The Birchbark Emperor

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By Crystal Park and Derek Carter

SIR GEORGE SIMPSON: Revolutionized the company of Hudson Bay. His Personality is selfish, snobby, and pompous.

THOMAS: Sir George Simpsons cousin. Jealous of Sir George Simpson, tries to accomplish things like him. Killed by wolves on an expedition.

FRANCES: Sir George Simpsons wife. She is a proper English woman, and was taken to the wilderness by her husband.

PRINCE OF WALES: George Simpson.

Royal, and kind. Visits Sir

QUEEN: and knights him.

Visits Sir George Simpson,

VOYAGEURS: Working for Sir George Simpson. Voyageur #1 throws Sir George Simpson into the water.

KING KAMEHAMEHA: George Simpson about trade.

King of Hawaii. Talks to Sir

DOCTOR: Visits Sir George Simpson to try to cure him, but cannot and leaves.

Frances and the Doctor standing outside of Sir George Simpsons door. Sir George Simpson is lying on his bed in a victorious era bedroom, with purple curtains covering the bed to provide warmth. Sir George is in his night gown murmuring and hallucinating.

It is evening in the summer of 1860s.


FRANCES (Wringing her hands) Oh doctor can you not do anything to help my husband?

DOCTOR I am sorry Mrs. Simpson, but he is getting so sick he started hallucinating! I can do nothing anymore. The best thing to do is leave him on his bed.

(Doctor and Frances leave)


ACT I I-II SCENE II GEORGE (tossing in his bed) Hudson Bay...Prince of Wales...Hawaii...Too hot...

(Light flashes and Thomas appears)

GEORGE (Pointing finger at Thomas) T-Thomas! W-What are you doing here?! You are supposed to be dead!

THOMAS (laughs dryly) I came back so you can now join me!

GEORGE This is impossible! Why me!

THOMAS (Paces back in forth in the room) Because, you had the perfect life, and now it has to end! I worked long and hard, but in the end I get killed on an expedition, while you are still alive!

GEORGE (Sits up in disbelief) You call my life perfect! I faced many problems in the company I lived for! My life was difficult!

THOMAS You faced many problems! Dont lie George! You may have accomplished many things, but you did not have a hard life.

GEORGE I was not with my real family! I lived with your family, working hard to succeed. I even worked in a sugar company and after all those years of hard work, look how far I came. Your father had connections and I was greatly rewarded for those years. And when you died I grieved for you Thomas!

THOMAS If it wasnt for my untimely death I wouldve been the governor of the company. What a convenience for you!

GEORGE (Glares at Thomas) Your death had nothing to do with the company and I. I will tell you what I have been through!

THOMAS Even what you tell me, it will not change my mind about your selfishness.

GEORGE I worked hard-

(Thomas interrupts)

THOMAS You mean your voyageurs worked hard!

GEORGE No Thomas, I did. I worked my voyageurs hard, yes, but without me they would not know what to do. I trained them, by not letting them slow down when kayaking, and woke them up at dawn with me to do more work. It was very stressful.

THOMAS Dont tell me it was stressful George! Because you werent doing any work! You are just a selfish person and always will be. You even dragged poor Frances across the country in a kayak at breakneck speed, calling it your honeymoon. You also worked your voyageurs too hard. One even threw you into the water.

GEORGE Yes, I did take Frances across the country, but it was quite a delightful and exciting ride. I gave her a new experience. And that wrenched man just threw me in the water I dont know wh-

THOMAS I know why George! You wake them up at dawn and make them work hard, like you said before, however, you have no respect for anyone but yourself!

GEORGE No respect! I traveled around the world on missions for England and the Queen. I was gone for months at a time.

THOMAS For England and the Queen! You probably did it for the fame and yourself!

GEORGE Thomas just listen. I went to Russia to settle an Alaskan Border dispute for the company. The negotiations were very difficult. There were good times though. I enjoyed a Russian ballet and had a good time talking to King Kamehameha III about trade, and had independence for this delightful island. It was part of the job I earned.

THOMAS George...George...George. What about me George, or were you too concerned about your job. Did you forget to tell me about your knighthood? A knighthood that shouldve been mine. You got the knighthood because of my expedition and your little support.

GEORGE Thomas, I told you, your death did grieve me, but I couldnt let it interfere with the company. My long, hard work would be wasted and I accomplished so much. And Thomas, you need to understand they I did miss you, and I did work hard. I expanded the Hudsons Bay Company territory until it covered one twelfth of the worlds land.

THOMAS (crosses arms) Yes you had an extraordinary life indeed.

GEORGE I have no guilt and few regrets of my life. I am proud of my life.

THOMAS Well your pride and your time has ended.

GEORGE I always felt that my pains disappear when I ride in a canoe. Thomas...if I die today on Sept 7th, will there be another adventure?

THOMAS There will be a fine adventure my cousin...a fine adventure.

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