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Hail Damage Impacts on Corn Productivity:

A Review
Martín Battaglia,* Chad Lee, Wade Thomason, John Fike, and Amir Sadeghpour

M. Battaglia, W. Thomason, and J. Fike, Dep. of Crop & Soil

ABSTRACT Environmental Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences,
Hail influence on corn (Zea mays L.) yield depends Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061; C. Lee, Dep. of Plant and
on defoliation timing and severity. Complete Soil Sciences, College of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Univ.
defoliation during early vegetative stages can of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0312; A. Sadeghpour, Dep. of
have minimum yield effects if plants’ growing Plant, Soil and Agricultural Systems, College of Agricultural Sciences,
point is not affected but can generate some Southern Illinois Univ., Carbondale, IL 62901. Received 3 May 2018.
delays in the planting to flowering period. Low- Accepted 22 Oct. 2018. *Corresponding author (
severity defoliations after V10 can reduce yield Assigned to Associate Editor Lucas Borrás.
up to 30%. Higher severities gradually increase
Abbreviations: ASI, anthesis–silking interval; DON, deoxynivalenol;
yield penalties to a peak around flowering and
IPAR, intercepted photosynthetically active radiation; KN, kernel
decrease progressively during the grain-filling
number; KW, kernel weight; LAI, leaf area index; PGR, plant growth
period. Charts to estimate the percentage of
rate; QoI, quinone outside inhibitor; RM, relative maturity; RI,
corn yield loss due to defoliation developed in
radiation interception; ZEA, zearalenone.
the late 1960s are still accurate in most situa-

tions but fail to describe particular situations. ail stones, irregular ice clumps created in convective clouds
Defoliation around VT commonly affects time
(Changnon and Kunkel, 2003), can cause significant damage
to silking, anthesis–silking interval, and plant
to crops and property. As a weather phenomenon, hail storms are
growth rate, but not time to anthesis, and is
commonly explained by lower kernel number
highly variable both temporally and spatially, but these events
(KN). Defoliation at R2 commonly affects kernel have produced large economic losses for US agriculture, particu-
weight (KW), without changing KN. However, larly in corn (Zea mays L.) crops. The nation’s areas of greatest
several studies showed a reduction in both KW hail frequency are along and just east of the central Rocky Moun-
and KN with R2 defoliations. Under low plant tains, which typically experiences 6 to 12 hail events per year
disease pressure, fungicides applied around (Changnon et al., 2009). The valleys of the Rocky Mountains
VT do not help reduce any yield defoliation have the nation’s greatest hail intensity with the largest average
impact. Specific genotypes, row spacing, and stone sizes, whereas the lowest intensities are found in the eastern
hybrid maturity can influence crop yield defolia- and southwestern United States, where hail storms occur once
tion responses. More studies are warranted to every 2 or 3 yr (Changnon et al., 2009). In the continental United
confirm the potential for narrow rows to reduce
States, approximately half of all hailstorms occur between March
yield loss after defoliation.
and May (Klein and Shapiro, 2011), and about a third of all hail-
storms occur between June and September, a time period when
replanting options are not economically sound for farmers (Vorst,
1993). Overall, the average annual frequency of crop-damaging
hail across the United States is 158 d (Changnon et al., 2009).

Published in Crop Sci. 59:1–14 (2019).

doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.04.0285

© Crop Science Society of America | 5585 Guilford Rd., Madison, WI 53711 USA
All rights reserved.

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Long-term trends (1948–1997) indicate increased impossible to duplicate in experimental research. Even
frequency of hail events in the High Plains and Southeast more, the severity of a hailstorm typically varies spatially,
and decreases in the Midwest and West (Changnon, 2000). even in a small field. Nonetheless, manual defoliation—
However, nationwide, hail events and crop and property removing a given percentage of the leaf area at different
losses from hail all show downward trends for the period moments in the crop cycle—can be an effective research
of 1950 to 2009 (Changnon et al., 2009). Total hail losses tool for understanding the effects of hail damage on grain
for all crops were estimated in the late 1990s by Changnon yield loss (Dungan, 1934).
(1997) at about US$1.3 billion annually, representing
between 1 and 2% of the annual crop value. Hail losses RESEARCH ON METHODS AND TYPES
vary considerably regionally, representing, for example, 1 OF LEAF REMOVAL
to 2% of the crop value in the Midwest, 5 to 6% of the The potential photosynthetic contribution of leaves
crops produced in the High Plains, and much less elsewhere located at different heights within the crop canopy has
in the nation (Changnon, 1997). Corn grain yield losses been studied in defoliation experiments. Several studies
due to hail damage cost US producers about $580 million with older hybrids indicated that leaves above and below
annually (Changnon et al., 2009). Unusual years with high the ear were equally critical to grain yield (Hanway, 1969;
hail incidence like 2014, when crop insurance across the Egharevba et al., 1976). However, the relative contri-
United States registered the largest economic losses ever, bution of upper leaves to overall plant productivity in
may increase this value several times; however, for example, modern corn hybrids may be more important than for
a single hail event on 3 June 2014 caused injured losses of older hybrids (Adee et al., 2005; Subedi and Ma, 2005).
approximately $150 million in the state of Nebraska (http:// Hanway (1969) compared six leaf removal methods (50% removal) at VT and R2 stages using a midseason
Understanding the impacts of hail damage in corn plant hybrid. Removing (i) alternate pairs of leaves (every other
stands and the best strategies to manage them is important two leaves), (ii) all leaves from one side of each plant,
to minimize the economic losses produced by hail damage. (iii) half of each leaf (lengthwise), (iv) all leaves above the
The objective of this review is to summarize the current uppermost ear, (v) all leaves below the uppermost ear, or
knowledge in relation to the documented effects of hail on: (vi) the terminal half of each leaf reduced grain yields 17
(i) corn grain yields before and after the V10 growth stage, to 23%, but differences among treatments were not signifi-
(ii) corn grain yield components, (iii) dynamics of anthesis cant. Similarly, Egharevba et al. (1976) did not find grain
and silking processes, and (iv) plant disease pressure across yield difference when comparing complete defoliation
the United States over the last 200 yr. from below and above the uppermost ear within 30 d of the
R1 stage and concluded that leaves both above and below
TYPES OF HAIL DAMAGE the ear were critical for final grain yields. Egharevba et al.
IN CORN PLANTS (1976) hypothesized that this might be a mixed response
Corn plants damage by hail mainly result in loss of photo- resulting from a decreased ability to fix CO2 over time
synthetic area. Hail most often produces grain yield losses for the lower leaves, and the fact that mid- and late-season
by shredding leaf blades, resulting in a loss of leaf area hybrids have ?60% of total leaf surface under the main
(Dungan, 1934; Jenkins, 1941; Hanway, 1969; Vorst, ear. Thus, larger leaf area below the ear may have compen-
1993; Klein and Shapiro, 2011). In severe cases, the entire sated for the reduced photosynthetic efficiency associated
leaf blade is stripped from the leaf midrib. Other damage with leaf age. In contrast, only 12% reductions in final grain
to corn plants occurs when hail strikes small plants, yield were measured when all the leaves below the ear were
breaking them at the soil surface and reducing plant removed, whereas 88% yield reduction was measured with
stands (Dungan, 1934; Vorst, 1993; Nielsen, 2012). Hail- the removal of all leaves above the ear at R1 in a more
stones also bruise the stalks of larger plants, resulting in recent study conducted in Illinois (Adee et al., 2005). Simi-
interference with the movement of assimilates (Dungan, larly, removal of all leaves above the ear at the VT growth
1934) and increasing chances of plant breakage by winds stage reduced plant dry matter 2.3 and 12.3 times more
(Eldredge, 1935). If hail occurs at pollination, it may seri- than removal of all leaves below the ear in a conventional
ously interfere with normal fertilization of the kernels grain hybrid and a leafy silage corn hybrid in Canada,
through the destruction of the functioning organs of respectively (Subedi and Ma, 2005).
the tassels and silks (Dungan, 1934). Storms later in the
season may result in direct damage to the developing ears, HAIL DAMAGE IMPACTS ON CORN
causing complete ear loss or reducing the quality of the GRAIN YIELD
surviving kernels bruised by the hail stones. According Much research has been undertaken to understand the rela-
to Dungan (1934), the diversity of types and degrees of tionship between defoliation timing, defoliation severity,
injury that can be inflicted by hailstorms makes it almost and final grain yield in corn. The first field experiments

