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06:10 Minji is active in class ands he's very eager to learn the language. She
always try to find ways to give sinsible answers during the discussion. She makes
mistakes but she's open to corrections and she allows room for improvements. I
hopes he continue hrt right attitude towards learning the language.

06:40 - The student hasl the eagerness to learn the language. He always try to
deliver his best in the class. He needs to continuously work on his accent,
vocabulary and sentence structure. I hope he always find studying easy and
comforting. It may take time to improve more but I always believe that you can
achieve it.

07:00 Hoon

07:40 Mr. Paul is very expressive in every discussion. He pays attention in the
class really well. He takes advantage in using the language and very curious to
resolve his hesitations in the class.

07:50 JD is very committed in the class. His performance in the class is highly
commendable. I hope he finds more reasons to study English. Because,Bigger reasons
= Bigger Passion. I always belive that he can do it.

10:00 Mr, Hwang

11:00 Stella always sound so calm despite the struggle to learn and improve. She's
not just learning English because she wants to but because she knows that this will
help her someday to advance in whichever career she may take. I hope you continue
to be the best in class. Practice and practice until you hit your target. Always
challenge yourself.

11:20 Jinny is very interactive in class. She performs well in class. Her
dedication is remarkable and I would say that she's not a type of student who would
waste a single dime and time in studying. Everything, all your hard work will be
paid off in time. Just hang on and focus in improving your skills.

11:50 Jayson always try to deliver his best in the class. He's making progress
though he still needs to continuously work on his accent, vocabulary and sentence
structure. I hope he always find studying easy and comforting. It may take time to
improve more but I always believe that you can achieve it.

12:10 Hyerim always try to deliver her best in the class. She's making progress
though she still needs to continuously work on her accent, vocabulary and sentence
structure. I hope she always find studying easy and comforting. It may take time to
improve more but I always believe that she can achieve it.

12:10 Suhnyun active in class and she's very eager to learn the language. She
always find ways to give sinsible answers during the discussion. She makes mistakes
but she's open to corrections and she allows room for improvements.

12:20 Ms. Sujin is indeed an interactive student. She lends her ear in the
discussion and she never comes to class unprepared. I hope she continue her good
study habits. Keep learning and achieving.

13:10 Peter always try to deliver his best in the class. He's making progress
though he still needs to continuously work on his accent, vocabulary and sentence
structure. I hope he always find studying easy and comforting. It may take time to
improve more but I always believe that you can achieve it.

14:00 Stone is nice and pleasant to talk with. He's very conversational and he make
sure that he's knowledgeable about the topics that we discuss in class. I am very
happy to have him in my class. I hope he continue to soar high.

14:30 Youjin

20:00 Chloe is very nice and class. Her desire to learn is so great. I hope she
continue to be determined in improving her craft. Give yourself a long term goal.
Focus on working towards it.

21:30 Lucy always make the most of her time in class.

Her desire to learn is so great. I hope she continue to be determined in improving
her craft.

20:00 HyeWon really works hard in improving her skills. Her enthusiasm in studying
is enormous. I am very happy that she's progressing in class. She always put her
hear in class and that is a very good way in enjoying the English language.

20:10 Martin always try to deliver his best in the class. I hope he always find
studying easy and comforting. It may take some time to improve more but I always
believe that he can achieve it.

20:20 Tiana always try to deliver her best in the class. I hope she always find
studying easy and comforting. It may take some time to improve more but I always
believe that she can achieve it.

20:50 Ryan is person who has a very stroing desire to learn. The way he particpate
in class is really commendable. He's humbleness in class is remarkable, that only
proves that this kind of attitude will help him more. I just hope he continue to
study despite his busy schedule.

22:10 June always gives his best efforts in the class. He participated in the
disussion diligently. However, he needs to focus on the discussion more. He has a
great ability that he posses and he should make the most out of it.

22:20 Yejin really works hard in improving her skills. Her enthusiasm in studying
is enormous. I am very happy that she's progressing in class. She always put her
hear in class and that is a very good way in enjoying the English language.

22:50 Mr. Jonh is nice and pleasant to talk with. He's very conversational and he
make sure that he's knowledgeable about the topics that we discuss in class. I am
very happy to have him in my class. I hope he continue to soar high.

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