marine mammals? ??Exercise 5.2: Mussel filtration
Organisms get rid of contaminants through
Have a class discussion:
catabolism and excretion, but how does the
55 Identify sources of, and solutions to air
ocean get rid of pollutants?
72 A. Reckendorf et al.

In this experiment, we will demonstrate bour (if blue mussels cannot be obtained,
the important role of mussels as waste col- freshwater mussels from a lake or aquarist
lectors within aquatic ecosystems by show- stores are also an option).
ing their ability to clear water. 55 A planktonic algae mix (from a nearby
Marine mussels are bivalve (they have lake, or cultivated beforehand).
two hard shells) molluscs. There are among 55 Food colouring.
other species, blue mussels, oysters, and 55 A video recording device with a timer (e.g.
clams, which all improve water quality and a smartphone).
contribute to healthy marine habitats. They
play an important role in aquatic ecosys- zz Tasks
 tems. Mussels are filter feeders. They draw
in seawater and filter out phytoplankton
1. Collect the blue mussels and keep them
in a well-aired aquarium around 15–20
and sediments. A video showing the anat- °C. Arrange the second aquarium next to
omy of a mussel can be found at 7 https://
  the first one in a similar way, with water
www.­youtube.­c om/watch?v=gZKSFBj-­­ but without mussels.
FqU. 2. Pour the mix of planktonic algae equally
On this 3D animation 7 https://www.­
  into both aquariums and observe how fast
youtube.­com/watch?v=7KekxV78gns you the mussels are able to clear the water. Try
can observe filter and particulate organic to film the process or take a picture before
matter filtration by a blue mussel (Mytilus and after the clearing of the seawater.
edulis). The animation shows the path of If you have a photometer, you can also
water (blue) and associated food (orange) take measurements of the differences in
in the mussel. Siphoned material is either light reflection between the two aquaria.
transferred to the mouth for digestion or . Figure 2 shows the result of the experi-

sloughs off the gills and exits via the ven- ment.
tral margin of the shell. Digested material 3. Put the food colouring into water of both
is used both as fuel for various life processes aquaria, let it spread and see what hap-
and excreted as faeces. The amount and pens.
rate of particulate matter removed from the 4. Write down your observations and times.
water column and subsequent deposition Draw conclusions and discuss them within
of waste depends on species, size, water your group.
temperature and particle concentration.
Marine mussels function as bioindica- After the experiment, the living mussels
tors of marine pollution. As sedentary sus- should be returned to their place of origin,
pension feeders, mussels remove a variety or they can be kept in suitable aquarium;
of materials from the water column. These or a dissection can be done to view the food
materials include pollutants that can be colouring deposition within the mussel by
assimilated and bioaccumulate in their tis- colouration of the organs. While the mussels
sues. are alive, you can observe the ciliary move-
ments at the level of the gills with a binocular
zz Required materials microscope. You should, however, consider
55 Two aquaria, container or buckets full of how to humanely kill the mussels prior to
seawater (use rain or lake water if freshwa- dissection, for animal welfare reasons. This
ter species are used). can be done by boiling, by bubbling carbon
55 Aquarium pump (you don’t need a strong dioxide or adding a 20–30% concentration of
one; it can be a very simple, cheap model) magnesium sulphate into the water. Please do
or compressor. NOT use formaldehyde or alcohol for eutha-
55 Living blue mussels. Commercially avail- nasia purposes.
able from supermarkets; if possible, collect You can also watch a recording of the whole
them with the students from a nearby har- mussel clearing experiment 7 (Video S1).

Chemical Pollution and Diseases of Marine Mammals
73 5

..      Fig. 2 (7 Exercise 5.2) Mussel filtration experiment.

  shows that after 11 min, the mussels have cleared the
The upper picture shows two aquaria with sea water, the water completely, while the tank without mussels
right one also contains mussels. The bottom picture remains unchanged

??Exercise 5.3: Bioaccumulation: The zz Required materials

hidden dangers in the food web 55 1 ‘shaker’ cup
The processes of bioaccumulation and bio- 55 9 small cups (corresponding to small ani-
magnification are connected. How can we mal, e.g. shrimp)
visualise a better understanding of these 55 3 medium cups (corresponding to medium
concepts? fish, e.g. cod)
With this simple experiment, students 55 1 large cup (predator, e.g. harbour por-
can observe how contaminants accumulate poise)
and magnify in different organisms within 55 20 items of the same colour (e.g. blue
the food chain. Through ingestion with sweets) as plankton
their prey, chemicals move up through the 55 10 items of the same colour (e.g. red
food chain. Bioaccumulation means that sweets) as plankton with DDT attached
even when the initial level of chemicals
was low, the concentration accumulates in zz Tasks
organisms higher up the food web, increas- Place all 30 items in the ‘shaker’ to represent
ing their toxic potential. the population of primary producers and give
it a good shake. Record the amounts of DDT
74 A. Reckendorf et al.

Empty the contents of two randomly chosen

‘cod’ cups into the large ‘porpoise’ cup.
Record the amount of DDT in the porpoise.
4. Place all items back into the ‘shaker’ cup
and repeat the experiment two more times.
Then calculate the average amount of
DDT for each organism from all three tri-

Draw conclusions to marine life by using the

 following questions:
55 Comparing all three trials, which organism
contained the highest concentration of
55 What happened to the amount of DDT
per organism as it moved up the food
55 Why is DDT harmful to marine mam-
55 Name other organisms besides porpoises
that you would expect to have high con-
centrations of DDT.
55 If the porpoise population decreases due
..      Fig. 3 (7 Exercise 5.3) Top: game requirements (dif-

