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Simultaneous equations

 Definition
 What is a system of simultaneous linear equations?
Simultaneous equations are two or more algebraic equations that share
variables e.g. x and y . They are called simultaneous equations because the
equations are solved at the same time. Each of these equations on their own
could have infinite possible solutions.
 It is an equation in one or more variables where each term’s degree is not
more than 1. That means a variable x may appear, but neither any higher
power of x, such as x2, nor any product of variables, such as xy, may
appear. It has to be a pretty simple equation like:
 3x + 2y – 5z = 8.
History of system of simultaneous

Algebra is known as the history of the theory of equations.

 The history of algebra began in ancient Egypt.
 The origins of mathematical matrices lie with the study of systems of
simultaneous linear equations.
 Simultaneous equations are two or more algebraic equations that share
variables e.g. x and y . They are called simultaneous equations because
the equations are solved at the same time. Each of these equations on
their own could have infinite possible solutions.
 The first time was by the ancient Chinese and appears in chapter 8 of the
work Jiuzhang suanshu (Nine Chapters of the Mathematical Art, circa 100
B.C.E.–50 C.E.).
Examples :
The algorithm of elimination

 for solving a system of simultaneous linear equations is not difficult and

has been discovered more than once. The first time was by the ancient
Chinese and appears in chapter 8 of the work Jiuzhang suanshu (Nine
Chapters of the Mathematical Art, circa 100 B.C.E.–50 C.E.). Here’s the first
problem from that chapter taken from The Development of Mathematics
in China and Japan by Yoshio Mikami, 1913 (reprint Chelsea, 1974).
 We illustrate the elemination method by solving the simultaneous linear
 7x + 2y = 47 (1)
 5x − 4y = 1 (2)
Solving simultaneous equations -
method of substitution

 How can we handle the two equations algebraically so that we do not have to
draw graphs? We are going to look at two methods of solution. In this Section
we will look at the first method - the method of substitution. Let us return to the
two equations
 2x − y = 3 (1)
 3x + 2y = 8 (2)
Uses of simultaneous equation:

 Simultaneous equations are used when you need to calculate the value of
two or more unknown quantities. These are called simultaneous equations
and when asked to solve them you must find values of the unknowns
which satisfy all the given equations at the same time.

 simultaneous equations used in jobs?

 Budget analysts, auditors, accountants, insurance underwriters, and loan
officers are a few of the professionals that use equations to balance
accounts, set budgets, and estimate pricing. Equations can be used to
solve different problems which involve one or more unknown variables.
Purpose of simultaneous equation:

 Simultaneous equations can be used when considering the relationship

between the price of a commodity and the quantities of the commodity
people want to buy at a certain price. An equation can be written that
describes the relationship between quantity, price and other variables,
such as income.

 On occasions you will come across two or more unknown quantities, and
two or more equations relating them. These are called simultaneous
equations and when asked to solve them you must find values of the
unknowns which satisfy all the given equations at the same time.

 matrix, a set of numbers arranged in rows and columns so as to form a

rectangular array. The numbers are called the elements, or entries, of
the matrix.
 Matrices have wide applications in engineering, physics, economics,
and statistics as well as in various branches of mathematics. Matrices
also have important applications in computer graphics, where they
have been used to represent rotations and other transformations of
 Matrices occur naturally in systems of simultaneous equations. In the
following system for the unknowns x and y.
History :

 Historically, it was not the matrix but a certain number associated with a
square array of numbers called the determinant that was first recognized.
Only gradually did the idea of the matrix as an algebraic entity emerge.
 The term matrix was introduced by the 19th-century English
mathematician James Sylvester, but it was his friend the
mathematician Arthur Cayley who developed the algebraic aspect
of matrices in two papers in the 1850s. Cayley first applied them to the
study of systems of linear equations, where they are still very useful. They
are also important because, as Cayley recognized, certain sets of
matrices form algebraic systems in which many of the ordinary laws
of arithmetic (e.g., the associative and distributive laws) are valid but in
which other laws (e.g., the commutative law) are not valid.

 If there are m rows and n columns, the matrix is said to× 1 matrix; thus, 3 can
be thought of as the matrix [3]. A matrix with only one row and n columns is
called a row vector, and a matrix with only one column and n rows is called a
column vector.
 In a common notation, a capital letter denotes a matrix, and the
corresponding small letter with a double subscript describes an element of the
matrix. Thus, aij is the element in the ith row and jth column of the matrix A.
 If A is the 2 × 3 matrix shown above, then a11 = 1, a12 = 3, a13 = 8, a21 =
2, a22 = −4, and a23 = 5. Under certain conditions, matrices can be added
and multiplied as individual entities, giving rise to important mathematical
systems known as matrix algebras.
 Matrices occur naturally in systems of simultaneous equations. In the following
system for the unknowns x and y,
Uses of matrix :

