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Grade 9
A n d r e a
What ' s N e x t ?
Instructions: The students will watch a short
ad. Halfway through the video, the teacher will
pause and the students will try to guess what
happens next.

(Active and Passive Voice)


of a verb that
-Refers to the form
indicates when a grammatical
subject performs the action or is
the receiver of the action.
Active Voice
-When a sentence
is written in the
active voice, the subject performs
the action.

Active Voice

The mother abandoned the baby.

The man adopted the baby.

Structure: Subject + Verb + Object

A direct object is the object in which the verb is

acting on.
Passive Voice

the subject
-In the passive voice,
receives the action.
-The subject is being "acted upon"

Passive Voice

The baby was abandoned by its mother.

The baby was adopted by the man.

Structure: Object + Verb + Subject

Rules for Changing Active

Voice to Passive Voice:
1. Simply exchange the places of the subject and the
The mother abandoned the baby.=
The baby abandoned the mother.
The man adopted the baby.=
The baby adopted the man.
Rules for Changing Active
Voice to Passive Voice:
2. Always convert the main verb into its past
The mother abandoned the baby.=
The baby abandoned the mother.
The man adopted the baby.=
The baby adopted the man.
Rules for Changing Active
Voice to Passive Voice:
3. Use the word “by” before the subject in the passive
sentence. For example:
The mother abandoned the baby.=
The baby abandoned by the mother.
The man adopted the baby.=
The baby adopted by the man.
Rules for Changing Active
Voice to Passive Voice:

4. Add and modify the tense of the helping verb

Note: Helping verbs help the main verb of a sentence by
adding grammatical information to it, like tense, voice, or
Rules for Changing Active
Voice to Passive Voice:
4. Add and modify the tense of the helping verb
Rules for Changing Active
Voice to Passive Voice:
4. Add and modify the tense of the helping verb
The mother abandoned the baby.=
The baby was abandoned by the mother.

The man adopted the baby.=

The baby was adopted by the man.
Rules for Changing Active
Voice to Passive Voice:
5. Words like “with” or “to” are also used in passive
voice. You may recall that we use “by” quite
frequently in an active voice to passive voice
Active voice: Love fills the man’s heart.
Passive voice: The man’s heart is filled with love.
In this context, take note that ‘by’ is used to say who did the
Transform Me:
The man raised the child on his own.

Rules for Changing Passive

Voice to Active Voice:
1. Find the action of the sentence and take note of its
The man’s life was changed by the baby.
The man was accompanied by dangerous thugs
Rules for Changing Passive
Voice to Active Voice:
3. Getting Rid of Extra Word(s)
Passive sentences often include extra words to force the
subject to the back of the sentence. These words typically
include all forms of the verb "to be," such as "was," "is,"
"have been," and "will be." Sentences that include the subject
may also include the preposition "by."
Rules for Changing Passive
Voice to Active Voice:
3. Getting Rid of Extra Word(s)
The baby was changed by the man’s life. = The baby
changed the man’s life.

Dangerous thugs was accompanied by the man= Dangerous

thugs accompanied the man.
Things to Consider...
I and Me
When changing from passive to active or vice versa,
remember that “I” is a first person singular pronoun that is
used as the subject of a sentence or clause. “Me” is used as
an object.
Active: I wrote the songs.
Passive: The songs are written by me.
Things to Consider...

If a sentence has no object, it cannot be changed into

passive voice.
For example:
He lied.
I will write.
Mistakes were made.
The cat sat on the table.
Things to Consider...
When there are two objects (direct and indirect
object) in an active sentence, there are two possible
active sentences and two possible passive sentences.
A direct object is the object in which the verb is acting on.
An indirect object is the recipient of the direct object.
Things to Consider...
When there are two objects (direct and indirect
object) in an active sentence, there are two possible
active sentences and two possible passive sentences.
Things to Consider...
Each of the objects (books/students) in the active
sentences can become subjects in the passive
Transform Me:
The baby is being taken care of by
the neighbor.
Transform Me:
The baby gave him a better life

What did you

learn from the
Bring out 1/2

"Cher, 1/2?"

"Yes, anak. 1/2

From Me t o Y o u
Write 3 sentences in the active voice and 3 sentences
in the passive voice about friendship and camaraderie.
Afterwards, exchange papers with your seatmate
and they will transform the active sentence into
passive sentence and the passive sentences into
active sentences.
Thank You
for listening!
Teacher Andrea

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