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Company’s size (employees’ number, turnover)

2. Company’s sector (Private, public or governmental)
3. Industry sector (IT, Manufacturing, Transport…)
- Hello, my name is Vadym and I’m Project manager at Sigma Software company. It’s private IT
company based in Kharkiv, Ukraine. It has over 1500 employees. I’ve been working in this company for last
4 months.
4. How you can define the organization?
- I think, I define the organization as a group of people that have a common goal. They share the
same ideas and they are working together to achieve goals no matter how many people, no matter what ’s the
goal. So, I think an organization is basically a group of people that share a common goal.
What are the main attributes of your organization you can mention?
- I would say the main attributes, of the organization I worked in, are social responsibility because
Sigma has been donating a lot of money to charity especially now. Sigma is helping people in need. Also, I
would say, another attribute is open-mindedness because our organization is always opened to new people,
Its and technologies.
What attributes of the organization are the most important to you?
- I think, the main attribute of my organization is social responsibility because its like social image of
organization. I believe, that organization is defined by that social image and goal its presuming. I think, this
is the most important factor for me because I want to work for an organization that is not only gaming
something but also giving away smth to the society, to people and countries.
5. What type organizational structure (hierarchical, matrix or flat and etc.) is seen in your
- I think, the type of organizational structure is Sigma is matrix or flat. I would say there is not a lot
of hierarchy right now and mostly all of the work is done in projects. So, I would say it is matrix or flat
depends of situation.
Is it responsive to the market conditions that you have right now?
- I believe, the organizational structure in Sigma Software is responsive to the market conditions
because IT industry requires organizations to be agile, responsive, fast decisive. Such organizational
structure helps us to be agile, flexible and so on.
6. What is the main role of management in your organization?
- I think, the main role of management in my organization is facilitation, especially we are talking
about project management. I would say that I have to do a lot of supporting the developers, the test engineers
and other tech people. I basically have to create an environment where they can function and work
effectively. I have to do a lot of documentation with clients and so on. So, it’s mainly facilitation.
If we are talking about senior management, the main role is some kind of strategic vision, planning
because they need to control/plan how the organization is going to function in the nearest future. So, the
roles of management depend on the position, level but there are none the less important and interesting.
What problems of management are you facing right now?
- The main problem of management that I’m facing right now is stuff motivation. To my mind, a lot
of people are not motivated when come to work. Its very hard sometimes to them get back to work, actually
be effective and progressive. I would say our company is working towards fixing this problem because we
are introducing a lot of monitory and non-monitory types of motivation. We are offering different social
packages to employees. I think these problems can be fixed, however, it’s a tough one because each
individual case should be treated individually, of course. A lot of employees have different motivations,
different stuff they want to get.
7. What is organization culture according to you?
- Organization culture to me is the set of specific rules, stories, jokes and smth like that. Its present in
our organization and mostly all of employees are following.
Do you have any culture attributes (traditions, stories, heroes, language, events and etc.) in
your company? Please give the examples.
- The company I worked in has culture attributes but I haven’t encountered all of them. For me, the
main culture attribute is an event called FICA. It’s a Swedish tradition and this event is held two or three
times a month where employees from different departments and teams have a chance to chat with senior
management about how the things are in the company. Right now, it’s held online, but during the offline
times it is the special ceremony with drinks and food. I think that’s cool! Also, there are other cultural
attributes in the company, for example, corporate parties that are held 2 or 3 times a year with its stories and
traditions but I haven’t met them all.
8. What do you think about environment?
- An environment of the company right now is changing all the time, as I said IT industry is flexible
and dynamic. I would say it is changing inside and outside the organization.
What external and internal forces affects your company?
- The main external factor that affects Sigma Software is war in Ukraine, because its our home
country. Because of that, company have to open a lot of offices in the nearby countries like Poland, the
Czech Republic, Bulgaria. It’s created some difficulties in working, but I think we were going through it.
Other external forces, I would say, the demographic and economic situations in the world and in the markets
where we are working for (for example, in Europe, America).
The internal forces, as I said, is stuff motivation because a lot of people in our company are from
Ukraine and they can be depressed and demotivated because of the current situation.
9. What are the main stakeholders in your organization?
- The main stakeholders in our organization are clients because we are working with customers all
over the world. I think, also the main stakeholders are our employees of course. Besides this, government
and society could be stakeholders because we coordinate and combine our efforts with governmental
projects. So, I would say the main stakeholders is clients, employees, government and society.
What is their role for the success of organization?
- All of stakeholders have an important role for the success of the organization. The clients basically
pay us for our services, the employees provide the services (they are the driving force), government plays a
wide of roles - legal, economical regulations which can either support or harm the organization, society
actually produce the future talents (employees). So, all of stakeholders play fatal roles!
10. What do you think is your organization working efficiently?
- I think, Sigma software is working efficiently right now because of organization structure (as I said,
flat and most matrix structure) allows us to be flexible, agile and respond to any challenges and problems
quickly, effectively. It can be seen right now, especially during the war. IT industry wasn’t been affected yet,
because we were able to efficiently organize our work under these conditions and continue providing the
services. Other reason for efficient organization working is senior management and its effectiveness. I
believe, we have effective senior managers because they react to the problems quickly and try to have good
strategic vision.
What are main success factors in your organization?
- The main success factor of Sigma Software is employees. We are one big family! We have really
good set of minds! It’s the main our driving force. Other factor is a management of employees, preparing a
very good environment. So, this combination gives an energy to achieve any goal!

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