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My Luna


My Luna

TY............................................................................................................................................................. - 5 -
Hunter (POV) ........................................................................................................................................ - 5 -
HUNTER ................................................................................................................................................ - 11 -
TY (POV) ........................................................................................................................................... - 11 -
Hunter (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 16 -
REJECTION ........................................................................................................................................... - 18 -
Hunter (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 18 -
DOUBTS ................................................................................................................................................ - 24 -
Hunter (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 24 -
TY (POV) .......................................................................................................................................... - 25 -
DECISIONS ............................................................................................................................................ - 31 -
Hunter (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 31 -
Rachel (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 34 -
MARK ME.............................................................................................................................................. - 37 -
Rachel (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 37 -
CONGRATS ........................................................................................................................................... - 41 -
Hunter (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 41 -
MIA ......................................................................................................................................................... - 47 -
Hunter (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 47 -
TY (POV) ........................................................................................................................................... - 48 -
ROGUES ................................................................................................................................................ - 52 -
TY (POV) ........................................................................................................................................... - 52 -
Hunter (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 55 -
CHOICES ............................................................................................................................................... - 58 -
Hunter (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 58 -
WHO ARE YOU?................................................................................................................................... - 64 -
Taylor (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 64 -
Hunter (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 65 -
SUBMIT ................................................................................................................................................. - 69 -
Hunter (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 69 -
MATE BOND ......................................................................................................................................... - 76 -

My Luna

TY (POV) ........................................................................................................................................... - 76 -
PENDING HEAT ................................................................................................................................... - 82 -
TY (POV) ........................................................................................................................................... - 82 -
Hunter ................................................................................................................................................. - 86 -
DISCONNECTED .................................................................................................................................. - 88 -
TY (POV) ........................................................................................................................................... - 88 -
SPARKS ................................................................................................................................................. - 93 -
TY (POV) ........................................................................................................................................... - 93 -
TEARS OF BLOOD ............................................................................................................................. - 101 -
TY (POV) ......................................................................................................................................... - 101 -
ADDICT ............................................................................................................................................... - 106 -
Chris (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 106 -
Hunter (POV) .................................................................................................................................... - 108 -
ADMITTED.......................................................................................................................................... - 110 -
Chris (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 110 -
Hunter (POV) .................................................................................................................................... - 112 -
WITHDRAWAL................................................................................................................................... - 115 -
Chris (POV) ...................................................................................................................................... - 115 -
Hunter (POV) .................................................................................................................................... - 117 -
REALIZATION .................................................................................................................................... - 121 -
Rachel (POV) .................................................................................................................................... - 121 -
Hunter (POV) .................................................................................................................................... - 122 -
ALPHA CONRAD ............................................................................................................................... - 128 -
TY (POV) ......................................................................................................................................... - 128 -
GOODBYE ........................................................................................................................................... - 134 -
Hunter (POV) .................................................................................................................................... - 134 -
DEAL .................................................................................................................................................... - 141 -
Hunter (POV) .................................................................................................................................... - 141 -
INTERNAL BATTLE .......................................................................................................................... - 147 -
TY (POV) ......................................................................................................................................... - 147 -
BREAK DOWN.................................................................................................................................... - 153 -

My Luna

Hunter (POV) .................................................................................................................................... - 153 -

ON NO MAN’S LAND ........................................................................................................................ - 160 -
Hunter (POV) .................................................................................................................................... - 160 -
MY LUNA ............................................................................................................................................ - 167 -
Hunter (POV) .................................................................................................................................... - 167 -

My Luna

Hunter (POV)

Tomorrow is my 18th birthday. A celebration for an alpha to take place and also to
find my mate. The one person who is destined to be mine. I just hope it is Rachel.
My long-time two-year girlfriend.

I must admit she can get clingy at times and her jealousy is out there but the sex is

"Yo Hunter." As if breaking me out of my thoughts my good friend TY slapped me

on the back just after I had closed my locker.

"Yo, what's up man." We did that man bro hug thing that usually guys does. TY,
we have not known each other for long but when he had moved here 3 years ago
we sort of click.

Looking at him, you can hardly tell he was a guy. Hell, I thought he was a chick.
However, TY had convinced me otherwise when he could chug down a whole
barrel of liquor and still sing his ABC's.

"Excited for tomorrow?"

"Hell, yeah I can't wait till I find the one." TY looked at me confused, "The one?"

Shit I forgot, TY is human and I'm a wolf. That's right you heard me. In fact, there
are others just like me. I on the other hand will soon be Alpha of Crimson Blood.
My father will soon be stepping down while I will take the reins once I find my
mate. And hopefully it will be at my celebration.

"I mean I was thinking of proposing to Rachel." TY shook his head.

My Luna

"Dude, why are you still with her? I mean aren't you tired of the same old pussy. I
mean think about it, for the next fifty years you will be seeing the same old hairy
skanky kitty...."

"Okay enough." I cringed at the thought of having the same pussy over again. My
buddy here has got a point but Rachel and I, we've been at it since forever. I have
loved her since kindergarten. "I don't tell you about the woman you use to date." If
you think I was worse, TY was worse than me. Talk about man-whore. He goes
through woman like yesterday's trash.

"Hey I can't help it if the woman falls at my feet."

TY may not look like it, I mean he is scrawny or half the time he sounds like a girl
with his high pitch voice, and his features are more feminine and is always hiding
under his hat but he knows how a girl thinks. In fact, he is more in tune to their
sensitivity side, I think that is why the girls always falls for his charms.
From time to time I always wondered about his sexuality; always running from
confrontation. As I recall he always had said he's a lover not a fighter and he didn't
want to ruin his good looks.

"Seeing you told me I couldn't spend your birthday with you tomorrow, how bout
after school?"


Just then the bell rang. "See you later." I high five TY before heading to my
English class.

Finding my seat, I ignored all the girls stare in the room.

"Hey baby." I looked up to see my sweet angel take a seat next to me. She pecked
me on the cheek. "Tomorrow is your 18th birthday, and I am sure that I will be
your mate." She purred into my ears. "After that, we can have our own

My Luna

celebration." I smiled at her while my leg twitch underneath the table. I was
starting to get a boner when the teacher started class.

I kept on glancing at the clock and finally when the bell rang, picking up my books
and Rachel's I grabbed her hand and rushed her to the nearest janitor's closet and
immediately crashing my lips on to hers.

She moaned and I grunted.

We only had 5 minutes to do our thing before the next bell rang.

Fuck I just had to take her. After our small quickie, we jumped out of the closet
only to have a run in with TY.

"Had fun?" He smirked. I don't know why but I felt embarrassed and guilty at the
same time. "See you in class Hunter..." he glanced at Rachel well more like
snarled. I get that TY hated Rachel and vice versa but couldn't they get along just
for me.

"Hunter." Rachel rubbed my arm, "How bout we do something sort of a pre-

celebration after school."

Just then TY cleared his throat.

"Sorry babe but TY and I have plans after school."

"Awe but," she leaned in closer, her breast rubbing on my chest, "You and me and
a lot of blow...."

Before she could finish, I spoke, "TY we could celebrate on another day...."

TY rolled his eyes before I could finish, "Whatever." He walked off angry.

My Luna

"Oh, don't worry about it, he'll get over it." I get the feeling Rachel is loving TY's

And she's right after all. This is what guys do right, we get mad for a split second
and we forget the next day.

The maids were preparing for the party. Everyone was coming, the neighboring
pack too. When a wolf turns 18 and takes on the alpha position, it's sort of a big

While I was putting on my suit, my thoughts wondered to TY. I know he was upset
but I haven't seen him since. I have been trying to call him, and text him, not once
has he replied. And he didn't even wish me a happy birthday. Was he that upset?

I mean it's bound to happen, plans change after all. Fuck he got to stop acting like a
girl and man up.

Everyone was now seated. Rachel at my side. My father and mother making their
speeches and asked me to come up on stage. Finally, my father hands me the title
and I let my wolf take control as my eyes turned pitch black.

He was searching for his mate. Usually when one has a mate a scent is formed
something that is appealing to me and sparks will fly more when you touch each

My eyes landed on Rachel and was sadden for she did not give off sparks nor that
sweet scent. But her expression turned joyful as she jumped up and down running
towards me, "I can't believe I'm your mate."

I was shock. She had mistaken my looks towards her of somewhat important.
When she hugged me there was no sparks or alluring scent. In fact, when I heard
her voice it annoyed me. Something that was never done before.

My Luna

I just held her back and gave off a sad smile.

Everyone clapped and cheered. Oh no. Well if my mate isn't here and I haven't
found her soon I guess she could be my mate for the mean time.

The weekend came and go. It was a Sunday, where I woke up with Rachel besides
me. Grabbing my cell, I once again dialed TY. No answer.

This is ridiculous. He still can't be mad at me.

"TY stop being a pussy and pick up the god damn phone." I yelled in his voice
mail causing Rachel to stir in her sleep.

Fuck this shit, if he wants to act like an ass I can be just much of an ass as well.

After my morning routine, I found myself driving towards TY's house. Every time
I'm there not once have I met his parents considering I have known him for 3 years.
He always says they are busy so most of the time we would have parties at his

Knocking on his front door, no answer. "TY open the fucking door." I yelled. I
kept on yelling when the neighbors had finally told me to shut up.

If they weren't human I'd tear them from limb to limb for disrespecting me. I was
now an alpha so my wolf will not tolerate any disrespect.

When I find TY, I would suggest he'd moved into my neighborhood. What the hell
am I thinking, he's a human for Christ sake.

It was now night, and I have been wondering around aimlessly. I thought I would
go to a club that TY often goes to.

And would you know it I am shit out of luck when he is nowhere to be found.

My Luna

Come tomorrow I'd beat his ass for pulling the disappearing act on me.

I hadn't realized I intentionally ignored Rachel's calls. That's a first. Usually when
she calls me, I'd drop everything but now my thoughts and mind are on TY. For
some odd reason I needed to find him.

My nerves were a wreck and I couldn't keep still.

Walking to school, it was now Monday, and I was annoyed with everything. You
think after I turned 18 I'd be more relaxed but no my annoyance only grew. And
TY is responsible for that.

"Baby." My head turned to that annoying voice, "Where were you yesterday? I
called you but you didn't answer."

I unwillingly snaked my arms around her, "Sorry...." Just then a strong scent of
cinnamon and vanilla caught my attention. I could feel my wolf Tray jumped. He
was all rattled up when he shouted the word, "Mate." Suddenly my eyes had turned
pitch black. Tray was fighting for control wanting to meet our mate.

"Baby." I heard Rachel called me but my thoughts were elsewhere. Slowly I turned
my head and there my mate waking towards me, no fucking way, TY?

- 10 -
My Luna


The weekend was long and I wish I could say I had a very busy day but that'd be a
total lie. My weekend consists of watching movies and binging on ice cream.

Hunter had been calling me nonstop. He should know, how dare he ditch me for a
skank. Isn't it bros before hoes. I get that they have been friends even before I came
along but can't he see she's just another dumb bimbo. Hunter can do so much better
than her. All I want is what's best for him even if it means killing the bitch off.

Hell, if he wants a girlfriend I'd find him one. I know plenty of nice girls out there.

Walking down the school corridor I froze when I saw Hunter's arm wrapped
around Rachel. He stops to stare at me and for a split second his eyes were full on
black but now they are not. 'I don't believe it.' My inner voice spoke.

Slowly going up to them, "Yo, how's it feel to be old?" I smiled ignoring Rachel.

Hunter just looked at me like he grew two heads. "Hunt..." I called out. A nick
name I had given him.

He turned his attention to Rachel, "Let's go babe." Grabbing her hand, I watch
them walked down the hall.

Well that was rude. I know I haven't spoken to him all weekend but I was venting.

Throughout the day Hunter did a good job avoiding me.

I thought I would let him cool himself off.

- 11 -
My Luna

Hunter and I don't have classes together. He is two years older than me, making me
16. It's a shame. I thought it'd be fun being in the same class that way I can play
keep away with that hoe he calls a girlfriend.

Dragging my feet to my empty home, I lazily plopped on my sofa. It was quiet. It's
been quiet for years now. Though Hunter and I would chill at my place I am use to
the silence. At least I don't have someone telling me when to be home or to do

With nothing to do I decided to head down to the club. On a school night. Time to
get smash although considering I don't remember ever getting trash though I tried.

So here I am at my usually hang out spot. The smell of beer, sweat, and hot sex
lingered in the air.

People were either playing pool, having a drinking match, or dry humping each
other. As for me I grabbed a whole bottle of jack Daniel and down the whole thing
in one go.

"Hey sexy." I turned to my right to find a brunette bimbo smiling at me.

If it weren't for her slutty outfit she might've earn a compliment from me.

"Piss off." I took another drink. Who knew I was that angry.

"Oh, what crawled up your sexy ass." Her words slurred. She was drunk,
thankfully I was not.

She then trailed her fingers up my arms, when a man who looked like the size of a
gorilla stomped towards me jerking me away from the brunette, "Are you hitting
on my girl?"

- 12 -
My Luna

Okay, why is it always the men's fault. If a girl talks to him, it's the guys fault for
even looking.

"I have no interest in ugly bitches." I spat. I saw his jaw tick as my eyes traveled up
to his freakishly large face and tall frame. I gulped. I shouldn't have said anything
and just walk away. "I'm sorry...." I timidly said. I know I can hold my own, I
mean Hunter and I wrestle a lot but when a man four times your size looks down
on you, you need to learn to walk away.

"I should bash your pretty little face in."

I trembled, I am quite fond of my face and wish not for it to get bruised.
"Um...your girl is lovely..."

"Are you saying you're in love with my girl?"

What? "No, I mean...I...I...." I stuttered.

Soon I found myself crouching on the floor. He just threw me a sucker punch.
Fuck that hurt. It felt like my face was flattened by a bull dozer. I could feel my
tears threatening to spill but I held it in. I don't even think he used all his might, he
probably held back for my sake...awe how sweet. Note the sarcasm.

Today was not my day. Being temperamental as I was, and seeing as I was already
bent over, I used my whole body and rammed into him head first. Course he never
falters. Damn brick wall.

"Um....this isn't fair. You are much bigger than me..." I was hoping to stall and
hopefully this Sasquatch has brains, "Your girlfriend here is the one that flirted
with me."

"Are you calling me a liar boy?"

- 13 -
My Luna

"" Fuck this shit. My whole face hurt like hell. I just hope he isn't as
hard down there and before I could think any more I kicked him between his legs
and fled that place.

I ran not looking behind me. Finally, out of harm’s way I stopped by the nearest
convenience store looking in a mirror. My eyes were already starting to swell and

I had to cover it up before school tomorrow. My poor face. Buying a concealer that
woman use, I practiced how to applied it once I got home. Good thing I have a
knowledge for women makeup.

Before heading to bed, I popped two aspirin for the throbbing pain on my face.

It's been a week since that little incident at the club. And a week since Hunter has
been ignoring me. Well he also glares at me too. What crawled up his ass?

People kept giving me looks. I don't know if it’s from pity or anger that I was the
one who put Hunter in a foul mood. Lately his anger has been increasing. No one
know how to handle him. Even the teachers are scared of him.

Wow I guess when you turn 18 you start PMSing everywhere. Rachel can't even
get him to calm down.

Getting fed up with his sour attitude I stomped towards Hunter at his locker I
grabbed him by the collar and holding him up against the wall, "What the hell is
your problem dude? You're not pissy just because I didn't answer any of your
phone calls last week?"

I heard him growl, "Did you just growl at me?"

Hunter pushed me back, "Don't you ever grab me again." He raised his voice this
time grabbing attention from the nearby students.

- 14 -
My Luna

"What the hell Hunter? What the hell is your problem?"

"My problem is you!" He shouted not caring about where we are.

"What the hell did I do, Hunter everyone is afraid of you."

In frustration, he ran his fingers through his hair, something he does when he's

I pushed him back which made him even more shock than angry. He was caught
off guard at the fact I had the courage to push him at this state.

He towered over me, his height looming at 6ft 4 inches of all muscle that seems to
protrude his very god like frame. No wonder the girls go crazy over him.

As for me, a mere 5ft 2 inches in height.

Soon I felt a punch towards my guts. What the hell? First my face now my gut.

I couldn't cry, I wouldn't cry. Looking back at him I saw the hurt in his eyes maybe
guilt of what he realized he just did.

Fuck it, I can take him, I charged at him, fist in the air. We were both throwing
punches, well it was mainly me while he dodged. I got one or two punch but he
didn't even try to punch me back. He did held me in place though that is until we
heard an authoritative voice.

"What is going on here?" The principal boomed making the students who were
watching in fascination scatter.

"Mr. Logan and Mr. Smith my office now."


- 15 -
My Luna

Hunter (POV)
This whole week I hadn't made the effort to speak to TY, in fact I avoided him.

I was a dick, I felt like a dick.

Even more so when TY confronted me. He had the nerve to disrespect me in front
of my fellow pack none the less so I did what I had to do, "Don't you ever grab me
again." I growled.

Before I knew it, I had punch him. What the hell did I do? My wolf whimpered
that I had hurt our mate but at the same time he felt he needed to stand his ground.
There he was crouching down gasping for air trying not to cry. I could tell, no I
could feel what he was feeling, pain. I wanted to run up to him and comfort him
but my stupid pride wouldn't let me. This is your fault. My wolf Tray scolded
me. If you only accepted him... 'Shut up.' I interrupted him, he's a guy... Girl or
guy he's still our mate. Fuck I hate when my wolf is right. I gazed upon TY who
still in pain. Being mates we could feel what the other person is feeling. But since
he is nothing more than human it is different. However, if he was wolf he'd still
have to wait till he or she was 18 in order to feel what their mate is feeling as well.
Unless both mates make physical contact then that's a whole different story. Thank
the moon goddess he was after all human.

As I was lost in thought he charged at me. I was a bit surprised he had the courage
to do so. He threw punches, I let him hit me a few times considering I felt guilty
for hitting him in the first place and dodging him as well while holding him down.
I felt the sparks as I held him. His scent had engulfed my senses.

I admit this past week I let my anger take over. Upset at the fact my mate is a guy
but when he touches me my anger diminished. His touch sooth and calmed me

That is until I heard the principal. So now we are both here in his office.

- 16 -
My Luna

Good thing the principal is in my pack and a good friend of my fathers. In fact, this
whole school is run by wolves. A bit surprising really that the only human who
turns out to be my mate goes to a wolf school.

"In light of recent events Mr. Smith, you are suspended for 3 weeks."

"3 weeks, why only me, he started it." TY pointed at me.

"Want to make it 4?"

TY became silent after that.

"Okay then you both may leave."

Out in the office Rachel ran up towards me.

"Hunter baby." Rachel strolled up next to me clutching on my arm.

Ignoring TY, I turned towards Rachel and planted a wet one on her face before
going down on one knee, "Rachel, would you marry me?" Okay not the ideal I
would peg to propose to her but hey whatever gets the job done right. And usually
us wolves don't need to be married just fully mated but in the eyes of humans we
put on a show.

"Yes." Rachel squealed.

I picked her up kissing her all the while glaring at TY.

TY glared at me, "Hunter do whatever you want because I don't give a damn about
you. I promise you, this is the biggest mistake you will ever know." Just like that
our three-year friendship had ended all because I couldn't accept the fact that TY
was my mate.

- 17 -
My Luna

Hunter (POV)

My wolf Tray was pissed at everyone that touch me, especially Rachel. Every
time she places her hand on me my wolf Tray would make an appearance wanting
to snap her neck in two.

He wanted control. He wanted what all wolves want when the found their mates,
to mark and fully mate them.

These past few months has been hard. I have been training fast and hard with my
beta at my side Chris Baker. We have been friends for as long as I can
remember. Him and TY also are good friends as well.

"Dude, what's up with you and TY?" He charged at me with a giant stick. Today's
training is in human form.

I just shrugged my shoulder. "Ever since you turned 18 you stop hanging out with
TY. Don't tell me he's jealous of your engagement to Rachel?"

If only that was the case. Chris was clueless. People began wondering why TY
and I haven't hung out as much. It's not a secret that Rachel and TY despises each
other so I took the chance to use that as an excuse.

There is no way in hell I'd let my pack know my wolf is gay. Just then my wolf
barked at me. He was actually proud of who his mate was. Why can't I have a
normal wolf? 'Oh, and like your any better.' If I could pounce on him myself I
I wish I could say it is just my wolf wanting his mate but truth be told I miss him
and want to hold him. Hold up, what are you talking about Hunter. I scolded
myself. I hadn't realized the mate pull is strong that I have to keep reminding
myself I love pussy not dick.

- 18 -
My Luna

Are you sure about that? We will have our mate. Tray chuckled.
I hate to say it but I could feel he is right about that. All my thoughts are of TY
even in my dreams. And when I'm kissing Rachel all I see is TY.

We were now in a meeting with my beta, Gemma, third command etc....and the list
is endless. It seems there is a pack north of us where the Alpha likes to terrorize
the adjoining pack.

His name was Alpha Conrad. I heard he is ruthless and is trying to expand his
territory by going to war and killing off his opponent.

Different packs were given certain lands for a reason and base on their ranks is
how much land we have.

Conrad must know this. He is disrupting the order of balance.

The other Alpha's contacted us for assistance to which we complied. Now we are
training for war which is happening tonight.

While all the woman and children should be safe in their homes we are taking the
battle to them.

As wolves our senses are much stronger than any human beings. We can smell
anything that lingers in the air which would be kind of hard to do a surprise attack
and our hearing is ten times than normal.

Far off in the distance as we shifted into our wolves, my wolf Tray portray a
midnight black wolf. Without the light from the moon it’s almost as if I'm

Letting out a signal through mind-link we charged head first sparing the woman
and children.

- 19 -
My Luna

Screams can be heard and blood was being splattered everywhere. Howls and
growls echoed throughout the night.

Whoever was on the battle field we killed. In our motto it was killed or be killed.

At last the sun had risen, we lost a few wolves to Alpha Conrad packs and some
were injured but, in the end, we won a great victory.

