WLP - ENGLISH Q3 - Week 5-7

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Quarter: Three Grade Level: ONE

Week: 5-7 Learning Area: ENGLISH
Date and Time: March 13-17, 2023
Content Standard: 75% of the pupils know how to
note important details pertaining to character,
setting, and events;
• give the correct sequence of three events;
• infer the character’s feelings and traits;
• Identify cause and effect/or effect of events;
• identify the speaker in the story or poem;
• predict possible ending of a story read;
• relating story events to one’s experience;
• discuss, illustrate, and dramatize specific event;
• identify the problem and solution;
• retell a story listened to; and
• ask simple questions about the text listened to
Performance Standard: identify pupils’ strength & weaknesses on the topics / lessons learned
MELC/Objectives: At the end of the lesson, you will be able to
-note important details pertaining to character,
setting, and events;
• give the correct sequence of three events;
• infer the character’s feelings and traits;
• Identify cause and effect/or effect of events;
• identify the speaker in the story or poem;
• predict possible ending of a story read;
• relating story events to one’s experience;
• discuss, illustrate, and dramatize specific event;
• identify the problem and solution;
• retell a story listened to; and
• ask simple questions about the text listened to


1. Classroom Routine: 1. Classroom Routine: 1. Classroom Routine: 1. Classroom Routine: 1. Classroom Routine:
a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer a. Prayer
b. Morning physical exercise b. Morning physical exercise b. Morning physical exercise b. Morning physical exercise b. Morning physical exercise
c. Reminder of the classroom health c. Reminder of the classroom health c. Reminder of the classroom health c. Reminder of the classroom health c. Reminder of the classroom health
and safety protocols and safety protocols and safety protocols and safety protocols and safety protocols
d. Checking of attendance d. Checking of attendance d. Checking of attendance d. Checking of attendance d. Checking of attendance
e. Quick “kumustahan” e. Quick “kumustahan” e. Quick “kumustahan” e. Quick “kumustahan” e. Quick “kumustahan”

2. Recall the previous lesson 2. Recall the previous lesson 2. Recall the previous lesson. 2. Recall the previous lesson. 2. Recall the previous lesson.

Answer orally Choose the correct letter that answers Which of the following is not The teacher may ask some pupils to
What is your name? Do you remember the story “The each statement. Write the letter on the included on the ways to understand share about their performance task
How old are you? New Toys”? blank. stories? Cross out your answer which was done at home.
Where do you live?
Who are your parents? 1.Who got the new toys in the _____1. Determining the feelings of the Noting details
story? characters in the story.
*Teacher may call any pupil one at a a. noting details b. inferring feelings
2. What kind of toys did Jay and Joy Predicting outcomes
time or may assign a question to a _____2. The result of a certain event.
specific group of pupils to answer get? a. effect b. cause Playing
certain question. 3. Who got them the new toys? _____3. The conflict that happened in a Identify cause and effect
4. How did they feel about the new character of a story. Sequencing events
toys? a. problem b. solution Reading aloud
_____4. Guessing what happens next
in a story
a. noting details b. predicting outcome
_____5. Noting important details in a
story such as characters, setting.
a. noting details b. dramatizing
3. Feedback on the results of the last 3. Determine the prior knowledge of 3. Refer to the submitted quick notes 3. Check and process the given 3. Allow learners to present their
home-based formative learners. on clear points and muddy points in the Independent Practice. Explain why outputs or perform as an application of
assessment/written output/ lesson. Clarify muddy points. certain answers are wrong or correct. their learning.
performance task. Clarify/Reteach Now, let me see if you can still
difficult concepts if needed. recall a certain story that is familiar
to you.

Do you know the story “The Lion

and the Mouse”? If yes, then you
can answer these questions. If no,
then listen to some of your
classmates to know the story.

