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DBMS Important questions to study

Part c

10 Marks

1) explain the purpose of database ?    ( 2 times asked )

    I) user of databse

2) How to implement VPDs explain with illusuration ( 4 times asked )

3) Explain RDBMS (5 times asked )

4) explain the stastical database security ? ( 2 times asked )

5) explain the issues in the database security ( 2 times asked )

6) data risk assesment ? ( 2 times asked )

7) expalin the steps in implementing account lockout after fail login attempts             

      ( 1 time asked )

8) SQL data control language ( 1 time asked )

9)    How to use database for all components ( 1 time asked )

10) Featuers of good password for a virtuval database ( 1 time asked )

11) distinguesh between managing database and managing security ( 1 time asked )

                  5 Marks

1) Data base operators

II) Needs of database

III) Components of database

IV) Uses of database

2) use of RDBMS

3) sql data control language

4) VPDs uses
i) need of VPDs

ii) uses of VPDs

iii) VPDs implementaition

5) Statistical database security

6) steps in implementing an account lockout

7) best practice to secure password

8) virtual database is safe ? openien

9) importance of security logs ?

10) how to create password to database components ?

11) how will you analyze data threats ?

12) CIA of informations -discussions ?

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