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Melit Jane R.

Yu POS134 (A3) International Political Economy

4th Year BA Political Science Prof. Hilton Aguja

Which theory in IPE do you find most compelling? Why?

It is an unequal world. Just as individual persons are unequal, so are states.
Domestically, citizens of a democratic state are entitled to the same rights and
obligations, but on the ground, one still governs over them —one that has power.
Internationally, states are all sovereign, but not all are equally powerful. Simply,
the reason why HST as a theory is compelling to me is because I see how its logic
exists in what I personally observe in my life as a student and as a citizen. When
students are grouped to do a task in class —given the basic premise that not all
students are equal in competence and power — two things are likely to happen.
First, despite not being instructed so by the teacher, the students will feel the
need to select a leader. They will either wait for that one student to initiate
leadership, or point to him to be their leader. Secondly, that one student, if not
willing, should at least recognize the need to accept this role. Why would he do so
in the first place? Perhaps, because he gets the perks of ordering people around,
or that he gets a higher mark for it. Why would the students not be against him
being the leader? Because 1) they know he is competent, and 2) absence of a
leader would lead to disorganization because no one of higher authority
disseminates the tasks, and everyone is rationally incentivized to do no work (free-
ride); which leads to failing marks. Hence, while they act on behalf of self-interest,
it is a mutual one. I use the “being a student” analysis as an example, instead of
“being a citizen in a country” because of simple reasons. Functions and selections
of a leader in a country are bound by technicalities like its constitution. In the
international system, no one formally elected the U.S. to be the hegemon, and no
international constitution bounds U.S. to behave the way it does (except for its
membership in multilateral institutions). But in reality, who can scare U.S. when it
is economically strong and militarily advanced? In this unequal world, there is a
Melit Jane R. Yu POS134 (A3) International Political Economy
4th Year BA Political Science Prof. Hilton Aguja

need for a dominant state able and willing to take responsibility for the smooth
functioning of the international economic system.

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