2 crop science, vol. 59, january–february 2019

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conducted in the United States focused on the study of maturity. At the same time, most studies have consistently
the practice named “topping.” This practice, common in shown that greater grain yield losses occur with 100%
the United States in the 1800s and early 1900s, consisted defoliation than with 50% defoliation (Dungan, 1934;
of cutting the corn plant right above the insertion of the Hanway, 1969; Hicks et al., 1977).
main ear around the dent stage (i.e., R5; Abendroth et
al., 2011) to use for livestock feeding (Dungan, 1934). Response to Corn Defoliation before the
Occasionally, this was followed by a practice known as V10 Growth Stage
“stripping,” which implied the removal of all leaf blades Dungan (1934) suggested that treatments earlier than the
below the main ear (Dungan, 1934). With a few excep- VT growth stage are not so detrimental to grain yield for
tions (e.g., Buel, 1842), these practices were resisted by two reasons: (i) some new leaves may still unroll with the
scientists during the first half of the 19th century. Ruffin elongation of the tassel-bearing stem, and (ii) after defolia-
(1835) defined them as “among the most irrational prac- tion, the photosynthetic efficiency of the remaining leaves
tices in agricultural pursuits” and added that “at not is increased by the removal of blades, thus preventing
distant day farmers will condemn the present practice.” the grain yields from falling off in direct proportion to
Tucker (1837) claimed that “among enlightened farmers, the amount of leaf area destroyed. However, complete or
the practice of topping has fallen into general disrepute, near-complete defoliation on plants before V6 resulted
and as it is most clearly unprofitable practice, it should in differing results in other studies. Lindstrom (1935)
be entirely abandoned.” Tracy and Lloyd (1895), summa- studied the grain yield response after removing 75 to 85%
rizing the work on the impacts of corn topping from eight of the upper aerial biomass (wet weight basis) in six F1
research stations across the United States in the late 1800s, inbred progenies on four different dates, starting at 9 d
reported grain yields losses of 16 to 18% after topping and finishing at 21 d after emergence. Overall, grain yield
corn stands in comparison with control plots. Moreover, decreased for all the defoliation dates, with reductions
these reductions in yields were not compensated by the ranging from 15 to 33% on plants defoliated at 9 and 21
extra value of the forage obtained for livestock feeding d after emergence, respectively (Lindstrom, 1935). Clon-
(Connell, 1890; Hunt, 1891). inger et al. (1974), working in Missouri with 28 crosses
In general, grain yield losses from hail damage to among eight inbred lines, documented that cutting V3,
young plants, up to 3 wk postemergence, is often minimal V4 to V5, and V6 corn plants at the ground level decreased
( Jenkins, 1941) because the growing point is still below grain yields by 11, 38, and 46%, respectively. Similarly,
the surface, thus enabling high tolerance to hail damage complete removal of aboveground biomass between V3
(Vorst, 1993; Lee, 2007). From this time and approxi- and V6 growth stages decreased yields 5 to 44% in other
mately until to V9 to V10 growth stages, defoliation studies (Eldredge, 1935; Dungan and Gausman, 1951).
treatments imposed to simulate hail damage reduced corn Dungan and Gausman (1951) observed that cutting V7
grain yield in several studies (Eldredge, 1935; Lindstrom, to V8 plants at the soil level has the potential to produce
1935; Dungan and Gausman, 1951; Cloninger et al., 1974; almost complete grain yield loss (i.e., 97%) in some cases,
Johnson, 1978) but did not change it (Crookston and whereas cutting the same plants at 5 cm above ground level
Hicks, 1978; Andrade et al., 2002; Battaglia et al., 2018) can reduce those losses by up to 54%. The authors attrib-
or even increase it in others (Crookston and Hicks, 1978). uted the latter response to the fact that the growing point
After V10, plant nutrient and dry weight accumulation, in plants at the V7 to V8 stage were within 5 cm of ground
and therefore the overall water and nutrient requirements, level, precluding its removal by the imposed treatments.
greatly increase in corn (Ritchie et al., 1993; Abendroth Corn relative maturity (RM) group may play an
et al., 2011), and the plant becomes more vulnerable to important role in responses to defoliation in some cases
hail damage (Vorst, 1993). As a result of this, damage (Crookston and Hicks, 1978), but not in others ( Johnson,
increases gradually to a peak in the period just preceding 1978; Andrade et al., 2002). Crookston and Hicks (1978)
or a few days after tasseling, when complete defoliation reported that complete defoliation at V3 to V4 in early-
can cause grain yield losses as high as 100% (Hume and maturing hybrids may boost final grain yields. Working in
Franzke, 1929; Eldredge, 1935; Hanway, 1969; Egharevba Minnesota with 12 different early-maturing hybrids (70 to
et al., 1976; Vasilas and Seif, 1985a; Andrade et al., 1999; 90 RM) in 75-cm row widths, they observed that complete
Adee et al., 2005). Grain yield losses to defoliation after defoliation at V3 to V4 caused an average 13% grain yield
tasseling decrease progressively approaching maturity increase in one location, and a range of responses ranging
(Vorst, 1993), although they can still reach values of up from no change up to 22% yield increase across three other
to 40% with complete defoliation at R3 (Eldredge, 1935) locations. In another experiment, a side-to-side compar-
or R4 (Andrade, personal communication, 2012), even- ison between an early (90 RM) and full-maturity hybrid
tually reaching 0 (Dungan, 1934; Jenkins, 1941; Adee et (115 RM) resulted in a 56% increase and 7% grain yield
al., 2005; Battaglia et al., 2018) to 5% (Eldredge, 1935) at decrease for complete defoliation at V3 to V4 compared