Tray was content. He got to let out his frustration on the pack and believe me, he
enjoyed killing a few wolves. Unfortunately, the coward he is, Alpha Conrad fled.

Back at home, the pack cheered and that's when Rachel ran up to me with open
arms. As if on instinct I pushed her away.

"What the hell was that?" She squealed at me.

How do I tell her that my wolf can't stomach the sight of her let alone her touch
and I'm supposed to be marrying her. Everything about her screams annoying

"Sorry babe, I'm just tired and covered in filth don't want to get you dirty." Half of
what I said was true, the other half well I didn't care. The more I was with her the
more I found myself not caring about her. It's like my love for her just suddenly up
and vanish. I don't even know why I loved her in the first place.

Without waiting for her reply, I headed straight for the rest room.

Didn't have time to sleep as I walked through the corridor of school. Every one
there looked like they had bags under their eyes. Now why did we have the battle
on a school night.

Once I closed my locker my eyes found TY who was talking with one of the girls
who is a cheerleader.

- 20 -
My Luna

My fist clenches. I can't be jealous of him talking to a girl can I. Fuck. I watch as
the girl peck him on his cheek. I growled causing all eyes to turn on me including

I gasped in shock, did TY just smirk at me? If I didn't know any better I'd say he
was enjoying this. Does he even know what he does to me?

Walking away towards my English class I sat with a loud bang. The students there
dared not make eye contact with me.

"Yo man." Chris sat next to me staring at me.


"No...nothing." He shook his head almost in laughter.

"No really what?"

"What the hell was that?" Chris arched his brow.

"What was what?"

"Out in the hall. I witness well everyone witness the glares you kept giving TY."

"It's nothing."

"It ain't nothing."

I notice he wasn't going to leave it alone, "Just the dude irritates me."

"Irritates you?"

"Yeah everything about him annoys me."

- 21 -
My Luna

"What the hell man, we've known TY for couple years and only now he irritates
you. Look I may not be close to TY as you but you got to get your shit
straight. You've been snapping at the people here and don't tell me I haven't notice
you and Rachel aren't bumping it in the bedroom as of late."

Did I say Chris was clueless, well I guess wrong, he's very perceptive. He is
right. Since finding out TY is my mate all I have been receiving from Rachel was
a kiss well more like a peck. If I don't do something soon I won't be having much
action in the bedroom. I should just reject him, that should solve my problem,

Unfortunately, it's never been done before. I have never heard someone rejecting
their mate. Guess I would be a first.

Come lunch time I search for TY where I found him reading on the bleachers.

I now was standing in front of him, his head down in his books.

"You're blocking the sun." TY looked up not at all shock that I was standing in
front of him. "May I help you."

Hearing his voice made me forget what I was about to do. I had honestly missed
him. I place my hands on his shoulder and felt the sparks flow through me. I could
feel my heart pound in my chest. Tray howled in joy at the touch of our mate.

"This is hard for me to say." I rubbed behind my neck, how was I going to reject
him fully knowing what he is. Well here goes nothing, "I, Alpha Hunter Logan of
the Crimson Blood Pack reject TY Smith as my mate and Luna."

TY just looked at me coolly. Why isn't he saying anything as to what I was talking
about? Surely, he must have some questions on what's an alpha and what pack am
I talking about. Honestly if a human we're to hear such ridiculous things they
might've think I was nuts.

- 22 -
My Luna

But instead he just froze on the spot. Then I saw his eyes twitch and his lip curled,
"I TY Smith accept the rejection of Alpha Hunter Logan of the Crimson Blood
Pack." He picked up his books and left.

What the hell just happen?

- 23 -
My Luna

Hunter (POV)

My heart sank with every step TY took away from me. I thought rejecting him
would be a load off my chest. Oh, how wrong I was.

I could feel Tray's withdrawal as he entered the depths of my mind.

The way he looked at me, the way he spoke, the way he accepted my rejection it's
as if he knew what I was.

Falling to my knees I shuddered in pain at the loss of my mate. Go back and get
our mate. Tray snapped.

How could I though. As TY was almost out of sight my feet as if having a mind of
their own stood up running towards TY, "TY!" I yelled grabbing hold of his hand,
he stops just to face me.

Standing in front of him, he looked at me coldly.

"TY..." My fingers lightly caressing his cheeks. For a dude his skin is truly soft. I
was no longer in control of my body, well I was it's just that my heart wants what it
wants and right now I want him.

TY bit his lips and my thumb grazing his lips in the process. Licking my lips, I
lowered my head towards his, my tongue licking his jaw up to his lips asking for
entrance while my hands holds his face in place.

TY groaned for a split second before harshly pulling away and smacking me hard.

I was utterly shock, didn't see that coming.

- 24 -
My Luna

His eyes narrowed unto mine, "You don't get to do this, have you forgotten your
rejection Alpha Hunter."
I grew silent.

"Or are you just ashamed of me, us...So why don't you ask Rachel be your Luna or
does your wolf not take a liking to her." He smirks before running away leaving
me dumbfounded.

He knew? All this time he knew what I was?


Shit what the hell did I just do.... say? I reprimanded myself.
Good going. Shut up I scolded. Stop it TY...There is no time for arguments here.
We have to keep up our cool.

Arriving to my once again empty home I grab a ben a jerry hoping to drown out
the fact that Hunter just rejected me.

While I was deep in thought with a spoonful of ice cream in my mouth a loud
banging was heard at my door, "TY open the fucking door." I heard Hunter on the
other side. He was angry. Slowly dropping the spoon in the sink not to make a
noise and putting my ice cream back in the freezer I silently made my way to the
back of my house.

"TY!" He yelled again. "I know you're in there. I can smell you scent."

Oh crap. Why don't you just let him in? You know you want to. Ignoring the
voice in my head, I panic. I dare not let the angry wolf in.

- 25 -
My Luna

"IF YOU DO NOT OPEN UP I WILL..." before he finished his sentence I could
hear my front door slammed open and almost see the hinges flying off.

What? No warning I thought.

Fuck he broke my damn door. Without a second thought I flew through the back
door not caring if I make a sound and running towards the woods up ahead more
like stumbling trying to get away.

Running was not my strong suit.

I could hear running footsteps on the ground which was now replace by four paws.
Oh shit, he shifted.

His growls could be heard as I continue to run not looking back, not looking where
I am going.

Before I knew it, I was knocked into a tree and pinned underneath a very naked

My eyes glued to his hard chest not wanting to meet his eyes and not wanting to
meet his friend below.

My breathing hitched as he presses his flesh against my body, the heat radiated off
him in waves, my heart thumping out of my chest as my hands presses firmly
against his hard chest trying to push him away. But the more I pushed him, the
more he closed the distance between us.

I gulped. Here was a man an alpha no less. his strength the fiber of his being
consumed me in every way possible.

Slowly he raised up my chin with his finger where I gazed at his eyes, "Mate." Just
that one word he spoke got my tummy doing all sorts of flips.

- 26 -
My Luna

"Um...your poking me." I hate to bring it up but he's definitely poking me, he
looked at me confused, "Your ah friend down there."

Looking down smirking he adjusted himself with his hand, to which I tried hard
not to stare and I mean it was very hard not to even glance at his large erection.

Continuing on his eyes never looking away as he calls me his mate once again.

Now he calls me his mate. Not too long ago he rejected me because of who I was
to him.

He had ignored me for months knowing I was his mate. What changed now?

Looking into his eyes, they had darkened with a tinge of yellow around it. His wolf
was fighting for control and before I could speak his lips crashed into mine. My
eyes now closed as I let him have his way. His hands on my hips pulling me even
more closer but I still had my hands on his chest giving us a bit of space reminding
me of our situation.

A single tear slid down my cheek. We can't be doing this? I can't be doing
this? And why not? He is our mate and he has every right to claim us. Shut up
shut up. I yelled in my head.

Hunter pulled back gazing at me lovingly as if he wanted me, wanted us.

"What the hell Hunter?" I wiped my lips as if I was disgusted but in reality, as soon
as he pulled away I missed his warmth.

"How did you know?" He asked.

"Know what?"

"Don't play stupid. For a human how did you know about me?"

- 27 -
My Luna

"I don't know what you are talking about." I replied innocently.

He caught on then chuckled, "I guess it doesn't matter now does it."

"So, what now?" Usually when a male wolf especially an alpha finds his Luna, the
Luna moves into the pack house sleeping in the same bed.

"You move into the pack house." Ah and there it is.

"You want me to move into your room?"

Hunter shook his head, "My room?"

"Well yeah isn't that where the Luna supposed to be in?"

"Sorry mate..." he paused, "But you'll have a room on the second floor."

Hold up, as I recall the first and second floor are usually the wolves that are low
ranking. "You don't want anyone to know I'm your mate." I clicked my tongue.

"The others wouldn't understand that..."

"What you have a male for a Luna." My gazed bored into his eyes. "You are very

"Seeing you know so much about us you should know as an alpha we are required
to produce heirs..."

"Are you telling me you will sleep with another she-wolf while I'm kept hidden on
the side." I was angry I was beyond furious how dare he. He makes it sound like
I'll be his mistress or whatever. He should've just kept his rejection.

"Well what do you expect?"

- 28 -
My Luna

"What do I expect? I expect you to be faithful. What about marking me and vice

"You know that will never happen." He turned away from me. "I can't mark you
and get another she-wolf pregnant, the pup will never survive."

It's true, if a wolf who find their mate gets another she-wolf pregnant then mating
their mate will be impossible because the pup will not survive who’s not from his
mate. Sounds confusing, I know but it’s the way how it works.

When I was a child I had dreamed of having a big family since my family was all
screwed up. Now it will never happen I suppose.

"Give me time." I sighed.

"Time for what?"

"Give me a chance to be with you and I promise you that I will give you what you
want all I need is time."

He looked at me, "Explain." I had no explanation. All I needed was for him to trust

"Please trust me Hunt." I used his nickname.

"Trust? Sorry but I don't have time, my ceremony for Alpha is in a few months and
I must produce an heir."

"Are you telling me you’re going to mate Rachel?"

"No, I will not mate her but she will bore my pup."

"Fine on one condition." I spoke harshly.

- 29 -
My Luna

Hunter raised a brow, "And what's that."

"I get to create a child with another as well."

Hunter's jaw tick, "No way in hell I'm letting someone else touch you. You're
mine." His wolf was beginning to surface.

Well that's not fair. "And why not, you're not marking me, you just stated you'll be
impregnating another she-wolf, your sticking me on the second floor and you want
to keep me a secret did I miss anything else?"

Hunter stood there speechless.

"Well Alpha Hunter, I refuse and the rejection still stand."

He let go of me, his eyes fell and I took this chance to back away slowly, I guess I
got my answer, he has no right to me whatsoever seeing he refuse to mate with me.

"I do hope you won’t regret your action Alpha Hunter."

- 30 -
My Luna

Hunter (POV)

This is your fault. Tray snapped at me. I can't believe I have someone stupid
with me. Watch it. I snarled at him. NO! If you so much as to touch Rachel or
any other slutty whore I can promise you this, I will rip their heads off then
come out just so I can beat some sense into you.

This must look odd. I was left alone in the woods after TY retreated back to his
house only to argue with Tray. Fuck my life. I will end up alone mate less and
without a pup of my own. I had always dreamed of having a few dozen pup with
my mate now I don't see that happening.

We do have a mate and I want you to stop being a dick about it. 'Tray, have
you forgotten our mate is a guy.'

Tray snarled at me, you are just blind and stupid to see who our mate really is.

'What the hell do you mean by that?'

Figure it out yourself. Tray barked before shutting me out.

Good riddance I thought.

Looking down myself my dick still stands, I can't believe this I thought. Only TY
can make me feel this hard. Shit.

Shifting back into my wolf I prance towards his home, TY's. Silently I watch
through the window as TY tries to fix his broken door.

Crap. Shifting back, I walked up his steps naked only for TY to once again stare at
me. I couldn't help but smirk.

- 31 -
My Luna

Pulling out a boxer he handed it to me. Where the hell did he pull out a boxer

Taking it from him I put it on. "Um...let me help you with that." I grabbed hold.

We spent almost an hour getting his door fixed. And within that hour we spoke no

The silence was killing me. "Look TY," I started all for him to slam the door in my

I contemplated whether to knock on his door or to just barge in. But I didn't want
to break his door again. For now, I'll let him cool and we will talk when he is in a
better mood.

The days turned into weeks then months. I would be graduating soon and I have
not yet spoken to TY. Every time I tried he spilled something on me. From soda to
trash to paint. Whatever was in his hand was on me. He must be doing this on

Tomorrow was my actual Alpha Ceremony. Everyone is going to be there. And

everyone thinks Rachel is my Luna. I have to speak to her before she thinks
otherwise. I cannot be mating with her. Tray won’t allow it.

"Hey babe." As if reading my thoughts, she appeared in front of me wrapping her

arms around me.

"Look Rachel we have to talk."

"Um what about it? If this is about tomorrow I can't wait." Her nose crinkled.

- 32 -
My Luna

Once upon a time I found that cute, but now I can't stand the sight to look at her.
Pulling away for a more private conversation I started, "I won't be marking you

"What! Bu...but why. I'm your mate..."

"No, no you’re not." I interrupted her.

"But I thought you had chosen me on your birthday."

"Sorry but you thought wrong." I release her grip that she had on me.

"I, I don't understand..."

"I found my mate, my true mate."

Her eyes gasped in horror, "What? Who, who is she? When?"

"The day after my birthday."

"Is that why you have not once touch me." I nodded my head. "All this time I
thought you were at that stage but but we can make this work. I can replace your

I once again nodded, "I can't touch you and the sight of you makes me sick." I was
truthful, "In fact every time I try to touch you Tray wants to rip your head off."

"Tray? Your wolf. Well tell him to suck it up and..."

"No can do because...."

"Because what Hunter?"

- 33 -
My Luna

I couldn't even finish my sentence. I don't know how I will come to terms that TY
is a guy. If only he wasn't a guy so then I wouldn't mind TY as my mate. We mesh
well together. He gets me I mean he does look like a girl, I imagined TY in a dress,
not bad I thought. After all he has not one ounce of masculinity on him.

"Hunter who is she?" I heard Rachel repeated.

"Its....I rejected my mate." I again was honest.

"Well then what's the problem? We can still..."

"No, did you not hear what I just said. Tray will not have you as my mate." I
snapped causing her to flinch. "Sorry but no." I stood my ground and left her

Time to prepare for tomorrow's ceremony.

Rachel (POV)

I can't believe this. I wondered why Hunter hadn't touch me ever since he took the
role of Alpha. It's all because of Tray. Oh no no no, this can't be happening. I am
supposed to be Luna, I will be Luna, I must be Luna.

After I watched Hunter leave I went to visit my auntie who is also known as a
witch doctor. She can help me I know she can.

I skipped my last two classes and now I was on the highway going to my aunt's
home. Knocking on her front door she welcomed me with open arms.

"Sweet heart." She greeted.

- 34 -
My Luna

"Hi auntie." I know my auntie will help me so I began to explain everything and
my situation.

"Oh, honey what you are messing with could be dangerous."

"But auntie I love him."

"Are you sure you love him or just his title. What about if you find your true

"For Hunter I will reject him if need be, please auntie help me please."

Sighing in resignation she replied, "Okay but let me warn you this stuff I'm going
to give you is very potent. Also, what we are doing messing with fate will come
back to bite you in the ass."

"Yeah yeah when the time comes I'll deal with it now give it to me."

She hands me a bottle with some liquid in it.

"This is wolves’ bane. It is very effective when being shot with it directly but one
drop of this in his drink only one drop and it will immobilize his wolf but you only
have within minutes otherwise he will be knocked out for the rest of the night. Not
even the strongest wolves can stomach wolves bane." To wolves like us wolves
bane can be deadly. However, with the right dosage it can just knock us out.

"Good what about the mating."

"Now that I can't help if he doesn't want to mate with you but here." She hands me
a tiny pouch of herbs, "Take this and it will bring your heat on. And if his wolf is
strong enough to withstand it then do it when his wolf is immobilized.

- 35 -
My Luna

I nod my head and smiled, "Thank you auntie." I left her house merrily, I will get
everything I want. Hunter will be mine by tomorrow night.

- 36 -
My Luna

Rachel (POV)

I watch the people mingle and dance. My eyes never leaving Hunter. He was
dressed in a black suit with a red tie. And he looked like a Greek god with his
bulging biceps, his chiseled jaw, tone abs, I could almost picture him breathless,
his physics just screams wow. Just thinking about what we could do makes my
panties drenched.

I missed our days when we spent all our time in the bed room. All the sweet
endearing names he used to call me. I knew for a fact he had a crush on me but if I
played my cards right I would have him begging for more.

Now look at me, I'm the one who has to get down on her knees and beg.

The she-wolves kept staring at him all night. Oh, how I want to say back of bitches
his mine.

Getting a drink, I did what my aunt told me and put a single drop of wolves’ bane
in it then walking up to him.

Lightly tapping his shoulder, he turned around only to greet me with a

scowl. Makes me wonder where I went wrong. Did I not satisfy him in bed, didn't
I fulfill his fantasies?

"Rachel," he breath in, "I thought we understood each other yesterday."

"I did I heard you perfectly clear so how bout one last drink before we bid our
good byes."

Hunter smiled at me before taking the drink out of my hand, and with the drink in
our hands we both drank it in one gulp.

- 37 -
My Luna

Now all I needed to do was wait. My aunt says I had to work quickly before he
passes out.

Next how was I going to get him alone. I know, I purposely trip and fell on him,
"Rachel are you okay?"

"I dunno, I just feel dizzy all of a sudden. Maybe I had one too many to drinks."

"Maybe you should go home, I can hail you a cab..."

"No, I just want to rest please could you take me to one of the bed rooms."

"Sure," he smiled but when he realized I was having a hard time walking straight,
he lifted me up effortless and we went to one of the rooms in the pack house.

Sadly, I don't stay in the pack house. It was one of my rules to get Hunter. The
more I was away, the more he wanted me.

After he laid me on the bed I grabbed his arm, "Rachel we..."

"I know but could you get me a glass of water."

Again, Hunter smiled and left. I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous for what I am
about to do. While he left I took out the pouch and ate a few herbs my auntie gave

Surprising Hunter hasn't passed out yet. Thank goodness he's an Alpha so
hopefully I will get to do what I came to do which is be fully marked by him.

Within seconds I felt hot. The pain had rush towards my core. I hate to admit it but
I have never been in heat before. All I know is heat is when you are in need to
release some tension down there and any unmated male can't help but relive that
tension for you.

- 38 -
My Luna

Soon Hunter came back and took one good look at me just before he dropped the

I could tell, he could sense I was in heat. His wolf maybe gone temporarily but his
senses are still there. Closing the door behind him he rushes towards me. I couldn't
wait so I took him, pushed him on the bed and straddled my legs over him all the
while unbuckling his belt.

"Rachel we can't do this I have a mate."

"A mate you said you rejected."

Still he pushed me off to the side.

What the fuck, I should be in heat and he should be wanting this.

Not listening to him I slid his pants down only to find his dick not taking a liking
to my advances. But that will change soon.

"Please Hunter I need this." My voice coarse.

"Rachel you're in heat so I could run a cold shower for you."

Fuck that, grabbing his balls I rammed his cocked into my mouth. Need to get him
hard first.

After a couple minutes he wasn't feeling it. His dick must be a sleep because he
wasn't getting hard. He wasn't lying when he said he couldn't touch me and I had
no effect on him no longer.

Thinking I must need to know who his mate is. If I kill her will Hunter be mine

- 39 -
My Luna

A few seconds of trying, well shit what the hell am I going to do. Hunter attempted
to stand up, "Are you through, as I have told you us will not work." He waved his
hands, "I'm sorry Rachel but I don't have the same feelings for you."

Oh hell no. When he had his back turn, I took all the herbs my aunt left me.

And in seconds again my heat came on full force. Hunter abruptly turned around,
dropping his pants in the process and started to kiss me hungrily.

Oh, yessss come to momma. I kissed him back.

He squeezed my ass and pounce on me. Taking me from behind his long thick
shaft entered me full force. Fuck.

He pounded into me our skins slapping each other. It's been a while since I last
had his dick in me. My body shivered at his touch when he squeezed my
breast. My toes curling, my back arched into him, my breathing hitch.

"Hunter," this is it this is it I chanted in my head. It's now or never.

A few more thrust and I could feel Hunter about to reach his climax, "Hunter mark
me please." I begged.

His head buried in the crook of my neck, his tongue licking the part where he
would mark me. I could feel him sucking on my skin, I heard him groan, no words
he spoke just one last thrust into me and he released all of what he had.

"Fuck Hunter, please." I begged and soon all I felt was a heavy weight on me as he
fell. Then light snoring. Shit he fell asleep. My hand resting on the crook of my

- 40 -
My Luna

Hunter (POV)

I woke up with a pounding headache. What the hell happened? What day is today?
Looking at my calendar it was the day after my Alpha ceremony.

What time did I go to bed? Taking the covers off I notice Rachel's arm around me,
shit. What have you done? Tray boomed. 'Why the hell are you asking me? If this
happened where the hell where you? Tray would never let this happened, I don't
know. All I know is that I was suddenly trapped in a dark room with no way
out. Well that was weird. Rachel get up now.

Rachel blinked, "Good morning Hunter."

It's not Hunter, Tray was pissed. Angry enough to make an appearance.

I grabbing her head and looked at both sides of her neck, good I didn't mark her.

"Tray, what..."

What the hell did you do? Through my voice I spoke using my alpha command
on her. To which you have to comply.

Rachel quivered in the sheets, "I....I...."

Now tell me before I tear you limb from limb. Tray ordered.

As much as Tray was pissed I was also angry so I let Tray have full control
because if it were me I would have gutted her right then and there and after the
conversation we had I really thought she understood.

"I'm sorry Alpha but I used wolves bane so you wouldn't be here."

- 41 -
My Luna

And you took advantage of that but even so I would never have fucked a
whore like you.

I glared at Rachel, my fist in balls. Now tell me, how did you?

