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Recruitment LEARNING OBJECTIVES rexding this chapter, you should be able to Desebe the fetes to be considered while eluting Define recruitment ° Erclain the constraints under which the secultment reciting effots Brocess takes place @ Stote the recruitment policies and procedures commonly followed in organisations Discuss nl ituati : mee influence of situational factors en é oo Outline the sources and methods of reerutment i two qualities to look for: cyeos there are only 0 Qual nen reg toy omer ring as can be Bought by te yard 27 mont a ast fone _—John W. Gardner | Introduction 4 6 daleroutranding resus, organsaons roquire people wit sequiste skills: quale Fight mental make-up that is in syne with corporate culture. When every company tr : Teste nl ene gil in nem for tlene Against tis backdrop, recruiting is a realy demanding job and requires serious att management, Simply spending millions on recruitment ~ through newspaper ads and hiring éy agencies ~ is not enough. The company should get talent at any cost to stay ahead of competition, decisions may prove to be very costly in the long run. Unqualified or unmotivated employees may meet the growing expectations of customers. They demand close supervision, and additional t 2005) “Bese brains for best resus” isthe new corporate mantra, Though the job market is wide o hard to get good candidates unless the company has an excellent recruitment strategy in place, should explore every possible alternative to find cost-effective solutions to the hiring problem, WI they have to: E oS 4 hwoter 6. Recnitment © 163 thever way you look at it, recruitment mea ns finding and/or attrac walified applicants for the employe Danas e's open positions. (Dessler) a fairly large number of ? The recruiter’ le journal read by the prospective candidate) to view the vacancy as not in line with their ind flexible schedules and so on). (Cascio) The to several other constraints,(Robbins) al practice, it is always not easy to find and H select a suitable candidate for a job openin fof a communication medium (e.g., advertising in a tra be appropriate. Some of the bright candidates may begin Rexpectitions (cg., challenging work, excellent rewards, fable ones may not haye been motivated to apply due or image: It the image oF a firm is perceived to be low (due to factors such as operating in a declining industry, carning a bad name because of environmental pollution, poor quality products, nepotism, insider ling allegations against promoters etc.), the likelihood of a cting,a large number of qualified applicants The HSRC ay Lae : it : he downtum is taking its toll and layotfs are common. During the last ‘of 2008, HSBC had to scale down its ce art Sates loyees had to be shown the door. The HF head did not lose heart. Instead, the ofdorod & Company wie hing Stace ines Pocale anieg other locations and other departments were mapped out. After scanning 62 Work locations, about 1000 new job roles emerged. In a matter of weeks, about 600 employees whase jobs were in perl were deployed in other roles within the bank. About 200 people were laid off after proper counselling and a promise to hire them back whenever opening emerge on a prionty basis. The bank's 6500 7 workforce appreciated management efforts and they voted the bank into the list of best employers in 2009. ies : ‘Source: Outlook Sueness How Assacintos Bast Employes Stdy Ap 18.2008 Unattractive job: \ he job to be filed is noe very attractive, most prospective candidates may turn indifferent ‘d may nov even apply: This is especially true in case of jobs that are dull, boring, anxicty producing, devoid of carcer growth opportunities and generally do not reward performance in a proper way. (cg, jobs fe departmental undertakings such as Railways, Post and Telegraphs, public sector banks and Insurance Fe asec alent om premicganagenet ae) P ie licy of filling vacancies through internal promotions based on seniority, ere ae cotta in he-wigl epeciSRing fox qualiied hand in che eae in firms where powetfil unions exist, managers may be compelled , based on issues such as caste, race, religion, region, nepatism, ‘experience, job knowledge, er job market in an unbiased way, Likewise, to pick up candidates with questionable me friendship, etc. imited budgetary support? Fepiniationstnay noe ike tary 00 e constrain 1 recruiters efforts to attract the 2 ogee Restrict ermine: Governmental policies often come in the way of reruiting peopl fot tive polices of Kemer bars of merivscniority, et. For example, seers ot sera pooh ose sled cases, scheduled tsbes, backward classes, physically handicapped w pe (euch as scheduled castes, sc scruiting efforts ire money. Sometimes because of Ii person for the job. Chapter & Recnitment @ 165 er i design and development, pharmaceuticals, ene 1 way but they can't t they can't escape the consequences of work "Ey equipment might have escaped 1 Recruitment Market Report, 2009) Idwide collapse in joby markets for a : changes in