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By gathering data and insights about your target audience, competitors, and industry trends,
market research will help Benayi make informed decisions about product development,
marketing campaigns, pricing, and more.

S2: Developing a strong online presence on social media can be a valuable strategy for Benayi, as
it can help increase brand awareness, reach new audiences, and engage with existing ones.
However, whether it is a sustainable strategy for the future depends on a few factors.

Firstly, social media platforms are constantly evolving and changing their algorithms, policies,
and features. This means that what works well today may not work as well tomorrow. Therefore,
it is essential to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and adapt to changes quickly.

Secondly, social media is highly competitive, with millions of users and businesses vying for
attention. To stand out, one needs to produce high-quality content that resonates with their target
audience consistently. This requires a significant investment of time, effort, and resources, which
may not be sustainable for everyone.

Thirdly, social media algorithms prioritize content that generates high engagement rates. This
means that businesses and individuals who rely solely on social media for their online presence
may struggle to get their content seen by their target audience. Hence, it is crucial to have a
diversified online presence, including a website, email list, and other marketing channels.

S3: Developing good relationships with logistic companies can be a good strategy for Benayi in
Pakistan. This is because logistics plays a critical role in the success of any online business,
especially in Pakistan, where the e-commerce market is rapidly growing, and the logistics
infrastructure is still developing.

By establishing good relationships with logistic companies, an online business can ensure that its
products are delivered quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively to its customers. It can also help
the business to overcome any logistical challenges that may arise, such as delays or lost
shipments. Moreover, building a strong relationship with logistics companies can lead to better
deals and discounts on shipping.

S4: Yes, online payment methods can be a good strategy for Benayi in Pakistan. With the
increasing trend towards e-commerce and online shopping, offering online payment options can
help the business attract more customers and increase sales. It can also help to streamline the
payment process, reduce cash handling costs, and provide a convenient and secure payment
option for customers. However, businesses need to ensure that they have the necessary security
measures in place to protect customer data and provide reliable and efficient payment processing
services to ensure customer satisfaction.

S7: For greater customer satisfaction, Benayi introduced the idea of free home deliveries for
multiple SKU’s and this does give the customer more flexibility over choosing their preferred
shades. However, this also means that the customers will have to submit a large sum of money up
front to purchase the samples and hence it would be more convenient to just go to a store and try
glasses out in the first place. Secondly, damaged returns would be a burden on the company

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