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Biletul nr.

1 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the pictures, then ask and answer. Talk with your friend.

Director, Carjila Daniel

Profesori examinatori:

1. Cristea Delia

2. Oprişan Daniela

Biletul nr. 2 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the pictures, then ask and answer. Talk with your friend.

Presedinte comisie: Profesori examinatori:

Director, Carjila Daniel 1. Cristea Delia

2. Oprisan Daniela
Biletul nr. 3 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the pictures, then ask and answer. Talk with your friend.

Presedinte comisie:

Director, Carjila Daniel

Profesori examinatori:

1. Cristea Delia

2. Oprişan Daniela
Biletul nr. 4 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the pictures, then ask and answer. Talk to your friend.

Presedinte comisie:

Director, Carjila Daniel

Profesori examinatori:

1. Cristea Delia

2. Oprişan Daniela
Biletul nr. 5 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the picture, then ask and answer. Talk with your friend.


A: Where is the monkey? B: It’s on the bed.

Presedinte comisie: Prof. examinatori:

Director, Carjila Daniel 1. Cristea Delia 2.Oprisan Daniela

Biletul nr. 6 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the picture, then ask and answer. Talk with your friend about your house.

Eg. A: Where do you live, in a house or in a flat?

B: I live in a flat.

How many/ rooms?

Where/ do your homework?

What/ favourite room?

What colour/ the walls in your room?

Presedinte comisie: Prof. examinatori:

Director, Carjila Daniel 1. Cristea Delia 2.Oprisan Daniela

Biletul nr. 7 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the picture, then ask and answer. Talk with your friend about your family.

Eg. A: Who cooks your meals?

B: My mum does.

Have got/ brothers or sisters?

How many members/ in your family?

What/ usually do with your family/ at the weekend?

What / mum’s/ dad’s name?

Presedinte comisie: Prof. examinatori:

Director, Carjila Daniel 1. Cristea Delia 2.Oprisan Daniela

Biletul nr. 8 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the picture, then ask and answer. Talk with your friend about your daily

Eg. A: What time do you have breakfast?

B: I usually have breakfast at half past seven.

1) What time / get up?

2) Which days /go to school?
3) How / get to school?
4) What / do after you get up?

Presedinte comisie: Prof. examinatori:

Director, Carjila Daniel 1. Cristea Delia 2.Oprisan Daniela

Biletul nr. 9 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the picture, then ask and answer. Talk with your friend about your holidays.

Eg. A: How many holidays have you got every school year?

B: We’ve got four holidays.

Which/ the longest holiday?

What / you like doing on holiday?

Where/ go on holiday?

Who / go on holiday with?

Presedinte comisie: Prof. examinatori:

Director, Carjila Daniel 1. Cristea Delia 2.Oprisan Daniela

Biletul nr. 10 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the picture, then ask and answer. Talk to your partner about your friends.

Eg. A: Who is your best friend?

B: My best friend is David.

What/ usually do with your best friend?

How old/ he/ she?

When/ visit him/her?

What games/ play with your best friend?

Presedinte comisie: Prof. examinatori:

Director, Carjila Daniel 1. Cristea Delia 2. Oprisan Daniela

Biletul nr. 11 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the picture, then ask and answer. Talk to your partner about your hobbies.

Eg. A: Have you got any hobbies?

B: Yes, I have.

What/ hobby?

How often?

When ?


Presedinte comisie: Prof. examinatori:

Director, Carjila Daniel 1. Cristea Delia 2. Oprisan Daniela

Biletul nr. 12 Etapa a II-a (25p)

Look at the picture, then ask and answer. Talk to your partner about animals.

Eg. A: Do you like animals?

B: Yes, I do.

What/ favourite wild animal?

What/ favourite domestic animal?

Have got/ any pets?

What/ your pet eat?

Presedinte comisie: Prof. examinatori:

Director, Carjila Daniel 1. Cristea Delia 2. Oprisan Daniela

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