the past two ‘ : . spe eae a ae caused. organisations to place increased emphasis on en ising it 4a Gene ke wt are ming in an organisation, they donor hesitate co leave and go in search of gener pastures 0 tae eee ea nowadays emphasise opportunities for training and development Sd eee within the same organisation, They also try to present a more realistic rs of he job and the encouraging career openings to prospective-employees through innovative recruitment Prous For example, companies like Intel Technologies India go to the extent of saying openly: “At Inte, a main job is to take care of his employee’ carecr development.” Each Incel employee has a development which he charts his career. The employee and his manager talk about the former's goal, and Intel invests sining the employee requires (see B, World, 6.12.2004). If the organisation is not aware of — and is se atie 1 ~ prevailing social values and norms, the recruitment efforts could go off the track) The Securities $= (1992) has also brought considerable bad publicity to scam-tainted banks, financial ifsitutions and inoanies. Subsequent enquiries and investigations made many employees to leave the patent companies and Ieck employment cone employers that manufactured ammunitions and supplies for the Vietnam Shar feed stong resistance during thar period from college students. Factors such as slowdown in demand, easionary conditions, credit squeeze, liquidity crunch, massive debt on the balance sheet ere. have compelled cor ralty firms like DLE, Unitech, Parsavnath, Omaxe had ro show the door to a large number of employees jr rent tmes)Banks have gone to the extent of stopping loans ro professionals working in realty firms. fs cusy fy cary out such cost-cutting measures in times of csi, but it may be quite difficult to get qualified hands fuck ico firms with such poor public image. j = change. As a result, BX Tew technologies create new jobs. The existing jobs undergo « rape changes 2 8 Nek unusual combinations of skills and fee S found. sr gece! abe 1991 brought about rapid changes in the fields of banking, clect#on T's munications, ; lar ans ekai Ce Svea os ine depp sag SUR 5 rong oo tine, there is a chronic shortage of people with requisite skills and lee oe ly in the _ see fecommunicerion, iuivance, retail ae Tereuch wecemaroy Cee es gos pales fos to compete successfully for the small number of suitable candidates available in the mar >) The Political Environ ae ; inj” had become @ major slogan in corporate circles, a mt eee ere noms fait fom ses 2 et bu eign, ses oy naonal origin. Bases such & “O01 et Ot an a numberof sep co find and c. = appear in advertisement for job vacancies ated journal; sending recruitment ne ee 24 ino oe (6, ex), Politi compubon, consi reves Uke Asdhes Prins REE a ding employes 10,008 OF hoe nels ave Ben aca in ch, Tamika Antal Pade offering jobs °° ee oa way of recruiting people, ae Momsen a v4 also come in © : jens of national POT nce of unions ecommendations Sell Se eld experience FHC fencing recruitment polices followed by 4 gal qualifications $5 play an importance 20° °° memento pl : 3 management 7 id labour, night shift work, bonded labour, have broughe the legal environmen co be a.major itt 10 be lo atest incending 0 recruit people For various positions) Let’ ae these issues “he Act prohibits the employment of women (night work, underground heavy loads, etc.) and child labour (below: 14 years of age) in certain jobs: The Apprentices Act, 1961:{The Act provides for a machinery to lay down syllabi and specify mutual obligations of apprentices and employees, ete) The responsibility for engagement of solely with the employer. The apprentice, after serving a contractual term of training, can be ta rolls The Act as amended in 1986, provides for revised rates of compensation during the apprer and for failure on the part of the employer to execute the terms of the cont lana Exchanges Act, 1959: The Act requires all employers to notify the vacancies re ee be aeeey employment exchange before they are filled. The Act covers all " or and nonagriculeural establishments employing 25 or more workers in the private Contract Labour Act, 1970: The Act is appli . tore persons, I isco egulane the employ applicable to every establishment (contractor) tho provider fo the aboldon of Gonttic: lsbout & Conditions of eontract labour. in certain nur in certain circumstances. Bonded Labour es ‘System (Abolition) Act, 1976: The Act provides for the aboliti abolition of bonded forced lbour to liquidate ; festa iguidue deb pew pari who ae het on epg foo olicies governing, cil different legislative P CT rcrasion sos of te 0 The Factories Act, 19484 Limited chole organisation fora Soi cand rom aed oat may hae to sacriice qualty and settle for less grain candidates, os (Inbreeding: cis-ouages entry of alerted peop, available outside an organisation. Existing employees may fall to behave in innovative ways and inject necessary dynamism to enterprise activites, enisation has knowledge about | (li) Inefficiency: Promotions based on length of sence by ol aceen i a iy of a cankidate for a position. ‘Known | rather than mem, may prove to be a biessing for nan unknown angels! ineffcient candidates. They do not work hard and a Drove their worth Scy of preferring people from within | (¥) Bone of contention: Recruitment from within pa 3 may sr Promotional avenues for employees.