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AP World History: 2.

4 Study Guide Name:

1. Trade routes connected North Africa with, most notably, ______ Africa. west

Intro Video 2. Variations in _____ produced different goods that encouraged trade. environment
Questions Arabian camel
3. A major turning point in Trans-Saharan trade was the introduction of the ____.
(Heimler mali
7:00-8:54) 4. The West Africa kingdom of ______ held a monopoly on horses and metals.

5. Mali royalty sat at the top of a social ______ much like that of other kingdoms. similarly

Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

Objective My Questions Your Answers

Explain the 1. Why had the population traditionally been because of their arid climate
causes and limited in North Africa?
effects of
growth of
Trans- 2. What goods were Africans interested in salt, cloth, paper, horses
Saharan gaining from trade?

3. What are oases? where water travels under the sand and
finds its own levels and rises to the top

4. Why were camels much better than donkeys they can carry more weight and tolerate
and horses? the heat

5. How was the camel saddle beneficial for it was easier to ride, more visible to
trade? see, and carried more weight,

6. What were the drawbacks of using camels? required high levels of salt to stay healthy,
aggressive, cannot be boarded in a stall.

7. What were the drawbacks of using oxen? slow, requires a lot of water.

8. What were the drawbacks of using horses? legs are weak and slow and get tired easier

9. What were the drawbacks of using llamas? cannot pull heavy loads, cannot tollerate
high heat

10. Explain caravans. Essentially the camels themselves

11. What was introduced into West Africa
through trade?

Explain how 12. How did the kingdom of Mali increase its from gold trade
the wealth?
expansion of
influenced 13. How did most of the people of Mali make a farmers who cultivated sorghum and rice
trade and living?
on over time.
14. What is significant about the city of Timbuktu became a center of Muslim life
Timbuktu? in the region

15. Explain how states attempted to control rulers needed to establish a currency whose
trade. value was understood

Sundita was the subject of the legend, his father ruled

16. How is Sundiata’s story similar to that of a small society in west Africa, he returned the
“The Lion King?” kingdom of his birth, defeated his enemies and
reclaimed the throne for himself

17. How did Sundiata encourage the economic he cultivated a thriving gold trade in Mali
growth of the Mali kingdom?

18. Describe Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage. They began a pilgrimage to Meca, Malis prosperity
allowed Musa to take an extravagant caravan, consisting
of 100 camels, thousands of enslaved people and
When he returned he established religious
19. What happened as a result of Mansa Musa’s schools in Timbuktu, built mosques in
pilgrimage to Mecca? Muslim trading cities and sponsored those
who wanted to continued their religions
20. In chronological order, list the three Ghana mali Songhai
  
kingdoms that emerged in West Africa.

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