"It was a special herb to bring on my heat."

That's it, Tray fled and let me handled Rachel as I so fit. "Rachel you are banished
from the pack."

"Bu..but...where will I go."

"You should've thought of that before you drugged me, now leave." I barked.

I watch Rachel scrambled for her clothes and making a hasty exit.

My thoughts travel to TY. I am so glad he is a human because if he was a wolf he

would've felt that. Wolves can feel their mate’s feelings and their affairs. And he
would've felt immense pain.

Quickly washing up and putting clothes back on I headed down stares only to be
greeted by my pack on the dinner table.

"So man," John my third command spoke, "I heard you and Rachel left....couldn't
wait to mate her I see." Everyone there chuckled and teased.

There was a time where I wouldn't have mind it, I mean I did love Rachel but
now...I had to come clean, "Rachel isn't my mate."

The room grew silent. Everyone had stop what they were doing, "Sweetie what are
you saying." My mother was the first to speak.

"It's just she isn't my mate."

- 42 -
My Luna

"Son why didn't you say anything." My father intervenes.

"For the Alpha position."

My father shook his head, "Don't worry about it, you'll be the best Alpha and your
Luna will come to you soon."

I couldn't help but gave out a sorrowful smile. What would people do If they know
who my mate actually is.

Walking down the corridor at school my eyes automatically found TY. He was
wearing a jacket with the hood covering his entire face. The sleeves practically
swallowed him whole. His scent made my heart race. Just the sight of him put a
smile on my face.

What should I do? How should I greet him? 'Hi, how was your week?' That
sounds normal right.

Okay here goes. I strolled up to him, my hands in my pocket taking a deep breath I
bumped his shoulders.

Without turning around he spoke, "What do you want now Hunter?" Just hearing
my name on his lips made me want to embrace him. Unfortunately, I wanted more
than just hearing his voice, I needed to see him, "Look at me." I ordered.

Shrugging his shoulder, he turned around, his head cast down as if he was
admiring my shoes.

"Eyes up here." When he didn't respond, with my fingers I gently lifted his face to
meet mines and was shocked at what I saw. His face purple and bruised.

His lips looked like it split in half. "What the hell happened to you man?"

- 43 -
My Luna

TY shook me off, "Why does it matter to you?" He snarled.

"Of course, it does, you’re my," up till now I couldn't say it. Well I didn't want to
say it in front of people so instead I whispered it, "mate."

Closing his locker, he turned to walk away from me. No one turns their back
towards me so I gripped him on his hips where I felt him winced.

Now I was upset. Grabbing him into a nearby janitor closet I waited for him to

When he didn't I asked again, "Why do you look like shit?"

"Got pissed went to a bar and banged a girl who had a boyfriend well here I am."

"You fought, you hate fighting."

"Well I hate school but here I am. So, what are you going to do about it?"

I hated his tone towards me. I wish I could go back to the way things
were. Before he was about to leave I grabbed him once more but stop to the sound
of gritting teeth.

What the hell. So, I forcefully yanked him into a wall attempting to remove his

"What the hell Hunter." TY pushed me.

I growled at him, "TY where else are you hurt." He rolled his eyes at me.

"Do not roll your eyes at me." I was getting annoyed for how I was being treated.

- 44 -
My Luna

"Sucks doesn't it when you don't get things your way." One last looked at him, TY
pushed me while I watch him limp out the door.

Throughout the day TY looked pained. Even his hands looked swollen. I wanted
to make him feel better by carrying his books and doing little things but he just
pushed me away.

I had enough, I was about to pull on him again but a pair of arms suddenly
wrapped around my torso, "Rachel."

There stood Rachel standing between me and my mate. "I have good news." She
squealed. I tried getting out of her hold but she had a tight grip.

"I'm pregnant with your pup." She blurted out.

My eyes left TY to only gape at Rachel. Even though we just had sex not too long-
ago wolves can get pregnant the very next day and unlike humans she-wolves are
pregnant for 6 months.

Listening to her, I could hear two heart beats coming from Rachel, one that
belongs to her and the other indicating she is indeed carrying my pup.

"Ehem." We both looked at TY, "Congratulations both of you I wish you two a
happy family." I witness TY giving one of the most fakes smile before heading out
the double doors.

"Rachel." I boomed causing her to flinch. "I have a mate and...." I could feel Tray
confused and conflicted. He wants our mate but the feeling of having an off spring
makes our wolves over protective. Hell, I'm confused just the idea of having a pup
with a person I can't stand.

"And what Hunter. You have to choose now. Me or your mate."

- 45 -
My Luna

"It is not contest on who I'm going to choose."

"No, you can't, you know what happens if you mark your mate, our pup will die."

Fuck Fuck Fuck. I'm in deep shit.

- 46 -
My Luna

Hunter (POV)

Loud commotions filled the entire room. Before I could announce it in my own
way Rachel beat me to it.

Now everyone was excited that the next Alpha will be born soon.

"Quiet." I bellowed.

"Son, I'm so pleased that you have born the next Alpha but..."

"No buts dad, I already told you I have a mate."

Everyone gasped. I had forgotten only a few knew I had found my true mate and it
wasn't Rachel. In fact, why was she here when I had banished her.

"Son, what are you saying, forget about your mate and mate with Rachel. You and
I both know what would happen to your pup if you mark your mate now."

Rachel smirked knowing what my dad said was true. I should've mark TY then
none of this would've happen. If I had marked him it would be impossible for me
to pregnant someone else. Fuck it all to hell.

"Dad if you had a choice between your mate and someone else who would you
choose." My father clammed up and so did everyone else.

They know how important mates are.

"Then Hunter tell us who is your mate?" Chris asked.


- 47 -
My Luna

Chris laughed and so did everyone else, "Tell us this is a joke, he's a guy..."

When he didn't see me laughing he continued, "Oh your serious."

"What the fuck Hunter, your mate is a guy?" My father boomed once again,
"That's it you have to mate with Rachel. How can you reproduce if your mate is a

He paused, "Chris who is this TY?" I have never introduced TY to my

parents. Knowing their hatred for humans.

"He is a friend at school and a human."

My father's vein popped, "A fucking human, Hunter you can't mate a bastard of a

"Don't fucking call him that." I yelled in my Alpha tone. My dad was no longer
an alpha so what he says does not affect me, "What I decided is totally my
decision. Is that clear?" My voice projected towards everyone.

Most of the wolves know of TY well those that attended school so they know not
to mess with him on my orders.


Two months has pass since I found out Hunter is having a pup with Rachel. He
hasn't spoken or looked at me ever since. Sure, we passed by each other but it’s as
if we were just strangers.

And everyone here pays no mind to me. Every once in a while, I would get glares
or a look of disgust on their expressions but who am I to care. The girls wouldn't

- 48 -
My Luna

even glance at me. Not to say I was popular but I was well known among the
girls. Something in my gut tells me something's not right.

I had a lot of plate on my mind. When he contacted me not to long ago asking me
to go home. Fuck that after all the torture he put me through.

It's almost time. It's almost her death anniversary and I'm assuming he'll be
there. I always skip going to see her but I'm 16 and I'm strong enough to handle

Leaving the building I saw Rachel with a group of her friends, her belly protruding
and Hunter at her side. The look like a loving family.

Walking up to the group I called out for him, "Hunter." He looked up at me, his
face filled with guilt and remorse. Before he could walk up to me Rachel clung
onto his arms where he shook her off.

"TY." He inhaled.

"I'm happy for you, as long as your happy. Your dreams are coming true to be
with your one true love." I could see he was heartbroken. But I had to say what I
had to say. This will be the last time I probably get to be near him.

"TY, I told everyone in my pack you're my mate."

"I see, but you made your choice all ready. And I'm not mad."

Hunter looked back at Rachel and I saw the love he had for his pup, "I'm
sorry." He looked backed at me.

"Don't be..."

"We'll still hang out right?"

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My Luna

I only nodded my head afraid to break down in tears. No, we probably won’t. I
said in my head.

Tell him. No, I scolded. If you don't I will. Don't you dare.


"Huh." Hunter shook me bringing me back to reality.

"Where were you, it's like you were far away."

"No, I'm here...."

"TY are you okay?" He asked concerned.

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Why do I get the feeling you're saying good bye. You're not leaving, are you?"

I smiled at him, and on my tip toe a kissed him on the cheek, "Go back to Rachel,
she needs you more than me." Turning around on my heel I left towards my home.

Finally, at home I packed a few things, in a small bag mostly clothes. It was time
to stop hiding.

I heard that a pack was rampaging other packs for territory. There was a rumor
that their Alpha is vicious. I also heard that Hunter's pack had fought said pack but
never really dealt with their Alpha.

How did I hear, people talk well the wolves talk, I just didn't say anything?

Sighing I looked back at my house one last time, it's time I told myself. I glance at
the ring on my finger I wore not once taking it off me. It was a white hollow

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My Luna

platinum ring with a ruby red gem in the center decorated with a touch of wolves

Taking the ring off I placed it on my front porch. Are you ready? Ready as I'll
every be.

Within seconds I shifted into my silver wolf Mia shredding my clothes and
carrying my bag in my mouth before running off into the woods. Alpha Conrad
here we come.

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My Luna


I trotted towards her grave first. Shifting back, I knelt down beside her grave,
"Mother I'm here sorry It took me forever to visit but I'm here now."

I pulled out an extra polo shirt and short making sure to cover up my top
half. Who knows who could be watching. It's not time to expose myself well not
just yet.

I was far away from home, my heart broke being away from Hunter but I had no
But this pain I'm feeling is a lot worse from a couple months ago when I felt
Hunter mating with Rachel. Course he didn't mark her but at that time I knew what
transpired between the two. Mia and I felt it when our whole body burned. Bruises
were being formed all over. Thank goodness it healed.

We have to go, we cannot stay here much longer. Mia reminded me. 'Just give
me a sec.' Wiping my tears dry I kissed my mother's grave. 8 years since she was
taken from me by rogues. I remember it like it was yesterday. My mother and I
were on a picnic when we were attack. She told me to run but my legs frozen at
the spot as I witness my mother being torn limb from limb.

Rogues are vile creatures who lost their humanity and are unable to shift back
letting their wolves become feral in the process.

My father blamed me for my mother's death maybe it is.

Taylor, we have to go now! Mia shouted using my full name. Crap I lingered
here too long.

Shifting once again I ran away from the scene, paws could be heard from
behind. Several in fact. Rogues was it. Now I was not a fighter, I always hated

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My Luna

fighting considering I'm part wolf. Once in a while I would sneak in Hunter's pack
and observe their fighting then I would practice on my own. Hey I had no one to
spar with.

So, if I was backed into a corner then yeah, I would fight but if I could avoid it
then why not.

And wouldn't you know it I was backed into a corner. Surrounded by trees and a
river with a strong current. Now I could try to swim across but I am not a very
good swimmer.

Turning around I was met with three sets of beady eyes. Their jaws drooling with
foam. There furs short and ragged, in some places even bald. I could smell their
rancid breath mixed with blood and rotting flesh.

It's been a while since I have been up close with Rogues. Just like wolf packs,
Rogues never traveled alone.

Each rogue growled and snapped its jaws at me.

What could I do but growl back and taking my stance. With my head and tail hung
low, my ears perked up thinking and listening for my next move. More like
waiting. I could try to out run them but that would be futile.

Guess I got no choice but to stand my ground.

The first shagged wolf with brown fur lunged at me. Taking a leap forward I
lunged back. Now I have never killed anyone so where do I start? Mia has never
even gone on a hunt before. No one taught me how. This in fact was all new to me.

I whimpered as I felt sharp teeth at my side. Wiggling free I dived underneath the
rogue throwing him to the side. Proud of myself and distracted at the same time,

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My Luna

the second rogue nipped at my paws. I yelped. Little by little I could feel bits and
pieces of my fur being mauled off my back along with some skin.

How long has it been? Amazingly on my part, I was able to defend myself if you
call me beaten and nipped at all over the place defending.

Mia was losing strength. I was losing strength. Blood trickled down my snout as I
licked it clean. My vision was starting to blur and the ground beneath me prickled
my paws.

The black shagged wolf thought it'd be fun to toss me around by ramming unto my
side causing me to flip and tumble while another pinned me down.

Using my paws, I clawed out his face and eyes, not stopping there his jaws snarled
about to get the last final blow when with little strength I had left, my hind legs
kicked and prodded my way free.

Once on my paws, I could feel my whole-body quiver and soon all three ganged up
on me, circled me like vultures to a prey. I was trap and I'm fuck.

The brown rogue snapped, and I snapped back. Both on our hind legs we clashed,
his claws scraping against my face and I was thrown towards a tree my back crack
against a boulder and my head flung backwards. Everything seemed like it was in
slow motion.

My hind legs were twisted. I was tired and out of breath. I could feel my ribs
shattered as I winced at the pain.

Mia was exhausted, shifting back to my human form I lay naked against the tree
bleeding from head to toe. Closing my eyes hoping that these rogues will kill me

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My Luna

Before they could tear me apart I was met with another growl and a scent that is all
too familiar to me.

Hunter (POV)

After that strange conversation I had with TY I could feel like he was saying good
bye. Tray kept fidgeting goating me to find my mate.

I was at the hospital with Rachel for another check up with I felt terrified. Though
from what I do not know. My heart was racing as if I was running from something.

"Alpha." The pack doctor Lisa called me, "Is everything okay?"

I simply nodded my head but the fear would not leave me. "You look pale, come
let me check you out." Lisa led me to an empty room to do simple test,

"What is it?" As soon as she asked I felt my whole body in pain like someone was
using my skin to sharpen a knife on my ribs. When I looked there was nothing.

"Alpha what's wrong."

"Fucking shit...." I dared not scream, didn't want to be known as an Alpha who
screams like a girl.

Now my legs were burning and my head throbbing in excruciating pain. I

explained to Lisa what I was feeling.

"It's your mate."

"My mate?"

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My Luna

"Yes, sounds like your mate is on the verge of dying."

"What! What do you mean?" I yelled.

She pressed my ribs, "It seems your mate has broken ribs..."

I know it all too well, TY was hurt and I am not there to protect him. Without
waiting for Lisa to finished I shifted into my wolf Tray and took off. First stop his

Arriving there it was empty, even his closet was half empty. Was his last
conversation really a good bye?

I notice a ring placed on the front porch, TY's ring, he never takes it off. Using my
nuzzle to touch the stone on the ring I burned myself which only made me a bit
weaker. The only thing that has an effect on wolves like this is wolves bane.

What the hell? Using my nuzzle I concentrated on TY's scent, it was faint but still
there. I followed it into the woods. I must've been traveling at high rate because I
could now pick up four different scent all wolves and one of them is TY with a
mixture of blood his blood.

Up ahead right before my eyes were 3 rogues growling at an injured TY, not
stopping before they went straight for him I attack. One of the rouges sunk its teeth
into my fur, I gave a loud yelp before flipping him over and ripping out his jugular.

One down two, to go. The second one just stared me down, being an angry Alpha
for hurting my mate I plunge into him breaking all his ribs in the process.

The last rogue took one look at me with blood dripping down my jaw and fled. At
least he had the brains.

Turning around TY was bent hidden beneath a few rocks.

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My Luna

Shifting back, I paid no mind attention as to when I ran closer to TY. His scent has
changed. What the fuck a she-wolf?

Looking closer my eyes widen in shock, I see boobs, since when did he have
those. Fuck! TY is a girl and a wolf?

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My Luna

Hunter (POV)

I watched TY laying in the hospital bed as Lisa checks her up. How could I not
know she was a wolf and a girl.

I told you that you are blind to what you saw. Tray intervened. 'You knew
about TY and you didn't tell me?' And why should I? Regardless if she is a wolf
or not, or a man or woman she was still our mate. Tray knew about TY; how
did I not know. I wanted you to see her for what she was and not who she
is. Oh, great I have a wolf who sounds like a fortune cookie.

Doesn't matter now does it. I have TY, after that scare with the rogues I know
what I want, I never want to feel that pain of losing her. When she wakes up I will
mark her.

"Hunter." Rachel hugged me from behind.

Crap forgot about her. Behind her were my parents and some other wolves, "Is it
true?" My dad asked.

"Is what true?"

"That your mate is a girl and a wolf?" I knew everyone would find out about TY, I
didn't think it be that fast.

I smiled.

"What!" Rachel let go of me. "This can't be. TY is a male how can he be a she? "

"It seems TY fooled us all." John huffed.

"That bitch, she's nothing but a liar and a tramp."

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My Luna

I growled at Rachel grabbing her by the neck, "Don't you ever disrespect your
future Luna."

"Son release her." My father ordered.

I shifted my growl towards him, who is he to order me around, none the less I
released Rachel, "But anyway you can't mark her even if she is a girl, have you
forgotten I'm carrying your pup."

I can't believe this. Now that I have realized what I want, I can't have it.

"Son, she's right. You have to let go of your mate. Don't worry she will find
someone else to mate with."

That's the thing I don't want her to find someone else. She is perfect for me. How'd
I not realized sooner. Regardless if she was a male, my body only reacts to her.

"Alpha." Lisa stepped out of TY's room with a forlorn expression.

"I have bad news. “ She paused, “She's dying."

"What!" I boomed. "It seems her ribs cracked and because of that her blood's been
poison, I'm sorry."

"This can't be happening." When I just got her back only to lose her again.

"Save her please." I begged.

"I will try everything. We will run some test on her." I watch Lisa and some
nurses wheel my mate away.

"Son," My father placed a hand on my shoulder, "You have to think

rational. Rachel is carrying the future Alpha, our future Alpha."

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My Luna

I heard what my father was saying. Is it so wrong to want my mate? I am against

with killing babies it's not in my nature. There is only one choice to make. You
know the saying, you made your bed now lie in it and I definitely made my bed all

What seemed like minutes felt like hours. The waiting room was quiet. Except for
the constant pacing from my mother. She looks more worried than me.


"Oh, Hunter sweetie," I leaned my head on her shoulder like I did when I was
small. She would pat my head making all my problems go away. "Hunter, I know
what Rachel and your father has said about your mate but whatever you decided I
will support you. I know how mates are very important to us."

"Thank you, mother."

Looking up Lisa came back still with the same expression. That can't be good.

"Alpha how long have you known her?"

"About 3 years but what's that got to do with her injuries."

Lisa lip tighten before she continued, "She has deep scars running across her

What! The whole room gasped. Even though she isn't the most popular at the
moment they were still here to support their Alpha.

"What do you mean? If she had a previous encounter her wolf would've healed
her." If the human side gets seriously injured the wolf will instantaneously heal
her unless the wolf is injured itself.

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My Luna

"Unfortunately, she got those scars before her wolf came along."

I thought I knew TY, apparently, I don't know her at all. Hell, I didn't even know
she was a wolf let alone a girl. All those times she walked in the boy’s locker
room with all the wolves naked. It didn't seem to phase her. In fact, the more I
thought about it the more my wolf and I get agitated. All those naked men she had

What about those females that came on to her? I mean I have seen her kissing and
taking them into her home holy fuck I need some answers and I need them now.

"There is a way Alpha," Lisa looked between me and Rachel, "to save her. She
needs to be marked by her mate."

"What!" Rachel shouted.

"Sorry but she needs the strength from her mate in order to live."

"No! That can't be true, I have a pup here..." Rachel screamed.

"Isn't there any other way." If I mate her without her permission I fear for her
wrath when she wakes up.

Lisa shook her head, "It's the only way."

"Son, I'm sorry about your mate."

"No! I am going to mark her."

"No Hunter you can't, our pup?" Rachel beat on my chest.

"Didn't you hear what Lisa just said, she will die."

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My Luna

"So." At the moment I wanted to rip out her throat. How dare she not care about
my mate, her Luna.

I could hear commotions of the surrounding wolves that I should just let TY
die. How could they?

"Enough, we all know what happens if we lose our mate." When your mate dies
several things can happen, we lose our wolves, we go insane or we become rogues.

"Unless you want an Alpha to go on a killing spree I suggest you let me do what I
need to do. Besides I will not lose TY again. She's got a lot of explaining to
do." I mumbled the last part to myself.

"No." Rachel stood in front of me, arms spread out. "I won't let you. If you mark
her our pup will die."

"Move." I growled. When she refused to move I called Chris, "Escort Ms. Morano
back to her room."

Chris picked up a screaming Rachel out of the way.

Sitting next to TY I listened to her waning breath. Her heart was much slower
today. How could I not see who she was?

After all, for a guy she seemed much to pretty to be one. All the clues were
there. The way she carried herself. She was much too feminine.

I could smell her wolf and I can't wait to meet her. Lowering my head down to her
neck, I licked her spot, my teeth sinking and piercing her flesh. Blood trickled
down her skin as I lick to heal her wound.

A tattoo shaped of two wolves howling at the moon was suddenly formed.

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My Luna

With my senses I could hear Rachel screaming. She must be in pain. The nurses
and doctors went to her aid while she calls for me.

I made my choices and I chose my mate. I closed my eyes, holding her hand, "I'm

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My Luna


Taylor (POV)

'Mia?' Right here. 'OMG, I thought you left me forever.' I would never leave
you. You are my person, whom I can trust. 'Where am I?' I don't know but I
think we are safe for now, so open your eyes. Mia softly commanded me.

Unfortunately, my eye lids felt heavy. My whole body felt like it was being
weighed down.

Voices that's the only thing I could hear but who? It was a bit fuzzy. Come on
Taylor, just open those eyes or at least try to move a finger. Mia once again
told me to do so. I may not have had a mom but she is like a mom in my own

Before Mia came into my life I was alone which I didn't mind. Now I'd be lost
without her.

"Lisa why hasn't she woken up yet?" Hunter, that's Hunter's voice. I would know
his deep alluring sexy voice however his voice seemed far away and laced with
worry. But for whom? Can't be me after all I know where I stand with him.

"Alpha, her body just takes time to heal." Another voice I did not recognized

"It's been 3 weeks and there is no progress. I thought if I'd mark her she would've
woken up already."

Omg, what the hell did he just say? Am I dreaming, this has got to be a
dream. Mia! I called.