| lead to infighting among employees aspiring for nem to work hard and eam promotions. | limited, higher-level positions in an organisation work with loyalty, commitment and| As years roll by, the race for premium postions may end up on a biter note ‘ernal Sources lic outside an organisation. Hete the organisation can have the services of: (a) Employees . organisations; (b) Job aspirants registered with employment exchanges: (c) Students from educational institutions; (d) Candidates referred by unions, friends, relatives and existing employees; = forwarded by search firms and contractors; (F) Candidates responding to the advertisements, by the organisation; and (g) Unsolicited applications/walk-ins [merits and demerits of recruiting candidates from outside an organisation may be stated thus: Wide choice: The organisation has the Reodom sive: Hing costs ould go up svbsantaly soa has te freedom | Tang mubaous sources ofrecrument is nota Select candidates from a large pool. Persons with ‘pnes are not avaiable, the process has to be repeated Demotivating: Existing employees who have put in end up hiring not be able to adjust in the new not ‘itt and who may set-up. iy wed: metiods OF recruiting people Pemsconly wot e he folowing. re the ™6 “ | Method: be Internal Methoos : & veginiations prefer c@ fil VECRIEICS through promotions or tag. inf at refer fan employee from 2 lower level Position ning ‘i Promotions end Transfers vithin wherever gssible. Promotion ne et rompanied by (ost) chanas in duties zi) aise ane als (en HILL Lister program a ot Soa poi +S row vertically) bave fast-track promotion systems in place Tees ha é Se bur promore competency: {dn the recent past the AV Birla group has placed. id sople chrough the fast-tracker system (promoting st mers quickly) (A transfer, on the oh* gol rives lateral movement Wil je ‘another.)It may lead to changes in 4 hy 2 responsibilcis, working conditions, ¢t» Tnternal promotions and ttansfey gc om Allee people greater scope co experiment Wi bitions and motivating them ent ‘of course, works best fen Mi jhot ar something they might otherwise nevet soot ives who are willing to take risks, (Ganguly, Vaidya Job Posing and Job Bidding: Job posing is another way of hiring people from within.(Io this mete, 9 perm ree job, oe ‘on bulletin boards, electronic media and similar outlet (08 bg Ps Sen rly on inane ot the internet for informing employees that job openings exis.}fob : ra hat los eopoeawho believe shat they possess the required ual $0 pore? Hind Le ined ven ‘rapen job postings in early 2002 and quite a sizeable me E postions have since been filled through the process HLL even all i ip for example from technical postions 19 non-technical jobs such ee eee a — open epee system. Likewise, when Kotak Securities was ee ines 2c sal we: shied co Kotak Mabindm Bank which had openings Ta ueaarbencag a A in bran ‘ Pee eee ee ee ere ae “escheat pattem wibiodie the Birla group both in ieiaand sre gue : fee road. (Gi wer survey and Best Places to Work Survey 2008, are = involves mow y i a of ceponsibilitis, status and value 7 ot performers at file ‘me tracking star o ith their careers, kindling aml hhave considered. The syster™y nathan, Daum) One of the important advant hl mithin the company to lak hr pena cnet that ie ofes a The pce A SS thy wee ow se ey of such ithour ‘Most em, ‘openii Bad employes 169 {Employee refertal (also known as word of mouth advertising) mear ei ferral is that “it takes « commend the names ts sing penonal contact ding « job applicant. The # working in the organisation, in ths other organisations for a possible lar way of recruiting people in the high! nies offer rich rey bn from a current employee re ‘© know one”, Emp! of their friends workin ec. In fact, this has b ecoMe & po} ly competitive 8) Comg ; rds also to employees whose pred - d examining process is over ~ and job offers after the routine sere ted candidates. Citibank, for exampl Blup by che bank on the basis of their referral. Adol successfully referred a candic jing and lc, offers Rs. 50,000 to its employees for every vacancy be India runs a referral scheme where all employees who are eligible for a lucky draw where they can win a luxury car 3M also has an incentive-based emt fe Labs, Cognizant Technology Sol s joining thro ployee referral programme in place, Infotech companies such as Polaris lutions, Cisco Systems, erc., have even discovered that the stickiness of seal scheme is quite high. Companies like nel, IBM, Cisco, Flextronics encourage Byes to refer their friends and acquaintances regularly and win referral bonus, on the spue cash awards, get Hed to a lucky draw (in addition to the