to contamination effects, which other pop-
ferently sized cups, a ‘shaker’ and ‘plankton’ items of
ulations of marine mammals would be
two different colours); Bottom: playing the game—sim-
ulation of bioaccumulation by emptying the contents of affected?
two randomly chosen small ‘sand lance’ cups into one of 55 Which of the following types of sea food
the medium ‘cod’ cups would be the safest to eat, concerning their
content of pollutants? List them in order
(number of, for example, red sweets) per pro- and explain your answer.
ducer (for example, 10 contaminants per 30 Herring, Squid, Salmon, Mackerel,
producers gives a total of 1/3) Orca, Mussels, Shark, Cod, Tuna
1. Simulate sand lance eating some of the
plankton by closing your eyes and ran- ??Exercise 5.4: Oil spill clean-up (Part 1)
domly removing 3 items from the ‘shaker’. Imagine an oil spill into a body of water—
Place them into one of the small ‘sand what methods or materials could be used to
lance’ cups and repeat this for the remain- clean up the oil?
ing eight small cups. Record the amount The ocean has been subject to many
of DDT in each sand lance (see . Fig. 3).  
different small oil leakages and large oil
2. Now, simulate the cod eating two sand spill disasters with major environmental
lances. Empty the contents of two ran- impacts. There are chronic spills: The Niger
domly chosen ‘sand lance’ cups into one of Delta is polluted by over 13 million barrels
the medium ‘cod’ cups. Repeat for the of crude oil, with an average yearly spill of
remaining two cod cups. Record the 240,000 barrels. More commonly, we hear
amount of DDT in each ‘cod’. about wrecked oil cargo ships such as the
3. Finally, simulate the porpoise eating cod. ‘Amoco Cadiz’ crude oil carrier spill in
One porpoise needs to consume two cods. France in 1978 and the ‘Exxon Valdez’ oil
Chemical Pollution and Diseases of Marine Mammals
75 5
tanker spill in Alaska in 1989. In this exer- 4. To test the sorbents each student should
cise, you will model an oil spill, look at the choose ~3 sorbents to test, so that all avail-
impact of oil on seabirds and test differ- able options are being tested. Before start-
ent materials for cleaning up the spill. This ing, write a hypothesis on how the different
experiment will help you understand why sorbents you selected will clean up oil and
an oil spill is an environmental catastrophe which of them will work best.
and a difficult task to deal with. Test the sorbents one at a time and
record your observations thoroughly.
zz Required materials 55 How much oil did the sorbent clean
55 Baking dish up?
55 Hot and cold tap water 55 Is the sorbent fast or slow absorbing?
55 Blue food colouring 55 Does the sorbent pick up water too?
55 Vegetable oil 55 Does the clean sorbent sink or float?
55 Pure cocoa powder 55 Does it change if oil-coated?
55 Teaspoon 55 Which sorbent worked the fastest?
55 Stir rods 55 Which one worked the best overall?
55 Beaker 55 How would you pick up oil-­
55 Sorbents (paper towel, kitchen towel, dif- contaminated sorbents in a real oil spill
ferent textile fabrics, cotton balls, sponges, in fresh water/the ocean?
Styrofoam cup, straw or hay, shredded 55 How would you dispose the tons of
wheat, garden peat moss, etc.) toxic oil-contaminated material from a
55 Liquid dishwashing detergent real oil spill?
55 Forceps 5. Now add 2–3 drops of detergent to the oil-
55 Clean, dry feathers contaminated freshwater. Describe what
55 Three bowls or basins happens. Would detergent be a reasonable
tool to use in a real oil spill? Discuss the
zz Tasks pros and cons with your classmates.
First, you have to prepare your clean water Look back at your original hypothesis
and ‘crude oil’. and write a concluding statement that rec-
1. To prepare the ‘ocean’ fill the baking dish ommends materials and methods for clean-
with cold tap water to within 2 cm of rim, ing up oil spills based on your findings.
add the food dye and stir it until it has a Oil spill clean-up (Part 2)
nice colour. Let the solution settle. How are animals affected by oil and
2. To simulate crude oil use 3 tablespoons of related clean-up methods?
vegetable oil and thoroughly mix in 2 tbsp. 6. To look at the way oil affects bird feathers,
of cocoa powder. (This experiment also you will try out different clean-­up methods
works with regular vegetable oil, but the to find out which ones work best (depend-
effect is clearer and more realistic with the ing on how much detergent was used in
thicker oil-cocoa mix.) step 5., a new oiled water preparation
3. To contaminate fresh water, pour the simu- might be necessary for this part). Before
lated crude oil very slowly directly onto the starting, discuss how different animals are
surface of the freshwater dish. Be cautious: affected by an oil spill and what happens
if you pour too quickly, the experiment will to birds and their feathers in particular.
not work—in this case, start over! 55 What is the function of feathers for
55 What happened to the oil when you birds?
dropped it on the ocean? Record your 55 Which water bird species can you think
observations and explain them. of being affected by oil spills?
76 A. Reckendorf et al.

7. Choose some feathers and dip them in the sible resultant liver and kidney damage.
oil to imitate what happens when a bird However, cleaning (restraint and han-
lands on an oil slick. What happened to dling) is a very stressful procedure for a
the feathers? How do you think this might wild bird—should birds be cleaned imme-
affect a water bird? Write down your diately after capture or should they not be
observations and thoughts. washed until their physical and mental
8. Now try three methods of cleaning feath- condition is stable (such that they are
ers. Therefore, we need to set up 3 washing likely to survive the procedure) even if
stations. One with cold water, one with hot that increases the chances of intoxication
water and one with warm water and deter- through toxin absorption?
 gent. Choose a washing technique for your
feathers and use the same method at each
55 Why is it so important to make sure the
bird is thoroughly rinsed and definitely
station. clean after the washing procedure?
(a) Cold water washing: try washing some
of the oiled feathers in cold water. Example answers:
Write down your observations. 55 The ingestion of oil leads to intoxication
(b) Hot water washing: try washing some and potential interference with internal
of the oiled feathers in hot water. organ functionality, decreasing their
Write down your observations. health and survival chances.
(c) Washing with detergent: try washing 55 Toxin resorption through the skin and oil
some of the oiled feathers in the warm contamination of fur and feathers prevent
soapy water. Write down your obser- thermoregulation or swimming ability;
vations. animals can get stuck in an oil blanket.
9. Which method would be best to clean oily 55 Crude oil is less processed and hence often
birds? Write a final statement that dis- less toxic than highly refined oils, but
cusses how oil spills affect birds, what the might be more difficult to clean off.
best cleaning method would be and incor- 55 The animal should always be stabilised
porate your own findings. prior to a washing procedure, but also be
Oil spill clean-up (Part 3): Group dis- cleaned as soon as possible to prevent fur-
cussion ther intoxication damage. Distressed ani-
Discuss the following points within mals require calming before washing,
your class and perform some online which can take several days.
research yourself on the issue: 55 Residual oil and/or detergent will interfere
55 Birds may ingest oil while trying to with waterproofing and insulation of the
preen the oil from their feathers—how bird.
does this effect their health and sur-
vival chances? ??Exercise 5.5: Greenhouse gases in the
55 Aquatic animals are usually extremely ocean
sensitive creatures—is only the ingestion It is often mentioned that the ocean func-
of oil dangerous or are there other prob- tions as a huge CO2 trap, which is of major
lems related to external toxin exposure? importance for climate regulation, but how
55 Every oil spill is different, because the does it do that?
kinds of oil that are used vary widely— The ocean absorbs gases from the atmo-
what could be a difference between a sphere and releases them again. Thus, the
crude oil spill and a spill of highly toxic world’s oceans have a major influence on
oils such as diesel or jet fuel? the world climate and also absorb a lot
55 Washing birds within 8–24 h of capture is of airborne contaminants. Gases like the
advantageous in order to reduce absorp- greenhouse gas carbon dioxide or other
tion of toxins through the skin and pos- pollutants can dissolve in the water, just
Chemical Pollution and Diseases of Marine Mammals
77 5
like salt does. How much gas the water can
absorb depends on various factors that can Explanation
easily be tried out with this little experi- In this experiment, we have to discern the
ment. invisible from the visible gas bubbles: not
all the produced gas arrives at the top of the
zz Required materials bottle, because—invisible to us—a certain
55 0.5 l bottle (transparent) portion is absorbed by the water. The gas
55 Bowl basically ‘dissolves’ in it. The ability of the
55 Small funnel water to absorb gases depends on the tem-
55 Tap water (optional: food colouring) perature and the amount of gas already dis-
55 Effervescent tablets (e.g. Alka-Seltzer tab- solved in the water: the colder the water, the
let) more gas can be absorbed, resulting in a
55 Permanent marker smaller gas bubble within the bottle (Step
2). The second effervescent tablet (Step 3)
then dissolves in water, which already con-
zz Tasks tains a lot of gas from the first trail (it is
Fill half of the bowl and the bottle to the brim almost ‘saturated’). Therefore, a much
with warm tap water. For a nicer optic, you larger proportion of gas directly fizzes into
can dye the water with food colouring. the bottle now.
1. Place the funnel into the bottle and care- In the past, water in the world’s oceans
fully position everything upside down in contained relatively little carbon dioxide,
the bowl (bottle opening facing down). Put and large quantities of greenhouse gases
an effervescent tablet under the funnel and could therefore pass from the air into the
let it dissolve. During this process, carbon water at the ocean surface. Meanwhile, our
dioxide is produced and CO2 bubbles fizz oceans slowly begin to warm due to climate
into the bottle. The more CO2 is produced, change caused by carbon dioxide. Due to
the more water gets pushed out of the bot- both effects (saturation and temperature
tle. Once the tablet is dissolved, indicate increase), the oceans are less able to absorb
the lower edge of the resulting gas bubble this gas. It is a vicious cycle.
with the marker.
2. Repeat the experiment with cold water. Is
the new marker in the same place as the
first one? Suggested reading
3. What will happen if you put a second
effervescent tablet under the funnel? Will 1. Desforges J-P, Hall A, McConnell B, Rosing-Asvid
the bubble within the bottle be twice as A, Barber JL, Brownlow A, De Guise S, Eulaers I,
Jepson PD, Letcher RJ, Levin M, Ross PS, Samarra
big, less or more than twice as big as in the
F, Víkingson G, Sonne C, Dietz R 2018. Predicting
first trail? global killer whale population collapse from PCB pol-
4. Discuss your results and gather some lution. Science 361:1373–6.
explanations. science.aat1953.
What does this mean for other pollut- 2. Fabbri E, Franzellitti S 2016. Human pharmaceuti-
cals in the marine environment: focus on exposure
ants and for aquatic animals?
and biological effects in animal species. Environ
If you are unsure, perform an online Toxicol Chem 35:799–812.
search on sea temperature increase and its etc.3131.
effects on ecosystems. 3. Fossi MC, Panti C 2018. Marine mammal ecotoxi-
cology: impacts of multiple stressors on population
78 A. Reckendorf et al.