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My Luna

Mmmm....she answered. What place is this, please tell me I'm dreaming. What
the hell happened. I remember being in the woods when we were attack by....oh
god I died didn't I.

'Shush, Taylor, no one died. Well at least not yet anyway. 'Mia, I'm
scared.' I'm right here with you let's just take one step at a time and you can
start by opening those beautiful eyes of yours.

Mia has a way with words. I'm so glad she is my wolf.

I tried again, my eyes would not budge. Okay how about a finger. Oh, it's

"Lisa, she moved a finger." That voice again. How I miss it. Not a second later I
felt warm hands envelope my own, "Come on baby, wake up for me."

Baby? Whose he calling baby? I felt my self-getting weak again and soon
darkness envelope me.

Don't know how long time has pass but here I am trying to get myself to jump up
and down.

"TY." Hunter? Has he been here this whole time, "Please I'm sorry just come
back to me." I felt tears trickle down my skin. Is he crying? Since when does the
all might Alpha cry.

Hunter rested his head lightly on my chest. Oh, fuck does he know?

Hunter (POV)

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My Luna

Weeks has gone by with no progress of my mate waking up. Maybe she never
will. Maybe she decided that it's not worth it. No, I will not have it, she has to
come back to me.

The day I marked her was the day I lost my pup. Rachel miscarried. It was only
obvious that she would, she's not my mate after all.

I tried to comfort her but she only pushed, beat and threatened me and my
mate. Tray barked at her for threatening our mate.

Since then I have not seen her once. Maybe she has left for good.

"Hunter." My dad strolled it, "We need to talk."

"Not now."

"It's important. Your office now."

It sounded important. But what could be important than my mate., "You're going
to want to hear what I have to say."

Looking back at TY I kissed her forehead, "I'll be back baby."

After leaving TY, my father, my mother and Chris my beta were now seated in my
office, "Okay father, you brought us here now what."

My father cleared his throat before tossing a torn up folded paper on my desk.

Taking it, I unfolded it revealing a drawing of a female, she did pose a striking
resemblance, Look closer. My wolf Tray spoke.

I gasped, she just looked like TY only with longer hair. "What the hell is this?" I
sternly asked.

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My Luna

"That my son is a bounty." A bounty? TY has a bounty on her head. Usually

when I wolf does something grave a bounty is place.

"Hunter, she has a bounty on her head? She can't stay here. You know how many
people what to claim that bounty. For whatever reason she has done she will only
bring trouble to our pack."

In a furious rage I tore the paper up, she is my mate and no one, not this damn
bounty will keep me away from her, "So, she is my mate, and I will not have some
bounty keep her away from me." I spoke truthfully.

"But Alpha” It was Chris's turn to speak up, "There are rumors that what she did
can get her the death sentence."

"And what exactly did she do?"

"Like I said there are rumors,"

"Tell me!" I interrupted Chris.

"She killed an entire pack." Falling back down on my chair I shook in rage. My
TY, the TY I have known who runs from a fight, who hates fighting all together.

"Chris we both know TY, and she hates fights."

"But sweetie you said you all know her for 3 years." It was my mother's turn. I
thought she was on my side.

"Before you say anything, I am on your side but we should get the facts straight
before we send her on trial for something she may or may not do."

"But honey." My father spoke.

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My Luna

"No buts Mister, the girl has been through a lot. I can tell. Haven't you seen the
scars on her body."

"I will not believe this piece of crap. I want to hear it from TY."

"If she ever wakes up." My father snorted.

That's it, I grabbed him by the collar and hoisted him up against the wall,
"Hunter!" Chris attempted to pry me off him.

"You may be my father but you will respect your Luna." I dropped him and left to
go back to the hospital.

Arriving at the hospital I stepped into her room. The machines kept beeping as
usual, no change here. I once again held her hand willing for her to wake up. My
head placed on her chest listening to the sound of her beating heart.

Lately that's the only thing that could sooth me.

Soon I had fallen asleep but for how long, I do not know when suddenly I felt a pat
on my head.

Slowly rising the sleep from my eyes, I saw a pair of eyes staring back at me.

"TY." I beamed. "Fuck, TY you don't know how I missed you." She gawked at
me with wide eyes in silent while I just rambled on.

"TY." With a confused look on my face I called out her name again. "TY look at
me." Her eyes looked away for a split moment then look back at me, "What's
wrong? Let me go get the doctor."

Before I could leave she spoke, "Who are you?"

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My Luna

Hunter (POV)

Who am I? All I can do is stare at TY while contemplating on the questions she

just asks. She stared at me not once blinking. Is this some kind of joke? Does she
not know?

"Hahahahaha!" My thoughts were interrupted by a laughing TY. "You should've

seen your expression."

"Huh?" What the hell is going on?

"Oh, come on Hunt, my whole body may feel like it was just in a meat grinder but
I didn't hit my head that hard to forget about you."

Hearing that my body relax, "You have no idea how worried I was."

"You worried, I hardly doubt that. By the way why are you here and how did I get

"Do you not remember anything." I pulled up a chair next to her.


"What's the last thing you remember?"

"Well I was running, I fell and....Oh my god." TY looked at himself.

"Did you change me, where are my clothes, tell me you weren't here..."

"Relax." I softly gazed at her. Hmm...if TY is pretending not to be a girl then so

be it. After all, when my father had produced that bounty on her head.... I think it
would be best if she remains as TY, my buddy for her own safety. Besides this

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My Luna

could be fun. "I found you passed out, brought you here and had a doctor check
you up." I smirked.

TY held on to the sheets, "Did you umm...notice.... I mean did you see

"Nope." I answered never once hesitating even for a split second, "Why is there
something I should know?"

"No, nothing." Her gaze shifted towards the window. "So, ah, are we cool?"

TY once again turned her head towards me as I inched closer to her, our lips
merely inches away. She parted her lips and so did mine, "I Alpha Hunter Logan
of the Crimson Blood pack accept TY Smith as my mate and Luna."

I watched her jaw dropped, "Hunter. First you reject me then you wanted me as a
mistress, you ignored me and now you accept me."

Cocking my eyebrow, I replied, "What's wrong with that?"

"But are you sure considering I am what I am."

So, she's going to play the male card is she now, "I change my mind baby."

"Baby? Anyway, are you sure? Will your pack accept me?"

"You my sweet, are my mate and Luna, they will accept you now all you got to do
is say the words."

Her lips trembled in the process debating of what to say and what not, none the less
she answered, "I TY Smith accept Alpha Hunter Logan from the Crimson Blood as
my mate and your Luna."

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My Luna

I could feel Tray jumping for joy in my head, the bond, our bond growing stronger
as I slam my lips on to hers, indulging on her kisses so sweet and so pure all
mine. Pulling back, "The ladies are going to be so heartbroken over their loss of
their popular charmer." I watch her squirm in her place.

Her facial expression is very amusing, I couldn't help but laugh silently. How
could I not notice she is very adorable well TY was always adorable but now she is
much more than what I could imagine.

"By the way I believe this belongs to you." Holding out the ring which is burning
my skin, I placed it on her finger. "Why didn't you tell me you’re a wolf."

I could see a few mix emotions she was giving out. "I don't need this anymore."

"None sense." Holding her hand with the ring, I recalled the bounty on her head.
This ring is to insure her safety. After all who ever place a bounty on her head will
be looking for a she-wolf not a human.

I gently placed the ring on her ring finger. "How long was I out?"

"Just a few weeks."

She looked at me like she had more questions to ask me but kept her mouth shut.

A part of me want to ask why was there is a bounty on her head, and the other half
is too afraid of the answer. What if it's an answer I might not be able to handle.
Regardless or not, she is my mate and I'll make sure no harm comes to her. The
next thing to do is to ensure that my pack will not mention the bounty on her head
or the fact that she is a girl. She will be treated as TY my buddy as usual. It won't
be too hard for my pack to keep their mouth shut. All I have to do is raise my alpha

Other than that, TY, my Ty, my mate is back in my arms.

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My Luna

Struggling to sit up, I helped TY, "Bathroom." Helping her to the bathroom I
waited outside the door that is until I heard her scream.

Bursting through the door like a rabid dog, her reflection in the mirror only brought
on my fears as I watch her fingers trailed down my mark on her neck. Her neck
stretching to the side for a better view, "You fucking bastard." Her gaze shifted to
meet my eyes as I gulped in horror.

"You marked me!"

"Well I..."

"You fucking mark me you ass hole!"

I could only shook with fear while her burning rage escalate. "I had to."

"What the hell do you mean you had to? And who gave you permission to do
whatever you please."

"Look TY," I growled not liking her tone with me, "It was either you die or I mark
you so you can live."

"Die, me?" She laughed hysterically.

"You find dying funny." My blood was now on fire. How can she find that funny?

"Well what do you expect. You rejected me remember." I watch her veins pop. It
was times like this when she was truly angry her veins would bulge out, "And now
you didn't want me to die so you marked me. Unbelievable Hunter, you should've
left me to die." Raising her head as if she had a revelation, "As I recall you choose
that skank over your true mate."

"Yes, and I regret now I accept you and you accept me."

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My Luna

"Hold the fuck up, I take it back."

"What? Take what back?"

"I reject you." She scuffed crossing her arms.

"You reject me all because I marked you?"

TY nodded her head.

"Isn't this what you want. Me to accept you."

TY then chuckled, "I'm sorry but let me get this straight, you accepted me why?
Then you mark me to save my life." She paused, "Oh I get it, you didn't want to
become a rogue. So, you only marked me to save yourself."

Hold up, how the hell did she come up with such a dumb idea. Sure, I marked her
to save her life but not because I wanted to save myself.

"I don't think you understand what you are saying."

"No, I see thing's clearly now. I TY reject..."

Before she could finish that sentence I pinned her against the way, clamping my
mouth shut, "You are not allowed to reject me." My alpha voice resonating off the
walls. She had to comply. She can't go against an alpha's orders.

I smirked when I watch her submit to me. Though I hated using my alpha voice on
her, I couldn't let her reject me.

"I can't believe you, that you would stoop this low."

"TY!" I barked. "You are my mate and my Luna."

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My Luna

"Oh, so now I'm you're mate. Where are you going to put me, on the second floor
while I watch you and Rachel play daddy to a pup that's not ours." Her eyes were
blazing towards me.

"She lost the pup." I sighed.

TY's eyes widen, "All because you mated with me. Hunter, how could you have
done that. That pup lost its life because of you."

I was getting angry now, "It was either the pup or you so I choose you."

"But Hunter he was your pup."

"And you are my mate!" I yelled. TY flinched.

"Hunter, even if we both accepted each other, do you think your pack will.
Basically, this will be the reason for them to hate me. I am the cause of the next
alpha's lost." She was right. Had I done the right thing. She was my mate. But she
was right. My pack would despise her. Sometimes she's too smart for her own

"So, I would do it again in a heartbeat."

"And where do you expect me to stay? Second floor."

My tongue clicked, "No, in my room in my arms."

TY looked more shock than I anticipated, "I think it's best that you remove this
mark on me and mark Rachel. I don't belong here." She then pushed me out of the
way but not before grabbing her arm.

"Don't you dare turn your fucking back towards me. This is how it's going to go,
you will move in with me whether you like it or not."

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My Luna

"And if I refuse?"

"Don't make me have to drag you." I snarled at her. Though Tray didn't like me
talking like that to our mate, he was more than happy that she would be living with
us in our room where we can watch over her. I don't care if she will hate me, but
the mate bond is a lot stronger and she will succumb to me. And the best part is I
won’t have to do anything because she will submit to me out of her own free will.

- 75 -
My Luna


This is ridiculous! How could he use his alpha voice on me? You'd think he'd feel
pain since the loss of his pup. No, that crazy bastard is sitting across from me with
a smug smile on his face as I sat on his bed in his room.

His pack doctor Lisa discharged me yesterday pending on my healing

abilities. Damn wolf. Couldn't Mia just have left me injured even for a little
while. All the while thoughts plagued my mind. Thoughts of if my gender came
to light. Fortunately, I think the pack doctor hasn't mentioned anything, neither did
Hunter nor did his pack. In fact, they treat me like, well like a guy. I don't know if
that's a good thing or a bad thing really. Makes me wonder if I even resemble
more like a guy than a girl. None the less I wasn't going to say anything.

During that time the stupid alpha had all my things transferred into his room. I
could only glower at him while I sulk in my place.

I refuse to make eye contact. "How bout we go down stairs and eat
something?" The big oof spoke with a smile on his face. What's with that smile
anyway. Gives me the creeps.

Remaining silent I looked away. He forced me here and now he's acting like
everything is cool with us.

How, why? When I entered his pack house, all I received were cold glares and
snarky remarks. Did he not hear his pack? Or was he just plain oblivious.

"Come on TY, you haven't eaten since last night." Sighing he continued, "Are you
going to ignore me the whole day."

I can, and I will! Just then my stomach started to grumble. Traitor!

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My Luna

"I can see you are hungry." He chuckled, "Well more like hear it."

Turning my body away from him, I crossed my arms. Sure, we maybe buds but
there is in no way I would eat with his pack. Who knows what they could've done
with my food. Probably laced it with wolf's bane or something.

Without realizing, I felt my body being lifted up off his bed. "Put me down."

"Finally, he speaks, if you will not walk to eat with me, I will carry you to eat with
me instead."

"Fine." I glared at him ordering him to put me down.

"Awe come on TY. Why the frown?"

"Really, you're going to ask me that. Your actions and words confuse
me." Setting me down he led me to the dining hall where all his pack members are
awaiting his arrival. All except one, Rachel. I wanted to ask where she is and how
she is doing but I kept quiet.

"Stupid bitch, should've just died." I stared at one of the she wolf who decided to
make a snarky insult. "It's because of her we lost our future alpha." I could only
cast my eyes on the floor. What they said is true.

Hunter just growled warning his pack to shut the hell up. Even though I am mad at
him, I was a bit happy knowing he stood up for me.

I watch Hunter took his seat at the head of the table while glaring at the she wolf
seating next to him, "Get up. That's seats taken."

"But alpha I always sit here." She timidly spoke.

"Now you will seat elsewhere." Looking towards me, "Come TY."

- 77 -
My Luna

I watch the she wolf take another seat while I feel like I was walking through
doomsday. I didn't want to be here, I wanted to be anywhere else but here. Cold
sweat was running down my skin as with each step I took made me nervous. Why
does it feel like I would be attack from behind if I am not careful.

Taking a seat next to Hunter in silent, I watched an observed. Why isn't anyone
eating? The food here looks delicious but it just stood there as everyone
waited. Why? Again, my stomach grumbled.

Well if he brought me here to eat than eat I shall. Grabbing my plate first and
placing food, I was stopped by another wolf, "We don't eat until our alpha eats
first." He snarled.

How should I know. "I am allowing my mate to eat first." Hunter's voice spoke
with authority, "I do not like how you all are treating my mate and your Luna." I
could almost hear a pin drop in this dining hall. That is how quiet it got all of a
sudden. "What she says goes, so if she wants to have your head, I will have no
qualms about that."

Again, my hand shook nervously. He's giving me that much power among about
40 wolves. Wolves again from all over come in all sort of sizes in packs. The
most you can have in a pack is about 45. Well that's what I was told. As I finally
got my food, the wolves in this room only stared at me. Fuck it. "Eat." I ordered

Soon the room was filled with loud plates chatter as I smiled, hmm I could get use
to this.

Things hasn't gotten better since my sudden move to the alpha's quarters. His
parents for instants well more like his father refuses to eat at the dining hall while
I'm there. As for his mother well, she is sweet but she eats with his father
too. Hunter tried hard for his father to like me but in the end, men usually has one
track mind.

- 78 -
My Luna

Well that's too bad for Hunter because I made him sleep on the floor. Though Mia
was upset she understood. What is his game anyway? He treats me like he did
before, his buddy, not his mate. Not once has he touched me or at least tried to
touch me. Maybe he's still grotesque by me being a guy. Oh wells, it’s his

At school my popularity dropped drastically. I don't give a fuck. I for one am

thankful I don't have the same class as Hunter. Before maybe I would've die to be
in the same class as he, now it’s just easier to avoid him.

Walking through the empty halls I entered the locker room. The men's locker
room. I entered it with ease. All the chatter and laughter that was heard was now
quiet and silent as I watch most of the men here with nothing but a towel on stare
at me in shock.

Why are they looking at me like that? Suddenly I heard a low growl as my arm
was snatched pulling me into an empty stall only to be met with an angry looking
alpha, "What the fuck are you doing here?" Hunter barked at me.

Pulling my arm back harshly, "What the hell? I'm here to change. What the fuck
is the matter with you?"

His eyes soon cast down lowering his voice, "Sorry I was just surprise, you are
here after all there are," he paused before clearing his voice, "Men in this locker

Okay, it's nothing I haven't seen before. "I always changed in the locker room."

Hunter eyes widen as if realization had hit him, "Well...I mean since..." Is he
stuttering. Since when does this big bad alpha stutter.

"Well what Hunt?" I threw him back a glare.

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My Luna

"Since I found out you're my mate..."

"Are you jealous?"

Soon Hunter pulled me out of the locker room and shoved me outside, "Wait till
this room is empty then changed." He left locking me out of the locker
room. What the hell is his problem?

Since I couldn't change, I wondered through the hall towards my next class where I
accidentally bump into my least favorite person, Rachel. I admit I was a bit glad to
see her. I wanted to apologize for the loss of her pup and explain it was not my
intention. Instead she had other ideas when she had pinned me up the wall along
with her lackey's.

"This is all your fault." She shed a tear. I may not have had a pup of my own but
knowing you had to bare the loss of one’s pup must feel terrible.

"You should've died." Her friend coldly spoke.

"I'm sorry Rachel, I didn't...."

"No, you didn't think. Because of you I lost my pup. Now you will pay."

Pay? How much.... taking out my wallet, "Okay, I don't have much but..."

Rachel snatched the wallet out of my hand and threw it on the ground, "You
fucking bitch, I'm not talking about money. You took my pup, now give me

Is she serious. Hunter is not an object. "I can't, do you see this mark on my neck."

Rachel stared at the mark, "Reject him."

- 80 -
My Luna

"Again, I can't. He ordered me not too."

I heard her and her friends sigh, "Fine, just know this Hunter loved me once
before, I will make him love me again. This I promise you."

Laughing, I watch Rachel and her friends walk away while I only could blink,
"Unless she knows a witch, then it's unlikely for Hunter to fall back into her
arms. After all the mate bond is strong right?" Why do I have a funny feeling in
the pit of my stomach non the less I ignored it.

- 81 -
My Luna


"TY." I dreaded to hear that voice. Without turning around I ran in the opposite
direction from where ever that voice came from.

As I was far away enough I slowed down that is until I look back. "Shit!" I yelled
before continuing running.

Trying to turn corners I could hear the running footsteps of Hunter right behind
me. Running into an empty stairwell I stopped trying to catch my breath. I should
be far enough right.

Ha ha ha ha ha. Mia laughed. 'And what the hell is so funny.' You. Honestly do
you think you could out run an alpha.

Before I could even answer I was suddenly engulfed but a pair of huge arms from
behind. Out of instinct my body relaxes. "Thought you could run away from me
little wolf." The sound of his voice had done me wonders.

"Hunter, how?"

"I could smell you." He chuckled. "Now why were you running away from me."

"You were chasing me." Flipping me around he leaned in to kiss me.

"You my little wolf ran from me, just remember I will always find you." He buried
his head in the crook of my neck.

If I wasn't posing as a guy I'm sure I would've jumped on him right here.

"What do you want?" I couldn't help myself but hissed at him.

- 82 -
My Luna

"Now do I have to have a reason to be with my mate." I cringed at his words, I

literally cringe.

I'm not use to these kinds of words. I want things to go back the way they
were. Where we were just buddies and we'd teased and wrestled each other. Now
he just makes me so...I get that we are mates. He feels it through the mate bond, I
however don’t feel it as strong as he does. I'm not yet 18. Sure, I can sense it

"Time, Hunter."

"Time?" He questioned.

"Hunter, I get that you are my mate. And for as long as I wanted, I too wanted a
mate. But the fact that you marked me without my permission..."

"You're still upset about that?"

Holding up my hand I continued, "I need time please Hunter." Indeed, I needed
time. He may not know it yet but us she-wolf who are marked will be going
through heat soon. We go through heat every 6 months for at least several weeks.

This is what I was afraid of. Sure, I am overjoyed that he had marked me, sure I
am overjoyed that he accepted me, but if he knew that my pending heat is upon
me, then my gender is at stake.

"How much time do you need?"

"A few weeks. I wish to stay at my old home. I parents are asking for me
to move back." He looked at me disbelieving what I just said.

"Your parents whom I have not yet met."

- 83 -
My Luna

"I told you they are on business trips. You know them, they are
workaholics." Looking at him, I pleaded with my eyes, "One month, that's all I
ask. And a break from school."

"You're not using this as an excuse just to get away from me, are you?"

"What, no. Please Hunt."

Looking at me he sighed, "Very well but under no circumstances you are to do

anything without my knowledge. And if I call you answer the phone, if I text you
reply no longer than five seconds."

Can you say control freak? But what do you expect with your mate is an alpha.


Sitting in my old living room, I twirled the ring on my finger. The stone in the
center was emerald green coated with wolves bane. This helped me. This would
help me against Hunter. He wouldn't feel the pain that I will be going through, not
unless I do not wear this ring.

It should hide me for the time being.

The clock clicked as I was counting down the seconds. My heat. I can't go out in
the wolf community. Don't want to attract un-mated wolves in my area. And I for
one am thankful Hunter gave me time. Sure, in the past 2 days he has called before
bed and early morning.

Just like old times. We talked, we laughed, and we bash. Soon I felt a searing pain
below the belt. It wasn't bad like others had describe it. The pain was
bearable. Am still able to walk that is until it hit me full force. I found myself
crouching and clinging onto the wall.

- 84 -
My Luna

I stand corrected the pain is worse. Now I know how a fish feels when they are
being descaled alive.