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with the undefoliated control, respectively (Crookston values between 90 and 95% (Williams et al., 1965; Gallo
and Hicks, 1978). Authors hypothesized that the V3 to and Daughtry, 1986). However, these LAI values are rarely
V4 defoliation occurred at or near floral initiation for the measured in the field. Bradley and Ames (2010) measured
early, but not for the full-maturity hybrid. A sudden loss greater LAI at V12 in undefoliated corn plants than in
of vegetative tissue in a plant that is developing vegetative corn plants defoliated between 25 and 30% (LAI values of
and reproductive structures would likely induce a drastic 3.2 vs. 2.3, respectively). In this experiment, defoliation
change in source–sink relations, in turn stimulating rates of 30% or less at the V12 stage were enough to reduce
embryonic ear growth at the time of reproductive initia- yields by 18 to 30%. In a 2-yr experiment conducted in
tion. In contrast, Johnson (1978) observed that, regardless Balcarce, Argentina, Andrade (personal communication,
of maturity, complete defoliation of several early-, mid-, 2012) studied the effect of four levels of defoliation (i.e.,
and full-season hybrids at V2, V3, and V4 reduced final control [0%], mild [33%], moderate [50%], and severe
grain yield by an average of 12% and leaf area index [100%]) imposed at V17, R1, and R4 on corn grain yield.
(LAI) by 22% at two Illinois locations over a 2-yr period. Control plants reached 95 and 80% IPAR for irrigated and
Johnson (1978) concluded that there was no evidence that rainfed conditions, respectively. Average IPAR for mild
grain yields and loss in LAI in early-season hybrids were (33%) and moderate (50%) defoliation was ?80%, being
less sensitive to defoliation than yields and LAI of full- always slightly lower for 50% than for 33% defoliation.
season hybrids. In addition, defoliation from V2 to V4 in With severe defoliation, crops did not exceed 40% IPAR.
this study did not have a beneficial effect on the grain yield Grain yield was reduced 94% with 100% defoliation at
of corn. Similar trends were documented by Andrade et V17 and R1 and 42% with 100% defoliation at R4. Mild
al. (2002), who did not find differences in yield between and moderate defoliations decreased grain yields by 13%
a mid- and a full-season corn completely defoliated at V3 with no differences due to timing of defoliation.
and V5 in either 52- and 70-cm rows working in Argen- Contrasting grain yield responses to defoliation for
tina. Maximum grain yield was achieved for both hybrids different corn RM were more noticeable with treat-
and row widths with defoliations at V3. Yields did not ments imposed immediately before or after VT in the
differ from control treatments, as corn plants reached at studies conducted by Hicks et al. (1977). Defoliation
least 80% maximum solar radiation interception (RI) at of an early (90 RM) and full-season (115 RM) hybrids
silking (versus at least 85% RI in the control). Grain yields reduced average grain yield by 30, 100, and 45% for
for both hybrids were similarly reduced with defoliation at complete defoliations (i.e., 100%) at V11, VT, and R3,
V5, but reductions were greater with 70-cm (−20%) than respectively. Complete defoliation at R5 did not affect
with 52-cm (−9%) row spacing; plants intercepted only 63 yield for the 90-RM hybrid but decreased yield by 12%
and 73% RI at silking in each case, respectively. in the 115-RM hybrid. Partial defoliation (i.e., 50%) at
V11 produced similar grain yield reductions of 5% for
Response to Corn Defoliation after the both hybrids. However, partial defoliation at the VT stage
V10 Growth Stage reduced grain yields less in the 90-RM (11%) than in the
Dungan (1934) removed 8, 17, 25, 33, 50, 67, 83, and 115-RM hybrid (30%). Partial defoliation during R3 and
100% of leaves at the tasseling (VT), fresh silking (R1), R5 increased yield by 3.5 and 13% in the 90-RM hybrid,
early blister (R2), milk (R3), and early dent stages (R5). respectively, but reduced yield of the 115-RM hybrid by
Plant development stage had little influence on grain yield 9 and 5%, respectively. These responses may be explained
reduction with up to 25% leaf removal. Grain yield loss by the improved water use efficiency of partially defoli-
reached 100% for 100% blade removal at R1 and dropped ated short-season plants exposed to low soil water contents
gradually with subsequent growth stage, reaching 0% loss at reproductive stages in at least 1 of the 3 yr under study,
at R5. These findings supported results from previous and not because of differences in post-defoliation IPAR
work from the late 1800s to early 1930s (Connell, or LAI between the two hybrids (Hicks et al., 1977).
1890; Tracy and Lloyd, 1895; Hume and Franzke, 1929; Conversely, Hanway (1969) found that defoliation caused
Culpepper and Magoon, 1930; Dungan, 1930). greater grain yield losses for an early- than for a mid- and
The early generation of leaves and their posterior late-season hybrid in Iowa. Defoliation at the V10, VT,
maintenance close to or during the critical period in corn and R2 stages reduced average grain yield by 10 to 19,
(i.e., ±15–20 d bracketing VT to R1 stages) are impor- 17 to 28, and 17 to 22%, respectively, for 50% defoliation
tant variables affecting the light interception efficiency and by 17 to 42, 97 to 99, and 66 to 74%, respectively,
(Williams et al., 1965; Maddonni and Otegui, 1996; for 100% defoliation. In this study, three different plant
Cárcova et al., 2003a, 2003b) and have profound impacts populations had no significant effect on grain yield loss as
on the final grain yield achieved (Andrade et al., 1993). a result of defoliation treatments. In the other extreme of
Theoretical increases in LAI of up to 6 to 6.5 increase responses, Egharevba et al. (1976) reported no significant
intercepted photosynthetically active radiation (IPAR) to interaction between hybrids and grain yield for defoliation

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initiated at R1 and continued every 10 d for the next

—————————————————————————————————————————————————— % ——————————————————————————————————————————————————
40 d in an early-, mid-, and late-season hybrid in a



2-yr study in Missouri.

Almost all experiments available in the litera-



ture were designed to show the effect of defoliation

treatments on the corn grain yield at a specific stage.


Interestingly, Adee et al. (2005) used the term “corn
defoliation progress curves” in a defoliation experi-




ment in northern Illinois to describe corn response to
progressive defoliation initiated at V14 through R5.

