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Microbiota of alveolar osteitis after permanent tooth extractions:

A systematic review
N. Riba-Terés a, A. Jorba-Garcı́a a, J. Toledano-Serrabona a,b, L. Aguilar-Durán a,
R. Figueiredo a,b,*,1, E. Valmaseda-Castellón a,b
Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Idibell Institute, Barcelona, Spain


Article history: Alveolar osteitis (AO) or dry socket after dental extractions is a common postoperative complication
Received 22 June 2020 characterized by the presence of severe pain associated with an empty socket. Although some authors
Accepted 25 August 2020 consider AO to be related to an alteration of the blood clot, the underlying etiology remains unclear, and
recent reports suggest that bacteria might play an important role. A systematic review was made,
Keywords: compiling relevant references from PubMed, the Cochrane Library, Scopus and the Web of Science
Dry socket databases to determine which bacteria have been identified in AO sockets after dental extractions.
Alveolar osteitis
Papers published between 1980–2019, identifying the bacteria present in AO sockets after tooth
extractions, were included. Data were displayed in tables, and a descriptive analysis was carried out.
Microbiology After the screening process, four papers were analyzed, comprising a total of 138 samples from
Dental extraction 138 patients with AO. The most commonly detected bacteria were Prevotella, Fusobacterium, Parvimonas
Third molar and Peptostreptococcus. Two studies also showed the microbiota of patients that developed AO after
dental extractions to be apparently different from that of patients without postoperative complications.
These results indicate that bacteria may play an important role in the pathogenesis of AO, though further
studies are needed to confirm these findings.
C 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction ment of AO [1,4,5], the underlying etiology remains unclear, and

many concepts are still the subject of debate.
Alveolar osteitis (AO) or dry socket, is one of the most common Alveolar osteitis traditionally has been considered to be related
postoperative complications, with an estimated incidence of 5– to an alteration in formation of the blood clot. According to Birn [6],
30% [1–4]. This disorder usually occurs between the first and the dry socket exhibits increased fibrinolytic activity and activation of
fourth day after permanent tooth extraction, and is characterized plasminogen to plasmin in the presence of tissue activators
by acute and severe pain, without signs of infection or inflamma- (physiological substances such as tissue plasminogen activator or
tion [1,3]. Clinically, AO is accompanied by a partially or totally non-physiological substances such as streptokinase and staphy-
disintegrated blood clot within the alveolar socket, with or without lokinase). This in turn might result in premature loss of the intra-
halitosis [2]. alveolar blood clot after extraction, leaving the bony walls of the
While smoking, mandibular teeth extractions, the female socket exposed to the oral cavity [1].
gender, the use of oral contraceptives, inadequate intraoperative Bacteria have also been suggested to play a role in AO,
irrigation, difficult or traumatic extractions and pre-existing supported by the fact that the latter shares most of the risk factors
infections are some of the predisposing factors for the develop- of postoperative infections. Poor oral hygiene, pre-existing local
infection such as pericoronitis, and advanced periodontal disease
are examples that support this claim [3].
There are important clinical implications concerning the
* Corresponding author at: Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Campus de possible infectious etiology of AO. Indeed, if AO is an infection
Bellvitge. University of Barcelona, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, C/Feixa Llarga s/n, provoked by bacteria, prevention and treatment guidelines should
Pavelló Govern, 2 planta, Despatx 2.9, 08907 Barcelona, Spain.
be reassessed and the prescription of antibiotics and antiseptics
E-mail address: (R. Figueiredo).
Website: might be indicated, especially in patients with risk factors. In this
2468-7855/ C 2020 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: Riba-Terés N, et al. Microbiota of alveolar osteitis after permanent tooth extractions: A systematic
review. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
G Model
JORMAS-903; No. of Pages 9

