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Subject Teacher
General Direction: General Direction: Read the questions carefully. Choose the best answer
then shade the answer that corresponds to your choice in the given answer sheet. Avoid
erasures and do not leave unnecessary marks on this test booklet. BE HONEST, EVEN IF


1. There are five main sections of the Mass. Which of the following is the only section of
Mass with Greek Text?
A. Kyrie C. Agnus Dei
B. Gloria D. Gloria Kyrie

2. Baroque music is known for its grandiose and elaborate ornamentation. Which of the
following Baroque Music forms was developed through imitative counterpart.
A. Fugue C. Concerto
B. Oratorio D. Concerto Grosso

3. Which composers introduce Symphony No. 3 which was written in honour of Napoleon
and is regularly voted the greatest symphony of all time.
A. Franz Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809)
B. Ludwig van Beethoven (1770 – 1827)
C. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756 – 1791)
D. Nicocolo Paganini Shubert (1786-1790)

4. Which of these is NOT a characteristic of the Romantic Period?

A. The texture is more expensive
B. Has a rich variety of piece types
C. Has a shape and unity of the theme
D. None of the above

5. Which is an example of an A Capella made of singing?

A. Leslie loves to sing while she plays the guitar
B. Diego sing the Magtanim ay di biro with accompaniment
C. Maria sing the Lupang Hinirang without any accompaniment
D. Jano plays the violin to accompany his song Magpakailanman.

6. Which of the following is NOT a type of Program music?

A. Song cyle C. Incidental music
B. Concert overture D. Symphonic poem
7. What does the term “Nationalism” mean?
A. Being patriotic
B. Pride in one’s own composition
C. Pride for another country or culture
D. Having a strong feeling for one’s nation

8. Music is changing from generation-to-generation. Which of the statements below DOES

NOT fit the definition of Soprano?
A. It is bright and full sound
B. It is the most common voice
C. It is the highest female voice
D. T is the melody female voice

9. Opera became increasingly popular during the Romantic Period. What would be the result
if you insert Aria on the song?
A. Declamatory singing will used in the parts
B. The singer will be a famous artist of all time
C. The song is what the public will remember best
D. The composer and singer will work closely together

10. Mr. Gibson is a conductor of the Gabriello Singers who perform without instrumental
accompaniment. What is the form of music that they are peforming?
A,. Dolce B. A Capella C.Glissando D. Dolce-capela

11. You are a good singer in your school. How could you change your technique for you to
reach the high notes in singing without puking using Falcetto?
A. By rapidly repeating slightly the pitch in a sustained note to give a rich and more varied
B. By rapidly repeating the harmony in a sustained high note to give a rich and more
varied loud sound.
C. By rapidly repeating the tempo in a sustained low note to give a rich and more varied
loud sound.
D. By rapidly repeating the tempo in a sustained middle note to give a rich and more varied
loud sound.

12. Which of the following term is NOT a female voice?

A. Soprano B. Baritone C. Contra-alto D. Soprano

13. What is the highest male voice?

A. Alto B. Tenor C. Bass D. Soprano

14. The following are subjects of Classical Greek era in painting, which theme of paintings differ
on different eras?
A. Battle scenes C. Everyday scenes
B. Life commemoration D. Mythological figures

15. Which of the following subjects in painting is NOT a theme in Roman Art?
A. Still life C. Portraits
B. Mythological D. Basements

16. Which of the following is an example subject of the Byzantine painting?

A. Nature C. Real life
B. Christians D. Landscape

17. Rodrigo wants to paint the Theodora an Asian Queen of the Byzantine painting. What will
be her basis in painting?
A. Dark eyes and hair with fierce expression
B. Dark body and soul with worst expression
C. Dark nose and ears with gently expression
D. Dark feet and hands with lovely expression

18. Jericho wants to curve a naturalistic portrait of human being. What will be the available
material that he can provide to curve a naturalistic human being?
A. Soap B. Candle C. Bottle D. Wood

19. Which of the following is one of the characteristics during the renaissance art?
A. Rhythm and tempo C. Battle and wars
B. Dynamics and Timbre D. Symmetry and balance

20. Which of the following best describes Mr. Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni?
A. He was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet.
B. He was a German pianist, painter, musician, and ballet.
C. He was a Roman violinist, painter, priest and perennialism.
D. He was a Greek talented artist, painter, jazz, and essentialist
21. How Romanticism movement loss identified??
A. Through the design of classical block of walls
B. Through the temple design of classical American buildings
C. Through temple style building designed based in ancient temple
D. Through neoclassical who designed two well-known America- civic buildings

22. Who was the famous painter of Romantic period giving emphasis in emotion?
A. Robert Adam C. Robean-Laious- Christ Hawkens
B. Jacque – louis David D. Jean – Augute - Dominique Ingres

23. Which of the following is NOT a usual theme for Roman Theater plays?
A. festival B. C. gladiators C. chariot races

24. Medieval theater flourished in the 15th century; it developed out of liturgical ceremonies.
How do you illustrate the theme flourished during the medieval period?
A. gladiators B. romantic C. biblical D. tragedy