Grain yield (in units of Mg ha−1) declined linearly



with defoliation initiated at V14 through R3, but the

percentage of grain yield loss associated with any level



of defoliation did not differ between V14 and R3. Defo-
liation after the R3 stage resulted in a lesser grain yield




loss, with no change in yields from R5 defoliation.

Percentage leaf area destroyed











Hail insurance companies have used the National
Table 1. Estimated yield loss percentage as a result of corn defoliation at different growth stages.†

Crop Insurance Service’s charts (Table 1) to estimate


the percentage of corn yield loss due to defoliation



at various stages since the late 1960s in the United

† Source: adapted from the National Crop Insurance Association’s “Corn Loss Instructions” (revised 1984) in Vorst (1993).

States (Lee, personal communication, 2013). At the



field level, crop adjustors use the “hail adjustor’s hori-
zontal leaf method” to quickly determine the corn



growth stage when hail damage has occurred. Vege-
tative stages in this scale are determined by counting

the number of leaves tips that are bending over.



However, this method does not account for the first

oval-shaped leaf, and it usually needs some approxi-





mation (i.e., splitting a lower corn stalk, and locating

the first node, usually connected to the fifth leaf ) to



determine growth stage beyond the eight-leaf stage
when leaves usually slough off from the corn stalk,



or in situations where upper leaves are missed after a 0
severe hail storm (Lee, 2007; Thomison, 2016). Crop

extension agronomists and professional agronomists




have widely adopted the “leaf collar method,” in


which leaves with visible collar are counted as fully



developed leaves. Wide adoption of this method, at

both the research and extension levels, and its greater
Approx. equivalence
with leaf collar

degree of accuracy in determining corn vegetative

‡ Adapted from Abendroth et al. (2011).

stages even after severe hail storms may be important








features to determine its adoption by crop insurance

adjusters in the near future.
Currently, losses resulting from corn defoliation
due to hail damage prior to V5 (collar method) are
19- to 21-leaf

calculated based on the need or lack of need to replant

Soft dough
Stage of

corn stands, and not as a percentage of the final grain









yield loss (Table 1). However, research conducted in


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the 1970s in Illinois, Minnesota, and Missouri showed critical period in corn are not available for either inbreds
that defoliations between V2 and V4 had the potential to or specialty crops.
produce both negative and positive grain yield responses The differences between values used by crop adjusters
ranging between −8 and +13% in most comparisons. and those reported in field experiments tend to disappear
In some particular situations, yields were reduced up to with defoliations occurring immediately before or after
22% and grain yield increased up to 48% (Cloninger et the VT to R1 stage in corn hybrids for grain production.
al., 1974; Hicks et al., 1977; Crookston and Hicks, 1978; Hanway (1969) observed grain yield losses of 25 and 98%
Johnson, 1978) (Table 2). Clearly, these potential boosts after partial and complete defoliations at VT, compared
in final grain yield after early defoliations in corn are with values of 31 and 100% for identical comparisons in
not currently accounted for at the time farmers or crop Table 1. Similarly, other authors have reported grain yield
adjusters evaluate replanting options. losses close to or at 100% for complete defoliations at VT
An ample majority of the grain yield data from defolia- or R1 stages (Eldredge, 1935; Hanway, 1969; Egharevba
tions performed between the V5 and V9 stages in previous et al., 1976; Adee et al., 2005; Battaglia et al., 2018). It is
studies (Eldredge, 1935; Dungan and Gausman, 1951; evident that genotypic differences in their yield response
Cloninger et al., 1974) are not comparable with the esti- to defoliations exist (Tamagno et al., 2016).
mated grain yield loss for a similar growth stage in Table Battaglia et al. (2018) reported grain yield losses
2. In the first case, most defoliations were performed at between 4 and 27% for partial and >85% for complete
heights either at or around 5 to 6 cm above ground level, defoliations at the V14 stage, compared with values of 18%
resulting in grain yield losses of up to 97% with ground- for 50% defoliation at V14 and 61% grain yield loss for
level defoliations at V8. These situations, where most of 100% defoliation at V14 in Table 1. Over the 2-yr study
the plant is damaged from planting up to V8, are more in Kentucky, V14 occurred 2 to 4 d before the VT stage,
properly covered by the charts used to evaluate replanting. which explains the similarity between the values reported
When situations were comparable (i.e., only the laminar in this experiment and the grain yield losses around the
part of the leaf was defoliated), complete defoliations at V5 VT stage in Table 1. However, analysis of the data shows
resulted in grain yield losses of 19% in Ohio (Mangen et a significant triple interaction among hybrids (113 and
al., 2005), compared with chart values of 9% for a similar 120 RM), rows (38 and 76 cm), and defoliations in 1 yr,
comparison (Table 1). Battaglia et al. (2018) found no with 50% defoliations at V14 reducing the grain yield of
evidence of grain yield loss after complete defoliation at the 120-RM hybrid in narrow rows (−27%) more than in
the V7 stage in most comparisons in Kentucky, compared wide rows (10%), and vice versa (113-RM hybrid grain
with chart yield losses between 11 and 13% for defoliations yield was less reduced in narrow [−4%] than in wide rows
>90% at the V7 stage (Table 1). [−27%]). Similar interactions were observed for 50% defo-
Chart grain yield losses for partial and complete defo- liations at R2 in this study. Complete defoliations at the
liations at the V10 and V11 stages (9–10 and 28–34%, VT or R2 stage, regardless of the levels of other factors,
Table 1) are similar to those reported by Hanway (1969) reduced grain yields by >85% in most comparisons.
in Iowa and Hicks et al. (1977) in Minnesota for partial
(5–15%) and complete defoliations (30%) at the V10 to V11 CORN GRAIN YIELD COMPONENTS
stage, respectively (Table 2). Partial defoliations at the V12 AFFECTED BY DEFOLIATION
(Vasilas and Seif, 1985b) and V13 (Mangen et al., 2005) Kernel number (KN) per surface area and kernel weight
stages resulted in grain yield losses between 8 and 15%, (KW) are the main yield components reported for most
which is comparable with chart losses between 13 and crops (Egli, 1998). In the case of corn, the number of
15% for identical comparisons (Table 1). However, chart kernels set per plant is highly dependent on the environ-
losses used by insurance companies may not be adequate ment around silking (Kiniry and Ritchie, 1985; Tollenaar
to assess the impact of complete defoliation occurring et al., 1992; Andrade et al., 1993; Kiniry and Knievel,
immediately before the occurrence of the VT to R1 stage 1995). Consequently, plant physiological status around this
in inbreds lines or specialty crops. In the V12 stage, 100% stage is critical for final KN in corn (Andrade et al., 1999),
defoliations performed by Vasilas and Seif (1985b) led to since corn is highly inefficient in the use of assimilates
yield losses across six contrasting inbreds ranging from 25 stored before silking (Kiniry et al., 1992; Borrás et al.,
to 74% (Table 2), compared with a hail insurance grain 2004). Kernel weight is also an important component of
yield loss of 44% (Table 1). In the case of Mangen et al. final grain yield and is highly dependent on the postsilking
(2005), yields for high- (91% male-sterile hybrid and 9% environment (Cirilo and Andrade, 1996; Maddonni et al.,
pollinator seed) and normal-oil hybrids (100% male fertile 1998; Borrás et al., 2004).
plants) declined between 28 and 30% after 100% defolia- Grain yield losses associated with defoliation around VT
tions at V13, compared with chart values of 51% (Table 1). or R1 (tasseling or silking) were mainly explained by fewer
Data on the impact of corn defoliation after the VT to R1 KN in numerous studies (Culpepper and Magoon, 1930;

