Artificial Intelligence

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Made by : Manthan Parab (135)
Soham Gharge (138)
Krish Patil (158)

 To study detail about Artificial Intelligence and know the

importance of A.I in daily life.

 The basic objective of AI is to enable computers to

perform such intellectual tasks as decision making,
problem solving, perception, understanding human

 What is Artificial Intelligence or A.I.?

Artificial Intelligence(AI) is intelligence exhibited by

machines. In computer science, an ideal “Intelligent”
machine is a flexible rational agent that perceives it’s
environment and takes action that maximise it’s chance of
success at some goal.

 Artificial Intelligence or AI in short, is a branch of computer

science which displays or simulates Human intelligence by
machines or a process to make machines think intelligently.

 AI is achieved by examining how human brain thinks, and how

humans learn, decide, and work while trying to solve a
problem. The outcomes of these innumerable studies form the
very basis of developing related intelligent software’s and
 The great American computer scientist, also called Father of AI, John
McCarthy, first coined the term in 1956. In today’s world, this term
encompasses everything from Robotics to Process automation.

 The goal of AI is to implement Human intelligence in machines and to

create smarter systems. Artificial intelligence is a science and technology
based on disciplines such as Computer Science, Biology, Psychology,
Linguistics, Mathematics, and Engineering. A major impetus of AI is in the
amelioration of computer functions correlated with human intelligence,
such as Problem solving, Learning and reasoning.

 1943 : McCullough and Pitts invented “Artificial neurons”.

 1950 : Inventions of Alan Turings “Computing machinery and
 1951 : AI was using in Games.
 1956 : Dartmouth conference; and the birth of AI.
 1965 : Robinsons complete algorithm for logical reasoning.
 1969-79 : Early development of knowledge based system took place.
 1980-88 : Expert system industry booms.
 1988-93 : Expert system industry busts “AI winter”’.
 1993- Present : AI is now using rapidly in different technologies; and is
achieving its goal.
Smart hand : using AI, this
hand lets Amputee feel and
move object.
 Artificial Intelligence's importance and subsequent components have been
known for a long time. They are being seen as tools and techniques to
make this world better. And it's not like you have to go through to be able
to use these fancy tech gadgets. You can look around, and I'm sure most of
your work is smoothed out by artificial intelligence.
 Its importance lies in making our life easier. These technologies are
a great asset to humans and are programmed to minimize human
effort as much as possible. They can operate in an automated
fashion. Therefore, manual intervention is the last thing that can be
sought or seen during the operation of parts involving this
 Expert systems.
 Natural Language Processing (NLP).
 Speech recognition.
 Computer vision.
 Robotics.
 Automatic Programming.
WEBSITE : https:/

REFERENCE : Artificial Intelligence Illuminated

By : Ben Coppin.

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