2 N. Riba-Terés et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2020) xxx–xxx

line, several clinical trials have shown that both topical and "alveolar periostitis" OR "dry socket" OR "alveolalgia" OR
systemic antibiotics and antiseptics significantly reduce the "fibrinolytic osteitis" OR "fibrinolytic alveolitis") AND ("etiology"
occurrence of AO [1,3,4,7]. Within the entire spectrum of the oral [Subheading] OR "aetiology" OR "etiopathology" OR "etiological"
microbiome, the presence of fibrinolytic microorganisms which OR "aetiological" OR "etiopathogenesis" OR "bacteria"[Mesh] OR
may induce blood clot lysis in the dental alveolus, such as "microbiology"[Mesh] OR "microbiota"[Mesh] OR "microorga-
Treponema denticola, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Prevotella, nisms" OR "microbiome" OR "microbial" OR "microbiota" OR
Bacteroides and Peptostreptococcus, may be another plausible "bacteria" OR "microbiology"). In addition, a cluster search from
etiological factor in AO [8–12]. the selected studies was carried out to identify possible eligible
Several methods have been used to analyze the composition of items not included in the electronic search. Any discrepancy during
the oral microbiota, including microscopy, culture testing, staining, the article selection process was resolved thanks to an indepen-
enzymatic assays, immunoassays, DNA sequencing, DNA–DNA dent investigator (RF). After reviewing the title and summary,
hybridization, Sanger sequencing and polymerase chain reaction irrelevant studies were eliminated. Finally, those articles that after
(PCR) tests. However, it is important to mention that a substantial evaluation of the full text did not meet the pre-established
number of microorganisms may be overlooked when common inclusion criteria were likewise excluded. Cohen’s kappa coeffi-
culture methods are employed [13]. In this respect, 16S ribosomal cient was calculated in order to assess reviewer agreement.
RNA (16S rRNA) gene sequencing methods have been used in
recent studies to compare microbial communities in sockets with 2.3. Data extraction
AO and in normal healing sockets [1,14].
Very few studies have focused on the etiology of AO. On one Data collection was performed by three independent examiners
hand, some papers have reported that bacteria might induce (N.R-T., A.J-G. and J.T-S.) using data extraction tables, and a
fibrinolytic activity and lysis of the blood clot [9,12]. On the other descriptive analysis was carried out. Whenever possible, the
hand, studies using next-generation sequencing (NGS) of 16S rRNA following items were recorded: author/s, year of publication, city
are scarce in the dental field – a fact that can result in an (country), study design and details of the participants and the
incomplete analysis of the implicated microbiota. The aim of the microbiology. Authors were contacted when necessary for
present study therefore was to determine which bacteria have clarification of missing information.
been identified in the published studies referred to AO sockets after
dental extractions. Furthermore, in those studies that included a 2.4. Quality assessment and data analysis
control group, comparisons were made between the microbiota
present in AO sockets and in postoperative sites without Two independent researchers (N.R-T.- R.F.) assessed the quality
complications. of observational studies using the modified Newcastle Ottawa scale
(NOS) [16] and the modified Delphi technique [17]. In case-control
studies, NOS evaluates 8 items for three domains (Selection,
2. Materials and methods Comparability, Exposure). The total maximum score of these three
subsets is 9, and a study can be awarded a maximum of one star for
The present systematic review was carried out according to the each numbered item within the Selection and Exposure categories,
‘‘Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta- while a maximum of two stars can be given for Comparability. The
Analyses’’ (PRISMA) statement [15] and was registered on the studies which scored 7 were classified as high-quality studies.
PROSPERO website (Reference: CRD42020183668). Regarding case series, methodological quality was assessed by a
modified Delphi technique including 18 items. The studies which
2.1. Eligibility criteria scored 13 were classified as high-quality studies.
A descriptive analysis of the above-mentioned outcomes was
The PECOS factors [study population (P), exposure (E), carried out using data extraction tables.
comparison (C), outcome variables (O) and study design (S)] were
as follows:
3. Results
- (P) The study population consisted of patients subjected to
dental extraction, with a microbiology sample taken from a post- 3.1. Study selection
extraction socket.
- (E) Diagnosis of AO. Out of 434 potential articles without any duplicate references,
- (C) Comparison was made with the microbiological samples 6 full-text papers were screened, reviewing the titles and abstracts.
taken from sockets without postoperative complications. In Two publications were excluded: one was removed because the
some cases, comparison was not possible due to the lack of a results did not allow identification of which bacteria were found in
control group. AO patients [18], and the other was excluded because bacterial
- (O) Identified bacterial genera or species. When available, genera and/or species were not reported [19]. Finally, four studies
abundance or frequency of microorganisms was also reported. [1,14,20,21] that assessed the microbiota of AO were included
- (S) Randomized clinical trials or observational studies (case- (Fig. 1). The level of agreement between reviewers was 87.50%,
control, cohort, cross-sectional, case series) published between with a kappa index of 0.75.
3.2. Quality assessment

