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Proceedings oflhe 25'" Annual lnlemational Conference of the IEEE EMBS

Cancun, Mexico * September 17-21.2003

On-line fetal heart rate monitor by Phonocardiography

M. Godinez, A. JimCnez, R.Ortiz, M. Pefia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidad Autonoma Metropolitana, Iztapalapa, MCxico

Abstract-The beat-to-beat fetal heart rate variability can processing method has to generate one reliable peak related
he evaluated using the fetal Phonocardiogram (PCG) as a part to each cardiac sound (SI andlor S2), and then,calculate the
of a well-being evaluation procedure. In previous works, we heat-to-beat intervals [3]. The main advantage of the P C G
have developed and tested an off-line algorithm to generate is that it also has information about fetal behavior [4]. For
Cardiotachograms (CTGs) by processing WCGs. This method this reason, we have developed and evaluated an off-line
has showed its confidence to generate reliable CTGs, especially
when maximums of cardiac sounds (S1 and SZ) are used. Now method to generate Cardiotachograms (CTGs) by processing
we are interested to change our off-line processing scheme into the P C G . This method first improves the signal to noise
a first on-line fetal heart rate monitor version. This monitor ratio (SNR) of the P C G ; second, generates an envelope of
was developed with a LabView-Matlah program, it acquires the filtered P C G , and finally detects time references of each
and processes the WCGs displaying, almost on-line, the CTGs cardiac sound that are used for calculating the CTG [ 5 ] .
generated by S1 and S2. It also storages information and Results showed that maximum of S2 and SI (mS1, mS2)
provides the possibility to manually correct CTGs. For testing were good to generate CTGs [3], and we are now interested
the monitor, off-line time references from five testing signals to evaluate the capability of the method to work on-line. The
were calculated, and compared against monitor time goal of this work is to generate a first version of an on-line
references. This comparison showed good results on detecting
on-line time references and intervals. The system really works fetal heart rate monitor, able to acquire and simultaneously
as a monitor, it acquires and processes signals during 20 process P C G s during twenty minutes in order to detect fetal
minutes at least, and its CTGs do not differ from the ON-line cardiac sounds, and generate the CTGs corresponding to
CTGs for more than 2 ms. The system is now ready to include intervals mS1-mS1 and mS2-mS2; a monitor which also
an adaptive filter that improves its performance with WCGs. offers the possibility to see each CTG almost on-line, save,
and manually correct the CTGs once the time acquisition
Keywordsxardiac sounds, fetal electronic monitoring, has finished.
fetal well-being

Five twenty minutes signals were used to test the
For a long time, obstetricians have looked for monitor performance. Three signals were generated by using
mechanisms to evaluate fetal well-being and identify, as a Grass stimulator, they simulated phonocardiographic
soon as possible, problems related to fetal condition. If some cardiac cycles at 60, 120 and 180 heatdminute
of these problems, like fetal distress and fetal hypoxia, could (physiological ranges for adults and fetus). Two adults
he detected on time, then it would be possible to start signals (from the carotid artery and the cardiac sounds) were
procedures in order to reduce the risk of fetal morbidity acquired by using a TK701T microphone and a
and/or mortality. phonocardiographic amplifier from Nihon Kohden.
The study of fetal heart rate variability (MKV) has The signals were acquired and processed on-line with a
shown to be a very useful mechanism to evaluate fetal well- virtual instrument composed by an AT-MIO-16E-1 data
being, before and during labour. For this reason, the acquisition card, which was programmed using Labview
electronic monitoring of the MRV has become one of the (both from National Instruments), and some Matlab
most common methods used for this purpose [l]. The processing algorithms installed in a Pentium IV computer.
Doppler ultrasound is frequently used to measure the fHRV,
but it is not possible to detect the variability beat tn heat
with this technique [2]. On the other hand, by processing 111. METHODS
some signals like the abdominal Electrocardiogram (aECG),
and the fetal Phonocardiogram (PCG), it is possible to As was mentioned before, this paper presents the
quantify the beat-to-heat intervals, and then getting methodology followed to implement our first on-line
information about short-time and long-time MRV. In order monitor version by P C G . It takes the main part of our off-
to process the aECG it is necessary to eliminate its main line algorithm, and creates a Labview-Matlab program. This
interference signal, the maternal Electrocardiogram, prior to program lets us evaluate the possibility to change the present
get a reliable detection of each cardiac beat by using the programming platform (Matlab) to a new one (Labview)
fetal K wave, and it is not an easy task. In the P C G case, the that looks more appropriate for on-line programming. It was

