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Individual work

by: Butucaru Codrut

• I Research and Development 1 (unit 3)

Eg 1. Match the term with the correct definition:

Applied research - looking at how scientific theory can be used in practice;

Clinical research – looking at the effects of drugs or treatment on patients;

Pilot study – small-scale experiment;

Experimentation – the process of tests and trials to see what happens under
different conditionos;

Pure basic research – the study of pure scientific principles;

Product development – changing and improving a product to achieve the best

possible result;

Innovation – a new technique or idea;

Analysis – the study of the parts and their relationship to one another.

Eg 2. Use the word in brackets to form a word which fits in the sentence:

1. The scientists have presented a detailed analysis of the results.

2. They have brought in a food analyist to help in the research.
3. All process materials are tested using highly developed analytical
4. The researchers have come up with an innovative idea for the use of
recycled plastics.
5. Charles Dyson is the inventor of a vacuum cleaner which works on a new
6. The advent of the ballpoint pen was a wonderful invention.
7. They employ a large tearm of software developers.
8. A report has been prepared on the developmental tests that have been
carried out.
9. Increasing numbers of people can now work from home thanks to
developments in telecommunications.
10. These methods of production are still at an experimental stage.
11. The experimenter is continuing work on the new drug.
12. Many people are against animal experimentation.

Eg 3. The following email has been received by the Rand D department. Complete
it using words from the list:

• Design;
• Innovative;
• Patent;
• Prototype;
• Engineers;
• Developmental;
• Experiment;
• Breakthrough.

• II - Information Technology 1 (unit 5)

Eg 1.

In that image we got a printer, a keyboard, a monitor with a screen, a mouse,

scanner, one laptop, and a workstation.

Eg 2.

➢ central processing unit: the principal microchip that the computer is built
➢ software products: these enable a computer to perform word processing,
to create databases, and to manipulate numerical data;
➢ display information: a monitor will do this on a computer screen;
➢ digital data: this describes the format of O and 1 in which information is
➢ expansion card: you plug this into a slot to add features such as video,
sound, modem and networking;
➢ Integrated circuits: when two or more components are combined and then
incorporated into a single package;
➢ computer network: a group of electronic machines connected by cables or
other means which can exchange information and share equipment;

Eg 3.

1. Display information;
2. Digital data;
3. Software products;
4. Integrated circuits;
5. Create files;
6. Computer network;
7. Central processing unit;
8. Expansion card.

• III - Information Technology 2 (unit 6)

Eg 1.
1. B;
2. A;
3. C;
4. A;
5. C;
6. B;

Eg 2.

1. Bill of lading;
2. Materials management;
3. Import;
4. Depot;
5. Package;
6. Cargo;
7. Channel;
8. In transit;
9. Load;

Eg 3.

a. Dispatched;
b. Consignment;
c. Carrier;
d. Crate;
e. Packing list;
f. Delivery note;
g. Shipped;
h. Delivery;
i. Warehouse;

• IV - Electrical (unit 16)

Eg 1.

1. Panelboard;
2. Watertight;
3. Rainproof;
4. Switchboard;
5. Superconducts;
6. Explosionproof;
7. Overload;
8. Dustproof;

Eg 2.

1. Laser;
2. Device;
3. Signal;
4. Radar;
5. Fibre optics;
6. Robotics;
7. Branch circuit;
8. Short circuit;
9. Breaker;
10.Junction box.

Eg 3.

a. Turbines;
b. Generators
c. Trasformers;
d. Cables;
e. Power;
f. Transmission lines;
g. Transformers;
h. Cable;
i. Fuse;
j. Circuits;
k. Fuse;
l. Circuits;
m. Lighting;
n. Appliances.

• V - Electronics 1 (unit 17)

Eg 1.

1. Transistors;
2. Semiconductor;
3. Electronic;
4. Receives;
5. Storage;
6. Reliability;
7. Microprocessors;
8. Communication.

Eg 2.

1. Amplified, amplifier;
2. Entertainment;
3. Generation;
4. Integrated;
5. Reliable;
6. Storage;
7. Transmission;
8. Stored;
9. Transmission, modulation;

Eg 3.

a. Transistors;
b. Resistors;
c. Electrons;
d. Diodes;
e. Capacitors;
f. Integrated circuits;
g. Semiconductor;
h. Silicon;
i. Germanium;
j. Devices.


I Present Tenses (unit 31)

Eg 1.

1. Is heated;
2. Have dissolved;
3. Have survived, are being treated;
4. Change;
5. Have taken, are trying.

Eg 2.

1. Are ,made;
2. Is, insepecting;
3. Has, come;
4. Produce, are rejected;
5. Have been importing, have begun;
6. Has been dyed;
7. Are dispatching.

Eg 3.

a. Has experienced;
b. Have been damaged;
c. Destroyed;
d. Has decided/ decided;
e. Is building;
f. Are being heightened;
g. Are working;
h. Believe;
i. Are starting;
j. Have been drawn up;
k. Are.

II Past Tenses (unit 32)

Eg 1.
1. Was built;
2. ;
3. Were;
4. Covered;
5. Work;
6. ;
7. Discovered;
8. ;
9. ;
Eg 2.
1. When were fibre optics first developed?
2. The boxes broke because they were made/had been made of low quality
3. The power supply was cut off because cables came down during the storm.
4. They had not completed the foundations by the time the building materials
5. When did they install the solar panels?
6. Was this the first hydroelectric scheme in Scotland?
7. They were not using wood chip for heating when the engineer visited the
8. How did they produce gas before they discovered North Sea gas?
9. Was the oil pollution along the coastline caused by an oil tanker spillage?
10. How did they prepare access to this mine?
Eg 3.
a. Was found;
b. Was lying;
c. Checked;
d. Was still breathing;
e. Called;
f. Was taken;
g. Recovered;
h. Found;
i. Had been left;
j. Had escaped;
k. Had become;
l. Had become;
m. Fallen;
n. Was working;

III Future Forms (unit 33)

Eg 1.
1. B;
2. E;
3. C;
4. F;
5. D;
6. A.
Eg 2.
1. B;
2. A;
3. A;
4. A;
5. B.
a. Will revolutionize;
b. Will we need;
c. Won’t be;
d. Will operate;
e. Will it provide;
f. Will warm;
g. Will install;
h. Won’take;
i. Will soon see;
j. Will give;
k. Will deal;
l. Will contact.

IV Conditionals (unit 34)

Eg 1.
1. G;
2. F;
3. A;
4. B;
5. C;
6. B;
7. E;
8. D;
Eg 2.
1. There are greater safety measures;
2. He had followed the correct procedures;
3. The airbag will inflate;
4. There would be less pollution;
5. We introduced a catalyst;
6. The substance will decompose;
7. Infection won’t be passed on;
8. It rusts.
Eg 3.
a. Improve;
b. Would have delayed;
c. Stops;
d. Hadn’t built;
e. Would’t have made;
f. ‘ll have to;
g. Stops;
h. Wouldn’t have had;
i. Had.

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