Struggling towards my freezer, I emptied the ice box, filled the tub with ice and sat
in it. Fuck this is fucking cold.

But it had numbed the pain. Soon I heard my cell ring. My phone which was
outside, in the living room, on the end stand. You know how far that is.

Rising to my feet, I quickly dash, grabbing my phone and once again sat in my ice-
cold tub pressing the answer button, "Hello Hunt." If he could only see me roll my

"TY, what took you so long to answer." I could hear him breath.

"Can't a man have some privacy while he's taking a dump in the bathroom."

" need to paint a picture." I laughed. I imagine Hunter giving me that

your disgusting look.

"Oh, come one dude. I'm trying to take a load of and this shit is like hanging out of
my ass but won’t come out."

"Ty, that's enough, I do not want to imagine such scene."

"Well you asked, and I answered. So, why'd you call."

"I miss you. I miss your voice."

"You know, I don't understand why you can't just mind link me, wouldn't that be
faster. Why call?"

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My Luna

"It's not the same than hearing your voice besides that ring you got on, blocks your
mind away from me."

Oh, that I didn't know. So, he can't hear my thoughts. Well the wolves bane does
work wonders.

"So, what's new." I stuttered. These ice are now getting to me.

"TY, are you okay."

"Um, yeah just a bit cold."

"Cold? It's hot outside and you're cold?"

"Hey my body temperature and yours are different."

Throughout the night we talked just like how it was before.

And just like most females, we talked for hours. That is until the pain shot up once
all the ice had melted.

I held in the pain till after I got off the phone with Hunter.

Fuck, fuck fuck.


When TY has asked to move back to his old house and a break from school, I was
skeptical at first. But though I couldn't smell it, I knew her heat was coming and
right now I wish I could be there to relieve her of that pain.

- 86 -
My Luna

That kills me to know what she's going through right now. Though I may not have
to go through heat, I do hear it from the other she-wolves on the pain it causes.

As I sat here in my wolf form outside of her house, I could hear her pains. I
couldn't feel it though, due to the fact she wears that rings, but her pain is what
bringing me down to my knees. Tray wanted control right now. He wanted to
walk into her home just to comfort her. But then that would mean showing her that
I know she is a girl.

Another scream I hear until silent. My ears perked up. Maybe she collapsed
somewhere or worse she's...thoughts, horrible thoughts filled my mind. That is
until I hear her breathing. It was fast at first then her breathing evened out in slow
shallow breaths. She's finally asleep.

Shifting back to myself, I walked into her home butt naked until I found her asleep
on her bed. I would do this for the past few days. I'd watch her sleep and every
once in a while, her face would scrunch up letting me know the pain resides.

So, I held her, till her face relaxes. And every morning I'd leave making sure I am
not here when she wakes.

I have never been like this, not even with Rachel. Chris says I'm whipped. Wait
till he finds his mate.

- 87 -
My Luna


Bored! That's what I'm feeling right now. For the past few weeks I have endure
the pain of my heat. Hell, I couldn't even step foot outside my home and not feel
this pain. Luckily, I had Mia to talk too and Hunter. He'd continue calling me.

The difference is between the two, though Hunter is my best friend it's Mia I go to
when I want to talk about Hunter. My feelings for Hunter had grown. Thank
goodness, guess being away from him made me realize how much I do love him.

Mia had that chirpy smile that I can only imagine.

The month is coming to an end. My heat, the pain slowly fading and I couldn't
wait to go back to school and embrace Hunter. He has been sweet lately but now,
something in me has gotten me worried. I haven't spoken to him in a couple days.

As much as I hate to admit it, I miss him, I miss his voice, his presence. I tried
calling him but it goes directly to voicemail.

I even took off my ring just for a moment so that I can mind link him,
unfortunately I received no answer. Like I was blocked off. I have never mind
link anyone so it makes me wonder if mind linking him was okay.

Sitting in the kitchen doing the dishes I suddenly felt another searing pain. I
screamed. This pain is much different than my heat as the side of my neck, where
my mark has been burns in aching agony.

'Mia!' I called hoping she'd know why the pain. Soon bruises where formed
throughout my body.

- 88 -
My Luna

I remember this feeling. It was the feeling where Hunter had mated with
Rachel. But he wouldn't do that right? He says he loves me, he accepted me, he
wouldn't betray me like that right?

'Mia.' I called again.

She didn't answer only whimper. Something's not right. Mia knows it but is
refusing to answer my call.

'Mia!' I yelled louder. This time I felt her withdraw to the back of my mind.

'Mia! Please talk to me.' The only time she ignores me is to spare me from
pain. But what sort of pain is causing this.

I can't even stand on my own two feet. My mark felt like it was on fire. Running
to the bathroom I splash my mark in cold water as blood ran down my neck. This
is new. Do marks even bleed.

Washing it off I sighed in relief that my mark is still there. I don't know what is
happening but something not good and I intend to find out tomorrow at school.


Walking through school, the wolves here only stared at me with disgust and this
time pure hatred. I need to find Hunter. So instead of going to class like I'm
supposed to I scoured the school looking for Hunter.

I even ask a few passerby students who only growled at me and ignored me like I
was some bug that needed to be squash.

Lunch time came and still no Hunter. Where is that old alpha. Usually he'd be up
my ass probably chasing me all over school campus.

- 89 -
My Luna

Again, it was yet another boring day as I sat in my English class. Concentrating on
what the teacher is talking about is hard right now especially when all my thoughts
are of Hunter.

The students here were not going to help me. Since this morning I have been
shoved, pushed around, even rammed into the wall just because I was just in their

Sometimes I just want to kick them back but that will only fuel their anger. For
whatever reason I don't know why they are angry at me. Before they found out I
was mated to their alpha, I was semi popular especially among the girls next to the
very infamous Hunter.

Class was soon ending and that same pain I felt last night hit my lower region. I
had worn longs sleeve and pants so that none of my bruises were seen but I guess
now I'm getting more new bruises. My legs are swollen and my mouth feels like
it's choking on blood.

'Mia!' I need her right now, but she's not responding. I also need Hunter and he's
not responding as well.

After class ended I found Chris, Hunter's beta at the gym. Walking up to Chris I
tapped his shoulder who only turned around with a shock expression.

"TY. You're still here?"

"Of course, I'm still here, I go to school here." Why would he ask me that?

Chris then glance at my mark. Somethings wrong, I can feel it.

"Chris what the hell is going on man. And where's Hunter? He's not in
school." Chris rubbed the back of his neck trying to formulate some words that

- 90 -
My Luna

seems to be stuck in the back of his throat. "Answer me." Patience is not one of
my strong suit.

"Well I ah..." He started but only looked at me with guilt in his eyes.

"Chris, I don't understand what is going on. Everyone is ignoring me, Hunter is
nowhere to be found and you're here trying to not tell me what you want to say."

"Hunter is at home." I sighed in relief. I thought something bad had happened to

Hunter. That's good to know.

"Is that all. Is he sick?" Wolves don't usually get sick but if he is sick it must be
serious. "I should pay him a visit."

Abruptly turning around Chris instantly grabbed my arm, "No."

"No?" Facing Chris once again I glared at him what the hell does he mean
no. "I'm going."

"I wouldn't go if I where you." I only stared at him, "I mean you're not exactly
popular there so..."

"So, what. I was never popular there but who gives a fuck. If I'm going, I'm going
and you can't stop me."

"Ty." He called, "Don't go. If you do not wish to be hurt then don't go." What the
hell does he mean by that. Why is he speaking in cryptic code?

"I'm already hurt." Lifting up my sleeves I showed him my bruises. He looked

even more guilty than before, "I need to make sure he is fine."

"He is fine, trust me."

- 91 -
My Luna

He is defiantly hiding something. But what. "Chris whether you like it or not I'm
going and you can't stop me." With that I left, next stop Hunter's pack house.

- 92 -
My Luna


The big oak doors were like how I remembered it the last time I set foot in here. I
don't know why but my hands were shaking with apprehension. Why am I so
nervous? Just open the door damn it, I scolded myself.

Opening the door, I was met with a room full of wolves who stop their chatting just
to gaze at me with more unwanted attention.

I don't give a crap. "Where's Hunter?"

"What are you doing here?" A she wolf whose name I don't know sneered at me.

"I'm here to see my mate your alpha."

Soon the entire room had bursts into laughter. Did I say something funny?

"Didn't the alpha tell you?"

"Tell me what?" I glared at another wolf.

"That you are no longer needed." Okay why can't anyone just tell me the truth
instead of beating around the bush.

"Unless I hear it from his mouth I intend to be needed besides don't you see this
mark, I bare it from him."

"That will soon change sweet heart." How can a name that is used to call a love
one sound so poisonous coming from the previous alpha of this pack, Mark Logan.

"Dear, not now." Jill the previous Luna calmed him down by rubbing on his arm
and only giving me a sympathetic look.

- 93 -
My Luna

"Get out." A voice suddenly boomed coming down the stairs, Rachel. What is she
doing here? I thought Hunter had banished her.

"Rachel." I whispered as soon as she was now face to face with me.

"Babe." That voice. That deep alluring voice I had miss so much. I couldn't help
but smile when I saw him walking down the stairs. He was walking towards us
and once he reached me, I was going to throw my arms around him that is until he
threw his arms around Rachel giving her a lingering kiss on her lips which only
made my lips burned.

My jaw dropped and Rachel's lips smirked glaring at me. What the fuck is going

"Hunter!" I yelled. Pulling him away from Rachel, Hunter glared at me with cold
emotionless eyes. I didn't or couldn't see an ounce of sympathy towards his mate.

"TY." He spoke my name coldly, "What are you doing here?"

Is this some sort of joke? He asks me what I'm doing here? I thought since we
never seen each other for a month he would be glad to see me, instead I find him
lip locking with another she-wolf.

"What the hell is this?" I growled.

"What is what?" He asked confused.

"Don't play stupid Hunter, this. You are kissing Rachel in front of me, your mate."

Hunter chuckled, "My mate? You must be mistaken but Rachel is my mate."

I was utterly shock at this new-found information I just received. What the fuck is
he talking about?

- 94 -
My Luna

Grabbing his arm, "Hunter, this is some sort of joke right."

"No, don't you feel that." He took hold of my hand, "No sparks."

He was right, there was no sparks. I had felt sparks before even from the slightest
touch there was nothing.

"What the hell did you do?" My anger went towards Rachel.

"Do not speak to my mate that way." Hunter ordered.

I don't know what was happening. Is this why my marked had burned. Is this why
Mia hasn't responded.

Soon Hunter threw a bunch of papers towards me where I glanced at it. It was of
me when I had longer hair, the bounty that was placed on my head. How? Does
this mean he knows, is this why he took Rachel as his mate?

"Hunter, I can explain."

"Don't speak my name so lightly bitch"

Did he just call me a bitch? Is this the reason why he's choosing Rachel as his
mate? I must be dreaming right now.

Everyone here stood up snarling at me. They look like they are ready to pounce on
a cute fury animal and I am that animal.

"I don't understand."

"This bounty will serve as your punishment." Soon I felt two pairs of arms at my
side, his warriors holding me on each side.

- 95 -
My Luna

"Are you going to turn me in?" I feared what his answer might be.

"My love what should we do to this she-wolf." Hunter purred at Rachel which
only made me sick.

"Throw her in the cells below the third floor."

"You heard her." Hunter told his warriors.

"No Hunter, I don't understand what is going on I yelled. Please don't do this. I'll
leave please don't." I screamed as I was being hauled away.

My voice doesn't seem to be reaching out to him. He can't be serious on turning

me into to that bounty. It's like signing my execution and my mate is the one
holding the shot gun.

Being thrown in the jail cell I sat in the corner. The only light that was coming in
was from a tiny window up above. This place stinks. Urine, vomit, and blood had
coated the walls and the floors of this tiny room.

I don't even want to think about leaning against the walls. Part of me wants to
throw up, which I would've done so already if not for that pain in my lower region

Now I understood what that pain was, it was Hunter mating with Rachel.

I'm so sorry Taylor. 'Mia!' Now she speaks. I didn't want to hurt you. I felt
him and our bond is slowly breaking.

'But how Mia. We still bare the mark.' I asked worried. I felt like what she said
was true considering I couldn't feel the sparks when we touch. But could it be
true? I never heard of anyone breaking a bond like that. Who could tempt faith to
instantly change your mates especially when they both accepted each other.

- 96 -
My Luna

The mark will disappear once the bond fully breaks. 'What about his wolf?'

I could feel Mia's sadness. If we lose our true mates, we will lose ourselves.

Tray is the one encouraging Hunter to take Rachel as his mate.

What! I don't believe it. But why. The wolf part are usually the one who is
possessive over their true mates.

Hugging my knees, I cried silently. "Ty." A voice called out to me.

Who’s that? "Go away." I sniffled.

"Ty." The voice called again.

"I said go away." I was in no mood to talk.

"Damn it Ty look at me."

Looking at up I was met with Chris. My friend who didn't turn his back on me
when he looked at me with a worried expression.

Chris was my other good friend and I'm glad he's here. Walking to him, I grabbed
the bars only for it to burn.

"The bars here are lace with wolves bane."

"I see. What are you doing here?"

"Ty, I told you not to come here."

"And I told you I had to, something is wrong with Hunter. I felt no sparks when I
touched him and he is turning me in to the bounty hunters." I explained.

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My Luna

"I know, I don't know what happened."

"Tell me please how did this happen. Why is Rachel his mate? How is this even
possible?" Questions flew out of my mouth of which I wanted answer to.

"I can't stay long, but Rachel came over couple weeks ago, I don't know what
happened but all she wanted to do was talk to Hunter. He was angry that she was
even in his sight but he still gave her the time and when the both came out of his
room they were all touchy feelings."

As I listened to what had happened which didn't tell me a thing I could only cry. I
don't know how this happened but I know for a fact there is no way you can
actually remove a mate’s bond, I think.

"Chris listen to me, if Hunter turns me in they will have my head and your alpha
will lose himself."

Chris knew what I said was true. But did Hunter know what he was doing. Rachel
is not his mate and if I am turned in, well this pack will have a crazy ass alpha to
deal with.

"I will try talk to him." He handed me an apple.

"Honestly with the smell down here I don't think I'll be able to eat something."

"Still." Chris left leaving me this apple.

Course I still couldn't eat it even though I was damn hungry. I knew I shouldn't
have skipped lunch.

Deciding to eat the apple Rachel made her appearance, "Well, well well, I told you
I would get Hunter."

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My Luna

"What the hell did you do?" I snarled.

"Nothing, I just had a talk with him and he realized that I am his mate after
all." She cackled.

"Rachel listen to me. You and I both know that I am his true mate so if something
happens to me, if I die, Hunter will go rogue."

"That won’t happen while I'm still around."

"Don't you see this mark I bare." I was now yelling.

"A mark that will soon be gone. He will mark me and you, well you will be
nothing more than just a memory."

"Love, have you told her?" Hunter appeared with two of his guards.

Rachel just shook her head no.

"Tell me what?"

Holding up the bounty, Hunter spoke, "The bounty hunters will be here in 3 days. "

"In the meantime, why not have a little fun." Rachel added and I didn't miss the
gleam in his eyes that had frightened me at the same time, what kind of fun does he

Soon my lips had burned as Rachel planted a kiss on Hunter's lips. And watching
Hunter he had deepened it even moaned her named.

If we weren't here in this room filled with some sort of vomit stench then I would
feel jealous but how could they even kiss in a place that is grotesque and pukesville
at the same time.

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My Luna

"Please, Hunter listen to me, I love you."

Hunter stopped what he was doing to turn to me, "I was wrong to choose you over

"But Hunter, what happened? Tell me."

Hunter then chuckled, "You're right. She did something to me. All we did was
talk. You are nothing but a liar. First you hid your gender from me and now you
have a bounty on your head. I need a Luna to rule by my side and that Luna is not
you. I just realized Rachel is a much better Luna and that I love her. After all she
is my first true love.

I watch them kiss again playing tongue wars as tears had trickled down my face.

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My Luna


My toes barely touch the cold hard floor as it swings ever so slightly back and
forth. Barely able to see let alone feel any more pain as my skin began to tear a
new layer of flesh.

From my head to toe I was covered in gashes wishing I was dead as blood pooled
right below my feet. My blood.

My arms stretch out from chain to chain as it burns on contact from wolves bane.

No matter how much I screamed, no matter how much I had called for help, my
words, my voice only bounced off this cold hard room. My pleas were useless, my
cries inevitable, and death, well death seems to laugh at me from every corner.

Mia was tired. And I don't blame her. She has been trying to take half of the pain
I was feeling. She is weak, though she continues to try I could feel her weakening
in my mind. Taylor. 'Mia.' Don't worry it will be all over soon. She tried
comforting me even in her weaken state but I knew what is to come.

Another slash to marred my skin on my back. My torn clothes barely kept me

covered, no shoes to keep my toes at bay, nothing but that tiny light bulb hanging
from the ceiling, the only thing I am hoping it would shield me from the pain I am

"Please." My voice cracked, no longer recognizable as a guard continued to whip

me across my bare back.

It's only been a day and I think its night. It's been hours since I was brought here
by one of Hunter's guard.

So, this is what she meant what she wanted some fun.

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My Luna

The whip that they had used was also covered in wolves bane, so not only did it
marred my skin but it felt like burning in acid.

With my head hung low, I lack the energy to voice out my screams. My vision
blurred in front of me and the only thing I could hear is the sound of my shallow

My ears perked up when the door, the large door had creaked and the lashing had

I don't care even if it’s just a few minutes but I will take this time to revel in this

A new sound of tapping heels had approached me. Too weak to even hold my
head up high to meet my visitor until I felt a sting across my face.

"Wake up bitch." Rachel slapped me with her fake pedicured nails.

My eyes had burned trying to open as I glance at her. "Please, Rachel, I will leave
quietly. You win." My resolved to even stake Hunter as mine had weakened. For
now, I just want to leave in peace away from this wolf community. I'll go with the
humans and be just like one of them. "Rachel no more, please."

She soon threw fits of laughter, "You're so pathetic." She sneered.

"Why? You already taken Hunter from me, why put me through this."

Her nails soon dug deep in my scalp grabbing a bunch of my hair pulling it back,
"Oh honey, this was Hunter's idea."

Hunter? This was his idea to torture me? If kissing her in front of me is not torture
enough then I don't know what is. But who knew Hunter could be this cruel.

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My Luna

I am already broken. He broke me in every way possible. My tears were already

dried up. I didn't have the energy to cry nor scream.

Just then another visitor made his appearance, Hunter.

He just looked at me emotionless. There was nothing. Okay I get he choose

Rachel as his mate, but we were friends, right. Wasn't I his friend, best friend. Did
he forget all those times we partied, skip school, and pick up girls.

"TY." He spoke my name before caressing my face.

Though I feel no sparks I missed his touch, that is until I felt another sting on my
face. Unlike Rachel who slap me, he punched me.

I get that we had wrestled during school but he wouldn't cause me this much pain.

I can't wait to get rid of you. His words had broken me even more. But what's
worse is that I don't think it was Hunter speaking but his wolf Tray when his eyes
had darkened.

Though Mia was weak I let her take control to talk to Tray who is her mate, Tray,
you don't deserve us. I'd rather die to be your mate. I do hope you won’t
regret your decision because I promise you this, this will be the last time I will
let you do this to TY.

Mia spoke affirmatively before letting me take control.

Hunter smirked, grabbing Rachel and they left leaving me to be tortured once

On the second day, I was not whip lash. The had left me all morning and I for one
am glad. I couldn't sit, or leaned back, my wounds are still fresh.

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My Luna

My heart had beat faster when the door had open and that's usually never a good



"Oh Jesus, TY." I couldn't tell from his expression, I can barely make out his
figure but the sound of his voice was comforting. "Fucking Hunter, how could he
do this to you?"

I sobbed, I wanted to cry in his arms but I was in chains.

"I promise you TY I will do everything to get you out of here." I could only nod
my head. "I don't know what's gotten into Hunter but lately he's been irritable and
edgy. His anger has everyone on edge."

Frankly I could care less about the almighty Alpha and his mood swings.

"Just hang on in there, I tried talking to Hunter but that fucking bastard is always
cooped up in his room with Rachel doing god knows what."

Handing out some bread and apple, "Here eat this, and save your strength."

At this point I didn't care if I ate or not, live or die but he did get me food so I
graciously took it.

"Sorry it's all I could take. If Hunter finds out well he might kill me. Eat, I'll be
back later."

Waiting till he left, I threw the food aside. Sure, I was hungry but if I eat that will
only prolong my life and I don't want that. I'm just waiting for death.

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My Luna

On the third day, late afternoon two guards opened my cage, they had put a metal
collar on me like you would a dog as they led me out by a long metal leash.

I walked through the corridor as a sea of wolves stared at me, I'm surprise I can
still walk. This time they were no remarks or insults, more like pity looks. At the
end right by the door awaits Hunter, Rachel and his parents.

"Oh, sweet heart." His mother Jill wrapped a shawl around me to cover up my
flesh. My clothes all torn and ragged, my hair unkempt. His mother may be sweet
but she didn't even stop Hunter's assault. His father of course is worse as he
mocked me all the way towards the door.

"TY." My attention turned towards Chris before he took my hands in his

palm. They felt safe, comforting, and warm. He smiled before hugging me one
last time.

There I was met with the bounty hunters as my guards gave them my leash.

"Wait!" Before they could escort me out, Hunter stopped them in their
tracks. Maybe he changed his mind, maybe he says he regrets doing any of these
things to me.

Though I was hopefully I doubted any of those thoughts.

Looking up at Hunter he smiled before whispering, "I hope they kill you."

No more, no more feelings, no more pain, no more light, my heart went up in

flames that day, I smiled my one last smile before saying "I hate you."

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My Luna

Chris (POV)

What the hell is wrong with Hunter? Ever since Rachel came back he has been
very irrational, temperamental and won’t listen to reason.

I can't believe he just gave his mate away. TY, he was our friend. Why would he
do this to her?