2.2. Information sources and screening process Case-control studies can be awarded up to 9 stars [16], and case
series can be classified based on an 18-criteria checklist [17] (Table
Two independent examiners (N.R-T. and A.J-G.) conducted an 1). Case-control studies had a mean NOS of 7  0 stars, and case
electronic search in PubMed (MEDLINE), the Cochrane Library, series had a mean Delphi rating of 9.5  4.95. The main flaw in the
Scopus and the Web of Science databases in April 2020. The search case-control studies was in the selection domain, since all of them did
strategy was ("Dry Socket"[Mesh] OR "alveolar osteitis" OR not include representative cases.

Please cite this article in press as: Riba-Terés N, et al. Microbiota of alveolar osteitis after permanent tooth extractions: A systematic
review. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
G Model
JORMAS-903; No. of Pages 9

N. Riba-Terés et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2020) xxx–xxx 3

Fig. 1. PRISMA flow chart of the study selection process. AO: alveolar osteitis.

Table 1
Quality assessment of studies. The modified Newcastle Ottawa scale (NOS) and the modified Delphi technique were used. NA:
not applicable.

Please cite this article in press as: Riba-Terés N, et al. Microbiota of alveolar osteitis after permanent tooth extractions: A systematic
review. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
G Model
JORMAS-903; No. of Pages 9

4 N. Riba-Terés et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2020) xxx–xxx

Table 2
Patient features of the selected studies. M: male, F: female, H: healthy, G: gingivitis, P: periodontitis, NR: not reported, L3M: lower third molar.

Shen et al. [14] Aguilar-Durán et al. [1] Soni et al. [20] Kiewlicz et al. [21]

Age 29.36 (24 45) 30 (19 35) 34.60 (18 62) (15 71)
Gender M 4 3 25 38
F 7 7 22 32
Smoker Yes NR 1 NR NR
No 9
Oral contraceptives in NR 2 0 NR
Oral hygiene H NR 4 NR NR
G 5
P 1
History of infection NR 6 NR NR
Pericoronitis 4
Surgical extraction Yes Only surgical extraction of L3M 6 NR NR
No 4
Surgeon experience NR Residents (1st-/2nd-/3rd-year resident) 5/3/2 NR NR

