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“Transformational Leadership, Strategic Leadership, Authoritarian

Leadership Style and Organization Health of School Heads

in the Division of Davao Oriental”

Survey Questionnaire
(Adapted from Hart et al.,2000 and Hater and Bass, 1997 )

Name (Optional): _______________________ School: _________________________

General Instruction: Please check the corresponding numbers of each item in accordance with your
personal observation. Part I deals with organizational health whether everyone is given an equal
opportunity. Part II deals with the leadership styles applied by the School Heads. Use the scale below to
objectively assess. Be truthful with your response.

5 - Always practiced and observed

4 - Almost all the time practiced and observed
3 - Sometimes practiced and observed
2 - Seldom practiced and observed
1 - Never practiced and observed

Part I.

A. Morale 5 4 3 2 1

There is good team spirit in this school

The morale in this school is high

Teachers go about their work with enthusiasm

Teachers take pride in this school

There is a lot of energy in this school

B. Appraisal and Recognition

I am regularly given feedback on how I am performing my role

I am happy with the quality of feedback I receive on my work performance

There is a structure and ongoing process that provides feedback on my work

I have the opportunity to discuss and receive feedback on my work

Teachers receive recognition for good work

I am encouraged in my work by praise, thanks or other recognition

C. Curriculum Coordination

There is sufficient contact between different sections of the school in

curriculum planning

There is effective coordination of the curriculum in this school

Teachers consult with each other about their teaching and curriculum

Teachers consult with area/subject coordinators about their teaching

D. Effective Discipline Policy

The rules and sanctions relating to discipline in this school are well
understood by both staff and students

There is an agreed philosophy on discipline in this school

My own expectations about discipline are the same as most other teachers at
this school
The rules and sanctions relating to discipline are not enforced in a consistent
fashion in this school

E. Excessive Work Demands

Teachers are overloaded with work in this school

There is too much expected of teachers in this school

There is constant pressure for teachers to keep working

There is no time for teachers to relax in this school

F. Professional Growth

Others in the school take an active interest in my career development and

professional growth

I am encouraged to pursue further professional development

The professional development planning in the school takes into account my

individual needs and interests
There are opportunities in this school for developing new skills

It is not difficult to gain access to in-service courses

G. Participant decision making

I am happy with the decision-making processes used in this school

There is an opportunity for staff to participate in school policy and decision-


There are forums in this school where I can express my views and opinions

Teachers are frequently asked to participate in decisions concerning

administrative policies and procedures in this school

H. Professional Interaction

There is good communication between staff members in this school

I receive support from my colleagues

Teachers in this school can rely on their colleagues for support and
assistance when needed

There is good communication between groups in this school

Teachers frequently discuss and share teaching methods and strategies with
each other

I feel accepted by other staff in this school

I have the opportunity to be involved in cooperative work with other members

of staff

I. Role Clarity

I am always clear about what others at school expect of me

My work objectives are always well defined

I always know how much authority I have in this school

I am clear about my professional responsibilities

J. Student Orientation

This school promotes the concept of students being individuals

Students are treated as responsible people in this school

Students in this school are encouraged to experience success

Students have access to advice and counseling when needed

K. Supportive Leadership

There is support from the administration in this school

There is good communication between teachers and the administration in this


The administration in this school can be relied upon when things get tough

I am able to approach the administration in this school to discuss concerns or


The school’s administrators don’t really know the problems faced by teachers

The Leader
is a role model for ethical conduct that builds identification with the leader and
his/her articulated vision

has a gift for seeing what is really important.

provides followers with a clear sense of purpose that is energizing

instills pride, faith, and respect and transmits a sense of mission

Inspirational Motivation

The leader is seen as inspirational;

Provide symbols and emotional appeals to increase follower awareness

Understands mutually the desired goals

Intellectual Stimulation

Gets followers to question the tried and true Ways of solving problems;

Encourages them to question the methods they use

Arouses followers to think in new ways and emphasizes problem-solving and
the use of reasoning before taking action

Individualized Consideration

Delegates projects to stimulate learning experiences provides coaching and

teaching and treats each follower as an individual
Focuses on understanding the needs of each follower and works continuously
to get them to develop to their full potential

Monitoring Employees

Employees need to be supervised closely, or they are not likely to do their


It is fair to say that most employees in the general population are lazy.

As a rule, employees must be given rewards or punishments in order to

motivate them to achieve organizational objectives.

Most employees feel insecure about their work and need direction.

The leader is the chief judge of the achievements of the members of the

Effective leaders give orders and clarify procedures.

Strategy Formulation

Is able to share a vision of the changing world in the 21st Century that all
schools are preparing children to enter
creates with all stakeholders a set of core beliefs and a vision for the school
that captures people’s attention and imagination.
uses symbols, ceremonies, stories and other similar activities to communicate
the core beliefs, vision and mission of the school.
facilitates the setting of high concrete goals and expectations that all students
meet them
develops strategic goals that reflect the demographic data of the students,
families and student achievement data.

Creates processes to distribute leadership throughout the school

Designs school based professional development to assist staff and the school
to reach strategic goals.

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