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Course: BSBA-MM 2nd year

Subject: Elec 3

Week 1-3 (Activity 1)

I. Fill in the blanks with correct answer.

1. Organization
2. Environment
3. Philip Kotler
4. Human Needs
5. Directing
6. Customer Value
7. Strategic Marketing Management
8. Marketing Plan
9. Organizational Performance
10. Production Resources

II. Essay

1. A marketing framework is a template containing instructions for the execution of

your marketing plan or a visual representation of how marketing gets done in your
business marketing framework ensures that you’re delivering the right content to
the right audience, through the right channels, at the right time to achieve your core
marketing objectives.

2. It is important to study the strategic marketing management it's because it gives

the business to have a better understanding of the market and also it helps to
identify the strategic direction of a business, strategic marketing management
involves making better decisions that align your plan with the company’s goals.
Week 4-6 (Activity 2)

I. Identification

1. Process
2. Product Development
3. Data Management
4. Business Process Re-Engineering
5. Customer Focus
6. Customer-Focused Management
7. Customer Value
8. Loyalty and Lifetime Value
9. Customer-Focused Organization
10. Customer-Focused Assets.

II. Essay


2. Through the customers an organization can learn so many things on how to

serve their other customers organization can learn a lot by listening to their
customers such as you will know how to respond to their concerns, being patience
and also
Week 7-9 (Activity 3)

I. Fill in the blanks.

1. Strategic process
2. Competitors
3. Comprehensive
4. Strategic planning
5. Marketing strategy
6. Environment
7. Strategic planning
8. Time management
9. Strengths
10. Opportunities

II. Essay

1. Environmental scanning is the process of gathering information about events and

their relationships within an organization's internal and external environments one
example of the context of environmental scanning is SWOT analysis. Each letter
stands for one area to review: Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.
The strengths and opportunities are factors within the company, and the weaknesses
and threats come from sources outside the company.

2. Strategic planning is a process in which an organization's leaders define their vision

for the future and identify their organization's goals and objectives. The process
includes establishing the sequence in which those goals should be realized so that
the organization can reach its stated vision.

3. Strategic competencies equip people and organizations to take position and move
in a highly dynamic context that poses constantly changing challenges to the
realization of their aims, lacking such competencies undermines the ability to adapt
to such changing environments, leading to increasing marginalization.
Week 10-12 (activity 4)

I. Identification.

1. Theory of the firm

2. Market structure
3. Monopoly
4. Perfect Competition
5. Product life cycle
6. Introduction stage
7. Growth stage
8. Features of product life cycle
9. Maturity
10. Declining stage

II. Essay

1. Because the firm provides a framework to show how firms can create value for
customers and, at the same time, capture economic profits for their owners through
business, corporate, international, and social strategies.

2. Market structure refers to how different industries are classed and distinguished
based on the degree and form of products and service competition.

3. The product life-cycle is an important tool for marketers, management and

designers it also important in marketing because it helps define and determine
strategies related to a particular product it offers guidance for developing strategies
to make the best use of those stages and promote the overall success of the product
in the marketplace.
Week 13-15 (activity 5)

I. Fill in the blanks.

1. Business competition
2. Michael E. Porter
3. Industry situation analysis
4. Strategic group analysis
5. Strategic management
6. New or emerging industry
7. Mature industry
8. Fragmented industry
9. Industry leaders
10. Runner-up firms

II. Essay.

1. Business competition is the contest between organizations that provide

similar products or services businesses compete to convert and retain
customers, increase revenue and gain more market share.

2. Porter's five forces model is analysis tool that use says five industry forces to
determine the industry and its profitability level label.
*Competitive Rivalry
*Threat of new Entry
* Buyer Power/ Bargaining Power of Customers
* Threat of Substitute
* Supplier Power/ Bargaining Power of Suppliers

3. As a technique for developing a competitive strategy, industry analysis is useful.

industry analysis allows a business to design a competitive strategy that best defends
against or effectives competitive forces in its favor.
Week 16-18 (activity 6)

I. True or False

1. True
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True
6. False
7. True
8. False
9. Flase
10. True

II. Essay

1.The nature and context of competitive strategy is a set of decisions necessary to

support. organizational goals within a specific business the long term plan of a
particular company in order to gain competitive advantage over its competitors in
the industry.

2. It provides a competitive edge to the business as they give a precise distribution of

cost based on activities performed. These are an advantage for a product as they
bring out the actual cost incurred on the products based on the correct allocation of
the processes or activities.

3.Offensive strategy is focused on achieving competitive advantage for example if you

can switch delivery companies, and the change allows you to offer free shipping
because the new company's rates are lower while Defensive strategy is focused on
attacking/responding the competitor in order to take him off for example pricing war,
in which a company commits to matching or beating a competitor on price.

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