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evaluated in order to qualify and quantify the program S1. Process continues u.ntil all present peaks have been
performance as an on-line fetal heart rate monitor. identified.
STEP 6: After each peak has been identified as SI or S2, the
A . Monitor development program begins to calculate the intervals mS1-mS1 and
mS2-mS2. Then, when the present block has been
In order to develop the monitor, two operation modes processed, each CTG (IETGSl, CTGS2) is displayed at
were considered: acquisition-processing and manual independent graphics (Fig. I).
correction. Data storage: After user stops acquisition, the monitor
1) Acquisition-processing mode: The main monitor storages a text file containing the envelope, time references
characteristic is its capability to acquire and simultaneously (mS1, mS2), CTGSI, CTGS2, and the acquisition
process the P C G using one acquisition channel. The information: sampling frequency and buffer length.
programming process was as follows: 2 ) Manual correction mode: After data has been
fPCG acquisition: To make the monitor able to work storage, the user can m,anually correct the errors of the
on-line, it was necessary to use the buffered acquisition CTGs. Working in this mode, the program shows two
option that LabView offers. This option makes the system windows, first one contains the envelope and time
capable to acquire a finite data block, and also offers the references of S1 and S 2 , and the second one displays the
possibility to temporaly storage data, avoiding losing CTG of SI or S2, depending on what user choices. This
information. This is important because each data block is process activates a cursor to mark the CTG section where an
going to he processed as soon as the buffer is full, error exists, then the program shows the envelope that
meanwhile, buffer starts again reading new data. The generated this CTG se:gment, finally, the user has the
acquisition process continues fulfilling the buffer, and possibility to correct the wrong time reference by using the
transferring data blocks towards displaying and processing mouse. Each time the w e r corrects one peak, the present
stages until user stops the acquisition (Fig. I). User can also CTG (CTGSI or CTGS2:) is refreshed (Fig. 2).
adjust the buffer length and sampling frequency, in this
work signals were acquiring during twenty minutes at 1000 B. Monitor tests
Hz by using 5000 samples buffer length.
fPCG processing: Once a data block arrives to the To test the monitor performance, off-line time
processing stage, it is processed using a MATLAB Script references were also detected by using our off-line method
before getting back the control to LabView. This Script to generate CTGs [3]. These off-line references were
filters and generates an envelope related to each cardiac extracted from the sam.e signals the monitor processed
sound (S1 and S2) [6]. The process considers six steps: because they were simultaneously acquired by the monitor
STEP 1 (Matlab Script): Present data block is filtered using and a 16 bits acquisition system from Biopac Systems.
a FIR band-pass filter with a bandwidth from 10 to 50 Hz, Once the off-line time references were detected, the
and order 60. monitor was evaluate'd in order to quantify two
STEP 2 (Matlab Script): An envelope of the filtered signal is characteristics: its capability to get a reliable detection of
generated by using the Hilbert Transform. mS1 and mS2, and its performance as an on-line monitor:
STEP 3 (Matlab Script): The envelope is smoothed to ensure 1) Selectiviry (Se) and positive predictiviry (P+): these
just one peak associated to each cardiac sound, it needs a parameters were calculated using ( I ) and (2) [6]:
FIR band-pass filter with a bandwidth from 1 to 5 Hz, and
order 80. TP
S,?= >
STEP 4: Maximums of the peaks associated to cardiac TP + NF

sounds are detected, to do it, the program uses a threshold

that the user defines during acquisition. The program allows TP
the user to change the threshold on-line in accordance to the P, =- (2)
input signal characteristics.
STEP 5: Once the peaks have been detected, it is necessary where:
to identify each cardiac sound, S1 and S2. The program
considers time intervals among three consecutive peaks to TP: means the total number of SI and S2 peaks in the
define SI and S2. First, calculates the distance from peak envelope.
one to peak two, and the distance from peak two to peak N E means the number of negative fakes.
three. If first distance is shorter than second one, it means PF: means the number ofpositive fakes..
that a systolic-diastolic period it is been analyzed, peak one 2) Precision for detecting rime references: The
is S1 and peak two is S2. On the other hand, if first distance correlation coefficient ( r ) , the mean, and the standard
is longer than second one, it means that a diastolic-systolic deviation values of the differences among off-line time
period it is been analyzed, peak one is S2 and peak two is references and monitor time references were calculated.


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA METROPOLITANA. Downloaded on October 24,2022 at 15:05:10 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
3 ) Perfnrmance as an on-line monitor: To evaluate monitor. Table also shows that the mean value is different
this characteristic, the monitor heat-to-heat intervals, of each from zero for the five signals studied.
CTG, which were different to the off-line beat-to-beat Table 11 shows the results for performance evaluation as
intervals, were compared. After that, the percentage of an on-line monitor. It can be noted that although the amount
intervals different from of-line intervals (e%), mean and of monitor intervals that were different to the off-line
standard deviation values of these differences were intervals was higher than 50 % (for four signals), their mean
calculated. The number of cardiac sounds misclassified (SI values are not higher than 2 ms, for both SI and S2.
as S2 or S2 as SI) was also calculated.