6 crop science, vol. 59, january–february 2019

Table 2. Summary for relevant defoliation studies.
Reference Study Hybrids or inbred lines† Maturity‡ Defoliation timing§ Defoliation severity¶ Final yield# Yield component affected††
Dungan (1934) 1925–1929 1925–1928: uniform strain of – VT, R1, R2, R3, and R5 8.3, 16., 25, 33.3, 50, 66.7, ?100% loss for 100% defoliation at VT and R1; No reference about KN; KW most
(Illinois) open-pollinated Reid Yellow Dent 83.3, and 100% then decreasing until reaching 0% at maturity; reduced by R2 defoliation
little effect of defoliation up to and below 25% at
1929: F 1365 any stage other than VT
Lindstrom (1935) 1933 6 lots of F1 inbred progenies – From +9 to +21 d after 75 to 85% top plant aerial 15 to 33% yield loss from early to late –
(Iowa) planting portion cutting, respectively

Dungan and 1945–1948 1945–1947: double cross-hybrids – V6 and V7–V8 Cutting at soil level and 5 V6: 44 and 26%; V7–V8: 97 and 54% –
Gausman (1951) U.S. 13, Illinois 201, and Illinois cm above soil level at each yield losses for ground and +5-cm level,
(Illinois) 972 stage respectively

1948: eight adapted single crosses – V5–V6 and V8–V9 Cutting at soil level and 6 From 18 (V5–V6, soil level) to 48% (V8–V9, 6 –
and eight standard inbreeds cm above soil level cm above soil) yield reduction

Hanway (1969) 1965 3 hybrids: early (B8xW153R), – V10, VT, and R2 50 and 100% 15, 25, and 20% for 50% defoliation and 30, KN and KW for all treatments except
(Iowa) midseason (Wf9xB37), and late 98, and 69% for 100% defoliation at V10, VT, 100% at VT (complete barrenness)
(B14xC131A) and R2, respectively

Cloninger et al. 1969–1970 28 single crosses among 8 74 to 88 d to VT V3 to V4–V5 to V6 Ground-level cutting Average 11, 38, and 46% yield reduction for –
(1974) (Missouri) inbreeds lines (Va35, H49, B57, V3, V4–V5, and V6, respectively; yield increase

crop science, vol. 59, january–february 2019 

B37, B14A, Mo17, Mo5, N38A) in five singles crosses clipped at V3 and one
cross clipped at V4–V5

Egharevba et al. 1971–1972 P3773, P3306, and P3149 Early-, mid-, and Starting 10 d after R1 and All leaves below ear, all Complete defoliations more detrimental KN most reduced with 100%
(1976) (Missouri) late-season, continued at 10-d intervals leaves above ear, and all (6–82% losses) than partial defoliation defoliation from +0 to +10 d after 50%
respectively for the next 40 d leaves (2–33% losses) R1; KW most important from +20
d and more from 50% at R1 and/or
partial defoliation

Hicks et al. (1977) 1973–1975 Short-season (Trojan TXS 85) and 90 and 115 RM V3–V4, V11, VT, R3, and 100% at V3–V4; 50 and 100% yield loss for 100% defoliation at VT; KN not recorded; KW not affected
(Minnesota) full-season DeKalb XL45a R5 100% for the rest slightly greater yield losses at R2 (range = +4 before VT; after VT, KW was greatly
to −47%) than V11 defoliation timing (range = reduced only at 100% defoliation
−3.5 to −31%); 100% rates always produced rates
greater losses than 50% rates

Crookston and 1973–1975 Short-season (Trojan TXS 85) 90 and 115 RM V3–V4 100% 8% yield loss for full-season hybrid; 48% KW not affected; authors hypothesized
Hicks (1978) and full-season DeKalb XL45a average increase for short season KN was completely affected
1975 12 short-season hybrids 70–95 RM V3–V4 100% Average yield increase of 13% (range = +37 –
to −14%)

1976 12 short-season hybrids (three 70–95 RM V3–V4 100% Average yield response ranged from 0 to –
locations) −22% from southern to northern locations
Johnson (1978) 1976–1977 9 hybrids (Funks 5048, Trojan 8 early-season V3–V4 100% 11.2% yield decrease (averaged across both Smaller ears
(Illinois) TXS85, Sokota SK36, Pioneer hybrids; DeKalb years and 9 hybrids)
3976, Jacques JX62, DeKalb XL43a full-season
XL12, DeKalb XL310, Minhybrid
7301, DeKalb XL43a)

1976 4 early-season and one full- – V3–V4 100% 13% yield decrease (averaged across 5 Smaller ears
season hybrids hybrids)

1977 2 early-, 2 mid-, and 2 full- – V2, V3, and V4 100% 10% yield decrease (averaged across 6 Smaller ears
season hybrids hybrids) 7
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Table 2. Continued.
Reference Study Hybrids or inbred lines† Maturity‡ Defoliation timing§ Defoliation severity¶ Final yield# Yield component affected††
Tollenaar and 1970–1971 1970: United 106, 1971: United – 1970: 0, 2, 4, and 6 wk 50 and 100%, only 100% Maximum yield for control 6 wk after R1: 15% KN: 100, 61, and 16% loss with
Daynard (1978) 106 and Warwick SL 209 after R1, 1971: 1 wk after for the extra treatment yield loss for 50 and 100% defoliation; 0, 2, 100% defoliation after 0, 2, and 4 wk
(Ontario) R1 added included in 1971 and 4 wk after R1: 21, 29, and 38% loss for from R1; 50% defoliation produced
50% severity; 46, 73, and 100% for 100% losses of up to 26% only within first
severity; 1 wk after R1 (1971): 89% loss 2 wk from R1; KW: not affected
with defoliation within 4 wk from R1;
reduction of up to 38% in KW with
100% defoliation after 4 wk from R1

