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Government spending

Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the government should invest more money in science
education rather than other subjects to develop the country?

As the number of cars increases, more money has to be spent on road systems. Some people think the
government should pay for this. Others, however, think that the user should cover the costs. Discuss and
give your opinion.

Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and motorways than on public
transport systems. To what extend do you agree?



Family and children

1) Parents often give children everything they ask for and do what they like. Is it good for children?
What are the consequences when they grow up?
2) In some parts of the world it is increasingly popular to research the history of one’s own family.
Why do people want to do this? Is it a positive or negative development?
3) People in many countries are spending less time with their family. What are the reasons and
effects of this?
4) People think that children nowadays have too much freedom. To what extent do you agree or


1) Some people think that developing countries need financial help from international
organizations. Others think that it is practical aid and advice that is needed. Discuss these views
and give your own opinion.
2) Some people say that increasing business and cultural contacts between countries is a positive
development, while others think that many countries will lose their national identities as a
result. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

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