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Mark Angelo V.

Mirabolo October 28, 2022

BSCE 3-C MODULE 2 Mr. Nomer Mangulabnan
III. A. Engage

What would you do if you were confronted

by these situations?
A. I had experience a lot of these situations and I
think that I would return it, because this
money is probably a hard earned cash and I
would also like if I lose money then someone
returned it to me.

B. No, because I feel like the guilt would

probably eat me away for the rest of my life
and my parents taught me to not do that.

C. I would want to, but I can imagine my self

getting cold feet at the scene and probably
look away if the bully and I made eye contact.
I am aware of the probable consequences if I
try to help.

B. Explore

Share your own personal experiences where difficulty besets you in deciding for what is
right and wrong. How did you eventually resolve the issue?

I am a pushover and would try to do things for others for as long as I can help them
and if it’s within my capabilities. Like sometimes, I would help my friends to do their
assignments and teach them on how to do some things that they don’t know. As I grow up, I
figured out that helping others unconditionally is not the right thing to do since in doing so
they wouldn’t experience the hardships that comes with the problems they face and that they
wont learn something new to use for their future. I eventually resolved this issue by realizing
that I could just help them out by giving them advice or just refuse to help them at all if I
believe that them handling their own problem would benefit them in the future but I would
still help them sometimes if their problem is simple.

D. Elaborate
In relation to the current crisis, we are facing today, how does Law, Culture, and
Religion guide our behavior in society?

With our current crisis today like the COVID situation, with the Law, Culture, and
Religion, could dictate the different experiences that each and every person today. Like all
animals which also includes humans, the experiences that we have can influence the way we
behave. With these new things like the currents crisis that we experience is going to develop
or change the things that we do everyday. I happened to talk to a foreigner these past months
and the thing that he noticed after the lockdowns are that Pilipinos are now better at staying in
line in malls and restaurants. There are new laws that are made to deal with the pandemic, and
it made some people to realize, discover, or re-evaluate the way we behave in the society.
Some for the better but there are some for the worse.


E. Evaluation

Answer the following in not less than 5 sentences. (15pts each)

1. Imagine you are a legislator. What rules or laws that currently prohibit certain acts or
practices would you want to amend or repeal? This could be certain acts or practices
currently permitted by the law. Think of this on the level of your school, your city and
the nation.
The one law that I would like to amend or repeal would be, the law in which is
that a family member who commit theft, swindling, and malicious mischeif against a
family member are not held liable. This law was creating for preserving the family
harmony and solidarity which would obviously be already destroyed once you took
advantage of your own family. The family is the very first place where a child will learn
from and this could create a mentality that stealing or causing ones mischief for your
own benefit is good. If you really think about it, if you can steal or fool someone your
own flesh and blood or perhaps your own husband or wife, then it is not impossible that
you could do that to other people as well be it your fellow classmates or the very people
you chose to seve as a public servant. Such behavior, is prohibited even and it was said
so by god and the lord did not placed any exeptions to the rule.
2. Talk to a family member of a pressing issue affecting society right now and provide
ways on how to resolve these issues.
Since everyone is already in social media these days, one of my family
members’ mentioned the issue with the false news on the internet and the fact that
everyone believes the information found in it like its some sort of an all knowing book.
The reason why this is a very serious problem is that there are people who died
following the false information. The people who believe that vaccines are “evil” and
this term was not embelished and was literally said by the anti vaxxers and probably
convinced a lot of people and cost the lives of those that could’ve been saved from
diseases, convincing them that our very own government hated us. The most simple
way to deal with this issue is to educate ourselves properly with the correct information
and share it with friends and families as we can, and first learn the way to confirm if the
information that we read is accurate down to the letter and to develop a mentality to do
that when we see a new information.

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