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NIM : PO714241221021

1. What is the musculoskeletal system composed of?

The musculoskeletal system consists of the skeletal system (made up of: bones; joints - union of two or
more bones, classified into immovable, slightly movable, freely movable; ligaments – fibrous tissue
attaching bone to bone; cartilages - protective gel-like substance lining the joints and intervertebral discs)
and the skeletal muscle system (skeletal muscles - attached to bones responsible for skeletal movements,
controlled by the peripheral portion of the nervous system, these muscles are under conscious, or
voluntary, control; tendons – connective tissue attaching muscle to bone).

2. What are cartilages?

Cartilages is protective gel-like substance lining the joints and intervertebral discs

3. What information does the text provide about skeletal muscles?

Information about skeletal muscles in the text is skeletal muscles attached to bones responsible for
skeletal movements, controlled by the peripheral portion of the nervous system, these muscles are under
conscious, or voluntary, control; tendons – connective tissue attaching muscle to bone

4. What are the functions of the musculoskeletal system?

The function of the musculoskeletal system is protection of the brain and internal organs, supporting
upright posture, blood cell formation (red bone marrow), storage of fat and minerals, movement.

5. What does the axial skeleton consist of?

The axial skeleton includes 80 bones and consists of the skull (cranium and the facial portion), the ribs
and the sternum (breastbone) - comprising the thoracic cage, protecting the heart and lungs and the spine
(vertebral column).

6. What is the spine composed of?

The spine is made up of 33 irregularly shaped bones, vertebrae, and is divided into: seven
cervical vertebrae, twelve thoracic, five lumbar, five sacral – fused together forming the
sacrum, and four or five terminal bones fused together to form the coccyx.

7. What are the bones of the upper limb?

The bones of the upper limb include: the shoulder girdle (made up of the clavicle and the scapula), the
humerus in the arm, the ulna and the radius in the forearm, eight carpals in each wrist, five metacarpals in
each palm, three phalanges in each finger, and two phalanges in each thumb.

8. How many tarsals are in each ankle?

seven tarsals in the ankle
9. What are the main types of bones?
Bones are usually classified into: long bones (for example: humerus, ulna, femur – they provide
support and allow us to create movement); short bones (for example: carpals and tarsals – they allow
movement, provide elasticity, flexibility, and shock absorption); flat bones (ribs, sternum and scapula -
they protect and provide attachment sites for muscles) irregular bones (skull, pelvis, vertebrae – they
support weight, protect the spinal cord, contribute to movement and provide sites for muscle attachment);
sesamoid bones (for example patella – it alters the angle of insertion of the muscle)

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