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SY 2020 - 2021
“Fostering and Empowering Society in Building and Serving the Nation.”
Teacher’s Name: Dave Tanga-an Del Campo Subject: Biology Grade Level: MS Class: 8ABC

Term: 1 Week No.: 3 Dates Covered: 26 – 30 July 2021 No. of Sessions: 2

Components Descriptions
Competency/ies (CMP):
Topic/s (TP): Enzymes
Learning Objectives (LO): 1. explain the mode of enzyme action in terms of an active site, enzyme – substrate complex, lowering activation energy and
enzyme specificity.
2. describe the characteristics of enzymes.

Session CMP/TP LO
Learning Tasks/Experience
No. No(s). No(s).
1 Preparation before OCS
▪ Invite the students to attend the meeting through Microsoft Teams.
▪ Teacher will make sure to prepare the materials to be shared to the team channels.
▪ Check the attendance of the students by calling them individually.
▪ Reminding the students to follow online decorum.
▪ If they cannot turn on the camera, they need to send a screenshot of internet stability.
▪ Facing the camera properly and not showing only the foreheads, ceiling and walls of their house.
Administering the OCS
▪ Start with a Prayer by calling students name to lead.
▪ Teacher will have a review about the previous topic “Enzymes’’. The need to write their answers using Examples of
1. Explain the function of enzymes in our body?
2. How enzymes able to lower the activation energy?
3. Give examples of digestive enzymes.
4. Differentiate between anabolic and catabolic reactions.
▪ It is expected that students willable to answer and teacher will facilitate and correct the answers of the students.
▪ After a short review, continuation of the topic.
▪ Teacher will explain about naming and classifying enzymes.
▪ Teacher will discuss about characteristics of enzymes. Students should be able to understand enzymes characteristics:

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Home Learning Plan
SY 2020 - 2021
“Fostering and Empowering Society in Building and Serving the Nation.”
1. Speed up chemical reactions
2. Minute amounts
3. Lock – and – key hypothesis
4. Temperature
5. pH
Continuation to the next session…………….
2 Administering the OCS
▪ Checking of attendance for the second session.
▪ Students should turn on their camera.
▪ Students will do an activity about enzymes:
▪ Teacher will explain about the site and the activity. Students will navigate the following areas :
1. What are enzymes?
2. Specificity
3. Experiments
4. Quiz
▪ Students will do this activity for 30 minutes. If they cannot finish then they will do continue at home.
▪ They will send a screenshot of cores to the class notebook.
▪ Recap about the topic as students will answer two questions and share their answers in the class:
1. What have you learned from the topic today?
2. What is the least learned ideas that you need to clarify from the topic today?

Components Descriptions
Modes/Methods of Delivery: MSTeam Channels
Submissions and Deadlines: During OCS
Assessments (type, schedule): Website (BioMan),
Learning Resources/ Materials Textbook “Biology Matter” GCE’O’ Level, Practice paper,, slides

Date Submitted: 21 July 2021

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Home Learning Plan
SY 2020 - 2021
“Fostering and Empowering Society in Building and Serving the Nation.”

Definition of Terms:
Competency A general statement that describes the desired knowledge, skills, and behaviors of a student targeted in the home learning weekly plan.
Topic A specific subject matter that will be explored, discussed, explained and assessed during the lesson, usually based on a syllabus.
Learning Objectives Statements that describe what students will be expected to learn by the end of a week’s lesson. These are interim academic goals that
teachers establish for students who are working toward meeting more comprehensive learning standards.
Learning Tasks/Experience A description of what the teacher intends to do or what the student will experience during each online class session.
Modes/Methods of Delivery It is the way lessons or instructions are delivered to support and enable the learning process. Examples: online synchronous (or
asynchronous) sessions, flipped classroom, problem-based learning, collaborative project making, cooperative learning, etc.
Submissions and Deadlines A listing of the output that the teacher wanted the students to complete with corresponding dates that it should be submitted.
Assessments A listing of assessment that the teacher wanted to give the students and the date of implementation.
Learning Resources/ A listing of all learning materials needed in the delivery of the lessons. This may include physical items like books, references,
Materials stationeries, writing materials, and gadgets as well as e-resources such as apps, links and websites.

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Home Learning Plan

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