health. London: Elsevier, Academic Press ISBN: Doeschate M, Esteban R, Ferreira M, Foote AD,
9780128122501. Genov T, Giménez J, Loveridge J, Llavona Á, Martin
4. Gulland FMD, Dierauf LA, Whitman KL 2018. CRC V, Maxwell DL, Papachlimitzou A, Penrose R,
Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine. 3rd ed. Perkins MW, Smith B, de Stephanis R, Tregenza N,
Boca Ranton, FL: CRC Press. ISBN 9781498796873. Verborgh P, Fernandez A, Law RJ 2016. PCB pollu-
5. Jepson PD, Deaville R, Barber JL, Aguilar A, Borrell tion continues to impact populations of orcas and
A, Murphy S, Barry J, Brownlow A, Barnett J, other dolphins in European waters. Scientific Rep
Berrow S, Cunningham AA, Davison NJ, ten 6:18573.

Open Access  This chapter is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
(http://creativecommons.­org/licenses/by/4.­0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in
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obtain permission directly from the copyright holder.

How to Become a
Marine Mammal Scientist
Katrin Knickmeier, Anja Reckendorf, and Dennis Brennecke


1   Introduction – 80

2   Marine mammal career opportunities – 80

2.1     Prerequisites learned in school – 80

3   How to become a marine mammal

scientist – 81
3.1     How to become a marine biologist – 81
3.2     How to become a veterinarian – 81
3.3     How to become an engineer – 82
3.4     How to become a mathematical biologist – 83

4   Accounts of different career paths – 84

© The Author(s) 2023

D. Brennecke et al. (eds.), Marine Mammals,
K. Knickmeier et al.

nnLearning Goals tant to gain knowledge and experience for a

55 Become aware of different working future career. If you are unsure about a certain
prospects in science, technology, engi­ job or work field, receiving practical insight
neering and mathematics. often helps to make the right career choices
55 Understand how careers in different for your future. For example, you could uti­
fields can lead to a job in marine mam­ lise your holidays to familiarise yourself with
mal science and research. an occupation of interest, like participating
55 Learn how researchers with diverse in aquatic animal censuses, rehabilitation or
backgrounds became marine mammal education programmes.
scientists. There are thousands of students who want
to work with marine mammals. Since you
are not alone in your passion, you have to be
1  Introduction unique in some relevant way. You can achieve
 this by learning certain technical skills, such
There are many ways to become involved as computer coding, equipment repair, or by
working with marine mammals as a profes­ acquiring a scuba certification, a boat hand­
sional career. You can become a zoologist, ling licence or a permit to fly drones or radio
marine or population biologist, oceanogra­ control aircrafts. It is also important to edu­
pher, veterinarian, ecologist, physicist, engi­ cate yourself by reading specialised and sci­
neer, underwater photographer, technician, entific literature. You can read about marine
national park ranger, naturalist, professional animals that interest you, but also about your
scuba diver, digitalisation expert, science specific field of interest, such as diving physi­
communicator, project assistant at an insti­ ology, acoustics, diseases, social behaviour,
tute studying marine mammals or a combi­ prey species and food availability.
nation of several of these. Scientific working
with marine mammals is transdisciplinary
and encompasses various academic disci­ 2.1  Prerequisites learned in school
plines, such as biology, chemistry, physics,
mathematics and engineering. An interest Most research positions have an academic
in topics relevant for today’s environmental background, so achieving good grades espe­
challenges (e.g. climate change, pollution, cially in the natural sciences, technology and
decrease in biodiversity, renewable energy, mathematics is important for being accepted
natural disasters and food security) can lead into a university to study your field of inter­
to studies of marine mammals. Marine mam­ est. It is important that you are proficient
mals have a fundamental role in many marine in English. You can improve your language
ecosystems. skills through training courses. Scientists reg­
ularly present their research at international
conferences or meet during different assem­
2  Marine mammal career blies to exchange knowledge, project ideas
opportunities and research outcomes. Meetings are almost
always held in English. You report your study
If you plan to become a marine mammal sci­ results in scientific publications, written in
entist, it will require your full devotion, time, English to reach a large audience.
energy and creativity. Practical field work out­ In some parts of the world, many peo­
doors can be equally part of a researcher’s ple you meet are not comfortable speaking
job as working on the computer or perform­ English, so you also want to pick up other
ing meticulous laboratory work. Try to find a languages. Latin is not a requirement, but
good place to gain experience in your field of numerous scientific terms like taxonomy or
interest and a team that will give insights into anatomical structures are Latin for global
their daily work. Volunteering can be impor­ ­standardisation.
How to Become a Marine Mammal Scientist
81 6
3  How to become a marine programme is usually three or four years (six
mammal scientist to eight semesters). After obtaining your
degree, you can choose a field of special inter­
There are many university programmes pre­ est and deepen your knowledge by entering a
paring you for a career in science, some of Master’s programme to study and specialise in,
which will be touched on in this chapter. Also, for example, marine biology, marine environ­
non-academic professions can lead to an mental sciences or biological oceanography.
active career in marine mammal science and A Master’s programme usually lasts four
research. Scientific groups rely on employ­ semesters (two years) or in some countries
ees with many practical and administrative three years. The final year or semester is dedi­
backgrounds, such as laboratory technicians, cated to your Master’s thesis, for which you
secretaries, communication specialists, public choose a research topic that interests you and
relations managers and animal trainers. that you would like to focus on in your future
career. Keep in mind that almost everything
in the marine environment is connected and
therefore of relevance, from the tiniest plank­
3.1  How to become a marine
ton to the largest animals on Earth, and a
biologist solid basis of knowledge is needed to under­
stand them and any threats they face.
Marine biologists study marine organisms, After completing a Master’s thesis, you
which may include either microscopic beings may continue to pursue a doctoral degree,
such as plankton, or larger animals such as which will give you the opportunity to develop
marine mammals. If you want to study these your own research questions, and then by per­
organisms you may either observe them in the forming experiments or field surveys, write
field (that is, in the ocean), or you can collect scientific publications and thus become a part
some individuals and bring them into your of the scientific community. This last phase of
laboratory. In the laboratory, you can investi­ higher education usually lasts at least three to
gate a certain scientific question, for instance four years, sometimes longer.
whether a certain species can survive summer
heat waves, by simply increasing the tempera­
ture of the water simulating a heat wave event. 3.2  How to become a veterinarian
During field studies, you may investigate if
marine mammals are more present in pristine If you would like to become a veterinarian,
areas than highly human impacted areas. you should have a general understanding of
To become a marine biologist, you need mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology.
to gain knowledge in a broad range of disci­ You should be interested in domestic animals,
plines. These mainly constitute the subjects animal health, microbiology, diseases, food
of biology, chemistry, geology, physics and safety and hygiene. If you want to become a
mathematics. Being engaged and achieving wildlife veterinarian, you should also be inter­
good grades in secondary school is important. ested in wildlife, environmental protection,
Marine biology and all related careers are of a animal welfare and conservation.
high educational level, which means you likely To be accepted by a veterinary university,
need to obtain a degree from a college or uni­ you usually need to have good grades in sec­
versity to become a competitive candidate for ondary school, especially in the natural sci­
a job. ences. Often, a letter of intent and an aptitude
First, you likely will need to get a university test are also required. The educational system
degree, which is often a Bachelor of Science differs depending on your country of resi­
in biology or any other natural science. There dence, but it usually takes some 11 semesters
are different university programmes, like envi­ (5.5 years) of study, including compulsory
ronmental sciences, marine geosciences, bio­ practical internships. You learn about zool­
informatics, etc. The duration of a Bachelor’s ogy, botany, chemistry, physics, biochemistry,
82 K. Knickmeier et al.

