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VALUATION CONCEPTS AND METHODS ■ Fair Value- an amount that is determined by what is

the buyer willing to pay and the seller is willing to sell

under the conditions that both parties are willing or
PRICE - the (usually not voluntarily enter into the exchange transaction.
negative) quantity of payment or compensation
Various reasons for performing a business valuation
 given by one party to another in return for goods or services
A. Litigation
 In modern economies, prices are generally expressed in
o In a court case, such as an injury case, or divorce, or
units of some form of currency
where there is an issue with the value of the business,
■ VALUE - all about how much something is worth, someone may need to provide proof of the company’s
whether in an estimate or exact amount worth that could be the basis of claims for any damages,
or be based on the actual worth of your businesses and
■ When somebody invests, they expect the value of their not inflated figures estimated by a lawyer.
investment to increase by an amount that is acceptable
to them or sufficient enough to B. Exit strategy planning

■ compensate the risk or sacrifice they took, incorporating o In cases where there is a plan to sell a business, it is
the time value of money wise to come up with a base value for the company and
then come up with a strategy to enhance the company’s
Price is what you pay for, while Value is what you get profitability so as to increase its value as an exit
VALUATION strategy. Your business exit strategy needs to start early
enough before the exit, addressing both involuntary and
 the analytical (quantitative) process of determining the voluntary transfers.
current or projected worth (value) of an asset or
something C. Buying a business

