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1. C.P.U Center Processing Unit

2. A.L.U Arith Matic Logic Unit
3. H.D.D Hard Disk Drive
4. F.D.D Floppy Disk Drive
5 . A.T.M Any Time Money
6. A.T.M Automatic Teller Machine
7. U.R.L Uniform Resource Locator
8. P.I.N Personal Indentificaction Number
9. D.O.S Disk Operating System
10 .W.W.W World Wide Web
11. F.T.P File Transfer Protocal
12. H.L.L High Level Language
13. L.L.L Low Level Language
14. I.P Internet Protocal
15. I.E Internet Explower
16. R.A.M Random Access Memory
17. R.O.M Read Only Memory
18. L.A.N Local Area Network
19.M.A.N Matropolitan Area Network
20.W.A.N Wide Area Network
21.. H.T.M.L Hypertext Markup Language
22. H.T.T.P Hyper Text Transfer Protocal
23. G.U.I Graphics User Interface
24. D.V.D Digital Veratile Disk
25 .O.C.R Optical Character Reader
26. N.I.C Netwok Interface Card
27. W.A.P Wirless Access Point
28. E.F.T Electronic Fund Transfer
29. R.F.C Request For Comments
30. P.C Personal Computer
31. B.I.O.S Basic Inout Output System
32. I.S.P Internet Service Provide
33. C.U Control Unit
34. C.D Compact Disk
35 .P.D Pin Drive
36. J.P.E.G Jointed Photo Graphic Expert Group
37. D.B.M.S Data Base Management System
38. I.B.M International Bussiness Machine
39. P.S.U Power Supply Unit
40. O.S Operating System
41.P.A.N Permanent Account Number
42. P.D.F Portable Document Formet
43. Sim Subscriber Identity Module
44. Wifi Wireless Fidelity
45. D.V.D Digital Video Disk
46. Google Global Organization Of Oriented Group
Language Of Earth
47. Window Wide Interactive Network Developement
For Office Work Solution
48. Virus Vital Information Resources Under siege.
49. Dtp Desk Top Publishing
50. Education Energy Discipline Unity Confidence Aim
Talent Interest Opportunity Nationality
Short Cut Keys
1. Ctrl+A = All Select
2. Ctrl+B = Bold
3. Ctrl+C = Copy
4. Ctrl+D = Font More Effects
5. Ctrl+E = Center Alignment
6. Ctrl+F = Find
7. Ctrl+G = Go To
8. Ctrl+H = Replace
9. Ctrl+I = Itallic
10. Ctrl+J = Justify
11. Ctrl+K = Hypelink
12. Ctrl+L = Left Alignment
13. Ctrl+M = Rular Bar/ Task Bar
14. Ctrl+N = New Page Open
15. Ctrl+O = Open Any File
16. Ctrl+P = Print Command
17. Ctrl+R = Right Alignment
18. Ctrl+S = Save Your Document
19. Ctrl+T = Task Bar/ Rular Bar
20. Ctrl+U = Underline
21. Ctrl+V = Paste
22. Ctrl+W = Do You Want Save The
23. Ctrl+ X = Cut
24. Ctrl+Y = Paste
25. Ctrl+Z = Retun/Undo
26. Ctrl+Enter = Next Page Show
27. Ctrl+] = Font Increase
28. Ctrl+[ = Font Decrease
29. Ctrl+Shift+D = Double Underline
30. Ctrl+Shift+= = Super Script
31. Ctrl+= = Subscript
32. Ctrl+F4 = Close The Active
33. Ctrl+Spacebar = Remove
34. Ctrl+Shift+H = Hidden Text
35. Ctrl+Esc = Start Button
36. F5 = Refresh
37. F7 = Spelling & Grammer
38. F12 = Save As
39. Window+E = Open My
40. Window+M = Minimize All
Window Open
41. Window+D = Display Desktop
42. Window+R = Run Command
43. Window+F = Search
44. Alt+F8 = Macro
45. Alt+Tab = Switch Between
46. Alt+Esc = Switch Between
47. Shift+F3 = Change Case
Of Letter
48. .Window + L = Instantly Lock The
49. Shift +Delete = Parmanetly Delete
50. Alt+Shift+T = Time Field
51. Cntr+Page Up = Select A Page 1
52. Cntr+Pagedn = Select A Page
53. Ctrl+Shift+N = New Folder Create
54. Alt+Enter = Pic Prop

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