embryology, pharmacology, as well as more on population levels or the pattern of spread­

specialised topics in anatomy, physiology, ing of a disease. One should be prepared for
pathology, animal welfare, internal medicine working many hours on a computer or in a
and surgery. You also learn about food and laboratory. Still, working as a veterinarian is
meat production and hygiene. highly rewarding, whether it is helping indi­
Depending on the university, you may spe­ viduals in a clinical setting or performing
cialise in a certain animal species during the wildlife research on a broader scale, as in this
course of study. Even so, with a veterinary profession you can usually see the results of
degree you have a broad training and can your devotion and you can do a lot of good.
work in many different fields. You can work in
a veterinary clinic, in the food production and
hygiene sector, pursue research, sell veterinary 3.3  How to become an engineer
supplies, or work for the pharmaceutical or
 another industry. Unfortunately, there is usu­ Advice from Principal Research Fellow Mark
ally little university training in topics of inter­ Johnson, PhD in electronic engineering, Scottish
est for wildlife veterinarians. You need to gain Oceans Institute and Marine Bioacoustics
experience through internships and postgrad­ Group, University of St Andrews, and Aarhus
uate studies to specialise in fields like wildlife University, Denmark.
biology, zoo animal and wildlife health, ani­ Working on engineering methods to study
mal welfare and conservation. marine mammals is incredibly rewarding and
As a veterinarian you are expected to see challenging. Most marine mammals spend
the larger picture by connecting fragmented little time at the surface, so much of what
information to form a diagnosis, to func­ we know about their behaviour and capabili­
tion in unfamiliar situations, to work reli­ ties comes from using electronic data loggers
ably under stress and to quickly familiarise (records data over time and/or in relation
yourself with new situations and areas of to location). To learn something new in this
work. You need to be attentive and creative, highly specific field, you have to develop a log­
because regardless of whether you are treat­ ger capable of measuring something different
ing a mouse, horse or elephant, you have to or invent a way to analyse the data that the
find a solution for each animal and situa­ loggers collect, and this often requires engi­
tion. In addition, you can specialise in clini­ neering knowledge. Engineering is both a set
cal fields such as reproduction, ophthalmology of skills and a way of looking at problems.
or dentistry rather than in an animal species. Engineers use maths and physics to under­
If you desire to work with marine mammals, stand how things work or to build new things.
you should try to engage in as many practical In animal biology, engineers invent ways to
experiences as possible. Volunteer wherever find out where animals are, what their envi­
you can and participate in relevant intern­ ronment is like, how many of them are there,
ships. This is a highly competitive field with and what they are doing. Some biologists
very few paid positions. Therefore, you should working with animals take an engineering
be determined and excel at your profession to approach, for example, by applying physi­
succeed in the long run. cal models to explain how animals move or
In rehabilitation or permanent holding how the sounds they make radiate into the
facilities, the veterinary care team obtains environment. Either way, the key is to look at
regular hands-on experience with the animals problems from an engineering perspective and
they care for. Veterinary specialists are often acquire enough knowledge in maths, physics,
called in for their expertise to assist the head and engineering to develop the mechanical or
veterinarian with clinical cases (such as den­ electronic systems you need.
tal reconstructions, or osteosynthesis). For Many universities offer Bachelor’s degrees
some wildlife veterinarians, marine mammal in engineering in which you usually have to
research often involves little hands-on work select between mechanical or computer and
with the animals, as much of the work focuses electronic themes. Some universities offer
How to Become a Marine Mammal Scientist
83 6
more cross-disciplinary themes such as indus­ years. On the one hand, mathematical mod­
trial design or biomedical engineering which els are excellent tools for studying complex
may also give you useful skills for developing systems such as the evolution and spread of
systems to study marine life. A more practi­ new traits in a population or the spread of dis­
cally oriented diploma in computer engineer­ ease. On the other hand, statistical methods
ing may also be a possibility to help you add are essential for quantifying the evidence in
engineering skills to your biology training (e.g. favour or against a scientific hypothesis and
as an evening class). There are few research thus form the foundation for inference. The
groups actively working on engineering appli­ great majority of contemporary publications
cations in marine biology, and you may need in the biological sciences draw on mathemati­
to persuade researchers across departments cal tools. To fully appreciate the evidence
at your chosen university to create a cross-­ underlying a scientific statement, mathemati­
disciplinary opportunity for postgraduate cal knowledge is required and every scientist
study. However, there is such a powerful need should know a basis of statistics and program­
for people with engineering skills in marine ming. But don’t worry: while statistics use
biology, that you may find that researchers are mathematical concepts, they require a differ­
keen to create such opportunities. ent set of logical thinking, and you don’t have
Strangely, many university engineering to be a mathematician to be a great statisti­
courses do not teach you how to build elec­ cian and vice versa. If mathematics is not your
tronic devices. They teach you about the strongest suit, you can still get an understand­
theory and less about the practice. Most engi­ ing of statistics and be an excellent scientist,
neers learn about designing and building by while for the more comprehensive studies and
trial and error or by working with other engi­ models, an interdisciplinary approach includ­
neers. Some companies employ interns and ing statisticians, mathematical biologists or
this can be a good way to learn how to pro­ bioinformaticians is usually the way to go.
ceed. Another way is to reverse engineer: see The requirements: Mathematical biologists
how other people have designed equipment are working in a field that spans disciplines as
and try to adapt their work. There are a lot of diverse as mathematics, biology and bioinfor­
hacker and engineering communities on the matics. Bachelor’s degrees in biomathemat­
web that can help with advice (albeit of vary­ ics, biology, bioinformatics, statistics, applied
ing quality). But ultimately, the way to learn mathematics or physics can all be good start­
is to build things, test them and find out what ing points for a career. In the end you want to
breaks, repeatedly. achieve both a good knowledge of the biolog­
ical system you are studying and a thorough
understanding of the mathematical toolset.
3.4  How to become a mathematical During your studies you may achieve this by
biologist participating in courses of other university
departments, by selecting or suggesting cross-­
Advice from Dr. Benno Wölfing, formerly disciplinary assignments and research projects
responsible for statistics and modelling at ITAW, and by working in cross-disciplinary research
now working in the division for Management groups. Programming experience is an essen­
and Monitoring of Marine Protected Areas tial skill. For graduate students and postdocs,
of the German Federal Agency for Nature experts in specific tools or analysis methods
Conservation, Isle of Vilm, Germany. often offer internationally advertised courses.
In his autobiography, Charles Darwin Most research questions in the life sciences
‘deeply regretted that [he] did not proceed far can only be answered in collaborative efforts.
enough at least to understand something of Fruitful collaborations between researchers of
the great leading principles of mathematics; different disciplines require a mutual under­
for men thus endowed seem to have an extra standing of basic principles and a shared
sense’. This extra sense has facilitated great vocabulary. Mathematical biologists can be
scientific discoveries in life sciences in recent viewed as working in a continuum between
84 K. Knickmeier et al.

