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Matric no.:205100 Group: 71

1. Sentence Problems

Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
1Internship is an opportunity offered by organisations to help train and provide
work experience to students and recent graduates. 2It is especially popular among
graduate and undergraduate students who aim to acquire valuable work experience.
3There are many reasons why the importance of an internship experience cannot be
overstated. 4One of the main reasons are that completing an internship will provide
exposure to the workplace and industry. 5Internship gives the chance to learn more
about the industry, students can determine whether they are in the right career field
at the end of their internship’s term. 6Next, an internship helps improve soft skills.
7Students will get a chance to develop soft skills such as workplace collaboration,
time management and communication skills. 8Which are all vital for their future
career. 9In fact, organisations nowadays are more interested to recruit candidates
who are well-rounded, adaptable and candidates who are competent. from
that, completing an internship is also associated with better career prospects due to
networking. State of Millenial Hiring Report (2016) states that students who
complete internships are more likely to secure a full-time job. are
more likely to hire candidates who can adapt easily in a new workplace and students
should consider internship as an opportunity to network with future employers.


Write the number of the sentence which contains the stated sentence error. Then
write the correct sentence.

a. Sentence error : Subject-Verb Agreement

(i) Sentence number: _4_
(ii) Correct sentence

One of the main reasons is that completing an internship will provide exposure to the
workplace and industry.

b. Sentence error : Fragment

(i) Sentence number: _8_
(ii) Correct sentence

Students will get a chance to develop soft skills such as workplace collaboration,
time management and communication skills which are all vital for their future career

c. Sentence error : Comma Splice

(i) Sentence number: _5_
(ii) Correct sentence

Internship gives the chance to learn more about the industry; students can determine
whether they are in the right career field at the end of their internship’s term.

d. Sentence error : Run-On

(i) Sentence number: _12_
(ii) Correct sentence

Organisations are more likely to hire candidates who can adapt easily in a new
workplace. Students should consider internship as an opportunity to network with
future employers.

e. Sentence error : Non-Parallel Structure

(i) Sentence number: _9_
(ii) Correct sentence

In fact, organisations nowadays are more interested to recruit candidates who are
well-rounded, adaptable and competent.


2. Tenses and Word forms

Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.

1Journal writing is a type of expressive writing that has been utilised by scores of
brilliant thinkers and inventors. 2In fact, there has been increasing evidence to
support the notion that it has a positive impact on physical and mental well-being.
3Research has show that journal writing is an effective remedy to anxiety. 4The act of
expressing thoughts on paper can helps lower the brain’s reaction and lessen the
state of worrying and anxiousness. 5On top of that, journal writing is also recognised
as an effective therapeutic tool for trauma survive. 6Improvement in mood and
reduce in stress hormone when dealing with traumatic experiences are some of the
effects observed in post-traumatic stress disorder patients. 7Mental well-being aside,
interest in the physical effects of journal writing has risen dramatic over the last few
years among researchers and clinicians. 8Currently, new research suggests that
expressive writing provided physical benefits to patients battling terminal or life-
threatening diseases. 9It has been found that writing about emotions and stress can
boost immunity in patients suffering from illnesses such as HIV/AIDS, asthma and

i. Identify and correct the word form errors. Write the number of the sentence and the
wrong word form. Then write the correct word form.

Sentence number Wrong word form Correct word form

a. 2 increasing increased

b. 3 show shown

c. 8 provided provides


ii. Identify and correct the verb tense errors. Write the number of the sentence and
the wrong verb tense. Then write the correct verb tense.

Sentence number Wrong verb tense Correct verb tense

a. 5 survive survivors

b. 6 reduce reduction

c. 7 dramatic dramatically

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