Week14. Government Macroeconomic Policy Project

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Government Macroeconomics Policy Project

Inquiry statement: To what extent the policies have been successful as well as the
di culties that the policies may have encountered in attempting to achieve their goals.
Key concepts: Intervention

ATL skills: Research skills, social skills, collaboration skills, communication skills and thinking

DP economics prior knowledge: Macroeconomic objectives

Recommended Resources:
1. World Bank Website

2. International Monetary Fund Website

3. The Guardian

4. OECD Website

5. Oxford poverty and human development initiative


Project Requirements:

Students will be grouped in small groups of four- ve students and tasked to deliberate, discuss
and prepare a short presentation.

Select a country of your choice that is or has been recently been in recession and examine what
policies the government or central bank have pursued in order to deal with this.

Find four recent news sources with example of the following four kinds of macroeconomic

a. scal policy

b. monetary policy

c. interventionist supply-side policy, and

d. market-based supply-side policy

For each one of these, describe the policy. For example, in the case of scal policy is it
contractionary or expansionary; does it involve changes in tases or government spending; what is
the objective of the policy. In addition, you should note if any of the policies fall into more than
one category. For example, some scal policies overlap with interventionist or market-based
supply-side policies and vice versa.

Presentation requirements:
Slide 1: Describe the problems in the country of your choice

Slide 2: Describe and Evaluate Fiscal policy

Slide 3: Describe and Evaluate Monetary policy

Slide 4: Describe and Evaluate interventionist supply-side policy

Slide 5: Describe and Evaluate market-based supply-side policy


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