mathematics and biology. You can select tions. To protect marine mammals in particu­
where to specialise on this continuum based lar, it is necessary to know how they live and
on your personal interests and talents. If your what effects human activities have on them.
prime interest is in developing mathematical Only the interdisciplinary work of several
tools, in abstraction or in exploring systems, research groups and professions (zoologists,
you may choose to study theoretical physics or veterinarians, chemists, physicists, statisti­
applied mathematics. Bioinformaticians typi­ cians, etc.) and the joint evaluation of data
cally focus on the analysis of data acquired and information lead to insights into the sta­
in the field of molecular biology as well as tus of a population or species. Over the past
genetic and genomic data. Statisticians are years, human threats to marine mammals
trained in experimental design and the analy­ have increased dramatically and research­
sis of experimental data. Biologists receive an ers need to find out how the animals react
in-depth training in the methods and concepts to changing living conditions, form conser­
 of their discipline enabling them to identify vation management strategies, and propose
research questions from which their discipline protected areas. Advising politics and stake­
will profit. Efforts to acquire a good knowl­ holders is also a main part of my work’.
edge in related disciplines will be important How did you become a scientist working
throughout your career. with marine mammals?
‘I was conducting a part of my veterinary
studies in Nantes, France, where I lived close
4  Accounts of different career to the seaside and started to work on marine
paths mammals. From that point on, I followed
this path and kept educating and specialising
zz Interview with Professor Dr Ursula Siebert, myself in marine mammal science and pathol­
Director of the Institute for Terrestrial and ogy’.
Aquatic Wildlife Research (ITAW), Germany What does a typical day as a research insti-
Prof Dr Ursula Siebert is a wildlife veterinar­ tute leader look like?
ian who specialises in marine mammals. She ‘The head of a research institute has to look
studied veterinary medicine at the German after everything that happens at the institute,
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen and the for example, the research projects, proposals,
Ecole Vétérinaire de Nantes in France, before contracts, master and doctoral students, build­
conducting her doctoral thesis on ‘Impact of ing and facilities, as well as everybody’s safety
mercury pollution on cetaceans from German and security. I have to keep contact with fund­
waters’ in Brussels, Belgium and Giessen, ing agencies and stake holders to inform them
Germany. In 2007, she finished her habilita­ about the progress and outcome of our research,
tion in zoology at the Christian-Albrechts- and recognise what type of work or project are
University Kiel and has been the Director of needed next to preserve marine mammals in
the ITAW since July 2011. She is a Diplomate German waters. Because I am involved in so
of the European College of Zoological many different working aspects, I regularly meet
Medicine (ECZM) in Wildlife Population with ministries, contracting authorities, working
Health and a Certified German Veterinary groups, national and international colleagues
Specialist in wild animals. and potential collaborators; have to read and
What is your main research focus? respond to a huge amount of emails per day;
‘In my research, I mainly focus on wildlife write and check scientific papers and reports;
biology and wildlife health. I supervise ter­ and keep an overview of everything that is going
restrial and aquatic research working groups on at the institute’.
at the institute; thus, I am involved in every­ What was your best experience working
thing the institute conducts: health moni­ with marine mammals?
toring on live and dead animals, acoustics, ‘The best working experience concerning
animal counts, telemetry, wildlife diseases/ marine mammals is to teach and train people
parasites and population decline investiga­ in different countries about them, including
How to Become a Marine Mammal Scientist
85 6
preparing young scientists for future research interested in underwater sound, how ani­
and protection of marine mammals. To see the mals respond to it and how they use sound
excitement and interest in their eyes during a underwater. For many years, I was working
lecture or a practical class is always rewarding on different projects related to these ques­
for the hard work we are doing’. tions. I also had a passion for marine mam­
mals. I worked with many different scientists
zz Interview with Associate Professor on some bycatch projects, I was a whale safari
Magnus Wahlberg, Head of the University guide (naturalist) and very often, I helped
of Southern Denmark (SDU)’s Marine other colleagues with their research projects
Biological Research Center in Kerteminde, just because I thought it was fun. I never ever
Denmark thought I could make a career out of this pas­
Prof Magnus Wahlberg is originally from sion. But I was lucky and motivated, so one
Sweden and studied physics and biology at thing led to the other, until I got a job at the
the Universities of Lund and Gothenburg. He Swedish fishery institute working with fish
worked with fish telemetry and sound produc­ and seals. Later, I started my graduate work
tion for the National Board of Fisheries in with toothed whales, and eventually ended up
Sweden before starting a PhD at the University in Kerteminde and have continued my career
of Southern Denmark, developing acoustic here. For me, one thing has just led to the
localisation methods for deep-diving cetaceans, other very much by coincidence rather than
focusing on the sperm whale. As a post-doc­ following a planned career path. And I think
toral researcher at Tjärnö Marine Biological especially in some scientific fields you have to
Laboratory, Sweden, and Aarhus University, be flexible and have very many hooks out in
Denmark, he continued measurements on deep- the sea of opportunities and then you may
diving cetaceans, including bottlenose whales. get efficient, competent or lucky so that one
In 2006, he was appointed chief scientist at of the hooks is the big catch and then that’s
Fjord&Bælt, focusing on studies of harbour por­ the way you go. In my opinion, you cannot sit
poise biosonar and hearing. He was appointed down and plan your life a certain way, because
Associate Professor at SDU in 2012, and in the next opportunity is maybe in Canada or in
2015 he became Daily leader of SDU’s Marine Australia, or in a completely different field or
Biological Research Center in Kerteminde. His with another species, you never know’.
current research focuses on the hearing abilities What does a typical day as a researcher
and behaviour of marine mammals and birds. look like?
What is your main research focus? ‘There are no typical days for researchers.
‘My main research area is underwater hear­ Every day is different, and I think you have to
ing and underwater sound production in marine be very open minded and adaptable. We call
animals, especially marine mammals. I studied it ‘expect the unexpected’. You should always
how fish respond to sound, how marine mam­ try to find out if there is something new and
mals interact with fishing gear, and also how interesting in what you are doing; that’s sort
especially porpoises find food by using echo­ of what we are mainly focusing on. On the
location. I work a lot with underwater sound, other hand, you have to be very meticulous,
which means I am working very interdisciplin­ because it takes a lot of discipline to formu­
ary. Acoustics by definition is a topic in phys­ late good ideas for projects, plan the projects,
ics. You need physicists to understand acoustics and get funding to conduct them, and also to
and you also need skilled engineers to build the collect and analyse the data, and finally writ­
equipment that you need for the measurements. ing it up for a scientific publication.
We often work with engineers in our research’. Natural scientists are trying to figure out
How did you become a scientist working the unknown, how issues are connected or
with marine mammals? how biological life systems function. Our work
‘I started my career studying physics, is trying to find new things. And how do you
actually. Then I got interested in biology do that? Well, it’s not necessarily like an 8:00
and I switched to biology. But I was mainly am to 4:00 pm kind of job. The days usually
86 K. Knickmeier et al.