He says it's because she lied and the bounty on her head was great that he is doing
this for the pack. But that's bull shit. We both know how much he loved her. He
knew way before Rachel came along, so what had changed?

"Hunter, we need to talk." Gazing at Rachel who only clung to his arm, I glared at
her, "Alone."

Shooing Rachel away, Hunter and I both entered his office, "Talk."

"What the fuck Hunter? How could you do this to TY? She's our friend and your

Hunter glared at me looking like he wants to tear me to shred, "I have told you
before, she is no longer my mate. I chose Rachel. I love her."

"Bull shit. We both know that's a fucking lie."

Hunter soon pinned me up against the wall, "Don't you ever disrespect your alpha
like that again." Not a smart move on my part considering the mood swings he's
been facing.

Calming my tone, "Do you know that they will kill her, is that what you want?"

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My Luna

Releasing me he spoke, "Yes this is for the best." What the fuck is wrong with

"How the hell is that for the best?" My voice slowly rising but kept it to a

But before he could answer Rachel made her appearance as I stood there watching
her smile, "It's time." She spoke sweetly to him.

"If you have nothing more to say Rachel and I have something else to do." I
watched him and her leaving the room as I flipped the ring I was holding in my

This pack house use to be filled with lots of laughter. In fact, our alpha was never
so arrogant and stuck up.

Everyone here is now walking on edge during his presence. Good for them. They
sided with Rachel and all because of that we have a stupid weak whore of a Luna. I
am ashamed to be in this pack.

Stupid Hunter, stupid Mark and Stupid Rachel. Is this what they wanted? This pack
is going downhill from the way I see it.

An alpha is only a good Alpha if he has a good Luna by his side to rule and sadly
he chose one bitch of a Luna.

Leaving the pack house, I made my way towards the infirmary where I requested
to meet the pack doctor Lisa.

"Lisa." I called as I sat in the chair while she sat across from me.

"How may I help you Beta Chris?" She asked. If anyone can help me she can.

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My Luna

So, I had explained the situation and I mean I explained everything. From the time
Hunter found out TY is his mate to the unexpected visit from Rachel to when
Hunter gave away TY.

She sat there silently contemplating on what she was just told. If anyone can help
me I know she can without being biased.

While I spoke to her I continued to flip the ring in my hand.

"What is that?" Lisa pointed.

Staring at the ring I was holding, as I recalled right before the bounty hunters took
her away as I held TY's hands I carefully slipped the ring she wore off her finger.
If he couldn't feel the pain TY was in because of the ring she wore he will now. I
couldn't help but smirk to myself.

Hunter (POV)

"It’s time." I smiled at Rachel, before shifting my gaze to my Beta, "If you have
nothing more to say Rachel and I have something else to do."

Taking Rachel by the hand I left a dazed Beta to fend for himself as we both
headed up to my room.

Sitting in my room, Rachel brought out what I needed. Fuck this stuff is addicting
as I inhaled it through my nostril.

"How does that feel my Alpha." She purred in my ear.

"Amazing." Sitting on my lap I felt her grind me. Ever since a couple weeks ago, I
admit I was happy to actually have found my mate but when Rachel had
introduced me to this substance, I was on cloud nine.

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My Luna

At first, I was angry, and then she offered me tea but that tea had gotten me feeling
things you would never feel with a mate.

It was like euphoric, then she started talking and I listened to her. She was right in
all aspects as to why having TY as a mate is a mistake. Tray even agreed with me.
She made me realize that she is my mate, Rachel, besides TY will just bring
nothing but trouble to me and to my pack. That bounty on her head is serious and I
couldn't risk the safety of my pack.

"Do you want more." Rachel licked my lips.

"Yes, baby and you know what else." Arching an eye brow, she got down on her
knees, placed herself between my legs before giving me another one of her mind-
blowing jobs. I watch her bob her head up and down while I take another drag.
Fuck! I don't know which is better, having another fix or having the love of my
life sucking my dick off.

Ever since the tension between TY and me Rachel had calmed me down with this
little substance she had brought over. "Fuck baby." For the past few days Rachel
had given me head and I enjoyed every minute of it. And we had hot rough sex to
go with it.

This was heaven, she was my heaven. I can't believe I almost chose TY over her.
How could I be so blind and stupid to think she was my true mate.

After all she lied about being a wolf, she lied about being a girl, she didn't mention
about having a bounty over her head putting my pack in danger which I am sure
she also lied about being my mate. And for that I hate her. I thought we were
friends. Friends don't lie to each other. She betrayed me and my pack and for that
I hope she rots in hell.

She probably did something to make me think she was my mate. Oh, how wrong I
so was.

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My Luna

Chris (POV)

Several days has pass and this household has become even more gloomy.

Watching the couple in front of me eating their faces off, I wanted to throw up.

There was Hunter and his bitch kissing in the front porch. Lately he has been
shrieking his duties off and me and John his third in command has been stepping in

If word got out we have a lazy ass alpha, then other wolves from other packs will
claim this territory for their own.

His father Mark is also useless. Can't he see what Rachel is doing to him?

Standing in front of the two sickening couple I cleared my throat to get their
attention, "Alpha, it is a school day so I suggest you attend class seeing you missed
weeks of homework and your attendance is grounds for not graduating."

"So." He smugly replied. So? I need to get him out of the pack house and he has
to go to school.

"Unless you want to be known as the Alpha who did not graduate high school then
I suggest you attend otherwise you wouldn't be able to walk with the rest of your

Rolling his eyes in irritation he nodded before leaving with Rachel in tow. Good
riddance. "Are you coming as well?"

"Ah not today, I feel under the weather. I'm going to visit Lisa." I faked coughed.

He nodded and left.

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My Luna

Waiting a solid hour, I sneaked into his room and was appalled at what I
saw. Since when has Hunter kept his room messy.

It looked like his hamper had threw up. I was also stepping on something that
crunch. Since when do floors crunch. Not bothering to see what made the floor
crunch I continued that is until I saw some of his pile of clothes started
moving. Oh, hell no, that better be a cute furry animal he got hidden in there
otherwise I will be calling an exterminator to kill whatever creature decides to live
under his boxers.

Everywhere I saw where wrappers and plants? There were also some of Rachel's
girly things on his drawer and one that stood out.

A lotion with a no name label in a black bottle. That looks odd. Since when does
Rachel use a lotion with no brand. It's mostly comes in pink or red bottles, not

Looking around I observed his living environment and well aside from his terrible
mood swings he has become gross as I came across some white sticky substance. I
refuse to touch anything. Not only was his room dirty but it was smell too.

The only thing that was kept neat was his desk. I have been to his room several
times and there was usually a picture of me Ty and Hunter on his desk, now it's
filled with him and mostly Rachel.

Walking towards his desk I emptied out his drawers and found a bottle of
pills? Opening it up, I sniffed it. Not your ordinary pills. But what kind of pills
does Hunter need to take for a wolf. We are wolves who never get sick so taking
pills is highly strange.

Taking a few capsules here and there and some of that weird lotion in a black
bottle I headed straight for Lisa.

- 111 -
My Luna

Hunter (POV)

This is ridiculous. I am an Alpha so why the hell do I have to go to school?

It was lunch time and Rachel sat on my lap as usual while I ate.

Usually my friends would come seat next to me but today they had avoided
me. Why? I wanted to sit next to them seeing I never had time for them anymore
because all my thoughts are consumed of Rachel. Fuck I'm so in love with her.

After lunch we headed towards an empty class room where we began to explore
more of our inner beasts. If I could have it my way all I would do every day is eat,
sleep and have sex. That's the best isn't it.

As we were about to strip our clothes off a searing pain I had felt on my abdomen
started burning.

Pushing off Rachel I fell to my knees. "Hunter what's wrong?"

Sweat rolled off my brow as I winced trying to hold back the tears. Seeing me in
sheer pain Rachel soon had called the pack doctor Lisa.

Able to get up on my feet I dragged myself towards the infirmary where Lisa
awaited my arrival.

Lisa ran some tests before giving me a worried expression.

Shaking her head, she continued to press my ribs, "It's your mate."

"My mate? Rachel?"

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My Luna

"Rachel?" Lisa asked confused.

"Yes, Rachel is my mate."

"Rachel, Rachel Morano?" She repeated as if her name sounded foreign.

"Yes, I know her name." I scoffed. Who the hell does she think she is to question

"No, TY is your mate or have you forgotten that Alpha." Turning her back
towards me she looked back at my chart with a hmm expression.

I laughed, "TY? She's not my mate, Rachel is Lisa." How could she forget her
own Luna?

Lisa only looked at me with apprehension, "Um....there is something wrong with

you Alpha." She gave me a blank look.


"Yes, we have to run some more tests before sending you home so you have to be
in the hospital for at least seven days maybe more depending on how your body
responds to the treatments."

"7 days, treatments? Lisa, I don't have time to spend in the hospital for that long. I
have a pack to run." Which is sort of true I guess. Well now that I think of it, I
haven't done a single Alpha duty. I had my Beta and third command run things for
me while I am busy doing other things.

"That's right Lisa." Rachel interrupted.

"I’m sorry....err...Luna but he has to stay here unless you want to continue feeling
that pain."

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My Luna

"Very well," I sighed.

"But you can help him, right? You can give him something for the pain." Rachel
asked worriedly.

Nodding her head, Lisa left while Rachel sat beside me, "You can't stay here long,
the stuffs at home."

"Bring them here."

Rachel's right, I couldn't stay here without taking another drag. I needed it like I
need air. It was my absolution, to everything.

I smiled at Rachel, she's the best mate an alpha could ever have.

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My Luna

Chris (POV)

I'm impressed that Lisa manage to talked Hunter into staying at the hospital.
Unfortunately, I wish this situation could've been different.

I just wish he wouldn't have to go there because of pain. Knowing this meant that
TY is also is in pain and suffering. Hang on TY. Please hang on, I silently prayed.

Watching Rachel leave the hospital, my guess is she is going to get more of that
stuff I found in Hunter's room. Not on my watch.

Entering the pack house, I searched for Mark who was eating with Jill in the dinner

"Alpha Mark." Though he is no longer alpha he still deems respect.

"What is it Chris?" He sat there eating like his son is right now is not a drug addict.
Yes, that stuff I found in his room is some sort of drug to give him false happiness.
It only works on humans, the fact that works on an Alpha well there is something
hidden within that drug for Hunter to coldly and brutally harm his mate. His wolf
Tray would never allow that to happen. The fact that Tray had done nothing to stop
Hunter means Tray is also affected.

"Do you not care about your son?" Mark stood up from his seat, seeming to dislike
the fact I am confronting him.

"What did you say boy?" He loomed over me.

"Rachel and him are not good together, she did something." I gulped. Though he is
20 years older than me and his hair is sporting a salt and pepper look, I could in my
defense take him out. Sadly, I could bet on my wolf's hair that he still could
whoop my ass.

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My Luna

"Rachel, is perfect for him." He defended Rachel as if she was his prize position.
No matter what she did to his son, she was perfect in his eyes.

Makes me wonder, did he really hate TY that much to send Rachel to him.

Throwing the drug that was in a clear package I placed it on the table in front of

"What is this?" Jill pointed.

"That is what Hunter has been on. and This..." I held a sample of lotion on a
napkin. "This is what paralyzes the nervous system." As I heard that Hunter no
longer feels the spark when he had touched TY. I had wondered why because no
matter what you do, it is impossible to remove that spark.

So, my guess is when Hunter had rubbed his hand using this lotion, with the same
hand he used to grab TY causing temporary paralysis. Everything has its reason.

Mark's cocked his eye brows before taking the stuff in his hand in sniffing it. His
expression grew angry, "What the fuck is this?"

"My thoughts exactly, Hunter has been on this for weeks and you refuse to
acknowledge his behavior."

"My son would never use this. He is an Alpha." Mark gritted his teeth. "What the
hell do you think you are doing Chris. Do you think planting evidence would gain
in your favor?"

Unbelievable. I just got the evidence here and he is accusing me. Can't he see what
this stuff did to his own son. "If you don't believe me why don't you search his

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My Luna

"Very well." I watched Mark and Jill head upstairs to scan his room before I heard
them storming back towards me after a few minutes.

"I am appalled at the state of his room." Jill cried.

Mark kept silent before speaking, "What the hell is that boy doing?"

Finally, something looking up, "Where would he got that stuff?"

"Rachel." I spoke her name.

"You think Rachel would do that to my son?"

"You're smart Alpha, what do you think?"

"Do not patronize me boy."

"Sorry Alpha."

"So where is that stupid boy of mine."

"In the hospital." I had explained the situation and surprisingly Mark listened. First
thing first Hunter needs to be detox from this sort of drug and if keeping him in the
hospital will do just that then so be it.

Hunter (POV)

Day 1

It's been hours since I was admitted into the hospital. Lisa had given me some pain
killers for the pain that was coming now and them.

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My Luna

The pain killers did not dissolve the pain fully but it was bearable.

As I was laying here patiently, I waited for Rachel to return with that white powder
she had introduced me weeks ago. At first, I declined and I refused that is until she
had sneakily slipped it into my tea.

At first, I admit I was furious but when the effects had taken its place, it was
awesome. Then Rachel started talking and everything she said made sense.

After all I know now that TY tricked me into thinking I was her mate. Why
wouldn't she though. She was always jealous of Rachel and my relationship
towards her.

Never again.

"What do you mean I'm not allowed to go inside." It was Rachel's voice I heard
outside my room.

Stepping outside I saw my father's guards seeing to watch my room, "What the hell
is going on?"

"Sorry Alpha but we are ordered to not let anyone inside your room."

"On whose orders?" I barked.

"Your father's."

My father. Have they forgotten I am Alpha, "Well Rachel is an exception."

"Sorry Alpha, but Rachel is the one that is not allowed in your room."

"Fine, but let me hand him something." Rachel attempted to stepped forward when
she was blocked by my father's guards.

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My Luna

Before I could intervene, Lisa came back and as quick as it was, she had injected
me probably with a small amount of wolves bane to knock me out.

Day 2

I was stuck in this room since yesterday. My muscles were sore as well as my
head. Maybe it was from the lack of exercise I was doing but I needed to get
out. I needed to find a way out. The drug was wearing off and I was in no mood
to be trap in here.

Day 3

Fuck, I was not allowed to go outside and I haven't seen Rachel since three days
ago. My father's guards kept me locked up in the room and Lisa had given me
another small amount of wolves bane. Now to any other wolves it would probably
kill them considering they kept giving it to me.

"Let me out of here right now." I raised my Alpha's voice. I was starting to shake,
my muscles convulsing, sweating and every so often I had thrown up. Fuck I need
to get out of here. I need that white powder to keep my going throughout the day.

"Sorry Alpha but your father instructed you to stay." Lisa spoke from the entry.
Smart move because she knows if she comes closer to me I'd have her head.

"Son." My father Mark entered the room with a solemn expression.

"Father what the hell is this? Have you forgotten I am Alpha and I can have your
fucking head if you do not release me right now. And what the hell happened to

Sighing, "You will not be Alpha."

"What's the meaning of this of course I am Alpha." I yelled.

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My Luna

"No! This pack will not have an Alpha who is a drug addict. You are in no
condition to lead this pack."

Is he serious. I could rip his fucking head if he doesn't do what I tell him.

"I need Rachel, my mate." I screamed. She is the only one that could sooth me.

"Is she that necessary son."

"Yes, bring here her to me."

"Very well."

After a few minutes Rachel made her appearance, "Babe." She threw her arms
around me.

I miss her touch, "Love, are you okay."

She smiled and nodded "But they took it away, all of it."

The one thing that replayed in my mind, they took it away, all of it?

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My Luna

Rachel (POV)

Day 4

How could this have happened? Everything is gone. Everything I worked so hard
for. I finally got Hunter as mine, I am finally Luna and I finally got rid of that
bitch TY.

Now everything is falling apart.

When I had entered Hunter's room, I was searched and they had taken that drug I
used to control Hunter. Fuck I need to sneak it in here but how. Mark's guards are
hell bent on who comes and who goes.

When my aunt had heard about how I lost my pup to that stupid girl, she made me
a drug to control not only Hunter but Trays as well. I know for a fact Tray hates
me but if I could get Tray to accept me, then I could get Hunter to accept me as

Wasn't hard when I had to first slip some in his tea course he was furious when he
found out but when the drug worked, it was easy. All I had to do was turn his
mind against TY.

All I suggested was to turn TY to the bounty hunters, it was his idea to torture
her. Who knew he was that angry.

Day and night, we would be like wild rabbits, I wanted to have his baby again, but
who knew that, that stupid mate bond is hard to make it disappear.

Now I sit here next to Hunter in his hospital room while he sleeps. He was
shaking, trembling, and he was sweating profusely. If he doesn't get his fixed his
body would go through an unbearable withdrawal.

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During his sleep I watch as he turns, fuck his lips are just to die forth. Unable to
control myself, I softly clashed my lips against his. I do love him so very much. I
can't believe that I wasn't his mate. I thought for sure the gods would pair me up
with my one true first love.

As I deepened the kiss to sooth his quivering lips, he moaned, "TY." Eyes
widening, what the hell did he just say? Did he call me TY? Fuck the drug is
wearing off.

Still I continued to kiss him when I felt his hand on my back, "Rachel?" His eyes
soon met my own.

"Babe. Had a nice rest." I smiled. No way in hell was I going to tell him he called
me that bitch's name.

"Were you here the whole time?" Sitting up, I help him get comfortable.

Hunter (POV)

Day 5

Rachel sat beside me silently. Her smile did not quite reach her eyes. "Did you
bring it?" I was starting to lose it. All I could think about was getting my next
fix. Fuck.

I need to get the hell out of here. She shook her head no. I thought so.

Another wave of pain had hit me like a ton of bricks. This was worse. It felt like I
was being dragged across needles and broken glasses. What the fuck is going on.

Just then a knock could be heard at my door. "Come in."

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Chris had walked it, when he noticed Rachel he growled lowly that was only meant
for her but I clearly heard it. If I wasn't in pain I would have reprimanded him.

"Alpha may I speak with you?" He looked at Rachel, "Alone."

Looking at Rachel, "Rachel let me have a moment."

"What no! Whatever you say to Hunter you can say to me." She screeched.

"Rachel please." I had a headache and was in no mood to argue.

Hesitantly she left us alone leaving Chris and I as he had closed the door.

"How you feeling there buddy?"

"Like someone flattened me with a bull dozer."

Chris pursed his lips together contemplating on what to say next without trying to
get me angry, "What is it that you need to say?"

"How could you be so stupid?"

What! Did he just come here to insult me? "What the fuck Chris watch your
tone. I am still your Alpha."

"Oh, I'm sorry, let me rephrase that, how could you be a stupid Alpha." He
sarcastically mock.

"If I wasn't so weak right now, I'd rip your throat out."

"I guess the drug is not quite out of his system." He quietly mumbled to himself
before turning his back towards me. "I'll be back in a few days then we will
talk. But you better get your act straight before it's too late."

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What the hell did he mean by that?

Day 6

6 days, I have been here for 6 days and the only people who I ever see is Rachel
and of course Lisa. The need to get my fix is slowly dying as my mind starts to
clear up.

Things, images keeps on flashing in my mind. Images that had me at a heart

break. None the less I had Rachel to distract me.

"So, after you get out of her we should get more so you will fill good." She

Get more? Get more what? After not having what I was having of which I
couldn't remember, something in the back of my head had hit me like I was
missing something but what.

Like there was something or someone that should be here instead of Rachel but

Holding up my head I grunted, "Hunter what's wrong?" Rachel yelled while

screaming for Lisa.

Lisa rushed into my room while shooing Rachel out. "Alpha, Alpha." She called.

Pain crawled up my spine, it felt like my bones where breaking and my head was

"Lisa, get me TY." I barked.

Lisa didn't move, instead she seemed like she was mind linking someone. "Did
you not hear me, I need TY."

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"Sorry Alpha, don't you mean Rachel."

"Rachel?" Oh, her I forgot she has been here holding my hand this whole
time. Where the hell was TY then?

Soon Chris barged into my room unannounced, "Lisa let me have an alone time
with him."

Taking this as her cue she made a hasty exit, "Chris what the hell is going on and
where is TY?" The pain had finally subsided.

"Glad to have you back."

"Back from where?"

"Tell me Hunter, what do you remember within the last month." What kind of
question is that?

Hunter, Tray called my name urgently. 'What!' TY we must get her now! He
barked impatiently. I could feel him with a mix of emotions, regret, sadness, guilt.

"Hunter." Chris called my name.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Chris stared me straight in the eyes.

"You don't remember."

Hunter, Tray interrupted once again. What the hell is going on? Being clueless
Tray had projected images of what had transpired within the last month.

TY, the beatings, the bruises, the taunts, the pleas holy fuck I turned her into the
bounty hunters.

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My eyes had grown the size of saucers. The pain I was just feeling had hit me, it
was my mate and she was on the verge of dying and I am the cause of it.

"Took you look enough." Chris smirked when he realized I had remembered.

"Where the fuck is Rachel?"

Calling for Rachel she entered my room timidly, her hands were now fumbling
each other, her legs shaking and her eyes twitching. I knew what she did? And I
regret it because it was I who allow her to do that. As much as I want to blame
Rachel for everything I couldn't because she did not force me to do anything. It
was my own choice.

"I hope they kill you." Those words suddenly entered my mind. Those last words
I had told her as she smiled at me before saying I hate you. From her eyes, they
were dead.

"Chris, lock Rachel up and do what was done to TY as to Rachel."

"What Hunter, you can't do this to me. I love you." She begged as I watch Chris
call for my guards outside to take Rachel away as she screams and curse my name.

Standing up on my feet I almost fell, but used the bed as a cane. "Hunter your still

"I don't fucking care. TY. I need to go get my mate." I struggled to stand on my
own two feet.

Tray was going to take over soon, he wanted control. He wanted his mate. He
wants to beg for her forgiveness even if I have to suffer the pain of her not wanting
to be with me. I don't care. She is my mate. My true mate. If I have to I will
spend years asking for her forgiveness.

