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The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the education sector, with schools

and universities worldwide being forced to transition to remote teaching and learning.
While this shift has been necessary to prevent the spread of the virus, it has also highlighted
the importance of face-to-face teaching and learning. As a student at Ghana
Communication Technology University, I believe that maintaining face-to-face teaching and
learning is essential for several reasons.

Firstly, face-to-face teaching and learning allow for more engaging and interactive
classroom experiences. In-person classes facilitate group discussions, debates, and other
forms of interactive learning, which are essential for deepening students' understanding of
the subject matter. This engagement helps students to develop critical thinking and
problem-solving skills, which are essential in today's fast-paced and rapidly evolving world.

Secondly, face-to-face teaching and learning enable students to develop interpersonal skills.
Interacting with classmates and professors in person provides an opportunity for students
to develop communication and collaboration skills that are essential in the workplace.
These skills cannot be adequately developed in remote learning environments, where
communication is often restricted to email or online chats.

Thirdly, face-to-face teaching and learning provide a more conducive environment for
learning. In-person classes provide a structured environment that helps students to focus
on their studies, with fewer distractions from the outside world. This environment helps
students to develop good study habits and improve their overall academic performance.

In conclusion, while remote learning has become necessary in today's world, maintaining
face-to-face teaching and learning remains essential. The benefits of in-person classes in
terms of engagement, skill development, and the learning environment cannot be
replicated in remote learning environments. As such, I believe that universities and
educational institutions should strive to maintain face-to-face teaching and learning as
much as possible.

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