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Melit Jane R.

Yu POS134 (A3) International Political Economy

4th Year BA Political Science Prof. Hilton Aguja
Which theory in IPE do you find most compelling? Why?
We live in an unequal world. Just as individual persons are unequal, so are
states. Domestically, citizens of a democratic state are entitled to the same rights
and obligations, but to ensure that they respect these rights and comply with
these obligations, there is a need for a higher authority to “police” them, which is
one that has power to do so. Internationally, states are all sovereign, but not all
are equally powerful. Simply, the reason why HST as a theory is compelling to me
is because I see how its logic exists in what I personally observe in my life as a
student. For instance, when students are grouped to do a task in class —given the
basic premise that not all students are equal in competence and power — two
things are likely to happen. First, despite not being instructed so by the teacher,
the students will feel the need to select a leader. Secondly, this leader, if not
willing, should at least recognize the need to accept this role. Why would he do so
in the first place? Perhaps, because he gets the perks of compelling compliance, or
that he gets a higher mark for the role. Why would the students not be against him
being the leader? Because 1) they know he is more competent, and 2) absence of a
leader would lead to instability in the group because no one of higher authority
disseminates the tasks, and everyone is rationally incentivized to do no work (free-
ride); which leads to failing marks. Hence, while they act on behalf of self-interest,
it is a mutual one. In parallel, to stabilize the international global economy, Britain
fulfilled the role of the hegemon in the 19th century to 1913, and the United States
after the Cold War. Note that within the times wherein there was no clear
hegemon (i.e. Britain losing its capability due to imperial overstretch, and U.S.
oblivious of the benefits of taking on such role), the consequences destabilized and
devastated many economies (e.g. The Great Depression). Hence, in this unequal
world, there is a need for a dominant state able and willing to take responsibility
Melit Jane R. Yu POS134 (A3) International Political Economy
4th Year BA Political Science Prof. Hilton Aguja
for the stabilization and smooth functioning of the international economic

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