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Short p「ess軽油utton to stop the video 「ecord肌g Th。n th.

Bfu。 lnd,。at。。
Wli用umlnate lfthe「e "S =O aCtlV'tyfo「 l mlnuteノthe unlt Wlll power off and

retaln SOme Cha「ge

O lfwlthout the MIC「O SD Card・ the unlt Wlll be automatrea「iy powered on The

Blue a=d Red lndlCatO「Wi…um…ate丁hen the Blue lndlCatOr Wlil turn off
The Red lndlCatOr Wlll keep bllnklng When finished charglng, the Red
lnd‘Cato「 W一= stop bllnk川g and llluminate

3 connectthefulls'ZeUSBP-ugonthe⊂abletotheusB Portonanypersonal

Compute「 Then the un-t Wlll be automat,Ca時powered on and entermto ca「d

「ead mode The Bfue剛⊂atOr Will血mlnate The Red ln。lCatO「 Wlll bllnk

4 Befo「e fl「st tlme uSe′ Cha「ge 't aPPrOX'mately 3O mlnuteS unt冊e …t lS fully

O lfthe「e lS nO a⊂tlVftyfor l mlnute・ the unlt Wl-1 powe「 offautomatiealiy

● When the batterY r…S Ouいhe Blue lndl⊂atOr W'll b桁1k fiVe tlmeS then tu「n off

The u用t WIII power off

Si肌g Posit(On

MICrO SD Card Slot

M川i USB Po直
丁。 uSe the u…t aS a Car Dash Cam′ mOunt the supplled Su⊂t(On Cup ln yOur Car aS
Reset Button
紺ustrated below

蟄p。We「 Bu耽れ l lnsta旧he Camera CllPtO the unlta川ustrated beiow



infrared LED

The unlt has a bullt-1n 3 7V Ll-1On 「eChargeable batte「γ ThlS battery aliows

aPP「OXlmately 35 m'nuteS for v′deo recol.di噂

To cha「ge the buiit-in batte「γ.

Via PersonaI Compute「 or usB Charger

l Connectthe M… USB Plugfrom thesuppl'ed USBCo…ect10nCabletothe Mlnl

2 Conne⊂t the ful( sIze l,SB Pfug on the cab「e tothe usB Port on USB Cha「ger

(not lnCluded) Then

● Ifthe MICrO SD Ca「d lS 'nSerted to the …'t′ the unltWm be automatlC[川γ

POWered on and ente「to 「ecord nrode The Blue and Red lndlCatOrWlll
l冊mlnate Then the Red 'ndlCatO「 Wlll tu「n off The Blue lndl⊂atO「 Wl川bllnk

Decembe「 31′之O19_V工

tab on lt aS l=ustratedbelow

WorkIng Mode
This unlt SuPPOrtS three Vldeo Modes lO80P〃20PNGA and one Pl⊂tu「e Mode The
default settirlg lS lO80P The lndl⊂atO「 StatuS for each Modes as below
● 108OP Standby Blue lndlCatOr紺uminateS
● 1080P Reco「dlng B)ue lndlcatOr bllnks

● 720P StandbY Blue and Red lndl⊂atOrS lllu…nate

● 720PRecordlng Blueand Red lndlCatO「Sbllnk

● VGAStandbγ Red lndlCatOr illumlnateS, Blue lndlcatOr blmks

● VGA Recordlng Red lndlCatO「 lilumnateS′ Bfue indlCatO「 bl-nks slowlγ

ln standby Mode, Short press態Button to switch between thefour Modes

lO80P Video Mode

l Powe「 on the unlt aS lnStruCted earller

2 The unlt lS m lO80P standby Mode, the Blue lndlCatOr川um川ateS

3・ Short p「essthe藩Button. the …tWlil sta「t lO80P vldeo reco「dlng The Blue

4 Short p「ess the態Button agaln tO StOP reCOrdlng′ the Bhe lndlCatO「 Wlll stop
blinklrlg and l=umlnate

雷器謹告蕊豊富霊。, W間m,n。虹h。 un,t W冊∩

720P standby Mode
3 Short p「ess態Button. the Blue and Red lndlCatO「 W紺bllnk The u爪t w川start 720p
Vldeo 「ecordlng
4 Short p「ess惑Button agaln tO StOP 「eCO「d-ng′ the Blue and Red lnd CatO「W紺stop

bllnkmg and間umlnate

謹書慧議農芸窪富農需品tトe Red ind触。. W岨mm。t。

The unlt Wlll be VGA standby Mode
3., Short p「ess慈沌utton, the Red lndl⊂atOr W'll lllum‘nate, the Blue lnd舶tOr W紺b○○nk

sIowly The unlt W川start VGAVldeo 「eco「dlng

4 Short press轡agaln tO stOP reCOrdlng, the Blue lnd隔tor wll冊nk as fast a§ before

PICtu「e Mode
l EnterVGAstandbγ Mode as lnStruCted ea「iler
2 Short Pressミ醸Bu(ton, the Red lndlCatOrWl川umlnate The …ltWlil be PICture

3・ Short P「ess遼Buくtcm once to take a pICture The Red lnd-CatO「Wl" bllnk one tlme
O When YOu Set the unlttO Other Modes (72OP, VGA, PICture). restart the Lmlt and lt
w紺backto lO80P Vldeo Mocle
' The …lt W川reco「d vlde° In与mlr山teS m⊂rement§ and lt Wlll cont順UallY Create neW

Decem be「 31. 2019_Vl

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