above), = = ons. They simply contain a message “We are looking for For additional information log Bp our Web site’ employees are encouraged to distribute these cards wherever they go, such as parties, Family gatherings, sports events, community gatherings, etc. The underlying philosophy is to let everyone thar the company wants qualified people to apply immediately. (See Mondy) ‘Recommender givés a realistic picture about the job. The applicant can Soa be pred he cual eniatenng cre ta Cee ‘is more likely to accept an offer it one is made and once emplayed, to have ‘a higher job survival. credibility of those who recommend their friends/relatives is at ? ie 0 ap totes oh toe oes deme ee to stay on. ‘excellent means of locating potential employees in those hard-to- f ie anaes ToS resect aH ones A Ob cote ‘avoid expensive recruiting search ~ in case the candidate gets selected. In essence, the frm has as many recruiters as it has employees. The method Is quick, effective and usually inexpensive, | recommenders may confuse friendship with job competence. Factors ‘such as bias, nepotism, and eagemess to see ther friends in the company may come in the way of hiring a suitable candidate, gaa nployee referrals tend to perpetuate the perspective ees s be cr rrorkocs. “Thera noone bs ay go oriatons that are trying t promote changes in strategy, outook or onertao’; il referral scheme should percolate down to all levels using various means: Secale eae should understand that they are being entrusted with a [Pascal kick of partis a ae tha hey come back wth more refer : a ng el ncaa Some a ut for the numl = =~ oa however, should be made to ensure qui ree ons Every artemp . are aiernee of employees recruited through the Progen yy 170 © Hanon 8 this rep disappointmenc in this TEE Gee diptMonstantiy rocasure the aul 4 sarcn the frm decides to shut down the progi reason for doing 5° wre, it should give advance notice deny come & Direct Methods fe is a meth ting and participating in college campus, | instirutions such as ITs, TMs, slg ‘having requisite technical or profesional sll, Jeb ih wapshot of job seekers tha Jprovided information about the jabs and dhe recite tum, get a snap s theugh eration wih respective insteuong. A preliminary sreco® © done within the fot aadents are then subjected ro the rémainder of the selection process. In. view of the p can Lever Ltd, Proctor & od of recruiting by Recruitment ‘ placement cenres, Hete the recruiters viet seputed educational eireriies wich a view co pick up jab aspirants in the short certain popular campus activities \ ahead in striking rapport with leading academic leaders to create a curriculum that is 5 Tnrel, Convergys, etc. have an excellent rclationshi taunt Fresher powessing employable skills and knowledge through an online resting programme. Ca fike HLL, Panraloon Retail, Reliance Industries, RPG Enterprises have joined hands with leading instnures in creating specialised courses required by the rewiling and logistics businesses. Leading audit maj) 4 consultancy and BPO firms have started looking for talene in reputed undergraduate colleges all ovis. | capecally in etis like Delhiy Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai and Pune. To hie the best, companies ate yatiry of tools sch a group discussions, ease presentations, apritude tests interviews, ity po ae in recent times. ; ‘Campus recruiting helps a company in reaching out to a large number of qualified job i " h P seekers in a shot ‘of time and ar a single api: The hiring process could be amc aia. with ae hepa administrative support from partnering institutions. Further, campus recruiting is moderate in tems is relevant co market requi p with leading technological instirutes and uni | 4 : ar knowegebeconceing the jobs that ag be He Chapter 6 Reuse @ 171 Campus recruiting, however, is not easy. Some common mistakes committed by {j,{} Common Mistakes made in Campus Recruiting Failure to utitise a full-time professional recruiter: Otten recruitment js used as a training experience for new employees. This results in rapid turnover in the recruitment office * The recruiter Is not professionally trained in interviewing: Prot trained as used here means a minimum training period of three days of principles and practices using live interviews that are audio or videotaped and critiqued The recruiter does not have the authority to make decisions with regard to hiring: Often this is reserved for the boss, who does not know how to ‘conduct an evaluation interview. * The actual plant visitis mishandled: Recruits are left waiting for scheduled appointments, corstant interruptions occur during the visit, arrangements: by the institute may not be upto the mark, prior shortisting of students is not arranged, etc. * The recruiter does not get involved in the development of the new employee: Because the recruiter often has the best rapport with the new ‘employee, he or she should become involved. ‘Source: F.W. Waters, Want to be a Pro?” J1. Of Cate Placement, 1976, ng: Radhika Dhawan