Vasilas and Seif 1982–1983 6 inbreds (FR16, MS17, – V12.5 50 and 100% 100% defoliation: greatest yield loss (−74%) for Yield reductions explained more
(1985b) (Illinois) FRM017rbm, FR25, FR632, and FR16, FRM017rbm, and FR632; intermediate by reductions in KN (6 to 58% with
FR27rbm) loss (−54 to −57%) for MS17 and FR25, and complete defoliation; <10% with partial
lowest (−25%) for FR27rbm; 50% defoliation: defoliation); only 100% defoliation
yield loss ranging from 8 to 13%, with +9% reduced KW, but <10% in most
yield increase in inbreds FR16 and FR27rbm comparisons

Yao et al. (1991) 1988–1989 Ferke 7928 – One defoliation in 1988; 100% All defoliation reduced grain yield compared Control (T1) had ?6% greater KN per
(Ivory Coast) control (T1), two (T2), four with the control (T1), with yield losses cob than T2 and T3; defoliation delayed
top (T3), all leaves above ranging from 46 (T4) to 100% (T2) silking but not tasseling; all defoliation
(T4), or below ear (T5), or reduced KN (range = −32 to −100%)
three top leaves above ear and KW (range = −55 to −100%)
undefoliated (T6)

Adee et al. (2005) 1997–1999 P3394, P3489, and P33Y18 2660, 2630, and V14, R1, R2, R3, and R5 20% of the leaf area at Yield declined linearly with defoliation initiated –
(Illinois) 2710 GDD one or more corn growth at V14 through R3; losses associated with
stages any level of defoliation did not differ between
V14 and R3; after R3, yield losses diminished;
defoliation at R5 did not affect final yield

Mangen et al. 1999–2000 Two high-oil corn (HOC) TopCross NOC: 108 RM V5 and V13 50% (only V13), 100% (V5 100% defoliation at V5 and 50% defoliation KN was reduced between 7 and 11%
(2005) (Ohio) blend (P34K79 and P34B25) and and 1480 GDD and V13) at V13 reduced yield only in 2000 (−19 and by 100% defoliation at V5 and 100%
two normal-oil corn (NOC) hybrids (P34K77); 12%); 100% defoliation at V13 reduced defoliation at V13 only in 2000; 50%
(P34K77 and P34B23) 109 RM and 1500 yields by 28–30% (no differences in yield defoliation at V13 did not affect KN;
GDD (P34B23) between HOC and NOC hybrids; no hybrid KW was reduced 7 to 11% by 100%
´ defoliation interaction for all comparisons) defoliation at V13

Echarte et al. 2000–2001 DKF880, M400, DK4F36, DK664, 120, 128, 127, 116, 27 d (?330 GDD) after Aiming at reducing canopy – Defoliation 27 d after R1 reduced KW
(2006) (Argentina) and DK752 and 125 RM R1 of each hybrid photosynthetically active and grain-filling period for all hybrids;
radiation (PAR) interception no effect on KN or kernel growth rate
by 1/3 with respect to intact

Borrás et al. (2009) 2005 4 hybrids and 4 inbreds – ?10 d before 50% anthesis Aiming at reducing – Defoliation increased the anthesis–
(Iowa) leaf area index (LAI) by silking interval and decreased the
?70%; accomplished by number of plants reaching silking and
removing all but the four plant growth rate around flowering up
uppermost leaves to 53%

Severini et al. 2007–2008 Iowa: popcorn public (R18, – 15 d before (Def−15) and Close to 100% (all but – KN: greater losses due to Def−15 (−13
(2011) (Iowa and IDS69, IDS91) and dent inbreds 17 d (Def+17) after 50% the top to −30%) than DF+17 (−5 to −19%);
Argentina) (B73, Mo17, N209) anthesis (beginning grain three or four leaves KW reduced the most by Def+17 (−9
filling) removed) to −38%)
Argentina: commercial hybrids
P625 and P802 (popcorn) and
AW190 (dent)

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more by GFD (up to −27%) than FD (up
Hanway, 1969; Vasilas and Seif, 1985a; Severini et al., 2011;

KN reduced most by 100% defoliation

100% defoliation at R2 (−23 to −48%);

Flowering defoliation reduced yield more (up KN reduced more by FD (up to −51%)
Yield component affected††

to −53%) than defoliation during grain filling than GFD (up to −14%); KW reduced

at V14 (−90 to −95%), followed by

KW reduced up to 71% by 100%

Tamagno et al., 2016; Battaglia et al., 2018), with KN
reductions as high as 62% with complete defoliation 10 d

defoliation at R2
after R1 (Egharevba et al., 1976), and 95% with complete
to −10%) defoliation at V14 (Battaglia et al., 2018). Although grain
yield effects in corn are mainly explained by changes in
the KN (Hall et al., 1981), grain yield reductions related
to a decline in KW with defoliation just before or at R2
(beginning of the grain-filling period) were widely docu-

§ Control treatment (not stated in the table) was included in all experiments. Vn, number of leaves completely unfolded; VT, anthesis; R1, silking; R2, blister stage; R3, milk stage; R5, dent stage.
mented in the past (Hanway, 1969; Egharevba et al., 1976;
defoliation at V14 and R2 reduced yield >85%
in most comparisons; 2013: hybrid ´ row ´
comparisons; 50% at V14 and 50% at R2

Tollenaar and Daynard, 1978; Echarte et al., 2006) without

and between 4 and 34% in 2013; 100%
reduced yield by 22% and 11% in 2012,
100% at V7 similar to control in most

changing the final KN. More recent studies showed that

partial and complete defoliation at R2 not only decreased
Final yield#

KW, as expected, but also decreased KN (Tamagno et al.,

(up to −36%)

2016; Battaglia et al., 2018).

Echarte et al. (2006) tested plant defoliation treatments
to decrease assimilate availability during the grain-filling
period. These were established at 27 d after R1 to reduce
IPAR by 33%. Three to four leaves were left on each
plant after the defoliation treatment. For all hybrids tested,
defoliation did not affect KN per plant, nor the kernel
Defoliation timing§ Defoliation severity¶

100%: all timings, 50%:

growth rate relative to the control, but defoliation reduced

70 to 80% (upper 4
leaves always left

mean final KW and grain-filling duration. Kernel weight

V14 and R2

was reduced by 38% for newer hybrids (released in 1993)

and 23% for older hybrids (released between 1965 and
1982). Echarte et al. (2006) concluded that a greater ear
demand relative to source capacity for newer hybrids
after anthesis (grain-filling
10–15 d before (flowering

explained their shorter effective grain-filling duration;

defoliation; FD) and 20 d

‡ Days to either 50% pollen shedding or physiological maturity. RM, relative maturity; GDD, growing degree days.
defoliation; GFD)

thus, newer hybrids had greater reductions in KW (lower

V7, V14, and R2

grain stability) in response to source reductions during

grain filling compared with older hybrids.
Eventually, 100% defoliation treatments at VT may
result in complete barrenness (Hanway, 1969). Test weight
(Dungan, 1934; Hicks et al., 1977; Lauer, 1994; Tamagno
113 and 120 RM

et al., 2016), shelling percentages (Hicks et al., 1977),


ear weight (Hanway, 1969), and grain-filling duration

(Echarte et al., 2006) may also be negatively affected by

defoliation during the grain-filling period.
Table 2 provides a detailed summary of the data from
ACA2002, NT426, AX887, DK747
Hybrids or inbred lines†

different defoliations studies conducted in corn over the

P1360HR and P2088YHR

last 100 yr. Compiled information includes location, year

of study, hybrids and/or inbred lines used in the study
¶ Percentage of blades removed, if nothing else stated.