start more or less in the same way as they do family whose members infiltrate invertebrates.
for most people: we are starting our computer With the aim of carrying out comparisons,
and go through our emails to see if there is his research expanded to other fish families
an immediate problem from colleagues or stu­ capable of acoustic communication.
dents that needs our attention. But otherwise What is your main research focus?
every day can be very different. Sometimes we ‘I like to work on different subjects. In the
are running experiments, we have to fix tech­ lab, we work mainly on the acoustic commu­
nical problems, we may have some issues that nication of fish. We try to understand which
we have to solve in terms of understanding an messages fish send, how they produce their
experimental result or we go out in the field calls and how we can use these calls to moni­
to measure sounds from the wild and we have tor the environment. If fishes are able to send
to either prepare field equipment or actually sounds, they should also be able to receive
go out and take the measurements. Often, we them, meaning that we are also working on
 dive into our computers to analyse the data their hearing abilities. Additionally, we exam­
and also write up papers and reports. On top ine the feeding modes of different fish species.
of that, we are also teaching and supervising Being able to feed on different prey and food
students at different levels. Finally, we have items means that you are able to share the
some administrative work to do. Basically, same environment and different niches. This
every day looks very different’. way, we can explain the biodiversity of fish
What was your best experience as a marine in the same habitat. Our latest project in the
biologist? lab concerns marine mammals. They have dif­
‘I have many fantastic experiences from ferent sizes, anatomies and physiologies, and
field work with whales and seals but maybe do not all live in the same parts of the ocean.
the best one I can think about is one in the Using the vertebrae of the backbone, we try
Azores, which are some beautiful Portuguese to explain how they evolved and adapt to dif­
islands in the Atlantic where a lot of whales ferent environments. Our work slogan could
congregate. We had been out there for several be: show me your backbone and I will tell you
weeks listening for and also tagging sperm where and how you live’.
whales from a sailing boat. During our last How did you become a scientist working
night, when all tags were retrieved, we had to with aquatic animals?
finish up and eventually get all the equipment ‘I simply like to be in the sea. So, I suppose,
back into the boat, which actually took the it is easy to understand that I also like to under­
whole night. It was already in the early morn­ stand how creatures of the sea are living. How
ing hours when we had everything organised. they communicate, how they adapt to chang­
I had been able to sleep a little bit during the ing situations and how they thrive. The most
night whereas the rest of the crew was com­ obvious way to find answers to these questions
pletely exhausted. So, I was the only one who was to study them—so I became a biologist’.
was sort of fresh enough to sail. There I was, What does a typical day as a researcher
sitting all alone while the sun was rising, and look like?
right beneath the stunning volcanic landscape ‘It depends on the day, because I am a
of the Azores, quietly sailing the boat back to professor and I also have to teach. However,
the harbour—that was a fantastic experience!’ much of my time is spent in a lab, working
with bones, graphics and animations. But
zz Interview with Professor Eric Parmentier, right now, while answering these questions, I
Director of the University of Liège’s am in Guadeloupe (in the southern Caribbean
Functional and Evolutive Morphology Sea) for one month with my research team and
laboratory, Belgium it is 6 am. In twenty minutes, we go to sea. We
Eric Parmentier is a fish and 3D-modelling will probably swim four to five hours to collect
expert who graduated from the University different fish species we suspect to be vocal.
of Liège’s animal biology department before Once we catch them, we place them close to
studying Carapidae, a sound producing fish the beach in shallow water and use hydro­
How to Become a Marine Mammal Scientist
87 6
phones to record their sounds, if possible. We and conservation work focusses on the biol­
also take small tail samples for genetic studies. ogy of and threats to marine mammals. She
After sampling, some fish are set free imme­ is a member of different international forums
diately, while others are kept longer for mor­ dedicated to marine mammal protection in
phological studies. If the fish is vocal, we can European waters, including ASCOBANS and
go back to the sea to place other hydrophones HELCOM expert groups.
allowing us to follow the fish’s sonic activity What is your main research focus?
for longer times. We can also use cameras to ‘Marine biology is a very multidisciplinary
explain fish behaviour through videos. This science. In our situation in Poland, where
kind of fieldwork is always very exciting, but there aren’t so many marine mammals, and
can also be strenuous and exhausting work. at the same time not so many scientists work­
Once we are home, we have a huge amount ing on them, it is very important to cover a
of data that needs to be analysed and inter­ lot of different issues in this kind of research.
preted, so when we leave the field the work is At Hel Marine Station the team and I try to
by no means done’. cover not only biology, behaviour and moni­
What was your best experience as a marine toring—but also more specific research as
biologist? toxicology, parasitology and microbiology.
‘There is no best experience, but a lot of We try to find out as much as possible about
nice experiences. Each time we visit a new place marine mammal populations that live here in
or we know we are the first people to observe the Baltic Sea. At the same time, we cooper­
something, we are excited and happy. For ate with a lot of different international teams
example, during this mission in Guadeloupe, like the ITAW, which are specialised in their
we are the first to record and describe the own very specific aspects in the lives of marine
sounds of ten different fish species! Before mammals’.
us, nobody knew these fish were even able to How did you become a scientist working
produce sounds. Isn’t that amazing? It is also with marine mammals?
neat to communicate the experiments we have ‘From the beginning of my life, I lived at
done and our research outcomes. The descrip­ the seaside. I was pretty sure that my profes­
tion of new fish species was also a great thing. sional life has to be connected to the sea, in
So, there are a lot of nice experiences in my some way. Growing up, I decided, that the
life as a marine biologist’. biology of the sea was the most exciting for
me. I had the chance to observe marine life
zz Interview with Dr. Iwona Pawliczka, Head from a very young age. I became more and
of Prof. Krzysztof Skóra Hel Marine Station, more excited and curious about it, asked
Department of Oceanography and myself how marine mammals can live in the
Geography, University of Gdansk, Poland water and what adaptations they have to live
Dr Iwona Pawliczka studied marine biology in the marine environment’.
at the University of Gdańsk. She has always What does a typical day as a researcher
been interested in marine mammals but did look like?
her master’s thesis on fish diet. During her ‘I think marine biologists and research­
studies she published her first paper on har­ ers, in general, are independent workers. It
bour porpoises as a co-author of an interna­ very much depends on how you organise your
tional team. After a couple of years spent far work in your office and the field. Firstly, you
from the sea, she got a position at Hel Marine have to find financial support to carry out
Station University of Gdańsk where she took projects. You have to find co-workers and
care of the research and population reestab­ research teams, often internationally, who are
lishment and stabilisation of Baltic harbour also interested in the same project or research
porpoises and grey seals. She finished her questions. Writing grant and project propos­
PhD on the biology, population status and als is a large part of a researcher’s life. Then
threats to harbour porpoises in the Polish you have to organise your time between field­
waters of the Baltic Sea. Her current research work, office work, conferences, workshops,
88 K. Knickmeier et al.

