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Disusun Oleh:
Pallentino Rossy Damanik (220820007)

Teknik Informatika

Fakultas Teknik Industri

Universitas Institut Sains & Teknologi TD Pardede

Community services at SMA N 1 Lumban Julu are aimed at improving SMA's
language and computing power. It is a qualitative descriptive study, the implementation
of a community service activity using the field method, targeted at students in class X of
SMA N 1 Lumban Julu. In the era of Society 5.0, language and computing power are
very important as technology develops rapidly and generates more and more data.
Linguistic skills enable a person to understand information in different languages, while
computational skills enable a person to understand, analyze, and use data effectively.
According to survey results, the literacy rate in Indonesia is still low. This shows that
the development of language and computing power is very important in the era of
Society 5.0.
From February 6th to 24th, 2023, community service activities were held at SMA
N 1 Lumban Julu, Shinaru Sabangan Village, Bonatuar Lunasi District, Toba Prefecture.
The purpose of this service is to improve literacy and personal development in school.
Activities carried out by staff, such as teaching, learning and literacy socialization. As a
result of this activity, we have seen improvements in language and computational
power in SMA N 1 Lumban Julu.


・Considering the concept of literacy

・Explaining language skills and mathematics in the Society 5.0 era

・Implementing the field method as direct research

・Referring to the results and discussions of community service activities

Providing conclusions and suggestions Cons:

- Did not mention the amount of time and number of students engaged in community
service activities
- Did not mention the type of applications used for learning
- Did not mention the results of a survey that ranked Indonesia 62nd out of 70 countries
-Study 2018 (Program for International Student Assessment) shows the average
reading ability of Indonesian students

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