# As a function of the control (no defoliated) treatment.

and their respective RM classification, defoliation timing,

severity, and the impact of defoliation in final grain yield
and yield components.
†† KN, kernel number; KW, kernel weight.
† As quoted in the original manuscript.




Table 2. Continued.


Hail at silking may bruise the silks, resulting in poor pollina-
(2016) (Argentina)

(2018) (Kentucky)
Tamagno et al.

Battaglia et al.

tion. Pollen shed and silking can be delayed by defoliation,


although the anthesis–silking interval (ASI) is less likely to

be changed ( Johnson, 1978). In experiments studying the

crop science, vol. 59, january–february 2019 9

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effect of early complete defoliation on tasseling–silking and PGR responses to defoliation were not proportional
synchronization, complete or near-complete defoliation at to the total LAI removed by manual defoliations. In the
or before V6 delayed the period from planting to anthesis case of IPAR, light readings were taken at least 7 d after
(Dungan and Gausman, 1951), silking (Lindstrom, 1935), defoliation treatments were imposed, with the remaining
or both (Cloninger et al., 1974) by 2 to 8 d. Dungan and leaves still expanding, and thus increasing their IPAR
Gausman (1951) reported maximum delays of up to 8 d in readings, in between. Moreover, it is likely that the post-
pollen shedding with close-to-ground cuttings around the defoliation photosynthetic efficiency of remaining leaves
V8 to V9 growth stage. Cloninger et al. (1974) indicated was increased after defoliation (Dungan, 1934), thus
that clipping plants delayed silking date by 8 d when plants preventing the IPAR readings from decreasing in direct
were clipped at or near ground level between V4 and V5, proportion to the amount of area defoliated. Compen-
compared with cutting at V3 and V6. In this case, the satory growth resulting from higher photosynthetic rates
maximum delay in silking was associated with the highest of defoliated vs. undefoliated plants has been recognized
grain yield reduction. Overall, cutting plants early (around by others (Wareing et al., 1968; Briske and Richards,
V3 for Cloninger et al., 1974; around V5 for Dungan and 1995; Collantes et al., 1998). Finally, and although sugar
Gausman, 1951) and rather severely resulted in maximum levels in corn stalks are decreased by defoliation, a quick
delays in silking occurrence and minimum reductions in and increased remobilization of stem reserves immedi-
grain yields and pollen shedding. ately after the defoliations, calculated to be ?19 to 24%
Fewer studies have addressed the potential impacts at anthesis (Kiniry et al., 1992), likely prevented PGR
that defoliations around the critical period in corn may around silking from declining at a greater rate.
have on the dynamics of anthesis, silking, and ASI (Yao
et al., 1991). In a recent study conducted in Iowa, Borrás HAIL DAMAGE EFFECTS AND PLANT
et al. (2009) evaluated the impact of different treatments DISEASE PRESSURE
aiming to alter plant growth around silking with the The direct impacts of hail on overall corn plant produc-
objective to test the applicability of a silking simulation tivity can be increased indirectly by predisposing injured
model. A single defoliation treatment designed to reduce plants to bacterial and fungal infection (Eldredge, 1935;
LAI by ?70% was imposed to eight maize genotypes (i.e., Robertson et al., 2011). Hail damage implications on corn
four inbred and four commercial hybrids) around 10 d plant sanitary status have been studied for several diseases,
before 50% anthesis. Defoliations were accomplished by with the first studies being conducted in the United States
removing all leaves in the plant with the exception of the early in the last century. MacMillan (1918) estimated that
upper four leaves, which were still expanding at that time. after a severe hail storm in Colorado, 19% of the affected
Side-by-side undefoliated control treatments were also plants showed symptoms of small smut boils [Ustilago
established. Among other things, measurements collected maydis (DC.) Corda], whereas only 1% of the plants were
in this study included the anthesis and silking date, ASI, infected with the virus in an adjacent non-hail-affected
plant growth rate (PGR, g plant−1 d−1) around silking, field. Dungan (1930, 1934) found that rotting of ears
LAI immediately after defoliation treatments allocation, after bruising by hailstones was worse at R3 (early milk
and IPAR (%) after maximum LAI (i.e., between 0 and stage). Eldredge (1935) made similar observations, noting
7 d post-50% anthesis). Defoliation treatments did not that kernels damaged by hail had bruised or moldy spots
affect the time to 50% anthesis, but genotypes differed on the ear. These diseases may also increase mycotoxin
in their time to 50% silking and ASI response to defo- contamination, which represents a serious life-threatening
liation. Compared with the control, defoliation increased hazard both for livestock and humans (Robertson et al.,
average ASI (range = 0.3–1.7 d, positive numbers indicate 2011). After intense damage caused by two major hail
anthesis followed by silking) in five out of seven compari- storms at the R1 to R3 stage in 2009 in Iowa, Robertson
sons, did not change the ASI in one comparison, and et al. (2011) collected corn ears within 48 h of combine
changed the ASI from 0.3 to −1 d (i.e., silking before harvesting from 56 fields damaged by hail and 27 undam-
anthesis). Moreover, the proportion of plants reaching aged fields. Although levels of deoxynivalenol (DON),
silking was also greatly reduced in the defoliated plots. In zearalenone (ZEA), and fumonisins were detected in
fact, the remaining genotype was excluded from compari- grain samples obtained from both injured and uninjured
sons, as none of the defoliated plots reached 50% silking. plants, mycotoxins were more frequently detected in hail-
Compared with the control, and averaged across the eight damaged plants. Measured levels of DON and ZEA (2.63
genotypes, defoliation treatments decreased LAI by 74% and 0.43 mg kg−1, respectively) were 3.8 and 10.8 times
(from 4.2 to 1.1 m 2 m−2), IPAR by 32% (from 86.5 to higher in kernels injured by hail, with no statistical differ-
59.0%), and PGR around silking by 37% (from 3.6 to 2.2 ence in the level of fumonisins.
g plant−1 d−1). On a genotype-per-genotype basis, defolia- In the last 10 yr, fungicides have been promoted as
tion reduced PGR between 21 and 53%. Clearly, IPAR enhancers of plant tolerance to hail damage (Bradley and

