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1st December 2022

Global Industry Standard on Tailings

Management (GISTM)

Reuniendo a un tercio de la industria mundial de metales y minería para impulsar el liderazgo, la

acción y la innovación. Los miembros de la compañía ICMM establecen el estándar para minerales
y metales producidos de manera responsable en un mundo seguro, justo y sostenible.

- Además de los miembros de la

empresa, contamos con más de
35 asociaciones nacionales y de
productos básicos como
miembros, cada una de las cuales
comparte nuestro compromiso
con las prácticas mineras
responsables y sostenibles.

- Al trabajar juntos, esperamos

lograr un impacto positivo en
nuestra industria en general que
mejore la contribución de la
minería y los metales al desarrollo
sostenible. Esto encarna nuestro
propósito de proporcionar
liderazgo a través de la
colaboración.. 2
Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management

Strengthened Requirements for Tailings Management

 Global focus derived through multi-stakeholder

 Six topics, 15 principles and 77 requirements
 Integrates social, environmental and technical
considerations in a comprehensive manner
 Covers the entire tailings facility lifecycle
 Elevates accountability to highest organisational levels
with clear independent oversight requirements
 Establishes clear expectations around transparency
and disclosure

Supporting an ambitious timeframe

 ICMM Tailings Management Good Practice Guide:

 Supports the implementation of good governance and
engineering practices for tailings management across the
lifecycle, including a performance-based, risk-informed
approach where appropriate
 Supports continuous improvement in the management of
tailings facilities and helps foster and strengthen a
corporate safety culture
 Is intended to support safe, responsible management of
tailings across the global mining industry and ultimately
help prevent catastrophic events and fatalities
 Involved Dr Norbert Morgenstern who was actively engaged
in the development of the Guide

Conformance Protocols for GISTM

Provide the basis for assessing conformance with the GISTM

 Ensures integration of the Standard into ICMM member's

existing assurance processes
 Supports operators and independent third party to assess
progress with implementation and conformance
 Maps closely to the Standard and its 77 requirements
through 219 criteria that indicate what is required for
conformance, illustrated by examples
 Details clearly and concisely examples of evidence
 May be used by company members (or non-members) or
suitably qualified independent third parties.

Relationship between key documents

Emergency response

EPRP Requirements

Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan (EPRP):

A site-specific plan developed to identify hazards, assess capacity and prepare for an emergency based on
tailings facility credible flow failure scenarios, and to respond if it occurs. This may be part of operation-wide
emergency response planning and includes the identify cation of response capacity and any necessary
coordination with off-site emergency responders, local communities and public sector agencies. The
development of the EPRP includes a community-focused planning process to support the codevelopment and
implementation of emergency response measures by those vulnerable to a tailings facility failure. [GISTM p.27]

To prevent,
mitigate or reduce

EPRP impacts (injury or

loss of life) in the
event an
emergency occurs.

Good practice guide Topic 4.7 Emergency Preparedness and

Response Slide 11 11
EPRP Requirements

–EPRPs should:

• Describe measures the Operator will take to prepare for

an emergency and to respond if an emergency occurs.
• Provide information to external parties such as off-site
emergency responders, communities and public sector
agencies to assist in the development of their
emergency response measures and collaborate with
them in that development.
• Provide information to other parties that may be
impacted if an emergency occurs.
• Align with the OMS manual

Merriespruit No. 4 tailings facility failure, South Africa. 1994.

Good practice guide Topic 4.7 Emergency Preparedness and

Response Slide 12 12
EPRP Measures

–Description of measures should:

1 Identify potential emergencies that could occur

2 Describe measures to be taken if an emergency occurs

3 Identify resources needed to respond to an emergency

4 Address any necessary coordination with off-site stakeholders

5 Describe mechanisms to implement the plan if an emergency occurs

Good practice guide Topic 4.7 Emergency Preparedness and

Response Slide 13 13
Development, readiness and response

–Provision of information to External Parties

• Needed where credible failure scenarios could lead to off-site impacts

• Off-site emergency responders

• Communities
External • Public sector agencies

• Tailings facility description

• Credible failure scenarios and potential impacts if flow of materials occurs
• Roles and responsibilities of Operator and external parties
• Overall command structure in event of emergency
Provision of
• Notification procedures to follow if emergency occurs/ is imminent
• Mechanisms to alert potentially affected parties

Good practice guide Topic 4.7 Emergency Preparedness and

Response Slide 15 14

Sharing Information

–GISTM Principle and Requirement

– Principle 15 : Publicly disclose and provide access to information about the tailings facility to
support public accountability.
– Requirement 15.1: Publish and regularly update information on the Operator’s commitment to
safe tailings facility management, implementation of its tailings governance framework, its
organisation-wide policies, standards or approaches to the design, construction, monitoring and
closure of tailings facilities.
– Requirement 15.2: Respond in a systematic and timely manner to requests from interested and
affected stakeholders for additional information material to the public safety and integrity of a
tailings facility. When the request for information is denied, provide an explanation to the
requesting stakeholder.
– Requirement 15.3: Commit to cooperate in credible global transparency initiatives to create
standardised, independent, industry-wide and publicly accessible databases, inventories or other
information repositories about the safety and integrity of tailings facilities

Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management, 2020. pg. 23 - 24.

Good practice guide Topic 4.2 Community Engagement and Sharing
Information Slide 11 16
Sharing Information


● Put information in plain language summaries that is useful to communities and other stakeholders,
and constructively contributes to building trust and transparency.
● Be cognizant of any legal limitations on the sharing in information, specifically if related to
securities-related limits on sharing forward-looking information.
● Respond in a systematic and timely manner to requests from interested and affected stakeholders
for additional information material to the public safety and integrity of a tailings facility.
● When the request for information is denied, the Operator should provide an explanation to the
requesting stakeholder.
● Cooperate in credible global transparency initiatives to create standardised, independent, industry-
wide and publicly accessible databases, inventories or other information repositories about the
safety and integrity of tailings facilities.

Good practice guide Topic 4.2 Community Engagement and Sharing

Information Slide 12 17

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