3.3. Data extraction and synthesis identified bacteria (Table 4). Additionally, these studies also
incorporated a control group that included bacterial samples of
Among the included studies, a total of 138 samples from sockets without postoperative complications [1,14]. In a normal
138 patients diagnosed with AO after tooth extraction were healing situation, Aguilar-Durán et al. [1] found a high proportion
analyzed. Some of these studies employed next-generation of Prevotella (18%), Capnocytophaga (8%), Streptococcus (6%) and
sequencing techniques to perform bacterial identification [1,14] Porphyromonas (5%), while Shen et al. [14] found a significantly
while others used standard culture media [20,21] (Table 2). increased abundance of Aggregatibacter, Peptostreptococcaceae_-
XIG-7, Veillonella spp. and Treponema (Table 5).
3.4. Next-generation metagenomic techniques Ten phyla, 23 classes, 38 orders, 63 families and 116 genera
were detected by Shen et al. [14]. At phylum level, more than 90%
Regarding the studies that used metagenomic techniques, a of the sequences belonged to Bacteroidetes (2–67% of total
total of 21 samples from 21 patients diagnosed with AO after tooth sequences), Firmicutes (11–64%), Fusobacterium (0.2–35%), Pro-
extraction were analyzed. Shen et al. [14] described the identified teobacteria (0.8–56%), Actinobacteria (0.1–68%) and Spirochaetes
microorganism genera, while Aguilar-Duran et al. [1] reported the spp. (0–12%). The remaining bacteria corresponded to Gracili-
species of each detected bacterium. Taxonomic results with the bacteria_GN02, Saccharibacteria_TM7, SR1 and Synergistes spp.
sequenced pathogens of each study, with the species/genus and (Table 3).
the amount, are reported in Table 3. Aguilar-Durán et al. [1] found 151 different species: 55 of them
Both of the aforementioned studies showed Prevotella, Fuso- were only found in AO, 51 bacteria were specific to the control
bacterium and Parvimonas to be among the most commonly group, and 44 were common to both groups.

Table 3
Description and comparison of selected studies. Highlighted cells indicate the most commonly identified bacteria in AO (alveolar osteitis) of each study, while bacteria in bold
indicate an abundance of >0.1% in the study of Shen et al. (15) and >0.5% in the study of Aguilar-Durán et al. (2).

Author (year), Design No. patients (No. Method Genus (strains) Species Abundance %
country dry sockets)

Shen et al. (14) Case-control 31 (11) Metagenomic technique Actinobacteria

(2019), China (Next-generation Aggregatibacter
sequencing (NGS) of 16S Atopobium
rRNA), using the Illumina Bacteroidetes
Miseq PE300 sequencing Dialister
platform Filifactor
Fusobacterium 16%
Parvimonas 7%
Prevotella 24%

Please cite this article in press as: Riba-Terés N, et al. Microbiota of alveolar osteitis after permanent tooth extractions: A systematic
review. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
G Model
JORMAS-903; No. of Pages 9

N. Riba-Terés et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2020) xxx–xxx 5

Table 3 (Continued )

Author (year), Design No. patients (No. Method Genus (strains) Species Abundance %
country dry sockets)

Aguilar-Durán et al. Case-control 20 (10) Metagenomic technique Abiotrophia Abiotrophia defective 246 (0.3%)
(1) (2019), Spain (next-generation Abiotrophia para- 487 (0.4%)
sequencing (NGS) of 16S adiacens
rRNA), using the Roche Acidithiobacillus Acidithiobacillus 117 (0.09%)
sequencing platform ferrooxidans
Actinomyces Actinomyces 3250 (3%)
Actinomyces naeslundii 109 (0.09%)
Aggregatibacter Aggregatibacter segni 84 (0.09%)
Anaplasma Anaplasma 6 (<0.09%)
Atopobium Atopobium minutum 347 (0.3%)
Bacteroides Bacteroides acidifaciens 313 (0.3%)
Blautia Blautia producta 199 (0.2%)
Butyrate-producing bacterium Butyrate-producing 3 (<0.09%)
bacterium SM4/1
Butyrate-producing 328 (0.3%)
bacterium SS3/4
Butyricimonas Butyricimonas 152 (0.2%)
Butyrivibrio Butyrivibrio hungatei 4759 (4%)
Candidatus Candidatus Desulforudis 405 (0.3%)
audaxviator MP104C
Capnocytophaga Capnocytophaga 509 (0.4%)
Capnocytophaga 1717 (1%)
Capnocytophaga 201 (0.2)
Chryseobacterium Chryseobacterium sp. 563 (0.5%)
Clostridium Clostridium 24 (<0.09%)
Clostridium 975 (0.9%)
Clostridium paradoxum 81 (0.09)
Clostridium sp. MK8 354 (0.3%)
Clostridium ultunense 1679 (1%)
Cytophaga Cytophaga sp. 3 (<0.09%)
Desulfotomaculum Desulfotomaculum 84 (0.09%)
Dialister Dialister pneumosintes 1617 (1%)
Eikenella Eikenella corrodens 386 (0.3%)
Embryophyte Embryophyte 12 (<0.09%)
environmental sample
Eubacterium Eubacterium 5 (<0.09%)
Eubacterium hallii 738 (0.6%)
Eubacterium rectale 1159 (1%)
Eubacterium saburreum 346 (0.3%)
Eubacterium sp. WAL 1273 (1%)
Flavobacterium Flavobacterium 638 (0.5%)
Flavobacterium 64 (0.09%)
Fusobacterium Fusobacterium 7 (<0.09%)
Fusobacterium 5109 (4%)
Fusobacterium 576 (0.5%)
nucleatum subsp.
Fusobacterium 1676 (1%)
nucleatum subsp.
Fusobacterium 1249 (1%)
Gemella Gemella morbillorum 300 (0.3%)
Granulicatella Granulicatella adiacens 559 (0.5%)
Granulicatella elegans 1182 (1%)