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Flashes of her, as I had insulted and taunted her haunts my very mind. The
beatings she had to endure because of me. Fuck how could Rachel have done this
to me, to my mate. What kind of cold callous person would want to hurt one of
our kind the way I had done.

Another wave a pain, this time I couldn't breathe, it felt like I was choking on my
own blood. Last thing I thought of was of TY my mate before I had fully collapse
on the floor.

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This cell was worse. I haven't eaten in days. And I lost track of the time. There
were no windows. Whether its morning or night I couldn't tell.

My skin was no longer silky and smooth. It was filled with blood grimed and piss.

The other wolves thought pissing on me would be a fun game.

The collar around my neck seared my skin beneath tearing the muscles and bones
in its path. And that's not the worse parts. The inside of my throat had scars that
only I could imagine. The guards that bounded my hands and feet laughed and
mocked me. Every day it’s the same torture as the had pour wolves bane down my
throat using a small funnel.

I haven't spoken in days, even if I wanted to speak I don't think I could.

And Mia I haven't heard from her since I arrived in this forsaken place. I miss her
voice. She would sooth me. In the past she was my comfort, now silence is all I'm
met with. Is she even still with me? No longer do I feel her. The first time that he
tortured me, the one person who was supposed to protect me, Mia had done all in
her power to heal me. However, my scars had run deep that even she had her own
limits. I don't blame her though for not healing me completely. It was useless
considering I just get new scars on me.

As my face planted on the ground, the gravel beneath me shook as loud clattering
footsteps approached. My cell door creaked with every move it made.

"Look up at me." This voice had frightened me. It haunted me even in my sleep, it
was a voice I would never forget.

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My neck stretches towards the man he stood tall and proud at his
accomplishment. He only looked at me with an evil smile as he continues to
shame me. His eyes dark with the desire to torment me more.

"Guard." He called. Two of his guards came forth and with a knowing nod from
the man the two guards yanked me up to my feet. It was hard standing with all the
burns it had gotten.

Oh, what fun have they plan for me today.

Dragging me outside, I watch them bounds my hands on a jeep as one of the

guards had gotten in at the driver’s side.

Starting up the car, it flew at full speed with me at the back tied as I was dragged
across the field. I couldn't scream, I couldn't cry, all my body was use to the
numbing sensation.

All now, all now was I had to do was wait for my pending death to come.

The other wolves who only watch threw rocks at me. I didn't care. I guess this is
what I deserve. It's all my fault.

Abruptly stopping the car, the wolves that were once mocking me were now on
high alert as another set of wolves charged. I couldn't see what was going on, but I
could feel and hear what was happening. The ground had thundered below me.

Maybe these set of wolves would do me a favor and put me out of my misery.

"What are you doing in my territory." The man proud as he is growled at the

"You have something that belongs to me Alpha Conrad." Are my ears deceiving
me? I would recognize that voice. No. He can't be here. Maybe I'm

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dreaming. He should be in his lands with Rachel. After all it was only a couple
days ago when I had felt the mate bond shatter. My mark no longer evident. Well
it could hardly be called a mark now.

"Where the hell is she?" I heard that voice belonging to Hunter growl back. Who
is he talking about. Certainly not me.

Alpha Conrad laughed jolting the entire field, "I'm sorry pup but you must be
mistaken, you have returned what belongs to me in the first place."

The guards who had took me here was shielding me in plain sight.

"I will rip these lands to shred if you do not give her back to me." Soon a bunch of
growls could be heard.

"Again, you were the one that gave her up, so now she is mine."

Hunter snarled as I heard his footsteps shuffling, "Do not challenge me. I will be
taking her back whether you like it or not."

"Oh, I see she's your mate." Alpha Conrad cackled, "My darling daughter has a
mate of her own."

Soon gasps could be heard from the field, "Daughter?" Hunter asked
shocked. "Your daughter? You put a bounty on your own daughter's head?" If I
was able to see him, I could almost see the rage building inside.

For a few seconds it almost touched me, almost. I don't care if he is here. I don't
care if he is once again claiming me as his. He gave me up. He chose Rachel over
me. I will never forgive him for this.

"So, what, she is my daughter, I created her, and If I want to do whatever I want to
her then I will."

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"She is your daughter!"

"You pup have no right to speak to me as if I'm doing something wrong. You gave
her to me in the condition she was in, I only continued what you wanted to do to

Though I couldn't see what was happening, I heard he flinch and I could pretend I
saw guilt in his eyes that is if I could even see him.

"You want her, I will allow for you to see her pup." Bending down, I felt Alpha
Conrad's hands on my hair as he had pulled me up and threw me back on the
ground like some ragged doll.

"TY." Hunter sobbed. Now that Hunter is in reach I could feel a slither of what he
was feeling. Pain, remorse, guilt, burning hatred and rage.

"What the fuck did you do to her?"

"I did what you were supposed to do other than beat her."

Slow footsteps were heard, "Come closer pup and I will do her a favor and end her
pathetic miserable life." Alpha Conrad threaten then laughed manically.

Once again bending down, he whispered to me, "If you hadn't run away darling I
would not be killing your mate now would I." If I could cry I would. If I could
speak I'd shout.

He was never like this.

"This daughter of mine deserves far worse than death pup, now go back or you and
your pathetic pack will die here." He threatens.

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Hunter only growled, soon I heard clothes tearing into pieces, bones cracking oh
shit, who shifted.

Growls echoed throughout the night, bodies fell to the ground, rubbles flew
everywhere, blood colored the moon, this felt like a massacre and I'm in the middle
of it.

Something on my face I knew it was a tail seeming to shield me from the

chaos. Then a snout had pressed my cheeks. It was soothing. It sent me shivers, it
gave me tingles, Tray! Hunter's wolf.

Tray had whimpered as I felt his ears pressed against my chest possibly listening
for a heartbeat that's possible dying.

A warm tongue slid down my skin, soothing the aches and burns.

Though I'm still mad at him, it felt like home. It was nostalgic in a way. From my
days of captivity, for the first time in a long time I felt safe.

Bones ones again cracking as gentle hands had picked me up cradling me, feeling
his warm naked flesh, “Fuck Ty." Hunter sobbed. He was crying. "I'm so sorry,
please..." His voices trailed off. What happened to Alpha Conrad? Wasn't he just
fighting with him a few minutes ago?

"Alpha we have to go, Ty needs medical attention." I smiled at that voice, Chris. I
don't know what he did but if I could I want to thank him. If I could I want to hug
him. If only I could I would want to punch and kick this stupid alpha.

Hunter with a very gentle touch lifted me up as if I was a porcelain

doll. Something so fragile and easily broken. He was speaking in hush tones,
pleading begging for forgiveness. And asking me not to give up. Who the hell
does he think he is? Telling me what to do. If I want to give up then I will. I am

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tired. So very tired. My breath waned, my heart slowly dying. I don't know
what's going to happen but I'm tired. I want to sleep. Sleep, I can finally sleep.

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Hunter (POV)

I wanted to shout, I wanted to scream. Tray was angry and he took that anger and
tore Alpha Conrad a new hole in his throat. I knew I should've killed him before
when I got the chance.

However, I have no one else to blame. On all four paws, I gently nuzzled my nose
on TY's face. The one beautiful face that was now filled with wounds beyond my

If I didn't know how TY looked like I wouldn't recognized her at all after all she
was barely recognizable.

Listening to her heart beat it was slowly decreasing.

"TY please, I'm sorry." I pleaded. Lifting her up gently, I was afraid her body
would fall to pieces. Her skin looked like it was mauled by a bear. And I couldn't
bare to see her in this state.

I would never forgive myself for this. Even after I had decapitated Alpha Conrad I
still wanted blood. How could he do this to his own daughter. I didn't even know
she was related to that lunatic. She really hid herself from me. I didn't know who
her parents were and the fact that she was the daughter of that crazy bastard means
I don't know who TY truly is.

"Alpha we have to go TY needs medical attention." Chris spoke. I am thankful he

is my Beta and best friend. Without him I'd still be getting that fix and TY, oh god,
I can't imagine my life without TY.

Rising to my feet with TY in my arms. we headed off back to my lands.

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"OH my god TY." Lisa rushed towards me with some nurses. Placing TY on the
gurney I watched as they had wheeled TY away.

"Son. I'm so sorry about your mate." For the first time my father had
acknowledge that TY was indeed my mate.

After that drug incident, Mark imprisoned Rachel tortured her along with the
guards who had hurt my mate. Granted I was the one that ordered them to do it but
they should've known better then to do what I had asked.

After that I had beheaded the guards as for Rachel she doesn't deserve
death. Death is too good for her.

No one touches my mate. Everyone knows how a mate is to us regardless if they

dislike her.

"Dad, I can't lose her. I just can't." Mark only put his arms around me.

"Hunter, she's a fighter." Chris said.

After my release from the hospital Chris had told me what had happened, what TY
had went through only making me hate myself more.

"Did you find anything." I asked Chris referring back to Alpha Conrad on why he
would want to harm his daughter.

Looking at me he started, "Alpha Conrad blamed TY also known as Taylor for the
death of his mate, her mother."

"Taylor." I repeated. "That's her real name." I was shock, it's such a beautiful
name and it suits her.

Chris cleared his throat, "Are you even listening."

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"Sorry go on."

"As I said her mother died from a rogue incident when she was 8 years old at a
picnic the two were having. Having that, we all know what happens especially
when an Alpha loses their mate. They lose their wolf, go insane or go rouge. We
all know what route he went to."

My mother had already pulled up a chair next to me listening to Chris as if he was

telling a horror story.

"Anyway, after that incident, Conrad had abused her daughter. The scars she had
before when she was admitted into the hospital the first time was from her father."

She was whipped! Anger and bile rose again. I wanted to bring him back to life
and torture him. Maybe I shouldn't have killed him. I should have tortured him
the way he tortured TY.

"As I was saying, I don't know how but when given the chance she fled."

"And Conrad used a bounty to bring TY back to him." Jill finished. "Oh, that poor

Yes, I had Chris investigate Conrad's pack before I had faced him. I'm glad I did.

"Alpha." Lisa was covered from blood and by the smell of it, it smelt like TY's.

Gathering around her she gazed at me, "I'm sorry...."

"No! Do not tell me your sorry. Do not tell me she's gone." I harshly grabbed Lisa
by her coat.

"Son, let her go, let her finish."

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Letting her go Lisa not once flinched. I guess she is already used to my
temper. "She is very weak and her wolf doesn't have the ability to heal all of her

This is a relief. She still alive. "Then I'll mark her again."

"That might not be enough."

"What do you mean?"

"She's malnourished and there were traces of wolves bane on her tongue and on her

These news made my head spin. My poor mate had suffered injuries even I would
be dead if it were me. I am amazed and thankful that she is still alive. I guess she
has alpha blood also running in her veins.

"Isn't there anything we can do." Mark ask concerned for TY.

"I'm sorry Alpha but her scars are deep. Even if her body heals, her mind will
always be damage along with her voice."

"Her voice?"

"Yes, she had swallowed wolves bane damaging her voice box. She may never be
able to talk again."

I fell hard to my knees. I won't be able to hear her voice. Her sweet voice calling
my name. "Fix her." I ordered Lisa.

"That is beyond my expertise."

"You're a doctor!" I yelled causing her to jump.

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"I'm sorry Alpha but her injuries are beyond repair. I suggest you say your final
good bye."

Good bye. What good bye. I refuse to say good bye. Ty is not leaving me. She
will not get the chance because I won’t let her.

"Mother." I cried in her arms. My mate.

Entering her room, we a sluggish step, I sat next to her. She was wrapped in
bandages, from head to toe. "TY." I sobbed her name. Her wolf who I have not
met yet was barely even there.

Tray tried hard to feel her but to no avail it was like she wasn't even there.

"TY." I called hoping my voice could somehow reach her, "Taylor." This time I
spoke her full name, "Please don't give up. I'm sorry love, fuck I'm sorry."

Her breaths were shallow as her chest slowly rises and falls. I wanted to hold her
hand, but I was scared. I was scared that her skin would fall off even more.

The wolf part of her couldn't even heal her anymore. If she doesn't heal her, then
TY...fuck TY.

Tray continue to contact Mia. Our bond still intact.

"Oh Alpha." A nurse entered the room with an ice bucket. "It's time for her ice

Ice bath? I gave her a confuse look. "Dr. Lisa says due to burns on her body, she
needed to be cool down."

"I'll do it." Rising to my feet I asked for the bucket full of clean ice, cold water and
a soft towel.

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Giving me a skeptical look, she handed me the items, "Okay but be very gently,
Dr. Lisa says we don't want to injure her skin anymore."

Smiling, she left as I tended to my mate.

Taking the cool cloth, I gently ever so carefully wiped her down. Her nails were
half gone, her fingers were clipped and her feet were charred.

It was heart breaking to know the state of my mate. If I could switch places with
her, I would in a heart beat

Gazing upon her once beautiful face, her brows scrunched seemingly in pain. I
pulled back the towel only for her face to relax.

I couldn't even touch her, not even the slightest feel that she felt pain throughout
her entire body.

It's been a month and there were no changes. I haven't slept in ages, and I don't
even know when's the last meal I had.

Chris would relieve me of watching over her but the minute I was away no longer
than five minutes, I found myself back in her room.

Being away from her even for a split second was killing me. So, Chris would keep
me company.

Lisa once again entered with a forlorn expression. "Alpha, Beta." She greeted
with a nod, "Her test results came back and I'm sorry but things aren’t looking

My father and mother made it in time for Lisa's news.

"No! You test our wrong." I didn't want to hear bad news.

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"Her body is deteriorating." She exclaimed and all I wanted to do was fall to my

"I'm sorry Alpha we did everything we could, I think it's time you say your good
byes. She won't last another night."

"No. You are a doctor. If she dies, I'll make sure you'll die along with her." I

"Hunter." My mother hugged me, "I'm so sorry for your mate."

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Hunter (POV)

Wrapping my arms around her I cried, "No mom, I don't want to lose her please."

Clearing her throat Lisa spoke calmly, "There is a way."

Hope a slimmer of hope shined my way, "Anything, what is it?"

"This is only a slim chance though and you may have to do as she says."

"I don't care. I will do whatever it takes just for TY to look back at me."

"Rachel's aunt." Her aunt? "It was said she is a witch but that's hardly the case. She
deals with all kinds of herbs."

"Where is she?"

"But Alpha, there is a catch. She never does things for free." Right now, that's the
least of my problems.

Without hesitating, I asked for her address and Chris and I took off heading to the
one place that could save my mate.

Standing in front of a small house just outside the forest I pounded on her door.

No answer, this time I had yelled if anyone's home.

Soon an elderly lady greeted us with a smile.

"Clair Monroe?" I asked.

"Yes, whose asking?"

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"I am Alpha Hunter. I am sure you heard of me and this is my Beta Chris."

"Hello ma'am." Chris smiled.

"Yes, I know who you are. The Alpha who broke my niece’s heart and he is
keeping her lock up." She scoffed. This may not be easy as it seems, I thought.

I wasn't expecting her to know who I really was. "Come in." She gestured as Chris
and I made our way in taking a seat on her couch.

Offering us some tea with both declined. Who knows what kind of drug she would
use to put in this tea. After all my guess is, she's the one who has been giving
Rachel these drugs.

"So, what brings both of you here?"

"My mate." I replied not wasting another second. "She's hurt."

"I know."

She knows. "You are a witch then." Chris asked the one question I have been dying
to know. We don't know if witches are real just that they have been known to
perform miracles.

"My dear I am not a witch just a person who knows her way around medicinal
herbs." She confirmed.

"So how did you know of my mate?"

"People talk." She laughed. She doesn't look evil. She looks approachable. But
then again looks can be deceiving.

"So, I take it you know why we are here?"

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Pulling out a bottle of lotion and a pouch she placed it on the table in front of us.
"Is this what you are looking for."

I glanced at the items before reaching out only to be stopped by her, "Oh honey
these aren't for free."

Chris and I looked at each other, 'Alpha to save TY we have to see what she
wants.' Chris mind linked me.

He's right. "Okay what do you want in return." I probably have a good idea what
she wants I just want her to tell me.

Smiling she answered, "I want you to release Rachel and give her back to me."
Rachel is in our cells possibly screaming her head off in shear agony. Just the way
TY had been.

If this isn't such a big deal, for a minute I thought she would've ask me to marry
her. Thank goodness she didn't.

As if reading my mind, "Oh honey, you are no good for my dear niece."

"If you say that, then why do you condone her actions?"

"I love her and want her happy. Is that so bad?"

"Fine, on one condition, if she steps one foot back on my lands I will have her

Clair remained silent before holding up the bottle of lotion, "This is for her marred
skin and for her internal and external injuries, rub it three times a day, and this "
she gave me some medicinal herbs, "Make tea, it should repair her voice that the
wolfs bane has caused." Handing me another set of powered, "This is for her wolf.
My guess is she is also weak."

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Standing up Chris took the medicines, "Oh and one more thing Alpha, when she
finally wakes, her mind is something I cannot heal."

With her last words we headed back. I didn't know what she meant but I will find
out soon.

Finally, back in her room, I explained to Lisa of the medicines Clair had given.
Thankfully she understood and tended to TY.

Days has pass and her skin was once again returning to its former glory. We had
not given her the tea yet due to the fact she was still asleep.

Another week has gone and the burns and scars had disappeared completely like
they weren't even there in the first place.

Lisa came yesterday and TY made some great progress. All there is now is for her
to open those beautiful eyes.

Clair had come through. I don't know why she refuse to become a doctor. And as
promise we had release Rachel into her custody. Well not me but Chris. If it was
me, I'd probably disembowel her.

"TY!" I whispered her name as her eyes had fluttered before me. Tray had told me
her wolf was also was getting better and the healing process of Mia began.

"TY!" Slowly opening her eyes, she flinched then squinted. The light must be too
bright that I had dimmed it down. "TY!" I called again only for her to stare back at
me. Tears were trailing down her face. As a frown appeared.

She whimpered at the sight of me. Her eyes showing fear and disgust. I don't blame

"Baby, shhh...I’m here." Gently grabbing her hands she quickly pulled it back.

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Opening her mouth, she attempted to speak but no words came out. This had
confused her more as she sobbed closing her eyes probably relieving the nightmare
she was in months ago.

"TY, love, no one's here to hurt you, l promise you." I soothingly spoke to her.
Once again, I held her hand and she didn't pull back this time but the sparks were
there. The sparks I felt were there. "I love you so very much."

Soon TY began to tremble as I had called for Lisa.

I watch Lisa running some tests as a confuse TY continued to whimpered.

Outside of her room Lisa had talked to me, "Alpha right now she is in a state of
shock. We don't know when she will snap out of it, in the mean time I'll start
prepping the tea to get her voice back while you continue to be there for her. Right
now, she needs the mate bond in order for her to heal faster."

Agreeing with her, I would spend my whole day next to her.

It's been a few months. We had given the tea to TY and I had explain what had
happened. She listened but as far as getting her voice back, I don't know if the
herbs had work. Not once had she spoken. She would just give a blank look on her

"Love, you have to eat." I held up the spoon towards her mouth. Lately eating has
become a chore. She hardly ate and as much as I want to shove the food down her
throat I didn't.

She had gotten visitors from Chris, my parents even some of the pack members
who once had taunted and humiliated her.

Not say anything she only stared at the wall. I don't know what to do anymore.

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"TY, please look at me." I can't even tell if her hearing was also affected because
no matter what I say she dare not look at me. And I don't blame her.

Maybe if I call her by her full name I'd get some sort of reaction, "Taylor."

Her eyes dropped, it was the first reaction I see since staring at that blank wall in
front of her. At least I know her hearing is still intact.

"Taylor please look at me." She didn't. I want her to look at me, even if she is
angry, I want to see those eyes stare into mine. I feel like I want to use my alpha
voice on her but I didn't.

Wrapping my arms around her petite frame, "Please love I'm so sorry, I love you."
My tears dripped on her shoulders. Unfortunately, she just sat there as I begged.

It's okay, I will beg forever if I have to.

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"Die bitch, die."

"She deserves to die."

"She was a mistake, she is nothing but plague."

"I hope they kill you...I hope they kill you...I hope they kill you."

Where am I? Please!

"No one likes you dear. You are weak!" I am weak!

"You are nothing but a cockroach that needs to be squash."

Mia? Mia?

Even she doesn't want you. She hates you, everyone hates you. Your mate, your
dad, Tray even Mia. They all hate you and wish you just died.

Please stop. Please go away. Why won't they leave me alone. No matter how
hard I cover my ears they are always there. Yelling and laughing at me. Mocking,
taunting, it's never ending.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Hunter is that you?"

"Are you seriously going to believe Hunter will choose you over me, you pathetic
little girl."

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"Rachel, no Hunter is mine."

"Don't you see, Hunter never liked you. He just pitied you."

Stop, stop!

"I regret ever marking you, I regret ever meeting you, you should just do every one
a favor and just die. No one loves you, hell I don't even love you. You are a sorry
excuse of a mate."

Please no more. I could only beg.

Mia! That's right Mia, she's always there, always.

"Mia make them go away."

"Me, I have a stupid wimpy human with me."


Taylor don't listen to them. 'Mia?' Please make the voices go away. Taylor
listen to me, they're all in your mind. Come back to me. Hunter needs you,
Tray needs you, I need you. 'Hunter, Tray.'

No, they’re lying to me. You're lying to me. No one needs me. I deserve to die.

Yes, that's right, you don't just deserve to die, you deserve for worse than death.



"TY please look at me."

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That voice it sounds so familiar who?

No, no go away. Leave me alone. Everything that happen is all my fault. I caused

Taylor come back to me, come back to us.

Ahhh...leave me alone please. Who is that?

Taylor that's Tray he wants to help you, help us. 'No, tell him to go away. Go
away go away.' He didn't care, he never cared. Please I can't take it anymore.

Tay... 'No go away I don't need you, you never needed me. Now...the voices make
it stop.'

Don't worry Taylor he's gone. I blocked him off. Better? 'Mia, where am
I? Mia? Mia?'

