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Gerardo F.

Caldona Jr

BSIT 4 – 3

October: 16, 2021


Directions: answer the following questions in complete sentences. Describe the EA role in the IT

Enterprise architects are responsible for planning how to use and manage all the IT functions of an
organization. They must find a way to make them affordable and efficient as possible.

Describe what is an Enterprise Architecture.

Enterprise architecture (EA) is the practice of analyzing, designing, planning and implementing
enterprise analysis to successfully execute on business strategies. EA helps businesses structure IT
projects and policies to achieve desired business results and to stay on top of industry trends and
disruptions using architecture principles and practices, a process also known as enterprise architectural
planning (EAP).

Name 3 software used in modelling an EA.

Orbus Software

Software AG


Describe the data architecture domain.

Data architecture describes the structure of an organization's logical and physical data assets
and data management resources, according to The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF). It is
an offshoot of enterprise architecture that comprises the models, policies, rules, and standards that
govern the collection, storage, arrangement, integration, and use of data in organizations. An
organization's data architecture is the purview of data architects.

What is the difference between these two roles: CTO and CIO?

The main difference between the two jobs is that a CIO focuses on internal technology, while
CTOs focus on customer-facing technology. You could also say the CTO has a strategic planning role,
while the CIO has a technology-focused role.
Describe the IT Value chain.

A value chain is a business model that describes the full range of activities needed to create a
product or service. For companies that produce goods, a value chain comprises the steps that involve
bringing a product from conception to distribution, and everything in between—such as procuring raw
materials, manufacturing functions, and marketing activities.

What are the benefits of an Enterprise Architecture?

Frees unit IT staff time to work mission-specific projects and innovations

Enables more innovation at the departmental level

Provides a stronger technology infrastructure at the central technology core

Guides where a service belongs on the service level (community, toll, public good)

Reduces risk and exposure

Lowers total cost of service ownership

Lessens duplication of effort and services

Increases reuse of existing systems and system components

Describe the concept behind the three schools of thought in EA.

Some say that EA is about improving IT. In the diagram below, this is “Enterprise IT
Architecting.” In the online groups, we call this EITA. In this model, EA is a mechanism for designing IT
services and creating IT systems that address enterprise needs. It’s just a bare step above Enterprise
Application Architecture by operating outside the constraints of funded projects, but the impact occurs
in IT. For this first group, Business Architecture is just another name for Business Analysis.

Others say EA is about aligning the business with all of its capabilities, including IT. For these
folks, Business Architecture exists, but it’s primary impact is internal. Business Architects insure that the
right initiatives are created in order to achieve business strategy. In the diagram below, this is labelled
“Enterprise Integrating.” In this school of thought, Business Architecture doesn’t really impact business
strategy. Business Architecture uses capability analysis to understand the impacts of strategy on the
business processes and systems, and helps to frame the initiatives that should be created. Only after the
initiatives are started would a business analyst even get involved. In this model, EA provides all the
benefits of the first group, AND insures that investments are made in the right place.

A third group say that EA is about Enterprise Ecological Adaptation. For these folks, Business
Architects help analyse the movements of the market, and work closely with business leaders to develop
strategies based on the capabilities and positioning of the company that are likely to generate new
revenue, improve market position, improve customer loyalty, and reduce costs. EA and Business
Architecture help the business adapt to the ecosystem in which it exists. In this model, EA
provides all the benefits of the first two groups, AND insures that the business responds to the market
conditions in a logical manner. For some in this camp, Business Architects are not even part of EA.

Does Enterprise Architecture only focus on IT? Share your thoughts.

EA focuses on business processes and the operational model that governs how to align,
integrate, and standard them. IT should be seen as in service to this exercise, not the driving force. As
such, this book does not describe an "Information Technology Architecture" and should not be confused
as such.

The book offers a useful framework for thinking about enterprise identity, what operating model
is appropriate, and what degree of integration/standardization is right for that model. As such, it
acknowledges that different type of enterprise exist and doesn't judge one over another. The chief
mantra of the book is that business units need to be engaged with the management (both strategic and
tactical) of information systems in order for both business and IT to be successful.

Describe cloud computing.

Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage,
databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer
faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale. You typically pay only for cloud services
you use, helping lower your operating costs, run your infrastructure more efficiently and scale as your
business needs change.

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