Please cite this article in press as: Riba-Terés N, et al. Microbiota of alveolar osteitis after permanent tooth extractions: A systematic
review. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
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JORMAS-903; No. of Pages 9

6 N. Riba-Terés et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2020) xxx–xxx

Table 3 (Continued )

Author (year), Design No. patients (No. Method Genus (strains) Species Abundance %
country dry sockets)

Haemophilus Haemophilus 2 (<0.09%)

Haemophilus 1783 (2%)
Haemophilus sp. CCUG 69 (<0.09%)
Halanaerobium Halanaerobium 930 (0.8%)
saccharolyticum subsp.
Halothiobacillus Halothiobacillus 1039 (0.9%)
Lactobacillus Lactobacillus 4 (<0.09%)
Lactococcus Lactococcus lactis subsp. 30 (<0.09%)
Leptotrichia Leptotrichia hofstadii 385 (0.3%)
Leuconostoc Leuconostoc 819 (0.7%)
Megasphaera Megasphaera 16 (<0.09%)
Mitsuokella Mitsuokella multacida 6 (<0.09%)
Mycoplasma Mycoplasma salivarium 25 (<0.09%)
Neisseria Neisseria pharyngis 342 (0.3%)
Nymphaea Nymphaea alba 1030 (0.9%)
Parabacteroides Parabacteroides 109 (0.09%)
Parvimonas Parvimonas micras 3149 (3%)
Peptostreptococcus Peptostreptococcus 343 (0.3%)
Porphyromonas Porphyromonas 59 (0.09%)
Porphyromonas 4982 (4%)
Porphyromonas 1500 (1%)
Prevotella Prevotella buccae 7498 (7%)
Prevotella copri 68 (0.09%)
Prevotella denticola 1765 (2%)
Prevotella enoeca 45 (0.09%)
Prevotella intermedia 1870 (2%)
Prevotella loescheii 183 (0.2%)
Prevotella maculosa 91 (0.09%)
Prevotella 4079 (4%)
Prevotella multiformis 5 (<0.09%)
Prevotella nanceiensis 1521 (1%)
Prevotella nigrescens 1696 (1%)
Prevotella oris 4060 (4%)
Prevotella oulorum 284 (0.3%)
Prevotella pallens 277 (0.3%)
Prevotella pleuritidis 942 (0.8%)
Prevotella ruminicola 45 (0.09%)
Prevotella salivae 186 (0.2%)
Prevotella veroralis 836 (0.7%)
Robinsoniella Robinsoniella 4723 (4%)
Roseburia Roseburia cecicola 369 (0.3%)
Selenomonas Selenomonas lacticifex 118 (0.09%)
Selenomonas 736 (0.6%)
Streptococcus 923 (0.8%)
Streptococcus 922 (0.8%)
Streptococcus mitis 1516 (1%)
Streptococcus 171 (0.2%)
Tannerella Tannerella forsythia 1398 (1%)
Treponema Treponema 185 (0.2%)
Treponema 1146 (1%)
Treponema medium 79 (0.09%)
uncultured alpha proteobacterium 39 (<0.09%)
uncultured bacterium 19,265 (17%)