"Mia is gone. She is no longer here. Like all others she left you. She couldn't
stand you so she left you all alone."

"NO! Please please go away. I don't want you here."

"Soon you will be in that room all by yourself, they will come back for you. They
will finish the job. No one will save you, ha ha ha ha! No one will come for you."

"Please, please, please...they'll come for me. Someone will come for me."

"Who? Your mate, your Alpha, your friends. What friends, they betrayed you,
turned their backs on you. Let me remind you, 'I hope they will kill you.'"

"Lies, Lies, you're lying."

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"Oh, are we now. Who gave you away, who gave you up. Who hit you. Who spat
at you when you were down? Surely it wasn't us."

"Should we send you back."

Where am I?

"So, my darling daughter, are you ready for your next fun?"

Alpha Conrad! No, I'm back here. How did I get back here? It hurts my arms are
hurting. Please let me go. I was free.

"Free you say, you were never free."

"No, I was saved, wasn't I?"

"I told you, no one came to save you. You never escaped."

"Put her in the chair."

"No please don't. No more, no more!"

"None sense, you deserve this. This room I made is for you. It was made for you."

"Please daddy!"

"Don't daddy me. I am not your father. You deserved to die, not her. It’s your
fault she's gone."

"Please I'm sorry."

"Push the button."

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My Luna


"Do you see no one came to save you."

Where am I? It's so dark. Where's the light. Hello? Please let me out. Please.

"You are all alone. There isn't anyone who cares for you."

Taylor! 'Mia, where'd you go? I thought you left me. No, I would never leave
you, you just couldn't hear me, but please let me help you.

"Help you, she is just trying to trick you. Where was she when you were hurt. She
was shielding herself and left you all alone to fend for yourself. She abandoned
you just like your mate."

'No Mia, you left me. You didn't come, you abandon me.' Wake up Taylor I
didn't leave you, I could never now please come with me, all you got to do is
follow the sound of my voice.

"Follow her? So, she could drop you into another barrel of wolf's bane."

'No Mia. You're trying to trick me!' I'll wait right here. Here is good. No one can
hurt me here.

"Please love I'm sorry I love you." Who?

"Hunter is that you?!"

"Please I love...I hope they kill you." It's lies all of it.

Go away, I'll be here, I'll sit right here. I'm safe. No one can hurt me here. I don't
need any lights. The lights hurt me, it hurts my eyes.

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Darkness comforts me. I can't see anything which means there is nothing to see,
nothing to feel. No more pain, no more hurt just me, I don't need any one. I'll just
sit here, yeah that's what I'll do. I'll wait here, maybe someone will come but for
now this is where I will wait.

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My Luna

Hunter (POV)

Sitting in my Alpha office, I had returned to doing my Alpha duties. There was a
lot of paper works to file piled on my desk.

As well as books. Most of the books are about the mind and how it works.

Half a year has gone by and my routine hasn't change. Aside from doing my Alpha
Duties, I tended to my mate who was still in the hospital.

My resolve was slowly weakening with no solution. I couldn't get her to give me a
slightest emotion or reaction. The only thing I could do is wipe the sweat off her
brows as if she was fighting an internal battle.

Lisa has told me the mind is a complex thing and once it has broken, the damage
could be irreversible. And suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder is not

Knowing this, I had broken her. Her mind is no longer with us. Even Tray couldn't
get through to her. No matter how many times I have tried to enter her mind I just
couldn't. It's like Mia had blocked off all communications with me and Tray.

My mother has been a big help. When I wasn't able to care for her during the day,
she would. In fact, the only person who can get her to eat was her. How'd she
managed to do that is a miracle itself. Or perhaps it’s the motherly instinct my
mother has given her. Something she hungers for and lacks during her years of
child hood.

And at night, I'd sit with her. I'd massage her legs just to get the blood flowing and
talk with her after all that's what she is good at now, is just listening. Or if she even
listens. Doesn't she hear my voice? Just being in her presence comforts me but
that's not enough.

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I was tired and I needed her to at least shout at me, cry, or yell. I haven't heard her
sweet voice in almost a year. She continues to stare at the wall in front of her.

Sitting next to her bed side as I place a strand of her hair behind her ears. Her hair
much longer now. Not once has she even looked at me. Her mind is no longer with
me, and for this I am breaking. How long can I take not bantering with her?

Lisa has told me to be patient but now I was starting to get angry myself. No
matter how many books I read, it was all the same thing. That once the mind had
gone through being abused emotionally and mentally there isn't any cure. She will
be damage maybe even permanently. I refuse to admit defeat. The only thing I
could think of if she breaks free of whatever trap her mind is in. My only fear is if
she is reliving that torment I had placed her in.

Putting my arm around her, I pulled her towards my chest. She just laid there
breathing possibly hearing my own heart beat as it slowly dies for her.

"Taylor, please come back to me." Though she may have wakened a long time ago,
her mind hasn't. It's like her mind is dormant.

I now understand what Clair had meant when she said the mind is the only thing
she couldn't heal.

Fuck this, "Taylor." I yelled. "If you do not god damn look at me I will spank you
ass red and blue." I threaten hoping my threats would get some sort of reaction.

It was short live when I got nothing.

"Hunter what is going on in here?" Mark choose this time to enter, "Are you
yelling at your mate?"

Yes, my father had accepted TY as my mate. Why though? Why couldn't he have
accepted her the first time. Why now when TY is broken and all because of me.

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"I just...I just need her to come back to me."

"I know son, and it takes time."

"Time! How long more. 2 years, 10. It's already almost a year since I just got her
back and the results are the same." I ranted.

"Son, we have to understand the situation. She's hurt, scared, depress, maybe more.
We don't know what she went through or what she's going through and no matter
how long it takes she is your mate and we did this to her." Mark gave me a
sorrowful look.

I wanted to yell at him, blame him. If he had accepted TY in the first place then
she wouldn't be in this mess. Truth is though I have no one else to blame but

Few more days has pass and my anger and irritation grew as I watch TY finding
the wall in front of her more interesting then outside of these walls.

That's it. I don't care what I have to do, I will bring TY back to me no matter what.

It was late and the only thing that could be heard were a few nurses.

Lifting up TY from her bed I carried her out from the confines of her room.

"Alpha, where are you going with her." A nurse stopped me.

"I'm taking her out."

"But Alpha, you mustn't." The nurse looked up at me and when I made no attempt
to put her back she called for a few guards.

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What the hell can a few guards do? I am an Alpha. Even with TY in my arms I
could easily decapitate them.

Didn't have time for that though. Instead I ran outside and behind me were screams
from the nurses and guards asking me to bring TY back.

Wasn't going to do that. Entering my car, I carefully strapped her in. Her eyes
giving a blank look. Does she even know what's going on?

On the road, it has been days since leaving the hospital. My father and mother tried
to mind link me but I had blocked them off.

If I'm going to get through to TY I needed to do this. I need her to come back to
me. This can't go on.

Finally, I reached the pack lands that was once run by the Red Moon Pack also
known as Alpha Conrad's pack.

Getting out of the car and once again carrying TY across the field towards the cell
that was held to torture her. Sure, I may have tortured her but they were mostly
whips which I am not overly fond of that memory being stuck in my mind.

Sitting her down gently, I gazed at her coldly, "Taylor."

Taking a sniff her head had spun from side to side. Finally, she moved on her own.
Taking out one of the devices I assumed was used on her I held it in front of her
face using it not on her but on the empty air. "Is this where they held you captive.
Is this where they had burned you." I growled.

Looking at TY she blinked before curling herself up into a ball and rocking herself
back and forth. Her breathing had hitched.

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Taking out a long metal rod I banged it across the cold metal floor. It resonated of
the walls with echoing sounds it produce.

TY had covered her ears, her eyes now shut as tears had stained her face. She
shivered and trembled as if she was reliving those horrible memories.

How can something so bad felt so good to see. I was getting there. Every time I
had made a noise, she flinched. "Taylor look at me." I shouted using her full name
that I'm now overly fond of.

Feeling scared she only had her eyes shut with no plans on moving anytime soon.

Harshly picking her up, I set her on a table that had straps at the end. I must say
Alpha Conrad probably made this room solely for his only daughter because it was
made according to her size.

I could only shake my head at the thought trying to simmer down my anger.
"Taylor look at me."

I place myself in between her legs, her hands on her ears, her eyes close shut as my
hands griped the sides of the table, "Taylor! Open your god damn eyes." I

She shook nervously at the sound of my voice. Right now, I could care less.
Removing her hair from her forehead, she cowered at my touch, "Taylor!" I barked
in my alpha tone.

Slowly opening her eyes, she stared at me and at that moment I wanted to jump for
joy as I had seen different emotions plastered on her face. Mostly fear. Finally, I

"Tell me, how did you feel when you were being captive here. Did you like it, did
you enjoy it?" I voiced out trying to antagonizing her.

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My Luna

"Which was your favorite torture device." Walking away I picked up another
instrument with a funny looking shape. What the hell was this for I thought to

Holding it in front of her, tears more tears had spilled from her face. It hurt me so
much to see her in this much pain but she leaves me no choice.

Even if she hates me even more, even if she punches or slap me that is what I am
hoping for.

The same reaction, picking her up again I this time placed her on a chair which
looks like it was use for electrocution. It was unplugged but she had clung to me
like she didn't want to be nowhere near that chair none the less I put her in it.

"This is an interesting chair. I wonder what's its use for." I taunted.

Though it was unplugged, I had attempted to push the button that was made for
that chair, "Stop! Please!" My eyes widen. It wasn't me that said that, and I smiled.
God, I miss her voice even if it was just a few words.

Soon she had bursts into tears as I heard her cries of pleas. "No more please stop."
She continued.

I didn't stop however, I continue to hold up these different types of instruments,

"Why are you doing this? Haven't you done enough now please leave me alone."

"No! I will never leave you alone."

"Why, you wanted me gone, you wanted me dead. This all this is your fault."
Slowly catching her breath, she struggled to stand, which had brought another
smile on my face. Not once has she made an attempt to stand on her own during
her time in the hospital.

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My Luna

This is progress. "You should've just left me alone. I hate you, I hate you." She
sobbed while pounding on my chest. And I let her. Then she slapped me, "I hate
you so much. You did this. You did this to me!" She screamed and sobbed her
tears were now overflowing.

"I know." I said as I stood there letting her attack me.

Pounding my chest her breathing had wavered as she crumpled towards the floor,
"You should've just killed me. I was...I was..."

Kneeling down, "You were what?" She paused, "Tell me." I had ordered.

"I was scared and alone. They hurt me, you hurt me. You were supposed to protect
me but you didn't. No one was there, not even you. You were supposed to come for
me. I waited but you didn't come. You didn't show up. You didn't care."

I was now crying as I had wrapped my arms around her pulling her towards me, "I
know, I am sorry. I will never forgive myself. Please Taylor, please don't hate me.
I am here now. I don't care how long it will take but please let me help you." My
forehead pressed against hers. Both crying, both relieving these past horrible

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My Luna

Hunter (POV)

After TY's emotional break down, we were back on the road. Every so often I
would glance at her and saw that she was fumbling with her fingers.

Though she was now speaking even if only a few words, she still reacted to every
movement I had made. She was wary of me, that I know of. She shouldn't be
though. I will show her I am the least of her worries.

Her eyes had caught mine before she quickly looked away.

"Are you hungry?"

Raising her head, she slightly nodded. I know we must go back home but I wanted
to be with her even for a little while longer before Lisa does more tests on her and
my parents starts giving her attention that should've been ages ago.

I wanted to make sure she's okay before we go back home, I want to fully bring
back my mate.

Pulling up into a small diner, I opened her door for her, grabbing her hand gently
which she still flinched at my touch, and led her into the small building.

We sat here quietly looking at the menu.

"Is there anything you would like to eat?"

She shrugged her shoulders timidly.

A young lady with curly blond hair approached our table smiling, "What will..."
Taking one look at me she had inched herself closer, "I suggest you order this one

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here." Bending down, she rubbed her chest against my arms while pointing to a
dish on the menu.

TY made no sign that she was remotely jealous. I guess I have my work cut out for

Leaning away I dismiss the lady, "We are here to eat now please take our order." I
smiled sweetly not wanting to have our food be spat on.

"Sure thing."

I had order something from the lunch menu and ordered TY's lunch too.

After a while our food made it to our table and TY sat there just staring.

Smiling I cut her meat and started to feed her. At first, she was hesitant but soon
opened her mouth.

Though we weren't talking much, Tray liked the fact that she was here eating and
she even let me feed her.

Laughter from across this diner was soon heard. It was an obnoxious laughter that
you just wanted to shove the fork down their throats. Can they be any more rude?

Of course, they can when the men who were laughing a few minutes ago decided
to interrupt our meal.

"Are you Alpha Hunter." The big man gruffly spoke.

TY had startled as I watch her sink back into her seat.

Wolves I thought. "If you don't mind we would like to enjoy our meal." I calmly

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This place here was filled with wolves. But we paid no mind attention to that.

The wolf then glared at TY. I didn't like the look on his face when he glanced at
my mate.

"And that must be Alpha Conrad's daughter." They laughed, "I heard she sells her
body." Looking back at me he snarled, "When you're through with her how bout
we give it a go."

Tray didn't like the fact that these wolves just insulted our mate, hell I didn't like
the fact the way they were looking at her at all. Standing up to my feet I towered
over him who stood proud and tall as if he could take on an Alpha. "What the hell
did you say pup?"

The wolf and his friends stood firm looking at me directly in the eyes. Such
disrespect when you are facing an Alpha.

"I said..." He continued.

"I heard what you said, but I dare you to say it again about my mate." I growled
ready to snap at them at any moment.

Just then one of the wolves pulled back on his friend, smart move, "You...your
mate?" He looked shocked. Of course, he did.

"Why, did I stutter pup?"

" just um..."

"Kevin!" Just then another voice entered this small diner one filled with authority.
Another Alpha.

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The Alpha with his back straight stomped up to us, "Sorry Alpha Hunter, but
Kevin lacks manners."

Nodding my head, "Well you should put him in his place Alpha Adrian." Yes, I
know of him. I made it my business to know who the Alpha's are in this crazy

Though we Alpha's don't like being told what to do, I on the other hand is very
well known in these parts of lands. During this year, everyone has heard about me
and my pack going head on with Alpha Conrad in his pack. Now they know not to
mess with me especially my mate.

Alpha Adrian looked towards TY, "Your mate?"

Turning around to glance at her she had shrunk more into the chair, "Leave now." I
barked at the wolves before me.

Alpha Adrian understood. TY was scared. Soon enough I watched Alpha Adrian
take his pack out of this diner.

Taking a seat, "Taylor, they are gone." Bring her out of her state of shock, she gave
me a small smile. "Don't worry, I promise you no one will harm you." I rubbed a
finger on her hand.

Back on the road the clouds had darken letting us know of pending rain that's soon
upon us.

As I had the music playing, we heard a loud pop as the car had swerve into a small

TY once again was trembling in fear. Grabbing hold of her hand, "Shh..Taylor it's
okay. It was just the tires. You wait here." I had kissed her forehead to calm her
down before looking at the car for damage.

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Our tire was trapped in a tiny hole and what's worse, a nail punctured it leaving it

Checking for a spare in the back when it started to rain and the spare was no more.

Fuck. Just my luck.

Opening TY's door, "Come, we will walk." We couldn't stay here. The longer we
stay here, the more we will attract unwanted wolves.

Hesitating, TY had taken my hand as I gently guided her out. We were only about
an hour away from our home, 30 minutes away if we shifted into our wolves we
could run but I doubt Mia is up to running all the way home. Besides asking TY to
shift might put a strain on her body.

10 minutes into our walk, I held TY around her hips. She was struggling to walk
straight but she didn't complain. Just then rain had poured from the sky as we had
to take shelter. The sun had gone and now the moon was our only line of light.

We couldn't walk, not in these parts seeing I am not familiar with this side. We
might end up lost or worse end up in another wolves territories.

Holding TY making sure she is not far away from me, we headed underneath a big
oak tree that had leaves sprouting everywhere. We took shelter.

Sitting on the ground I manage to start a fire as TY leaned her back against the
tree, she shivered from the cold night.

She sat away from me and already I had miss her warmth.

"Are you cold?" She nodded her head.

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Scooting over next to her, she didn't stray away instead she leaned her head against
my shoulders closing her eyes.

I had miss this, miss us. I listened to her breathing, it came out in shallow even
breaths. She was finally asleep until I had felt a presence surrounding us. Slowly
laying her down and removing my shirt to place it over her, I stood up carefully
looking around.

I saw 6 sets of beady eyes within the darkness followed by low threading growls.
Rogues! 6 of them.

Crap. We are surrounded by the smell of rotting flesh. Soon all 6 rouges came out
of hiding. If I couldn't smell they I wouldn't be able to have sense them after all
their fur had camouflage with the night.

Shifting into my wolf Tray we stood next to TY. If anyone come's even close to
her I will rip out their throats.

I watched as my ears picked up, their growls salivating their jaws. I growled back
warning them to stay away.

I was bigger than most wolves and these wolves doesn't even come close to my
size however taking on 6 wild rogues and trying to protect my mate would be a
challenge for me.

The rain had continued to pour seeming to dance to our advances.

Without warning, the first wolf made a jump towards me as I too had jumped
ahead trying not to stray away from my mate. I had to be near her just in case
another wolf decided to attack her while she sleeps.

Another had nipped at my tail while I had tried to throw the wolf of my back. I
whimpered and growled trying to get the advantage.

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Unfortunately, luck is not at my side when all 6 rouges had pounce on me. I could
feel blood coating my fur, my vision had blurred but my mind telling me if I stop
now, then my mate will be as good as dead.

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My Luna

Hunter (POV)

The rain had washed our bloods as my breath was now smelling of the rogues
before me.

I had killed two of the rouges by tearing out its jugular. The other four just attack
without a hint of warning.

I was tired, Tray was tired but we continue to fight for dominance. I am an Alpha
and I'll be damn if I let some wild animals get the better of me.

3 of the rouges had jumped on my back while I heard the fourth rogue near my
mate. How the hell did I end up so far away from TY. Even if I had time to throw
the wolves off my back I wouldn't make it in time to tear the rogue who threatens
my mate.

I felt a gnaw at my back as teeth had sunk into my skin letting out a yelp. My
vision was hazy but that didn't stop me from throwing up to the side. Once again,
my attention turned towards TY as the rogue inched himself closer baring it's

Taylor, I growled. All that could be heard is our paws splashing in the puddle of
rain which wasn't stopping anytime sooner. Pebbles flew against my stomps, my
teeth baring its low growl warning for the rogue to submit to me. My eyes had
darkened fully as I let Tray take control of my mind.

He wanted retribution for even thinking that they could let a single paw let alone a
snarl towards my mate.

My heart had exhilarated as I continue to dive for my mate in hopes I would make
it in time.

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My Luna

Growls could be heard as the rain had blocked my vision. Howling and growling
in the process I attempted to dive forth not minding all the obstacles in my way,
not minding that the 3 other rogues where nipping at my tail, no my fully attention
was at the rogue ahead of me.

He growled with a whimper and soon the growl from that rogue had died down as
his heart beat slowly decreased.

All my mind could think of was TY. The other 3 wolves continue to nipped me
from behind as the fourth rogue laid dead on the cold hard ground I stopped in my
tracts giving the opportunity for the rogue to jump on me.

Not caring what just happened, I felt the other rogues had jumped on my back until
I see her.

Her fur had lit the way, it was dripping in water. Her eyes blue like the ocean. Her
paws prayed the ground as she had bared her fangs before her. It was the first time
seeing her, as she had growled and dived underneath the wolves to throw them off
of me.

They had yelped as they landed their backs on the tree behind them.

Starring into the eyes of my mate, she sniffed the air around her. Her tail had
wagged in excitement as her tongue hung out with pure innocence.

Feeling her snout on my face, she licked me as I stood on all fours.

It was like nothing else mattered as I gazed into her soft blue eyes. She nuzzled
into my neck, Mia, Taylor. I felt her. Her warmth, it was euphoric.

Licking her jaw, we were interrupted as the 3 wolves had circled around us like
vultures to a pray.

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Back to back, TY and I stood firm as we both had barked hoping they would step
away. That wasn't going to happen though. Rogues lost all common sense. They
lost the part of themselves that makes them human. It's sad because now they are
more beast then anything and we have to put them down for other's sake.

Soon they had attacked, and so did we. I made sure to keep close to Taylor. We
fought, our fighting was in sync even though we have never fought side by side
before but it was like we were one mind.

I had watch as my mate had pinned down a rogue with her jaws as she had tore his
head off. I must say that was hot to see such a sight as I had also killed a rogue
with my bare fangs.

Though fighting these wolves with my mate this is probably the happiest day to be
fighting side by side with my mate, Taylor.

We worked hand in hand as we had decapitated the wolves in front of us.

As if the gods know what transpired, the rain had died down washing all trails of
blood away. The rogues laid dead before us as silence over took these woods.

Trotting up to Taylor I stood before her. My wolf looming her small petite frame
cocking my head to the side as I had watch Mia let Taylor take over. Course she
was still wary of me but in her wolf form from what Tray has told me from Mia,
Taylor will be fine and she will help her get through whatever she is feeling.

As the sun had slowly risen, we had awoken in our wolves form. She had laid
beneath me while my ears were on high alert as she had slept next to me.

Licking her fur, I made sure she was cleaned from the stenches of those wolves.

We would've shifted back but with having no clothes it was best to be as we are
besides this would be faster to travel home.

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Standing on all fours Taylor and I just looked at each other. Our tongues hanging
out as we had nuzzled each other. I felt her love, her heart, now this was euphoric.
This was bliss as we both on all four paws started our journey home, I knew she
would be okay, that we would be okay. We may have had some hardships but it
made me stronger, it made us....

As I felt her shift her paws next to mine, she looked up at me. Mia had sent images
of what Taylor is looking forward too, and with pups of our own. I could feel she's
still a bit sore from what had happened within the year but with time and patience
we will get there, I will give her what she desires most, now that I have my mate,
My Luna.

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