25. Renaissance theater was characterized by the return of Classical Greek and Roman Arts
and culture, and it brought a monumental increase in the production of live theater. Which
of the choices is considered in Renaissance theater?
A. Dark Age B. Revival Theater C. Middle Age Theater D. Golden Age


26. Mary Jane loses consciousness. What will you do as a first aider?
A. Check for vital signs C. Make her pulse be active
B. Just call an ambulance D.Grab the opportunity to kill her

27. Vince starts having seizures. As a trained first aider, what will you do then?
A. Cure him with some herbal medicines
B. Adjust him to a better safe of his seizures
C. Pray for a coming company for his safeness
D. Protect him from injury and give first aid for convulsions
28. Why do people experience heat exhaustion?
A. Intake of medicines that are not appropriate for heat exhaustion
B. Because of the sun that heats our body and can cause skin cancer
C. Due to inadequate intake of water to compensate for loss of fluids during sweating
D. Primarily it is worst scenario in breathing also asthmatic people with some diseases

29. Why are the knees the most injured joint?

A. Because of less severe would-be tendinitis
B. Because of improper landing after a jump or from running
C. Because of stress fracture in pain at the site that worsens
D. Because of its complex structure and weight-bearing capacity

30. What do you think should one possess to be able to perform the different movements in
ballroom dance?
A. Discipline B. Hatred C. Worst person D. Degraded
31. There is more to dancing than dancing itself. Which of the following is NOT a component
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Temperature D. Time

32. How can you perform the Weight Transfer (rock step)?
A. L-Fw, R-Bw B. R-Bw, L-Fw C. L-Bw, B-Cto D. Step L accross

33. How can festival dancing contribute to one’s fitness and well-being?
A. It reduces the risk of cardio-respiratory diseases
B. It facilitates teamwork and sense of community
C. It is a good form of exercise
D. It is a good habit

34. What is the Total Energy Requirement (TER) of a student with a weight of 50kg performing
a moderate festival dancing activity?
A. 1000 cal. B. 2000 cal. C. 2500 cal. D. 3000 cal.

35. Actvities such as camping, hiking, orienteering, and swimming are under the category of?
A. Recreational Activities C. Indoor recreation activities
B. Outdoor recreation activities D. Active recreation activities

36. What skill is required in navigating an unfamiliar place?

A. Hiking C. Orienteering
B. Camping D. Mountaineering
37. In hiking Which of the following fitness components is required?
A. Speed B.Agility C. Strength D. Endurance

38. Christian, a Junior High School student had a BMI of 30. In what classification do you think
he belong?
A. Obese B. Normal C. Overweight D. Underweight


39. Deforestation is the leading cause of environmental destruction that pose harm to all living
organisms. What will you do to aid this problem?
A. Post a picture that has a symbol of deforestation
B. Do a good deed and spread good words to others
C. Seek for some help in the LGU in terms of this problem
D. Create a website that has a relationship on planting trees.

40. Why do we need to ensure community health in planning for community development?
A. To attain luxury of life
B. To maintain enjoyable lifestyle
C. To keep peace and order in the community
D. To live in a clean, safe and comfortable home

41. Which of the following is the best example of a community problem arising here in the
A. Pollution C. Water supply
B. Food sanitation D. Waste disposal

42. How will the government use a material for student to see and know real deal about drugs
use and abuse?
A. Foreign members of syndicates have been caught.
B. Horrific videos of people dying from drug-related illnesses.
C. Approach will be ineffective and the experience worthwhile.
D. Don’t understand the ugly truth about drugs through advocacies.
43. Jefferson used inhalants every day. What will be the effect of inhalants to his body?
A. Leads to seizure, cough, high fever, unspoken person and liar.
B. Leads to dilemma, fractures of bones, body deformity and toxic.
C. Leads to delusions, brain damage, liver damage, coma and death.
D. Leads to heart attack, failure of heart, unable to breath and mentally crazy.

44. Which of the following is FACT in terms of drug?

A. Drugs don`t stimulate the brain but do not really.
B. Drugs of abuse shut down proper brain functioning.
C. Drugs users have proven that they have performed good.
D. Drugs users claim they think low and not clear before taking drugs.

45. What open wound is caused by nails, needles, and other pointed objects?
A. Avulsion B. Puncture C. Laceration D. Aculaceration

46. Which is used to transport an unconscious victim who should not be lifted due to serious
A. Blanket Drag B. Chair Drag C. Lover’s Carry D. Chair Carry

47. WHO is the Universal agency responsible for Millenium Development Goal. What local
agency is responsible in the implementation of the MDG’s and National initiatives?
A. LGU B. RH Unit C. Homes D. Hospitals

48. Before a teenager can join in a fraternity, he will undergo initiation rites. What do you call
this initiation ritesfor a neophyte?
A. Hazing B. Blessings C. Commencement D. Enthronement

49. Where does domestic violence usually happen?

A. Home B. Mall C. School D. Plaza

50. Which of the following is NOT an intentional Injury?

A. Kidnapping C. Fraternity hazings
B. Suicide attemps D. Vehicular accident

Prepared by: Checked & Verified: Approved:


Subject Teacher Head Teacher III Principal I

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