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Section C Description Paragraph Question 11

The winding gravelled path crunched beneath the mud-spattered soles of my

chuck taylors, as I trudged through the familiar overhanging branches of the
gnarled oaks, forming a dimly lit tunnel of green foliage, burying me in a feeling of
timelessness. The once half-hidden sun, rose lazily above the horizon,
outstretching its radiant rays across the forest, shining blinding beams of light
through the cracks in the leaves, as a result, extinguishing the mandarine glow
that had previously engulfed the area. With it, gone was the drowsy morning
calm. A sudden gush of frigid wind slapped me awake, reminding me of the
existence of time. I briskened my step. In the far distance, the peaceful leafy glade
was coming to an abrupt halt, and squinting my eyes painfully, I could just make
out the refined outline of the boxy school building, against the bright light. Soon
enough, I stepped foot onto the smooth, featureless pavement. Clouds gathered,
the sky grew darker rapidly. The icy wind, no longer blocked off by the stout bark,
acquired a personality of its own it seemed, roaring and punishing anything that
wasn’t sturdily fastened to the ground. Nevertheless, I persisted.

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