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Department of Agronomy

College of Agriculture and Food Science

Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte
Renier C. Oronos BSAB-1
Julie Mae Cayangho C235
Laboratory Exercise No. 1
Classification and Identification of Field Crop
Fundamental crops and production promote implementation both locally and globally in

classifying and identifying field crops. In this field, is discusses different mechanisms for

recognizing field crops based on their lifespan, usage, growth season, and characteristics. Food

crops are the main source of our food and source of income in everyday life. There are a lot of

food crops that could probably be used in a positive way. Identification and classification of the

crops makes us more knowledgeable about the different crops in our surroundings. This kind of

approach avoids confusion in identifying and classifying crops. It could be helpful of we name

crops based on their scientific names. Food crops and production are a big help in our society in

producing more food and transporting the harvest crops to every market. Farmers survived and

received income from every crop they harvested. In other words, it really a big help to us.

Without crop classification and identification, we would not be able to know their important

benefits and uses.


 Classifying field crops, according to agronomic classification, special purpose use, family

name, means of propagation and economic use.

 Identify and differentiate some agronomic and special purpose crops found and grown in

your locality or barangay.

 List the scientific name of the common crops grown in the Philippines.

Materials and Methods

For writing the information I gathered, I used a ballpen. All the formulate or drafted data are

written with the used of ballpen. Bondpaper is a part of the method because all the data that I

have finalized or organized was written on the bondpaper. All the drafted data or information had

already been written in the notebook. The survey is the method I used for gathering the data and

classifying and identifying crops. I surveyed the different field crops grown or cultivated in my

locality or barangay. First, I asked permission from the owner of those particular crops. Second,

when the owner gave his/her permission, I directly surveyed their crops and list their local name,

agronomic classification, family name, scientific name, economic use, means of propagation, and

lifespan. Lastly, when I already listed all the crops they have, I organized all the information I

gathered and prepared the scientific reports.


Table 1.

Local Agronomic Family Name Scientific Economic Means of Lifespan

Name Classification Name Use Propagation

Peanut Legume crops Fabaceae Arachis Food Sexual Annual


Cassava Root crops Euphorbiaceae Manihot Food Asexual Perennial


Corn Cereal crops Poaceae Zea mays Food Sexual Annual

Pineappl Fiber crops Broneliaceae Ananas Clothes/Food Asexual Perennial

e comosus

Cabbage Miscellaneous Brassicaceae Brassica Food Sexual Annual

crops oleracca

Sweet Root crops Convulvolaceae Ipomoea Food Asexual Perennial

potato batatas

String Legume crops Fabaceae Phaseolus Food Sexual Annual

beans vulgaris

Squash Miscellaneous Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita Food Sexual Annual

crops moschata

Eggplant Miscellaneous Solanaceae Solanum Food Sexual Annual

crops melongena

Upo Miscellaneous Cucurbitaceae Legenaria Food Sexual Annual

crops siceraria


As we observed in the table, there are different kinds of crops that I’ve gathered through

survey. When I surveyed in my locality, most of the crops I listed were vegetable crops. They

have different classifications in the table show above. There are two root crops, four

miscellaneous crops, two legume crops, one cereal crops, and one fiber crops. There are crops

that have the same family name. Peanut and string beans are belonged to Fabaceae family and
squash and upo are belong to Cucurbitaceae family. Thus, every crops had a different scientific

names. The economic use of every crops that I listed is identified as food and skin of the

pineapple can be used as clothes. I’m confused with myself when I know what the scientific

names of the crops that are found in my backyard and I always eat them. However, I didn’t know

their scientific name, agronomic classification, lifespan, and family name. When I was in

elementary days, my mother taught me about the sexual and asexual propagation of a crop.

That’s why I can directly identify the sexual and asexual propagation of the crops I listed. In my

data, there are six crops which are identified as sexual propagation and four crops which are

asexual propagation. Most crops have the same lifespan, so it is based on how long a crop can

survive. In my data, there are seven that have an annual lifespan and three crops that have

perennial life span. Through this activity, I learned the agronomic classification, family name,

scientific name, economic use, means of propagation, lifespan and the important benefits of the

different crops that can be found in my locality or barangay.

Table 2.

Local Classification Family Name Scientific Primar Means of Lifespan

Name Name y Use Propagation

Corn Silage crops Poaceae Zea mays Silage Sexual Annual


Banana Cover crops Musaceae Musa Cover Asexual Perennial


Tomato Relay crops Solanaceae Solanum Relay Sexual Annual

lypersicum crops

Sweet Green manure Convulvolaceae Ipomoea Green Asexual Perennial

potato batatas manure

Okra Relay crops Malaceae Abelmoschus Relay Sexual Annual

esculentus crops

Ampalaya Relay crops Cucurbitaceae Momordica Relay Sexual Annual

charantia crops

Squash Relay crops Cucurbitaceae Cucurbita Relay Sexual Annual

moschata crops

String Relay crops Fabaceae Phaseolus Relay Sexual Annual

beans vulagaris crops

Cassava Green manure Euphorbiaceae Manihot Green Asexual Perennial

esculenta manure

Cucumber Relay crops Cucurbitaceae Cucumis Relay Sexual Annual

sativus crops


In the table shown above, which focuses on the classification and special purposes of every

crop that can be found in my locality and barangay. I was tasked with surveying for special crops

in my locality, or barangay. Their special purposes may be categorized into different categories,

such as green manure crops, silage crops, green chop crops, catch crops, relay crops, companion

crops, cover crops, etc. When I was walking around my neighbor's, my friend approached me

and told me that they had a farm that had different crops. I directly went to the garden of my

friend and I found different crops. The crops that I found on the farm are
corn, bananas, tomatoes, okra, sweet potatoes, ampalaya, squash, string beans, cassava, and

cucumbers. Relay crops are the most crops that I found on the farm. There are six relay crops,

two green manure, one silage crops and one cover crops. When I saw the data I gathered, I

realized that there are crops that have the same family name, which are the ampalaya, squash,

and cucumber, and their family name is cucurbitaceae. Every crop found on the farm had

different scientific names. The primary use of every crop I listed is the same as the classification

of crops. Furthermore, most of the crops are grown because of the seeds. That’s why the means

of propagation is sexual. There are seven crops that belong to sexual propagation and three crops

that belong to asexual propagation. I thought the lifespan of the different crops wasn’t the same.

However, when I gathered the data, I realized that there are other crops that have the same

lifespan. In my table, there are seven crops that have an annual lifespan and three crops that also

have a perennial lifespan. In conclusion, I have already identified and differentiated the

agronomic and special purpose crops that can be found in my locality or barangay.

1.Can you classify the different agronomic crops and from horticultural crops? Do you know the

scientific name of agronomic crop and special purpose crops commonly grown by farmers in the


Answer: Yes, I can classify the different agronomic crops and from horticultural crops. No,

didn’t know the scientific name of agronomic crop and special purpose crops commonly grown

by farmers in the Philippines.


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