and writing publications and project reports. on underwater noise and hearing of harbour
The first stage of almost all projects is dedi­ porpoises, harbour seals and grey seals, in
cated to fieldwork. Sometimes on the ocean, particular on the impact of anthropogenic
sometimes at the beach, sometimes in the lab­ underwater noise. We examine the animals’
oratory. Being out on the ocean or working ears to understand the physical effects of
hands on with marine mammals is obviously a anthropogenic underwater sound on hearing,
prize for every researcher, which is only occa­ and also try to investigate how sound affects
sionally awarded. Often, you have to spend a the distribution of animals within their habi­
lot of time inside the office or in labs. But you tat. To record sounds in the ocean, acoustic
may also have to dedicate your time and your recording devices (hydrophones) are stationed
research to working at the university and to underwater. Through their recordings, we can
education, both academic and public educa­ learn how severe the underwater sound input
tion. It is very important to deliver the most is and can determine its effects on marine
 recent data to the public, to politicians and to animals. By analysing the recordings, we can
decision-makers, to take care of the environ­ detect whether animals are present in the
ment and to trigger positive progress’. vicinity of the hydrophones or not. In addi­
What was your best experience as a marine tion, we also tag animals with acoustic record­
biologist? ing and GPS devices and later try to figure
‘This is very difficult to say. My job and out how an animal behaves when exposed to
being a researcher have so many facets and underwater sound. Through our bioacoustics
so many different days, and you get so many research, we try to answer questions regarding
different experiences, that it is very difficult to
their normal physiology, anthropogenic influ­
say which one was the best. But, I would defi­ ences on behavioural change and the severity
nitely say, that the happiest moments and days of underwater noise pollution effects’.
are when you can really observe the results of How did you become a scientist working
your work out in nature and how the animals with marine mammals?
live in their natural environment and not in ‘The career process until I started work­
captivity, not in the labs and not in the with marine mammals was very long. I
So those are the best moments in my life as a was always interested in technology and this
marine biologist’. passion led to the decision to study physics.
During my studies, I would have never dreamt
zz Interview with Dr. Andreas Ruser, Deputy of ever working with marine mammals.
Director and Head of the Bioacoustic That was never my plan. However, I always
Research Group at the ITAW, Germany wanted to work in the field of applied physics.
Dr. Andreas Ruser is a trained physicist. He Meaning no theoretical research, but some­
graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics thing that can be measured or somehow cap­
and Natural Sciences of Kiel University in tured and practically implemented. During
2001. During his doctoral research in bio­ my university studies, I worked in a very differ­
physics, he focused on analysing chlorophyll-­ ent area, namely in photosynthesis research.
fluorescence to determine marine algae groups During the course of my career, I moved from
and on investigations on natural water samples basic photosynthesis research in terrestrial
with flow cytometers. One of his interests plants, over investigations of phytoplank­
focuses on the layout and construction of ana­ ton, to research on marine mammals. In fact,
logue and digital circuits and he is in charge of my research objects have slowly but steadily
the development and improvement of different increased in size throughout my career. In the
monitoring-systems (for water levels, currents, end, working with and on marine mammals
waves, underwater sound, animal hearing, etc.). happened just like that. I always had a natural
What is your main research focus? interest in this subject, but the basis to become
‘The bulk of my work is in the field of bio­ a marine mammal researcher was paved very
acoustics, where I mainly perform research on early on by my fascination and orientation for
marine mammals. My working group focuses applied physics’.
How to Become a Marine Mammal Scientist
89 6
What does a typical day as a researcher doctoral chlorophyll-fluorescence research,
look like? my best experience as a scientist is the acous­
‘This morning, my day started like every tic work with a harbour porpoise. Doing my
other workday. With a rather unpleasant first hearing tests and auditory experiments
sound: the repeated buzzing of my alarm clock. with porpoises was my absolute career high­
Like most people working at the institute, I light. For one, the animals are extremely spe­
would rather be outside in the field watching cial, all the porpoises I’ve studied so far have
and studying marine mammals and recording their own personality, which is amazing and
their call behaviour instead of working in the relatively unbelievable. They may not look
lab. The step into the acoustic laboratory is like it, but porpoises are simply highly fasci­
sobering; it looks like a NASA control room nating, remarkable animals. It is just some­
with banks of computers and boxes filled with thing completely different to work with a large
equipment such as hydrophones, amplifiers, animal, compared to researching microscopic
cables and sound cards. A colleague is staring plankton structures that are barely visible to
at the computer screens, but he is actually lis­ the naked eye. Moreover, every field investi­
tening to the sounds of blue whales the team gation is a new challenge, always extremely
recorded in Iceland. Sound recordings come complicated. You have to think about and
with a collection of a gigantic amount of data. consider an incredible amount of possibilities
Each recorded second represents, depending on and in the end, everything has to work in the
the sample rate, up to more than 500,000 data field. Something that is easily done in a lab is
points. These huge amounts of data and many usually a challenge on site and fieldwork is
hours of recordings require many cups of cof­ always complicated and often nerve-racking.
fee, the use of powerful software, excellent pro­ Even if you have tested the entire equipment
gramming skills and proper data management. and the measuring system worked perfectly a
The subsequent analysis of sound is diverse and few hours ago, the conditions in the field are
requires more cups of coffee, but statistical pro­ always different. Suddenly, an electronic sys­
grammes allow data organisation, calculation, tem that was previously running flawlessly for
statistical computing and graphic display of weeks in the laboratory shuts down without a
recorded sounds. This means, that we will sit in reason while you are working on a porpoise.
front of our computers for the rest of the day, Adrenaline kicks in and you have to find a
analysing the collected data, trying to refine our fast and easy solution to the problem to still
programmes and change statistical descriptive get reliable results at the end of the day. That
parameters to improve our results. Often, we let is why a good day out on the water, where
the computers calculate overnight, so that we everything works and you get good results
have the next dataset analysed the next morning is so satisfying. When all your hard work is
and we can continue working on it’. rewarded with aspired data, the whole team is
What was your best experience as a scien- happy, the examined porpoise is healthy, has
tist? good hearing abilities and can happily swim
‘Apart from a very mind-boggling experi­ off—that is always a great feeling and the best
ence with different plankton types during my motivation one can think of’.

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(http://creativecommons.­org/licenses/by/4.­0/), which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction
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Glossary – 92

© The Editors and the Authors 2023

D. Brennecke et al. (eds.), Marine Mammals,
92 Glossary


Acoustic deterrent device  A device that plays Bioindicator  Sentinel species, which reveals
out loud sounds to make seals avoid predat- the qualitative status of the environment and
ing on fishing gear and fish farms. For por- indicates a problem within the ecosystem
poises, sounds of less intensity is used to avoid when monitored for changes in, for example,
bycatch; these devices are known as pingers. biochemistry, physiology or behaviour.

Acoustics  Science of sound, including sound Biomagnification Also known as bio-ampli-

production, propagation and reception. fication. Biomagnification is the increased
concentration of contaminants in organisms
Additives  Substances that are added in small higher up the food chain. The contaminants
quantities during plastic production to induce are accumulated by foraging on smaller ani-
or enhance specific properties. mals having assimilated contaminants at
lower concentrations.
Alternative fishing gear Fishing gear devel-
oped to mitigate bycatch and depredation by Blubber A layer of fat under the skin of
marine mammals. marine mammals, serving as energy and water
reservoir as well as thermal insulator, and also
Anthropogenic sound 
Sound caused by important for buoyancy control and stream-
human activities. lining the body.

Aquaculture  Raising fish, crustaceans, mus- Bycatch Incidental non-targeted catch of

sels or algae in controlled conditions, such marine animals in fishing gear. By-caught
as tanks and ponds, or off the coast in net species can be non-target fish species as well
pens or cages, or (for algae and mussels) on as marine mammals, birds, turtles and inver-
lines. tebrates.