1. What did the mouse do

that woke up the sleeping
2. Why did the lion spare the
life of the mouse?
3. What happened to the lion
one day while it was
walking in the forest?
4. Who helped the lion?
5. If you were the mouse,
would you help the lion

4. Explain learning objectives 4. Process the given pre-assessment 4. Give a teacher-made formative 4. Encourage questions about the 4. Provide authentic feedback.
task. assessment on the presented lesson or lesson from the class. Respond to their
At the end of the lesson, you will use the SLM’s “What Is It”. This can be questions substantially and clarify their
be able to a Guided Practice. difficulties.
-note important details
pertaining to character, Which of the ways in understanding a
setting, and events; story do you still find difficulty with?
• give the correct sequence of
three events; How do we improve ourselves to that
• infer the character’s feelings specific way/s?
and traits;
• Identify cause and effect/or
effect of events;
• identify the speaker in the story
or poem;
• predict possible ending of a
story read;
• relating story events to one’s
• discuss, illustrate, and
dramatize specific event;
• identify the problem and
• retell a story listened to; and
• ask simple questions about the
text listened to

5. Present a summary of learning tasks 5. Present the lesson to the class. 5. Check and process the given 5. Once everything is clear, ask for 5. Let learners share their learning
to be done within the week assessment. Encourage active class generalizations about the lesson. The reflections for the week.
participation. teacher may provide prompts or use the
*Present to the pupils that the SLM’s “What I Have Learned”.
following are the expected activities (GENERALIZATION)
to be done for the whole week.
Think of a short story you have
note important details pertaining read before.
to character, Retell the story in front of the class.
setting, and events;
• give the correct sequence of The whole class will detrmine if the
three events; story teller was able to share all the
• infer the character’s feelings important details that need in a
and traits; story.
• Identify cause and effect/or
effect of events;
• identify the speaker in the story
or poem;
• predict possible ending of a
story read;
• relating story events to one’s
• discuss, illustrate, and
dramatize specific event;
• identify the problem and
• retell a story listened to; and
• ask simple questions about the
text listened to

Performance Task
-Be able to discuss, illustrate, and
dramatize specific event;

6. Put in context the lesson for the 6. Wrap up the discussion. Ask 6. Enrich understanding of the lesson 6. Introduce a task for the Application 6. Explain the Home-Based Learning
week by explaining its relevance and questions for clarification. through further explanation and of learning. This can be an authentic Activities for the following week.
connection with the previous lessons. concrete examples. task, a writing activity, or a
Explain how the current lesson is 1. What is one way of Focus on the learners’ difficulty in the performance. The SLM’s “What I Can
essential and meaningful to the understanding short given formative assessment. Use the Do” can be used here. Provide and
learner’s daily life. story/poems? higher levels of the cognitive domain in explain the rubrics for assessment
-noting details Bloom’s Taxonomy when asking
questions for understanding.
2. What do you call a process
where you rearrange events and Retell the story you shared in class
identifying which one occurs What are the ways that we can do today, this time tell the story in front of
first, second and last? in order to understand the story that any of your family members.
-Sequencing events we read? Ask them if you were able to share all
3. When you identify the the important details in a story.
feelings of the characters in the We can do noting details, inferring
story, you are____ feelings, cause and effect, problem
-inferring the feelings and and solution, predicting outcomes
characteristics and dramatizing.
4. How will you identify the
cause and effect in a given Which of these do you think is the
situation? most challenging for you?
-cause is the reason why the
event happened and the effect is
the result that happened after a
5. How do problem and solution
-Problem is the conflict that
happened in a story while the
solution is how the problem is
5. When you guess the next
thing that happened in a story,
you are making ____

7. Introduce the lesson either by 7. Ask for key learning for the day. 7. Introduce a new task. This can be an 7. If time permits, proceed with the 7. Share how other learning materials,
adopting the preliminary tasks (What I Request for quick notes on points and Independent Practice that is either presentation/ submission of the given e.g., textbooks, activity sheets, and
Need to Know, What I Know) in the muddy points in the lesson. teacher-made or based on the SLMs task, otherwise give this as an authentic reading materials (text and
SLM or by innovating other relevant “What’s More”. assignment for the following day. non-text) may help learners in their
priming activities understanding of the lesson and in
. accomplishing certain learning tasks.

8. Process the priming activities and 8. Orient the students on how to go

connect them with the current about the learning/performance tasks
lesson and expected outputs indicated in their
Weekly Learning Plan (Home-Based
By reading or listening carefully
to stories and
poems, you are able to
determine the important details
pertaining to the given topic,
characters, settings, and
other events. By knowing these
details, you are able to
answer questions asked related
to the given stories or
9. Explain the rubrics and other criteria
for assessing their learning/
performance tasks and outputs.
Prepared by:


Teacher I
Checked by:

Teacher III

Principal II
Pease allot a spelling session with the pupils each day for a week with the listed words above. You may add another two words to make 10 items.

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