Please cite this article in press as: Riba-Terés N, et al. Microbiota of alveolar osteitis after permanent tooth extractions: A systematic
review. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
G Model
JORMAS-903; No. of Pages 9

N. Riba-Terés et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2020) xxx–xxx 7

Table 3 (Continued )

Author (year), Design No. patients (No. Method Genus (strains) Species Abundance %
country dry sockets)

uncultured beta proteobacterium 113 (0.09%)

uncultured Kingella sp. 750 (0.7%)
Unidentified 78 (0.09%)
unidentified proteobacterium 10 (<0.09%)
Veillonella Veillonella dispar 3368 (3%)
Veillonella rogosae 1460 (1%)
Soni et al. (20) Case series 47 (47) Culture media (Nutrient Enterococcus 7.4%
(2016), India agar, Blood agar, Staphylococcus Staphylococcus aureus 29.6%
MacConkey agar) Streptococcus 51.8%
Streptococcus + Staphylococcus Staphylococcus 11.1%
aureus + Streptococcus
Kiewlicz et al. (21) Case series 70 (70) Culture media (Tryptone Actinomyces (22)
(2004), Poland soya agar) Bacteroides (26)
Bifidobacterium (1)
Clostridium (2)
Eubacterium (6)
Fusobacterium (22)
Leptotrichia (3)
Mitsuokella (1)
Peptococcus (6)
Peptostreptococcus (50)
Porphyromonas (13)
Prevotella (48)
Propionibacterium (26)
Selenomonas (3)
Tissierella (1)
Veillonella (10)

Table 4
Most commonly identified bacteria in alveolar osteitis (%). The highlighted bacteria (in bold) have been identified in two or more studies.

Shen et al. [14] Aguilar-Durán et al. [1] Soni et al. [20] Kiewlicz et al. [21]

Prevotella (24%) Prevotella (23.95%) Streptococcus (51.8%) Peptostreptococcus

Fusobacterium (16%) Fusobacterium (6.59%) Prevotella
Parvimonas (7%) Porphyromonas (5.09%) Staphylococcus aureus (29.6%) Propionibacterium
Peptostreptococcus Parvimonas (3%) Actinomyces

3.5. Culture media 4. Discussion

Considering the studies that used culture media to describe the Based on the results obtained, the microbiota found in AO sites
microbial profile of the wounds, a total of 117 samples from differed considerably from that found in sockets with uneventful
117 patients diagnosed with AO after tooth extraction were healing. These observations do not allow us to rule out a possible
analyzed. infectious etiology of dry socket, since bacteria may play an
The study published by Soni et al. [20] included 47 patients with important role in this disease condition.
AO, and S. aureus was found to be present in 29.6% of the patients, The two studies that included a control group highlighted
Streptococcus in 51.8%, and Enterococcus in 7.4% of patients (Table that AO patients seem to have a specific microbiota. Also, three
3). of the included papers agreed that the most common bacteria
Kiewlicz et al. [21] found the most common genera in AO to be in dry sockets were Prevotella and Fusobacterium. These
Peptostreptococcus, Prevotella, Bacteroides, Propionibacterium, Fuso- findings are interesting, since these same bacteria are common
bacterium and Actinomyces (Table 4). These authors [21] also in third molars with pericoronitis – a well-established risk
determined the susceptibility to antibiotics and chemotherapeutic factor for AO [11]. Parvimonas and Peptostreptococcus were also
agents of the identified anaerobic bacteria present in AO samples of mentioned in two of these studies as common microorganisms
70 patients. A total of 241 strains of anaerobic bacteria were (Table 4). Furthermore, Prevotella and Fusobacterium showed a
isolated from the swabs taken from AO sockets (Table 3). These relatively high abundance at the affected sites in comparison
were characterized by high susceptibility to amoxicillin – with normal healing sockets, which suggests that these
clavulanic acid, ampicillin with sulbactam, metronidazole, tinida- bacteria are likely to be associated with the onset or evolution
zole and clindamycin. The anaerobes were less susceptible to of AO. Likewise, Peptostreptococcus and Prevotella have been
penicillin G, erythromycin and to most examined cephalosporins cultured from blood samples of extraction sockets, suggesting
(except strains from the genus Veillonella). Bacteroides strains were that these bacteria might colonize the socket wall and blood
frequently resistant to most of the tested antibacterial agents. clot in an early stage [22].