offered the following guidelines covering campus recruitment of well-known companies in India thus (Dhawan). list campuses: The campuses whose curricula and specialisation match the needs of a company are ort listed in advance. Asian Paints, for instance, evaluates the education standards of all leading ESchools, including the quality of classroom education, the strengths of the faculty, and the depth of ort systems like libraries, computerised referencing et al. It also scans the entrance tests of these Bhools to find whether the admitted students are intellectually superior. The schools that fit its stringent dards are on its list every year recruiting team carefully: The recruiting team should consist of senior executives, having a thorough owledge of the company and the job. The composition of the team generally shows how seriously the agement takes campus recruitment, To create a fivourable impression, for example, HCL Technologies CEO Shiv Nadar addresses the students himself. Alumni from the B-school from which the firm iS to hire people could also be used to get a positive response. smartly, not highly: Since compensation is not the most important factor at the beginning of one’s feer, the recruiting firm should focus attention on a compensation package that is competitive and in Be with industry practices. For example, there is one thing all prospective Honeywell Technology Solutions (HTSL) employees in Bangalore are told clearly while they are being interviewed: the company is not Ying to:march the best salaries in the industry, But then the company has something that other companies offer. New recruits find the recognition system, the work culture and the learning opportunities a big tion. 4 clear image: Companies such as Procter and Gamble, Nestle present a clear image of how they new recruits build a promising career within short span of time “come, grow with us” is the theme t they sell to prospective candidates who are in search of interesting, challenging work assignments. er than assignments cushioned with rewards and benefits). WA 172 Hager Recurce Manperet no point in overslling the idea of 2 ovning vitae me amet the an ei Ee eae ncies are nurtured © rarded and compete “ gets ew - adents as early as possible and hy. gil 0 identify their st : ey ee ee ae 1 ering job offers on the sot et 38 Inthe gy 9 ring managers as coaches to each. on Campus sal ie aod? master ete. tht how performance © Get in early: Leading companies ty ‘elationships with them through various ‘on live projects, assessing theit abilicies bs Ong ai i nex bd with Se ately pursued wit asa later stage, the recruiting company ted Oe s . everyor ill: To avoid dis jinements as @ i © Not everyone fit cpegnnlites dppemraions of recruicelects and recheck everyting gal Sh i “ ° oe verify the career pla on fe! nec Methods a a ” before extending the job offers. >) : Advertisement rertisements in newspapers; trade, professional and techincal jour Aja, q Adena: Ta ini a re a col dy an iat ged verising, The ads generally give a brief outline of the job responsibilities, compensation package, f the ongansaton, ex. This method is appropriate when (a) the organisation ineends to reach a lage ts nd (b) the organisation wants a fairly good number of talented people ~ who are geographically set i apply for the advertised vacancies, let's briefly examine the wide variety of alternatives available 10 4 come: - as far as ads are concerned: ps 4 Newspapers ads “ike A i Evaluate the pros and cons: Here it’s easy to place job ads without much of a lead time. It has flexi of information and can conveniently target + specific geographic location. On the negative side, tend ¢o attract only those who are actively seeking employment at that point of time, while some of 1 ‘andidaces who are well paid and challenged by their current jobs may not be aware of such opesigp result, the company may be bombarded with applications from a large number of candidates who ate ‘qualified for the job ~ adding to its administrative burden, To maintain secrecy for various reasons (a0 rush, sending signals to competitors, cutting down expenses involved in responding to any indivi 9a applies, etc), large companies with a national reputation may also go in for blind-box ads in i ‘specially for filling lower level positions. In ablind-box ad, there is no identification of the advertising : Ciel pice = advertising through Business India, Business World, cei likewise; is noeiincosanaon toi perience with vaious media should sugge the moe nse reay: Outlook Business etc. The tmeium has 0 be colori, Inely and age Mable approach fo specific eypes of abe Lot of creativity required to entice people: These creativity is required to attract qualified though uments The obvi penta tag cane wih 208 and looking fora mening opporttty 9 switch peas aod change are Phe ca oho el imme showing some Kod of depersion— suisse hs Cg might ally at © timing a thse who are experience, knowledgable and ae ables deli eos gem Chapter 6 Recruitment @ 173 looking