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Planet Earth

1. Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic about the future of the planet? Why?

I am generally pessimistic about the future of our planet, because people are increasingly
wasting food and polluting the environment. Our planet will soon be destroyed.
2. Name one famous example for each of the words:

Beach - Santa Monica Beach, California.

Desert- Sahara

forest- Abujmarh forest in Chhattisgarh

ice cap- Vatnajökull, Iceland, is an ice cap that covers more than 8% of the island nation.

Island- Bora Bora

Jungle- Amazon Rainforest (South America)

Lake- Lake Baikal holds two impressive records: it has the largest water volume of any continental
lake on the planet, and it is the world's deepest lake.

Mountain- Mount Everest

mountain range- Hindu Raj in Asia

Ocean- The Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian are the most commonly known.

Sea- the Pacific Ocean

River- Nile

Valley- Barun Valley, Nepal. In Barun Valley, rhododendron forests and statuesque orchids seem to
float amid the clouds.

3. Where and when do you have floods or droughts in your country?

21/22 June 2020 in mazovia passed flooding.

23.05.2019 in Kraków passed flooding.
4. How do people waste water or electricity in your country?

People very often forget to turn off the lights in a place where they are not staying or their are taking
shower for a very long time.

5. What do you do to save water or electricity?

I always turn off the light and electrical appliances when I leave the house. I try not to sit for a long
time watching TV just to spend time outdoors.
6. What do you know about the Svalbard Global Seed Vault?
All I know is that it is intended to prevent a possible natural disaster.
7. What plants from your country do you think are important to protect? Why?

I think potatoes, because everyone likes to eat them, and potatoes are a traditional Polish dish.

Tomatoes and cucumbers are vegetables that are also very popular in Poland, because you can make
a good salad from them.

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