Please cite this article in press as: Riba-Terés N, et al. Microbiota of alveolar osteitis after permanent tooth extractions: A systematic
review. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
G Model
JORMAS-903; No. of Pages 9

8 N. Riba-Terés et al. / J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg xxx (2020) xxx–xxx

Table 5 to the fibrinolytic activity of some bacteria, underscore that

Pathogens overrepresented in alveolar osteitis compared with the controls. The
highlighted bacteria (in bold) have been identified in both studies.
additional studies are needed to clarify this possible infectious
Shen et al. [14] Aguilar-Durán et al. [1] In 1973, Birn [6] postulated that AO develops as a result of a
Atopobium Butyrivibrio hungatei localized infection of the socket that could lead to a complete
Dialister Dialister pneumosintes absence of the blood clot or to the lysis of an initial clot. Nitzan [8,9]
Filifactor Fusobacterium nucleatum
in turn implicated bacteria as the causal agents of AO, even though
Fusobacterium Parviromas micra
Johnsonella Peptostreptococcus anaerobius the condition does not manifest with all the typical features of
Oribacterium Prevotella intermedia bacterial infections. In this same sense, Serrati et al. [35] reported
Parvimonas Prevotella melaninogenica that bacteria or debris might stimulate monocytes/macrophages to
Peptostreptococcus Prevotella nigrescens release cytokines, which can provoke an up-regulation of
Prevotella Streptococcus intermedius
urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and plasminogen
Slackia Streptococcus mitis
Solobacterium Veillonella rogosae activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1), leading to clot lysis. In addition,
Peptostreptococcus can activate plasmin and proteolytic capacity,
inducing intracellular signaling pathways that lead to an increased
production of proinflammatory cytokines, chemokines and MMP-9
by macrophages [36,37]. These effects might be more intense in
Next-generation sequencing of 16S rRNA allows the identifica- mixed infections of Peptostreptococcus and Prevotella [38].
tion of a huge number of bacteria that may remain unnoticed if Finally, if future research confirms that AO is an infection
other methods are used. Since these techniques are recent, many caused by bacteria, prevention and treatment guidelines should be
studies published in the past used culture media to identify the changed and the prescription of antibiotics and antiseptics might
microbiota of the wounds. This obviously results in a significant be especially useful in high-risk patients. In fact, there are already
difference with respect to the number of bacteria reported in the several papers that seem to support the administration of both
most recent papers. Moreover, most of the microorganisms antibiotics (topic and systemic) and antiseptics in order to reduce
identified in the AO samples were not found in the Human Oral the incidence of AO [31,39]. Ren and Malmstrom’s meta-analysis
Microbiome Database [23] or the CORE Microbiome [24]. [31] showed that pre-operative systemic antibiotics such as
It is important to evaluate the role of these bacteria as a part of a amoxicillin and metronidazole were effective in reducing the
much more complex structure called oral biofilm. Generally, a occurrence of AO after mandibular third molar removal [31]. On
surface exposed to the oral cavity is covered by a layer of proteins, the other hand, antiseptics like chlorhexidine and topical anti-
enzymes and hydrophobic molecules. This layer allows the biotics (i.e. tetracycline) have also been pointed out as useful
attachment and development of initial colonizers which are prophylactic agents [39]. Finally, mechanical debridement of the
generally facultative grampositive cocci such as Streptococcus mitis, wound and irrigation with saline before suturing the flap might
Streptococcus sanguis or Streptococcus oralis [25]. The subsequent also be beneficial.
attachment of bacteria with different properties eventually leads The present review has some relevant limitations. Firstly, only
