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“Improper Waste Disposal”

“When we talk about waste, we are
situating ourselves in a context where human beings
intervene, since nature itself does not generate
waste. Improper waste disposal can lead to adverse
health outcome, for example through water, soil, and
air contamination. Hazardous waste or unsafe waste
treatment such as open burning can directly harm
waste workers or other people involved in the waste
workers or other people involved in the waste
burning and neighboring communities. So, for us to
prevent from this problem we must do the proper
way of segregation or and use eco-friendly things
instead of plastic bags, cellophanes, etc.”


“All living and non-living components
surrounding individuals make up their environment. The
presence of any harmful substances in any of the different
component of an environmental referred to an environmental
pollution. It can tear apart ecosystem and affect the food chain
by taking out whole pieces. Things like acid rain come out from
air pollution and the destruction of the ozone layer comes from a
lot of forms of pollution. It is cause of many skins and
respiratory disorder in human beings. Also, it causes heart
disease too. Air pollution causes asthma, bronchitis, and many
other diseases. We must prevent pollution and let’s protect our
environment by conserving and protecting our natural

“Illegal Mining”

“Illegal gold mining devastated
the environment, causing deforestation,
biodiversity, sinkholes erosion and habitat loss
as well as water, air, and soil pollution through
the release of toxic chemicals. These processes
also affect the atmosphere from the emissions of
carbon which have an effect on the quality of
human health.”


“Deforestation is an issue of
forest being destroyed either by slash and burn
techniques or cutting the trees down. The
damage to the Earth that deforestation causes us
a major issue that we are facing today. The
causes of deforestation are complicated and a
challenge to solve. The world is losing of its
natural resources.”

“Oil Spills”

“Oil Spills can harm sea creatures, ruin a day at
the beach, and make seafood unsafe to eat. It takes sound
science to clean up the oils, measure the impact of
pollution, and help the ocean recover. Oil spill, leakage of
petroleum onto the surface of a large body of water.
Oil is a natural substance, and oil has
been leaking into the surface environments for hundreds
of years. Bacteria have been evolved that are able to
consume crude oil as a food. Oil spills are a rightful mess,
and they do harm wildlife, but in an ovule of years you
will hardly know anything happened.”

“Cyanide Fishing”

“Cyanide fishing is the most destructive
techniques used for catching live fish. In this
practice-which is illegal in many countries-
fishers squirt concentrated sodium cyanide onto
reefs to stun fish and scoop them up for the
aquarium trade or the live food fish market. And
it can also poison the fish corals that we ate and
there is a possibility that it can affect our health
too and lead us to sickness.”

“Pesticide Drift”
“Drift helps with businesses connect with
people at the right time, in the right place, with the
right conversation. It protects crops from insects’
pests, weeds, and fungal diseases while they are
growing. Prevents rats, mise, flies, and other insect
from contaminating foods whilst they are being
stored. But there is possibility also that pesticide
drift can cause injury to farmworkers and other
people, particularly children, adjacent crops, or non-
target plants, livestock, sensitive areas, fish, and

“Climate Change”
“Climate change matters because it affects all
life on Earth, from humans and animals to plants and the
environment. It leads to extreme and unpredictable
weather patterns that can be harmful to humans and
ecosystem. We released so much carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere by burning fossils fuels for energy, farming,
and destroying forests. These carbon emissions are
causing the greenhouse effect, trapping heat, and making
the Earth warmer, faster than could happen naturally.
Climate change is the most significant problem facing the
world. Global warming is increasing day by day. If we
cannot prevent it as soon as possible, our world will face
undesirable consequences.”

“Coral Reef Degradation”

“The most important causes for coral reef
degradation are coastal development and excessive
exploitation of its resources. migration towards
coasts led to strong development on land which
often lead to destruction of important costal
ecosystem like mangroves and sea grass beds. If
coral reefs disappeared, essential food, shelter, and
spawning grounds for fish and other marine
organisms would cease to exist, and biodiversity
would greatly suffer, therefore. Marine food-webs
would be altered, and many economically important
species would disappear.”

Mapeh Project

Sir Samuel Allaba

Submitted by:
Ms. Keren Hapuch Densing

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