for a job but skim ruitment ad, especially when you interested in the firm. This is when best image of the company, j the ad(s) regularly to see what is available. So, in a way, the ate looking for stars in the job market, is to entice chose © creativity is needed, in putting everything in black and nvr vere, cene ah ieee rentable sma, The a rust—in 9 cea Peer scospective candidat nei tmPration (to go through the offer deals again and agin) . © Cake immediate action. well-designed, informative ad may help ople—who are reluctant to move out immed c a diately ~ to coi 5 ; terested in a new job. y nsider the company at a later date when sion and radio ads are more likely to reach individuals who are not active! distinctly, they help the organisation to target the audien designing ads cre seeking employment; they are more likely to i ce mote selectively and they offer considerable ively. In situations where hiring needs are urgent, television and radio ads offer pilts, even though these media may not be sufficient by themselves. However, these ads are expensive. se television or radio is simply seen or heard, potential candidates may have a tough time remembering and forward the application instantaneously. fhird Party Methods Employment Search Firms: A search firm is a private employment agency that maintains computerised lified applicants and supplies these ro employers willing to hire people from the list for a fee. Firms Anderson, Noble and Hewitt, ABC consultants, SB Billimoria, KPMG, Ferguson Associates offer ‘employment-related services to corporate houses for a fee, especially for top and middle level executive ‘At the lower end, a number of search firms operate — providing multifarious services to both recruiters tees. tarch firms have many plus points to their credit. They have many contacts and are especially good at ‘qualified, currently employed candidates who are not actively looking to change jobs. They can keep S name confidential till the deal is struck. They can advertise vacancies on their own, pre-screen hundreds ts and identify the right candidates in a highly professional way. On the negative side, the fees charged firms could be very high, sometimes over 30 per cent of the annual salary for the position to be filled. Re search firms may be more interested in persuading a firm to hire 2 candidate than in os one who er the results (Greary; Armstrong) To get the best on a ign a nates 2 Bre oa (i) Make sure the firm is capable oe out ie pee ares ae assignment and explain fully what vm es ge ornate writing (iw) Before striking the deal, meet the earch fim clients and find fe firm has completed recent assignments satisfctorily, in silent and secret way. inement, companies are also expected (0 notify (wherever the en a Foal youth, displaced persons. ex-military personnel, physically Des to notify the vacancies arising in their establishments ds etc. As por the Act all employer 37 PP a cxchanges before they ae fled 0 time — with certain exempsions ~ 0 the Pesta I pshments employing 25 oF more ee PU ee aaa ficulties involved in implementing the provisions ees ee eae ert heir seal stength vacances and shortage, returns ey ens Hee ‘etc.) many organisations have succes yf we oe they were asked to pick up Siar fram among those sponsored by the employ — were asked to and Contractors: Gate biting (vere job socks pel Ms soi ono pron met ar le pees ona daly bas), hiving tough Pre goth no sail in use — despite the many poses for their misse Exchanges: As a statutory Exchanges Act, 1959, appli over India for helping unemp! . 174 ©: Honan Resource ; Companies generally receive unsolicited applications from job Unsolicited Applicants! Walk-ins: O° wnds on economic conditions, the image of the. of such applications depe , ei : ot pbs that might be available etc. Such applications are rises, the company would intimate the candidate to s nel chod is that job seekers generally apply to a number of, 1, cither they are already employed in other organ ‘when they are actually required by the organisation, cid ly oor ecm in the postion. The walk-ins, in any case, should be treated courteously and thonake of hoth the recruiting company’s community image and the applicant's self-esteem. Internet Recruiting: In recent years most companies have found it useful ro develop their own job openings on it. The website offers a fast, convenient and cost effective means for job, their resume through the Internet. Infosys Technologies Ltd., for example, gets over 1000 resume prospective candidates through the Net. The resumes are then converted into a standard format software that the company has developed for short listing candidates according to a set criterion. ‘mater, qualifications, experience etc. The HR manager has to key in his or her requirement and candidates from the company’s database get generated. There are a variety of websites available ~ jn, 1 company’s own website ~ where applicants can submit their resumes and potential employers qualified applicants (such as (i) (ii) (iii) www. ‘ (v) (vi) (vii) www.datamat etc.). Internet recruiting, as mentioned earlier, generates fast, cost-effective, timly my from job applicants from different parts of the world. And that’s where the problem lies: the website m flooded with resumes from unqualified job seekers. Applications may also come from geographic unrealistically far away (Schreyar and McCarter). Internet, it should be noted, is not a selection replace background checks, face to face interviews and other steps to assess attitudes and behaviour that: find suitable candidates. It does not offer the personal touch that is so essential to gauze a candidate & Alternatives to Recruitment points of tin job seeker’ perception of the hank and whenever a suitable vacancy 2 channel. One importanc problem with this Since recruitment and selection costs are high (earch i riewii . ' proces, interviewing, agency ate bok temas relmet, epeily when mare demand fo acne a gsish. r once e are placed on the payroll, it may be extremely difficule theic performance is marginal, Some of the options in thie nprlecgie eee aa Temporary employees: 2s hired for a mited time to perfor specifi Pomry employees. They are paricuiary Use in meeting ure reas. A shortrm fcwase dean od be y hands from agencies specialising in provid ne firm can avoid the expenses of recrutment and the eism, labour tumover, etc. it can also avoid tinge rs iscciato wit regular employment. However, emporery workers do race eae SpaNY tay May take mor ie 1 ast a ht 'y come in the way of maintaining high quality So {eesing: An employee teasing fim recruits, trains and comperisates gmpioyees. Work supervision, dally dulles and other routine aspects of work are also taken care of by the same fim, For example, @ using seraces frm 2 5 y NUISeS and provides them to hospitals on a contract basis. The ‘ospital need not worry about human resource activities covering nurses, Nurses: ‘may join Or Quit the hospital at different points of time, but the hospital is relieved ‘of worrying about the availability of nurses on time, The leasing firm takes care of those aspects. In fact. most HR protessionais might find themselves working for such leasing firms rather than wocking for some big manufacturing or serves ‘organisations in the days ahead. As John Ross pointed out, employee leasing definitely offers the organisation the required flexibility to change the number of employees easily without actual lay offs. (“Effective ways to hire contingent personnel” HR Magazine, Feb, 1981) ‘Outsourcing: The purchase of a velue-creating activity trom an external supptier Is known as outsourcing. Most global firms resort to outsourcing in order to, mitigate risk and improve flexibility. i's always better to outsource something, from someone specalizing in that area—possessing resources and capabilities required to do the job in an outstanding manner and establish unquestioned competitive superiority over time— and profit tremendously. The auto manufacturing industry and the electronics industry have been doing this during the last decade or 80 quite successfully. The outsourcing firm can now focus attention on nurtuing smaller number of capabilities ac occonee =the probability of developing a competitive advantage because it eidend itgell beyond a point. By outsourcing activites in which it does not have Competence, the fi can fuly concentrate on those areas in which can creale temporary emy ts a big be sed with 1 Hy al cris, 48 per cant of uts0urine, $0 Pt cent of all earsner! ‘outsourcing and 45 per cent of development ‘outsourcing. (Wall Street Journal) Many businesses, nowadays, Ne : eS “New Approaches to Recruitment fe emvlove Branding the iy atrce tae, especially i? pee ue op class; (OP headlines every of the company must be good, et known for excellent ethical conduct, the wo ervctad chen, In short, the company itself must be Min pat Tes able co attract the best brains in the County gp +P Amazon, Southwest Airlines have thei images well se wll as general public. They all share the common, eal of treating their emp ot ae inland alinest heavily in employee training and development TE | Freer aiation’s culture as an employer in the market place—the core value proposition ployer anding—is very important in the modern world, Employer branding is dis Spportunity fora company to differenviate itself from the competition creating its branded mplovee saisfction and happiness resulting in retention, productivity and efficiency, 1.11.2007) companies like Infosys, Wipro, TCS have built enviable reputation on the strength of d ( cthical conduct, world-class work culture, and excellent work practices. The open and invi ‘environment keeps Microsoft India on top, HCL Infosystems promotes itself as an idea factory, A ‘ known as the nursery for talent, Mariott Hotels India presents itself as a caring institution, Cano 4 teanaork and team spirit as basic themes to encourage employees; Mind'Tree stands on honest @ ; the ima 2)! century, ent must be t envionment processes must be making