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Take each day as it comes


- Invest in this sector will attract the developed countries and encourage foreign investment,
where the economy is fairly easy and they wish to find something more special => build
international relationship
- Find talented person. People thing that is the viral industry and more people will take part in the
university training this job and have a particular faculty for this


- A larger amount of money. Eg: if government have to…=> don’t have adequete money to
distribute for
- Only people who really want to donor participate in => more comfortable. Eg people who reach
finacial freedom yet will not have an unpleasant feeling if they have to donate for something not
in their favourite list

Some people think that governments should give financial support to creative artists such as
painters and musicians. Others believe that creative artists should be funded by alternative
sources. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

People hold conflicting views about whether innovative artists such as painters and music
producers should be received an amount of subsidy from the government or the other sponsors.
While a number of people believed that authorities should fund those, I would argue that
innovative artists should be supported by other supporters.

There are various compelling reasons why people believe that it is better when the creators are
subsidized by the governments. They may assert that this action would help the government to
find talented people. For instance, 

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