 Conceptual frameworks of valuation is about the issue o Sellers and buyers of businesses usually have
of what affects or what drives the value to change different opinions on the worth of the business.
However, the real business value is what the buyers are
■ EX. A company's value is driven by its ability to earn a willing to pay. A sound business valuation should
good or healthy return on invested capital (ROIC) and by consider market conditions, potential income, and other
its ability to grow. similar concerns to ensure that the investment being
■ Healthy rates of return and growth result in high cash done is viable. Business buyers must exercise prudence
flows, the ultimate source of value by normally hiring a business broker who can help you
with the process.
D. Selling a business
 when we are trying to determine the fair value of an
asset. o As mentioned, sellers and buyers usually have different
opinions on the worth of the business. The sellers,
however, would want to be certain that they are getting Business valuation involves the determination of the fair
what it is worth, thus they may have to perform their economic value of a company or business for various
valuation process as well. reasons as mentioned earlier.
E. Strategic planning Key Principles of Business Valuation
The true value of assets may not necessarily be reflected on The following are the key principles of business
the assets schedule, and if there has been no adjustment of valuation that business owners who want to create value
the balance sheet for various possible changes, it may be in their business must know: 
risky. Having a current valuation of the business will give
The value of a business is defined only at a specific
you good information that will help you make better
point in time
business decisions. As in the financial reporting
standards, the use of current value accounting is more The value of a business usually experiences change every
evident. single day. The earnings, cash position, working capital,
and market conditions of a business are always changing.
F. Funding
The valuation made by business owners a few months or
Bankers, Financing companies or any potential investors years ago may not reflect the true current value of the
require an objective valuation when someone is negotiating business. The value of a business requires consistent
or applying for credits, loans or any funding requirements. and regular monitoring. This valuation principle helps
Professional documentation of your company’s worth is business owners to understand the significance of the date
usually required since it enhances your credibility to the of valuation in the process of business valuation.
lenders or potential investors.
■ Value primarily varies in accordance with the
G. Selling a share in a business capacity of a business to generate future cash flow
For business owners, proper business valuation enables A company’s valuation is essentially a function of its future
you to know the worth of your shares and be ready when cash flows except in in unusual situations where net asset
you want to sell them. Just like during the sale of the liquidation may lead to a higher value. The consideration
business, you ought to ensure you get good value from your here is the term <future. It implies that historical results
share. of the company’s earnings before the date of valuation are
useful in predicting the future results of the business under
Business valuation is a critical financial analysis that needs
certain conditions. Another consideration is the term <cash
to be done by a valuation expert who has appropriate
flow. = It is because cash flow, which takes into account
qualifications. Business owners are able to negotiate a
capital investments, working capital changes, and taxes, is
tactical sale of their entity, plan an exit strategy, acquire
the true determinant of business value.
financing, and reduce the financial risk during litigation.
Business owners should aim at building a comprehensive
estimate of future cash flows for their companies. Even
though making estimates is a subjective undertaking, it is
vital that the value of the business is validated. Reliable
Fundamental principles of valuation or value creation
historical information will help in supporting the maintenance of customer relationships, etc., then the
assumptions that the forecasts will use. owner will secure the goodwill and not the business.
■ The market commands what the proper rate of ■ Value is impacted by liquidity
return for investors
This principle functions based on the theory of demand and
Market forces are usually in a state of flux, and they guide supply. If the marketplace has many potential buyers,
the rate of return that is needed by potential buyers in a but there are a few quality acquisition targets, there will
particular marketplace. Market forces include the type of be a rise in valuation multiples and vice versa. In both
industry, financial costs, and general economic conditions. open market and notional valuation contexts, more
Market rates of return offer significant benchmark business interest liquidity translates into more business
indicators at a specific point in time. They influence the interest value
rates of return wanted by investors over the long term.
Concepts of Valuation
Business owners need to be wary or concerned of the
market forces in order to know the right time to exit that ■ Valuation is based on economic factors, industry
will maximize value. variables, and on the analysis of financial
statements and the entire outlook of the firm.
■ The value of a business may be impacted by
Valuation process will determine the long-run
underlying net tangible assets market
fundamental economic value of its common stock or
Business valuation measures of the relationship preferred stock. Different concepts of valuation are
between the operational value of a company and its based on the following:
net tangible value. Theoretically, a company with a
1. Going concern value
higher underlying net tangible asset value has higher going
concern value. It is because of the availability of more 2. Liquidation value
security to finance the acquisition and lower risk of
investment since there are more assets to be liquidated 3. Market value
in case of bankruptcy. Business owners need to build an 4. Book value
asset base. For industries that are not capital intensive, the
owners need to find means to support the valuation of their 5. Intrinsic value
■ Value is influenced by the transferability of future
 Going concern value is also known as the total value
cash flows
 This differs from the value that would be realized if its
How transferable the cash flows of the business are to
assets were liquidated—the liquidation value—because
a potential acquirer will impact the value of the
an ongoing operation has the ability to continue to earn
company. Valuable businesses usually operate without
a profit, which contributes to its value.
the control of the owner. If the business owner exerts a
huge control over the delivery of service, revenue growth,
 A company should always be considered a going concern ■ The liquidation value is the value of company real
unless there is a good reason to believe that it will be estate, fixtures, equipment, and inventory. Intangible
going out of business. assets are excluded from a company's liquidation value
 Going-concern value is the idea that a company will ■ Liquidation value is the total worth of a company's
continue to be in business and be profitable. physical assets if it were to go out of business and its
assets sold.
 Goodwill is the difference between going-concern value
and liquidation value. Goodwill consists of intangible ■ determined a company's assets such as real estate,
assets, such as company brand names, trademarks, fixtures, equipment, and inventory.
patents, and customer loyalty.
■ Intangible assets are excluded from a company's
 Going-concern value is often higher than the liquidation liquidation value
value. When a company is acquired, the purchase price
■ Liquidation value is usually lower than book value, but
is typically based on its going-concern value. This
greater than salvage value.
means that a company being acquired can charge a
pricing premium that is higher than the value of its ■ Assets are sold at a loss during liquidation because the
assets and takes into account the value of its future seller must gather as much cash as possible within a
profitability, intangible assets, and goodwill. short period.
SAMPLE. ■ Potential investors will assess the liquidation value of a
company before investing. Investors want to know how
 Suppose that the liquidation value of Widget Corp. is
much of their funds would be returned in the event of
PhP10 million. This sum represents the current value of
inventory, buildings, and other tangible assets that can
be sold assuming that the company is completely EXAMPLE
liquidated. However, Widget Corp.'s going-concern value
could very well be Php60 million, as the company's Liquidation is the difference between some value of tangible
reputation of being the world's leading widget producer assets and liabilities. As an example, assume liabilities for
and its ownership of patents and associated rights for company A are P550,000. Also, assume the book value of
widget production mean that the company should have assets found on the balance sheet is P1 million, the salvage
a large and steady stream of future cash flows. value is P50,000, and the estimated value of selling all
assets at auction is P750,000 or 75 cents on the peso. The
LIQUIDATION VALUE liquidation value is calculated by subtracting the liabilities
from the auction value, which is P750,000 minus
P550,000, or P200,000.
 Market value is the term used to describe how much an
asset or a company is worth on the financial market,
according to market participants
 commonly used to refer to the market capitalization of a  Market value can also be quite an objective measure, as
company, which is calculated by multiplying the share prices are determined by fluctuations in supply
number of shares in circulation by the current market and demand. This means that the market value of an
price. asset only represents what someone is willing to pay for
it, rather than its intrinsic value

