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Name: Glyrien Tayag


A: DAY 1 (Activity 1)

1. From the short story, “Who will bring the dog for me”? Explain how was the concept, making the right
choice applied?

- The three son was given 100 gold coins for a mission given by the king to bring him a golden dog. As
we can see in the story, three different men and three different planning, reasoning and decision
making. The first son was so rash in making decision, poor planning showed on his way of expenses
leading him to bankruptcy and not being able to finish the mission. The second son was a good planner
yet to self-centered or we might say an inconsiderate man. He only sticks to his goal, on finding a golden
dog but did not make any impact on his surroundings and kingdom. The third son valued the concept of
trust the process. He focused on the goal and made an impact to the lives of the people of his kingdom
and being humble.

2. Discuss in your own understanding about the Important Elements in Making Moral Decisions

Investigating the facts of a moral act is important. Understanding the cause and effect of an action and
the action itself is a good way of considering an act as moral. To know if your soon-to-be decision is
moral or not, you should consider the impact of the coincidence to you and the people involved in the

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