brand like any other consumer ‘American Express, Starbucks, Late 1 with em ahead nue isd ; ' , fi y t The Web, as mentioned above, is : a cost effecti ici i ’ online to look for jobs anywhere in an c ee ‘aise nn wht a eu The compa el onl ofpansaiony—tke the Society foe Hoge com Naukicon ment sections in their websites ¢frn ue esis: uch as IT, ne wee wy d testing environment aaa . ization wide report, sin difereae Oder to get ae i «h candidate by Creating randomized texts, in the controlle 0 0 onlin lled environment and offspremise texts over the Intemet ‘cruitment is not hin the right candidate te ot hting the bet among those knocking at your door, rather hms capita, transcending al barriers with the help ef let A New Paradigm” accessed from e ed from hetp/iwwwhidas com; ‘ho se E-Rectuitment, The Hindi, 93,2005) anies have to evaluate the pee pir ret bor ecemaog fa ant = el a aoe i slcare ch ge setment Process. They cannot afford to fil all thei fancies through a particular source. To facilitate the deci is wg ill all theie. — the decision making process in this regard, companies rely on lapse data (TL oe They show the time lag between the date of requisition for manpower supply from a Bparment othe actual date of filing the vacancies in that deparment. For example, a company’s past experience indicate that the average number of days ffom application to intervie is 10, lm inerien ta ole bh mofer to acceptance is 10 and from acceptance to report for wor Enirment and selection process now, it would require 42 days th this information, the lengch of the time needed for alternative sources of recruitment can be ascertained — or pinning hopes on a particular source that meets the recruitment objectives of the company. ratios: These ratios indicate the number of leads/eontacts needed to generate a given number of hites at a at at time, For example, if a company needs 10 management trainees in the next six months, it ho, - nitor past yield ratios in order to find out the number of candidates to be contacted for this purpose. On the sof past experience, to continue the same example, the company finds that to hire 10 trainees, it has to knd 20 offers. IF the interview-to-offer ratio is 3:2, then 30 interviews must be conducted. Ifthe invitees to Eview ratio is 4:3 then, as many as 40 candidates must be invited. Lastly, if contacts or leads needed to atfy suitable trainees to invite are in 5:1 ratio, then 200 contacts be made. Based on this information, the mpany can construct the recruiting yield ratio, as shown below: Offer ratio 1:2 [ i» \ Trainees Needed Interview offer 3:2 ‘Candidates Invited ke to interview ratio 4:3 invitees Candidates Interviewed Leads to invitees ratio 5:4 178 Hon Rerce Mansoor Survey and tudes: Surveys May positions, For example, a8 poit people in the Information pe out to Find out the rationship Berne job. In addition 10 these, data 0” ‘employee turnover, the relative sttengths of a particular source of recruitment identifying the sources of recruitment, vendidae The cost pr hie can be found out by ‘ne of the first steps in planning for the S proper policies and procedures. A recruitment policy indi : area of activity. A typical policy statemene for poles ice oe nee References der," The 2X Factor: The Real Cost of Bad WE Casio, “Menaging Human Resource", New iting’, Ching Saf. 11,27, 2005 Dacthi, Ta McGraw Fil, 2009 GDeser," Honan Rewurce Management”, New Delt, Pil, 2009 Fier “oman Reurce Manage”, New Di, ian, 2009 Sune.“ Reruitng Employes”, Thousand Oaks, CA Sag, 1998, DA Decenn St Robbins, Pevonnel man Resource Management”, New Di, PesceHl.2009 RW. Mondy and R.M. Noe, “Huma Resource Management”, New Delhi Pasion, 2006 D.Ganguly, “Making the Grade”, Economie Ties, 19 Jub 2002, \aidyanachan, “Who will get the Hot seat2” Economic Tones, 17-23 Nov, 2000, ‘A Vaidyanathan and S, Sen, “Lever’s Lister,” Economie Times, 17-23 Nov, 2000. internal Promotion - Psychological Asset or Debit”, Organizational Behaviour and Human Peformance, 13,1975. ecto. H. Engel, “Six ways to Boost Employee Refer Programs Hk Mage, December, 198. Swenson, "Maximising Employee Referrals”, HR Focus 76, Jan. 1999. 5 Leonard, “Employee Referral should be Cornerstone of Staffing Effors”, HR News, August 1999. Cherian, Employee Referral Programme”, Fonomtc Times | June, 2000. M-Aband, "Hiring Sticky Workers”, Business World, 18 June, 2001. *. Dhawan, “How to Recruit on Campus?” Busines Tada, Jan 7-21, 1996. Meier, "Get the most Out of Search Firms Woke, 76.Augee OFT -Armcrong “A Handbook of Personnel Management Prati” Londons Kote ‘ 5 Recruiting’, HR Foeus 75,1998. A Scheyer and J. McCarter, 10 + steps to Bfetive Inter “The Tame of India 10-10.2003- pin HR Outsourcing: Few Takes for this Sunvise S10" > iy ‘Outsourcing HR: Does it Work?”, 7) New Delhi, Oxford, 2007 sg al Sate Human Reure Management OS) a3, “aN“The Mystery ofthe Vanishing Reeruiters Bait? ea “November 27,2006. “sles want: Engineering with MBA", The Hide . [.Daum

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