Example of market value

 equal to the cost of carrying an asset on a company's
 To calculate the market value of a company, you would balance sheet, and firms calculate it netting the asset
take the total shares outstanding and multiply the figure against its accumulated depreciation
by the current price per share. For example, if ABC
Limited has 50,000 shares in circulation on the market,  Book value is the accounting value of the company's
and each share is priced at $25, its market value would assets less all claims senior to common equity (such as
be $1.25 million (50,000 x $25). the company's liabilities). The term book value derives
from the accounting practice of recording asset value at
■ Pros of market value the original historical cost in the books.
 Market value can give an indication of whether a  An asset's book value is equivalent to its carrying value
company’s shares are over- or undervalued, depending on the balance sheet.
on the difference between market value and the fair
value.  Book value is often lower than a company's or asset's
market value.
 Traders and investors will often buy and sell stocks
based on their findings. This allows them to take  Book value per share (BVPS) and the price-to-book (P/B)
advantage of the disconnect between the two prices ratio are utilized in fundamental analysis.
when the market corrects itself. ■ two main uses of :
■ Cons of market value ■ It serves as the total value of the company's assets that
 To establish the market value of a share, there has to be shareholders would theoretically receive if a company
historical data that can be used to compare the market was liquidated.
value of one share against another ■ When compared to the company's market value, book
 Without a comparable figure, a company’s value is not a value can indicate whether a stock is under- or
useful indicator of whether market participants should overpriced
be interested in the stock. There has to be a benchmark
against which other market values are measured.
INTRINSIC VALUE  Intrinsic value provides the amount of profit that exists
in an options contract.
■ Cons

 Calculating the intrinsic value of a company can be

subjective since it estimates risk and future cash flows.

■ Intrinsic value is a measure of what an asset is worth  The intrinsic value of an option is incomplete since it
■ There are various ways to calculate intrinsic, or true, doesn't include the premium paid and time value.
 Example of an Option's Intrinsic Value
 Discounted cash flow analysis is used for many intrinsic
value calculations.  Let's say a call option's strike price is P15, and the
 Intrinsic value is a core concept that value investors use underlying stock's market price is P25 per share. The
to uncover hidden investment opportunities. intrinsic value of the call option is P10 (P25 minus P15).
 In options trading, intrinsic value is the difference If the option premium paid at the onset of the trade were
between the current price of an asset and the strike P2, the total profit would be p8 if the intrinsic value was
price of the option. P10 at expiry.
 When an asset's market price is below its intrinsic
value, it may be a smart investment  On the other hand, let's say an investor purchases a put
INTRINSIC VALUE OF OPTIONS CONTRACT option with a strike price of $20 for a $5 premium when
the underlying stock was trading at $16 per share. The
OPTION CONTRACTS -grants the buyer the right, but not intrinsic value of the put option is the $20 strike price
the obligation, to buy or sell the underlying security at a less the $16 stock price, or $4 in-the-money.
preset price called the strike price.
 An intrinsic value of $4 at expiry combined with the
 The intrinsic value of both call and put options is the premium paid of $5 means the investor has a loss
difference between the underlying stock's price and despite the option being in-the-money
the strike price. If the calculated value is negative, the
intrinsic value is zero. In other words, intrinsic value  It's important to note that the intrinsic value does
only measures the profit as determined by the difference not include the premium. It's not the same as the
between the option's strike price and market price. actual profit on the trade since it doesn't include the
initial cost. Intrinsic value only shows how in-the-money
 PROS AND CONS OF INTRINSIC VALUE OF OPTIONS an option is, considering its strike price and the market
CONTRACT price of the underlying asset.
■ Pros

 Intrinsic value helps determine the value of an asset, an

investment, or a company.

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