10 crop science, vol. 59, january–february 2019

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Ames, 2010; Fernandez-Cornejo et al., 2014). Working area. Older research suggested that leaves above and below
in Illinois with a 110-RM hybrid with moderate suscep- the ear were equally critical to grain yield, but recent
tibility to grey leaf spot (Cercospora zeae-maydis Tehon & work with modern hybrids indicates that leaves above
E.Y. Daniels), Bradley and Ames (2010) studied the effect the ear have a preponderant influence on the final grain
of (i) mild defoliation severity (i.e., 25–30%) at the V12 yield. Evidence of the plant productivity response to defo-
stage on corn foliar diseases under natural disease pressure, liation before the V10 growth stage is conflicting. If hail
and (ii) two quinone outside inhibitor (QoI) foliar fungi- damage occurs within 3 wk of emergence, a time when
cides (i.e., azoxystrobin and pyraclostrobin) applied at the plant growing point is still below the ground, damage
VT on hail-damaged corn. Nontreated and nondamaged has little to no effect on grain yield. However, removal
controls were included in this experiment. Gray leaf spot of 75 to 85% of the aboveground biomass within 3 wk of
increased by 18% in defoliated plants in the first year, with emergence has reduced yields up to 33%. Yield response
no differences in disease severity in the second year. Both to complete biomass removal between V2 and V6 can be
foliar fungicides reduced disease severity compared with quite variable. Reported decreases between 5 and 44%
the nontreated control in the first year, but not in the would seem typical, but this varies by hybrid type. For
second. Application of two different QoI foliar fungicides example, complete defoliation at V3 to V4 increased grain
at VT to either defoliated or nondefoliated plants did not yield up to 56% in an early hybrid but reduced it by 7% in
improve yield compared with the nontreated control, a a full-maturity hybrid. Once the growing point emerges
lack of response that is in agreement with other studies from the soil, around the V7 growth stage, complete defo-
(Bradley, 2008; Conley et al., 2010; Sisson et al., 2016). liation can produce almost complete grain yield loss. Total
Bradley and Ames (2010) concluded by recommending defoliation before V10 delays the period from planting to
the use of a risk assessment criteria based on predictors anthesis, silking, or both by 2 to 8 d. Low-severity (e.g.,
of disease, like the amount of corn stover at planting, 25%) defoliation prior to VT (e.g., V12) may reduce grain
planting rate, hybrid RM, and resistance or tolerance to yield up to 30% but has little influence on corn yield at the
key diseases like gray leaf spot, rather than potential hail VT stage or later. More severe defoliation after the V10
damage when considering foliar fungicide applications to to V12 stages gradually increases yield penalties to a peak
corn. Sisson et al. (2016), documented the effect of (i) hail around the critical period, when complete defoliation can
damage simulated with a string trimmer and ice machine cause complete or near-complete yield loss. After corn
at VT and R2, and (ii) Headline AMP (pyraclostrobin + passes into the reproductive phase, grain yield reductions
metconazole) fungicide application timing (i.e., two levels: due to defoliation decrease progressively until maturity,
“immediate” and “deferred,” applied ?3 and 8 d after the although losses can still be as high as 40% with complete
defoliation event, respectively) on foliar disease severity defoliations at the R3 to R4 stage.
and grain yield. Common rust (Puccinia sorghi Schwein) The National Crop Insurance Service’s charts to
was the most important disease observed at most site years. estimate the percentage of corn yield loss due to defo-
Sisson et al. (2016) reported lower foliar disease severity liation have undergone little change since the late 1960s
at the R5 stage in hail-simulated plants at VT and R2, in the United States. Estimations in this system are based
compared with no hail damage in three out of the five site- on the “hail adjustor’s horizontal leaf method,” but this
years, in contrast with the increased foliar disease severity method is less accurate and extended than the “collar leaf
in defoliated plants reported by Bradley and Ames (2010). method.” Adoption of the second method for all extension
In the other two sites-years, no significant differences in and research activities in corn, included the assessment
disease severity between hail-damaged treatments were of defoliation after hail damage, is warranted. Losses
observed. Finally, the combined effect of simulated hail resulting from corn defoliation due to hail damage prior
damage and fungicide application timing was evaluated. to V5 are calculated based on the need or lack of need to
Overall, across fungicides and site-years, simulated hail replant corn stands, and not as a percentage of the final
damage at VT and R2 reduced yields by 25%. According grain yield loss. However, research conducted in the 1970s
to Sisson et al. (2016), the lack of yield response to foliar in the US Corn Belt showed that defoliations between
fungicide applications after simulated hail damage in the V2 and V4 had the potential to not only reduce but also
critical period of corn yield determination may help to to increase grain yield in some situations, something that
decrease unjustified fungicide application. is not reflected in current adjusters’ loss charts. Most field
research assessing the impact of corn defoliations between
SUMMARY AND FUTURE RESEARCH V5 and V9 includes the defoliation of the whole plant at
DIRECTION or near the soil level, a situation that is not comparable
Corn response to hail damage mainly depends on defolia- with the information provided by adjusters’ charts, where
tion timing and severity. Damage to corn plants results from only the laminar part of the leaves has been subjected to
reductions in corn plant stands and loss of photosynthetic defoliation. When situations are comparable, differences

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between adjusters’ charts and field research data are <15%. Andrade, F.H., P. Calviño, A. Cirilo, and P. Barbieri. 2002. Yield
responses to narrow rows depend on increased radiation inter-
Overall, a similar agreement can be found in most situ- ception. Agron. J. 94:975–980. doi:10.2134/agronj2002.0975
ations for the remaining part of the vegetative stage and Andrade, F.H., S.A. Uhart, and M.I. Frugone. 1993. Intercepted
all the reproductive growth in corn. However, particular radiation at flowering and kernel number in maize: Shade ver-
comparisons, like the impact of complete defoliation sus plant density effects. Crop Sci. 33:482–485. doi:10.2135/
immediately before or after the occurrence of the VT to cropsci1993.0011183X003300030013x
R1 stage in corn inbreds lines or specialty crops like corn Andrade, F.H., C. Vega, S. Uhart, A. Cirilo, M. Cantarero, and
with high oil content, seem not to be properly covered O. Valentinuz. 1999. Kernel number determination in maize.
Crop Sci. 39:453–459. doi:10.2135/cropsci1999.0011183X003
by current adjusters’ charts. Moreover, at this time, the
validity of these charts to adequately describe situations Battaglia, M.L., C. Lee, and W. Thomason. 2018. Corn yield
where interactions between two or more factors occurs is components and yield responses to defoliation at dif-
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