 Matrices can be used for calculating data, stats, etc., and plotting
 How can matrices be used?
 Matrices have multiple applications, especially for representing
coefficients in systems of equations or linear applications; a matrix can
perform the same function as vector data in a linear system of
application. Depending on this, some applications include:
Applications of Matrices

 Matrices have many applications in diverse fields of science, commerce and social science.
Matrices are for used in:
 (i) Computer Graphics
 (ii) Optics
 (iii) Cryptography
 (iv) Economics
 (v) Chemistry
 (vi) Geology
 (vii) Robotics and animation
 (viii) Wireless communication and signal processing
 (ix) Finance ices.
 (x) Mathematics.
 Use of Matrices in Computer Graphics
 Earlier, architecture, cartoons, and automation were done by hand drawings but nowadays they
are done by using computer graphics. Square matrices very easily represent the linear
transformation of objects. They are used to project three-dimensional images into two-dimensional
planes in the field of graphics. In graphics, a digital image is treated as a matrix to start with. The
rows and columns of the matrix correspond to rows and columns of pixels and the numerical
entries correspond to the pixels’ colour values.
 Using matrices to manipulate a point is a common mathematical approach in video game
graphics. Matrices are also used to express graphs.
 Use of Matrices in Science
 Matrices are used in the science of optics to account for reflection and for refraction. Matrices
are also useful in electrical circuits and quantum mechanics and resistor conversion of electrical
energy. Matrices are used to solve AC network equations in electric circuits.
 In robotics:
 Matrices are used for programming robots that can execute different tasks. One example of this is
a bionic arm that can use programmable mechanical processes to fulfill functions similar to those
of a human arm. All of this programming is the result of calculations using matrices.
Relationship Between simultaneous
system of equations and matrices
 Comparison relationship of simultaneous system of equations and matrices
Simultaneous systems of equations and matrices are closely related concepts in
mathematics. A system of simultaneous equations can be represented by a
matrix, and a matrix can be used to solve a system of equations.

 Here are some of the main comparisons between the two:

1. Representation:
A system of simultaneous equations can be represented as a matrix equation,
where the coefficients of the variables are placed in a matrix and the variables
are represented as a column vector. For example, the system of equations:

2x + y = 3
can be represented as the matrix equation:
| 1 -1 | x | = | 1 |
2. Dimensions:
The dimensions of a matrix represent the number of rows and columns it has. In
the context of a system of equations, the number of rows in the matrix
corresponds to the number of equations, while the number of columns
corresponds to the number of variables.
3. Solution:
A system of equations can have one unique solution, no solution, or infinitely
many solutions. In the context of matrices, a matrix can be invertible (meaning it
has a unique inverse) or non-invertible (meaning it does not have a unique
Just as you can perform various operations on matrices (such as addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and inversion), you can perform the same
operations on systems of equations to transform them into equivalent
5.Linear Algebra:
Matrices are a key tool in linear algebra, a branch of mathematics that
deals with systems of linear equations and their properties. Matrices provide a
way to represent linear transformations, which are fundamental to many
areas of science and engineering.
In summary, simultaneous systems of equations and matrices are
interconnected concepts that provide a powerful way to solve and analyze
linear systems.
Basic concept of linear equation,
quadratic equation and matrices”
1. Define linear equation:
A linear equation is an algebraic equation of the form y= mx+b. involving only a
constant and a first-order (linear) term, where m is the slope and b is the y-
intercept. Occasionally, the above is called a "linear equation of two variables,"
where y and x are the variables.
 Purpose:
Linear equations are an important tool in science and many everyday
applications. They allow scientist to describe relationships between two variables
in the physical world, make predictions, calculate rates, and make conversions,
among other things. Graphing linear equations helps make trends visible.
 Basic concept of linear equation:
A linear equation in two variables can be described as a linear relationship between x and y, that
is, two variables in which the value of one of them (usually y) depends on the value of the other one
(usually x). In this case, x is the independent variable, and y depends on it, so y is called the
dependent variable.
 Graph:
2x - y = 3
Now 2x =3+ y
Now let’s take 3 away from each side. 2x − 3 = y
This gives us an expression for y: namely y = 2x − 3.
Suppose we choose a value for x, say x = 1,
then y will be equal to: y = 2 × 1 − 3 = −1
Suppose we choose a different value for x, say x = 2. y = 2 × 2 − 3=1
Suppose we choose another value for x, say x = 0. y = 2 × 0 − 3 = −3
For every value of x we can generate a value of y
We can plot these as points on a graph. We
can plot the first as the point (1, −1).
We can plot the second one as the point
(2, 1), and
the third one as the point (0, −3) and so on.
Plotting the points on a graph, as shown in
Figure 1, we see that these three points lie on a
straight line. This is the line with equation y = 2x
− 3. It is a straight line and this is another reason
for calling the equation a linear equation
2. Quadratic equation:
 In math, we define a quadratic equation as an equation of degree
2, meaning that the highest exponent of this function is 2.
 The standard form of a quadratic is y = ax^2 + bx + c, where a, b,
and c are numbers and “a” cannot be 0. Examples of quadratic
equations include all of these: y = x^2 + 3x + 1.
 Purpose :
Quadratic equations must be used directly or indirectly in every field
that involves calculating speed, area, or profit. Construction workers
use quadratic equations to calculate the area before starting a
 Basic concept of Quadratic equation:
 Quadratic equation involves 2nd degree of x^2
 A quadratic equation is a second-degree polynomial equation of the
form ax^2 + bx + c = 0, where x is the variable, and a, b, and c are
constants, with a ≠ 0. The term "quadratic" comes from the Latin word
"quadratus," which means "square." This is because the variable x is
squared in the equation.
 A quadratic equation can have one or two real solutions, or two
complex solutions, depending on the values of a, b, and c.
 Example:
 Plot f(x) = 2x2 − 12x + 16
 First, let's note down:
 a = 2, b = −12, and c = 16
 Now, what do we know?
 a is positive, so it is an "upwards" graph ("U" shaped)
 a is 2, so it is a little "squashed" compared to the x2 graph
 Next, let's calculate h:
 h = −b/2a = −(−12)/(2x2) = 3
 And next we can calculate k (using h=3):
 k = f(3) = 2(3)2 − 12·3 + 16 = 18−36+16 = −2
 So now we can plot the graph (with real understanding!):
3. Define Matrix:
A matrix consists of rows and columns. These rows and columns define
the size or dimension of a matrix. The various types of matrices are row
matrix, column matrix, null matrix, square matrix, diagonal matrix,
upper triangular matrix, lower triangular matrix, symmetric matrix, and
antisymmetric matrix.
 Purpose:
The matrices are a two-dimensional set of numbers or symbols
distributed in a rectangular shape in vertical and horizontal lines so that
their elements are arranged in rows and columns. They are useful
for describing systems of linear or differential equations, as well as
representing a linear application.
 Basic concept:
Matrix is an arrangement of numbers into rows and columns. Make your first
introduction with matrices and learn about their dimensions and elements. A
matrix is a rectangular arrangement of numbers into rows and columns. For
example, matrix A has two rows and three columns. Matrices have wide
applications in engineering, physics, economics, and statistics as well as in
various branches of mathematics.
 Matrices can be used for calculating data, stats, etc., and plotting
“Is there is any situation where all of the
above can be used simultaneously.”

Situation where all of the above can be used simultaneously:

Matrices have several applications in mathematics but they are most
commonly used to solve sets of linear equations, not a quadratic
Yes, there are situations where quadratic functions, linear equations,
and matrices can be used simultaneously, particularly in the field of
applied mathematics and engineering.
 One such example is in the study of systems of linear differential
equations, which can be represented as matrices and solved using
matrix algebra.
 Quadratic functions can also be used in optimization problems
where linear constraints are present, such as in linear
programming, where matrices are used to represent the
coefficients of the linear constraints.
 Another example is in the field of control theory, where quadratic
functions can be used to represent the cost function of a control
system and linear equations are used to model the system
 In general, there are many areas of mathematics and
engineering where these concepts can be used together to
model and solve complex problems.
Are these (quadratic, linear and matrices)
mutually exclusive:

 No, linear, quadratic, and matrices are not mutually exclusive concepts.
 Linear refers to a mathematical relationship or function that has a
constant rate of change. It means that the graph of a linear function is a
straight line.

 Quadratic refers to a mathematical relationship or function that involves

the square of a variable. It means that the graph of a quadratic function
is a parabola.

 Matrices refer to rectangular arrays of numbers or other mathematical

objects. They can be used to represent linear transformations and solve
systems of linear equations.
 While these concepts have different meanings and applications, they
can be related to each other in various ways.

 For example, matrices can be used to represent systems of linear

equations, and quadratic functions can be represented by matrices
using techniques such as matrix multiplication. Additionally, linear
algebra, which involves the study of linear functions and matrices, is
an important area of mathematics that has many applications in
science, engineering, and economics
application of the above in the field of (business,
economics, commerce and trade as well as
natural Sciences with real life examples.