Fig. 1 shows the on-line monitor screen at acquisition-

processing mode. The user can select which operation mode
wants to use: acquisition-processing mode or manual
correction one. In acquisition mode, the user defines the
active channel, the sampling frequency, and the buffer
length, prior to start signal acquisition and processing. The
screen shows four windows containing: the P C G , its
envelope, the CTGS1, and the CTGS2. The envelope
window also shows the time references detected and the
threshold that user chose. The SNR of the P C G is high,
more than 15 dB.


Signal TP NF PF P. Se mta(ms) r
Simulatedl 2401 38 0 1 0.98 7 . 4 6 f 4 . 1 8 1.00
Simulated2 4594 68 0 I 0.99 8 . 5 4 i 4 . 1 5 1.00
Simulated3 7040 101 0 I 0.99 8 . 1 9 i 4 . 1 1 1.00
Pulse 2519 39 4 1 0.99 9 . 5 0 f 4 . 3 8 1.00
PCG 2519 28 8 I 0.99 6.91 + 4 . 9 3 1.00
. ..
TP: totll number of oeaks SI and S2 in the envelooe. NF: neeative falses.

PF: positive falses, P,: positive predictivity, Se: selectivity, m: mean, a:

standard deviation, r: correlation coefficient.

Fig. I . Monitor screen st acquisition-pracPssing mode. From Ietl to right INTERVALS’
and up to down: WCG, envelope and time references detected, CTGSI and
CTGS2. mSI-mS1 mS2-mS2
Signal N
e(%) Mfa(ms) e(%) Mia(ms)
Fig. 2 shows the monitor screen at manual correction Simulated1 1199 61 1.25t0.48 59 1.24+0.48.
mode. The user can select which CTG does heishe want to Simulated2 2296 50 1.04fO.19 50 1.01tO.10
correct, CTGSI or CTGSZ, then marks the CTG segment to Simulated3 3518 16 1.01to.10, IS 1.01to.08
correct, and its corresponding envelope is shown. Finally, Pulse 1258 74 2.01+2.92 55 1.18+0.73
user can correct the wrong time reference, this action refresh PCG 1255 49 2.13+6.27 56 1.22k0.48
the present CTG. This figure also shows a helping window N: total number of beat-to-beat intervals, e (%): percentage of off-line
intervals different from the on-line intervals, M i a. mean f- standard
that guides the user about how to correct the CTG. deviation ofdifferences among mSI-mSI and mS2-mS2 intervals.

Table I shows monitor performance for detecting S1 and Respect to misclassified sounds, the highest value was
S2. It can be noted that higher Se, P+, and r values were obtained when the monitor processed a Phonocardiographic
obtained for the time references (S 1 and S2) detected by the signal (7 SI as S2, and 8 S2 as Sl). Just first simulated


Authorized licensed use limited to: UNIVERSIDAD AUTONOMA METROPOLITANA. Downloaded on October 24,2022 at 15:05:10 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
signal presented one SI as S2 and one S2 a SI, whereas the Finally, results obtained have shown the monitor
pulse signal presented one SI as S2 and two S2 as SI. capability to work efficiently by acquiring and processing
Nevertheless the CTGs generated by this way, were not very Phonocardiograms in order to generate CTGs. As a first
different from the right ones, and can be considered as version, it does not have included the complete off-line
reliable CTGs as can be seen in table II. processing algorithm, and was evaluated using signals with
high SNR. We presume that if the buffer problem is
eliminated, the monitor is going to be ready to include the
V. DISCUSSION most important part of our off-line algorithm, an adaptive
filter [SI. This filter will make the monitor capable to
Even the system was design using a buffered acquisition contend with low SNR levels, like the SNR of the fetal
method in order to guarantee not to miss data, mean and Phonocardiograms.
standard deviation values in table I show delays among the
on-line time references and the off line time references. Our
observations have shown that this delay increases depending VI. CONCLUSION
on time acquisition, probably because of buffer parameters
configuration. Other possible reason is that the stage The on-line fetal heart rate monitor by
processing takes much time and avoids the buffer works phonocardiography presented here is a system that can be
efficiently. We consider, the main problem is to improve the easily used. It displays the: Phonocardiogram, generates and
buffered acquisition, and it requires finding the best displays the CTGSl and CTGS2 and they can be manually
parameters for the acquisition-processing process. The corrected. We can say that the monitor generates reliable
buffer not necessarily must be processed in one block; it CTGs because of our good results about precision,
could be split for the processing stage in order to reduce selectivity, and positive predictivity. It is now possible to
time processing and improves system performance. Respect integrate new stages that give the monitor the possibility to
to negative fakes, most of them were generated when a process signals with lower SNR like the fetal
cardiac sound peak matched with the end of the buffer Phonocardiograms.
window, and we presume that it can be reduced by adding
some extra criteria to the peak detect algorithm, or by
improving the buffered acquisition performance. The
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