to the formation of a mature biofilm in which pathological bacteria four studies were included, two of which had no control group. On
are present [25]. It is important to stress that a bacterium included the other hand, different microbiological methods were employed
in a biofilm expresses a different phenotype in comparison with its in the analyzed papers, which complicates the comparison of
planktonic state [26]. Thus, bacteria that develop in a biofilm have results. Still, we believe this review is of great interest to
more efficient metabolism, are more resistant to antimicrobial researchers and clinicians, since it stresses the need to perform
agents, and have a more pathogenic behavior [27]. This aspect studies with larger samples and with a control group using next-
must be taken into account when interpreting the most commonly generation sequencing techniques to confirm the role of the
found microorganisms in the included studies (i.e., Prevotella, microbiota in the etiology of AO.
Fusobacterium, Parvimonas and Peptostreptococcus).
Increased fibrinolytic activity can result in premature loss of the
5. Conclusions
intra-alveolar blood clot after extraction. Direct (physiological
substances such as tissue plasminogen activator) or indirect (non-
The most commonly identified bacteria in alveolar osteitis
physiological substances such as streptokinase and staphylokinase
sockets after dental extractions are Prevotella, Fusobacterium,
produced by bacteria) activation of the plasminogen pathway
Parvimonas and Peptostreptococcus. The microbiota of patients who
leads to the formation of plasmin, which disintegrates the clot and
develop alveolar osteitis after dental extractions seems to be
produce hyperalgesia – potentially providing an explanation for
different from that of patients without postoperative complica-
the pain experienced by patients suffering from AO [28].
tions, so bacteria may play an important role in the pathogenesis of
Most authors support the view that AO is associated with a
alveolar osteitis. If these findings are confirmed in future research,
fibrinolytic process that leaves the bony walls of the socket
prevention and treatment strategies for alveolar osteitis will have
exposed to the oral cavity [1]. However, it should be taken into
to be reassessed.
account that this fibrinolytic activity can be induced by bacteria
[7]. Indeed, Streptococcus pyogenes and Fusobacterium may facili-
tate the activation of fibrinolytic activity [12,29]. Interestingly, Sources of funding and disclosure of conflicts of interests
Leuconostoc mesenteroides found by Aguilar-Duran et al. in AO
samples is employed by pharmaceutical and chemical companies None of the authors have any relevant financial relationship(s)
due to its anticoagulant properties [30]. with this study.
Moreover, AO has been observed after dental extractions in
patients with poor oral hygiene and previous plaque accumulation, - The authors Nina Riba-Terés, Adrià Jorba-Garcı́a, Jorge Toledano-
and several studies have shown a significant increase in Serrabona and Laura Aguilar-Durán have received no grants,
postoperative pain in these patients. Moreover, both topical and personal fees or non-financial support.
systemic antibiotics and antiseptics significantly reduce the - Prof. Dr. Rui Figueiredo reports grants, personal fees, and non-
occurrence of this complication [1,31–34]. All these factors, added financial support from MozoGrau (Valladolid, Spain) and

Please cite this article in press as: Riba-Terés N, et al. Microbiota of alveolar osteitis after permanent tooth extractions: A systematic
review. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),
G Model
JORMAS-903; No. of Pages 9

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Please cite this article in press as: Riba-Terés N, et al. Microbiota of alveolar osteitis after permanent tooth extractions: A systematic
review. J Stomatol Oral Maxillofac Surg (2020),

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