 Economic Modeling
In economic modeling, matrices are used to represent input-output models. These
models analyze the flow of goods and services between different sectors of the
economy. For instance, the input-output model can help identify the impact of an
increase in government spending on different sectors of the economy such as
manufacturing, agriculture, and services.
 Econometrics
In econometrics, linear and quadratic equations are used to estimate economic
relationships between different variables. For example, a quadratic equation can
be used to estimate the relationship between economic growth and investment.
 Portfolio Management:
 Matrices are used to represent portfolios of financial assets, such as stocks and bonds. The
portfolio optimization problem can be solved using linear algebra to identify the optimal
portfolio mix to maximize returns while minimizing risk.
 Example:
 Economics:.
 Input-output tables are used in economics to analyze the interdependence of different
sectors of an economy. For example, suppose there are two sectors in an economy,
agriculture and manufacturing. The input-output table for this economy is:
 | 0.3 0.4 |
 | 0.2 0.5 |
 This table shows that for every $1 of output produced in the agriculture sector, $0.3 of input is
required from the agriculture sector and $0.4 of input is required from the manufacturing
sector. For every $1 of output produced in the manufacturing sector, $0.2 of input is required
from the agriculture sector and $0.5 of input is required from the manufacturing sector.
 We can represent this system of equations as:
0.3A + 0.4M = A
0.2A + 0.5M = M (steps been skipped)
 the output of the agriculture sector is:
A = 2.5A - 2.0M
A = 2.5/(2.51.5 - (-2.0)(-1.0)) = 0.7
 And the output of the manufacturing sector is:
M = -1.0A + 1.5M
M = (-1.0)/(2.51.5 - (-2.0)(-1.0)) = 0.2
 So, for every $1 of output produced in the agriculture sector, $0.7 of output is
produced in the agriculture sector and $0.2 of output is produced in the
manufacturing sector. For every $1 of output produced in the manufacturing sector,
 Supply Chain Management:
Matrices can be used to optimize the supply chain of a business. For
instance, a linear programming model can be used to minimize the total cost
of production and transportation while meeting demand constraints.
 Marketing:
Matrices can be used to segment customers based on their buying
behavior. For example, a clustering algorithm can be used to group
customers into segments based on their demographics and purchasing
 Financial Analysis:
Matrices are used to analyze financial statements such as income
statements and balance sheets. For instance, ratios such as return on
investment (ROI) and debt-to-equity ratio can be calculated using matrix

 Business
 Suppose a company produces three products, A, B, and C. Each unit of
product A requires 2 units of raw material, 1 unit of labor, and generates a
profit of company produce to maximize profit?
 Solution:
 We can represent this problem as a system of linear equations:
 2A + 3B + C ≤ 500 (raw material constraint)
 A + 2B + 4C ≤ 300 (labor constraint)
 The profit function can be expressed as:
 P = 5A + 8B + 7C
 To solve for the optimal production mix, we can use matrix methods.
 This means the company should produce 120 units of product A, 60 units of
product B, and 30 units of product C to maximize profit, with a total profit of
Mathematics in Commerce and daily life examples.

 Mathematics is an important subject that is used in many fields,

including commerce.
 Here are some of the ways that mathematics is used in
 1. Accounting: Mathematics is used extensively in accounting to
prepare financial statements, track income and expenses, and
manage budgets.
 2. Economics: In economics, mathematics is used to model and
analyze various economic systems, such as supply and demand,
price elasticity, and cost-benefit analysis.
 3. Finance: It is used to calculate interest rates, investment
returns, and risk assessments.
 4. Statistics: It is used to make predictions, identify trends, and
evaluate the performance of businesses.
Mathematics is used in Daily Life:

 1.Budgeting
 For example, if we invest $100
at a rate of 10% per annum for
5 years, the simple interest
2.Cooking earned would be:

3. Shopping
 I = PRT
 P = 10% = 0.1
4. Travel  I= 100 x 0.1 x 5
 I= $50
Mathematics in Trade and daily life examples.

Real-life Examples Example: Picture:

 1.Profit and Loss If a company sells 1000
widgets for $10 each and
 2.Interest incurs $5000 in production
costs, what is their profit?
 3.Data Analysis Answer: Total Revenue = 1000 x
$10 = $10,000
 4.Market Analysis Total Cost = $5000

 5.Budgeting Profit = Total Revenue - Total Cost

= $10,000 - $5000
Profit = $5000.
Mathematics in Natural Sciences and daily life Examples.

Mathematics in natural sciences. Mathematical Example:

 1.Physics: In physics, mathematics is  Suppose a population of bacteria doubles
used to describe the behavior of the every hour. If there are initially 100 bacteria,
physical world. how many bacteria will there be after 5
 2.Chemistry: Chemistry uses
mathematics to describe the behavior  Answer: After 5 hours, the population will
of atoms and molecules. have doubled 5 times.
 3.Biology: Mathematics plays a critical  Therefore, the total number of bacteria will
role in understanding biological be
 100 x 2^5 = 100 x 32 = 3,200.

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