Baleen  Long and slender structures attached Clade A taxonomic group consisting of all
to the upper jaw of baleen whales. Baleen is organisms belonging to the evolutionary
made of keratin, a fibrous protein also found descendants of a common ancestor.
in human hair and fingernails. While foraging,
water is pushed through the baleen and cap- Class  A high-level taxonomic group of organ-
tures, for example, krill or schooling fish. isms with a common evolutionary origin.
All mammals (including whales, seals and
Bioacoustics Scientific topic combining biol- humans) belong to the class Mammalia, and
ogy, engineering and acoustics. Bioacousticians birds belong to Aves.
investigate, for example, sound production
and reception, how sound is used by animals DDT An insecticide, which is not only toxic
to communicate, find food and orient them- but possibly also carcinogenic to humans and
selves in their environment, and how animals animals. Abbreviation of dichlorodiphenyltri-
react to man-made sounds. chloroethane.

Bioaccumulation  Gradual build-up of chemi- Drag  The resistance exerted by the water to
cals or toxins in an organism. Bioaccumulation the movement of a body.
refers to the combined toxic uptake from food,
water, air, etc. as a result of the substance Echolocation Sensing the environment by
being absorbed faster than eliminated by the receiving returning echoes of sound pulses
organism through catabolism and excretion. ­produced by the animal. Echolocation, also

known as biosonar, is found in toothed whales, Gill net Nylon nets attached to the bottom
bats and a few species of birds. with anchors and held up by floating lines and
corks. The mesh size determines which size of
Environmental contaminant Harmful chemi- fish is most effectively caught. The fish pass
cal, biological or radiological substance that through the net with its head, but not its body,
has an adverse effect on living organisms and get entangled when it tries to back off.
and their environment. Contaminants can be Some gill nets stand at the bottom, whereas
derived from human (e.g. industries, waste- others are floating at the surface.
water, agriculture) or natural (e.g. algae and
bacteria) activities. Gyres Enormous circular surface water cur-
rents in the ocean.
Epoch Geological time period that can be
observed as a layer in rocks, caused by sedi- Immunotoxicology The study of toxicity of
ments that have turned into stone. Some sci- foreign substances and their effects on the
entists argue that we currently live in a newly immune system.
formed epoch, called the Anthropocene, as
traces of modern human activities, such as Invasive species Non-native species intro-
microplastics and pollutants, can be found in duced by, for example, aquaculture or ballast
newly formed sediments. water of ships.

Family A low taxonomic rank, right above Macroplastics Plastic fragments larger than
genus. All dolphins (including orcas) belong 2.5 cm.
to the family Delphinidae, whereas humans
and great apes (e.g. chimpanzees and gorillas) Mesoplastics  Plastic fragments with a size of
belong to the family Hominidae. 2.5–5 cm.

Fishing gear Gear used to catch, for exam- Microplastics Plastic fragments smaller than
ple, fish, crustaceans and squid. Fishing gear 5 mm.
design is adapted to the behaviour and depth
of targeted species. Fishing gear can be active Mitigation methods  Methods used to decrease
(e.g. trawl) or passive (e.g. trap). Some widely anthropogenic stressors in the environment,
used types of fishing gear are traps, pots, trawls, usually based on the concept ‘avoid, accept,
longlines, as well as fyke, seine and gill nets. reduce, control’.

Fluviatile  Found in, or produced by, a river. Myopia Near-sightedness.

Fyke net  A static fishing gear consisting of a Necropsy Post-mortem examination of a

long cylindrical or cone-shaped netting bag dead animal; corresponding to autopsy of a
that is fastened to rigid rings. Fish is guided human.
towards the entrance of a trap by wings or
leader nets and have a problem finding their Noise pollution  Adding man-made sound to
way out again. Fyke nets are anchored or the environment that may harm animals.
attached with poles to the bottom.
Order A grouping of organisms at a taxo-
Genus Taxonomic rank right above species. nomic rank lower than class but higher than
The harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) belongs to family. Whales and dolphins belong to the
the same genus, Phoca, as the spotted seal order Cetacea, whereas seals belong to the
(Phoca largha). The only species in the human order Carnivora. Humans, and apes and mon-
genus Homo is humans, Homo sapiens. keys, belong to Primates.
94 Glossary

Otolith  Ear stone in bony fish that functions Rods  Anatomical structure in the eye contain-
as a sensory organ detecting gravity, balance, ing pigments that are light sensitive but can-
movement and direction to sound sources. not discriminate between colours (for colour
Because otolith shape is species-specific, it is visions, the eye uses pigments found in cones).
used in dietary studies of marine piscivores.
Seafood certification schemes Official cer-
PCB Toxic and carcinogenic organic chlo- tificate organizations with the main objective
rine compounds that were previously used as to ensure that labelled fish was caught using
plasticizers and flame retardants for plastics. techniques that minimize bycatch of marine
Globally banned since 2001 due to toxic prop- mammals or other marine organisms.
erties. Abbreviation for polychlorinated biphe-
nyls. Seal culling Seal hunting. Seals have been
harvested through thousands of years for
Phylogenetic tree Illustrating the relation- their fur, blubber, liver and meat, as well as a
ships between organism as a tree, where clades pest control to reduce their competition with
are found on branches stemming from the fisheries.
same base.
Soundscape  The entire amount of sound in
Pinger Acoustic deterrent device attached a certain location, usually added together by
to gill nets and emitting ultrasonic sounds many different sound sources (both natural
aversive to, for example, harbour porpoises. and man-made). The term is the acoustic ana-
Pingers are used to mitigate bycatch problems logue to the visual landscape.
and are mandatory in some European gill net
fisheries. Steroid hormones  The term ‘steroid’ indicates
certain hormones synthesized in the gonads
Pollutant  A substance with harmful or toxic (sex steroids) and adrenal glands (corticoste-
effects on organisms and the environment. roids). Steroid hormones control metabolism,
immune functions, inflammation and devel-
POPs Long-lasting toxic organic substances opment of sexual characteristics.
that degrade extremely slowly. Two famous
examples of POPs (Persistent Organic Taxonomy The science of classification of
Pollutants) are DDT and PCB. animals and plants according to how closely
they are related. The corresponding adjective
Predators Animals killing and eating other is taxonomic.
Toxins  Poisonous substances (molecules, pep-
Recycling The process of enabling waste tides or proteins) produced within living cells
products to be reused. or organisms. Toxins can cause disease on
contact with or absorption by body tissues.
Refractive index A medium-specific measure
of the amount of bending of light rays experi- Trace elements Previously called heavy met-
ence when going from one medium to another. als, trace elements are trace dietary compo-
Proportional to the speed of light. nents essential in minute quantities for the
proper function of the organism. Examples
Rete mirabile A complex network of veins are cobalt, copper, fluorine, iodine, iron, man-
and arteries found in some marine mammals. ganese and zinc. Trace elements may be toxic
The function is unknown but is believed to be at high concentrations, and some are toxic
involved in the diving response. even at lower concentrations.

Trawling  Fishing by towing a trawl (a cone-­ els from one location to the other. The wave
shaped net ending in a bag) with one or more changes while traveling with respect to its
boats. Some trawls are made to be towed long amplitude, duration and frequency content.
the sea floor (bottom trawl) and others at mid-­
depth (pelagic trawl). Whaling Hunting whales, dolphins or por-
poises. Whaling has been going on for thou-
Viviparity Live birth (as opposed to, for sands of years. In the nineteenth century,
­example, birds laying eggs). whales were mostly hunted for their blubber
and baleen. Industrial whaling of the twenti-
Wave propagation The physical description eth century, mainly for meat, brought many
of how a wave (e.g. an acoustic signal) trav- large whale species to near extinction.

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