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Ingosan, Xyji Mave March 28,2023

1) Discuss at least three (3) motives for committing arson. Give examples or scenarios.
 Act of Revenge
Person A was always yelled at his office even his colleague discriminate against
person A, later on, he was fired from his job because he was incompetent to his job,
due to a grievance of losing his job, he went to the company in the evening and set
fire on it.

 Crime concealment
Person A hate person B because of the abuse he was getting from person B, since
person A was fed up with the abuse he was experiencing he devised a plan to murder
person B. when person B was alone in his house person A trespassed into the house
of person B and forcefully enter while person B is sleeping, but person B wakes up
due to the noise of forceful enter. After the person B inspected where the noise came
from, he met person A with a knife and tried to stab person B but he retaliated, even
so, person A dominated person B since person a was holding a knife. Person A thinks
that he made a lot of evidences that’s why he burns the place along with the dead

 Due to profit
person A is a businessman he saw a squatter area suitable for the company. He
already bought and gain a title to it but the residents in the squatter area don’t want to
leave that place. So, person A hires a person to stealthily start a fire in that area since
most of the materials were consumable by fire and the houses were intact to one

2) Identify and explain the difficulties in investigating fire

 When it comes to investigating arson or fire it is a hassle since:

It destroys the evidence – most of the acts or omission will undoubtfully
leave traces of evidence like foot print, fingerprint if there’s a CCTV camera it
will record the face of a person, but fire is a destructive element it will
consume all material that can be consumed in that way it also destroy the
traces of evidence
It is planned and discrete- most of the time if you want to burn a building
you need to plan for you to totally destroy or burned that building down if it
can’t burn totally a building the least I will cause damage that’s so complex to
repair but a person who cause an arson doesn’t want to be caught that’s why
he will do it stealthily and do it during knight time since most of the time
individuals are inactive during night time
There’s a rare eyewitness – arson where done discretely for the purpose of
the arsonist not getting caught, that’s why most arsonists will do their job
during the night time or at a time that most people will rarely occur.

3) Is there such a thing as Frustrated Arson? Explain your answer by giving examples
- When it comes to arson there is no such thing as frustrated arson. According to
article 6 of the Revised Penal Code, there are 3 stages of execution the
consummated, frustrated, and the attempted. Consummated is when all acts
necessary and the desired outcome were executed, the attempted is when all act
are readily executed but he suddenly changes his mind to not commit the act lastly
the frustrated is when all acts were execution but the desired outcome were not
manifested. In this way there’s no frustrated arson since once you started an arson
it will already considered as a consummated arson even if you suddenly change
your mind. Because even there’s small damage to your target due to fire as your
weapon it will automatically a consummated since you already destroy that target
even if the destroyed part were just a scratch. “there is no frustrated arson only
attempted arson” as stated by our CLJ4 instructor.

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